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The Pranava Vada

by Bhagavan Das
with commentary by Annie Besant
published by the Theosophical Society, Adyar

This material is provided by Dr. Guy Pettitt; below this table of contents is his introductory letter on this rare resource.

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Contents Volume 1

Title Volume 1, Contents and Preface




Preface - A Story. History ...

Preface - History continued

Preface - Sanskrit Words & beginning of Personal Narrative

Preface - Narrative continued, Heart of the Vedanta

Preface - The Genuineness of the Work

Preface - reference to HPB ...

Preface - Nature of the Pranava Vada

Preface - Manner of the Book, Translation and Summary

Preface - Preliminary Notes by Translator

Title Volume 1, Manual 2

Vol 1, Preface to Section 1: relation of all parts of the work

Vol 1, Sec. 1: The Ultimates of AUM

Vol 1, Sec. 2: Method of Conjunction of the Three

Vol 1, Sec. 2: continued ...

Vol 1, Sec. 2: continued ...

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 1, Relation of Action to Knowledge

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 2, Genesis of the Vedas

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 3, Components of the Vedas

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 4, continued, w/ comments on Gayatri

Vol 1, Sec. 3: continued ...

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 5, nature of the Rg Veda

Title Volume 1, Manual 3

Vol 1, Section 3: Ch. 6a, the YAJUR-VEDA on kriya, action, and moksha, freedom

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6b, the 5 Yajnas or consecrations

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6c, the 16 Samskaras or sacraments

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6d, Samskaras 1-7: conception, invocation to the jiva to inhabit it

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6e, Appendix on the Samskaras

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6f, Samskara 8: Study and preparation for future duty

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6g, Samskaras 9-15: Marriage, home-coming, parenting, progenition, retirement from the household

Vol 1, Sec. 3: Ch. 6h, Samskara 16: Death and the post-mortem rites

Title Volume 1, Manual 4

Vol 1, Sec 3: Ch. 7.i: The Sama Veda

Vol 1, Sec 3: Ch. 7b.ii: The Sama Veda

Vol 1, Sec 3: Ch. 8: The Atharva Veda

Vol 1, Sec 3: Ch. 9: The Brahmanas

Contents Volume 2

Title Manual 5



Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 10: The Upanishad

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 11: The Upa Vedas

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 12: The Shakas of the Vedas

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 13a: The Vedangas

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 13b: (continued)

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 13c: (continued)

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 14: Rules of Study

Title Manual 6



Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 15a: The Six Upangas or Darshanas

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 15b: (continued)

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 15c: (continued)

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 16: Studies and Science

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 17: The Sutratma or Thread Soul

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 18: The Penultimates

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 19: The Jivatma

Title Manual 7

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 20: The Constitution of the Jivatma

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 21: The Main Psychological Features of the Jivatma

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 22: Further Considerations as to Kriya

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 23: The Companions of Kriya

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 24: The Principle Forms of Kriya

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 25: The Metaphysics of Kriya in Practice; Existence and Non-Existence

Vol 2, Sec 3, Ch 26: Light and Shade

Contents Volume 3

Title Manual 8:
Light and Shade; Spirit and Matter


Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 27: Light and Shade; Spirit and Matter

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 28: Para- and Apara-prakriti

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 29: Psychology of Kriya and Pratikriya - love and hate

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 30: Endless moods of the opposites, love and hate

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 31:Triplets: Ptratyagatma-Jivatma-Daiviprakriti; Sat-Chit-Ananda; Manas-Buddhi-Ahankara

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 32: Triplet of Substance-Quality-Movement: Reasons for the endless quintuplication

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 33: Substance, Attribute, and Movement – principal varieties thereof: Seven varieties of each

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 34: The Evolution of Dravyas: Nyaya-method of determining the logia; I-number-not; I-conjuncion-not

Title Manual 9:
(Continued) Light and Shade; Spirit and Matter

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 35: Vibration; Logia and akasha; reason for form

Vol 3, Sec 3, Ch 36: Love and Hate: As the ethical form of the primal metaphysical pair of Self and Not-Self

Vol 3, Sec 4a: Part of the Continuum of World-Systems

Vol 3, Sec 4b: (continued)

Vol 3, Sec 5: Right and Wrong

Vol 3, Sec 6a: Achievement of Freedom

Vol 3, Sec 6b: (continued)

Title Page of the A-Z Index
Index A - B ...
Index B - I ...
Index I - M ...
Index M - P ...
Index P - S ...
Index S - T ...
Index - Triads Index
Index - V - Z ... to Other Works
Index - Corrections for Vol. 1, 2, and 3
Updated July 2007

From Guy Pettitt:

Dear fellow student of the ageless wisdom,

Re: The Pranava Vada

In the book “A Treatise on White Magic” by Alice Bailey*, the Tibetan sage, Djwhal Kuhl, reccommended the reader also to study a book called “The Science of the Emotions,” by Bhagavan Das. After some searching, when I managed to obtain a copy, and found it extremely wise and interesting. I became intrigued by this man’s life and work. Bhagavan Das’s life spanned the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He seems to have been very active in improving both education and politics in India, and a close asociate of Annie Besant – with whom he co-authored a book about the Bhagavad Gita. I find him to write in a very clarifying manner, one that appeals to me a lot.

My enthusiasm led me to search out other examples of Bhagavan Das’s writings, all of which I found very thought-provoking. They include “The Science of Peace”, “The Science of Social Organisation”, “The Essential Unity of all Religions”, “The Science of the Self”, “Ancient Psychosynthesis” and several others. Some of these I obtained from a very good specialist esoteric bookseller: Kessinger Publications <> or "Kessinger Publishing, LLC" <> or the national Theosophical Library here in Auckland, New Zealand.

Later, I discovered that the book called “Pranava Vada according to Gargyayana,” or “The Science of the Scared Word,” that the Tibetan teacher references in footnotes in “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” * was also by this extraordinary man.

Locating a copy of the Pranava Vada was extremely challenging and time-consuming, but eventually I discovered a copy (in three volumes) from a source in India. It seems this book may now be quite rare, and therefore doubly valuable to those with a serious interest in discipleship or esoteric training, or simply a study of the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. I have no idea how many other copies of this book are still extant. My own copy is very fragile, and this further decided me to make an electronic copy to preserve this wonderful book for posterity. I have scanned it all, and enlarged the frames for easier reading. Because my copy is so very fragile, you may find imperfections – please be patient with these.

On this CD you will find a version in .pdf (for reading using Acrobat Reader – available from as a free download, if you do not have it already.

It is a long book – circa 1000 pages, and so I have divided it into 10 manuals (coded on the CD as variations on PVG M 1-10). You can read them on screen - or print out hard copies for yourself. NB: They are set for A4 paper, so those using American Letter size paper, please modify your print page setting percentage to less than 100% before you print.

I hope you are able to both enjoy and gain value from reading this very unusual work.

Yours sincerely

Dr Guy Pettitt
81, Cambria St., Nelson, New Zealand
Tel +64-3-548-4400 ; Fax +64-3-548-1241
E-mail gpettitt REMOVE IN EMAIL

* Published by The Lucis Trust

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