Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Aries & TaurusImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Aries Taurus1. The Ram, the Lamb 1. The Bull, the Cow 2. Esoteric Mantram: I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule. 2. Esoteric Mantram: I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let form again be sought. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let struggle be undismayed. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of Life Itself 4. Quality of Light: The penetrating Light of the Path 5. Element: Fire Sign / positive / masculine 5. Element: Earth Sign / negative / feminine 6. Cardinal Cross 6. Fixed Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally 7. Transmits R4 constellationally 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Aries transmits R6, R4 and R7 through Mars, Mercury and Uranus—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Taurus transmits R5 and R1 through Venus and Vulcan—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: carmine, scarlet red 9. Color: deep blue 10. Creative Hierarchy number II (unmanifested); Ray 4, characterized by “Unity thro’ Effort” 10. Creative Hierarchy number III (unmanifested); Ray 5, characterized by “Light thro’ Knowledge” 11. Associated with the inaugural first, the blinding, surmounting third, the revelatory fifth and the resurrecting seventh initiations, but especially with the third.(EA 388-389) and seventh (EA 304) initiations—transfiguration and resurrection. The exalted Sun in Aries can be understood as relating to each of these initiations. 11. Associated with the de-glamorizing second initiation and the ‘ego-shattering’, shroud-splitting, intuition-invoking.(EA 205-206) fourth initiation. The blinding light of the third initiation and the Vulcanian destruction of the first also suggest a Taurean relationship to these degrees. There is, as well, a possible relationship with the revelatory fifth—revelation in the blazing “light of day” (cf. R&I 644) 12. Correlated to the synthesizing crown center and the ajna center—considered as the center of personality direction. Also influencing the impulsive solar plexus and the propagative center of sexuality—the sacral center, in relation to which, the opposites are brought together. The fertility of the Ram suggests the sacral association. Some connection with the based of the spine center is also possible, as Mars and Mercury (Aries’ first two rulers) rule kundalini “latent” and “in intelligent activity” respectively. Its hierarchical ruler, Uranus, transmits the seventh ray and is, thus, numerically related to this seventh (lowest) center. 12. Associated with the form-building throat center and the form-envisioning and impression-registering ajna center. A sacral center connection is also reasonable, Taurus is one of the major signs of sex, and is related to the tangibility of the physical form—created through the instrumentality of the sacral center.
As Vulcan is associated with the “heart of the sun” (the correspondence of which is the heart within the head) Taurus must be correlated, as it must with the solar plexus, because “aspirational idealism in its highest possible expression is also achieved in Taurus” (EA 391), and the solar plexus is the center of aspiration. For completion, fourth ray Taurus, is numerically related to the four-petalled base center and the heart chakra—the fourth!13. The zodiacal signs influence the monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Aries impels the monad forth upon its aeonial pilgrimage. The sense of pure selfhood which characterizes monadic awareness is enhanced by Aries. Further, Aries endows the monad with its inherent omnipotence relative to the human energy system. 13. The zodiacal signs influence the monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Taurus endows it with a portion of the “Greatest Light” which is resident within Shamballa—the place of “unfettered enlightenment”. Taurus endows the monad with its inherent omniscience relative to the human energy system 14. Within the spiritual triad—
associated principally with atma, the spiritual will as it reflects divine will and law. Aries is also associated with the birth of ideas in buddhi (or at least their reception from the buddhic realm) and also with their abstract formulation within the sphere of higher manas.14. Within the spiritual triad—
Taurus is associated principally with buddhi as it bestows wisdom and the “clear cold light” of pure reason which is resonant to the “Greatest Light” of the monad. There is some association with atma as well, because Taurus and Vulcan are resonant to and expressive of Shamballa.15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—
Aries governs the persistent will-to-incarnate “Let form again be sought”, and the first impulses (emanating from the plane of mind) towards descent onto the physical plane. “Aries—is connected with soul intention, the vibratory activity of which (under impulse from the Monad) initiates the successive involutionary periods which produce appearance upon the physical plane.) (EA 302)15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—
Taurus governs the causal body considered as a ‘treasury of transpersonal quality’ garnered from personal experience in the three lower worlds. Taurus is associated with soul-light and, through Vulcan, with the Jewel in the Lotus and the light emanating from that Jewel.16. Within the Personality—
Aries can be identified with the ruling and assertive qualities of the mental nature; with the impulses and passions of the astral nature; with the forceful but irregular vigor of the etheric nature; and, generally, with the muscular strength of the dense physical nature. Aries is especially related to the lower mental vehicle. (EA 92) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)16. Within the Personality—
Taurus can be identified with the luminosity and determination of the mental nature, for Taurus facilitates the state called the “mind held stead in the light”; with the strong desires, passions, incentives, aspirations of the astral nature; with the pranic vitality of the etheric nature; and, often, with the tamasic inertia of the dense physical nature. Taurus is especially related to the astral vehicle. (cf. EA 92, 380) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)17. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Conception 17. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Magnetization 18. The Crisis of Orientation characterized by the quality of Reversal. (EA 472) 18. The Choice of Values (Desire) Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Aries Taurus1. Expressive, principally, of the first or will aspect of divinity. “Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect.” (EA 194) Some third aspect may enter in relation to activity and , depending upon whether the seventh ray is interpreted in terms of the first or third rays. 1. Expressive of the third aspect of divinity because of its identification with light, but of the second aspect through association with the principles of consciousness and of wisdom. The first aspect is distributed through its ruling planet Vulcan. 2. Cosmically, preeminently associated with the Great Bear: “Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear, but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers;….” (EA 195) “The Great Bear — Aries — Pluto — Shamballa.” (EA 416) “Aries—Libra—The Sun (which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation.” (EA 466) “Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name ‘Pointer’ in common parlance. This Pointer is a ‘major star of direction’ because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis.” (EA 482) 2. Cosmically, preeminently associated with the Pleiades: “…the constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades.” (EA 111) “Aquarius relates humanity to the Pleiades and therefore to Taurus in an unusual manner.” (EA 200) “There is at this time, owing to the influx of the Shamballa force, the establishing of a peculiar relation or alignment between the constellation, Taurus (with its own specific alignment with the Pleiades and Great Bear) the planet, Pluto, and our Earth.” (EA 376) “A new light enters in. The Seven Sisters play their part (the Pleiades are in Taurus, the first sign of the Fixed Cross) and then three lights shine forth. And thus one radiant sun appears.” (EA 562) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Aries:
a) Cassiopeia—the Enthroned Queen
b) Cetus—the Sea Monster
c) Perseus—the One Who Subdues (cf. LOH 35-36)3. Three Constellations Connected with Taurus:
a) Orion—the Hunter
b) Eridanus—“The River of the Judge”
c) Auriga—the CharioteerRelationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Aries Taurus1. Mars is the exoteric ruler of Aries 1. Mars is in detriment in Taurus. 2. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries. 2. Uranus falls in Taurus. 3. Venus is in detriment in Aries. 3. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Taurus. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Aries Taurus1. Aries transmits the first ray constellationally. Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac on both the reversed and clockwise wheels, and on the wheel which numbers the signs by polarity (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.) All this reinforces the association of Aries with the first ray. 1. Vulcan, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus, transmits the first ray. 2. Aries transmits the seventh ray constellationally. 2. Vulcan is associated with the seventh ray through the mineral kingdom (the first or seventh kingdom, depending upon the mode of counting), and through the principle of rhythm. 3. Counting from Pisces clockwise, Aries becomes the twelfth sign, and is thus, by numerological addition, numerically resonant with the number three and with the third ray. “Let form again be sought.” Aries plunges into the material world at the outset of every new cycle. 3. Taurus has a special connection with Mercury (called “Buddha” in Sanskrit), for Taurus is the sign most associated with Gautama the Buddha, Who serves a Mercurian function uniting Shamballa and Hierarchy. Mercury distributes the third ray. (cf. EA 280). Counting from Aries by polarities (Aries-Libra-Taurus-Scorpio-etc..) Taurus is the third in order, thus resonant to the third ray. Taurus’ special connection to the Earth, (EA 383), and the Buddha’s Moon-Chain past, connect Taurus to the third ray. Also, the exalted Moon is directly connected to the third ray—to the matter conditioned on the Moon Chain and in the first solar system (which is lunar to our solar system). Also, Taurus is the twelfth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel beginning with Aries, hence resonant with the number three, hence numerical affinity with the third ray. 4. Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the sixth ray. 4. Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray” (EA 595) thus transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically, just as Uranus, with its first ray monad, is the “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154) 5. Mars also transmits the first ray, because its “School” trains “those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer.” (TCF 1179). It is the first ray which is the Ray of the Destroyer. 5. See #1 above. 6. Mars manifests as the astral body of a great third ray Entity and, hence, is aligned with the transmission of the third ray. The physical body of Mars must be more the third than seventh ray. (EPII 99) 6. See #3 above. 7. Mars is closely associated with the fifth ray, because it governs the five senses and rules science. (EA 215) 7. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Taurus and transmits the fifth ray. Vulcan, “the synthesis of matter” (TCF 597) is ruler of the mineral kingdom, and, as the “fashioner”, is closely associated with the condensing and concretizing forces of the fifth ray. (RI 597)—processes required to produce the mineral kingdom. 8. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the fourth ray. 8. Taurus transmits the fourth ray constellationally . Vulcan may be involved in the direct transmission the fourth ray (DON 91—depending upon how this citation is understood), and, in any case, is connected strongly to the fourth kingdom (whether human or mineral, depending on the mode of counting); the fourth scheme (the Earth Scheme); and the fourth initiation within the Human Kingdom. The Moon, exalted in Taurus, is a veiling transmitter of the fourth ray. Venus, the exoteric ruler, can reasonably be associated with the higher or harmony aspect of the fourth ray. 9. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, has a strong affinity with third ray, just as has the Moon. (cf. EA 280). Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, participates in the expression of a great third ray Entity 9. See #3 above. 10. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, possibly transmits the fifth ray monadically (as Lord of Manas). Further, Mercury rules the fifth race and is connected with the fifth scheme and the fifth round. “The fifth race is born under Mercury. (the Aryan race. A.A.B.) (SD II. 32., EA 663) 10. See #7 above. 11. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, transmits the seventh ray, probably as its soul ray. 11. See #2 above. 12. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, the first sign, transmits the first ray “esoterically”, i.e., monadically. (EPI 421) 12. See #1 above. 13. . Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, is closely connected to the third ray which it probably transmits as the personality ray. (cf. EA 200, 238) 13. See #3 above. 14. Uranus stands for “exoteric science” which is on the fifth ray (EA 149) 14. See #7 above. 15. Uranus stands in a line of transmission along the second ray from Sirius and Pisces. Further, Uranus participates, probably as the mental body, in the expression of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #15 below. 16. The Sun, exalted in Aries, is the veiling transmitter of the second ray, and, as a star, transmits the second ray in its own right (through its personality and its soul). Its primary or major monadic ray may also be the second. 16. Counting clockwise from Pisces (which the Tibetan does) Taurus is the eleventh sign, hence, by numerological addition, resonant to the second ray. Venus is “pure love-wisdom” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting the second ray (probably as its personality ray) (cf. EA 281) (TCF 369)“…the second ray is the ray at present of the planetary Logos” (DINA II 210) 17. Vulcan often substitutes for the Sun, and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Vulcan is related to the “heart of the sun”, and hence, in some mysterious way, to the second ray. (EA 393) 17. See #16 immediately above.
General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
1. The Divine Father 1. The Divine Mother 2. The Father of Life (cf. EA 104) 2. The “Mother of Illumination” (EA 555) 3. Spirit (FOP) 3. Matter (FOP) 4. Sanat Kumara—the “Eternal Youth” 4. The Buddha 5. The Resurrected Christ 5. The Enlightened Buddha 6. The Hero 6. The Illumined Sage 7. Hercules the “Sun God” (usually associated with Scorpio, but here triumphant after twelve labors. The Sun is exalted in Aries) 7. The Buddha as Hero—in the Field of Consciousness 8. Life (EA 314) 8. Consciousness (EA 314) 9. Life 9. Light 10. Shamballa (EA 98) 10. The New Group of World Servers (R&I 229) 11. Associated with the “Tendency to Synthesis” (EP II 231…) 11. Associated with the “Quality of the Hidden Vision” (EP II 237…) 12. The Destroyer 12. The Builder 13. The Dictator 13. The Orator 14. The Divine Will (head center emphasis) 14. The Divine Word (throat center emphasis) 15. The Exalted Sun of Life (EA 104) 15. The Exalted Moon of Form (cf. EA 399) 16. “Being” 16. “Having” 17. The Sword 17. The Hammer 18. The Sword 18. The Plough 19. The Military 19. The Bourgeoisie 20. The Soldier 20. The Scholar 21. The Ram; the “Lamb of God”—“slain from the foundations of the world…” (EXH 269) The “Scapegoat” (EA 156) 21. The Bull; the “Bull of God” 22. Associated with the Life to be revealed in the next solar system. 22. Associated with the “Greatest Light”—to be revealed in this, the second solar system 23. Associated with “The Forces of Restoration” (EXH 456…) 23. Associated with “The Forces of Enlightenment” (EXH 461…) 24. Associated with Law of Synthesis 24. Associated with the Law of Attraction 25. The Synthesis which Is 25. Divine Wisdom 26. Horn Symbolism in Aries:
Aries, the downturned horns of the ram, signifying the coming into manifestation, the involutionary cycle and the experience of the Cardinal Cross as it expresses the Will-to-manifest of God.” (EA 154) “…the horns of strife” (EA 156)26. Horn Symbolism in Taurus:
"Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the ‘eye of light’ in the centre of the Bull's forehead; this is ‘the single eye’ of the New Testament which makes the ‘whole body to be full of light.’” (EA 154) “The horn of plenty” (EA 156)27. Where the Ram Leads:
“The Ram leads us into the creative life of Earth and into the darkness of matter. This is the blue of midnight.” (EA 157)27. Where the Bull Leads:
"The Bull leads into the places of desire in search of ‘wrathful satisfaction.’ This is the red of greed and anger, changing eventually into the golden light of illumination.” (EA 157)28. What the Ram Becomes:
“Eventually the Ram becomes the Scapegoat and the will of God in love and salvage is demonstrated.” (EA 157)28. What the Bull Becomes:
“The Bull becomes the bestower of light, and the darkness of the earlier cycle is lightened by the Bull.” (EA 157)29. The Door Opened by Aries:
“Aries opens the door into Shamballa, when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn has been undergone.” (EA 157)29. The Door Opened by Taurus:
“Taurus opens the door into the Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore he taken.” (EA 157)30. “Aries:
Beginning—Creation—Evolution” (EA 247)30. “Taurus:
Desire—Incentive—Progress” (EA 247)31. Aries upon the Ordinary Wheel:
“Aries—Again the beginning as well as the end.” (EA 152)31. Taurus upon the Ordinary Wheel:
“Taurus—The refocussing of the lower desires prior to another circling of the Great Wheel in search of personality satisfaction. The Prodigal Son journeys into a far country.” (EA 152)32. Aries upon the Reversed Wheel:
“Aries—Governs the Path of Discipleship. The Will to return to the Source. Determination to achieve liberation. The emanating cause of the changes upon the Mutable and Fixed Crosses.” (EA 152)32. Taurus upon the Reversed Wheel:
“Taurus—The desire to overcome desire. The longing for liberation. Transmutation of desire into Love.” (EA 152)33. The Seed 33. The Flower 34. Idea 34. Embodiment 35. Symbolized by the Sun 35. Symbolized by the Moon, or the Earth, or the Moon and Earth—both of which can be considered the opposites of the Sun. 36. The formless idea 36. The embodied image 37. Subject 37. Object 38. Being 38. Becoming—evolution within Prakriti 39. The “Will-to-Be” (EA 320) 39. The “Desire-to-Know” (EA 320) 40. The initial understanding of the Spirit at the third initiation (EA 387) 40. The removal of world glamor at the second initiation (EA 387) 41. Opens the door into Shamballa:
“It opens the door into Shamballa, when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn has been undergone.” (EA 157)41. Opens the door into Hierarchy:
“Taurus opens the door into the Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore he taken.” (EA 157)42. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, indicating that it is part of the number two, thus linking it to Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac. (cf. EA 286) 42. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, indicating that it is the double of the number one, thus linking it so Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. (cf. EA 286) 43. The first sign on the “reversed wheel” 43. The second sign on the “reversed wheel” 44. The first sign on the clockwise or ordinary wheel—using one method of counting—from Aries. 44. The twelfth sign on the clockwise or ordinary wheel—counting from Aries. 45. The twelfth sign on the clockwise or ordinary wheel—using the method of counting which begins with Pisces. 45. The eleventh sign on the clockwise or ordinary wheel—using the method of counting which begins with Pisces. 46. Identified principally with will 46. As identified with light as with will 47. The ram or sheep has poor eyesight, and follows blindly. 47. Esoterically, the Bull sees the Light or (in the light) a still greater Light. 48. Aries—for the Undeveloped Man:
“Blind, undirected experience. Instinctual reaction.” (EA 332)48. Taurus—for the Undeveloped Man:
“Selfish desire. The Light of Earth.” (EA 332)49. Aries—for the Advanced Man: “Directed personality effort. Desire.” (EA 332) 49. Taurus—for the Advanced Man: “Aspiration. The Light of Love.” (EA 332) 50. Aries—for the Disciple/Initiate:
“Recognition and work with the Plan. Will.” (EA 332)50. Taurus—for the Disciple/Initiate:
“Illumined living. The Light of Life.” (EA 332)51. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Aries:
When the Sun is in Aries, an individual may cultivate response to the will of the soul and, even, to the influence of the monad. He should undertake initiatives under the direction of the spiritual factors within his nature.
51. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Taurus:
When the Sun is in Taurus, an individual may cultivate the light of knowledge , of wisdom and of "life" itself.52. The Life of the Christ from an Aretian Perspective:
“Aries.—This sign, which is the sign of beginnings, provided the impulse and energy which enabled Him to inaugurate the Christian era; it initiated, through Him, the ‘age of Love’ which is only now beginning to take form, and its potency is now so great that it has brought about (paradoxically) the present world cleavage.” (EA 567)52. The Life of the Christ from the Taurean perspective:
“Christ said (as have all the Sons of God Who know the true significance of the Fixed Cross), ‘I am the Light of the world,’ and he added, ‘if thine eye be single thy whole body shall he full of light.’ Taurus is, as you have heard, the Mother of Illumination, and the "eye of the Bull" is the symbol of the eye to which Christ made reference.” (EA 565-566)53. “Mental beginnings” (EA 230) 53. “Directed desire” (EA 230) 54. Standing (in spiritual being) 54. Sitting (for enlightenment) 55. The “irresistible force” 55. The “immovable object” 56. Attack; siege 56. Fortification; fortress 57. Offense 57. Defense 58. Dynamic 58. Can be static and inert 59. Associated with formlessness 59. Associated with form 60. Associated with super-Nature 60. Associated with Nature 61. Associated with the rhythm of Spirit 61. Associated with the rhythms of Nature 62. Often violates natural rhythms 62. Sustains natural rhythms 63. Principally the destroyer 63. Principally the preserver—associated by numerical resonance with the number two 64. Generally moves rapidly and spontaneously 64. Generally moves slowly and methodically (unless charging) 65. Difficulty sustaining momentum 65. Momentum sustained once consistent motion is achieved. “…the onward rush of the Bull of God,..” (EA 376) 66. Readily moves towards detachment and independence 66. Moves, at first, towards attachment and dependence (MC LMC) Later, there is a strong movement towards detachments (as in the case of the Buddha)
Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesAries and Taurus
Both Aries and Taurus can be conceived of as signs of Will. Aries has a close connection with the non-sacred planet of Will, Pluto. Taurus has a close connection with the sacred planet of will, Vulcan (a planet whose forces can both construct and destroy).
Both Aries and Taurus have a close connection to the Shamballa force. Shamballa is the head centre of our planet and thus associated with Aries, a sign which rules the head centre. Nevertheless at the Taurus Full Moon, the period of the Wesak Festival, a direct access to Shamballa is available to Humanity. For many ages an indirect access to Shamballa has been available at this time via the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. Both signs can be considered signs of dynamic forward momentum.
Aries is always dynamic and spontaneous, easily achieving rapid, direct, forward motion. Taurus is neither essentially dynamic nor spontaneous but once forward motion is achieved it becomes relentless and is characterized by the phrase, “The onward rush of the Bull of God.”
Aries and Taurus form the first primitive duad and can be considered a complete unit connected by the aspect of the semi-sextile. Also they both have a close relation to the mineral kingdom. Aries via the 1st and the 7th ray and via the power of Mars which is associated with the five senses and mechanics in general; and Taurus via the 4th ray, which has a natural resonance with the first kingdom, the mineral kingdom, because it is the fourth counting downward from the human kingdom. In addition, the handicraft of Vulcan is always expended upon the mineral kingdom. Both of these signs are signs of extraordinary and emphatic will emphasis. In combination they distribute the 1st, the 4th and the 7th rays, the three rays which characterize the Masonic work, with its strong emphasis of training of the Will.
Both Aries and Taurus are closely associated with the physical body. Aries is associated with the Ascendant, one of the meanings of which is the physical body. Earthy Taurus is naturally associated with the physical nature and also, through the Moon (which is exalted in Taurus) with the physical body, for of the five non-sacred ‘planets’ (including non-planets, the Sun and Moon) the Moon is related to the outer physical body.
Both Aries and Taurus are associated with the sacral center. Aries is the sign of fecundation (the natural function of the sacral center) and is orthodoxly ruled by Mars (which is a planet closely associated with this center). Taurus is associated with sex (especially procreative sex) and with all that comes into form through the procreative act.
Missing or Weak Links Between Aries and Taurus
(to be completed)