Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Leo & VirgoImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Leo In Comparison With Virgo 1. The Lion 1. The Virgin 2. Esoteric Mantram: I am That and That am I. 2. Esoteric Mantram: I am the Mother and the Child, I, God, I matter am. Christ in you, the hope of glory. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule because I am.. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let matter reign. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the Soul 4. Quality of Light: The blended dual Light. 5. Element: Fire Sign 5. Element: Earth Sign 6. Fixed Cross 6. Mutable or Common Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R5 constellationally 7. Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Leo transmits R2, R6 and R7 through the ‘Sun’ and the veiled Neptune and Uranus—its unveiled and veiled ruling planets on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Virgo transmits R4, R4, R6, R1, and R2 through Mercury, the Moon, the veiled Neptune, the veiled Vulcan, and, also, Jupiter—all these are its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: orange 9. Color: yellow (Mercury rulership). Blue-green is an additional reasonable possibility. 10. Creative Hierarchy number I (manifested), and VI of the twelve. Divine Flames, Divine Lives 10. Creative Hierarchy number II (manifested) . Divine Builders, Conferring Soul. Burning Sons of Desire 11. Associated with the Self-orienting first, the ‘solar-hearted’ second, (EA 298), the soul-dominant third and blazingly revelatory fifth initiations, and perhaps the consummately glorious seventh—all powerfully Sun-like. Especially the first and fifth are involved with Leo—the first giving entrance to the Fifth Kingdom and the fifth, by numerical affinity, can be seen as stimulated by the fifth sign. 11. Associated with the stages immediately preceding the ‘birthing’, form-regulating first initiation (EA 67, 471); then, with the cleansing, purifying second initiations, and possibly with the decisive, Monad-establishing sixth (introduction to true monadic living) 12. Leo can be reasonably associated with the radiating , group-magnetizing heart center (and with the entire head center as well—the crown, the dome which is the organ of the ‘dominating’ soul or Spirit). “Leo within the heart and head shouted aloud and stood whilst Saturn did his work ... and thus the twain were one.” (EA431) Leo can influence the solar plexus as one center of focus for the dominant personality (emotionally dominant) which Leo rules. The ajna center is the organ of the integrated (and dominating) personality which is also, generically, ruled by Leo. May not Leo also be associated with the heart center within the head? (Leo is ruled by the Sun; Vulcan may substitute for the Sun; Vulcan rules the “heart of the Sun”; the heart of the Sun works through the heart center within the head.)
12. Virgo can be reasonably understood as influencing, particularly, the cherishing, patient, maternally-loving heart center (through the second ray), and the persistently devoted solar plexus center (through the sixth). In addition to its influence upon a number of smaller, sub-diaphragmatic centers associated with the solar plexus, Virgo must have an influence upon the ajna center—as an organ of discrimination and discernment. The mysteries of generation are ruled by the Moon, which rules Virgo esoterically; a sacral center association is, thereby, reasonable. The six of the sacral center leads to the twelve of the heart.
13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Leo preserves within the Monad the will of the King of Shamballa (Who reflects the wills of the planetary and solar Logoi.) Leo makes of the Monad the true center of selfhood, and yet a “relinquished point” (EA 332) in a planetary sphere, the center of which is everywhere—within the planetary ring-pass-not. 13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Virgo is powerful in monadic life because the second manifested Creative Hierarchy (Who are the “prototypes of the Monads”—TCF 1197) are ruled by Virgo and its hierarchical ruler, Jupiter. One motivation of the descending Monad is the perfection of matter (in this case, the substance of the first solar system). With this mission, Virgo is intimately concerned. 14. Within the Triad—Leo can be related principally to atma, the spiritual will, as it reflects the will of the “Central Spiritual Sun”—the monadic aspect, whether of man, the planetary Logos or the solar Logos. Since Leo, the second fire sign, is associated with the second ray and with consciousness, it can be related to the revelations of divine love and illumined wisdom emanating from buddhi. The ruler of Leo is the Sun, transmitting the second ray—the ray expressed through buddhi. The fifth ray transmitted through Leo relates it to higher manas. 14. Within the Triad—Virgo ( esoterically ruled in part by Neptune, and hierarchically by second ray Jupiter, and transmitting, itself, the second ray), is related primarily to buddhi (the second aspect of the Triad), bestowing as it does the second ray and a higher correspondence to “mother love”—a divine, maternal compassion. Virgo is also associated with the third ray, and the third divine aspect, and hence, even if indirectly, with higher manas, the third triadal aspect. 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Leo is a pervasive and fundamental solar influence. The causal body is a “sun-flower”; soul-consciousness is to the personality as a luminous sun; and the Solar Angel emanates (with respect to our system) from the “heart of the sun”. In a broad sense, Leo can be seen as governing the radiant light, magnetic love, luminous consciousness, and authoritative power of the Solar Angel which it wills, assertively, to express through the personality. 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Virgo, like Cancer, can be seen in the ‘mother’ role—with Virgo providing a nurturing and discriminatively cleansing energy, utilized by the Solar Angel to improve the quality of its personality manifestation. Virgo, as the Solar Angel expresses it, is the will to manifest love intelligently through matter, until the Christ energy pours successfully through the personality-form and a relative perfection is reached. 16. Within the Personality—Leo can be identified with dominating and imposing attitudes within the lower mental nature; with the dramatic and expressive qualities of the astral nature—Leo is correlated with the astral permanent atom (EA 302); with the prana and natural radiance of the etheric vehicle; and, in general, with the strength of the dense physical vehicle. Leo is related to the integrated personality as a whole. (EA 253, 486, 620) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Within the Personality—Virgo can be identified with the discriminative, analytical, and selective processes of the lower mental nature; with the cleansing and purification of the astral nature; with the magnetic purity of the etheric nature; with the general health and nutrition and of the dense physical vehicle. Virgo, via the Moon, is particularly related to the dense physical vehicle and to all personality substance as a whole. (EA 194) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 17. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Concentration. “Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.” (EA 228) 17. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Meditation proper. “Virgo—Meditation—Soul life, as sensed in man, the gestation period. The stage of the hidden Christ. Intelligent man. Personality, as hiding the Christ life.” (EA 228) 18. The Crisis of the Burning Ground characterized by the process of Liberation (EA 472) 18. The Crisis of the Birthplace characterized by the process/quality of Initiation (EA 472) Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Leo In Comparison With Virgo 1. Expressive primarily of the second and first aspects of divinity. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Leo is also the second fire sign. Its transmission of the first ray connects Leo to the first aspect, and the transmission of the fifth ray, to the first as well as the third. 1. Expressing primarily the second aspect of divinity with associations to the third aspect 2. Associated with the second solar system—the system of consciousness 2. Associated with the first solar system, the system of matter. There are some associations with the love aspect of the second solar system. 3. Cosmically associated with Sirius.” Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.” (EA 299) “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called ‘the heart of the Lion’.” (EA 300) “Third Triangle: Sirius—Leo—Jupiter—Hierarchy.” (EA 417) “…Sirius governs Leo.” (EA 299) (also 447 re Sirius, Leo, Uranus and first initiation)
Also cosmically related to the Great Bear. Leo “is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.” (EA196) Leo transmits energy from the Great Bear to Saturn and, thence, Shamballa. (cf. EA 427-428, 435)3. Cosmically associated principally with the Pleiades. “One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades.” (EA 657) “Virgo is inseparable from Leo and the Pleiades and the Hyades.” (EA 679) Virgo is related to several feminine constellations which figure importantly in the astrology of the form. “There is Cassiopea, Venus, Coma Berenice, Andromeda and one or two others, as well as Virgo, the Virgin, the most important of them all.” (EA 400) 4. Three Constellations Connected with Leo: a) Hydra—the Serpent; b) Crater—the Cup; c) Corvus—the Raven (LOH 105-108) 4. Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Leo In Comparison With Virgo 11. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. 13. Neptune is a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo. 12. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. 14. Neptune is in exoteric detriment in Virgo. (EA 171) 13. Is Jupiter veiled by the exoteric Sun in the sign Leo? “In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically.” (EA 297) 15. Jupiter is the hierarchical ruler of Virgo. 14. The Sun rules Leo on three levels—two of them veiled. But “Mercury and the Sun are one.” (EA 100) 16. Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Virgo and is also exalted in this sign. “When the disciple becomes aware that he is himself Mercury, the Son of Mind, and therefore one with the universal Christ, the ‘Sun and yet the Son of God’ (as it is esoterically called), he is then an initiate.” (EA 284) 15. Vulcan is closely related to the Sun—the major ruler of Leo. “…Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun; it is spoken of sometimes as being veiled by the Sun and at others it stands for the Sun itself. It stands between the man and the Sun, the soul.” (EA 393) 17. Vulcan is a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesSubtle Relationships Between Ray, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies.
Leo In Comparison With Virgo 1. Leo transmits the first ray constellationally 1. Vulcan is a veiled esoteric ruler in Virgo and transmits the first ray. 2. Leo transmits the fifth ray constellationally. 2. Mercury has a close relation to the fifth ray, through its relation to the fifth scheme, the fifth round, the fifth race and sub-race. “The fifth race is born under Mercury.” (EA 663). Vulcan has associations with the fifth ray through concretion and the seventh ray, through the mineral kingdom and the principle of rhythm. 3. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number five and with the fifth ray. 3. See #2 immediately above. 4. Leo is the ninth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel—proceeding by polarities (Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.). Since nine is the number connected with the ray three cycle (EPI 348-349), Leo, in its more material aspect, is connected with the third ray. 4. Virgo (the second oldest of the constellations) is associated with the third ray—the ray of the previous solar system. This was the solar system with the emphasis upon matter. “Let matter reign.” Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Virgo, and also exalted in this sign, has a close relation to the third ray. (EA 280). The Moon is anciently related to the third ray, being associated with dense physical “matter” and with the Moon Chain and the first solar system in which the third ray was dominant. Neptune, veiled esoteric ruler, is also with the third ray through its associations with the “waters” which are “matter.” (EA 666, 275) 5. Leo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel (IF counting begins with Pisces as number one) and, hence, has numerical affinity with the Christ, and with Mercury (EA 298) the “Messenger at the eighth gate” “Eight is, under some numerical systems, regarded as the number of the Christ.” (EA 37) 5. Virgo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel (beginning the counting with Aries) and hence is related to the Christ—Whose number is “eight” (EA 37)—and to Mercury—the “Messenger at the eighth gate.” 6. The Sun (veiling an unknown planet) is esoteric, exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the second ray through its (the Sun’s) soul and personality. “It is the ray which governs the ‘personality’ of our solar Logos, if such an expression may be used, and (because it is dual) it indicates both His personality and soul rays,...” (EPI 334) 6. Virgo transmits the second ray constellationally. On the clockwise wheel, Virgo is the eighth sign of the zodiac and, hence, is related to the Christ—Whose number is “eight” (EA 37)—Vulcan, a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo, has an association with the second ray, as Vulcan is connected to the “heart of the sun.” (EA 393) Neptune, another veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo, also transmits the second ray monadically. (EPI 421) 7. The Sun, even exoterically, may veil Jupiter, which transmits the second, seventh, and (possibly) sixth rays. “In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically.” (EA 297) 7. See #6, #8, and #12. 8. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo and transmits the sixth ray. 8. Virgo transmits the sixth ray constellationally. As well, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number six and with the sixth ray. Neptune is a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo and transmits the sixth ray. Jupiter has a possible connection with the sixth ray through its exoteric rulership of Sagittarius and its enthusiastic, aspirational nature. 9. Neptune transmits the second ray monadically (EPI 421). 9. See #6 above. 10. Neptune is associated with the fourth ray through its rulership of buddhi and the buddhic plane.(EA 666) 10. The Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo, and transmits the fourth ray. Vulcan, a veiled esoteric ruler in Virgo, has a close relation to the number four—to the fourth kingdom (the Human Kingdom), the fourth kingdom from the human (the Mineral Kingdom) and to the fourth initiation, and may be involved in a fourth ray transmission through the Moon. (interpret DN 91). Neptune, a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo, is associated with the fourth ray through its rulership of the fourth or buddhic plane. 11. Neptune, “God of the Waters”, is associated with the third ray, because “water” is “matter.” “EA 275) 11. See #4 above 12. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the seventh ray. 12. Jupiter, the hierarchical ruler of Virgo, transmits the seventh ray through its association with “ritual” and “ritualistic worship.” (EA 648, 660) It is hard to conceive that Virgo, as a constellation, has no relation to the seventh ray because of the traits demonstrated by so many Virgoan individuals. In any case, Virgo is the ruler of the seventh Creative Hierarchy (if the unmanifested Hierarchies are included in the numbering). The Moon (the veiling esoteric ruler) is also associated with the seventh ray, through its rulership of the seventh manifested Creative Hierarchy and its rulership of the dense part of the seventh plane. 13. Uranus transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 13. See #1 above. 14. Uranus is closely associated with the third ray, and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200) 14. See #4 above. 15. Uranus is part of a second ray transmission from Sirius, via Pisces, and, also, is most probably the mental body within the manifestation of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #6 above. 16. Uranus is closely related to the fifth ray through its rulership of “exoteric science.” (EA 149) 16. See #2 above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Leo In Comparison With Virgo 1. Being 1. Becoming 2. The One…; the Unity 2. …in Three; the Trinity 3. The god 3. The goddess 4. The Father Aspect 4. The Mother Aspect 5. Purusha—Spirit 5. Prakriti—matter 6. The Self 6. The Not-Self 7. God the Father 7. God the Mother 8. God the Son 8. God the Mother (and Wife of her Son) 9. The King; the “King of Heaven” 9. The Queen; the “Queen of Heaven” 10. Patriarchy 10. Matriarchy 11. The King or Queen 11. The Servant 12. Caesar—the Ruler 12. The Christ—the Savior 13. The Master 13. The Slave 14. The Guru 14. The Disciple or Chela 15. The Creator 15. The Critic 16. The Soul 16. The Threefold Personality 17. The Integrated Personality 17. The Nurturing Soul 18. Sphinx—the body of a lion 18. Sphinx—the head of a woman 19. Solar Fire 19. Fire by Friction 20. Leo—“the self-conscious individual” (EA 101), not yet born in Christ. 20. Virgo—“the crisis of the birthplace” (EA 101), preceding the birth of the “Christ-conscious initiate in Capricorn”. (EA 101) 21. The Human Kingdom (“Leo the most human sign of all”) (EA 161) Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. The number “of man is now five,…” (TCF 914) 21. The Deva Kingdom Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. “The number of the deva evolution is six,…” (TCF 914) 22. “Leo—The self-conscious man. Personality. Lower unity.” (EA 290) 22. “Virgo.—The latent Christ life or principle. Duality.” (EA 290) 23. “Leo—Self-consciousness” (EA 468) 23. “Virgo—Christ consciousness” (EA 468) 24. “Self-awareness in Leo” (EA 473) 24. “Culturing care of Virgo” (EA 473) 25. The Major Theme of Leo: “There is the development of self-consciousness to be fostered and this is the major effect—as well you know—of the force of Leo. The influence of this constellation aids in the manifestation of individual will, individual love, and individual intelligence; it fosters the ‘ahamkara’ or egoistic principle; it produces the emphasis upon the ‘I am’ attitude which is so necessary a stage before the individual can merge himself as a conscious Self-respecting unit in the Whole’ 25. The Major Theme of Virgo: “But behind this influence and pressing through into manifestation is the force of Virgo (the mother or custodian of the Christ-consciousness) which shatters eventually the synthesis and the lower unity already produced by the Leo energy; it stimulates the soul within the form as well as the soul within each atom in the form, because the genius and uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore, nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously. It is a powerful dual energy, a potent expression of the anima mundi or the soul of the world.” (EA 470) 26. Response to the Leo Force: “Another stream of energy is also pushing through and producing effects upon those in the human family who not only respond to the Leo force and are consequently individuals in their own consciousness…” (EA 471) Leo—“The self-consciousness of man, as he emerges out of the mass.” (EA 471) 26. Response to the Virgo Force: “…but are responding also to the steadily expanding Christ-consciousness; of this they are becoming increasingly aware in their own individual experience.” (EA 471) Virgo—“The recognition of the Christ life and nature, as the aspirant for the first initiation emerges out of the group of world individuals.” (EA 471) 27. In Leo—“intellectual overlordship” (EA 471) 27. In Virgo—“limitations” (EA 471) 28. Leo is related to the Mystery of the Sphinx: “The mystery of the Sphinx, connected with the relation of Leo and Virgo, and tied up with the secret of the solar Angels. This is not the mystery of soul and form, but the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to each other.” (EA 154) Leo rules individualization and, thus, the coming of higher mind, for the solar ‘sun-flower’ ruled by Leo is found upon the higher mental plane. (A case could also be made for the opposite assignment, for DK speaks of “the personality-soul (Leo-Virgo)”—in that order. (EA 262) 28. Virgo is related to the Mystery of the Sphinx: “The mystery of the Sphinx, connected with the relation of Leo and Virgo, and tied up with the secret of the solar Angels. This is not the mystery of soul and form, but the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to each other.” (EA 154) Virgo, associated with the intelligence of the first solar system, rules lower mind—the critical, analytical concrete mental principle. (A case could also be made for the opposite assignment, for DK speaks of “the personality-soul (Leo-Virgo)”—in that order. (EA 262) 29. If Leo-Virgo is the “God-man”, then Leo is the solar God and Virgo the material man (or woman). 29. If Leo-Virgo is the “God-man”, then Virgo is the nurturing soul as God-the-Mother, and Leo is the man (who, unredeemed, is possessed of the identity which Leo conferred, but is still the unredeemed “King of Beasts”. 30. Unfoldment in Leo—“in Leo…the unfoldment of that self-conscious entity and personality…” (EA 253) 30. Unfoldment in Virgo—“which in Virgo becomes the mother of the Christ child.” (EA 253) 31. In Leo/Virgo—Individualization and the First Reversal of the Wheel for Humanity as a Whole: “in Virgo-Leo (for these two signs are regarded esoterically as inseparable) the mass movement releases the individual to a life of self-conscious progress and a changed mode of progression around the wheel of life.” (EA 261) 31. In Leo/Virgo—Individualization and the First Reversal of the Wheel for Humanity as a Whole: “in Virgo-Leo (for these two signs are regarded esoterically as inseparable) the mass movement releases the individual to a life of self-conscious progress and a changed mode of progression around the wheel of life.” (EA 261) 32. Leo-Virgo as the Sphinx: “In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality;…” (EA 230) 32. Leo-Virgo as the Sphinx: “In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality;…” (EA 230) 33. Leo (with Cancer and Virgo) forms part of a triangle which brings the Christ life from obscuration to the stage immediately before birth. (cf. EA 275) 33. Virgo (with Cancer and Leo) forms part of a triangle which brings the Christ life from obscuration to the stage immediately before birth. (cf. EA 275) 34. Leo and Virgo in Cooperation: “Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter.” 34. Virgo and Leo in Cooperation: “Virgo and Leo together stand for the whole man, for the God-man as well as for spirit-matter.” 35. In the Leo-Virgo-Pisces Triangle, Leo is called “the Producers of that which knows…” (EA 470) 35. In the Leo-Virgo-Pisces Triangle, Virgo is called “the Informers of that which is awakened.” (EA 470) 36. Leo, in the Aries-Leo-Virgo Triangle: “the potency of Leo can be traced since then in the vast number of people who are achieving the integration of the personality and becoming self-conscious, as well as in the emergence of thousands of self-conscious world aspirants who are subordinating gradually their integrated personalities to the good of the group.” (EA 486) 36. Virgo, in the Aries-Leo-Virgo Triangle: “the influence of Virgo appears in the many religious, spiritual and mental organisations and movements which indicate so directly the awakening of the Christ consciousness in humanity.” (EA 486) 37. The Inseparability of Leo from Virgo: “Virgo is inseparable from Leo and the Pleiades and the Hyades.” (EA 679) 37. The Inseparability of Leo from Virgo: “Virgo is inseparable from Leo and the Pleiades and the Hyades.” (EA 679) 38. Leo—for Undeveloped Man: “The lower self. The hidden point.” (EA 332) 38. Virgo—for the Undeveloped Man: “The germinating energy. The Mother.” (EA 332) 39. Leo—for Advanced Man: “The Higher Self. The revealing point.”(EA 332) 39. Virgo—for the Advanced Man: “The creative force. The Protector.” (EA 332) 40. Leo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The One Self. The relinquished point” (EA 332) 40. Virgo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Christ activity. The Light.” (EA 332) 41. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Leo: When the Sun is in Leo the disciple may seek to integrate his personality more fully, strengthen the individual note he sounds, and achieve spiritual positivity with respect to the lunar nature. 41. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Virgo: When the Sun is in Virgo, an individual “will know that opportunity to bring the form more under the influence of the hidden Christ is possible…” (EA 564) 42. The life of the Christ from the Leonian perspective: “This is the sign of self-conscious identity. This is testified to by Christ in the words He spoke to His disciples: ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ or his own centre of self-consciousness—that significant point of attainment which must precede all the more inclusive states of consciousness.” (EA566) 42. The Life of the Christ from a Virgoan Perspective: “The Virgo aspect came into expression in His twelfth year when He said: ‘Wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business,’ thereby indicating the subordination of the form life to the will of the indwelling Christ; this was consummated when ‘divinity descended upon Him’ at the Baptism. (EA 564) 43. Monistic 43. Dualistic, even ‘triplistic’ 44. Identity 44. The instruments of expression for identity 45. The Egoic Lotus 45. The permanent atoms 46. The dominant personality (LMC, FC).Thus, the ajna center and solar plexus. 46. The cherishing, refining influence of the soul (FC). Thus, the heart center. 47. The aggressiveness of the personality attitude 47. The humility of the soul-infusing attitude 48. The dominating position of the Higher Self (FC). The heart and head centers 48. The dominating position of the three personality vehicles considered as lunar lords (MC, LMC) Thus the solar plexus. 49. The dynamic of integration. Integrity 49. The dynamic of dis-integration. Fragmentation 50. The dynamic of dis-integration with respect to the group (MC). Isolation prevails. 50. The dynamic of the integration of soul and personality. 51. The symbol of subjectivity 51. The symbol of objectivity 52. Initial difficulty with objectivity—seeing oneself clearly 52. Initial difficulty with subjectivity (“Let matter reign”—EA 284) 53. Flamboyance 53. Modesty 54. Exaggeration 54. Accuracy 55. Seeing the big picture 55. Seeing the detail 56. Grandiosity 56. Realism 57. Narcissism 57. Self-criticism 58. Taking criticism badly 58. Requesting criticism for improvement 59. Excess 59. Discipline 60. Laziness 60. Work, labor 61. Generosity 61. Pettiness 62. The large 62. The small 63. The grand 63. The common 64. Creative 64. Corrective 65. Pride 65. Humility 66. The mathematical operations of addition and multiplication 66. The mathematical operations of division and subtraction Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesIn many respects, Virgo and Leo are polar opposites. (See additional text in the introduction to this section) ... Again with Leo and Virgo we are dealing with a unit of signs.
It is difficult to say who represents father/mother more. Is it Leo/Cancer, is it Leo/Virgo? Is it perhaps Capricorn/Cancer?
At any rate the first two of the manifest hierarchies, that of the divine flames, and the burning sons of desire are ruled by the signs Leo and Virgo and as far as the manifest lives on our cosmic physical plane go, this is definitely father/mother.
This is perhaps as high as we can take this duo, which is certainly parental in its nature although in the abstract sense, we could relate them again to Purusha and Prakriti or the One absolute identity and Mulaprakriti through which it expresses.
Closer to home, there are great similarities between these two signs because it is difficult to assess which is more identified with the soul and which with the personality.
From a certain point of view, it is certainly possible to identify Leo with the integrated and dominant personality and Virgo with the energy of the corrective soul introducing duality where there was a rather self-centered unit for in one respect, the sign Virgo moves one stage beyond that of Leo for it is the succeeding sign.
In one respect the sign Virgo moves beyond the sign Leo, for it is after all, the succeeding sign and the stage of a rather unified self-awareness on the level of personality must be succeeded by a dualistic consciousness in which personality consciousness is counter-poised to a sense of something higher, namely that of the unitive and unifying soul.
Virgo can represent a triple consciousness because it is a triple sign and therefore spirit, soul and matter can be seen to be as one, as the mantram indicates, "I am the mother and the child, I God, I matter am." All three aspects of divinity are mentioned.
So here then we have Leo representing personality and Virgo representing Soul. However it is equally easy to reverse these and Virgo then appears in its material aspect in relation to the esoteric ruler of the Moon which would stand for all three levels of the lunar vehicles.
We must remember that of Virgo it is said, "Let matter reign." Here Virgo stands for the mental, emotional and physical, etheric elemental and Leo stands for the higher self, the higher identity - the revealing point. Leo is always the will to rule and the will to illumine.
It is really impossible to avoid correlating Leo with the egoic lotus, the great sun-flower, the illumined, radiant thinker.
So here we have a classic case of how the meanings of the signs can be shifted and mean apparently contradictory things. Here Leo is the master and Virgo the servant, just as the soul is the master and the personality, the servant.
Suffice it to say that the combination of Leo/Virgo stands for the soul/personality union, whichever way one looks at it, which is perhaps the mystery of the sphinx, given the head of the woman and the body of the lion. The sphinx-like image puts Virgo in this soul's position and Leo in the personality position.
When one examines the rays passing through the constellations, one sees the hard-line rays through Leo, soft-line rays through Virgo.
However, considering the planetary associations, Ray 2 and Ray 1 pass through both signs because Vulcan is the veiled ruler of the esoteric Moon in Virgo and Neptune Ray 2, is a veiled ruler (veiled by the Sun esoterically in Leo) and the esoteric Sun which is not considered, veiling any planet. Although, a case could be made for either Vulcan or Jupiter, is the distributor of the 2nd Ray.
So while it is realised that in Leo much of the 1st Ray and 2nd Ray, since it correlates with the heart center, the seat of love (2nd Ray) and the seat of life (1st Ray) the same is also true with Virgo, there being abundant 2nd Ray and some 1st ray through the persistence, endurance aspect of the will carried through Vulcan.
We can see then that both signs could be somewhat assigned to the heart center, although Leo is a natural correlate with the heart. Still Virgo, ruling the birth of the Christ within the heart and later the fulfillment of the Christ within the heart, for Jupiter brings in a powerful 2nd Ray, is also a good candidate to be assigned a relational correlation to the heart center although anatomically it rules a different aspect of the body, namely the small intestine.
Of all the neighboring signs, signs which are 30° from each other, they are more likely to present contrasts than similarities and yet they can function as a pair, inescapably necessary to each other. Such is the case I believe with Leo/Virgo just as with Leo/Cancer and with numerous other approximate pairs, for instance Aries/Pisces is one such, Aries/Taurus is another.
Suffice it to say, with both of these signs, there is a tremendous emphasis upon the relationship of spirit and matter and especially the development of the heart center.
The final ruler of Virgo is Jupiter (2nd Ray) and always associated with disciples with the heart and the Sun rules in all three positions in Leo, and always associated with the heart.
Though perhaps esoterically, Leo is more associated with the opening of the heart center and hierarchically, more associated with the opening of the thousand petalled lotus, for the rulership there is Uranus.
I believe that when in Leo, the planet Uranus and Neptune are put together, we have the Crown center and the twelve petalled lotus within the head. Perhaps when Virgo is added to this, with its esoteric rulership by the Moon veiling Neptune and hierarchically by Jupiter, the actual heart center is more involved.
Also, Virgo cannot be disassociated from the Solar Plexus, nor can Leo. There is much that relates the Solar Plexus to the sense of identity which is the constant theme in Leo. The Solar Plexus and Ajna centers thereby ally to produce to the individual, a separative sense of identity for which lower Leo is known. Higher Leo moves into the phase of group consciousness and the heart is more involved.
Perhaps we can say that the relationship between spirit and matter, or in this case, Leo and Virgo, is fused through the Heart center. It is said that ultimately there will be six signs of the zodiac because the polar opposites will fuse into one sign. I have difficulty thinking though that any system will be allowed to remain at six and that further fusions will probably occur.
At length I would imagine that all signs will be gathered into one influence. Virgo is such an extraordinarily 2nd Ray sign. Constellationally the 2nd Ray passes through Virgo.
From the point of view rulerships, the Moon veils Neptune (2nd Ray planet), the hierarchical ruler is 2nd Ray Jupiter. Virgo has a direct relationship with the 2nd of the manifest creative hierarchies, which beings are the origin of the human monads. These monads are placed upon the 2nd plane of nature and are essentially monads of love.
For it is the will of God to love, in this way Virgo is associated with the 2nd sub-plane of the Cosmic physical plane which being the 2nd plane is related to the 2nd Ray and is a plane of Love.
I think that the story of the bond between Leo and Virgo, can be expressed in this way, the divine parents are united in love and therefore even as Leo/Virgo have much to do with the level of soul/personality, they have equally to do with the level of monad and perhaps
Virgo which like Cancer, often stands for the matter aspect, combines with Leo to form the core and vehicular extension on the monadic level.
I suspect that the monad must be freed from its auric sheath and that Virgo perhaps like Cancer, relates to the auric sheath of the monad and Leo to the state of freedom which occurs when the spirit is liberated to the first sub-plane of the Cosmic physical plane. Virgo is a triple sign and relates to the three main aspects of the personality and likewise, from one perspective, it should relate to the three main aspects of the spiritual triad, considered as the personality sheaths of the monad.
From another point of view, if Leo rules the integrated and dominant personality, then there may be on there higher sub-planes of the atmic plane, an analogue to the personality center. This is never discussed but in order for the analogy to work properly, the monad would respond to the soul center, the spiritual triad, to the three vehicles of the personality and there would have to be a center which integrated on the highest levels, the three transcendental vehicles, just as there is on the lower level.
Perhaps in some way, Leo relates to this higher integrating center should it exist, just as it does to the integrating center below. Unlike the duad of Cancer/Leo, Virgo in the duad Leo/Virgo operates as an active, transmutative agent. For it is important, discriminatively to raise the vibration of the personality nature so that it can be infused by the soul and I suspect that some sort of transmutative process applies also to the spiritual triad. Perhaps under the influence of Virgo.
The interesting thing about the position Leo/Virgo, in the chart of creative hierarchies, is that each is the sixth and the seventh hierarchy. Leo is the sixth hierarchy counting down from the highest of the liberated hierarchies, Pisces and Virgo is then the seventh, counting in the same manner but counting from below upwards. Virgo is the sixth hierarchy and Leo is the seventh.
So we see how they are constantly changing places which helps explain in our own level, how from one perspective Leo is the soul and Virgo the personality and from another perspective, Virgo is the soul and Leo the personality. There is some strange interchange of functions.
And so although these signs are very different in many respects, they are both focused upon the creation of the three periodical vehicles and in some way their union seems to be required for the creation and sustainment of each of these three periodical vehicles ie personality, higher ego or soul and monad.
I think what we are witnessing here is a lower reflection of the cooperation which exists between the seven Rishis of the Great Bear and the seven Rainis of the Pleiades and clearly the Great Bear is associated with Leo and is even contiguous with the constellation Leo in celestial space.
It is always possible to find Leo by following the alignment of the two sides of the Dipper, as lines drawn through them will point to the constellation of the Lion and clearly, Virgo as the mother of matter, is related to the great mother constellation the Pleiades. As a matter fact, there is a statement in the back of Esoteric Astrology which suggests that the Pleiades were once found in alignment with or in the constellation Virgo.
Clearly the relationship between the feminine and with matter brings these two constellations Virgo and the Pleiades into rapport since the Great Beat and the Pleiades are the two principle super-constellations related to our solar system and since they always represent father and mother, or the core of spirit and the essence of matter, one can see the inseparability of Leo/Virgo as reflections, perhaps the most direct reflections of these two super-constellations.
(I keep looking for some greater similarity, they are so different but they are so totally united.)
Missing or Weak Links Between Leo and Virgo