Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Leo & PiscesImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Leo In Comparison With Pisces 1. The Lion 1. The Fishes, the Fish Goddesses 2. Esoteric Mantram: I am That and That am I. 2. Esoteric Mantram: I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule because I am.. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Go forth into matter. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the Soul 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the World. 5. Element: Fire Sign 5. Element: Water Sign 6. Fixed Cross 6. Mutable or Common Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R5 constellationally 7. Transmits R2 and R6, with a possible secondary transmission of R3 (matter—the “waters of space”) 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Leo transmits R2, R6 and R7 through the ‘Sun’ and the veiled Neptune and Uranus—its unveiled and veiled ruling planets on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Pisces transmits R2, R1 and R6, through Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune—its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: orange 9. Color: lavender 10. Creative Hierarchy number I (manifested), and VI of the twelve. Divine Flames, Divine Lives 10. Creative Hierarchy number I (unmanifested). The energy of Intelligent Substance 11. Associated with the Self-orienting first, the ‘solar-hearted’ second, (EA 298), the soul-dominant third and blazingly revelatory fifth initiations, and perhaps the consummately glorious seventh—all powerfully Sun-like. Especially the first and fifth are involved with Leo—the first giving entrance to the Fifth Kingdom and the fifth, by numerical affinity, can be seen as stimulated by the fifth sign. 11. Associated with the Fixed-Cross-mounting first initiation (cf. EA 125); the purifying, desire-releasing second initiation; the crucifying, death-dealing fourth initiation, as well as the liberating Path-revealing fifth initiation, which in this case opens to the “world saviour” the door to Shamballa and to great revelation through self-abnegating willingness to serve the Divine Will. (cf. EA 141, 320-321, for the fourth and fifth initiations) Since, Pisces brings about the “consummation of divine desire”, the sixth initiation which restores the ‘Savior-Monad’ to complete power may also be indicated. 12. Leo can be reasonably associated with the radiating , group-magnetizing heart center (and with the entire head center as well—the crown, the dome which is the organ of the ‘dominating’ soul or Spirit). “Leo within the heart and head shouted aloud and stood whilst Saturn did his work ... and thus the twain were one.” (EA431) Leo can influence the solar plexus as one center of focus for the dominant personality (emotionally dominant) which Leo rules. The ajna center is the organ of the integrated (and dominating) personality which is also, generically, ruled by Leo. May not Leo also be associated with the heart center within the head? (Leo is ruled by the Sun; Vulcan may substitute for the Sun; Vulcan rules the “heart of the Sun”; the heart of the Sun works through the heart center within the head.)
12. Pisces can be reasonably associated with the centers in the soles of the feet, giving humility, ‘under-standing’, and the power to tread the Path. Pisces is also strongly related to the solar plexus center (in relation to which purification of desire and detachment must prevail) and to the compassionate, all-embracing, all-forgiving heart center—these centers being ruled, in part, by Neptune, special ruler of Pisces. Pisces can, at a high point of evolution, condition the ajna center (when Alpha {Aries—crown center} and Omega {Pisces—ajna}) meet. The buddhically-resonant heart within the head, of which the Buddha, Himself, is a symbol (EXH 87) is another significant association.
12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Leo preserves within the Monad the will of the King of Shamballa (Who reflects the wills of the planetary and solar Logoi.) Leo makes of the Monad the true center of selfhood, and yet a “relinquished point” (EA 332) in a planetary sphere, the center of which is everywhere—within the planetary ring-pass-not. 12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Pisces provides the foundational motivation for the entire monadic pilgrimage, for every Monad is a “Lord of ceaseless, persevering devotion” (EA 117) and, under the influence of Pisces—a savior. The monadic pilgrimage is entirely sacrificial, and is undertaken for purposes of redemption. Pisces both symbolizes and impulses the humanly unfathomable Self-abnegation which send the Monad forth. “Go forth into matter”, is one mantram of Pisces. 13. Within the Triad—Leo can be related principally to atma, the spiritual will, as it reflects the will of the “Central Spiritual Sun”—the monadic aspect, whether of man, the planetary Logos or the solar Logos. Since Leo, the second fire sign, is associated with the second ray and with consciousness, it can be related to the revelations of divine love and illumined wisdom emanating from buddhi. The ruler of Leo is the Sun, transmitting the second ray—the ray expressed through buddhi. The fifth ray transmitted through Leo relates it to higher manas. 13. Within the Triad—Pisces (which transmits the second ray) is principally related to the second principle buddhi, as it expresses the divine love, wisdom and understanding which redeem. Pisces is also one of the intuitive signs connecting it to buddhi. Pisces eventually induces a “pervasiveness of wisdom” (EA 136), and wisdom is the influence of the first aspect upon the second (as in the case of the Buddha). (cf. DINA II 518) In Pisces there is a powerful sensitivity to the will of God, (“Father, not my will by Thine by done”) and thus to the atmic aspect of the Triad—and to the Monad. Pisces, transcending Mercury, is less related to higher manas. 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Leo is a pervasive and fundamental solar influence. The causal body is a “sun-flower”; soul-consciousness is to the personality as a luminous sun; and the Solar Angel emanates (with respect to our system) from the “heart of the sun”. In a broad sense, Leo can be seen as governing the radiant light, magnetic love, luminous consciousness, and authoritative power of the Solar Angel which it wills, assertively, to express through the personality. 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Pisces is the energy of the will-to-save which animates those “Hearts of Fiery Love” known as Agnishvattas, or Solar Angels. Pisces (in which Solar Angelic Venus is exalted) provides the originating incentive for the sacrifice which the Solar Angels made aeons ago, on behalf of the human Monads, and in service of the Planetary Logos. Pisces governs the Solar Angel as Savior. 15. Within the Personality—Leo can be identified with dominating and imposing attitudes within the lower mental nature; with the dramatic and expressive qualities of the astral nature—Leo is correlated with the astral permanent atom (EA 302); with the prana and natural radiance of the etheric vehicle; and, in general, with the strength of the dense physical vehicle. Leo is related to the integrated personality as a whole. (EA 253, 486, 620) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 15. Within the Personality—Pisces can be identified with the impressionability and eventual intuitive sensitivity of the lower mental nature; with the sentient permeability, and imaginative, tranquilizing processes within the astral nature; with the induction of quietude within the etheric nature; and with the general sensitivity of the dense physical vehicle. (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Concentration. “Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.” (EA 228) 16. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Identification 17. The Crisis of the Burning Ground characterized by the process/quality of Liberation (EA 472) 17. The Choice of Method of Salvation (such as that which confronted the Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene) Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Leo In Comparison With Pisces 1. Expressive primarily of the second and first aspects of divinity. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Leo is also the second fire sign. Its transmission of the first ray connects Leo to the first aspect, and the transmission of the fifth ray, to the first as well as the third. 1. Expressive principally of the second divine aspect, with a lengthy history connected to the material substance (“water”) of the third. There is some emphasis upon the liberating will of the first aspect. “In Pisces, you have the consummation of the work of that which the matter aspect has made possible, and the Christ emerges as the world saviour. All this has taken place through the will aspect of the second ray, focussed in Shamballa, expressing itself through humanity and consummated in the Hierarchy. (EA 627-628) 2. Strongly associated with Sirius.” Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.” (EA 299) “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called ‘the heart of the Lion’.” (EA 300) “Third Triangle: Sirius—Leo—Jupiter—Hierarchy.” (EA 417) “…Sirius governs Leo.” (EA 299) (also 447 re Sirius, Leo, Uranus and first initiation)
Also cosmically related to the Great Bear. Leo “is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.” (EA196) Leo transmits energy from the Great Bear to Saturn and, thence, Shamballa. (cf. EA 427-428, 435)2. Cosmically related to Sirius. “The triangle of Pisces-Uranus-Hierarchy is becoming magnetically attractive to the triangle of Humanity.” (EA 438) “And then the heavens within the ring-pass-not responded to the light from Sirius which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere (Uranus) and thus a lesser triple light appeared, the radiant sun of suns, the watery light of Pisces, the heavenly light of Uranus.” (EA 432, also 427-428)
A connection between the Dragon, the Pleiades and Pisces may well exist, in relation to the saving, self-abnegating Path of Earth Service. (cf. TCF 904, 1162)3. Three Constellations Connected with Leo: a) Hydra—the Serpent; b) Crater—the Cup; c) Corvus—the Raven (LOH 105-108) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Pisces: a) The Band—(connecting the two Fishes; b) Andromeda—the Chained Woman; c) Cepheus—the King (LOH 200) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Leo In Comparison With Pisces 1. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. 1. Neptune is a special ruler of Pisces (for “humanity as a whole”) (EA 129) 2. Jupiter, in relation to Leo, is a Mutable Cross transmitter of the threefold Sun’s lowest energies. (cf. EA 297) 2. Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Pisces. 3. “Mercury and the Sun [ruling Leo] are one.” 3. Mercury is in detriment and falls in Pisces. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Leo In Comparison With Pisces 1. Leo transmits the first ray constellationally 1. Pluto is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Pisces, and transmits the first ray. 2. Leo transmits the fifth ray constellationally. 2. Venus (exalted) transmits the fifth ray. Pluto, for whom Mars is the “Alter Ego” (EA 507) is connected with scientific research, and Mars rules science—on the fifth ray. 3. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number five and with the fifth ray. 3. See #2 immediately above. 4. Leo is the ninth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel—proceeding by polarities (Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.). Since nine is the number connected with the ray three cycle (EPI 348-349), Leo, in its more material aspect, is connected with the third ray. 4. Pisces, associated with “water” and with the “ocean” has an indirect connection with the material third ray through “matter.” Pisces is the “fish swimming in the waters of matter and finding there its sustenance.” (EA 287) ‘As we well know, water stands for matter,…” (TCF 1005) “Neptune is as you know, the God of the waters, and the term ‘water’ covers many angles of the esoteric wisdom, such as: The whole concept of matter—universal and itemised.”.. (EA 275) The Piscean is to become “the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter.” (EA 62) Pisces is also the twelfth sign on the reversed wheel, numbering normally and also by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), and hence, resonant to the third ray. Neptune rules Pisces in a special way (EA 171), and the Neptunian trident connects it to the third ray. “Water” and “matter” are equivalent and matter is ruled by the third ray. Pluto, through it lunar, material, sub-conscious associations, and its associations with the “past”, shows its relation to the third ray.
5. Leo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel (IF counting begins with Pisces as number one) and, hence, has numerical affinity with the Christ, and with Mercury (EA 298) the “Messenger at the eighth gate” “Eight is, under some numerical systems, regarded as the number of the Christ.” (EA 37) 5. Pisces demonstrates the culmination of the Christ-life, for Venus (“pure love wisdom”) is exalted in Pisces. Mercury, which falls in Pisces, really “falls away” from its lowest functions, and becomes highly intuitive, in revealing the Christ-life in all things. 6. The Sun (veiling an unknown planet) is esoteric, exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the second ray through its (the Sun’s) soul and personality. “It is the ray which governs the ‘personality’ of our solar Logos, if such an expression may be used, and (because it is dual) it indicates both His personality and soul rays,…” (EPI 334) 6. Pisces transmits the second ray, constellationally. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, transmits the second ray. Neptune, as special, spiritual ruler of Pisces for “humanity as a whole” (EA 129), transmits the second ray monadically. Venus, “pure love-wisdom” (exalted in Pisces), transmits the second ray. (EA 281) 7. The Sun, even exoterically, may veil Jupiter, which transmits the second, seventh, and (possibly) sixth rays. “In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically.” (EA 297) 7. See #6 above and #8 and #12 below. 8. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo and transmits the sixth ray. 8. Pisces transmits the sixth ray constellationally. Enthusiastic Jupiter has sixth ray associations. Neptune (a special ruler of Pisces) transmits the sixth ray. Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical ruler) has sixth ray associations through its relation to the solar plexus. (EA 78) 9. Neptune transmits the second ray monadically (EPI 421). 9. See #6 above. 10. Neptune is associated with the fourth ray through its rulership of buddhi and the buddhic plane.(EA 666) 10. Only indirect fourth ray connections relate Pisces to the fourth ray. Venus, the planet exalted in Pisces, can be understood as associated with the harmony and beauty aspects of the fourth ray (but not with the factors within this ray which lead to conflict). Neptune, the special spiritual ruler of Pisces (for “humanity as a whole”) has strong relations to buddhi/intuition, and to the fourth plane, the buddhic plane 11. Neptune, “God of the Waters”, is associated with the third ray, because “water” is “matter.” “EA 275) 11. See #4 above. 12. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the seventh ray. 12. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, rules “ritualistic worship” and, thus, transmits the seventh ray. (cf. EA 648, 660) 13. Uranus transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 13. See #1 above. 14. Uranus is closely associated with the third ray, and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200) 14. See #4 above. 15. Uranus is part of a second ray transmission from Sirius, via Pisces, and, also, is most probably the mental body within the manifestation of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #6 above. 16. Uranus is closely related to the fifth ray through its rulership of “exoteric science.” (EA 149) 15. See #2 above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Leo In Comparison With Pisces 1. God, the Divine Father: (Leo is a participant within the Triangle of the Father Aspect) 1. God, the Divine Mother: (Pisces is an participant within the Triangle of the Mother Aspect) 2. Identified with Spirit, “Purusha” 2. Identified with Matter, “Prakriti” 3. The Divine Light 3. The “Waters of Space” 4. Divine Authority 4. Divine Compassion 5. God, the Creator 5. God, the Destroyer (the ‘Dissolver’ bringing on Pralaya) 6. God, the Divine Son 6. God, the Divine Mother 7. Sanat Kumara as King 7. Sanat Kumara as Savior 8. The Master or Guru 8. The Savior 9. Hercules, the “Sun-God” 9. Christ, the “Son of God” 10. The Liberator through Courage 10. The Liberator through Love 11. The King or Queen 11. The Priest or Priestess 12. The King or Queen 12. The Slave 13. The Victor 13. The Vanquished 14. The Ruler of Dictator 14. The Priest of Minister 15. The Ruler 15. The Redeemer 16. Raja Yoga 16. Bhakti Yoga 17. The Ego 17. The Dissolution of Ego 18. The Lion 18. The Whale 19. The Knower (LMC) 19. The Believer (LMC) 20. The Patron 20. The Philanthropist 21. The Individualizing Solar Angels 21. The Triumphant Solar Angels 22. The Human Kingdom 22. The Deva Kingdom (consummated) 23. The Synthesis of Pure Being 23. The Synthesis of Pure Love 24. “Leo.—The self-conscious man. Personality. Lower unity.” (EA 290) 24. “Pisces.—The group conscious soul. The world Saviour. Unity.” (EA 290)
25. Needing the attitude of, “Father, not my will, but Thine be done” “It might appropriately be added here that the prayer or voiced aspiration of the true Leo person can be expressed in the words of Christ, so well known to all of us: “Father, not my will but thine be done’.” (EA 310) 25. Deeply understanding the attitude of, “Father, not my will, but Thine be done”. “Pisces carries the test into the region of the mental processes, which is the reflection of the will aspect of divinity; the problem of the initiate in this sign is voiced by Christ in the words, ‘Father, not my will but Thine be done’. The tests carry the self-will of the personality up into the region of the divine will and the result is inspiration and the emergence of a world saviour.” (EA 205) 26. Response to the Leo Force: “Another stream of energy is also pushing through and producing effects upon those in the human family who not only respond to the Leo force and are consequently individuals in their own consciousness…” (EA 471) Leo—“The self-consciousness of man, as he emerges out of the mass.” (EA 471) 26. Response to the Pisces Force: “This is the higher aspect of the energy of Pisces; it is awareness of the group, of the whole and of the universe. It is the energy of buddhi, the higher aspect of the lower psychic nature; it is the aspect of the mediator in contradistinction to the medium. It is intuitional control instead of the intellectual overlordship of Leo and the limitations of Virgo.” (EA 471) Pisces—“The awareness, universal in nature, of the initiate, as he emerges out of the ranks of the world disciples.” (EA 471) 27. Leo (with Taurus and Scorpio): “The Disciples dominate the world” (EA 163) 27. Pisces (with Gemini): “World salvation is possible today.” (EA 163) 28. In Leo—“personality development” (EA 179) 28. In Pisces—“freedom” (EA 179) 29. The “God-man” in Leo-Virgo” (EA 230) 29. In Pisces: “…the work of a world saviour…and final liberation.” (EA 230) 30. Leo in the Life of the Aspirant: “Leo, is of paramount control in the life of the aspirant. He has to know himself through true self-awareness before he can know that divine spirit which is his true Self and know also his fellowmen.” (EA 288) 30. Pisces in the Life of the Aspirant: “In Pisces, the waters of purification are applied through daily life and the processes of incarnation; they apply to the ‘fish swimming in the waters of matter and finding there its sustenance’.” EA 287) 31. “Leo. The Self-conscious man. Personality. Lower unity.” (EA 290) 31. “Pisces.—The group conscious soul. The world Saviour. Unity.” (EA 290) 32. In Leo—“Self-consciousness” (EA 468) 32. In Pisces—“Universal consciousness” (EA 468) 33. In Leo-- 33. 34. Leo-Virgo-Pisces play potently upon humanity, producing in Leo: “The self-consciousness of man, as he emerges out of the mass.” (EA 472) 34. Leo-Virgo-Pisces play potently upon humanity, producing in Pisces: “The awareness, universal in nature, of the initiate, as he emerges out of the ranks of the world disciples.” (EA 472) 35. In Leo—“the self-conscious individual who reaches self-awareness” (EA 473) 35. In Pisces—“the final self release” (EA 473) 36. Leo—Sign and House Connections: “Leo.—Ruler: The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organisations and the eleventh House. It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius.” (EA 538) 36. Pisces—Sign and House Connections: “Pisces.—Ruler: Pluto, governing the eighth House, the house of death, of dissolution, of detachment and ruling Scorpio, the sign of testing and of discipleship.” (EA 538) 37. Virgo-Leo were considered inseparable in an earlier age. 37. Aries-Pisces will be considered inseparable at the end of the evolutionary process. 38. In the Leo-Virgo-Pisces Triangle, Leo is called “the Producers of that which knows…” (EA 470) 38. In the Leo-Virgo-Pisces Triangle, Pisces is called “the Constructors of the modes of fusing Wisdom.” (EA 470) 39. Of Leo, in the Leo-Capricorn-Pisces Triangle: “Leo.—Ruler: The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organisations and the eleventh House. It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius.” (EA 538) 39. Of Pisces, in the Leo-Capricorn-Pisces Triangle: “Pisces.—Ruler: Pluto, governing the eighth House, the house of death, of dissolution, of detachment and ruling Scorpio, the sign of testing and of discipleship.” (EA 538) 40. Two Related Triangles: Great Bear—Leo—Saturn (cf. EA 427) 40. Two Related Triangles: Sirius—Pisces—Uranus (cf. EA 427) 41. Two Related Triangles: Leo—Saturn—Shamballa (cf. EA 427) 41. Two Related Triangles: Pisces—Uranus—Hierarchy (cf. EA 427) 42. How First Ray Disciples Respond: “First ray disciples will, for instance, respond to the Shamballa influence, transmitted from Leo and Saturn, more easily than will second ray disciples.” (EA 450) 42. How Second Ray Disciples Respond: “These [second ray disciples] will in their turn react more rapidly and consistently to the Hierarchy, transmitting energies from Pisces and Uranus.” (EA 450) 43. Leo—for Undeveloped Man: “The lower self. The hidden point.” (EA 332) 43. Pisces—for the Undeveloped Man: “Responsiveness to environment. The medium.” (EA 333) 44. Leo—for Advanced Man: “The Higher Self. The revealing point.”(EA 332) 44. Pisces—for the Advanced Man: “Sensitivity to soul. The mediator.” (EA 333) 45. Leo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The One Self. The relinquished point” (EA 332) 45. Pisces—for the Disciple/Initiate Man: “Spiritual responsibility. The Saviour.” (EA 333) 46. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Leo: When the Sun is in Leo the disciple may seek to integrate his personality more fully, strengthen the individual note he sounds, and achieve spiritual positivity with respect to the lunar nature. 46. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Pisces: When the Sun is in Pisces, the disciple will know that “sensitivity to the higher impression is his right and privilege.” (EA 564) 47. The life of the Christ from the Leonian perspective: “This is the sign of self-conscious identity. This is testified to by Christ in the words He spoke to His disciples: ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ or his own centre of self-consciousness—that significant point of attainment which must precede all the more inclusive states of consciousness.” (EA566) 47. The Life of the Christ from a Piscean Perspective: “The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant communication with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is but the beginning.” (EA 565) 48. Strongly identified with Spirit. 48. Strongly identified with matter, “Go forth into matter.” 49. Creation 49. Dissolution 50. “Naught is but Me” 50. The Pervader 51. The Subject 51. The Object 52. Will 52. Love 53. The Will of a higher Identity 53. Self-sacrificial Will 54. Unity of Identity: “I am That”; “I am the Brahman” 54. Duality of Identity”: “I am God and Matter”; “I am Brahman and Samsara” 55. The freedom of the king 55. The bondage of the soul to the personality and, later, of the personality to the soul. 56. Discriminative (especially between the self and the not-self 56. More fusing than discriminative 57. Birth of the personality 57. Death of the personality (under Pluto) (cf. DN 73) 58. Self-proclamation 58. Self-effacement 59. Boldness 59. Shyness 60. Visibility 60. Invisibility 61. Pride, leading eventually to humility 61. Humility leading to still more profound humility and self-relinquishment 62. Strength 62. Weakness 63. Ego strength 63. Loose ego boundaries 64. Finding oneself 64. Losing oneself 65. Self-directing 65. Open to obsession or possession—or at the very least, ‘guidance’ 66. Ego insecurities 66. Subjective strength 67. Early tendency towards selfishness 67. Early tendency towards selflessness 68. Impregnable 68. Pregnable 69. Aggressive—the Lion as “King of Beasts” 69. Peace-making (Venus is exalted, second ray is transmitted) 70. That which is supreme (FOP) 70. The dregs, the “bottom of the barrel”, karmic residue (FOP) 71. That which is revealed 71. That which is hidden 72. The conscious mind 72. The unconscious mind (including the sub-conscious and the super-conscious) 73. The soul-centered present 73. The material past 74. The personal present 74. The soul-filled, spirit-inspired future. 75. The selfhood as the generator of Karma 75. The Reaper of Karma 76. The ego afloat in the Ocean of Substance 76. The Ocean of Substance, dissolver of the ego Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesThese two signs, though fiery and watery, are also closely connected with the heart. From one point of view, Aquarius and Pisces are like one sign and even the constellation Pisces and Aquarius overlap and they are strongly bridged through the power of Neptune which is also active in Leo. So just as Leo and Aquarius are related to the heart, so are Leo and Pisces. Leo is very much the flaming heart and Pisces is the boundless heart of compassion.
The most powerful of all the planets associated with Pisces is Neptune which in itself is a most powerful 2nd Ray planet and most emblematic of the Christ aspect and Leo is also associated with the Christ for the Christ is the king of love and has the courage of the flaming heart.
In one way what is begun in Leo, ends in Pisces for Leo marks the very beginning of the process of individualization and Pisces marks its consummation.
Leo is the beginning of the human phase really, for self consciousness comes in for the first time in Leo and from one point of view the first four signs of the zodiac are considered subjective. Pisces on the other hand is the great sign of consummation and marks the end of the strictly human journey.
For most people of course, Aquarius marks this end and the planet Neptune which loosens one's hold upon one's sphere of activity and prepares one for entry into the next, is powerful in Aquarius even as it is in Pisces but in Pisces perhaps, Neptune is even more powerful.
Both of these signs are signs of identity. The self centered identity can certainly become decentralized through exposure to multiple entities and this occurs in Aquarius but in Pisces the self-centered identity becomes dissolved in the ocean of oneness - the great ocean of being, consciousness, bliss - Satchidananda.
It is curious that a sign of such centralized identity as Leo, should be so closely related to a sign of ultimately pervasive identity like Pisces for the universalization of identity is clearly ruled by Pisces which dissolves all lower ego, even if that is the lower ego found in the causal body.
Nevertheless, let it be remembered that ultimately the Leo initiate says, "I am that I am" which is an attitude remarkably similar to the perception of the Piscean initiate who finds himself pervading all things. In fact that there is no form of matter, however subtle in which he is not found, "Break the twig and I am there."
So both signs can develop a profoundly mystical attitude, an occult attitude as well. Certainly Leo may tend towards occultism with its primary rulership of the 1st and 5th Rays constellationally and with its ultimate rulership by the veiled Uranus, the planet of occultism, but Leo has a powerful Neptune as well and a powerful connection with the mystical heart and therefore a strong tendency to identify with the heart of all things which is the great goal of the advanced mystic.
Pisces has a natural mystical inclination through its distribution of the 2nd and 6th Rays and its association with Jupiter, its exaltation of Venus and its very special rulership by Neptune, the mystical planet which in our solar system may very well be considered the planet of consummation - this being a 2nd Ray solar system of solar fire.
There is much of Pluto also in Pisces and Pluto is a planet of occultism, teaching individuals how to rule the energies locked in matter.
So in the relationship between these two signs, again the problem of egoism is solved only in an even more profound way than in Leo/Aquarius for the ego is utterly dissolved and rendered pervasive, it becomes infinitely refined, as refined a substance as possible until it is found everywhere. This being the state at the great pralaya, for interestingly the pralaya is achieved by bringing all things to one ultimate point and yet achieving universal pervasion as well, the point realizing itself to be everywhere.
Through Jupiter, both of these signs are associated with the heart center and thus with the Christ energy, they are also associated clearly with the soul. The egoic lotus, in its illuminative aspects (Leo) and in its role as savior and redeemer of the human consciousness (Pisces).
Similarly together, they can be associated with the monadic consciousness, just as Leo and Virgo could for if there were ever a sign of ceaseless and persevering devotion, it is Pisces, and Leo the sign of lordship, is also a sign of ceaseless and persevering devotion, hence its rulership over the divine flame, the 6th, the devoted, creative hierarchy.
The most powerful of all the love signs, although not necessarily at this time, is Pisces with its special rulership by the love planet Neptune. Here it becomes possible to say not only that God is love but that, "I am love" - this Pisces grants.
So Leo and Pisces together, bring the foremost kind of identification with the spirit, they are also under Jupiter, signs of wisdom.
Paradoxically at one point the Tibetan speaks of the wisdom of Pisces and the love of Aquarius.
We spoke of the personal soul/wisdom, hard-earned of the Leo and certainly, Pisces with its vast experience in incarnation, accumulates the wisdom of the ages - a great historical sign. Both signs also are signs of profound synthesis - more profound than Leo and Aquarius together.
The key to synthesis is to realize that all things are the same thing, given the power of identification found in both of these signs, the power of universal self-affirmation in Leo, and the power of dissolving all differences in Pisces, indeed all things are seen as the same thing. The sense that I am you and you are I, and we are all the same, is a potent realisation of the high initiate born in these two signs.
In our world period, Pisces is certainly the most powerful sign, though it is fading somewhat. It rules the highest of all the liberated hierarchies and this is upon the 3rd subplane of the cosmic astral plane (ruled by the Third Ray).
Additional Leo/Pisces Material: With Leo, effulgent Leo, at a high stage of evolution. No form can ever be considered adequate to express the full potentials of the limitless potential, the limitless Spirit. And so again form is negated. The great first Ray certainly negates form and the second Ray can dissolve it in a sea of love.
So we see that these two signs, so different in appearance, one so involved in the early stages in self assertion and the other so apparently involved in selflessness, even the relinquishment of the responsibility of selfhood later combine to bring about a strong stage of consummation in the human development.
From one point of view, the Order of the Golden Dawn places Leo at the beginning of the zodiac and Pisces is always placed at the end conventionally. Beginnings and endings, endings and beginnings both blend together.
With Leo, effulgent Leo, at a high stage of evolution. No form can ever be considered adequate to express the full potentials of the limitless potential, the limitless Spirit. And so again form is negated. The great first Ray certainly negates form and the second Ray can dissolve it in a sea of love.
So we see that these two signs, so different in appearance, one so involved in the early stages in self assertion and the other so apparently involved in selflessness, even the relinquishment of the responsibility of selfhood later combine to bring about a strong stage of consummation in the human development.
MDR, note to self: Later I'll have to put in something about their imaginative and expressive potentials and their connection with the field of kama manas, for there is much desire in both signs.
Missing or Weak Links Between Leo and Pisces