Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Taurus & GeminiImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Taurus In Comparison With Gemini 1. Esoteric Mantram: I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined. 1. Esoteric Mantram: I recognise my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow. 2. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let struggle be undismayed. 2. Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let instability do its work. 3. Quality of Light: The penetrating Light of the Path 3. Quality of Light: The Light of Interplay. 4. Element: Earth Sign 4. Element: Air Sign 5. Fixed Cross 5. The Mutable Cross 6. Transmits R4 constellationally 6. Transmits R2 constellationally 7. Secondarily,(assuredly, but not exclusively), Taurus transmits R5 and R1 through Venus and Vulcan—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 7. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), transmits R4, R5 and R3 through Mercury, Venus and the Earth—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Color: deep blue 8. Color: yellow 9. Creative Hierarchy number III (unmanifested), characterized by “Light thro’ Knowledge” 9. Creative Hierarchy number IV (unmanifested), characterized by the “Desire for Duality” 10. Associated with the de-glamorizing second initiation and the ‘ego-shattering’, shroud-splitting, intuition-invoking (EA 205-206) fourth initiation. The blinding light of the third initiation and the Vulcanian destruction of the first also suggest a Taurean relationship to these degrees. There is, as well, a possible relationship with the revelatory fifth—revelation in the blazing “light of day” (cf. R&I 644) 10. Associated with the establishing of relationship between Father, Mother and Child at the first initiation (cf. EA 388); the clarifying, mind-illumining second initiation (EA 157, GWP 271); the crucifying, illusion-renouncing fourth (EA 472); and the resurrecting seventh initiations (the second ray initiation of fulfilled Love-Wisdom). (cf. R&I 88-89) 11. Associated with the form-building throat center and the form-envisioning and registering ajna center. A sacral center connection is also reasonable, as Taurus is one of the major signs of sex, and is related to the tangibility of the physical form—created through the instrumentality of the sacral center. As Vulcan is associated with the “heart of the sun” (the correspondence of which is the heart within the head) Taurus must be correlated, as it must with the solar plexus, because “aspirational idealism in its highest possible expression is also achieved in Taurus” (EA 391), and the solar plexus is the center of aspiration. For completion, fourth ray Taurus, is numerically related to the four-petalled base center and the heart chakra—the fourth!
11. Gemini (the third sign) can be associated with the thought-configuring, articulating throat center under the third ray; also with the duality-resolving, unifying heart center, and with the manipulating/blessing centers in the palms. Dualistic Gemini (ruled by oscillatory Mercury) can also be associated with the dualistic, decision-making, polarity-integrating ajna center, and with the system-uniting “kundalini” at the base of the spine. “Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity” (EA 181) 12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Taurus endows it with a portion of the “Greatest Light” which is resident within Shamballa—the place of unfettered enlightenment. Taurus endows the Monad with its inherent omniscience relative to the human energy system 12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.” 13. Within the Triad—Taurus is associated principally with buddhi as it bestows wisdom and the “clear cold light” of pure reason which is resonant to the “Greatest Light” of the monad. There is some association with atma as well, because Taurus and Vulcan are resonant to and expressive of Shamballa. 13. Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad. 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Taurus governs the causal body considered as a ‘treasury of transpersonal quality’ garnered from personal experience in the three lower worlds. Taurus is associated with soul-light and, through Vulcan, with the Jewel in the Lotus and the light emanating from that Jewel. 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to communicate with and instruct the personality. 15. Within the Personality—Taurus can be identified with the luminosity and determination of the mental nature, for Taurus facilitates the state called the “mind held stead in the light”; with the strong desires, passions, incentives, aspirations of the astral nature; with the pranic vitality of the etheric nature; and, often, with the tamasic inertia of the dense physical nature. Taurus is especially related to the astral vehicle. (cf. EA 92, 380) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 15. Within the Personality—Gemini can be identified with the flexible associative processes and informational receptivity of the lower mental nature, which becomes, eventually, especially responsive to the antahkarana; with the bi-polar fluctuations of the astral nature, vacillating conflicted between the pairs of opposites (EA 362); in general, with the etheric nature and its network of interplaying vital-electric currents and with the sprightliness and rejuvenation of the dense physical nature. Gemini is especially related to the etheric vehicle. (EA 352) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Magnetization 16. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Vitalization 17. The Choice of Values (Desires) 17. The Crisis of Renunciation characterized by the quality of Crucifixion Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Taurus In Comparison With Gemini 1. Expressive of the third aspect of divinity because of its identification with light, but of the second aspect through association with the principles of consciousness and of wisdom. The first aspect is distributed through its ruling planet Vulcan. 1. Expressive, principally, of the second or Love aspect of divinity. (EA 351) “It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel.” (EA 346) Gemini, ‘Lord of Intelligence’, is also closely linked by numerical affinity to the third or Intelligence aspect. “…Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’…” (EA 355) 2. Cosmically, preeminently associated with the Pleiades. “…he constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades.” (EA 111) “Aquarius relates humanity to the Pleiades and therefore to Taurus in an unusual manner.” (EA 200) “There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force, the establishing of a peculiar relation or alignment between the constellation, Taurus (with its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great Bear) the planet, Pluto, and our Earth.” (EA 376) “A new light enters in. The Seven Sisters play their part (the Pleiades are in Taurus, the first sign of the Fixed Cross) and then three lights shine forth. And thus one radiant sun appears.” (EA 562) 2. Pre-eminently associated with Sirius. “1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.” (EA 349) Sirius and Gemini are both related to Masonry. (EA 350) Sirius and Gemini were active together in the individualization process. (EA 355) Gemini is also associated with the Pleiades. “Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.” (EA 466) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Taurus: a) Orion—the Hunter; b) Eridanus—“The River of the Judge”; c) Auriga—the Charioteer (LOH 47-48) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Gemini: a) Lepus—the Hare; b) Canis Minor—the Lesser Dog (including Procyon) c) Canis Major—the Greater Dog (including Sirius) (LOH 68-70) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Taurus In Comparison With Gemini 1. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Taurus. 1. Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini. 2. Mercury, as “buddha” is especially related to Taurus, the sign of the Buddha. 2. Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Energetic Contrasts and Subtle Points of Comparison
Between Taurus and Gemini
Taurus In Comparison With Gemini 1. Taurus transmits the fourth ray constellationally. 1. Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Gemini, transmits the fourth ray. Earth, the hierarchical ruler, is considered the fourth planet from the Sun and is symbolized by the fourfold cross within the circle. Venus has fourth ray associations with the harmony and beauty side of the fourth ray—not with the conflict side. As well, Gemini (with Sagittarius) is associated with and influences the fourth ray. (EA 357) 2. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and has, therefore, numerical affinity with the number two, and with the second ray. If numbering is begun with Pisces (which the Tibetan demonstrates as possible), then Taurus is the eleventh sign on the clockwise wheel, hence resonant with the second ray. 2. Gemini transmits the second ray constellationally Gemini is the eleventh sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, hence has numerical affinity with the number two, and, hence, with the second ray. Venus, the esoteric ruler, is “pure love wisdom” and transmits the second ray, probably through its personality, The Earth, hierarchical ruler, has a second ray soul, and thus transmits the second ray. 3. Taurus, the twelfth sign on the clockwise wheel, is numerologically resonant to the number three, and, hence, to the third ray. Further, counting by polarities (Aries-Libra-Taurus-Scorpio-Gemini-etc.), Taurus is third in order, hence resonant to the third ray. Further, within the three “cosmic decanates”, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces—Taurus is associated with the Buddha and the “light”, and obviously upholds a connection with the third ray—Scorpio being related to the first, and Pisces to the second. (cf. EA 204, 487).. 3. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, therefore, has numerical affinity with the third ray. “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357) Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini and is closely associated with the third ray.(EA 280). The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini and transmits the third ray as its personality ray. 4. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Taurus and transmits the fifth ray. 4. Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Gemini, probably transmits the fifth ray monadically (as Lord of Manas). Further, Mercury rules the fifth race and is connected with the fifth scheme. Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini, transmits the fifth ray, presumably as its soul ray. 5. Venus is “pure love-wisdom” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting the second ray (probably as the personality ray) (cf. EA 281) (TCF 369)“…the second ray is the ray at present of the planetary Logos” (DINA II 210) 5. See #2 above. 6. Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray” (EA 595) thus transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically, just as Uranus, with its first ray Monad, is the “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154) 6. Venus transmits the sixth ray—very probably monadically, as it is the “home” of the planetary Logos of the sixth ray. (cf. EA 595) 7. Vulcan, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus, transmits the first ray. 7. The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini, and transmits (however weakly in this second solar system) the first ray as its monadic ray. 8. Vulcan is associated with the “heart of the sun” (EA 393) and, hence, with the second ray. 8. See #2 above. 9. Vulcan may be involved in the direct transmission the fourth ray (DN 91—depending upon how this citation is understood), and, in any case, is connected strongly to the fourth kingdom (whether human or mineral, depending on the mode of counting); the fourth scheme (the Earth Scheme); and the fourth initiation within the Human Kingdom. 9. See #1 above. 10. Vulcan, “the synthesis of matter” (TCF 597) is ruler of the mineral kingdom, and, as the “fashioner”, is closely associated with the concretizing forces of the fifth ray. (R&I 597) 10. See #2 above. 11. Vulcan has resonance with the seventh ray through the principle of rhythm. 11. There are no seventh ray transmissions coming from Gemini. Only Jupiter, with its seventh ray, has a special relation when found in Gemini—uniting soul and Spirit. “through the activity of Jupiter, the man whose rising sign is Gemini is enabled to attain the conscious integration of soul and spirit.” (EA 365) 12. The Moon, exalted in Taurus, is a veil for the transmission of the fourth ray. 12. See #1 above. 13. The Moon, exalted in Taurus, is closely associated with the third ray and the third aspect of divinity. (cf. EA 280) 13. See #4 above. 14. The Moon also is related to the seventh ray, through its (the Moon’s) rulership of the seventh manifested Creative Hierarchy, and, in general, through its association with the dense physical plane—the lowest part of the seventh plane. 14. See #11 above.
General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Taurus In Comparison With Gemini 1. The Bull; the “Bull of God” 1. The Twins 2. The Buddha 2. The Christ 3. An aspect of the Divine Mother—the “Mother of Illumination” (EA 511) 3. “The elder brother and the prodigal son” (EA 626) Thus, more connected with the aspect of the “Son of God”, though Gemini’s association with the etheric body and the number three relates it, as well, to the Holy Spirit. 4. The Scholar, who seeks to see the “Greatest Light” 4. The Writer, the Communicator 5. “Taurus: Desire—Incentive—Progress” (EA 247) 5. “Gemini: Duality—Condition—Interplay” (EA 247) 6. “Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, via Venus, onto our Earth;…” (EA 362) 6. “Gemini, via Venus, awakens in humanity (the focal point of our planetary effort) the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will;…” (EA 362) 7. Will 7. Love 8. The “Greatest Light” 8. The many interrelated lights 9. Focus on Wisdom 9. Focus on Knowledge 10. Experiential depth 10. The superficiality of knowledge, no matter how abundant 11. Focus on Power 11. Focus on Intelligence 12. Will-Wisdom 12. Love-Wisdom 13. “Consciousness” (EA 314) 13. “Manifested duality” (EA 314) 14. The Matter or Mother aspect (FOP) 14. The Son who relates the Father and the Mother 16. The Sun of God (FOP). Illuminated 16. The Holy Spirit 17. The Mystery or Secret of Taurus: “Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.” (EA 165 17. The Mystery or Secret of Gemini: 18. The Secret of Taurus: “The secret of Taurus is revealed at the second initiation by the sudden removal or disappearance of world glamour in the blinding energy of light. This constitutes the final radiant activity which consummates the play of the Taurian force upon humanity during the long and cyclic journey to which man is committed. The individual enacts on a tiny scale what humanity—as a whole—will enact when it takes initiation in Taurus.” (EA 388) 18. The Secret of Gemini: “The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child. The birth of the Christ-child upon the physical plane is the consummating glory of the Gemini force.” (EA 388) 19. Taurus upon the Reversed Wheel: “Taurus—The desire to overcome desire. The longing for liberation. Transmutation of desire into Love.” (EA 152) 19. Gemini upon the Reversed Wheel: “Gemini—The fusion of the opposites; the intelligent work of at-one-ment; synthesis.” (EA 152) 20. Taurus upon the Ordinary Wheel: “Taurus—The refocussing of the lower desires prior to another circling of the Great Wheel in search of personality satisfaction. The Prodigal Son journeys into a far country.” (EA 152) 20. Gemini upon the Ordinary Wheel: “Gemini—Experience of the pairs of opposites. Pronounced and separative duality. The interplay between the Twins: Soul and form natures.” (EA 152) 21. The lunar lords (angels) building the form 21. The Solar Angels building consciousness 22. “Directed desire…producing manifestation” (EA 230) 22. The “soul-body realization” (EA 230)—“the subjective and objective consciousness” 23. The “desire-to-know” (EA 320) 23. The “establishment of relationship” (EA 320) 24. Souls emerge as “emotional-desire entities” in Taurus. 24. Souls emerge as “vital entities” in Gemini 25. “Taurus opens the door into Hierarchy…” (EA 157) 25. “…when the significance of Gemini and Leo are understood.” (EA 157) 26. The Secret of Light: “Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.” (EA 165) 26. The Secret of Duality: “Gemini—Guards the mystery or secret of duality and presents the initiate with a word which leads to the fusion of the greater pairs of opposite.” (EA 165) 27. Taurus—stimulating desire: “Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, via Venus, onto our Earth.” (EA 362) 27. Gemini—stimulating duality. “Gemini, via Venus, awakens in humanity (the focal point of our planetary effort) the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will.” (EA 362) 28. Taurus—for the Undeveloped Man: “Selfish desire. The Light of Earth.” (EA 332) 28. Gemini—for the Undeveloped Man: “Mutation of relation. ‘I serve myself’.” (EA 332) 29. Taurus—for the Advanced Man: “Aspiration. The Light of Love.” (EA 332) 29. Gemini—for the Advanced Man: “Orientation of ‘I serve my brother’.” (EA 332) 30. Taurus—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Illumined living. The Light of Life.” (EA 332) 30. Gemini—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Right relation ‘I serve the One’.” (EA 332) 31. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Taurus: When the Sun is in Taurus, an individual may cultivate 31. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Gemini: When the Sun is in Gemini, an individual may cultivate the dialogue between soul and personality—a dialogue which stimulates the intuition. “In the coming world religion this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities.” (EA 355) 32. The Life of the Christ from the Taurean perspective: “Christ said (as have all the Sons of God Who know the true significance of the Fixed Cross), ‘I am the Light of the world,’ and he added, ‘if thine eye be single thy whole body shall he full of light.’ Taurus is, as you have heard, the Mother of Illumination, and [Page 566] the "eye of the Bull" is the symbol of the eye to which Christ made reference.” (EA 565-566) 32. The Life of the Christ from a Geminian Perspective: “The Gemini aspect of His life is shown in the perfect fusion of the basic duality found in humanity: the human and the divine.” (EA 564) 33. The mineral, plant and animal kingdoms 33. The animal and human kingdoms 34. Magnetic 34. Discriminative 35. Obsessive 35. More easily detaching 36. Possessiveness 36. Non-possessiveness 37. Materialistic consciousness 37. Inclusive consciousness (DN 82) 38. Full of will and self-will 38. Often deficient in will 39. Enduring, persistent 39. Evanescent, flagging 40. Unchanging 40. Changeable 41. Focused vocation 41. “Jack-of-all-trades” 42. Routine 42. Variety 43. Faithful 43. Fickle 44. Stable 44. Unstable 45. Grounded 45. Un-grounded 46. Immovable 46. Mobile 47. Reliability 47. Distrusted for deviousness (cf. DN 81) 48. Inert 48. Responsive 49. Unadaptable 49. Adaptable 50. Substantial 50. Insubstantial 51. Heavy 51. Lively 52. Clumsy 52. Nimble 53. Often isolative 53. Relational 54. Repetitive 54. Full of variety 55. Simple 55. Complex 56. Non-verbal 56. Verbal 57. Sustained focus 57. Easily distracted
Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesThese signs are very different in their nature but share an affinity for Light. Interestingly the part of the northern sky ruled by Gemini and Taurus is among the brightest of the entire celestial sphere. Including such stars as Aldebaran, Sirius, the 7 first magnitude stars of Orion and Castor and Pollux, the twins of Gemini.
Although Taurus is deeply associated with the desire nature, both signs are signs of luminosity. Gemini conveys light through intelligence and Taurus conveys the light of realisation. The Ajna centre is considered the eye of the Bull, the eye of light and the eye of synthesis. Taurus is intimately associated with this centre as is Gemini for this is one of the major centres where the dualities, the pairs of opposites, are recognised and balanced. It is also a major centre of intelligence along with the Throat centre.
Gemini and Taurus seem to have equal rulership over the Ajna and Throat centers. Certainly Taurus gives the power of speech and is traditionally associated with the Throat centre. "The Word sounds forth and form is created" and in many ways, Taurus is the mother of form but the power of speech and articulation are also the province of Gemini which has a strong connection with the Throat centre, considered as the servant of the mind.
There are many forms of light: the light of intuition, the light of knowledge and the light of substance to name three. Taurus is particularly associated with the light of substance. Taurus and Gemini with the light of knowledge and Gemini with the light of intuition. Further it might be said that Taurus is associated with the light of realisation - a kind of light conveyed through the wisdom of the Buddha. Both Taurus and Gemini have an intimate association with prana or vitality.
Taurean individuals are known for their abundance of prana or animal magnetism and in the healing process are able to bestow this life-giving substance upon their patients. Gemini is much more associated with the etheric body, the structure of the etheric body and the distribution of prana within the etheric body. Vitality is the support of the youthfulness of the form and Geminian individuals are well-known for their youthfulness.
It might be said in relation to the etheric body that Gemini rules more specifically the structure of the etheric body and the circulation of prana within it whereas Taurus rules that vital substance which is circulated.
Both signs are definitely related to the 2nd aspect of Divinity as Taurus is the 2nd sign and even Gemini's glyph gives evidence of the number two.
Furthermore Gemini is considered to be the head of the Cosmic Christ and Taurus is intimately associated with our Solar Logos, a Logos of the 4th order correlating with the ray which is transmitted via Taurus and a logos intimately connected with the constellation the Pleiades which is found 'In relation to the constellation Taurus.'
Taurus and the Pleiades are therefore connected with the Path of the Solar Logoi. I further hypothesize that a triangle exists between Castor, Pollux and our Solar Logos and that this triangle assists our 4th order Logos to balance the pairs of opposites upon the Cosmic astral plane Castor in reality is a grouping of 6 stars and Pollux represents the pairs of opposites Spirit and Matter, Soul and Personality.
The relationship between these two signs is further accentuated by the shared rulership by Venus exoterically in Taurus and esoterically in Gemini. Both signs therefore are related to soul light and love and to the building of the antahkarana with Venus acting as the magnetic binding force between the higher realms of the spiritual triad and the lower realms of the personality. Let it be remembered that the Ajna centre, at a high stage of evolution, serves as the instrument for the spiritual triad and at an earlier stage of evolution, serves as the instrument of an integrated personality. Both Taurus and Gemini can justifiably be associated with-
Missing or Weak Links between Taurus and Gemini
The seventh ray does not pass through Gemini (except through a special connection with Jupiter), nor is the seventh ray very strong in Taurus, except coming, indirectly, through Vulcan’s relation to the mineral kingdom.