Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Aquarius & PiscesImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Aquarius In Comparison With Pisces 1. The Water-Bearer 1. The Fishes 2. Esoteric Mantram: Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men. 2. Esoteric Mantram: I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let desire in form be ruler. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Go forth into matter. 4. Quality of Light: The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the World. 5. Element: Air Sign 5. Element: Water Sign 6. Fixed Cross 6. Mutable Cross 7. Transmits R5 constellationally. Secondary and subtle transmissions of R3 and R1 are possible. 7. Transmits R2 and R6, with a possible secondary transmission of R3 (matter—the “waters of space”) 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Aquarius transmits R7, R2 and R4 (with R1, R6, and R7), through Uranus, Jupiter and the Moon, veiling Vulcan, Neptune and Uranus—all these are its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Pisces transmits R2, R1 and R6, through Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune—its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: turquoise 9. Color: lavender 10. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius. 10. Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Pisces. 11. Neptune is a veiled hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. 11. Neptune is a special and pervasive ruler of Pisces. 12. Creative Hierarchy number XII (manifested) and XII of the twelve. Elemental Lives; the Baskets of Nourishment; the Blinded Lives 12. Creative Hierarchy number I (unmanifested) characterized by the energy of Intelligent Substance 13. Association with refuse-flushing, fire-cleansing, fellowship-inducing second initiation; the ego-negating, light-pervading, soul-inspiring third initiation; the personality-renouncing, life-energizing fourth initiation; and, conceivably, with the abundant life of the beneficently organizing fifth degree. 13. Associated with the Fixed-Cross-mounting first initiation (cf. EA 125); the purifying, desire-releasing second initiation; the crucifying, death-dealing fourth initiation, as well as the liberating Path-revealing fifth initiation, which in this case opens to the “world saviour” the door to Shamballa and to great revelation through self-abnegating willingness to serve the Divine Will. (cf. EA 141, 320-321, for the fourth and fifth initiations) Since, Pisces brings about the “consummation of divine desire”, the sixth initiation which restores the ‘Savior-Monad’ to complete power may also be indicated. 14. Aquarius can be reasonably associated with the entire abundantly-radiating, synthetic crown center, and the united radiation of the chakra centers as a whole. When the ajna center responds to the universal mind, the envisioning of the archetypally-destined future appears. Aquarius transmits the third ray, and thus relates to the throat center (through ruling Saturn, Uranus and Vulcan as well). Aquarius, is esoterically ruled by Jupiter, the planet controlling the group-inclusive heart center. The evolving Aquarian is subject to many emotional highs and lows, thus connecting Aquarius to the solar plexus center. (EA 141-142) Also, through Uranus, with the form-creating sacral center which generates “waters of life” in a more material sense. As well, seventh-ray Uranus is numerically related to the seventh or basal center, bringing Aquarius into the relation.
14. Pisces can be reasonably associated with the centers in the soles of the feet, giving humility, ‘under-standing’, and the power to tread the Path. Pisces is also strongly related to the solar plexus center (in relation to which purification of desire and detachment must prevail) and to the compassionate, all-embracing, all-forgiving heart center—these centers being ruled, in part, by Neptune, special ruler of Pisces. Pisces can, at a high point of evolution, condition the ajna center (when Alpha {Aries—crown center} and Omega {Pisces—ajna}) meet. The buddhically-resonant heart within the head, of which the Buddha, Himself, is a symbol (EXH 87) is another significant association.
15. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Aquarius governs the large monadic groups or ‘monadic ashrams’, which aggregations exist upon the monadic plane. The universal awareness of the Monad is inspired and enhanced by the Aquarian energy. The Monad is a ‘center of synthesis’ and a ‘center within synthesis’. The Aquarian energy stimulates the universality and synthetic awareness of the Monad. 15. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Pisces provides the foundational motivation for the entire monadic pilgrimage, for every Monad is a “Lord of ceaseless, persevering devotion” (EA 117) and, under the influence of Pisces—a savior. The monadic pilgrimage is entirely sacrificial, and is undertaken for purposes of redemption. Pisces both symbolizes and impulses the humanly unfathomable Self-abnegation which send the Monad forth. “Go forth into matter”, is one mantram of Pisces. 16. Within the Triad—Aquarius is related principally to higher manas and to atma as both of them reflect, to differing degrees, the Universal Mind (EA 241, 322, 495). Aquarius transmits the third ray constellationally (EA 138), and has rulers or sub-rulers which do the same. Aquarius “expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear” linking it to atma, in yet another way. The energy of Aquarius, as well, stimulates and blends with buddhi, principally by inducing loving group-cohesion. The Tibetan speaks of “universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.” (EA 136) This is an expression of buddhi. 16. Within the Triad—Pisces (which transmits the second ray) is principally related to the second principle buddhi, as it expresses the divine love, wisdom and understanding which redeem. Pisces is also one of the intuitive signs connecting it to buddhi. Pisces eventually induces a “pervasiveness of wisdom” (EA 136), and wisdom is the influence of the first aspect upon the second (as in the case of the Buddha). (cf. DINA II 518) In Pisces there is a powerful sensitivity to the will of God, (“Father, not my will by Thine by done”) and thus to the atmic aspect of the Triad—and to the Monad. Pisces, transcending Mercury, is less related to higher manas. 17. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Aquarius represents the dowering of the personality with all super-human, transcendental gifts which the Solar Angel may safely bestow. Aquarius represents the patient service of the Solar Angel to its long-developing personality, and the consequent elevation of the human soul from the human to the super-human state of the fifth kingdom—the Kingdom of Souls. Aquarius rules the generous distribution of beneficent Solar-Angelic radiation to (and through) its personality 17. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Pisces is the energy of the will-to-save which animates those “Hearts of Fiery Love” known as Agnishvattas, or Solar Angels. Pisces (in which Solar Angelic Venus is exalted) provides the originating incentive for the sacrifice which the Solar Angels made aeons ago, on behalf of the human Monads, and in service of the Planetary Logos. Pisces governs the Solar Angel as Savior. 18. Within the Personality—Aquarius can be identified with the power to vitalize, unify and synthesize thought, which eventually develops within the lower mental nature; with the cleansing, drying, and eventual distributive radiation of the love-responsive astral nature; with the electric vitalization of the etheric nature; and, in general, with the nervous animation of the dense physical form. Aquarius “is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom.” (EA 302) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 18. Within the Personality—Pisces can be identified with the impressionability and eventual intuitive sensitivity of the lower mental nature; with the sentient permeability, and imaginative, tranquilizing processes within the astral nature; with the induction of quietude within the etheric nature; and with the general sensitivity of the dense physical vehicle. (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 19. In Relation to the Body: the blood, the nervous system, the calves of the legs 19. In Relation to the Body: the lymph, the feet 20. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Pervasion 20. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Identification 21. The Choice of Method of Service 21. The Choice of Method of Salvation (such as that which confronted the Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene) Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Aquarius In Comparison With Pisces 1. Expressive, principally, of the third divine aspect “…the third ray expresses itself powerfully through this sign” (EA 138)—strongly connected, however, with both the first and second aspects. “At this time and in a peculiar manner, the initiate-consciousness sees the Hierarchy as primarily energised by life, and by the energy of Aquarius, carrying a hitherto unknown aspect of the life energy of deity.” (R&I 229) Aquarius rules Hierarchy. “…our Hierarchy [is] (an expression of the second aspect of divinity)…” (EA197) 1. Expressive principally of the second divine aspect, with a lengthy history connected to the material substance (“water”) of the third. There is some emphasis upon the liberating will of the first aspect. “In Pisces, you have the consummation of the work of that which the matter aspect has made possible, and the Christ emerges as the world saviour. All this has taken place through the will aspect of the second ray, focussed in Shamballa, expressing itself through humanity and consummated in the Hierarchy. (EA 627-628) 2. Strong cosmic association with the Pole Star, Alcyone, also an invisible constellation, and the Great Bear: “The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius.” (TCF 1263) “Aquarius, Alcyone and Humanity constitute a most interesting triangle of force. Alcyone is one of the seven Pleiades and is called the ‘star of the Individual’ and sometimes the ‘star of intelligence’.” (EA 200) “The source of energy to which they respond may be regarded as the Pole Star. It should nevertheless be pointed out that this star serves only as a blind for a constellation which lies behind,—a constellation which exists only in etheric matter. It is consequently ignored by astronomers, though its influence is exceedingly potent within our system.” (TCF 1262) Also, “Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.” (EA 349) 2. Cosmically related to Sirius. “The triangle of Pisces-Uranus-Hierarchy is becoming magnetically attractive to the triangle of Humanity.” (EA 438) “And then the heavens within the ring-pass-not responded to the light from Sirius which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere (Uranus) and thus a lesser triple light appeared, the radiant sun of suns, the watery light of Pisces, the heavenly light of Uranus.” (EA 432, also 427-428)
A connection between the Dragon, the Pleiades and Pisces may well exist, in relation to the saving, self-abnegating Path of Earth Service. (cf. TCF 904, 1162)3. Three Constellations Connected with Aquarius: a) Pisces Australes—the Southern Fish; b) Pegasus—the Winged Horse; c) Cygnus—The Swan (LOH 189-190) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Pisces: a) The Band—(connecting the two Fishes; b) Andromeda—the Chained Woman; c) Cepheus—the King (LOH 200) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Aquarius In Comparison With Pisces 1. Aquarius transmits the fifth ray constellationally. 1. Venus (exalted) transmits the fifth ray. Pluto, for whom Mars is the “Alter Ego” (EA 507) is connected with scientific research, and Mars rules science—on the fifth ray. 2. Aquarius, itself, may have implicate first ray associations. “Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear” (EA 349) The Great Bear (as a whole) transmits the first ray. (cf. TCF 146).
2. Pluto is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Pisces, and transmits the first ray. 3. Aquarius may well transmit the third ray constellationally. “The third ray expresses itself powerfully through” Aquarius, constellationally (EA 138). 3. Pisces, associated with “water” and with the “ocean” has an indirect connection with the material third ray through “matter.” Pisces is the “fish swimming in the waters of matter and finding there its sustenance.” (EA 287) ‘As we well know, water stands for matter,…” (TCF 1005) “Neptune is as you know, the God of the waters, and the term ‘water’ covers many angles of the esoteric wisdom, such as: The whole concept of matter—universal and itemised.”.. (EA 275) The Piscean is to become “the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter.” (EA 62) Pisces is also the twelfth sign on the reversed wheel, numbering normally and also by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), and hence, resonant to the third ray. Neptune rules Pisces in a special way (EA 171), and the Neptunian trident connects it to the third ray. “Water” and “matter” are equivalent and matter is ruled by the third ray. Pluto, through it lunar, material, sub-conscious associations, and its associations with the “past”, shows its relation to the third ray.
4. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number two and with the second ray. 4. Pisces transmits the second ray, constellationally. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, transmits the second ray. Neptune, as special, spiritual ruler of Pisces for “humanity as a whole” (EA 129), transmits the second ray monadically. Venus, “pure love-wisdom” (exalted in Pisces), transmits the second ray. (EA 281) 5. Aquarius is also the third sign of the zodiac on the clock-wise wheel, therefore having numerical affinity with the third ray. 5. See #3 above. 6. Uranus, the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, transmits the seventh ray. 6. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, rules “ritualistic worship” and, thus, transmits the seventh ray. (cf. EA 648, 660) 7. Uranus, the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, transmits the first ray esoterically or monadically (EPI 421) 7. See #2 above. 8. Uranus, the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, and also a veiled hierarchical ruler, transmits the third ray. 8. See #3 above. 8. Uranus, the exoteric ruler, (and a veiled hierarchial rulers) can stand for “exoteric science” (EP 149) and, hence, has fifth ray associations. 8. See #1 above. 9. Uranus (exoteric ruler and a veiled hierarchical ruler) is placed in a line of second ray transmission from Sirius, and participates in the three lower vehicles of a great second ray Entity (EPII 99). 9. See #4 above. 10. Saturn, a possible alternative ruler, transmits the third ray monadically and, probably, through the soul. It is associated with the concrete mind and, hence, with the fifth principle. Saturn is associated with the seventh ray through its connection with the physical permanent atom of the cosmic physical plane. 10. See #3 above. 11. Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, transmits the second ray. 11. See #4 above. 12. Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, transmits the seventh ray—emphasized in the association of Jupiter with “ritualistic worship.” (EA 660) 12. See #6 above. 13. Enthusiastic Jupiter has a probable connection to the sixth ray. The twelve-petalled heart center (ruled by Jupiter) has two times six petals. Jupiter rules “ritualistic worship) (EA 660) Worship, per se, is ruled by the sixth ray. 13. Pisces transmits the sixth ray constellationally. Enthusiastic Jupiter has sixth ray associations. Neptune (a special ruler of Pisces) transmits the sixth ray. Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical ruler) has sixth ray associations through its relation to the solar plexus. (EA 78) 14. The Moon (hierarchical ruler) is the veiling transmitter of the fourth ray. 14. Only indirect fourth ray connections relate Pisces to the fourth ray. Venus, the planet exalted in Pisces, can be understood as associated with the harmony and beauty aspects of the fourth ray (but not with the factors within this ray which lead to conflict). Neptune, the special spiritual ruler of Pisces (for “humanity as a whole”) has strong relations to buddhi/intuition, and to the fourth plane, the buddhic plane 15. The veiling Moon also has strong third ray and seventh ray relations. (EA 280, 277) 15. See #6 above. 16. Vulcan, (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) transmits the first ray. 16. See #2 above. 17. Vulcan, (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) is closely related to the fourth ray, the fourth kingdom, and the fourth initiation. 17. See #15 above. 18. . Vulcan (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) is associated with the “heart of the Sun” (EA 393), and thus with the second ray. 18. See #4 above. 19. Vulcan, (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) is related to the seventh ray through its association with the mineral kingdom and with the fifth ray through its connection with concretion and the fashioning of “things” (R&I 597) 19. See #6 above. 20. Neptune (a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler) transmits the sixth ray. 20. See #14 above. 21. Neptune, a Moon-veiled hierarchical ruler, transmits the second ray monadically. 21. See #4 above. 22. Neptune ( a veiled hierarchical ruler) is associated with the fourth ray through its relationship to buddhi, and to the fourth , or buddhic, plane. 22. See #15 above. 23. Neptune ( a veiled hierarchical ruler) has an association with the third ray through its trident, and its connection with both “water” and “matter”—which are equivalent terms. 23. See #3 above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Pisces Takes from All the Signs (EA 333)
Aquarius In Comparison With Pisces 1. Hierarchy 1. Shamballa “He thus demonstrates his ability to react to the Shamballa influence and, when this influence is established, he goes out to salvage and to save. He acts consciously as a world mediator.” (EA 319) 2. The vitalization of the Holy Spirit 2. The “Virgin Mary”—Mulaprakriti 3. The World Server 3. The World Savior 4. The Scientist 4. The Priest 5. The Knower 5. The Believer 6. The Magician 6. The Religionist 7. The Universal Mind 7. The Universal Heart 8. Unification 8. Identification 9. Unity 9. Synthesis 10. The lowest of the listed Creative Hierarchies—Matter (EA 35) 10. The highest of the listed Creative Hierarchies—“Intelligent substance) (EA 34) 11. “Aquarius—Group Consciousness” (EA 468) 11. “Pisces—Universal Consciousness” (EA 468) 12. Love: “…the universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.” (EA 136) 12. Wisdom: “…the pervasiveness of wisdom (Pisces)…” (EA 136) 13. Aquarius upon the Ordinary Wheel: “Consecration to the service of the lower self. Selfishness” (EA 151) (ESE) Third Aspect latent. 13. Pisces upon the Ordinary Wheel:
“Desire for form existence. The Love or desire for material things. Constant mutation.” (EA 151) (ESE) First Aspect latent.14. Aquarius upon the Reversed Wheel: “Consecration to the service of the Whole. The death or negation of all personality selfishness.” (EA 151) (ASE) Third Aspect expressed. 14. Pisces upon the Reversed Wheel: “Emergence of a world saviour. Death of all separative desire and love, even spiritual longing and aspiration.” (EA 151) (ASE) Second Aspect expressed. 15. (Strangely)—Love “The individual ‘fish’ of the other sign becomes eventually the soul, and soul quality emerges, and on the reversed wheel it demonstrates as the pervasiveness of wisdom (Pisces) and the universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.” (EA 136) 15. (Strangely)—Wisdom 16. Joy (through thorough participation) 16. Bliss (through Identification) 17. A highly developed sense of timing, and mastery of the science of cycles. “Aquarius is pre-eminently a sign of constant movement, of changing activity and recurrent mutations, and the symbol for the sign is expressive of this state of activity. It is, therefore, a sign in which the significance of cycles is mastered and understood by the initiate.” (EA 141) 17. The sense of timelessness—living in the “Eternal Now” 18. Scorpio in Relation to the Cancer-Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces Quintuplicity: “In Scorpio comes a point of transition, of change and of re-orientation. That which has been hitherto hidden appears and is brought to the surface by means of the experience, the tests, the trials and the ‘sting of life’.” 18. Pisces in Relation to the Cancer-Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces Quintuplicity: “in the fourth incarnation he begins to respond to the inner influence of Pisces. He thus demonstrates his ability to react to the Shamballa influence and, when this influence is established, he goes out to salvage and to save. He acts consciously as a world mediator.” (EA 319) 19. Inspiration, governing service—Aquarius . Group consciousness. I go forth” (EA 178) 19. “Identification, governing liberation—Pisces. Divine consciousness. I and the Father are one.” (EA 179) 20. Aquarius—for the Undeveloped Man: “All things to all men. The burden of the self.” (EA 333) 20. Pisces—for the Undeveloped Man: “Responsiveness to environment. The medium.” (EA 333) 21. Aquarius—for the Advanced Man: “Dedication to the soul. The burden of humanity. (EA 333) 21. Pisces—for the Advanced Man: “Sensitivity to soul. The mediator.” (EA 333) 22. Aquarius—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Server of all men. The burden of the world.” (EA 333) 22. Pisces—for the Disciple/Initiate Man: “Spiritual responsibility. The Saviour.” (EA 333) 23. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Aquarius: When the Sun is in Aquarius, an individual should focus upon improving the quality and scope of his group service. Further, he may cultivate group conscious attitudes while improving his ability to contribute to group-life and group-purpose. 23. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Pisces: When the Sun is in Pisces, the disciple will know that “sensitivity to the higher impression is his right and privilege.” (EA 564) 24. The Life of the Christ from an Aquarian Perspective: “The expression of this influence has been beautifully given to us in the story of the Last Supper. Christ sent His disciples into the city to find the man ‘bearing a pitcher of water’ upon his shoulder. This is the symbol of the sign Aquarius—the sign in which the universality of the water of life will become a factor in human consciousness; then we shall indeed all sit down eventually to the communion of bread and wine. He referred indirectly to the same idea when He spoke of Himself as the ‘water of life,’ assuaging the thirst of humanity.” (EA 566) 24. The Life of the Christ from a Piscean Perspective: “The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant communication with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is but the beginning.” (EA 565) 25. Giving all one has 25. Giving one’s very life 26. Radiation 26. Magnetism 27. Abundance 27. Consummation and dissolution 28. Within the Triad—higher mind 28. Within the Triad—buddhi 29. The Triad itself 29. The Monad 30. Within the personality—mental focus 30. Within the personality—emotional focus 31. Within the personality—the life of matter, itself; the lowest lives associated with the physical elemental, and the etheric vehicle 31. Within the personality—the astral elemental 32. Ether 32. Matter 33. The circulatory system 33. The lymphatic system 34. The new spirituality 34. Divinity 35. Creation of “Heaven on Earth” 35. The longing for a non-earthly heaven 36. The community 36. The cloister 37. Acceptance on the basis of experiment (the scientific attitude) 37. Acceptance on the basis of authority (the attitude of obedience and faith) 38. Promoting individualism 38. Insisting upon self-effacement 39. Standardizing all—leveling (Nazism and Communism, under negative Aquarian impulses) 39. Loving-understanding for the individual condition 40. Gregariousness 40. Reclusiveness 41. The power of the “Word” (Aquarius has a strong third ray emphasis, thus correlating to the throat center) 41. The power of Silence 42. Full of optimism and the sense of impending improvement 42. Full of resignation and the sense of finality 43. Resilient 43. Vulnerable 44. Detached and friendly 44. Sentimental (ESE, MSE) 45. Superficial in relationship 45. Deeply understanding 46. Willful 46. Accommodating 47. The transmitter 47. The receiver 48. Sharp and clear 48. Blurred and confused 49. Experimental (Aquarius transmits the fifth ray) 49. Straight knowledge without experiment 50. Dissipating glamor 50. Subject to glamor 51. More subject to illusions of the mind 51. Dispelling (through intuition) the illusions of the mind 52. Keen sense of organization—(Uranus, Saturn and the seventh ray) 52. Tendency towards difficulty with organization—(exceptions of course, exist) 53. Effectiveness upon the physical plane (Uranus and Saturn) 53. Detachment from the physical plane (Neptune and Pluto) 54. A strong sense of the future: ‘futuristic’ 54. The historical sense—synthesizing the past for the sake of the future 55. Intolerance of the old 55. The understanding of all positions and perspectives—timelessness 56. Non-traditional 56. At times, extremely conservative, embracing the values of the past. (Compare the promise of the coming Aquarian Age to the Piscean Age) 57. Ecumenism 57. Conservatism (based upon the need to be protected) 58. Group egotism 58. Blurring the lines of distinction between groups 59. Love of nature—ecolog 59. Separation from that which is natural—ignoring the balance of the world process 60. Dry 60. Wet Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Note that even the constellations overlap and that it is difficult to determine exactly where Aquarius ends and Pisces begins (in terms of the beginning of a precessional age, especially. vs)
Between the Influences of Aquarius and PiscesAquarius is an air sign and Pisces a water sign, but the name Aquarius indicates its water like nature and in Aquarius we have the waters of life being poured forth for thirsty men.
Both signs therefore are closely associated with matter for the symbol of matter in a cosmic sense is water and as we have seen, Aquarius is associated with the lowest and most material of the creative hierarchies.
Pisces is associated greatly with the waters of space and with Mulaprakriti.
Therefore, the great undifferentiated substance is connected with these two signs or rather with that universal formative power which is responsible for the creation of these two signs. For great though the constellational lords be, they are simply reflections of still greater entities and so on almost ad infinitum.
From the highest point of view, these are the two most spiritual signs, the most divine as far as human consciousness is concerned and were not even considered especially in their higher aspects as factors in the human development until very recently.
They both can refer to triadal and monadic states of awareness, states which transcend centralization. Centralization exists in one of its most advanced forms as far as the human unit is concerned within the causal body. There is a definite sense of a center of identity with all of its limitations. Decentralization occurs in earnest in Aquarius and Pisces.
Aquarius could be considered the indicator of the fourth initiation, and Pisces of the fifth -- though it has somewhat to do with the destruction of the individuality or rather the limited individuality or rather the shroud of the soul at the fourth initiation.
From a certain perspective Aquarius and Leo could be associated with the fifth initiation -- that of revelation. It is probable that many signs contribute to the activities undertaken in the various initiations and that these initiations are not the exclusive province of one sign or another.
There is an amazing astro-chemistry which is occurring constantly and which is far more complex and fluid than the concrete mind of man would care to consider. Because of the high Hierarchical and even Shamballic indications of these two signs, they are naturally directly associated with the thousand petalled lotus.
Wherever there is a heart center, Leo is indicated and wherever Leo is indicated, Aquarius is indicated for the number twelve is much associated with group consciousness. And the twelve petalled lotus, the heart center within the head is related to synthetic group consciousness, a state which transcends even unity. But because the number is twelve, Pisces is also associated because Pisces is the twelfth sign. The proper use of numerical resonance will reveal relations which were rarely suspected but which do prove effective.
The great synthesis indicated by the 960 petals can also be closely associated with these two synthetic signs.
There is much of love in both of them and the presence of Jupiter as the orthodox ruler of Pisces and the esoteric ruler of Aquarius indicates this.
There is much that is radical and overthrows convention as well for Pluto the terminator of the normal life processes rules powerfully in Pisces and Uranus the transformer in Aquarius.
So both of these are signs of fulfillment though in Pisces the power of dissolution eventually takes over and just as the great Tibetan sand paintings completed in all beauty stand as a consummation to the art and skill and knowledge of their creators and are yet immediately destroyed after fulfillment, so Pisces stands for consummation and ensuing destruction.
Pisces because of its relation to the buddhic plane contributes to the dissolution of form and has a role in the mantram, " The mountain whereon form dies." Both of these signs must be active through the heart center because Jupiter is so powerful in both. The heart is the bestower of blessings, abundance, love and understanding and these qualities can be found in both Aquarius and Pisces.
Of course, subservience to matter is also to be found. Let desire in form be ruler, it is said of Aquarius. And "Go forth into matter," it is said of Pisces. And when these early states exist, there is an unusual decentralization and vulnerability to be found in both cases, a sense of being lost and vulnerable to the lassitudes of matter.
Again, both of these signs are signs of ending and culmination. It was also pointed out that in the earlier days of mans' development, even Scorpio was considered a sign of finality and then Capricorn. And even the majority of human beings end their experience in Aquarius rather than consummating it in Pisces. So there is a sense of bringing the trend of human life to a fulfillment in both of these signs; although the fulfillment in Pisces is far more thorough and drastic and obliterating.
Both are signs in which the fullness of human potential is markedly demonstrated. Superficially there appear to be many outstanding differences between the attitudes of Aquarians and Pisceans. But they are both signs of summation. And with Capricorn refer to the synthesizing petals in the egoic lotus and certainly have application beyond.
Missing or Weak Links Between Aquarius and Pisces
(to be completed)