Foundational Relationships
Important Foundational
Capricorn Consummates the Work of Scorpio (EA
In Comparison
1. Esoteric Mantram: Warrior I am, and from the
battle I emerge triumphant. |
Esoteric Mantram: Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light
I turn my back.
2. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said:
Let Maya flourish and deception rule. |
Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let ambition
rule and the door stand wide.
3. Quality of Light: The Light of Day |
Quality of Light: The Light of Initiation
4. Element: Water Sign |
Element: Earth Sign
5. Fixed Cross |
Cardinal Cross
Transmits R4 constellationally. Possibly R1 is a subtle constellational
Transmits R1, R3 and R7 constellationally
Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Scorpio transmits
R6, R1 and R4 through Mars, Pluto and Mercury—its three planetary
rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.
Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Capricorn transmits
R3 and R5 through Saturn and Venus—its two planetary rulers
on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.
Color: crimson, dark red. Black is important.
Color: green
9. Creative Hierarchy number IX (manifested), the
Human Hierarchy, the “Initiates” |
Creative Hierarchy number V (manifested) and X of 12. Human
Personality; the Crocodiles; Makara the Mystery
Associated with the body-transmuting, appetite-regulating, first
initiation; the purifying, emotion-transforming, desire-subduing
second initiation; and the mind-transfiguring, personality-conquering
third initiation. Scorpio prepares “the disciple for the first, second and third initiations. After the
third initiation, its peculiar testing potency is no longer
felt.” (EA 199) Even so, the fourth degree is
ruled by the fourth ray, and bring buddhi powerfully
into the life, as does fourth-ray Scorpio, powerfully
resonant to the buddhic plane.
Associated with the first five initiations: the soul/Self-revealing,
soul-law-imposing, Christ-birthing first; the emotion-controlling,
‘un-capsized’, ‘water-crossing’ second; the soul-illumined,
personality-transfiguring, three-aspect-synthesizing third;
the isolation-inducing, world-renouncing fourth; and
the supernally-lighted, mountain-peak-revelatory fifth.
Saturn (ruling Capricorn) does not follow a man onto the Cardinal
11. Scorpio
is correlated principally to the three sub-diaphragmatic centers,
sub-ruled by Mars and Pluto: to the attracting and repelling,
desiring, aspiring, solar plexus center; to the instinctually
insistent, sexually-unitive sacral center; to the system-empowering,
hindrance-destroying, will-impelling center at the base
of the spine. Because the ajna center is ruled
by fourth ray Mercury (from a point in time near the third initiation
and following), and because Mercury is the hierarchical ruler
of fourth ray Scorpio, Scorpio can be reasonably associated
as an influence upon the drama of contrasting polarities staged
in relation to the ajna center. |
Capricorn can be reasonably associated with the clear-seeing,
forcefully-penetrating, powerfully directing ajna and
brow centers, and the ‘dominating’, all-controlling
crown center. Capricorn must be connected to the magically
materializing throat and sacral centres via the
third and seventh rays (resonant to both centers). The humility-inducing
centers at the knees are also indicated. Also associated
with Capricorn are the central “jewels” in all the chakras.
12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every
human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from
Scorpio is potent indeed, because the entire fourth manifested
Creative Hierarchy (the Hierarchy of Human Monads) is ruled
by Scorpio. Scorpio guarantees that the Monad will not remain
trapped in immersion, but will conquer its apparent captor
(lower matter), and, thus, achieve its proper function in relation
to the buddhic plane as the mediating kingdom between the three
higher and three lower manifested Creative Hierarchies. |
The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being
(EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Capricorn causes
the Monad (even in immersion) to be guided by Shamballic and
Logoic Law. There are lines which the Monad may not cross
as it ‘super-vises’ its own Self-extension. It must
leave its fragment ‘free within limits’; free-will (of
a relative kind) must not be violated. The initiatory power,
flowing through Monad from Capricorn, endows the Monad-in-extension
with the power to face every obstacle and re-ascend to its source.
This re-ascent is initiation.
In relation to the Triad—Scorpio (the sign in which that great
exemplar of the first ray, Hercules, achieved his triumph) must
be understood as having an influence upon the first aspect
of the Triad—atma, the spiritual will. Scorpio (esoterically
during this world period) may well transmit the first
ray. In Scorpio, the threefold Illusion is conquered, and, buddhi
(the intuition) is the conqueror. Buddhi rules upon
the fourth plane, and Scorpio transmits the fourth
ray constellationally. Scorpio seems less related to higher
manas, though it is a triple sign.
13. Within the Triad—Capricorn is most associated
with atma (first triadal aspect) and higher manas
(third triadal aspect). Capricorn transmits the first
ray which relates it to the will and law emanating from the
atmic plane. Capricorn transmits the third ray, as well, which
relates it not only to higher manas but, again, to atma,
for the atmic plane is the third systemic plane, and
is a plane of both law/will and mind—the atmic
mind—God’s mind as directly expressive of God’s will/law. Capricorn
is less related to buddhi, though it is the sign admitting
(via hierarchical Venus) into the buddhic dimension known as
Hierarchy. |
In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and
causal body) through which it expresses—Scorpio can be understood
as the will of the Solar Angel to drastically purify
its personality, when that personality has, at length, demonstrated
its readiness for the process. Under Virgo, the personality
has been consistently improved; under Scorpio, the Solar Angel
(“a most efficient surgeon”—(DINA
I 232)) reveals all obstruction to soul-infusion, and
(with the help of its now desperate personality) sees to the
removal of such obstruction.
14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness
(and causal body) through which it expresses—Capricorn can be
understood as the will of the Solar Angel to master its
personality, through total soul-infusion leading to transfiguration
and subsequent crucifixion. Karmic confrontation with residual
darkness is enforced from ‘above’, and the power to transcend
matter bestowed. The will aspect of the Solar Angel is
strongly asserted, leaving the responsive personality no choice
but elevation. (cf. EP II 174) |
Within the Personality—Scorpio can be identified with the penetrative
and controlling (EA 180)
processes of the lower mental nature; with the intensely
purgative and emotionally transformational processes
of the astral nature; with the general power of the etheric
nature (though emotional/mental battles can be devitalizing);
and with the fortitude, hardiness and staying-power
of the dense physical nature. (The
vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the
stage of evolutionary development.)
15. Within the Personality—Capricorn can be identified
with the concretizing, regulatory and disciplining
processes of the lower mental nature; with processes which focus,
control and deepen the astral nature; with organizational
and co-ordinative processes within the etheric
vehicle; and the with maintenance and survival
of the dense physical vehicle—of which Capricorn represents
the density. (The vehicular focus and its degree
of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)
16. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Illumination.
“Scorpio—Illumination—The soul triumphs. Experience in Taurus
consummated. Astral glamour dissipated. Soul light pours in.
The Path of Discipleship. The Disciple.” (EA 228-229)
Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Initiation
The Crisis of the Battlefield characterized by the quality of
The Crisis of Initiation characterized by the quality of Expansion.
Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
In Comparison
Expressive of the first aspect as it seeks to transmute
the third aspect so that the second aspect may emerge—“triumphant”.
Expressive primarily of the first and third aspects
of divinity. “CAPRICORN. This is the constellation by means of
which comes the conquering will which releases from form life
and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect
(not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself.” (EA 620)
Capricorn is the major transmitter of the seventh ray which
is related to the first aspect. “The
seventh ray is, in the last analysis, the focussed differentiated
energy of Ray One as it expresses the will of the first aspect
of divinity on earth…” (EA 138) “the third and fifth rays work
pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect
of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power,
the fifth Ray of Mind.” (EA 164)
Cosmically, associated primarily with Sirius. “Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the
great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression
of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or
spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius.” (EA 197)
Initiation (Sirius) is transformation (Scorpio) “Scorpio is the great constellation which influences
the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of
the individual human being. For the first time in the history
of both mankind and disciples the energy of Sirius, pouring into
the seven groups which form our planetary Hierarchy evokes a response.”
(EA 198) “We come now to another triangle, the activity of which
produces the manifestation of Hierarchy—the intermediary between
Shamballa and Humanity: Scorpio, Sirius and Mars.”(EA 483)
Related cosmically to the Pleiades. “…from
these three (The Pleiades, Capricorn, Mercury. A.A.B.) Man takes
a nature which is his today. Son of the Mother, born from the
tomb and showing after birth the light which he has taken from
them all.” (EA 433, also 427-428) Capricorn is necessarily
related to the Great Bear because, like Aries, and Leo, it transmits
the first ray. (cf. EA 417) Capricorn,
the “great sign of initiation” (EA
173) is almost certainly related to Sirius, “the great
star of initiation.” (EA 197) Venus completes a triangle.
Three Constellations Connected with Scorpio: a) Serpens—the
Serpent of Illusion; b) Ophiuchus—the
Serpent Handler or Wrestler; c) Hercules—the Sun God/Hero (LOH 153-154)
Three Constellations Connected with Capricorn: a) Sagitta—the
Arrow; b) Aquila—the Eagle; c) Delphinus—the
Dolphin (LOH 175-176)
Strong association with Sirius. “Scorpio
is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius.” (EA 197)
Strong association with the Pleiades. (cf.
EA 435, 441)
Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation,
Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
In Comparison
Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn.
Venus is in detriment in Scorpio.
Venus is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn.
The Moon falls in Scorpio.
The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn.
Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
In Comparison
Scorpio transmits the fourth ray constellationally.
Capricorn is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the clock-wise
wheel—hence, resonant with the fourth ray (especially through
its rulership over ‘for-m’ and establishment). Venus, the
hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, may have some higher fourth
ray associations—harmony and beauty. Mars (exalted in Capricorn) is a major planet of conflict,
so it is difficult not to think that Mars has some strong fourth
ray association—perhaps within its personality vehicles. “The theme of that ray is "Harmony
through Conflict" and it is the lower aspect of the ray energy,
producing conflict which has hitherto controlled, and is climaxing
now through the impetus of the new incoming Shamballa force.”
(EA 328)
Scorpio, the sign in which first ray Hercules achieved
his triumphs, and (with Taurus and Pisces) one of three cosmic
decanates, may well transmit the first ray in a subtle
way—perhaps to appear more definitively in a future world period
when transmitted ray emphasis changes (cf. EA 204,
Capricorn transmits the first ray, constellationally. Capricorn
is also the tenth sign on the reversed wheel, hence numerologically
associated with the number one and, by numerical affinity,
with the first ray. Saturn, the exoteric and esoteric ruler,
is a strong transmitter of the first ray.
(EA 450, 621).
Mars, exalted in Capricorn, teaches “those whose work lies
along the lines of the destroyer”, hence must transmit the first
ray. (TCF 1179)
Scorpio is the eighth sign on the reversed wheel, and is,
thus, related to Mercury—the “Messenger at the eighth gate.”
(EA 298)
Capricorn is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the reversed
wheel (numbering by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio,
etc.), and hence is related to the Christ, Whose number can be
understood as eight. Eight is the number of the
Christ, which Capricorn brings to birth, and then strengthens
through the four subsequent initiations. Saturn, a double ruler
of Capricorn can, in its negative guise, be considered the ruler
of the “eighth sphere”, which can be understood as the
planes of concrete mind when separated from the planes
of higher mind
Scorpio is the sixth sign on the clockwise wheel, and hence
has numerical affinity with the sixth ray.
Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, transmits the sixth
ray, probably monadically. (EA 595). Mars (exalted in Capricorn) transmits the sixth ray
Scorpio is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise
wheel (IF one begins counting with Pisces). This brings to Scorpio,
as a sign, a numerical resonance with the fifth ray.
5. Capricorn may, in some subtle matter, transmits the fifth
ray (independently of its hierarchial ruler Venus). Ray 5.—Concrete
Knowledge or Science, under the influence of Capricorn, focussed
through Venus, which will enable the man to take initiation.”
(EA 357) Also, “Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third
and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying
the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus
that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind.
These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach
our planet, the Earth.” (EA 164) Note the word, “through.”
Venus, of course, is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, and
transmits the fifth ray. Saturn is associated with the
concrete mind (concretion pertains to the fifth ray).
Mars, exalted in Capricorn, rules “science” and the “five senses)
(EA 215) and, therefore, is related to the fifth ray, transmitting
it, conceivably, through its Monad.
Scorpio is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the reversed
wheel, if the counting proceeds by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio,
Gemini-etc.). This strengthens Scorpio’s resonance with the fourth
See #1 above.
Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, and transmits
the sixth ray.
See #4 above.
The Planetary School on Mars trains those “whose work is along
the lines of the destroyer” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting
the first ray.
See #2 above.
Mars “rules science” (EA 215), hence has
important fifth ray associations.
See #5 above.
Mars (with Saturn and the Earth) participates in the personality
of a great third ray Entity and, therefore, can be seen,
however indirectly, as expressing the third ray.
Capricorn transmits the third ray, constellationally. In
addition, Capricorn is the third sign of the zodiac on
the clockwise wheel, beginning number with Pisces. This numerical
fact reinforces the relationship of Capricorn to the third
ray. Saturn is the exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Capricorn
and transmits the third ray monadically (EPI
421), and, probably, through its soul. Mars, exalted in
Capricorn, participates as the astral body in the constitution
of a great third ray Entity (EPII 99).
Pluto is the special ruler of Scorpio and transmits the
first ray.
See # 10 immediately above.
Pluto assists scientific research, thus, a subtle ray of Pluto,
special ruler of Scorpio, may well be the fifth, thus relating
it to its scientific “Alter Ego” Mars.
See #5 above.
A subtle ray force expressing through Pluto may well be the third,
(stealth and stratagems).
See #10 above.
Pluto has a connection to the sixth ray via is association
with the solar plexus. (EA 78)
See #4 above.
Mercury, the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, also transmits the
fourth ray.
See #1 above.
Mercury is expressive of the third ray and may well transmit
this ray through its personality (cf. EA 280)
See #10 above.
Mercury (manas) is closely associated with the fifth ray.
See #5 above.
Uranus is exalted in Scorpio and transmits the seventh ray.
Capricorn transmits the seventh ray constellationally.
Saturn has strong seventh ray associations through that
fact that it is the “logoic physical permanent atom” in relation
to the cosmic physical plane (TCF 406),
hence strongly involved in the manifestation of the cosmic
physical plane. As well, Vulcan is powerful in Capricorn (third
decanate) and transmits the first ray.
Uranus transmits the first ray monadically, as it is the
“home of fire electric.” (TCF 1154)
See #2 above.
Uranus participates in the expression of a great second
ray Entity (EPII 99), and helps to bring
the second ray to Earth from Sirius and Pisces (EA
Venus, the hierarchial ruler of Capricorn, is “pure love-wisdom”,
and hence, transmits the second ray. (EA
Uranus rules “exoteric science” and, hence, is related to the
fifth ray.
Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors |
Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
In Comparison
The Warrior
The Ruler or Magistrate
The Underworld and its Ruler
The Psychologist
The Politician, Executive
The Triumphant Disciple
The Initiate
The Nine-Headed Hydra
The Three-Headed Dog—Cerberus
The Geyser
The Mountain
Human Beings, the Human Monads—Creative Hierarchy number Four/Nine
Solar Angels—Creative Hierarchy number Five/Ten
The Human Monads
The synthesis of the personality aspect. (Hierarchy V under
Capricorn is a dual hierarchy ruling the “Human Personality”,
EA 35)
The sign of death
The sign of triumph over death. “The conqueror of Death.” (EA 333)
“Scorpio—Aspiration—the key to the testing of the disciple”
(EA 495)
“Capricorn—Illumination—the liberation of the initiate” (EA
“Consciousness of warring dualities. Discipleship—Scorpio.”
(EA 287)
“Group consciousness as an initiate. Unity—Capricorn.” (EA 287)
The dark “Devouring Mother”—Kali
The Omnipotent Father
The realm of the Moon—the Moon falls in Scorpio, so the powers
transmitted through the veil of the Moon “fall away” from their
highest expression into their lowest.
The realm of the Sun—“ Esoterically, all world Saviours and
Sun Gods are born in Capricorn.” (EA 169)
Duality (“Conflict with Duality”, EA 333)
The “War in the Heavens”
God, the Father, reigns on Mount Olympus. Also Mount Sinai is
associated with Capricorn and the Moon. (SD
The up-raising of Matter in Capricorn is “previsioned
for us in the story of Hercules in Scorpio when he raises the
Hydra high above his head into the air.” (EA
The “final assumption of matter into heaven in Capricorn…” (EA 260) Scorpio establishes the inevitability
of this “raising up of substance.”
Scorpio in Relation to the Cancer-Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces
Quintuplicity: “In
Scorpio comes a point of transition, of change and of re-orientation.
That which has been hitherto hidden appears and is brought to
the surface by means of the experience, the tests, the trials
and the ‘sting of life’.”
Capricorn in relation to the Cancer-Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces
Quintuplicity: “In Capricorn—as a result of the effects of the influences
of Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio—the disciple begins to demonstrate
the capacity to express the life of two kingdoms, at least in
some measure, and is a developed human being and also a citizen
of the kingdom of God.” (EA 318-319)
Tests in Scorpio: “The strength
which comes through conflict and constant struggle builds up
steadily that reserve of strength and power which enables the
aspirant to take the final tests of discipleship in Scorpio…”
(EA 342)
Trials of Initiation in Capricorn: “…and
to brave in Capricorn the trials of initiation and the breaking
of all the bonds which the processes of incarnation have forged.”
(EA 342-343)
Scorpio—for the Undeveloped Man: “Unity of selfishness. The
Monster.” (EA 333)
Capricorn—for the Undeveloped Man: “The earthbound soul.” (EA 333)
Scorpio—for the Advanced Man: “Conflict with duality. The Fighter.”
(EA 333)
Capricorn—for the Advanced Man: “The one who crosses the water.
Fluid.” (EA 333)
Scorpio—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Higher Unity. The Disciple.”
(EA 333)
Capricorn—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Conqueror of death.
Initiated.” (EA 333)
Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Scorpio: When the Sun is in
Scorpio, an individual may cultivate the power to overcome some
aspect of his lower nature—through humility, and the use of
the analytical mind and intuition.
Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Capricorn: When the Sun is
in Capricorn, an individual may cultivate achievement and mastery
over all that opposes that achievement with respect to a selected
The Life of the Christ from a Scorpionic Perspective: “The significance of this sign in the life of Christ has been deleted from
The New Testament, but has been preserved for us in the ancient
Christian legend that—in the cradle itself—Christ killed or
strangled two serpents, thus referring to the pairs of opposites
which could no longer control Him.” (EA 566)
The Life of the Christ from a Capricornian Perspective: “This sign marks the point of concretion and of crystallisation which results
eventually in the death of the form. This we see happening today.
In His triumph over death and in His resurrection into life,
Christ indicated the deep mystery of Capricorn.” (EA 567)
Transformation (cf. 398)
Translation (cf. 398)—related to Transfiguration
The rending process
The process of higher integration.
Higher Manas
The battle between soul and personality, leading to a temporary
The ‘final’ triumph of soul over personality at the third initiation.
“At the third initiation, the Moon (veiling a hidden
planet) and Mars bring about a fearful conflict, but at the
end the man is released from personality control.” (EA 70-71)
The Serpent of Illusion—phantasmagoria
The mental clarity to see through illusion
Summoning from the depths
Holding the depths down from the heights. The willful suppression
of the “forces native to the underworld.”
Preeminently a sign of conflict, followed eventually by triumph.
Preeminently a sign of resolution (though not without initial,
willful conflict with the “forces of the underworld”) “Effort,
strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld,
or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship
or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”
(EA 159)
Opening to the Spiritual Hierarchy. “The death by suffocation
in Scorpio releases man into the planetary centre which we call
the Hierarchy.” (EA 98)
Entrée to the Spiritual Hierarchy (EA
157) and to Shamballa, as well—where dwells the “Ancient
of Days” (under Capricorn)
Focused in the realm of emotion
Focused strongly in the realm of mind and on the physical plane
(i.e., in sensation)
The marshaled forces of the astral plane
The concrete mind
Wet, hot
Dry, cool—“the one who crosses the water.” (EA 333)
Sexually active (FOP), though psychological complexes and suppression
are very possible
Sexually suppressive (FOP), though the raw sex of the “Satyr”
is also possible.
Using the mind in two ways (reasoning and illumining)
Strongly identified with a variety of impulsive, outgoing emotions
Repression (unintentional forgetting)
Suppression (deliberate putting down of undesirable contents)
Responding more to the essence of the individual
Responding more in accordance with conventional structures of
Out of control emotionally (rare though violent)
Tightly controlled
Emotionally intense. Intensely identifying with another on the
emotional level.
Emotionally cool. Maintaining an impersonal distance.
Often more emotionally spontaneous
Often more emotionally rigid
Intensely “personal”
Constant indecision based upon dilemma and internal conflict
Resolution based upon a definite code of action—(the divine
Plan and Purpose)
The destruction of blockages (Uranus exalted)
Sometimes, solidification of blockages
Deep retention of negativity
Liberation through the divine power of the will
The depths of “Hell”
The “third heaven” of the mountain top experience
The process of liberation from Hell through a fight to the death.
The hell of materiality. The Devil. Tarot Card number fifteen.
The mountain top inverted. The Abyss
Transformational (Uranus exalted)
Frequently traditional and stuck (Saturn rules)
and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences |
and Points of Cooperation
Between Scorpio and Capricorn
Looking and Scorpio and Capricorn in terms of similarities, we
see both signs intimately associated with the initiatory process.
In fact, they are strongly related, according to the Tibetan for
on page 333 (EA) under Capricorn, we read, “Capricorn consummates
the work of Scorpio.”
In both of
these signs, we find the heights as well as the depths. One might
initially think that the heights are ruled only by Capricorn and
the depths by Scorpio, but there is a kind of triumph which occurs
in Scorpio, the triumphant disciple and naturally the view from
the mountain top is vouched safe to the Capricornian initiate
who becomes the conqueror of death.
So the height
of having achieved in the fatal battle is given to Scorpio and
the exalted point of view as seen from the mountain of initiation
is conferred upon the Capricornian initiate. The depths are familiar
to both as well for Scorpio rules the realm of the hell of bondage
and Capricorn is equally associated with the nether regions.
In fact, in
the Labours of Hercules, we learn that Hercules must journey through
hell to free Prometheus. In both of these signs then, life and
death issues are at stake. For Scorpio gives us the fight to the
death with the lower nature and Capricorn in a final sense, puts
the lower nature to death through the transfiguration process.
The Capricornian
initiate is in fact called the conqueror of death. Death in this
case being the spiritual death which arises when consciousness
is subjected to materialism.
Both of these signs are also capable of great negativity, for
Scorpio becomes the monster of selfishness and Capricorn, the
earth bound soul.
It is not
surpassing then that the reflection to their initiatory potential
is the involvement in black magic under the Scorpio and Capricorn
influence for the Solar angels under Venus are in detriment under
Scorpio and the soul for which they stand can be inverted as the
inverted five pointed star in Capricorn. Then, we have true luciferic
power in the negative sense and not the higher redeeming Lucifer
presented in The Secret Doctrine.
It is interesting that both of these signs are ruled primarily
by what in conventional astrology have been called malefic planets,
Mars and Saturn. These are two planets intimately associated with
Earth, the three of them providing vehicles of expression for
a great third Ray entity.
All of these
planets are spheres where on suffering is found and so both of
these signs are influences wherein great hardship is experienced,
but the hardship leads to triumph and conquest. It is interesting
that only the fourth Ray is said to be distributed through the
constellation Scorpio in this world period.
the first Ray is closely associated with this sign. This is seen
when the three zodiacal signs that comprise a three decanates
in a still greater zodiac are listed. And Scorpio is related then
to the first Ray via its chief human exponent Hercules.
Given the fact then that Capricorn already distributes the first
Ray, we have much of will power coming through these two signs.
And it is in these signs that the will of the soul can be irrevocably
sensed. A higher sense of values is fought for in Scorpio and
finally ultimately achieved in Capricorn. So then both signs are
signs of rigor and discipline.
Perhaps Mars
is more closely related to Saturn than one might think. Mars achieves
through heat and Saturn through cold -- but both of them militate
against what are considered the sweeter and more pleasant aspects
of life.
E. Both
Scorpio and Capricorn are signs of great contrast between the
light and the dark. Darkness of human sin and the lightness of
the descending intuitive realms are known in Scorpio and the darkness
of materialism and the supernal light of the mountain top are
known in Capricorn. So there are great contrasts here in both
These are
both signs too in which the Moon is found either in detriment
in Capricorn or in its fall in Scorpio. The Moon represents the
Lunar life and the life of form and therefore one can see that
the conquest of form occurs in these two signs.
They are therefore
signs of discomfort when it comes to normal human expectations
and equally, they are signs of liberation. It is interesting that
the two hierarchical rulers are Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in
Capricorn. The soul itself is the divine hermaphrodite, the Hermes
of Mercury and the Aphrodite of Venus.
So it can
be seen how the labours undertaken in these two signs lead to
the liberation of the Mercury-Venus soul and the liberation of
those higher aspects of mind which are called the Mercury-Venus
F. Of
both of these signs it can be said that they induce a state of
mind which means business, which is deadly serious, which is intent
upon achievement at all costs.There
are many signs which do not go all the way, Libra perhaps is one.
Gemini perhaps is another.
But these
two signs, Scorpio and Capricorn, share a deadly earnestness,
a determination fueled by the Spiritual Will which is unrelenting
and will not be stopped. There are constant cross-overs
in the Mars-Saturn rulership between these two signs. Notice that
although Scorpio is primarily the Martian sign and has decanates
which involve Mars and Pluto, the exalted planet in Capricorn
is in fact Mars and we therefore find Mars making its noblest
achievement in Capricorn.
Now Venus
is disadvantaged in Scorpio and yet is perhaps the ruler of the
central Scorpio decanate. Venus is also the hierarchical ruler
of Capricorn showing that although the light may be buried in
Scorpio, the soul light and love of Venus through the interaction
of these two signs, for indeed Capricorn does consummate the work
of Scorpio, the full luminosity of Venus is revealed from the
mountain top. In Scorpio, there is a great struggle for light
and in fact, the light of the intuition does break forth.
Later at the
fourth initiation, the immediate apprehension of Mercury is received
and Saturn is also involved linking it with Capricorn. Mercury
and Saturn are the two planets which are most potent or very potent
at the fourth initiation. Mercury being the hierarchical ruler
of Scorpio and the orthodox and esoteric ruler of Capricorn.
So we can see these two signs confronting all obstacles which
prevent the ascent of man. Indeed when the three signs Scorpio,
Sagittarius and Capricorn are put together, we see a powerfully
initiatory triad in which the Lunar lords are subdued, reoriented
and elevated or solarized.
It might be
said that in Capricorn with the Sun perhaps veiling Vulcan ruling
the final decanate, the solarization and illumination of the Lunar
lords occurs. So, these two signs are signs of great power, determination,
contrasts, highs and lows, fights to the death and insistence
upon achievement.
From another perspective it can be seen that these two signs do
rule the nether worlds. The association of Scorpio with the dragon
of the depths is undeniable and it is interesting to note that
in the Tarot deck, Capricorn rules the devil card. When the powers
of these two signs are used by undeveloped individuals, rather
human beings because they are not yet really individuals, the
materialistic forces smother the spirit and snuff out the light.
So there is
a theft of vitality in Scorpio and cruel hardness and inhumanity
found in Scorpio. But together they rule the process by which
the human consciousness ascends from the deepest pits of hell
to the highest mountain of vision and illumination.
And they can
be seen as dualistic signs although Scorpio is perhaps more dualistic
than Capricorn but dualistic signs leading to unity. For, of the
disciple or initiate in Scorpio, we read the phrase, “Higher unity.”
And what is perceived or apperceived upon the mountain of initiation
but that state of being called isolated unity.
or Weak Links
Missing or Weak Links Between Scorpio and Capricorn