Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Leo & AquariusImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Leo and Aquarius Important Foundational Relationships
Leo In Comparison With Aquarius 1. The Lion 1. The Water-Bearer or Water-Carrier 2. Esoteric Mantram: I am That and That am I. 2. Esoteric Mantram: Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule because I am.. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let desire in form be ruler. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the Soul 4. Quality of Light: The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. 5. Element: Fire Sign 5. Element: Air Sign 6. Fixed Cross 6. Fixed Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R5 constellationally 7. Transmits R5 constellationally. Secondary and subtle transmissions of R3 and R1 are possible. 8. Leo in relation to the transmission of R5: Distinct personalities with clearly understood identities are emerging within the human family. This is the result of the “self-knowledge” induced by the fifth ray. 8. Aquarius in relation to the transmission of R5: “Aquarius is not today the active point for the transmission of the energy of Ray V. However, shortly, as the Sun passes more fully into the sign Aquarius, the triangle will again revolve and bring the Aquarian point into a controlling position.” (EA492) 9. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Leo transmits R2, R6 and R7 through the ‘Sun’ and the veiled Neptune and Uranus—its unveiled and veiled ruling planets on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Aquarius transmits R7, R2 and R4 (with R1, R6, and R7), through Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon, veiling Vulcan, Neptune and Uranus—all these are its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 10. Color: orange 10. Color: turquoise 11. Creative Hierarchy number I (manifested), and VI of the twelve. Divine Flames, Divine Lives 11. Creative Hierarchy number XII (manifested) and XII of the twelve. Elemental Lives; the Baskets of Nourishment; the Blinded Lives 12. Associated with the Self-orienting first, the ‘solar-hearted’ second, (EA 298), the soul-dominant third and blazingly revelatory fifth initiations, and perhaps the consummately glorious seventh—all powerfully Sun-like. Especially the first and fifth are involved with Leo—the first giving entrance to the Fifth Kingdom and the fifth, by numerical affinity, can be seen as stimulated by the fifth sign. 12. Association with refuse-flushing, fire-cleansing, fellowship-inducing second initiation; the ego-negating, light-pervading, soul-inspiring third initiation; the personality-renouncing, life-energizing fourth initiation; and, conceivably, with the abundant life of the beneficently organizing fifth degree. 13. Leo can be reasonably associated with the radiating , group-magnetizing heart center (and with the entire head center as well—the crown, the dome which is the organ of the ‘dominating’ soul or Spirit). “Leo within the heart and head shouted aloud and stood whilst Saturn did his work … and thus the twain were one.” (EA431) Leo can influence the solar plexus as one center of focus for the dominant personality (emotionally dominant) which Leo rules. The ajna center is the organ of the integrated (and dominating) personality which is also, generically, ruled by Leo. May not Leo also be associated with the heart center within the head? (Leo is ruled by the Sun; Vulcan may substitute for the Sun; Vulcan rules the “heart of the Sun”; the heart of the Sun works through the heart center within the head.)
13. Aquarius can be reasonably associated with the entire abundantly-radiating, synthetic crown center, and the united radiation of the chakra centers as a whole. When the ajna center responds to the universal mind, the envisioning of the archetypally-destined future appears. Aquarius transmits the third ray, and thus relates to the throat center (through ruling Saturn, Uranus and Vulcan as well). Aquarius, is esoterically ruled by Jupiter, the planet controlling the group-inclusive heart center. The evolving Aquarian is subject to many emotional highs and lows, thus connecting Aquarius to the solar plexus center. (EA 141-142) Also, through Uranus, with the form-creating sacral center which generates “waters of life” in a more material sense. As well, seventh-ray Uranus is numerically related to the seventh or basal center, bringing Aquarius into the relation.
14. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Leo preserves within the Monad the will of the King of Shamballa (Who reflects the wills of the planetary and solar Logoi.) Leo makes of the Monad the true center of selfhood, and yet a “relinquished point” (EA 332) in a planetary sphere, the center of which is everywhere—within the planetary ring-pass-not. 14. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Aquarius governs the large monadic groups or ‘monadic ashrams’, which aggregations exist upon the monadic plane. The universal awareness of the Monad is inspired and enhanced by the Aquarian energy. The Monad is a ‘center of synthesis’ and a ‘center within synthesis’. The Aquarian energy stimulates the universality and synthetic awareness of the Monad. 15. Within the Triad—Leo can be related principally to atma, the spiritual will, as it reflects the will of the “Central Spiritual Sun”—the monadic aspect, whether of man, the planetary Logos or the solar Logos. Since Leo, the second fire sign, is associated with the second ray and with consciousness, it can be related to the revelations of divine love and illumined wisdom emanating from buddhi. The ruler of Leo is the Sun, transmitting the second ray—the ray expressed through buddhi. The fifth ray transmitted through Leo relates it to higher manas. 15. Within the Triad—Aquarius is related principally to higher manas and to atma as both of them reflect, to differing degrees, the Universal Mind (EA 241, 322, 495). Aquarius transmits the third ray constellationally (EA 138), and has rulers or sub-rulers which do the same. Aquarius “expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear” linking it to atma, in yet another way. The energy of Aquarius, as well, stimulates and blends with buddhi, principally by inducing loving group-cohesion. The Tibetan speaks of “universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.” (EA 136) This is an expression of buddhi. 16. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Leo is a pervasive and fundamental solar influence. The causal body is a “sun-flower”; soul-consciousness is to the personality as a luminous sun; and the Solar Angel emanates (with respect to our system) from the “heart of the sun”. In a broad sense, Leo can be seen as governing the radiant light, magnetic love, luminous consciousness, and authoritative power of the Solar Angel which it wills, assertively, to express through the personality. 16. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Aquarius represents the dowering of the personality with all super-human, transcendental gifts which the Solar Angel may safely bestow. Aquarius represents the patient service of the Solar Angel to its long-developing personality, and the consequent elevation of the human soul from the human to the super-human state of the fifth kingdom—the Kingdom of Souls. Aquarius rules the generous distribution of beneficent Solar-Angelic radiation to (and through) its personality 17. Within the Personality—Leo can be identified with dominating and imposing attitudes within the lower mental nature; with the dramatic and expressive qualities of the astral nature—Leo is correlated with the astral permanent atom (EA 302); with the prana and natural radiance of the etheric vehicle; and, in general, with the strength of the dense physical vehicle. Leo is related to the integrated personality as a whole. (EA 253, 486, 620) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 17. Within the Personality—Aquarius can be identified with the power to vitalize, unify and synthesize thought, which eventually develops within the lower mental nature; with the cleansing, drying, and eventual distributive radiation of the love-responsive astral nature; with the electric vitalization of the etheric nature; and, in general, with the nervous animation of the dense physical form. Aquarius “is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom.” (EA 302) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 18. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Concentration. “Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.” (EA 228) 18. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Pervasion 19. The Crisis of the Burning Ground characterized by the process of Liberation (EA 472) 19. The Choice of the Dharmically Correct Mode of Service Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Leo In Comparison With Aquarius 1. Expressive primarily of the second and first aspects of divinity. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Leo is also the second fire sign. Its transmission of the first ray connects Leo to the first aspect, and the transmission of the fifth ray, to the first as well as the third. 1. Expressive, principally, of the third divine aspect “…the third ray expresses itself powerfully through this sign” (EA 138)—strongly connected, however, with both the first and second aspects. “At this time and in a peculiar manner, the initiate-consciousness sees the Hierarchy as primarily energised by life, and by the energy of Aquarius, carrying a hitherto unknown aspect of the life energy of deity.” (R&I 229) Aquarius rules Hierarchy. “…our Hierarchy [is] (an expression of the second aspect of divinity)…” (EA197) 2. Strongly associated with Sirius.” Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.” (EA 299) “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called ‘the heart of the Lion’.” (EA 300) “Third Triangle: Sirius—Leo—Jupiter—Hierarchy.” (EA 417) “…Sirius governs Leo.” (EA 299) (also 447 re Sirius, Leo, Uranus and first initiation)
Also cosmically related to the Great Bear. Leo “is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.” (EA196) Leo transmits energy from the Great Bear to Saturn and, thence, Shamballa. (cf. EA 427-428, 435)2. Strong cosmic association with the Pole Star, Alcyone, also an invisible constellation, and the Great Bear: “The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius.” (TCF 1263) “Aquarius, Alcyone and Humanity constitute a most interesting triangle of force. Alcyone is one of the seven Pleiades and is called the ‘star of the Individual’ and sometimes the ‘star of intelligence’.” (EA 200) “The source of energy to which they respond may be regarded as the Pole Star. It should nevertheless be pointed out that this star serves only as a blind for a constellation which lies behind,—a constellation which exists only in etheric matter. It is consequently ignored by astronomers, though its influence is exceedingly potent within our system.” (TCF 1262) Also, “Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.” (EA 349) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Leo: a) Hydra—the Serpent; b) Crater—the Cup; c) Corvus—the Raven (LOH 105-108) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Aquarius: a) Pisces Australes—the Southern Fish; b) Pegasus—the Winged Horse; c) Cygnus—The Swan (LOH 189-190) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Leo In Comparison With Aquarius 1. The Sun is the exoteric ruler of Leo. 1. The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. 2. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. 2. Neptune is a veiled hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. 3. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo. 3. Uranus is the exoteric ruler of Aquarius and a veiled hierarchical ruler (one of three). 4. Saturn can be considered in detriment in Leo. 4. Saturn can be considered a co-ruler of Aquarius. 5. Jupiter, in relation to Leo, is a Mutable Cross transmitter of the Sun’s energies. (EA 297) 5. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius. 6. None of the usual planets is either exalted or falls in Leo. 6. None of the usual planets is either exalted or falls is Aquarius. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Leo In Comparison With Aquarius 1. Leo transmits the first ray constellationally 1. Aquarius, itself, may have implicate first ray associations. “Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear” (EA 349) The Great Bear (as a whole) transmits the first ray. (cf. TCF 146). Aquarius, is the tenth sign on the reversed wheel, numbering by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.) and thus has numerical resonance with the first ray. Uranus, the exoteric ruler, transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) Saturn, a possible alternative ruler in Aquarius, transmits the first ray probably in its personality, but perhaps its soul. (EA 450) Moon-veiled Vulcan and Uranus both transmit the first ray—the first as the monadic ray, the second, probably, as the soul ray. 2. Leo transmits the fifth ray constellationally. 2. Aquarius transmits the fifth ray constellationally. Uranus, the exoteric ruler, (and a veiled hierarchial rulers) can stand for “exoteric science” (EP 149) and, hence, has fifth ray associations. Saturn, a possible alternative ruler, is associated with the concrete mind and, hence, with the fifth principle. Vulcan, (a veiled hierarchical ruler) relates to the concretion and physical precipitation, as does the fifth ray. 3. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number five and with the fifth ray. 3. See #2 immediately above. 4. Leo is the ninth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel—proceeding by polarities (Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.). Since nine is the number connected with the ray three cycle (EPI 348-349), Leo, in its more material aspect, is connected with the third ray. 4. “The third ray expresses itself powerfully through” Aquarius constellationally. (EA 138). Aquarius is also the third sign of the zodiac on the clock-wise wheel, therefore having numerical affinity with the third ray. Uranus transmits the third ray (probably through its personality) as does Saturn (considered an alternative ruler in this sign) through its Monad, and probably, also, its soul. The Moon-veiled Uranus also transmits the third ray. 5. The Sun (veiling an unknown planet) is esoteric, exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the second ray through its (the Sun’s) soul and personality. “It is the ray which governs the ‘personality’ of our solar Logos, if such an expression may be used, and (because it is dual) it indicates both His personality and soul rays,…” (EPI 334) 5. Aquarius is the eleventh sign on the reversed wheel. Since eleven sums to two, Aquarius has numerical affinity with the second ray. Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, transmits the second ray. Neptune, a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler, transmits the second ray monadically. Vulcan (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) is associated with the “heart of the Sun” (EA ), and Uranus (exoteric ruler) is placed in a line of second ray transmission from Sirius, and participates in the three lower vehicles (probably as the mental body) of a great second ray Entity (EPII 99) 6. The Sun, even exoterically, may veil Jupiter, which transmits the second, seventh, and (possibly) sixth rays. “In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically.” (EA 297) 6. See #5 immediately above, #7 and #11 below. 7. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo and transmits the sixth ray. 7. Neptune (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) transmits the sixth ray. Enthusiastic Jupiter has a probable connection to the sixth ray. 8. Neptune transmits the second ray monadically (EPI 421). 8. See #5 above. 9. Neptune is associated with the fourth ray through its rulership of buddhi and the buddhic plane.(EA 666) 9. The Moon (hierarchical ruler) is the veiling transmitter of the fourth ray. Moon-veiled Vulcan is closely related to the fourth ray, the fourth kingdom, and the fourth initiation. Neptune ( a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) is associated with the fourth ray through its relationship to buddhi, and to the fourth , or buddhic, plane. 10. Neptune, “God of the Waters”, is associated with the third ray, because “water” is “matter.” “EA 275) 10. See #4 above. 11. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the seventh ray. 11. Uranus transmits the seventh ray. Saturn has strong seventh ray associations. Jupiter (esoteric ruler) transmits the seventh ray. 12. Uranus transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 12. See #1 above. 13. Uranus is closely associated with the third ray, and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200) 13. See #4 above. 14. Uranus is part of a second ray transmission from Sirius, via Pisces, and, also, is most probably the mental body within the manifestation of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 14. See #5 above. 15. Uranus is closely related to the fifth ray through its rulership of “exoteric science.” (EA 149) 15. See #2 above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Leo In Comparison With Aquarius 1. The Counsel Chamber of Shamballa (reflecting the Solar Logos) 1. The Spiritual Hierarchy (R&I 232) 2. The King of Kings 2. The Ashram of the King of Kings 3. The Energy of Spirit (the highest manifested Creative Hierarchy) 3. The Energy of Matter (the lowest manifested Creative Hierarchy) 4. The Spirit as Vitalizer 4. The Holy Spirit as Vitalizer 5. Isolated Unity 5. Unity in Diversity 6. The King or Queen 6. The “Man for all Seasons” 7. The King 7. The Counselor 8. The Master 8. The Past-Master 9. The Kingdom 9. Utopia 10. Monarchy 10. Democracy 11. Aristocracy 11. Meritocracy 12. The King 12. Every Man is King: “In America [ruled by Aquarius] every man is king.” Alexis de Toqueville 13. The Divine Right of Kings 13. The Divinity of the Common Man 14. The Tyrant 14. The Revolutionary 15. Centralization 15. Decentralization 16. The Individual 16. The Group 17. Individual consciousness 17. Group consciousness 18. Nationalism (cf. DN 72) 18. Universalism (cf. DN 72) 19. The Creator 19. The Group-as-Creator 20. The One 20. The Many 21. The Isolate 21. The Comrade 22. The Lover 22. The Friend 23. The Dramatist 23. The Scientist 24. “I” 24. “We” 25. “I am I” 25. “I am We”; “We are I” 26. The Energy of Polaris 26. The Energy of Alcyone 27. “Intellect, governing ambition—Leo. Individual consciousness. I know” (EA 178) 27. Inspiration, governing service—Aquarius . Group consciousness. I go forth” (EA 178) 28. Leo, on the Mutable and Fixed Crosses: “Leo.—The Lion of Self-assertion. The Light of the Soul.” (EA 293) 28. Aquarius, on the Mutable and Fixed Crosses: “The Chalice of Self-service. The Light of the world.” (EA 293) 29. Leo upon the Cross of Discipleship: “In Leo—The self-centred man becomes eventually the soul in life expression and focussed on the achievement of the spiritual goal of selflessness. In this sign, he undergoes preparation for the first initiation and takes it also in this sign, or under this sign when it is the rising sign, becoming ‘the Lion who seeks his prey,’ that is the personality who becomes the captive of the soul.” (EA 143) 29. Aquarius upon the Cross of Discipleship: “In Aquarius—In this sign, the long effort of the soul is consummated and concludes the experience of the disciple upon the Fixed Cross. The man then takes the third initiation and becomes free from personality control, taking the next two initiations upon the Cardinal Cross.” (EA 144) 30. Leo in Relation to the Subjective Quaternary of the Reincarnating Soul: “Leo—is connected with the astral permanent atom, for the reason that desire or the power to go forth and occultly touch that which is desired is the basis of all sense of awareness or responsiveness and the underlying cause of progress or evolutionary movement forward; it is the keynote of the man who has achieved that true ‘self-centred’ attitude which makes him an individual. Later, as responsiveness grows and the world of small affairs is converted into the world of ever larger values and reality, the desires change into aspiration and finally into spiritual will, purpose and intent.”: (EA 3020303) 30. Aquarius in Relation to the Subjective Quaternary of the Reincarnating Soul: “Aquarius—is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom which is, as you know, upon the etheric level. It is this individual web which is the medium of relationship to the whole. The universal consciousness of Aquarius becomes expressive just in so far as the individual etheric body is in conscious relation with the etheric body of humanity, the solar system and—of course—the planet.” (EA 303) 31. Important Shifts from Leo to Aquarius: “Then there comes the gradual shift of the focus of attention away from the ‘one who stands alone’…” (EA 293) 31. Important Shifts from Leo to Aquarius: “…to the environing group,” (EA 293) 32. Important Shifts from Leo to Aquarius: “…and an equally important shift away from selfish interests…” (EA 293) 32. Important Shifts from Leo to Aquarius: “…to group requirements.” (EA 293) 33. In Leo: “the self-centered Leo consciousness...” (EA 310) 33. In Aquarius: “…the decentralized, selfless Aquarian awareness.” (EA 310) 34. In Leo: “self-service” (EA 310) 34. In Aquarius: “group-service” (EA 310) 35. A Word for Selfish Leo: “I Am—the Word of the self-conscious, selfish, individual Leo.” (EA 311) 35. A Word for Unselfish Leo Leading to Aquarius: “I Am That—the Word of the Leo subject who is rapidly gaining the higher consciousness and preparing for fresh and universal expression in Aquarius.” (EA 311) 36. Leo—a Mass Effect: “Leo: the sign of the self-conscious individual is potent in its mass effect and today, through the stress of circumstance and the dire results of certain events, thousands of men and women are stepping out of the ranks of the mass-conscious herd and out of the deep sleep of irresponsibility and becoming aware of themselves as detached, functioning entities.” (EA 485) 36. Aquarius—Affecting World Disciples and Initiates: “Aquarius is—with equal potency—affecting the world disciples and initiates, leading them to world service on a large scale, producing group activity and that living usefulness which is the hall-mark of the pledged disciple.” (EA 485) 37. Awakening to Identity in Leo: “In Leo, the individual awakens to his own identity, concentrates his purpose, learns the lessons and uses of selfishness (for that is one of the best ways to learn and to discover that it is contrary to the laws of the soul) and is eventually so cornered by the life processes that he becomes aware of the futility of self- interest.” (EA 145) 37. The Beauty of Group Life in Aquarius: “In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity.” (EA 145) 38. “Leo and Aquarius, through the Sun and Jupiter, are related to Ray 2.” “Development of the individual consciousness…” (EA 67) 38. “Leo and Aquarius, through the Sun and Jupiter, are related to Ray 2.
“… into world consciousness. Thus a man becomes a world server. The World Server” (EA 67)39. Leo: found in the lower half of the zodiacal circle. “Leo is the sign of individual unfoldment and of the self as self-assertive. This highly individualised sign consummates in Aquarius…” (DN 145) ‘Humanity has reached a stage where the sense of individuality is rapidly emerging. In every field of human expression, men and women are becoming definitely self-assertive.” (DN 145) 39. Aquarius: found in the upper half of the zodiacal circle. “This highly individualised sign [Leo] consummates in Aquarius wherein the individual finds full expression through the medium of the group, passing from service to himself and expression of himself as a personality to service of the group and a growing expression of the Hierarchy to which he steadily draws closer.” (DN 145) 40. Leo and Aquarius in the Old Commentary: “The Lion begins to roar. He rushes forth and, in his urge to live, he wields destruction. And then again he roars and — rushing to the stream of life — drinks deep. Then, having drunk, the magic of the waters works. He stands transformed. The Lion disappears …” (DN 146) 40. Leo and Aquarius in the Old Commentary: . “He stands transformed. The Lion disappears and he who bears the water pot stands forth and starts upon his mission.” (DN 146) 41. Leo, from the Prophet Ezekiel: “the face of a lion” (FBTC 182) 41. Aquarius, from the Prophet Ezekiel: “the face of a man” (FBTC 182) 42. Leo, from the Book of Revelation: “And the first beast was like a lion…” (FBTC 182) 42. Aquarius, from the Book of Revelation: “and the third beast had a face as a man” (FBTC 182) 43. The Man (EA 176) 43. The Server (EA 176) 44. Self-consciousness (EA 176) 44. Group Consciousness (EA 176) 45. Physical nature (EA 176) 45. Lower mental nature (EA 176) 46. Integrated man(EA 176) 46. Intuitive Man (EA 176) 47. Human soul (EA 176) 47. Spiritual soul (EA 176) 48. Individualisation (EA 176) 48. Initiation (EA 176) 49. Personality (EA 176) 49. Monadic Focus (EA 176) 50. Centralisation (EA 176) 50. Decentralization (EA 176) 51. Individual unity (EA 176) 51. Universal unity (EA 176) 52. Selfishness (EA 176) 52. Service (EA 176) 53. Evolution (EA 176) 53. Liberation (EA 176) 54. Leo: “The work of the Hierarchy—To raise the mass consciousness.” (EA 492) 54. Aquarius: The Achievement of the Hierarchy—a The self-consciousness of Leo gives place to the group consciousness of Aquarius.” (EA 493) 55. Leo: “The PRESENT—To capitalise on the original impetus of this sign.” (EA 492) 55. Aquarius: The FUTURE—“The merging of the human centre and the Hierarchy.” (EA 493) 56. Leo: “Psychic development—The growth of the response apparatus and the synthesis of the inner awareness.” (EA 492) 56. Aquarius: “Soul Expansion—Recognition of relation.” (EA 493) 57. Leo: “The work of the Entered Apprentice—To learn and acquire knowledge.” (EA 492) 57. Aquarius: “The work of the Fellow Craft—The building and service of the temple of humanity.” (EA 493) 58. In Leo the magician must be able to say: “I know myself to be the one. I rule by Law.” (TWM 548) 58. In Aquarius the magician must be able to say: “I am the server, and I the dispenser am of living water.” (TWM 548) 59. “Leo.—the expression of experience in order to justify knowledge” (EA 290) 59. “Aquarius.—The use of experience in order to make the gained knowledge a factor in service.” (EA 290) 60. “Leo leads to the expression of that experience [gained in Taurus] in daily life and to the effort to justify knowledge” (EA 338) 60. “Aquarius takes that experience and the knowledge gained thereby, and turns it to conscious use in the service of the group.” (EA 488) 61. “Leo—produces the truly Self-conscious man.” (EA 338) 61. “Aquarius—is the man of spirit, of life, and of consecration to the divine expression of service.” (EA 488) 62. On the Path of the Sun: “that which he discovered himself to be in Leo…” (EA 61) 62. On the Path of the Sun: “…finds its crown in Aquarius.” (EA 61) 63. “Leo. Individual awareness. Intelligent consciousness.” (EA 61) 63. “Aquarius. Group awareness. Intuitive consciousness.” (EA 61) 64. Progress from Leo to Aquarius: “Development of the individual consciousness…” (EA 67) 64. Progress from Leo to Aquarius: “…into world consciousness. Thus a man becomes a world server. The World Server.” (EA 67) 65. From Aquarius to Leo: “This matures in Leo and becomes a deep-seated self-consciousness and a profound interest in self and its need and wishes.” (EA 135) 65. From Aquarius to Leo: “The low grade and undeveloped Aquarian upon the Mutable Cross manifests through a superficial self-awareness.” (EA 135) 66. Progress in Relation to Leo: “From the mass awareness in Cancer, the man becomes an individual in Leo and the slow unintelligent sub-consciousness of the herd becomes the self-awareness of the developed man in Leo. Instinctual reaction gives place to conscious, intellectual activity.” (EA 496) 66. Progress in Relation to Aquarius: “This dual activity in turn gives place to the group awareness which is the gift conferred by Aquarian activity; the super-conscious divine man then transcends his limited self-consciousness and the intuition supersedes the intellect.” (EA 496) 67. Transformations: “…the intensive self-consciousness of Leo…” (EA 135) 67. Transformations: “…expands into the group awareness of Aquarius.” (EA 135) 68. Transformations: “the individual…” (EA 135) 68. Transformations: “...becomes the universal.” (EA 135) 69. Transformations: “Man, alone and separative…” (EA 135) 69. Transformations: “…, becomes mankind in his reactions and awareness and yet, at the same time, preserves his individuality;…” (EA 135) 70. Transformations: “…he is no longer just a human being, individually self-centred and separative,…” (EA 135-136) 70. Transformations: “…but becomes humanity itself, losing his personal identity in the good of the whole yet retaining his spiritual Identity.” (EA 135-136) 71. Transformations: “From self service…” in both Leo and early Aquarius… (EA 136) 71. Transformations: “…he proceeds to world service.” (EA 136) 72. Achievement in Leo: “Leo indicates the height of achievement of the human soul….Initiation is an achievement and an attained success of the soul which has at last succeeded in dominating the personality and in manifesting its true nature and character, in spite of the personality and the antagonism of the human being intent upon his own purposes.” (EA 147-148) 72. Achievement in Aquarius: “In Aquarius, the initiate consummates all that has been achieved in Leo through the influence of the Sun, for in Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.” (EA 147) 73. Leo in Relation to its Symbol: “In Leo, a man's centre and point of consciousness is himself; he turns upon himself and revolves entirely upon his own axis and in respect and relation to himself, and is all the time the self-centred individual, consecrating all thought, time and service to his own well being and personal interests.” (EA 142) 73. Aquarius in Relation to its Symbol: “But in Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo and its sign of consummation, he becomes outgoing; there is no centre or circle of circumscribed influence but only two outgoing lines of energy, pouring from him into the world of men.” (EA 142) 74. “Leo and Aquarius.—The world Servers; i.e., Hercules.” (EA 243) 74. “Leo and Aquarius.—The world Servers; i.e., Hercules.” (EA 243) 75. Awakenings in Leo: “In Leo, the individual awakens to his own identity, concentrates his purpose, learns the lessons and uses of selfishness (for that is one of the best ways to learn and to discover that it is contrary to the laws of the soul) and is eventually so cornered by the life processes that he becomes aware of the futility of self- interest.” (EA 145) 75. Awakenings in Aquarius: “In Aquarius, the man awakens to the beauty of group life, group interest and his individual responsibility towards the group and begins to live his life and to spend himself in the service of humanity.” (EA 145) 76. Interplay Between Leo and Aquarius in the Aquarian Age: “The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising. The reason for this is that Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history.” (EA 285) 76. Interplay Between Leo and Aquarius in the Aquarian Age: “Passing as we are into the Aquarian Age in which the spirit of Aquarius will be exemplified in its universality and its sense of ‘general distribution,’ it is inevitable that a point of crisis should be reached.” (EA 285) 77. Hitler—Leonian in Nature: “It [the activity of fusing and blending] is also of the nature of Leo, for the people who can produce these results have necessarily to be intensely self-aware. This is the major characteristic of the Leo person. What part Leo may play In the personal horoscope of Hitler I do not know, for I have not investigated it, but it plays a very prominent part in the horoscope of his soul.” (EA 285-286) 77. Hitler—Aquarian in Nature: “No matter what may be our personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.” (EA 285) 78. Ordinary Wheel Leo: “The individual seeks full expression…” (EA 338) 78. Ordinary Wheel Aquarius: “… and arrives finally at the point where he uses his environment for purely individual ends.” (EA 338) 79. Ordinary Wheel Leo: “He dominates his fellowmen for entirely personality objectives.” (EA 338) 79. Ordinary Wheel Aquarius: “He dominates his fellowmen for entirely personality objectives.” (EA 338) (Qualities of both Leo and Aquarius present—though Leo is more dominating) 80. Ordinary Wheel Leo: “The isolated individual becomes the group ruler or dictator.” (EA 338) (A mixture of Leonian and Aquarian influences is here found.) 80. Ordinary Wheel Aquarius: “…becomes the group ruler or dictator.” (EA 338) (Aquarius is exoterically ruled by dictatorial Uranus, as is Leo, hierarchically.) 81. Ordinary Wheel Leo: “Personality interests as an expression of the individual…” (EA 339) (The advanced Leonian, too, can submerge his personality interests in the good of the whole. Influences mix and blend.) 81. Reversed Wheel Aquarius: “…are submerged in the good of the whole.” (EA 339) 82. Ordinary Wheel Leo: “The selfish individual man…” (EA 339) 82. Reversed Wheel Aquarius: “…become the world server” (EA 339) (Not exclusive to Aquarius) 83. Reversed Wheel Leo: “Heights of noted service are then reached in both signs.” (EA 339) 83. Reversed Wheel Aquarius: “Heights of noted service are then reached in both signs.” (EA 339) 84. The Vertical Arm of the Fixed Cross in Relation to Leo:
“This indicates that the self-centred individual in Leo learns the lesson of the Cross…” (EA 223)84. The Vertical Arm of the Fixed Cross in Relation to Aquarius:
“…and becomes decentralised, group conscious, and given to service.” (EA 223)85. The Will-to-Rule of Leo: “It is this will-to-rule which leads a person born in this sign eventually to achieve self-mastery and the control of the personality (for either a good motive or a selfish one), and it is also the same tendency which leads him finally to the control by the personality, ruled by Leo, of groups and large or small bodies of people.” (EA 289) 85. In Aquarius the Group wills to rule, and controls itself under the inspiration of the higher law or the master—invoked, corporately, by the group. 86. Consciousness in Leo: “consciousness of the dramatic, isolated self,…” (EA 306) 86. Consciousness in Aquarius: “…group consciousness, which is, in reality, the highest forms of group consciousness and individual consciousness combined together in the service of the Plan.” (EA 306) 87. Leo—for Undeveloped Man: “The lower self. The hidden point.” (EA 332) 87. Aquarius—for the Undeveloped Man: “All things to all men. The burden of the self.” (EA 333) 88. Leo—for Advanced Man: “The Higher Self. The revealing point.”(EA 332) 88. Aquarius—for the Advanced Man: “Dedication to the soul. The burden of humanity. (EA 333) 89. Leo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The One Self. The relinquished point” (EA 332) 89. Aquarius—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Server of all men. The burden of the world.” (EA 333) 90. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Leo: When the Sun is in Leo the disciple may seek to integrate his personality more fully, strengthen the individual note he sounds, and achieve spiritual positivity with respect to the lunar nature. 90. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Aquarius: When the Sun is in Aquarius, an individual should focus upon improving the quality and scope of his group service. Further, he may cultivate group conscious attitudes while improving his ability to contribute to group-life and group-purpose. 91. The life of the Christ from the Leonian perspective: “This is the sign of self-conscious identity. This is testified to by Christ in the words He spoke to His disciples: ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ or his own centre of self-consciousness—that significant point of attainment which must precede all the more inclusive states of consciousness.” (EA566) 91. The Life of the Christ from an Aquarian Perspective: “The expression of this influence has been beautifully given to us in the story of the Last Supper. Christ sent His disciples into the city to find the man ‘bearing a pitcher of water’ upon his shoulder. This is the symbol of the sign Aquarius—the sign in which the universality of the water of life will become a factor in human consciousness; then we shall indeed all sit down eventually to the communion of bread and wine. He referred indirectly to the same idea when He spoke of Himself as the ‘water of life,’ assuaging the thirst of humanity.” (EA 566) 92. Synthesis of Being 92. Synthesis of Diversity 93. Self-reflective consciousness 93. Out-going consciousness 94. Concentration 94. Distribution 95. Centralized power 95. Superficial exteriorization 96. Fixity 96. “Constant movement” (EA 141) 97. Selfishness 97. Self-less-ness (divestment of selfhood) 98. The Unit 98. The Universal 99. The heart 99. The circulatory system 100. The blood as the carrier of the life 100. The nervous system and its fluids as carrier of life and consciousness 101. Integrity 101. Loss of center; ‘ex’-centricity (MC) 102. Self-concentration (serious about selfhood) 102. Superficiality (not serious about selfhood) 103. Self-centeredness (MC) 103. Interest in many others 104. A knowledge of one’s own nature—“Know Thyself” 104. Knowledge of human nature—through wide experience and careful observation—the student of human nature 105. Passion 105. Dispassion 106. The commitment of the entire nature—“heart and soul” 106. Detachment 107. Personal 107. Aloof 108. Individual creativity 108. Group creativity 109. Uniqueness 109. Standardization (cf. DN 53) Germany standardized under the first and fourth rays, and the lower Aquarian influence. (cf. (EA 285) 110. Forcing conformity to a central ego or power 110. Developing the uniqueness of each—the genius of each 111. Domination 111. Suffrage 112. Ruling by fiat 112. Ruling by consensus 113. The artistic spirit (FOP) 113. The scientific spirit (FOP) 114. The performing artist 114. The culture in which that artist has his place 115. Individual loves, romantic 115. Group loves 116. Grasping (ESE, MSE) 116. Distributing 117. Promoting integrity 117. Energizing but promoting nervousness Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesThese two signs are in essence, one sign. They are members of the great pairs of opposites - opposing signs and they are the signs that rule the forthcoming Aquarian age in the which the relationship between the individual and the group must be adjusted.
Both are great signs of intellect and carry the 5th Ray and therefore relate to the scientific spirit.
They are signs of great vitality and the solar prana, ruled by the Sun and Leo, indeed animate the etheric body ruled by Aquarius.
Although Leo distributes the 1st Ray as a constellation and Aquarius does not, still Aquarius is just as much associated with the powerful Great Bear, if not more so. I would say that there is a powerful 1st Ray association with the sign Aquarius and its connection with Polaris and a constellation between Polaris, an invisible one and our own system supports this idea.
Of the air signs, Aquarius is the one most associated with the 1st aspect of Divinity. So there is great willfulness in this sign just as there is in Leo and rulership by Uranus supports the idea of a strong Aquarius will, as does a possible veil by Vulcan.
The 5th Ray learns to master energy. From one perspective, Leo and the Sun, are the source of all energies for our solar system, the great reservoir of vitality and Aquarius with its 5th Ray rulership, has always been considered the sign in which multiple, new energies are disclosed for new applications by humanity. The scientific task is to discover unsuspected energy sources and to reveal them.
Thus the 5th Ray blends these two signs in this particular pursuit, "I mastered energy and energy am I." (Let's find the reference in EP II - from the Old Commentary) Although Leo is commonly associated with solar fire, there is much within it especially given its 1st and 5th Ray rulerships and its ultimate rulership by the electric planet Uranus, home of electric fire hierarchically, to associate it with electric fire and clearly Aquarius, which is perhaps the major sign of electrical phenomena and even of the essence of electricity, is clearly associated with electric fire.
Electric fire is the fire of the will and this is one more support to associate the will strongly with Aquarius.
So both of these signs are blended together in what might be called the spiritual electrification of man. The Sun and Leo very much represent the seed of spirit which is for humanity, the home of electric fire and Aquarius represents the distribution of that electricity to all areas of the multi-faceted aura, to all dimensions of the aura.
Eventually, humanity will have what is called a body of flame which might by thought of as all the available energies of spirit manifesting etherically upon the physical plane. This will be the union of the one and the seven, the 1st and the 7th kingdoms - the union of monad and body, the perfect expression of the monad upon the physical plane.
With this perfect expression, Aquarius and Leo are strongly represented for together they will make the most amazing display of the union of solar fire and electric fire and humanity will be manifesting in a dazzling, almost blinding way at that time. The structure of the etheric body is somewhat Aquarian, which rules the ramifications of all the many, many lines of force.
There is, let us remember, a strong 3rd Ray feeling to this sign seeing as it is the 3rd sign numbering from Aries, clockwise and prana is represented by Leo and the Sun and so is every other center of fiery display including the egoic lotus and finally the monad in its sheath - all represented by Leo and the Sun.
So there is something rather ultimate about the combination of these 2 signs and it is interesting that the last incarnation of the majority of human beings is taken in Aquarius, just the way the 1st incarnation is taken in Cancer.
Also Aquarius and Leo are involved in the solution of that great problem of the one and the many or of unity and variety. To a certain extent, Aries and Gemini or Aries and Leo could be considered related. How shall there be a sense of multiplicity as there is with Aquarius and simultaneously, a sense of unity?
The only true wisdom is to realize that the one is the many and the many are the one and in the Aquarian age, we shall see a magnificent display of multiplicity. Life is simple now by comparison, for under the influence of Aquarius, the many, many dimensions of human living and even planetary living will be revealed and the complexity may seem insuperable - so many energies and so many stratifications will there be.
However, the essential sense of self-hood, the sense of unification, will also grow strongly because it is also the age of Aquarius/Leo and the Sun is the sense of identity at whatever level, will become a potent focus.
So not only will we have the group, as the Tibetan reminds us, but powerful individuals at the center of groups or inspiring/vitalizing groups and even as the sense of the of the amazing number of things in Cosmos grows, for Aquarius is afterall a quantifying sign, so will the sense of the absolute unity of things and the sense of the one self at the heart of it all.
Thus we find both signs united by the 5th Ray, by the will and the 1st Ray, by the power of the planet Uranus.
Interestingly, the planet Neptune is also powerful here, for it is the esoteric ruler of Leo and one of the hierarchical rulers of Aquarius, veiled by the Moon and because this is so, we see that Leo and Aquarius are not only associated with electric fire but also with solar fire, for Leo rules the solar flames.
Essentially these are signs with great heart. In these signs, love and will can be beautifully blended. The spirit of selfless service certainly can animate both signs.
Aquarius itself is the sign of service and this sign is related to the world server pouring forth the many energies for the benefit of all. The sign Pisces has an immediate and direct connection with the law of service. In this most amazing, scientific age to come, it is the heart of humanity which must be stimulated and under group cultivation - Aquarius being a powerfully Jupiterian sign esoterically, the heart of many of those who are ready will be stimulated and the first initiation taken.
If the 1st initiation is taken largely under the sign Leo which rules the opening heart, we know that Aquarius can be involved and that the Aquarian group can have a great deal to do with stimulating people to take this initiation.
Both signs relate very much to the growth of heart and soul in the new age.
Again we remember Hierarchy, which is in one way, the heart and soul of humanity, as being essentially an Aquarian group operating by consensus in one respect, on its own level though under command when viewing a higher level. Hierarchy, we are informed in The Rays and the Initiations, is ruled by the sign Aquarius but it is a great collection of sunflowers of fully, self-realized masters coming under Leo.
So Hierarchy itself as the great heart and soul of humanity, is an Aquarius/Leo process. Actually all states of being are processes and what will be stimulated in humanity through the influence of these two signs, is precisely the sense of group consciousness and the heart.
In connection with Aquarius, the star Alcyone is powerful and this is the star of the individual relating to the matter aspect. Aquarius, we recall, has much connection with matter and with the 12th Creative Hierarchy (The 'baskets of nourishment') which is associated with matter - it being the lowest of the hierarchies in this world period.
Perhaps at the dawn of the Aquarian age, Aquarius will be associated with the highest of the hierarchies, even higher than the one Pisces now rules and perhaps there is a hierarchy already higher than Pisces on the 2nd sub-plane of the cosmic astral plane which is already ruled by Aquarius. ( -- This idea and many others about the astrological assignments of the subplanes, is put forward by Raimo Keloharju, from Finland. See The Relativity of Reality, the Nature of Unity, page 22).
In connection with these two signs, the king learns to be decentralized, the identity learns that it is only one of countless identities and yet at the very center of everything paradoxically and the decentralized many learn to regard themselves as king. It is said that in America every man is king, which is the goal of the Aquarian and shows how inescapably signs are related to their opposite signs and tend in their fulfillment, to adopt certain of the attitudes of the opposite signs.
Another similarity between the two is that both signs are very vibrant. What could one expect with so much association with solar fire and electric fire and even with manas, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd aspects seem strongly included in all three.
These are signs therefore of great expression, extroversion, outgoing-ness, a pouring forth - service.
Even though the idea of service is strongly developed in Aquarius, the Tibetan informs us that heights of selfless service can be achieved in Leo. Indeed this must be so for the Masters themselves great servers that they are, are representatives of the sign Leo and one of the adjectives associated with this sign is, masterful.
These two signs are seen to cooperate as expanders of self-hood. The boundaries of self-hood grow greater and greater and the one expands by becoming the many and the many-ness is fused back into the one.
Therefore these signs are united in being signs of synthesis and signs in which largeness and wholeness is appreciated.
Again, this is supported by the power of Uranus and Neptune as well which is very powerful in both signs and tends to destroy all boundaries. The spirit aspect ever wants to break out and will not be confined and spirit owns all of Cosmos, not only enlarge but in particular.
These also can also be considered Jupiterian signs for Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius (the Jupiter/Neptune rulership connects it directly with the heart) and Jupiter can be considered the possible exoteric veiled, ruler of Leo.
So with these two signs, we find in the later days, the radiation of self in great scope and ultimately as far as the eye can see, encompassing and including the whole and incidentally, vitalizing whatever sphere is included within the ever-expanding sphere of identity.
Missing or Weak Links Between Leo and Aquarius