of the Gods
Interpretations of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis Zodiacal Signs Compared & Contrasted |
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | VIrgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
See background notes, by way of an introduction to this section
(in progress)
Aries in relation to other signs
Taurus in relation to other signs
Gemini in relation to other signs
Cancer in relation to other signs
Leo in relation to other signs
Michael Robbins notes, excised from the original transcripted tapes.
"Let's make sure we make a strong separate note about this on the same sheet where I will be giving myself advice all through this taping.
When summarizing these relationships, the relationships of all signs to each other, it would be well for me to make a short summary at the end of every pair to make it easier for the reader to grasp the essence of the similarities because the similarities are given in paragraph form rather than in tabulation form.
It can be seen that there is a whole range of qualities and that the qualities of the various signs differ and change according to the level of evolution. It would be useful to write out a continuum for each sign showing the evolution of qualities from start to finish. This would be somewhat like the Tibetan's material on P.332-333 except that it would fill in a number of the blanks, for there are many additional stages to be considered.
The advanced man, for instance, and the probationer are not necessarily the same. The pledged disciple, the accepted disciple, the initiate and the higher initiate, all these must really be differentiated. Also the emotionally focused man, the mentally focused man, the personally focused man, the totally physically or undeveloped man - all of this must be included.
VS: From the end of Cancer/Libra? ...MDR emphasizes the point, as made above, that the point of evolution -- the 'level of response' -- must be taken into consideration during any analysis (i.e., energies have various effects depending upon the quality of material, or the level of development, that any entity has attained.) Additionally:
- It seems that I have to work out some sort of code which essentially stands for the words, “From one perspective” or “under certain conditions” because I am going to be repeating that quite a bit. It’s not simply a matter of comparing one sign to another but it’s a question of comparing a sign at a certain level of response with another sign at any one of a given number of response levels. I have to do a section on the decanates and explain the way the decanates operate and can be used.
(For all of these qualities I should have a code such as early, middle or late in the evolutionary process. It will be relatively impossible to compare only early to early, middle to middle and late and late. And so that would be a clarification for the reader. In addition to the evolutionary code of early, middle or late, I will want to put down a positive, negative and neutral code as well.
It must be understood that the majority of times when I speak of a sign or constellation as having a quality, I am discussing the use which will be made of that energy by the human being.
The young consciousness sees differentiation everywhere. It is perhaps expected that when individuals represent different signs, that the differences between them will be marked. The fact of the matter is, and one that is rather late in recognition, is that there are more similarities between people than there are differences.
This is sometimes sounded merely as a platitude but it is true and this is not simply because people share that somewhat undefined thing called human nature but also because the entities which provide the energies which weave the pattern of their being have much in common. and when these energy commonalties, as diverse as they are, can be determined, then that which links people and that which they share in common and that which unifies them and brings them together, will be very much the focus of attention and is certainly as interesting a study as that which differentiates them and a study which is liable to come to prominence once the consciousness is more developed.
The great problem in today's world is the problem of inducing right human relations and as long as differences and the law of cleavages rules, there will be separation, conflict, lack of cooperation and the mal-distribution of force. The energies of each will not re-enforce each other and the whole will be impoverished but when the commonalties and the lines of resonance are determined, then the many lines of mutual re-enforcement will be disclosed. In any astrological analysis, especially one which hopefully will promote right relations, a close analysis of both differences and similarities must be brought forward.
So diverse are the energies and yet so multiple in their parts, that many lines of connection can be found where at first sight, few were revealed or detected. (Later I will determine whether these little sections should stay where they were inspired or be brought into some other section. In the midst of all the tabulation and relational work, the reader sometimes needs to be reminded of wider principles which were triggered by certain associations.)
- We can see how the various signs of the zodiac can be appropriately assigned to many different spheres of influence. In short, when we really examine the network of interrelationships between interlocking systems, we shall find that everything is in fact related to everything else, though some lines of relationship are much stronger and more obvious than others. There is no way that participants within a creative system can remain unrelated, just as within a group all members must be so related and although the strength of the relationship will be stronger between some group members, there will in no cases be lack of relationship as that would be a cleavage and would militate against the creative process which any group must undertake.
- We must realize that the constellations are influential even in the development of such great entities as planetary logoi. So certainly, they do not cease to be effective at all the stages of human evolution. What we do have is many entities of unequal grade, though powerful, all affecting a similar field of activity.
For instance, a planet may affect a given center. And then, a sign or constellation of the zodiac may affect that same center. Of course, the constellation is an immensely more powerful being than the planet. And then one of the super constellations at least as far as humanity is concerned, may equally affect that same center even though there may be a considerable difference in magnitude between a super constellation and a constellation of the zodiac. It is not entirely determined on the absolute scale of values which entities are greater.
There are super constellations with respect to Earth such as Sirius, the Great Bear and the Pleiades. These three great constellations as far as beings within our Solar System are concerned may be immensely powerful and may control areas of development in the human being which the zodiacal constellations do not.
But on the absolute scale of values, there is no sure way at this time to determine whether the entity ensouling one of these three great constellations is actually greater in absolute magnitude than entities ensouling the various zodiacal constellations.
The constellations Capricorn for instance and Aquarius are filled with huge, super giant suns at vast distances from the Earth and if these constellations are ensouled, there is certainly no rational way of demonstrating that the ensouling entity is less, shall we say, in absolute magnitude and development than the entity which ensouls the dwarf star Sirius eight and one half light years from our Solar System. So concerning these magnitudes or the degree of development of any entity ensouling a great stellar system, we must with our present knowledge, remain in ignorance of the facts. However, we may know somewhat of the relative influence of various stellar sources with respect to our Earth. The absolute development of these entities therefore does not matter because a lesser entity may affect the Earth in a greater way and a greater entity in a lesser. So we must remain as terra-centrists here because it is practical to do so.
This then brings us to the conclusion [aquarius-pisces is the final analysis from which this excerpt was originally placed] of our examination of the similarities and differences of the zodiacal signs or constellations just as we examined the similarities and differences of the seven Rays.
We are here attempting to make a contribution to the development of the great science of relations. This is the outstanding gift of the Tibetan's book on esoteric astrology and the purpose in the comparison's offered in this book is to expand upon what was offered, fill in some of the gaps as he would have us do I'm sure and to apply these similarities and differences to immediately practical factors in human life.
Every entity in Cosmos is of course unique and each of these twelve entities that we have been considering is unique. But there are important points of relationship which are then points of communication and points of mutual cooperation and also naturally points of apparent antipathy. And to truly understand the meaning, identity or value of any entity, it should be compared with relative thoroughness to all the other entities with which it is included in any creative system.
What I am saying here is that in order to understand Aries, for instance, most completely, it is not only well to discuss its functioning and to describe its potencies, but to examine its potencies in relation to the potencies of all other associated entities. And that way a 360 degree perspective can be achieved.
Of course what is offered here is woefully incomplete and as laborious as it may seem is merely an indication of the interactions. There are so many possible interactions with all of these entities which take place on levels which cannot possibly be comprehended by the human mind. But as we look over the way in which this has been done, it is clear that the zodiacal entities are being associated primarily on the basis of ray, center, hierarchy and number.
Also, the principle or vehicle within the human being with which they may be associated. And as well, many strictly psychological and behavioral factors were included to give these comparisons an anchor in our more normal experience.
The end result should be with any individual with a number of these signs present in the horoscope, to understand somewhat more the human, planetary, solar and even cosmic context into which he fits. Contextual thinking is very important. It involves a simultaneous grasp of all related matters. And it promotes the development of wisdom because when all pertinent relations are taken into consideration or con-SIDER-ration as it might more properly be called, then wise decisions can be made upon this more complete vision.
All of this work is an attempt to help people understand who they are, where they fit, what they have to deal with and what they have to do as a result.
Okay then, that's the end of that section.
- I notice here that prolonged brooding upon two signs or two entities or two qualities continues to yield relationships. It had been my intention to release consideration of the Scorpio and Cancer some time ago but a certain tenacity held me to it and the yield was a most significant relationship which otherwise I would have overlooked). These are both signs of great tenacity and the natives hold to their pursuit of the mysteries of birth and death even as they are held to the cycling wheel which demands that they pass ever and again through these experiences. (I am noticing that there is probably a considerable amount of unevenness in the amount of time and the depth of the treatment given to the various pairs and that the rounding out of these sections will certainly take time.
- When I use a term like “higher” or “lower”, higher Neptune, higher Mars, lower Neptune, lower Mars, I do not imply that the emanation of the planet or particular deity, is higher or lower but simply that the vibrations and influence of a planet will be used by the form upon which it impacts in a way that we term higher or evolutionary and spiritual, or relatively lower ie encouraging the maintenance of material values.
- I am learning that a certain flexibility of concepts and the ability to apply them to multiple levels carries great revelation showing the unsuspected complexity of our system and the beauty of it as well.
from Leo/Capricorn: When looking at this question of ultimate power of the signs, as surely the constellations like the planets, are not equally evolved (I am using the terms, signs and constellations interchangeably, as the web of their relationship is too difficult at this time to untangle), so when dealing with this question of ultimate power at any point in human history, one sign may seem more powerful than another. A lesser sign may seem more powerful than a greater and later, at a different period, that greater sign will assume its proper role.
Let's think of the developing inner being at a certain point. Mars, a non-sacred planet, is the dominant planet and seems in its effects, perhaps more powerful than many of the others which are essentially more sacred and more powerful, more full of spiritual will, divine will. Later the power of Mars will subside and the more highly advanced individual will conduct with great power, the planet which originally was more powerful than Mars but was subdued because of the level of development of the individual through whom it was manifesting.
One understands that there is indeed an astrological key to the mysteries and to the Secret Doctrine – I think I want to put this in the book and that rather than being the province of one astrologer to reveal, it is the province of the entire esoteric, astrological community (the foremost thinkers of that community in alliance with the inner band of esoteric astrologers) which will reveal this astrological key, the truth is so multi-faceted and deepens measure by measure that it would be impossible for any one mind to contain and reveal it all. Writing this book is an ever-deepening process and it will be my need to equilibrize the depth found in the deeper sections, with the relative shallowness which occurred when I was just warming up in the beginning of the process.
I wish to say that, it becomes clear in making these contrasts and comparisons that relation is revelation, in other words that revelation comes through an understanding of relation or comes through the placing of the poles in relation to each other. Each solar logos is a Son of God and a point of revelation, each Son of Mind is the revealer of the potentialities of spirit and matter. Unless spirit came into relation with matter, there would be no revelation and it is in the process of comparing two and bringing them into relation with each other, that new light streams forth. So again, this is confirmation that this study is very much a contribution to the great science of relations. Both are intimately related to the 3rd great Cosmic Law, this being the law of economy.
- It would be well, in general, to examine certain relationships of in-harmonies between a sign, the two signs adjacent, the sign opposite and the two signs square. These would be then, five signs in in-harmony with a sixth and actually the two signs adjacent, the opposite sign. The inconjunct the sign under question could also be added to the in-harmonies. So we would have the division of seven signs in-harmonious, though potentially either complimentary or supplementary and four signs, harmonious. I'm sure there is something in the numbers of this type of arrangement.
- MDR note to self: I have to think about whether it would be valuable to put down the kinds of professions which are ideally pursued by those with a major combinations of signs. I did this in the Ray book (Tapestry of the Gods, Volumes I and II) and some found it useful and there are ways of doing it in connection with astrology, although profession can be subtle thing and certainly not strictly determined by two signs alone, however prominently placed.
- The signs perhaps, represent more of an attitude, more of a quality brought to whatever profession is indicated, and maybe the Rays themselves indicate more the profession (although it would be hard to think of Geminian people not being involved in communications in some way, e.g.)
- What becomes clear is there are many spheres of potential activity and not all signs or planets are equally active in all spheres or fields of activity but that each sign has a wide range of points of application and the fact that these points of application are on different levels of activity, should not mean to us that the kinds of actions produced, cannot have been produced by the same sign. There are numerous qualities emanating from each sign or constellation and numerous potential spheres of activity for them to apply themselves to. Different qualities can apply themselves to the same sphere of activity or the same quality can apply itself to different spheres of activity and different qualities can apply themselves to different spheres of activity and this leads to the necessity to always to consider the heterogeneity of any sign just as we would the heterogeneity of any individual with his/her multiple facets.
- Parenthetically, it would be interesting to associate the various signs of the zodiac with the various rounds, globes and chains.
VS: Is the below fire sign and Finger of God commentary the beginning of probably development of commentary on all triangles?
It is interesting when considering the three signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the alignment is usually given as Aries representing the Monad, Leo the Soul and Sagittarius the body or personality. When considering the alignment of the three signs in relation to the two pointers and Polaris, Sagittarius is related to the directing power of the monad. Aries is associated with Merak and the Soul which initiates incarnation, human incarnation and Leo is related to the personality.
It is even conceivable to think of Leo representing the king or the monad for Leo has important 1st and 2nd Ray meanings as does the monad. Sagittarius the directing and far-seeing soul, the thinker whose home is the higher mind, ruled in part by Sagittarius, and Aries representing the body, the principle of activity just as Aries represents the body in the horoscope because it is so closely associated with the first house. Suffice it to say the three periodic vehicles are directly connected with these three fire signs.
It is easy to make discriminations here (see Leo and Virgo, where this text originated from) -- just as it was for instance, with Cancer and Leo and as it is with any pairs of opposites such as Leo and Aquarius.
From a certain point of view, what might be called "finger of God planets", are definitely related. In this case we would say Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer and indeed in this particular situation, they do have a profound relationship through Neptune and the Moon. Does this hold in other finger of God relationships?
For example, look at the finger of God relationship surrounding Aries, which would be Pisces, Libra and Taurus, all of which are potent in relationship to Venus. What about the finger of God relationship surrounding Taurus? Namely Aries, Gemini and Scorpio - potent in relationship to Mercury. Is this an accident? Will it bear out consistently?
I think there are some very convincing relationships here and they must be considered therapeutic and transformational. The kinds of triangles formed are extremely important. Look at the degrees of the angles in a number of inter-zodiacal triangles. For instance we will have 60° at each angle between all water signs, all air signs, etc. We will have a right triangle with two 45° angles when dealing with squares. What are the angles which involve a sign, its trine and its opposite? There are triangles which are defined within the range of a sign, its opposite and all of the signs between them, on one side or the other. However the triangles will be kept to one side or another. There are also triangles which will measure on either side of a sign.
For instance an Aries, Taurus, Pisces triangle which is an isosceles triangle and here geometrically, we have to measure the chords. There is also the triangle of Gemini, Aries, Aquarius. Does it bear the same relation as does Aries, Taurus, Pisces?
Then we have Aries, Cancer, Capricorn - is there a right angle here at the Aries point? We have Aries, Leo, Sagittarius which is the equilateral triangle and then the important finger of God triangle, Aries, Virgo, Scorpio - which is the finger of God triangle for Libra and which is united via Mercury. (I must deal with this new area.) These angles must be determined and their meanings revealed.
It becomes clear that there is no way to study the science of triangles without actually measuring the triangles involved. Many different triangles with many different signs involved will have the same type of triangle displayed.
For instance: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius will be the same as Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Something about the 60° angle is crucial here.
Then we must look at all the isosceles triangles possible, and I think there will be four different kinds of isosceles triangles possible and then all the 3/4/5/ triangles which are possible because if we travel 3 signs and then 4 signs, let us say form Aries to Cancer, and then from Cancer to Scorpio, then from Scorpio to Aries is 5 - the hypotenuse. There must be a special relationship between Aries, Cancer, Scorpio in relation to the 3/4/5/ triangle.
So how would the numbers add up? Always 180° equals 9. Nine being the number of completion, 9 being the number of the 3rd Ray wherein the 3 aspects of divinity are complete and 9 in this case being a very important number for the entire science of relations and esoteric astrology.
- From Leo/Capricorn: (At this point I would like to insert the idea, not knowing where I will finally put it, that the Tibetan refers to the ill-fated number 13 in relation to the eighth sphere or the sphere of detached lower mind, selfish and unillumined by love. It is curious to me that when you add the numbers 5 and 8 together, you get 13 and these are the numbers of Leo and Scorpio and somehow this combination of energies must produce the eighth sphere.
Also interestingly, Capricorn's numbers are both 10 and 3 and this combination of numbers also produces 13 or the eighth sphere.
The potential for esoteric numerology in relationship to astrology is astounding and many are the revelations of quality which will come through adding and subtracting the numbers associated with the signs. All truth does have a numerical pattern, this pattern is most intricate but we have been given enough if we know how to operate upon it)
to all
Astrological Interpretations by Michael D. Robbins
to other commentary and projects by Michael D.
to the University of the Seven Rays