Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Cancer & CapricornImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Cancer In Comparison With Capricorn 1. The Crab 1. The Goat, the Unicorn 2. Esoteric Mantram: I build a lighted house and therein dwell. 2. Esoteric Mantram: Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word Said: Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let ambition rule and the door stand wide. 4. Quality of Light: The Light within the form 4. Quality of Light: The Light of Initiation 5. Element: Water sign 5. Element: Earth Sign 6. Cardinal Cross 6 Cardinal Cross 7. Cancer transmits R3 and R7 constellationally. 7. Transmits R1, R3 and R7 constellationally 8. Cancer in relation to the transmission of the third ray: “Ray III is expressing itself through Cancer, as far as the mass is concerned…” (EA 491) 8. Capricorn in relation to the transmission of the third ray: “Ray III is expressing itself through Cancer, as far as the mass is concerned and through Capricorn, on a much smaller scale, in relation to the world disciples. Capricorn esoterically leads towards the externalisation of the Mysteries.” (EA 491) 9. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Cancer transmits R4 and R6, through the Moon and Neptune—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Capricorn transmits R3 and R5 through Saturn and Venus—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 10. Color: violet 10. Color: green 11. Creative Hierarchy number V (unmanifested) Mass Life, Veiling the Christ 11. Creative Hierarchy number V (manifested) and X of 12. Human Personality; the Crocodiles; Makara the Mystery 12. Cancer has no specific relation to the first three initiations. Since Neptune (inducing love and inclusive idealism) is so important at the second initiation (EA 71, 297-298), Cancer must be implicated. After the third initiation, the Cancerian can become “the Crab, who clears the ocean of matter which flows around the soul of man” (EA 62) In subtle ways Cancer must be related to the fourth (EA 218) and eighth initiations (relating to unmanifested Hierarchy V—eighth from below). 12. Associated with the first five initiations: the soul/Self-revealing, soul-law-imposing, Christ-birthing first; the emotion-controlling, ‘un-capsized’, ‘water-crossing’ second; the soul-illumined, personality-transfiguring, three-aspect-synthesizing third; the isolation-inducing, world-renouncing fourth; and the supernally-lighted, mountain-peak-revelatory fifth. Saturn (ruling Capricorn) does not follow a man onto the Cardinal Cross. 13. Cancer can be reasonably associated with the protective and nourishment-giving centers in the breasts and, particularly, with the instinctual, bi-polar, emotionally sensitive solar plexus center. The disease, cancer, is strongly associated with a disturbed, congested solar plexus; the sign and the disease are, in fact, related. The sacral center (involved in form-building) cannot be ignored. The chakras in the ‘gripping’ hands are related. When Neptune (the esoteric and hierarchical ruler) functions buddhically, the sign Cancer can also be related to the compassionate, humanity-embracing heart center. 13. Capricorn can be reasonably associated with the clear-seeing, forcefully-penetrating, powerfully directing ajna and brow centers, and the ‘dominating’, all-controlling crown center. Capricorn must be connected to the magically materializing throat and sacral centres via the third and seventh rays (resonant to both centers). The humility-inducing centers at the knees are also indicated. Also associated with Capricorn are the central “jewels” in all the chakras. 14. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.” 14. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Capricorn causes the Monad (even in immersion) to be guided by Shamballic and Logoic Law. There are lines which the Monad may not cross as it ‘super-vises’ its own Self-extension. It must leave its fragment ‘free within limits’; free-will (of a relative kind) must not be violated. The initiatory power, flowing through Monad from Capricorn, endows the Monad-in-extension with the power to face every obstacle and re-ascend to its source. This re-ascent is initiation. 15. Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad. 15. Within the Triad—Capricorn is most associated with atma (first triadal aspect) and higher manas (third triadal aspect). Capricorn transmits the first ray which relates it to the will and law emanating from the atmic plane. Capricorn transmits the third ray, as well, which relates it not only to higher manas but, again, to atma, for the atmic plane is the third systemic plane, and is a plane of both law/will and mind—the atmic mind—God’s mind as directly expressive of God’s will/law. Capricorn is less related to buddhi, though it is the sign admitting (via hierarchical Venus) into the buddhic dimension known as Hierarchy. 16. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to ‘communicate’ with the personality. 16. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Capricorn can be understood as the will of the Solar Angel to master its personality, through total soul-infusion leading to transfiguration and subsequent crucifixion. Karmic confrontation with residual darkness is enforced from ‘above’, and the power to transcend matter bestowed. The will aspect of the Solar Angel is strongly asserted, leaving the responsive personality no choice but elevation. (cf. EP II 174) 17. Within the Personality—Cancer can be identified with the memory and retentiveness of the lower mental nature; with the sensitivity and receptivity of the astral nature; with the de-vitalization or insufficient vitalization of the etheric nature; and, with the tenacity of the physical elemental as it seeks to perpetuate the integrity of its life. In general, Cancer (through the Moon) is especially associated with the dense physical form as a first solar system ‘residue’, and with the fourth or personality elemental (arising from the lesser three). (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 17. Within the Personality—Capricorn can be identified with the concretizing, regulatory and disciplining processes of the lower mental nature; with processes which focus, control and deepen the astral nature; with organizational and co-ordinative processes within the etheric vehicle; and the with maintenance and survival of the dense physical vehicle—of which Capricorn represents the density. (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 18. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Incarnation, Embodiment 18. 19. The Crisis of Incarnation characterized by the process/quality of Individualization 19. Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Cancer In Comparison With Capricorn 1. Expressive principally of the third or Intelligence aspect—in relation to matter. (EA 351) The incarnation process under the rulership of Cancer “is initiation into the creative third aspect, the matter aspect and the world of intelligent activity.” (EH 144) Since ruled by Neptune and related to the Pleiades, Cancer is correlated to buddhi (TCF 1162), and thus, also, is linked to the second aspect of divinity. 1. Expressive primarily of the first and third aspects of divinity. “CAPRICORN. This is the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself.” (EA 620) Capricorn is the major transmitter of the seventh ray which is related to the first aspect. “The seventh ray is, in the last analysis, the focussed differentiated energy of Ray One as it expresses the will of the first aspect of divinity on earth…” (EA 138) “the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind.” (EA 164) 2. Cosmically associated primarily with the Pleiades. “Pleiades—Cancer—Venus—Humanity” (EA 416) 2. Related cosmically to the Pleiades. “…from these three (The Pleiades, Capricorn, Mercury. A.A.B.) Man takes a nature which is his today. Son of the Mother, born from the tomb and showing after birth the light which he has taken from them all.” (EA 433, also 427-428) Capricorn is necessarily related to the Great Bear because, like Aries, and Leo, it transmits the first ray. (cf. EA 417) Capricorn, the “great sign of initiation” (EA 173) is almost certainly related to Sirius, “the great star of initiation.” (EA 197) Venus completes a triangle. 3. Three Constellations Connected (symbolically) with Cancer: a) Ursa Major—the Great Bear; b) Ursa Minor—the Little Bear; c) Argo—the Ship. (LOH 90-92) Another constellation Connected with Cancer is Praesepe—the Beehive. There are eighty three stars to be found ‘within’ this constellation. (LOH 87-88) Tradition connects both Ursa Major and Minor with “flock(s) of sheep” and “sheepfold(s)” 3. Three Constellations Connected with Capricorn: a) Sagitta—the Arrow; b) Aquila—the Eagle; c) Delphinus—the Dolphin (LOH 175-176) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Cancer In Comparison With Capricorn 1. The Moon is the exoteric ruler of Cancer. 1. The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn. 2. Neptune is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer. 2. Neptune falls in Capricorn. 3. Saturn is in detriment in Cancer. 3. Saturn is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn. 4. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. 4. Jupiter falls in Capricorn. 5. Mars falls in Cancer. 5. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Cancer In Comparison With Capricorn 1. Cancer transmits the third ray constellationally. 1. Capricorn transmits the third ray, constellationally. In addition, Capricorn is the third sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, beginning number with Pisces. This numerical fact reinforces the relationship of Capricorn to the third ray. Saturn is the exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Capricorn and transmits the third ray monadically (EPI 421), and, probably, through its soul. Mars, exalted in Capricorn, participates as the astral body in the constitution of a great third ray Entity (EPII 99). 2. Cancer transmits the seventh ray constellationally. Cancer is also the seventh sign if one numbers by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), and thus has a further resonance with the seventh ray. 2. Capricorn transmits the seventh ray constellationally. Saturn has strong seventh ray associations through that fact that it is the “logoic physical permanent atom” in relation to the cosmic physical plane (TCF 406), hence strongly involved in the manifestation of the cosmic physical plane. As well, Vulcan is powerful in Capricorn (third decanate) and transmits the first ray. 3. Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number four and with the fourth ray. 3. Capricorn is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the clock-wise wheel—hence, resonant with the fourth ray (especially through its rulership over ‘for-m’ and establishment). Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, may have some higher fourth ray associations—harmony and beauty. Mars (exalted in Capricorn) is a major planet of conflict, so it is difficult not to think that Mars has some strong fourth ray association—perhaps within its personality vehicles. “The theme of that ray is “Harmony through Conflict” and it is the lower aspect of the ray energy, producing conflict which has hitherto controlled, and is climaxing now through the impetus of the new incoming Shamballa force.” (EA 328) 4. Cancer is the tenth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number one and with the first ray. This is not a strong representation of the first ray. Only the presence of a generically veiled Vulcan, which could be described as the ‘will asleep in matter’, would bring in the first ray—mostly from the angle of resistance. However, a great first ray power is indicated as latent—inured in matter. 4. Capricorn transmits the first ray, constellationally. Capricorn is also the tenth sign on the reversed wheel, hence numerologically associated with the number one and, by numerical affinity, with the first ray. Saturn, the exoteric and esoteric ruler, is a strong transmitter of the first ray. (EA 450, 621). Mars, exalted in Capricorn, teaches “those whose work lies along the lines of the destroyer”, hence must transmit the first ray. (TCF 1179) 5. The Moon, the exoteric ruler of cancer, transmits the fourth ray. 5. See #3 above. 6. The Moon is closely related to the third ray. (EA 280) 6. See #1 above. 7. The Moon is closely related to the seventh ray, through its rulership of the seventh manifested Creative Hierarchy, and its general association with dense physical matter. 7. See #2 above. 8. Neptune, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer (and exalted, with Jupiter, as well), transmits the sixth ray. 8. Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically. (EA 595). Mars (exalted in Capricorn) transmits the sixth ray 9. Neptune also transmits the second ray, monadically. (EPI 421) 9. Venus, the hierarchial ruler of Capricorn, is “pure love-wisdom”, and hence, transmits the second ray. (EA 281) 10. Neptune is associated with the fourth plane, the buddhic plane, and with the energy of buddhi. “”No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune…. When this happens, his personality horoscope will show this influence as dominant” (TCF 899) 10. 11. Neptune, as “God of the Waters” is associated with “matter” and, hence, with the third ray. “Neptune is as you know, the God of the waters, and the term “water” covers many angles of the esoteric wisdom, such as: The whole concept of matter—universal and itemised….” (EA 275) 11. See #1 above. 12. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and transmits the second ray. 12. See #9 above. 13. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and transmits the seventh ray through “ritualistic worship.” (EA 660) 13. See #2 above. 14. Jupiter (exalted in Cancer) through its enthusiasm and aspirational nature has defensible connections to the sixth ray. 14. See #8 above. 15. The fifth ray is not transmitted through Cancer per se. Its only possible association is via Vulcan, which is veiled by the Moon in the early days of evolution. Vulcan relates to the process of the mineral kingdom which depend upon the forces of concretion, and the fifth ray is the ray of concrete mind. 15. Capricorn may, in some subtle matter, transmits the fifth ray (independently of its hierarchial ruler Venus). Ray 5.—Concrete Knowledge or Science, under the influence of Capricorn, focussed through Venus, which will enable the man to take initiation.” (EA 357) Also, “Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind. These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach our planet, the Earth.” (EA 164)
Note the word, “through.” Venus, of course, is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, and transmits the fifth ray. Saturn is associated with the concrete mind (concretion pertains to the fifth ray). Mars, exalted in Capricorn, rules “science” and the “five senses) (EA 215) and, therefore, is related to the fifth ray, transmitting it, conceivably, through its Monad.
General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Cancer In Comparison With Capricorn 1. The Mass (undifferentiated) 1. Hierarchy (differentiation according to merit) 2. The Will-to-Manifestation 2. The Will-to-Liberation 3. The Mother, maternal 3. The Father, paternal 4. The Motherhood of God; God-the-Mother 4. The Fatherhood of God; God-the-Father 5. Kwan Yin—the “Mother of Compassion” 5. Sanat Kumara—the “Ancient of Days” and “One Initiator” 6. Matriarchy 6. Patriarchy 7. The Defender 7. The Prosecutor 8. The Home 8. The Office 9. Domestic Duties 9. Professional Duties 10. Family Tradition 10. The Law of the Land 11. The “Enabler” (permissive) 11. The Disciplinarian (strict) 12. The matter and consciousness of the first solar system 12. Redemption of the matter and consciousness of the first solar system 13. “Instinct, governing desire—Cancer. Mass unevolved consciousness. I desire” (EA 178) 13. “Illumination, governing intuition—Capricorn. Soul consciousness in later stages. I realise.” (EA 178) 14. “Cancer—Incarnation—experience of realization” (EA 495) 14. “Capricorn—Illumination—the liberation of the initiate” (EA 495) 15. The Essence of the Cancer/Capricorn Relationship: “… matter is spirit at its lowest point…” (EA 340) 15. The Essence of the Cancer/Capricorn Relationship: “…spirit is matter at its highest.” (EA 340) 16. Cancer in Relation to Humanity: “Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity.” (EA 168) 16. Capricorn in Relation to Hierarchy: “Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy.” (EA 168) 17. The Gate of Cancer: “…opening the door into incarnation, into mass life, and into human experience,…” (EA 168) 17. The Gate of Capricorn: “…opens the door into the life of the spirit, into the life of the Kingdom of God, the life and purposes of the Hierarchy of our planet.” (EA 168) 18. The Gate or Doorway of Cancer: “the doorway into life of those who must know death,…” (EA 83) The “the gate which stands wide open, broad and easy to pass through and yet it leads unto the place of death and to that long imprisonment which precedes the final revolt.” (EA 312) 18. The Gate or Doorway of Capricorn: “…doorway into life of those who know not death.” (EA 83) 19. Cancer—the Gate into Rebirth: “As man passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered.” (EA 168) 19. Capricorn—the Gate into the Initiated State: “But it is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn. Five times he has to pass through that Gate in full waking consciousness and these five happenings are frequently called the five major initiations.” (EA 168-169) 20. Imprisonment through incarnation. “All souls come into incarnation in the sign Cancer. By this I mean that the very first human incarnation was always taken in this sign.” (EA 83) “The Crab symbolises imprisonment (the hard shell and the rocks under which the Crab ever takes shelter),…” (EA 179) 20. Liberation, and release from incarnation, through the processes of initiation. The ancient conflict between the “pairs of opposites” is resolved in favor of the higher of the pair. 21. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Cancer: “What appears in Aries as spiritual energy enters into the soul stage in Cancer, in which sign the soul incarnates for the first time in form,…” (EA 93) 21. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Capricorn: “…in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective. The difference between these two goals depends upon the mode of progression around the wheel of life.” (EA 93) 22. Fulfilment in Cancer: “…Cancer, the great sign wherein the desire for incarnation finds its fulfilment;…” (EA 171) 22. Fulfillment in Capricorn: “Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.” (EA 171) 23. In Cancer—the Prominence of Matter. The Moon (matter) rules, and the two rays of manifestation (the third and seventh) are transmitted. 23. In Capricorn—the Triumph of Matter and the Triumph of Spirit: “…In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities.” (EA 171) 24. The “open door” in Cancer—the door into incarnation 24. The well-guarded door of Capricorn—the “door of initiation” (EA 173) 25. Focusing the “divine Breath”—in Cancer: “In Cancer this living substance assumed a triple differentiated relationship to which we give the names of Life (Aries) of Consciousness (Taurus, the next sign to Aries) and manifested duality (Gemini, the sign preceding Cancer) and these three, blended together, came into outer manifestation in Cancer, thus completing an esoteric quaternary of great importance. Here the first major fusion, inchoate and unrealised, took place.” (EA 313-314) 25. Return to the “breath of spirit”—in Capricorn: “In Capricorn, the sign of initiation, this basic triplicity begins to return to the earlier state of the ‘breath of spirit’ but, this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organisation, so that form is a perfect expression of the soul and the soul is sensitive and responsive to the pulsations of the One Life, as that Life reveals, through its activity, the perfect will of the Logos. (EA 314) 26. “Self-preservation” in relation to Cancer: “One is the word ‘self-preservation’ which leads to the impulse to incarnate in Cancer, which is the Door to the physical plane expression of spirit. This impulse (when the form is the prime object of the attention of the soul and that with which it primarily identifies itself) brings about the stage of static concretion in the earth sign Capricorn.” (EA 316) 26. “Immortality” in Relation to Capricorn: “The other word is ‘immortality’ which is the divine aspect of self-preservation; it is the major conditioning factor in the creative process and leads to the whole revelation of evolution, to the recurrent appearance of life in form, and to the revelation of life in form. In Capricorn, at the third initiation, this life aspect assumes primary importance.” (EA 316) 27. Embryonic Life in Cancer: “You have two signs of water and earth (Cancer and Virgo) in the stage of sub-conscious emphasis wherein everything is latent and hidden. Human consciousness is only embryonic in Cancer, for it is the mass mind which dominates and not the individual mind.” (EA 318) 27. Expression in Capricorn: “In Capricorn— as a result of the effects of the influences of Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio—the disciple begins to demonstrate the capacity to express the life of two kingdoms, at least in some measure, and is a developed human being and also a citizen of the kingdom of God.” (EA 318-319) 28. The Magical Pull in Cancer: “It is the focussed energy of Cancer which makes it a major magnetic or attractive focal point leading to the processes of incarnation. Through the door of Cancer streams the "magnetic magical light which guides the soul into the dark place of experience’.” (EA 337) 28. The Magical Pull in Capricorn: “Similarly, it is the magical pull of Capricornian energy which upon the returning wheel (in contradistinction to the wheel of rebirth or the outgoing wheel) of expression and of discipleship draws the soul steadily away from form life and experience and constitutes that ‘radiant light which leads the soul in safety to the mountain top’.” (EA 337-338) 29. The Cancerian Process: “in time and space the controlling factor and determining condition is the sensitivity of the incarnated soul to form life, leading to incarnation through the door of Cancer, or to soul life…” (EA 337) 29. The Capricornian Process: “…leading to initiation through the door of Capricorn.” (EA 337) 30. Cancer—Manifestation: “…the objective appearing of the thoughtform which God has thus created and in which is embodied His desire, His will, His purpose and His plan. This is Manifestation, or Cancer in activity.” (EA 239) 30. Capricorn—Initiation: “the processes of initiation wherein, step by step and stage by stage, under law and through the method of gained experience whilst in manifestation, the creative plan is realised in consciousness. The unfoldment of the plan is thus carried forward through a progressed series of beginnings, of manifestations, and of consummations—all relative in nature but leading to an absolute consummation. This is Initiation, or activity in Capricorn.” (EA 240) 31. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Manifestation in Cancer upon the Cardinal Cross: “He manifests consciously in the world that which he intends to carry forward and Cancer then reveals to him its secret.” (EA 240) 31. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Initiation in Capricorn upon the Cardinal Cross: “When he has done all this, he discovers himself ready to enter into new and deeper experiments (should I call them experiences?) and as a participator in the divine plan and as a cooperator in the divine purpose, he then becomes his own initiator and is thus ready to take initiation.” (EA 240-241) 32. The Evolution of the Form and Psychic Nature in Cancer: “to become again in Cancer the perfect instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass. (EA 341-342) 32. The Evolution of the Form and Psychic Nature in Capricorn: “These (the form aspect and the psychic nature) reach an eventual concrete perfection in Capricorn…” (EA 341) 33. The struggle between soul and personality is focussed in Cancer. (cf. EA 360) 33. The Struggle between soul and personality is ended in Capricorn. (EA 361) 34. In Cancer, the energies of Aries, Taurus, Gemini are “consciously directed and controlled”. (EA 389) 34. In Capricorn, there is a “great liberation” of that which was focussed, controlled and directed in Cancer. 35. Cancer and Capricorn in Relation to the Probationary Path: “Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to ‘isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel’.” (EA 466) 35. Cancer and Capricorn in Relation to the Probationary Path: “Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to ‘isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel’.” (EA 466) 36. The Expression of the Third Ray through Cancer: “Ray III is expressing itself through Cancer, as far as the mass is concerned…” (EA 491) 36. The Expression of the Third Ray through Capricorn: “…and through Capricorn, on a much smaller scale, in relation to the world disciples. Capricorn esoterically leads towards the externalisation of the Mysteries.” (EA 491) 37. The “Gate of Cancer” and the Initiation into the Third Aspect: “it is initiation into the creative third aspect, the matter aspect and the world of intelligent activity. It is not initiation into the second or soul aspect, as is the case with the hierarchical initiations for which the disciple is preparing. It is the initiation of the soul into the experience of physical incarnation, into physical plane existence, and into the art of functioning as a human being. The door into this experience is the ‘Gate of Cancer’.” (EH 144) 37. The “Gate of Capricorn” and the Initiation into the “Kingdom of God”: “Initiation into the kingdom of God is entered through the ‘Gate of Capricorn’.” (EA 144) 38. Service in Cancer—after Achievement in Capricorn: “…descending into the sea of the mass consciousness to become what is called in the ancient books ‘the Crab, who clears the ocean of matter which flows around the soul of man,’…” (EA 62) 38. Achievement in Capricorn Preceding Service in Cancer: “…from the standpoint of achievement in Capricorn, he works for several lives around the zodiacal path, descending into the sea of the mass consciousness …” (EA 62) 39. Birth in Cancer: “Cancer, the ‘birthplace into the life of form,’ the door into physical incarnation. This is the sign in which humanity, as a whole integrated unit, is born, the scene of the emergence of the fourth kingdom in nature. Humanity has ‘emerged from rock and water and brings its habitation with it’ (as the Old Commentary expresses it) and mass instinctual consciousness comes into being. Note that phrase. (EA 102) 39. Birth in Capricorn: “Capricorn, the ‘birthplace of the Christ,’ the place of the ‘second birth’ and the scene for the emergence of the fifth kingdom in nature when the right time comes. In this sign, the initiate comes into a spiritual awareness which demonstrates later in Aquarius and in Pisces as man, the world worker, and man, the world saviour—both of them with a universal mission.” (EA 102) 40. Ordinary Wheel Cancer: “The urge to incarnate…” (EA 338) 40. Ordinary Wheel Capricorn: “…leads to the densest incarnation and immersion in form.” (EA 338) 41. Ordinary Wheel Cancer: “The pull of form life…” (EA 338) 41. Ordinary Wheel Capricorn: “…and the processes of concretisation control.” (EA 338) 42. Ordinary Wheel Cancer: “The man arrives after many incarnations…” (EA 338) 42. Ordinary Wheel Capricorn: “…at a point of crystallisation.” (EA 338) 43. Reversed Wheel Cancer: The initiate passes freely (through the “free choice of the soul” through the Door into Death and Incarnation for purposes of service. “Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.” (cf. EA 339) 43. Reversed Wheel Capricorn: The initiate passes freely through Door into Hierarchical Life for purposes of inspiration. “Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.” (cf. EA 339) 44. Reversed Wheel Cancer: “Form life becomes…” (EA 339) 44. Reversed Wheel Capricorn: “…a conscious method of expression for service.” (EA 339) 45. Cancer—for Undeveloped Man: “The blind unit is lost. The mass.” (EA 332) 45. Capricorn—for the Undeveloped Man: “The earthbound soul.” (EA 333) 46. Cancer—for Advanced Man: “The unit awakens to that which is around. The House.” (EA 332) 46. Capricorn—for the Advanced Man: “The one who crosses the water. Fluid.” (EA 333) 47. Cancer—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Whole is seen as one. Humanity.” (EA 332) 47. Capricorn—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Conqueror of death. Initiated.” (EA 333) 48. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Cancer: When the Sun is in Cancer the disciple may attempt to increase his power to manifest (to em-‘body’), his intuitive faculties, and cultivate the sense of wholeness. 48. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Capricorn: When the Sun is in Capricorn, an individual may cultivate achievement and mastery over all that opposes that achievement with respect to a selected task. 49. The life of the Christ from the Cancerian perspective: “The potency of this sign is expressed for us by Christ in the oft misinterpreted words: ‘Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring.’ This refers to the mass consciousness in contradistinction to the initiate consciousness of His disciples. Cancer is a mass sign. 49. The Life of the Christ from a Capricornian Perspective: “This sign marks the point of concretion and of crystallisation which results eventually in the death of the form. This we see happening today. In His triumph over death and in His resurrection into life, Christ indicated the deep mystery of Capricorn.” (EA 567) 50. Entrance into the fourth kingdom of nature. Human beings. 50. Entrance into and confirmation within the fifth kingdom of nature. The Angels. 51. “Unprincipled” (in the occult sense); relating to unprincipled matter of the first solar system. Also, the tendency to sacrifice principles for personalities 51. “Principled”; upholding and enforcing first principles 52. Subjugation—of the soul to form 52. Triumph—of the soul over form 53. Leniency 53. Enforcement 54. Weakness 54. Strength 55. Dependency and attachment 55. Independence and detachment 56. The Past; looking backwards; retrospection 56. The Future to be achieved through initiation 57. Conditioning; the state of things, whether or not this conditioning conforms to law. 57. The Law, enforcing conformity 58. Soft (especially interiorly) 58. Hard 59. Slowness (like the crab) 59. Speed (of the bounding mountain goat) 60. The Freudian “id” 60. The Freudian “super-ego” 61. Instinct 61. Conscience 62. Blindness—the eyes of the soul are temporarily blinded by the obscurations of matter 62. Light supernal; “blinded by the Light” 63. Shrinking from the light 63. Venturing into the light 64. Association with the Lunar Lords 64. Association with the Solar Gods (the Solar Angels) 65. The waters of the ocean which dissolve the bonds of earth 65. The “earth-bound” soul 66. The heaven of “devachan” 66. The abyss, hell; the frozen devil of Dante’s Inferno 67. Maximum protection and shielding 67. Maximum exposure; naked upon the mountain top 68. Mercy, compassion 68. Justice 69. Permissiveness 69. Strictness 70. The intuitive consciousness (furthered by Neptune and buddhi) 70. Consciousness limited by the concrete mind 71. Life (MC) 71. Death (MC) 72. Death (FC, LFC) 72. Life (FC, LFC, CC) 73. Incarnation 73. Release from incarnation 74. Bondage 74. Freedom and initiation 75. Irrationality 75. Rationality 76. Emotional 76. Non-emotional 77. Soft (except for the outer shell) 77. Hard 78. Receptive 78. Assertive 79. Lenient, indulgent 79. Strict and severe 80. Reduced will 80. Willful Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesFor being so profoundly different and representing great polar opposites, these 2 signs have much in common.
They are both Cardinal signs and hence active and hence related to great initiatory movements in the early days of evolution and great movements of release in the later days of evolution.
The Rays distributed by the 2 are equally similar by Cancer distributing the 3rd and 7th Rays and Capricorn the 3rd and 7th Rays also with the addition of the 1st.
These are the two great parental signs of the zodiac and even though Cancer is maternal and Capricorn, paternal, they both share a great tendency towards parental caution and parental control. There is a keen respect for the form in both cases.
Both of them are the guardian of the form and have everything to do with the survival of the spirit in form.
They solidify and stabilize the form as a housing for the developing spirit.
They are both also associated with the life and death process or the birth and death process.
These are the two signs which rule the gates; one the gate into incarnation and the other, the gate into Hierarchy and hence into the state of liberation.
Both are signs of life in one respect – Cancer, life upon the physical plane and Capricorn, life within the higher dimensions.
They are both equally signs of death. Cancer, death to the higher consciousness which results from the processes of incarnation and Capricorn the death of the physical form, often through crystallization or hardship of some kind or through discipline which liberates the consciousness into higher spheres.
Interestingly, their association with incarnation is connected to the number 4. Counting from the sign Aries, counter-clockwise, we reach the sign Cancer, counting clockwise we reach the sign Capricorn and the number 4 is ever associated with the strictly physical plane and with the processes of grounding spirit into the matter of the physical plane.
The number 4 is therefore associated with an achieved stability towards which both of these signs contribute.
Clearly they are also associated with the matter aspect and in the familial enumeration – Father 1st aspect, Son 2nd aspect, Holy Ghost 3rd aspect and Mother or matter – the number 4.
They are therefore associated with the matter of the previous solar system which is often considered dead and unresponsive matter and which has been brought over to be rendered responsive to principle in this solar system, therefore they do refer to that which is dead and needs to be re-molded and re-energized along higher lines.
This is easily appreciated in the case of Cancer which is a strictly lunar sign even though its association with Neptune gives it somewhat higher leanings.
However, Capricorn represents not only the spiritual heights but the material depths – the two peaks of the diamond and is thus associated not only with spirit but with that which is least responsive to spirit and is therefore unusually hard and difficult to penetrate.
That is the resistance of matter, from one point of view, both are associated with the hierarchy and with the ashram for the hierarchy is the great paternal power structure wielding divine law and sets forth spiritual principles to which humanity must respond but hierarchy is also a great maternal agency and constantly guards, guides and protects humanity.
So just as God is Father/Mother, so is Hierarchy and the Ashram Father/Mother.
There is mercy on the one hand which is a Cancerian and Neptunian influence and austerity and discipline and law from another perspective which is an influence of the sign Capricorn.
The relationship to Hierarchy and the number 5 is clearly set forth as we examine the Cancerian and Capricornian creative hierarchies for the Cancerian hierarchy is the 5th and the Capricornian hierarchy, the 10th and both have to do with the solar angels and the equipping of human consciousness with the qualities of the solar angels.
When a man has become a soul infused personality and has truly assimilated the qualities with which the great parents, the solar angels seek to bestow, then he is indeed a member of the spiritual hierarchy. Now both signs can be related to Hierarchy but perhaps Capricorn can also be related to Shamballa which is the center of absolute Will as far as our planet is concerned and interestingly, although from one perspective the number of Capricorn is 5, counting downward from the Leo hierarchy and this applying in this particular world period.
From another perspective its number is 10, the number of perfection and also the number of power having to do with the first Ray and will. So the number 5 is connected with Sirius and with Hierarchy and with the illumination of manas and the number 10 is connected with power and Shamballa.
The numbers connected with Cancer are 5, counting downward and 8 counting upward. Eight is of course, the number of the Christ force which unites spirit and matter within a figure – 8 and 5 again the number of Hierarchy.
So clearly these two signs are involved in a great supervisory process which is at once merciful and austere and which involves bringing highly developed beings, whether they be the present members of the spiritual hierarchy, or the hierarchy of solar angels which have been the supervisors of humanity for millions of years, into relationship with the growing human consciousness.
As a matter of fact, the human kingdom, the number 4 and remember the association of both Cancer and Capricorn with 4, was brought to birth through the intervention of the 5th hierarchy, the hierarchy of solar angels. From one perspective Capricorn and Cancer are the spiritual parents of humanity.
They are both signs which indeed provide the power of manifestation, Cancer at this time being the pre-eminent conduit of the 3rd Ray, a Ray which Capricorn has also in great measure and Capricorn being the conduit of the primary Ray of manifestation, the 7th Ray which Cancer has in great measure.
Together they supervise the embodiment of spirit and the manifestation of the created Ego in lower form.
From another point of view, these two signs represent the forces of obstruction which make the incarnational process difficult for there are great lunar forces, which through their rhythms tend to captivate spirit and the laws of matter related to Saturn and Capricorn also prove obstructive.
These signs also have much to do with Karma, hereditary karma relating specifically to Cancer and the moon and the law of Karma and retribution being directly related to this sign of law enforcement – Capricorn.
Only after the fulfilling of Karma and the full and proper use and redemption of form can the Capricornian liberation be achieved. So these two signs together subject the spirit inescapably to matter and through repetitious and cyclic process ruled by the 3rd and 7th Ray, arrange for the perfecting of the form, again a 7th Ray matter and the strengthening of the spirit, ie the creation of the diamond soul under the rulership of Capricorn.
There is somewhat that is Vulcanian in these 2 signs. Vulcan powerfully transmits the 1st and 7th Ray thus aligning it especially with Capricorn and is quite possibly the veiled ruler of the last decanate of Capricorn indicating the radiant triumph of the soul over the personality at the time of the 3rd initiation.
The obsessive material rhythms which Vulcan can also represent may relate to the moon’s rulership over Cancer in the early days, this would be the instinctual application of Vulcan. Clearly these are two great signs of form.
Form may be considered to be the prison house of the soul or spirit and in Cancer it is said, the blind unit is lost and the Capricornian individual in the early days is called the earth-bound soul but without form the creative purposes of deity could not be enacted and these are two powerfully created signs, they bring forth the evidences of the spirit’s creative power.
They rule the structure of all things, the temporary dwelling of that which has neither form nor dimension, namely the spirit. Together these two signs govern the drama of the progress of the consciousness from total darkness and imprisonment to total light and liberation. Cancer is very much the tomb and the womb and is related through the number 4 to the four stars which comprise the cup – the big dipper which is also know as the Bier.
Cancer therefore would be related to the 4 Rays of attribute which are the Rays of form but the consciousness does ascend to the mountain of synthesis ruled by 1st Ray and Capricorn and enters the realms of blinding light under Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn and the Sun is the ruler of the third decanate veiling Vulcan most likely, a planet which brings matter to such condition that it shines from its own inherent light and from the light of spirit that pours through it.
Interestingly enough, the principle of translucence is connected with these two signs for Cancer builds a lighted house wherein the spirit or consciousness may dwell and clearly the ideal condition of this lighted house is perfect translucence and Capricorn is associated with the principle of crystal formation – the highest crystal and the highest gem being the absolutely pure and translucent diamond.
The consciousness is meant to become diamond –like in he higher stages of evolution and the jewel in the lotus, perfectly translucent to the higher light of spirit.
So what in the early days is an opaque materiality to which either of these signs can be connected becomes in the later days a perfect translucence in which spirit shines through the form in an unobstructed manner.
Just as the Sun and Moon must wed for the process of evolution to be complete, so Capricorn the Sun, and Cancer and the Moon must likewise form a united pair.
Both of these signs are signs of control and both hold and contain power. Spirit is virtually uncontainable but the laws of creative life within our solar system demand that forms be found which at first will prove obstructive and later prove revelatory of the creative potencies of spirit.
These signs therefore are the two containers of spirit. From one point of view they represent the Crown center, Capricorn and the Base of the Spine, Cancer.
The energy of the Base of the Spine is always deeply maternal. It is the energy of the 3rd aspect, the mother aspect and the energy at the Crown is paternal.
If the 10th house/4th house axis in the astrological chart is considered the power axis and like the spine of the astrological chart, the spine being indeed the rod of power, then it is not unfitting to place Cancer at the Base of the Spine and Capricorn at the Crown.
In one important respect, the great drama of the interaction between spirit and matter is governed by the inter-relationship of these 2 signs.
(These are extraordinarily profound indications and the more one meditates upon it, the deeper are the implications. ... (see intro on table of contents page for more perspective on the process ...)
Missing or Weak Links Between Cancer and Capricorn The fifth ray, prominent in relation to Capricorn through hierarchical Venus and exalted Mars (and maybe through a relation which Capricorn, as a constellation, has to the fifth ray) is not prominent in Cancer—Vulcan (in relation to the Moon) being, at best, the only relationship, and that indirect.