Essential Energy Combinations

Aries and the Seven Rays

Sun (and Ascendant) in Aries

In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays

Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R1P (or R1S)

  1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A very strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the constellational transmission of the first ray—at its greatest strength—through Aries. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be Very Strong by Constellational Transmission. This reinforcement is strengthened by the transmission of the first ray monadically through Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, and through the first ray component of Mars {perhaps the soul}, which is the exoteric ruler of Aries. The rulership {in the Tibetan’s system} of the first and third decanates {i.e., for the average individual or the disciple} of Aries by Mars, adds to this strengthening. It is the disciple and initiate on the first ray who will find the mutual reinforcement the strongest, as constellational ray transmissions are most effective in individuals who are spiritually advanced, and transmissions through monadic and soul vehicles of planets apply most to those who are highly developed. “The Personality ray is always one of the five rays (the minor four and the third ray) until a man becomes an aspirant when it can be any of the seven.” Unpublished manuscript by the Tibetan)
  2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
  3. The ‘ramming’ forcefulness of the selfish or self-centered Aries person combines with the inconsiderate egoism induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)
  4. A selfishly dominant personality.
  5. Brutality. Reveling in a high “body count”.
  6. The love of “blood”.
  7. Reveling in destruction.
  8. Deliberate insensitivity. Kindness seen as weakness.
  9. Trampling others underfoot to get what is desired.
  10. Knocking others down or out of the way. Riding roughshod over others.
  11. Unwisely pushing ahead regardless of consequences.
  12. Rushing in “where angels fear to tread”.
  13. Naïve illusions of personal invincibility.
  14. Self-intoxicated by the glamor of strength.
  15. Might makes Right”. (Witness the Aries soul of Germany misappropriated by its misguided first ray personality).
  16. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple) [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
    1. The strenuous, directed effort of the advancing Aries individual combines with the power to move forward despite opposition induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the first ray.
    2. Courage in the face of opposition. Shaking off fear.
    3. Marshalling all forces for applied effort.
    4. Rising rapidly to challenges.
    5. Moving forward despite doubts and the onslaught of apparently superior forces.
    6. The “never say die attitude”.
    7. Persistent confrontation of the enemy.
    8. Heroism, boldness, bravery, self-sacrifice.
    9. On the Path of Discipleship: rising like the Phoenix no matter what may be the temporary defeat.
    10. On the Path of Discipleship: indefatigability on the Path.
    11. On the Path of Discipleship: courage under all circumstances.
    12. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to undertake new initiatives on behalf of Hierarchy.
    13. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to respond to the spiritual will.
    14. On the Path of Discipleship: increasing identification with spirit.
  17. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate) [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The power to rise as spirit from the clutches of matter (resurrection)—a power possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries, combines with thepower to triumph over death, induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.
          2. The ‘Will-to-Resurrection’
          3. Understanding the true invincibility of spirit.
          4. The spirit of eternal rebirth.
          5. The power to overcome death through identification with the spirit/monad.
          6. The will to penetrate the higher dimensions at any cost.
          7. Identification with Oneness and Pure Being. (Witness the Aries soul of India, ruled as well by the first ray).
          8. The power to apprehend synthesis and to be an agent for that synthesis.
          9. Understanding and reveling in the bliss of destruction. “Let the Forces come together. Let them mount to the High Place, and from that lofty eminence, let the soul look out upon a world destroyed. Then let the word go forth: ‘I still persist!’ ” (EP I 84)
          10. The most austerely impersonal perspective. Be-ness.

    Directives for Aries and the First Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Assert The Good
    2. Assert Pure Being
    3. Be Brave!
    4. Be Confident In Being!
    5. Begin!
    6. Be One!
    7. Be ‘Will-Full’!
    8. Commence Destruction Of The Obstacles To The Expression Of Life
    9. Conceive Boldly
    10. Declare First Principles
    11. Destroy Obstruction
    12. Disseminate The Seed
    13. Exert Force
    14. Head The Fighting Force
    15. Immolate Egoism Of The Fires Of Pure Being
    16. Identify With Synthesis
    17. Impose Authority
    18. Incinerate Ego
    19. Initiate!
    20. Inspire Progress
    21. Launch Beginnings
    22. Lead The Charge
    23. Overcome Death
    24. Pioneer Penetration Into Life And Being
    25. Proclaim Identity
    26. Propel Forward Movement
    27. Propose Essentials
    28. Push Forward Relentlessly
    29. Resurrect Life
    30. Smash Against The Forces Of Obstruction
    31. Spear-Head Initiatives
    32. Take Command

    Mantra for Aries and the First Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek to stand and be within the Oneness of All Being.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact”—the Fact of Oneness of All Being.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R1/Aries: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’ and grasping with decisiveness the mighty Sword of Strength, the Leader issues irresistible commands inspired by Divine Purpose.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R1

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R1

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4 and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R1

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, “roaring orange”. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Color: red, red-orange, black

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: RE or D. Identification with C (the red key) is also reasonable and justifiable.

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna centers.

  1. Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center.

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Impulsive

  1. Can be restrained

  1. Outgoing

  1. Can be reserved

  1. Rushing forward, “ramming”

  1. Often holds the center

  1. Expending energy without reserve

  1. Conserving through an act of will

  1. Ever new

  1. Can promote rigidity and crystallization

  1. Aries rules all beginnings

  1. The first ray governs all beginnings and all endings.

  1. Often acts with discontinuity

  1. Often continuous and persistent

  1. Induces fiery emotion

  1. Often repressive of emotion

  1. Fertility of ideation

  1. Essentiality of thought

  1. The “Forces of Restoration” (EXH 456)

  1. The energy of destruction

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R1

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. The Principal First Ray Sign: Aries is the sign/constellation through which the first ray is (during this world period) principally expressed.
  2. The Fatherhood of God: Aries and ray one relate closely to the Fatherhood of God.
  3. Masculine Energies: Both energies are, archetypally, masculine.
  4. Transmitting Electric Fire: Aries and ray one are transmitters of electric fire.
  5. Expressions of the Will: Both Aries and the first ray are expressions of the will.
  6. Expressions of the Life Aspect: Both Aries and first ray are expressions of the life aspect.
  7. Commencement: Aries is the first sign and the first ray is the first ray of seven. Each energy indicates commencement.
  8. Initiative and Initiating: Aries is the sign of initiative, and the mode of Will expressed by the first ray is the “Will to Initiate”.
  9. Pure Being: Both Aries and the first ray are identified with pure being.
  10. Red and Redness: The esoteric color of the first ray is red, and the color most often associated with Aries is also red.
  11. Head Center: Zodiacally, Aries rules the head and the first ray is most associated with the head center—the center from which all occult processes are directed.
  12. Freedom, Liberation, Resurrection: Aries is the sign of total liberation, resurrection, and freedom; as well, the spiritual motive of those influenced by the first ray is freedom and liberation.
  13. Overcoming Death: Both Aries and the first ray are related to death and its overcoming. Aries overcomes death through resurrection. The First Ray Lord is the “Lord of Death”. By the power of the first ray, man overcomes death, largely through affirmation of pure being.
  14. The New: Aries is the sign of the “even new”. Similarly, a mantram for those upon the first ray is, “Behold, I make all things new.”
  15. Overcoming and Invincibility: Aries is the energy which, by sheer overpowering force, overcomes all obstacles. The first ray is the ray of invincibility.
  16. Related to the Dance: Both Aries and the first ray are connected with dance—especially the “Dance of Shiva”.
  17. Resurrection Initiation—the Seventh: The Resurrection Initiation (the seventh) is ruled by Aries (the ‘Lord of Resurrection’). This resurrection focusses the life upon the first or logoic plane, where the first ray rules. (Albeit, the seventh initiation is ruled by the second ray—the ray of the exalted Sun.)
  18. Festival of the First Aspect: In relation to the Three Major Festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini, it is Aries which is connected, most completely, with the first aspect of divinity and the first ray. Wesak is a first ray festival expressive of the second ray Forces of Enlightenment. The Festival of Goodwill is a second ray festival expressive of the third ray Forces of Reconstruction. Aries is related to the first ray Spirit of Resurrection Who directs the “restorative forces”, the first ray Forces of Restoration.
  19. Active at the First Initiation: Aries must also be considered active at the first initiation, which is definitely entry (Aries) into a new kingdom of nature—the fifth. All initiatives are related to the first ray. Each initiation is such an initiative.
  20. Related to Processes Important at the Third Initiation: Under Aries the monad or spirit aspect (the first aspect of divinity) is definitely contacted at the third initiation.

    “1. The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or the highest aspect; until that time, he has expressed first the life of the form and then the life of the soul within that form. This experience is of so high a nature that only those who have passed through it could in any way comprehend anything I might say.”
    (EA 387-388)
  21. Active at the Fifth Initiation: Aries must also be considered active at the fifth initiation ruled by the first ray. The fifth initiation is an initiatory entry (Aries) in the Sirian program of initiation. The first ray applied at this initiation indicates (along with Aries—sign of all beginnings) commencement.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the First Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Alexander the Great—Macedonian Prince, Conqueror (Proposed Ascendant)
  2. Annie Besant—English Theosophist, Social Reformer, Statesperson (Ascendant)
  3. Charles Pierre BaudelaireOtto von BismarckStatesman, Materialist, Founder of “Real Politik” (Sun Sign)
  4. Simon Bolivar—Liberator of South America (Ascendant)
  5. Charlemagne—King of the Lombards, Unifier and Emperor of Western Euorpe (Sun Sign)
  6. Oliver Cromwell—Lord Protector of England Following the Reign of King James I (Proposed Ascendant)
  7. Dwight D. Eisenhower—American General and Statesman (Proposed Ascendant)
  8. Mikhail Gorbachev—Russian Statesman and Political Reformer (Ascendant)
  9. Genghis Khan (Temujin)—Mongolian Conqueror (Proposed Speculative Ascendant)
  10. Master Morya—Chohan upon the First ray (Morya’s “Remembrance Day” is March 24th.
  11. Moses—The Hebrew Law Giver (Sun Sign—AAB informs us that tradition recounts Moses {and Mahomet} as born in Aries)


Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R2P (or R2S)

        1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R2P (or R2S): (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (This, in general, is a somewhat contradictory indication. No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges either constellationally or through the rays usually considered as transmitted through the ruling planets. A rather weak reinforcement may be considered as present because the second ray is transmitted through the Sun, the ruler of the second decanate of Aries. Also, second ray Jupiter rules the first decanate {in esoteric, counter-clockwise order} and the third decanate {is exoteric, clockwise order}. Perhaps the exaltation of the Sun in Aries may, indeed, reinforce second ray qualities, for those with this combination. The “Ram” must become the sacrificial “Lamb of God”, slain, for the sake of others, “from the foundation of the world”. The exaltation of the Sun can be likened to the Resurrection Initiation {the seventh}, in which the second ray energies of Love-Wisdom dominate {cf. R&I 340}. Perhaps, considering the sum of all the various sub-influences, we could say that the overall ray two reinforcement is mild.)

      1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
      2. The naïve narcissism of the selfish, self-centered Aries person combines with the permissive indulgence induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)
      3. Naïve disregard of boundaries. One who “cannot contain” himself.
      4. Not knowing where one belongs. (Saturn too weak).
      5. Allowing oneself any whim or pleasure.
      6. Promiscuous—too eagerly affiliative. Indiscriminately rushing into attachment: “Let form again be sought”. The ‘seeding’ tendency expressed through lower love.
      7. Shameless and unrestrained “love of being loved”
      8. Overestimation. Thinking “too big”, too inclusively.
      9. Over-expenditure of personal energies. Profligacy.
      10. Indiscriminately active; unreasoning positivity.
      11. Conflicts between approach and avoidance. Desiring to rush in and yet being afraid of the consequences due to second ray fear of impact.
      12. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
        1. Eagerness for the new, characteristic of the advancing Aries individual combines with the naturally expansive and inclusive attitude induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.
        2. Exuberant positivity. Believing in the limitless potential of the human being.
        3. A winning optimism. The glass is always “half-full”.
        4. Good spirits”. Jaunty cheerfulness.
        5. Trustingly embracing new experiences. A strong sense of the “goodness of life”.
        6. Sometimes caught between sensitivity (second ray) and the urge to rush forward (Aries).
        7. Liberal expenditure of energy.
        8. Hope springs eternal in the human breast”.
        9. The “new” is always better than the “old”.
        10. On the Path of Discipleship: eagerness for the light.
        11. On the Path of Discipleship: the rising (Aries) of the Christ Force (second ray).
        12. On the Path of Discipleship: recognition that love renews all experience.
        13. On the Path of Discipleship: holding the possibility of the upliftment and redemption of all beings. The attitude that everyone always has a chance to be restored.
      13. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. A dynamic radiation of the Life Aspect characteristic the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries, combines with a great positivity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.
          2. The bringer of new life and new light.
          3. Great generosity of spirit.
          4. Willingly undertaking initiatives of love.
          5. The thrill of loving-being poured forth from the heavenly worlds—regardless of circumstances and conditions.
          6. Inspiring and attractive magnetism—life and love united. Symbolically, the Sun/Son of God is exalted.
          7. The ability to inspire people to see new possibilities. Persuasive but not overbearing.
          8. Sacrificially offering oneself without hesitation. The joy of sacrifice if love is sufficiently powerful.
          9. Rising over all adversity because of love.
          10. Loving all unconditionally. Seeing all united within a state of being.

    Directives for Aries and the Second Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Accelerate The Growth Of Consciousness And Understanding
    2. Act Immediately Upon Spreading The Ageless Wisdom
    3. Affirm Comprehensive Inclusiveness
    4. Assert The Beauty Of The Divine Pattern
    5. Be Assertive In Saving And Salvaging
    6. Be Daring In The Expansion Of Consciousness
    7. Be First In Giving
    8. Be First To Bless
    9. Be The One
    10. Begin Building
    11. Burst Forth With Revelation
    12. Come Forth Expressing Love-Wisdom
    13. Come Forth With Compassion
    14. Declare The Value Of Unity
    15. Direct The Dissemination Of Spiritual Education
    16. Do Not Hold Back In The Expression Of Empathy
    17. Enfire Attraction To The One
    18. Emerge Sharing The Inner Vision
    19. Emphasize Group Unity
    20. Enunciate Detailed Unity
    21. Expend Great Energy In Revelation
    22. Hasten To Initiate Loving Interplay
    23. Immolate Attachments
    24. Incinerate The Bonds To Multiplicity (To All But The One)
    25. Initiate Blessings
    26. Initiate Relationship
    27. Insist Upon An Attitude Of Caring
    28. Launch Educational Initiatives
    29. Lead Towards Group Unity
    30. Make Haste With Carefulness
    31. Pierce New Dimensions For The Sake Of Illumination
    32. Pioneer New Methods Of Expanding Consciousness
    33. Plunge Into The Ocean Of Light And Love
    34. Proclaim The Ageless Wisdom
    35. Promote Hierarchy
    36. Push Forward In Scholarly Endeavors
    37. Send Forth With Power—Loving Thoughts
    38. Sound The Keynote Of Right Human Relations
    39. Spear-Head The Development Of The Teaching
    40. Smash Against The Forces Of Darkness And Ignorance
    41. Start The Process Of Sharing
    42. Thrust Forth The Light
    43. Undertake The Act Of Blessing

    Mantra for Aries and the Second Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek to see and then reveal the shining Oneness of All Being.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I See the Greatest Light” Ablaze within the Oneness of All Being.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R2/Aries: Focussed in the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the Scholar/Teacher heralds to an ignorant and darkened world a vigorously new, inspiring all-inclusive vision of the Oneness of the Whole.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R2

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R2

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R2

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange (“roaring orange”).

  1. Colors: Indigo blue, sapphire blue, light blue

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: SOL or G

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near or after the time of the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet.

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Identification with Father and the Son

  1. Identification with the Mother and the Son

  1. Full of assertion

  1. Full of receptivity

  1. Strenuously forcing

  1. Magnetically inviting

  1. Conflictual

  1. Placating, ameliorating

  1. Active

  1. Passive or more economical with motion

  1. Full of rapidity

  1. The “wise use of slow action” (EP II 142)

  1. Bursting forward

  1. Steadily, without let up, moving ahead

  1. Synthesizing

  1. Unifying

  1. Identified more with Electric Fire and Fire by Friction

  1. Identified more with Solar Fire

  1. Identified more with the Life Aspect

  1. Identified more with the Consciousness Aspect

  1. Experiential—plunging in

  1. Studential

  1. Impatient

  1. Patient

  1. Standing, dancing, leaping

  1. Sitting

  1. Scattering seed

  1. Nurturing seed

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Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R2

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Connected to the “Son of God”: While the energies of Aries and those of the second ray are highly contrasted, they share a connection to the “Son of God”. The second ray, of which the Sun is a strong transmitter, is always connected with “God the Son”—the second aspect of divinity. Aries represents the “sacrificial lamb” (also the “Son of God”), “slain from the foundations of the world” (cf. EXH 268-269). Further, Aries represents the “scapegoat”—again, the one who is sacrificed, reviled, and driven into the wilderness. The Christ (in the West, the great Representative of the second divine aspect) is known as the “scapegoat”.
  2. Exaltation of the Second-Ray Sun: The Sun (distributor of the second ray—both through its soul and personality) is exalted in Aries, thus revealing a powerful connection between this sign and the second ray.
  3. Connected to Sanat Kumara: Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, has many names. When He is called the Eternal Youth, a name suggesting the sign, Aries, is used. This Eternal Youth is (despite his obvious first ray associations) a great Representative on our planet of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, coming from the Solar Logos, of Whom Sanat Kumara is a direct Disciple. The Eternal Youth, the ‘Aretian Youth’, is the highest example upon our planet of the “Teaching Ray”, the great second ray. (cf. LOM 302)
  4. Relation to the Monad: Both the second ray and Aries have a strong connection to the monad. The monad is focussed upon the second plane of the cosmic physical plane and, by numerical affinity, has a strong connection with the second ray, regardless of what may be its particular ray quality. A monad is a “lord of ceaseless persevering devotion” (“The Monad is Life, the sustaining force, a Lord of persevering and ceaseless devotion to the pursuit of a seen and determined objective.”) (EP I 48)

    Aries, of course, is associated with the spirit of man—again the monad. The monad goes forth under an Aretian impulse, as a great sacrifice to lower life forms. Its motive is divine love. Thus, again, through the monad, we see the connection between Aries and the second ray.
  5. Related to the Resurrection Initiation: The Resurrection Initiation, most conceivably ruled by Aries, of all constellations/signs, the one most associated with the theme of resurrection, is additionally ruled by the second ray. Further, this initiation, focuses the life of the initiate upon the first plane of the cosmic physical plane, the “Sea of Fire”. It is reasonable to see this “Sea of Fire” associated with the first sign, Aries. Aries, as well, carries the “sea” symbolism, as its symbol is often the head of a ram with the tail of a fish.
  6. Related to the First Initiation: Because the first initiation is the first, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac is naturally implicated. As well the first initiation represents the mounting of the Fixed Cross (ruled generically by the second ray as the Cardinal Cross is ruled by the first and the Common Cross by the third). The initiate enters (Aries) the Kingdom of Souls at the first degree, and in this kingdom, it is the second ray which predominantly rules.
  7. Related to the Third Initiation: At the third initiation the initiate is introduced by Aries into the Mysteries of Being. As well, it is at that initiation that the soul (generically ruled by the second ray) achieves irrevocable dominance over the personality. The third initiation is the first (Aries) solar initiation, and the second ray is the ray predominantly to be associated with the Solar Logos (whose soul and personality are both on the second ray).
  8. Related to the Fourth Initiation: It is also possible to relate Aries and ray two to the fourth initiation, because of the fiery, liberating burning processes which take place at that initiation allowing polarization upon the buddhic plane, and because it is the second aspect of the will which is responsible for the destruction. “What, therefore, brings about the destruction of the soul body? The destroying agent is the second aspect of the Will.” (R&I 216)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as Prominent

            1. Richard Alpert (Baba Ram Dass)—American Author and Spiritual Teacher (Sun Sign)
            2. Eric Fromm—Psychiatrist, Social Psychologist, Author of “Escape from Freedom” (Sun Sign)
            3. Abraham Maslow—American Psychologist, Pioneer in the Transpersonal Psychology Movement (Sun Sign)
            4. Dane Rudhyar—French-American Author, Astrologer, Composer, Artist (Sun Sign)



    Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R3P (or R3S)

    1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R3P (or R3S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the third ray in various secondary ways through all three rulers of Aries. The third ray conditions a great Existence in which Mars {the exoteric ruler of Aries} expresses the astral body; the third ray is probably the personality ray of Mercury {the esoteric ruler of Aries} and, also, probably the personality ray of Uranus {cf. EA 138}, {the hierarchical ruler}. The third ray, because transmitted through the personality of both Mercury and Uranus {two sacred planets} are not as strong in expression as the ray which manifest through the soul—the fourth and seventh, respectively. In the energy system of sacred planets, the soul ray is stronger.)
    2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
    3. The impulsive, undisciplined, often-excessive expression of force characteristic of the self-centered Aries person combines with the hyper-activity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.
    4. Unwise accentuation of the activity aspect of divinity.
    5. Indiscriminate action. Hyperactivity and constant motion for its own sake. In effect, motion without action. “Going nowhere fast”.
    6. Rushing into situations where one is neither needed nor wanted.
    7. Disorganized impulsiveness; chaotic activity.
    8. Getting all entangled through undue haste.
    9. Ill-conceived, superfluous creativity.
    10. Generating more initiatives and projects than can possibly be carried out.
    11. The “man-eating mares” {cf. The Labors of Hercules, Labor One} are rampant. Excessive and turbulent generation of thoughtforms.
    12. Ceaseless selfish scheming.
    13. Extreme difficulty listening. (Possessing two mouths and one ear).
    14. Driven and blinded by the forces of maya.
    15. Exhausting mind and brain. Mental and physical activity deflect illumination.
    16. Lost in the “jungle of illusion”.
    17. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
      1. The impetuous mental energy and fertility of thought of the advancing Aries individual combines with the active, facile, correlating intelligence induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the third ray.
      2. Full of intelligent initiatives.
      3. Abundant mental and tangible creativity. Copious creative outpouring.
      4. Creating one’s world through the power of thought. The free and inventive mind—authentic, independent.
      5. Needing to learn simplicity of thought.
      6. Danger that the world of thought may become so powerful as to separate itself from the world of experience.
      7. On the Path of Discipleship: laying many plans for discipleship service.
      8. On the Path of Discipleship: bringing spiritual thoughts into manifestation.
      9. On the Path of Discipleship: burning the ‘web of mayavic entanglements’.
      10. On the Path of Discipleship: determination to think one’s way into a better, freer life.
      11. On the Path of Discipleship: contributing to the burning of the “jungle of illusion” through the power of rational thought.
      12. On the Path of Discipleship: Intelligent speed “upon the Way”.
    18. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The power to register and conceive the Archetypes, or “Seed Ideas” of the Divine Mind—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries—combines with the ability to understand abstract relationships induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.
          2. Understanding God as the “Great Thinker”.
          3. Realization that the World of Time and Space is, indeed, God’s Thought.
          4. Generating vast systems of thought by which to understand the World Process.
          5. Setting the jungle of illusion on fire. Burning away miasma.
          6. The power potently to use the factor of memory (third ray) as an instrument of advancement (Aries).
          7. Power to begin seeing the abstract energy essence of any tangible pattern of energies.
          8. The power to conceive truth without experiment.
          9. Having the intelligence to resolve subject and object into unity.
          10. Accessing the divine formula to generate any energy pattern.
          11. Understanding somewhat the freedom of the Divine Creativity. Engaging in a human creativity which somewhat reflects the Divine Creativity. Unusually fertile mind. (Bach: Sun in Aries, mental body likely on the third ray with the fifth)
          12. Seeing the universe in constant intelligent motion—the super-rational dance.

    Directives for Aries and the Third Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Accelerate Action
    2. Arouse And Excite Through Thought And Word
    3. Assert Creative Solutions
    4. Be Aflame With Mental Brilliance
    5. Be Daring In Creative Thinking
    6. Begin Thinking!
    7. Be Energetic In The Pursuit Of Economic Well-Being
    8. Be Purpose: “Purpose Itself Am I”
    9. Be Incisive In The Pursuit Of Divine Mental Perception
    10. Burst Forth With Creativity
    11. Conceive New Combinations
    12. Conceptualize Beginnings
    13. Conceptualize Creative “Moves”
    14. Confront When Critique Is Required
    15. Daringly Attempt To Conceive The Divine Plan
    16. Direct The Planning
    17. Disseminate Financial Resources: Seed Money
    18. Drive Economic Strategy Forward
    19. Energize Intelligent Activity
    20. Fecundate The Field Of Mind
    21. Fertilize The Thought Process
    22. Forcefully Penetrate The Divine Mind
    23. Generate New Concepts
    24. Give New Life To Projects
    25. Hasten Activities
    26. Inaugurate Creative Enterprises
    27. Incinerate Illusions
    28. Initiate Communications
    29. Initiate Plans
    30. Insist On Logical Thought
    31. Inspire The Power To Think Reasonably
    32. Lead Strategy Sessions
    33. Originate Well-Timed Applications Of Archetypes
    34. Overcome Maya (By Burning The “Jungle Of Illusion”)
    35. Pierce The Veil Of Illusion
    36. Pioneer The Adaptation Of The Divine Plan To Humanity’s Problems
    37. Plunge Ahead Into Manifestation
    38. Promote New Concepts
    39. Release Inherent Genius
    40. Send Forth New Ideas
    41. Set Things In Motion”
    42. Synthesize The World Of Thought
    43. Think Energetically
    44. Voice Energetically

    Mantra for Aries and the Third Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Creatively, I seek to weave within the Plan Divine which Oneness of Being has unveiled.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself Am I”—and Oneness of Being Unveils both the Plan I Weave and the Purpose I Am.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R3/Aries: Acute, alert and centered in the pulsing “Web of Life”, the Weaver, with intelligence, creatively inaugurates a new and widely ramifying plan within the greater Plan of God.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R3

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R3

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R3

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange (“roaring orange”).

  1. Colors: emerald green, yellow and black

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: FA or F

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near and after the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the Spiritual Triad and is ruled by Mercury, giving conscious access to the abstract mind.

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Identified principally with the “Father” and “Son” Aspects of Divinity

  1. Identified principally with the Holy Spirit and the “Mother” aspect of divinity.

  1. Identified principally with Electric Fire and Solar Fire.

  1. Identified principally with Fire by Friction.

  1. Identified principally with the Life Aspect.

  1. Identified principally with the Matter Aspect.

  1. Pure Being

  1. The many forms through which Pure Being expresses.

  1. Identified with the new and progressive.

  1. Often identified with the old and historical (but can foresee the future based on past trends).

  1. Experiences difficulty with the factor of time for Saturn, Lord of Time, “falls” in Aries.

  1. Understands time and its uses, for the third ray Lord is the “Dispenser of Time”.

  1. Straight and direct

  1. Curved and sinuous

  1. Simplicity

  1. Complexity

  1. Motion: “Progress onward” (TCF 1059)

  1. Motion: Rotary Motion

  1. Full of confrontation

  1. Full of strategy

  1. Impatient

  1. Strategically patient

  1. Risk-taking: “Leap before you look”

  1. Cautious: “Look before you leap”

  1. Spontaneous

  1. Planning

  1. Impulsive

  1. Calculating

  1. Fiery

  1. Cool or cold.

  1. Passionate

  1. Dispassionate

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R3

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Related to the Activity Aspect: Both Aries and the third ray are closely related to the activity aspect of divinity. Both may be seen as relate to the theme of perpetual motion. Both, as well, have a great desire and respect for speed. The third ray engages in speed once it has exercised caution.
  2. Aries, the Third Ray and Fohat: We may find a close connection between Fohat (in one respect the “Prime Mover” of all occult processes) and both Aries and the third ray.
  3. Aries Rulers all Express Third Ray: Every planet ruling the sign/constellation Aries (Mars, Mercury and Uranus) has a third ray component.
  4. Fertility: The principle of fertility is closely connected to the Ram (the fecund creator of many forms) and to the third ray, whose creativity on both the physical and mental planes is well realized. Those affected by either or both of these influences can frequently be faulted for the over-production of forms (whether physical or mental).
  5. Vitality, Life-Giving: Both influences are closely connected to the factor of vitality. Fiery Aries is the “life giver”. The third ray is associated with the etheric vehicle (the third vehicle) which is the generator and transmitter of prana, which vitalizes the third, or matter aspect of the personality.
  6. Form Building and Form Creating: Aries represents the first impulse towards form building (“Let form again be sought”), and the third ray is, classically, the creator of forms.
  7. Active in Relation to the First Initiation: Those who take the first initiation often have personality upon the third ray. The first initiation marks commencement—entry into the Fifth Kingdom, the Kingdom of Souls. Aries is the indicator of the commencement and initiatory entry. Further, the monad, the first ray aspect of a man, is active at the first initiation in relation to the soul. Aries is archetypally related to the monadic aspect—pure being.

    “It is interesting to note that (prior to the first initiation) the personalities of all aspirants to this great expansion of consciousness will be found upon the third ray which is—like the solar plexus centre—a great clearing house for energies, and a great transmuting station, if I may use this term.
    (EP II 386)
  8. Active at the Third Initiation: Aries is a sign active at the third initiation (numerically resonant with the third ray). At this initiation (introducing the disciple to a conscious relation to the monad—Aries relating to the spirit aspect), it is the third aspect of the monad by which the initiate is affected.
  9. Potentially Active in Relation to the Sixth Initiation: The sixth initiation represents an entirely ‘new departure’ to ‘destinations relatively unknown’ (though envisioned). It is fitting that such a departure from the known should be related to Aries, the sign of all beginnings and initiatives. It is the third ray that rules this initiation.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Third Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Rene Descartes—French Philosopher, Mathematician and Scientist (Sun Sign)
  2. Thomas Hobbes—English Social Philosopher (Sun Sign and Ascendant)
  3. Henry James—American Novelist of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Sun Sign)
  4. Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides)—Philosopher, Scholar, Physician to Saladin (Sun Sign)
  5. J. Pierpont Morgan—American Financier, Entrepreneur, “King of Wall Street” (Sun Sign)
  6. Michel de Nostradamus—French Physician, Psychic, Seer, Astrologer (Possible Aries Ascendant—or Pisces)
  7. Arnold Toynbee—English Historian, Author of “A Study of History” (Sun Sign)

Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R4P (or R4S)

  1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the fourth ray through Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries. This reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 2, indicating that it would be more pronounced for fourth ray disciples (those with personality or soul upon the fourth ray) than for average individuals with fourth ray personalities.)
  2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
  3. The combativeness and warlike nature of the self-centered Aries person combines with the frictional turmoil, stress and strain induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.
  4. The rajasic aspect of the fourth ray is emphasized over the tamasic aspect.
  5. Warlike, full of conflict, friction, wear and tear.
  6. Wearing oneself out prematurely. Exhaustion through excessive and often-unnecessary conflict.
  7. First urge is to fight. Often mindless or confused combat.
  8. Sudden reversals and stressful changes.
  9. Lost opportunities due to recklessness or unreadiness.
  10. One becomes “one’s own worst enemy”. Most wounds self-inflicted.
  11. Strong contrasts between approach and avoidance. Aggressive but inconsistent. “Flight or flight.” Lacking continuity.
  12. Fighting for the sake of harmony, but unable to keep the peace.
  13. Unconscious, dramatic self-centeredness.
  14. Vehemently pursuing opposing or conflicting points of view.
  15. Sudden reversals of loyalties. Traitor to himself and to others.
  16. Ne’re do well”.
  17. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
    1. The willingness to engage and confront with complete frankness, characteristic of the advancing Aries individual, combines with the power (even in very stressful situations) to bring harmony out of conflict—a power induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fourth ray.
    2. Courage in conflict.
    3. Adventurous self-expression.
    4. Willingness to persist in inharmonious and conflicted situations in order to see peace and harmony emerge.
    5. No friend of superficial peace. “Stirring the pot” if tranquility is seen to be artificial, superficial or imposed.
    6. Engaging in war to seek real peace. The attitude is: “Let’s work it out!”
    7. The active enemy of dissonance. Instantly and assertively responsive to discord.
    8. On the Path of Discipleship: strenuously engaged in the battle between the opposites on the Paths of Aspiration and Discipleship.
    9. On the Path of Discipleship: a willingness to “fight the good fight” on the Paths of Aspiration and Discipleship: engagement in the many battles of the Path. Thus a willingness to “enter into battle for the Lord”. (EA 93)
    10. On the Path of Discipleship: never inert for long when treading the Path. Challenging all tamasic conditions.
    11. On the Path of Discipleship: the use of Fire-by-Friction to achieve a more harmonious (sattvic) condition.
    12. On the Path of Discipleship: confronting all issues needing harmonization—both within the personality vehicles and between the personality vehicles
  18. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The power to willfully rise out of form into the freedom of the formless worlds—a power with which the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries is endowed, combines with the liberation into buddhic harmony and beauty induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.
          2. Actively seeking participation in the World of Harmony—the buddhic plane.
          3. Cultivating an assertive intuition which penetrates the world of ideas.
          4. Wresting ideas from the formless realms and clothing them in abstract thought.
          5. Killing the complexity of mental illusion through the “straight-knowledge” of intuitive thought.
          6. Experientially knowing the difference between “rupa” (form) and “arupa” (formlessness).
          7. Finding oneself the vehicle for an idea “whose time has come”—not just for a thought which seems timely!
          8. Intuitively understanding the way in which apparently contradictory thoughts may be harmonized.
          9. Intuiting new patterns in the development of the arts. Daringly apprehending and expressing new forms of beauty.
          10. Understanding the beauty revitalizes and brings new life.
          11. Harmonizing the self and the cosmos.
          12. Understanding the Principle of Cosmos—that all is a Unity in Beauty.
          13. Understanding that all opposing diversities can be resolved into the One Thing.
          14. Understanding that beauty is victory.
          15. Understanding that beauty leads to resurrection.

    Directives for Aries and the Fourth Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Arouse To Battle
    2. Battle For Beauty (“Enter Into Battle For The Lord”)
    3. Be A Leader In Humanity’s Struggles To Overcome Conflict
    4. Be Brave As A Warrior
    5. Be Courageous In The Preservation Of The Beautiful (“I Preserve” Is the Motto of Germany—Fourth Ray Soul with Aries as the Soul Sign.)
    6. Be Daring In The Creation Of Beauty
    7. Be Fertile In The Generation Of Analogy
    8. Be First To Seek Peace
    9. Be The Warrior Aflame
    10. Be The “Artist Of Your Life”
    11. Begin All Things In Harmony And Beauty
    12. Burn Away Ugliness
    13. Dare To Be Colorful
    14. Demand Concord
    15. Confront For The Sake Of Harmony
    16. Create Abundantly Through The Imagination
    17. Enforce The Peace
    18. Exert Yourself As “Corrector Of The Form”
    19. Expend Great Effort In The Mediation Process
    20. Express Energetically, Forcefully, Assertively
    21. Fight The Good Fight”
    22. Find Beauty In The Flame
    23. Force The Conflict To Subside”
    24. Generate Music Prolifically (J. S. Bach)
    25. Give Yourself Without Reservation To Artistic Inspiration
    26. Hasten To Appreciate Beauty
    27. Hold Nothing Back In Expressivity
    28. Initiate Conflicts And Conflict-Resolution
    29. Initiate Harmonization
    30. Insist On Cooperation
    31. Inspire Encounters
    32. Instigate The Friction Necessary For Fine-Tuning
    33. Vigorously Live A Life Of Contrasts
    34. Paint With Boldness (Van Gogh)
    35. Penetrate (With Force) The Realm Of Buddhi
    36. Pierce And Enter The Formless Realms
    37. Pioneer The Expression Of New Artistic Forms
    38. Proclaim Accords
    39. Promote A New Understanding Of Aesthetics
    40. Push For Peace
    41. Resurrect The Power Of Art
    42. Originate New Forms Of Artistic Expression
    43. Send Forth With Power—Waves Of Beauty (Sanat Kumara’s Daily Ritual)
    44. Sound The Keynote Of Cosmic Harmony
    45. Spear-Head A Drive For The Promotion Of The Arts
    46. Take The ‘Kingdom Of Beauty’ “By Storm”
    47. Throw Yourself Into The ‘Dance’
    48. Vitalize Culture
    49. Wrest Symbols From The Superconscious Realms

    Mantra for Aries and the Fourth Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek to harmonize all opposites into the Beauty of Oneness-of-Being.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: When “Two Merge with One” in Beauty, Oneness-of-Being is Revealed.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R4/Aries: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of all Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’ conceives a beauteous pattern new which eagerly, exuberant, he seeks to launch into the world.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R4

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally

  1. R4

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R4

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange (“roaring orange”).

  1. Colors: yellow, green, cream (cf. EP I 419)

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: MI or E

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near or following the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the ajna center at a relatively advanced point of evolution. Related as well to the fourfold base chakra.

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom.

  1. Rajasic

  1. Rajasic and tamasic

  1. Frontal fortitude

  1. Vacillation

  1. Persistence

  1. Inconstancy

  1. Overpowering

  1. Engaging

  1. Confrontational

  1. Confrontational and peace-making

  1. Disruptive

  1. Disruptive and cooperative

  1. Destructive

  1. Bridging

  1. Synthesizing

  1. Harmonizing (leading to unifying)

  1. Often fanatical

  1. Usually seeing both sides, and preserving the best of the old in relation to the emerging new.

  1. Emphasizing principles on which there must be no compromise

  1. Emphasizing the value of compromise

  1. Usually first or at the head

  1. Usually in the middle

  1. Rajasic

  1. Rajasic and tamasic

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R4

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Processes of Conflict and Struggle: Aries and the fourth ray are both energies which emphasize the processes of conflict and struggle.
  2. Warfare and Victory: The theme of warfare is strong in relation to both energies. Aries is the sign of victory, implying that it will feature, as well, in the dynamic of defeat. The fourth ray is forever struggling between victory and defeat. At last, Humanity, the fourth kingdom of nature, is meant to be victorious, as it rises in resurrection (Aries) from the lower four (the planes of the three lower worlds) to the higher four, the four higher ethers of the cosmic physical plane.
  3. Harmony Through Conflict: The fourth ray is the ray of Harmony through Conflict. Regardless of the nature of the conflict, the fourth ray inclines towards the eventual achievement of harmony. Even Aries has its harmonizing tendencies: “Harmonising the cosmos and the individual through conflict, producing unity and beauty.” (EA 67)
  4. Relation to Fire By Friction: Both Aries and the fourth ray are influences which induce friction, stress and strain. In this way they are related to “Fire by Friction”.
  5. Relation to the Sex Life: Both Aries and the fourth ray can be seen as strongly related to the sex life. Aries is “the Ram that breeds and fertilises all” (EA 155). Further, Aries brings about the relation between the sexes in the more systemic/cosmic sense, for Aries relates Spirit (male) and Matter (female). For its part, the fourth ray is engaged in uniting the pairs of opposites upon the physical plane (the fourth plane in the lower three worlds), and producing the often stressful relationship between male and female. The fourth ray contains in its nature both tamas (dense physical matter) and rajas (the inner principles). It is interesting that fighting, or what appears as fighting, is so much a part of so many mating rituals—those of humans included. Further, tying the fourth ray to the question of sex, the entire problem of sex is only solved at the fourth initiation, which is ruled by the fourth ray.
  6. Active in Relation to the Fourth Initiation: The fiery processes of the fourth initiation in which the lower atomic triangle is destroyed and the causal body consumed in fervent heat is related to Aries. The power of the monad descends to ignite the conflagration. Interestingly, it is the fourth ray which is predominant at the fourth initiation.
  7. Active in Relation to Processes following the Fourth Initiation: The true “Resurrection” initiation is the seventh, but there is a ‘rising from the dead’ which follows the “Crucifixion” and for which the Master Jesus is renowned. In the process the antahkarana (“Bridge of Light” ruled by Mercury and, thus, the fourth ray) is resolved into the ‘Oneness of Being’ characteristic of the fifth degree and to which Aries (the sign of ‘Pure Being’) gives entrée.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fourth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Hans Christian Anderson—Renowned Danish Author and Story-teller (Sun Sign)
  2. Johann Sebastian Bach—German Master Composer (Sun Sign)
  3. Charles Baudelaire—French Poet, Translator, and Literary and Art Critic; Author of Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil) (Ascendant)
  4. Johannes Brahms—German Composer of the 19th Century, With Beethoven and Bach, One of Germany’s ‘Three Great B’s’ (Ascendant)
  5. Isadora Duncan—American Pioneer in “Modern Dance” (Ascendant)
  6. Vincent Van Gogh—Dutch/French Expressionist Painter (Sun Sign)
  7. Francisco Goya—Spanish Artist Who Portrayed Historical Upheavals in a Shocking and Sometimes Ghastly Manner (Sun Sign)
  8. Franz Joseph Haydn—Austrian Classical Composer (Sun Sign)
  9. Modest Mussorgsky—Russian Nationalist Composer (Sun Sign)
  10. Raphael—Italian Renaissance Painter (Sun Sign)
  11. Algernon Swinburne—English Poet and Critic; A Mid-Victorian Poet in Revolt (Sun Sign)
  12. Rabindranath Tagore—Bengali Poet, Short-Story Writer, Song Composer, Playwright, Essayist, and Painter who was Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 (Ascendant and Moon)
  13. Arturo Toscanini—Fiery, Brilliant Italian Orchestral Conductor, Considered the Greatest of the First Half of the 20th Century (Sun Sign)
  14. William Wordsworth—English Romantic Poet; Poet Laureate of England (1843-1850) (Sun Sign)



Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R5P (or R5S)

  1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges when one considers the fifth ray component of the exoteric ruler, Mars (possibly monadic) and the fifth ray component of the esoteric ruler Mercury (arguably monadic). Uranus, too, is associated with orthodox science and the fifth ray. Perhaps the mental vehicle of Uranus is the fifth. There are no reinforcements, however, if the rays directly given as transmitted through the rulers of Aries are the only ones taken into consideration. If the fifth ray is the monadic ray of Mars, it would be transmitted only weakly and ineffectively {in our present solar system}, because Mars is a non-sacred planet. The fifth ray through Mercury would be potentially influential, but only in the case of those who are highly advanced and can respond to monadic vibration.)
  2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
  3. The crude fixation upon the obvious and the immediatean orientation characteristic of the selfish or self-centered Aries person—combines with an exclusive focus upon the testimony of the senses—a limitation of awareness induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
  4. Naively bewildered by sensory reality.
  5. Superficial understanding of life based upon sensory presentation. (Sensory fixation.)
  6. Viewing life mechanistically. Lacking refinement.
  7. A strictly mental and sensory approach to living. Undue emphasis upon “brain power”. Discounting the feeling nature. Imbalance between the male and female aspects of the psyche; the male aspect overpowering.
  8. Mechanical ability.
  9. Fascination with weapons and with the technology of war.
  10. Using the focused mind as an instrument of destruction.
  11. Readily confusing thought with reality.
  12. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
    1. The eagerness to venture into the ‘new’an attitude characteristic of the advancing Aries individual—combines with the urge to discover and understand induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fifth ray.
    2. A daring and fearless mentality.
    3. Overcoming emotional impulsiveness through the power of thought. Leading with the mind.
    4. Making “breakthrough” discoveries.
    5. Inventiveness. Devising new applications.
    6. Aggressiveness and persistence in research.
    7. Propagation of the light. Pioneer in the field of education.
    8. Directing investigations. Bending all mental powers to chosen objectives.
    9. Interested in “pure research”. Venturing into new areas simply because they are “there”.
    10. Using technology to bring new experience and greater freedom.
    11. Brain power” overcomes “brute force”.
    12. On the Path of Discipleship: willful penetration into new areas of thought.
    13. On the Path of Discipleship: mastering the facts of any new area of enquiry or experience.
    14. On the Path of Discipleship: great energy expended in bringing the hidden to light.
    15. On the Path of Discipleship: controlling the personality from the level of the logical mind. The rational man. “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
    16. On the Path of Discipleship: seeking to identify as soul (as a member of the fifth kingdom) and govern the personality (in the light) from that perspective.
  13. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The Will-to-Initiate (and penetrate into ever-new “points of tension” leading into the Realm of Spirit)dynamic life orientations possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries—combine with the power to “unveil the face of the true Spiritual Sun hidden by a disk of golden light”an occult capacity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
          2. Success in the pursuit of Raja Yoga or Gnani Yoga.
          3. Relative ease in achieving mental polarization.
          4. Power to take the third initiation (if all other preparations have been made). The third initiation is related both to Aries and to the fifth ray.
          5. Determination to use the focused mind to penetrate into the realm of soul; demanding illumination. Controlling the personal life with soul light.
          6. Later, determination to use the focused mind to penetrate into the realm of spirit; demanding inspiration. “The value of a fifth ray mind is however very great, for it means a keen and useful mind and (ponder on this) an open door to inspiration.” (DINA I 120)
          7. Interest in the technology which will reveal the world of the soul. Inventing new ‘machines’ for accessing higher states of consciousness and dimensions of subtle energy.
          8. The illumined mind becomes an agent of the spiritual will. (The close connection between the first and fifth rays allows this).
          9. Power to use the illumined mind to reveal the world of unity and being.

    Directives for Aries and the Fifth Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Ascertain What Is Needed To Begin Correctly
    2. Assert The Fact(s)’
    3. Be First To Discover
    4. Be First To Apply New Technology
    5. Begin With Definition
    6. Be Incisive In Analysis
    7. Be Indefatigable In Pursuit Of Knowledge
    8. Be Sure Of The Facts
    9. Bring New Life To Otherwise Dry Facts
    10. Burn Away Ignorance
    11. Clarify Initiatives
    12. Conceive Of New Research Possibilities
    13. Dare To Speak Only The Truth
    14. Demand Proof
    15. Determine The Initial Cause Of The “Garment Of God”
    16. Direct Investigations
    17. Discover, Scientifically, The Nature Of Spirit
    18. Emphasize Realism
    19. Energetically Pursue Certainty
    20. Enunciate The Truth
    21. Expend Great Energy To Trace The Smallest Fact To Its Source
    22. Fight With Facts Your Weapons
    23. Force It To Function
    24. Get In There And Find Out”
    25. Heroically Face The “Angel With The Flaming Sword”
    26. Identify Yourself With The Light Of Mind
    27. Initiate Discovery
    28. Inquire Into The Relationship Between Initiative And Initiation
    29. Insist Upon Exactitude
    30. Invent Technical Improvements
    31. Launch New Experiments
    32. Make It Work”
    33. Originate Inventions
    34. Persist In Inquiry
    35. Penetrate The “Disk Of Golden Light”
    36. Pierce The Divine Mind
    37. Pioneer Explorations
    38. Plunge Into The Unknown
    39. Push Scientific Discovery Forward
    40. Put Forth The Truth
    41. Research Electric Fire
    42. Start All Undertakings With Common Sense
    43. Smash Against The Wall Of Prejudice
    44. Think Boldly In Terms Of Numbers

    Mantra for Aries and the Fifth Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Through light-filled, penetrating mind, I seek to apprehend the knowledge which reveals in form the Oneness of all Being.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite”, and, Blending, they Disclose the Luminous Oneness of all Being.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R5/Aries: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’, the pioneering ‘Scientist of Life-in-Form’ conceives a new enquiry which yields a new discovery with vital application to the pressing needs of Man.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R5

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R5

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R5

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red) (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange, (“roaring orange”).

  1. Colors: orange (exoteric), indigo blue (esoteric)

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: LA or A

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near or following the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the ajna center

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Identified principally with the Life Aspect.

  1. Identified principally with the Mind Aspect.

  1. Identified principally with the Father Aspect

  1. Identified principally with the Son Aspect, (The Son of Mind is found upon the fifth plane)

  1. Identified principally with Electric Fire and Fire by Friction.

  1. Identified principally with Solar Fire and Fire by Friction.

  1. Experiential

  1. Observational

  1. Entering

  1. Standing back (though penetrating the “Disk of Golden Light”).

  1. Impatient

  1. Patient

  1. Incautious

  1. Cautious

  1. Generally dealing with principles and overlooking detail

  1. Careful consideration of detail

  1. Charismatic

  1. Non-magnetic

  1. Fiery

  1. Cool

  1. Emotional

  1. Non-emotional; “a mind and brain (embodied in a man)” (EP II 169)

  1. Inspiring

  1. Clarifying

  1. Forcing

  1. Reasoning

  1. Vitalizing

  1. Analyzing

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R5

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Mental Indicators: Both Aries and the fifth ray are strongly mental indicators. Zodiacally, Aries rules the head, and the mantram of Aries informs us—“I come forth, and from the plane of mind I rule”. The fifth ray is the great Ray of Mind, and is intimately connected to the entire development of mind and its processes.
  2. The Head and the Mind: The head ruled by Aries, is the home of the mind most characteristically ruled by the fifth ray.
  3. Mineral Kingdom: Aries rules all that is ‘highest’ or ‘lowest’—the mineral kingdom being lowest. Aries rules war, and the weapons of war are largely fabricated from the mineral kingdom. The fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science is particularly used to understand and manipulate the mineral kingdom.
  4. Fertilization by the Fifth Principle: The implantation of the “spark of mind” in animal man was an act of fecundation, an act of fertilization—and thus related to Aries. It was carried out by the members of the Fifth Creative Hierarchy, the Solar Angels, who established their influence upon the fifth plane, the planet of mind. In fact, the fifth principle, the mental principle, was, through this implantation, brought in touch with the brain (ruled astrologically by Aries).
  5. Initiative and Initiation: Aries is the sign of initiative and is one of the chief signs of initiation—eventually, when our planet is further advanced, to surpass even Capricorn in this regard.

    Aries begins the process and is the ‘initiator of the process which leads to progress’ and—at the end of the age (as it is now at the final or seventh initiation)—the Initiator of the Mysteries will work under instructions and with energies which emanate from the Lord of the Constellation Aries. In the last analysis and esoterically speaking, fire is the great liberator and Aries is the leading fire sign which will eventually “fuse the beginning and the end, blend the opposites and dispel both time and space.” At present, the Initiator of the Mysteries acts under inspiration and with energies emanating from Capricorn—an earth sign—because humanity is, as yet, earth-bound.” (EA 304)

    Thus, Aries will be the initiator. This identifies Aries with the Hierophant who begins to function as the One Initiator at that point in the human evolutionary process when the fifth ray comes into power. In Esoteric Psychology II, page 42, we read of the fifth ray that it is associated with: “The power to take initiation. (This is a point of real importance.)” The point when the fifth ray comes into power in the initiatory process (at the third degree) is also the commencement of a process (Aries) in which the One Initiator presides over the rites of initiation.
  6. Ajna Center and Integration: There is strong connection between the directing power of the ajna center (directing the integrated personality and reasonably associated with Aries—among other astrological signs) and the fifth ray which, in most cases, rules the ajna center.
  7. The Spirit and the Disk of Golden Light: The fifth ray is used to penetrate the “disk of golden light” which reveals the Spirit (Aries). Thus it is that the fifth ray leads to the first ray (most potently distributed by Aries). “Enter through that golden door. Thus will the Angel, who is the shadow of the Blessed One, reveal the open door. That Angel too must disappear. The Blessed One remains and passes through that door into the light sublime.” (EP II 38) The “Blessed One” is, in fact, the man who knows himself as spirit.
  8. Will and Mind: Further, Aries and the fifth ray are related because will (under Aries) and mind (under the fifth ray) are intimately related. Always the five leads to the one, just as it does in the Divine Tetraktys.
  9. Will-to-Initiate” and the “Will-to-Act”: Aries is associated with the first ray “Will-to-Initiate”, and the fifth ray to the “Will-to-Act”. The similarity between these two modes of will is evident.
  10. Science Group: 1-7-5: The pioneering activity of Aries (constellationally distributing rays one and seven) will, with the fifth ray, be related to the processes of the fifth Seed Group of Scientific Servers. “It will be carried forward by first ray workers, assisted by seventh ray aspirants, but using fifth ray methods.” (EXH 56)
  11. Related to the Third Initiation: At the third initiation, the fifth ray is predominant, and the center stimulated is the ajna center ruled by Venus and the fifth ray. Aries, initiating the soul into the mysteries of being and resonant to the monad, is often one of the signs active at this initiation.
  12. Relation to the Fifth Initiation: It is reasonable to conclude that Aries should be considered active at the fifth initiation (a kind of Aretian ‘resurrection’ into greater light—the “Revelation”.). The fifth initiation should be considered related to the fifth ray, because the fifth initiation is the first Sirian initiation—the star Sirius being so strongly ruled (though in part) by the fifth ray. The tremendous revelation at the Initiation of Revelation (the fifth) suggests the participation of the “Brother from Sirius” (“a Being of the intensest spiritual light” (EP I 76) Sirius has a far more stupendous luminosity connected to an inexpressibly higher manifestation of the fifth ray in that star system.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fifth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. William Harvey—English Physician and Medical Researcher; Discoverer of the Circulation of the Blood (Sun Sign)
  2. Joseph Lister—English Pioneer in Antiseptic Surgical Procedure (Sun Sign and Ascendant)
  3. J.B. Rhine—Pioneer Researcher of Psychic Phenomena (Sun Sign)
  4. Wilhelm Roentgen—German Physicist, Discoverer of the X-Ray (Sun Sign)
  5. Charles P. Steinmetz—German Inventor of Genius, Scientist, Mathematician and Electrical Engineer (Sun Sign)
  6. Wilbur Wright—American Inventor, Aviation Pioneer (Sun Sign)


Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R6P (or R6S)

  1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the sixth ray through Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries. The applicable category is Strong by Rulership—Class 1. There is also a decanate reinforcement of the sixth ray, with Mars ruling the first decanate {in exoteric order} and the third decanate {in esoteric order}. For the ordinary, non-aspiring human being born in Aries, this reinforcement could be considered very strong; average Aretians are significantly Martian in their behavior.
  2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
  3. The head-long, unreasoning passionate drive of the selfish Aries person combines with a fiery obsessiveness induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.
  4. Inflamed solar plexus. “Losing one’s head”.
  5. Unbridled enthusiasm. Lacking self-control. Irrationality. “Wild horses”.
  6. Rash and impulsive. Lack of realism.
  7. Immoderate. Even fanatical. Unbalanced extremism.
  8. Desperately needs restraint. Impulsively plunging into the ‘new’.
  9. Militaristic. “Flame-thrower”. “Send in the marines.” “Wave the flag”. Kamikaze. The “loose cannon”.
  10. Fighting over ideals.
  11. Great heat and little light to be seen. Irrationality.
  12. Consumed in one’s own flame. Dying of one’s own desire.
  13. The blind leading the blind”.
  14. The flame of wrath, but “burn out” is an ever-present danger.
  15. The “driven” life. But who is in the “driver’s seat”?
  16. Narrow, intolerant idealism.
  17. Cruelty. The imposition of ideals. Forcing conversions.
  18. Obsession.
  19. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
    1. The impassioned courage of the advancing Aries individual combines with the presence of great devotion to a chosen objective—a devotion induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray.
    2. Enthusiasm for beginnings.
    3. Willingness to pursue the goal or ideal “no matter what”.
    4. Ardent, undeflectable persistence despite danger and adversity.
    5. Power to motivate.
    6. Strenuous one-pointed effect to achieve high objectives.
    7. Counting oneself as little and the goal as much.
    8. Driving forward under the impulsion of the ajna center.
    9. On the Path of Discipleship: burning aspiration.
    10. On the Path of Discipleship: willingness to sacrifice the lower self in the fires of aspiration and idealism.
    11. On the Path of Discipleship: increasingly able to inspire and uplift.
    12. On the Path of Discipleship: following the promptings of the soul, despite all world considerations.
    13. On the Path of Discipleship: yet, forcing oneself, often unwisely, to achieve soul promptings and spiritual goals. Excessively driven.
    14. One the Path of Discipleship: great and strenuous efforts on behalf of the soul.
    15. On the Path of Discipleship: experiencing the fires of purification (baptism as by fire).
  20. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The power to champion the value of Divine Archetypesa power so frequently present within the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries—combines with a valorous, self-sacrificial idealism induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.
          2. Counting all as loss unless the “high calling in Christ” is achieved.
          3. Access to “The Highest Light” and earnestly desiring/willing that it control.
          4. Learning to both live and die for a cause included within the Divine Plan.
          5. Realizing the unreality of the world of Space-Time, and the reality of the World of Being, the World of Archetypes. This realization allows one to live those Archetypes into the lower worlds.
          6. Realizing the transcendent nature of Diving Impersonality.
          7. The power to abstract, rising into pure being.
          8. A readiness for self-immolation.
          9. Fiery martyrdom if need be.
          10. The “fastest path”; speed and self-sacrifice united; martyrdom.

    Directives for Aries and the Sixth Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Be Aflame With Devotion
    2. Begin A Pilgrimage
    3. Be Indefatigable In Pursuit Of The Goal
    4. Be Straightforward And Sincere
    5. Burn With Dedication And Commitment
    6. Champion The Cause
    7. Count All As Loss Except The Great Objective Be Achieved
    8. Dare To Seek Immolation
    9. Do Not Stop Until The Seeker And The Sought Are One
    10. Drive Forward Along The Path
    11. Enunciate The Creed
    12. Fight For Your Convictions
    13. Flame With Intensity
    14. Hasten Towards The Highest Light
    15. Initiate Quests
    16. Inspire Initiatives
    17. Inspire Loyalty
    18. Lead The Crusade
    19. Make Haste To Fulfill Your Mission
    20. Proclaim The Vision
    21. Pursue Your Passion
    22. Sacrifice All For Your Beliefs
    23. Sound The Keynote Of The Highest Ideal
    24. Walk Straight And With Courage Upon The Burning Ground
    25. Will To Reach And Merge With The “Beloved”

    Mantra for Aries and the Sixth Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Burning with devotion full, I yearn to merge with “Highest Light” within the glorious Oneness of all Being.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls” when Oneness-of-Being is Flaming in the Heart.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R6/Aries: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ardent ‘Devotee of Life’ suddenly envisions an ideal he had not seen before—uplifting him, inspiring him propelling him to “Enter into Battle for the Lord”—his Spirit/Soul.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R6

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R6

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R6

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange, (“roaring orange”).

  1. Colors: silvery rose, light blue

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: DO or C. The notes A or Ab are also to be examined in connection with the sixth ray.

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near or following upon the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149)

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Full of Will

  1. Full of Desire

  1. Seeking complete freedom and detachment

  1. Seeking intimacy with “the beloved”

  1. Tendency towards independence

  1. Tendency towards dependence

  1. The self as law

  1. The ideal or the object of devotion as law.

  1. Archetypally, the leader

  1. Archetypally, the follower

  1. Self-exaltation

  1. Self-abnegation

  1. Imperious

  1. Reverential

  1. Dominating

  1. Supplicating

  1. Initiating

  1. Awaiting

  1. Impulsing

  1. Responding

  1. Impregnating

  1. Receiving

  1. Most often serving one’s own will (even if identifying the higher will as one’s own).

  1. Most often serving the will of another.

  1. Acting from the center

  1. Seeking the center

  1. Loving to fight

  1. Fighting vigorously only when aroused

  1. Seeking to be

  1. Seeking to love

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R6

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Aries and the Sixth Ray Intimately Related: Because the sixth ray is transmitted through Mars, the orthodox ruler of Aries, these two energies are intimately related.
  2. Fire: The sign Aries and the sixth ray (in one of its expressions related to Mars) are both closely associated with the factor of fire.
  3. Desire: Both of these influences are closely related to the factor of desire. Further, the behavior of both is often characterized by a certain ‘drivenness’.
  4. Blood: Both Aries and the sixth ray are related to the factor of blood. The “blood is the life” (and Aries is identified with life). Mars is “objective and full of blood” and the sixth ray is transmitted through Mars.
  5. Persistence: Both Aries and the sixth ray induce the factor of persistence. Perhaps Aries will persist somewhat discontinuously, though relentlessly, with repeated attacks on the goal. The sixth ray will persist with greater continuity.
  6. Fanaticism and Extremism: Both of these influences are given to fanaticism and extremism.
  7. Causing Trouble in Human Relations: Both Aries and the sixth ray can, if unregulated, be extremely separative and the cause of much trouble in human relations.
  8. Acting on Impulse: Both energies incline those they influence to act on impulse and with insufficient forethought.
  9. Will-to-Initiate and the Will-to-Causation (“Will to Cause”): Aries is associated with the Will-to-Initiate, and the sixth ray with the Will-to-Causation; therefore both energies have to do with initial impulse.
  10. Related to Important Processes Occurring at the Second Initiation: The sixth ray rules the second initiation, the theme of which is purification by “water”, and more recently by water and “fire”. The sixth ray manifests through both water and fire (via Neptune and Mars, respectively, with even Neptune having its ‘solarly’ fiery content. The fire of Aries adds to the intensity of “purification so as by fire”—the “fiery baptism”.
  11. Reasonably Related to the Fourth Initiation: Another cycle of commencement (Aries) begins at the fourth initiation, at which time the initiate is liberated from the human kingdom into the arupa worlds of the spiritual triad. Aries and ray six indicate the fiery processes which accompany this liberation—processes of self-immolation (especially in the case of sixth ray souls). (cf. LOM 18)
  12. Reasonably Related to the Sixth Initiation: The sixth initiation begins (Aries) an entirely new cycle of experience—the taking of a Path which (in most cases) leads to a destination far from Earth, and, even, far from this solar system. The sixth ray indicates the single-minded commitment of the Chohan to tread one of the particular Paths. By numerical affinity, the sixth ray naturally correlates to the sixth initiation. (Parenthetically, it should be added that every initiation is a beginning, and, thus, related to Aries—the sign of all initiatives and beginnings.)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Sixth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Joan Baez—American Folk Singer and Songwriter (Sun Sign)
  2. Cyrano de Bergerac” (Sun Sign)
  3. Annie Besant—English Theosophist, Author in Occultism, Social Reformer, Statesperson; For Many Years Head of the Theosophical Society (Ascendant)
  4. Marlon Brando—Controversial American Motion Picture and Stage Actor; Celebrated for His “Method Acting”; Activist for Native American Causes (Sun Sign)
  5. John Brown—Radical American Abolitionist, Hanged for his Attack on Harper’s Ferry (Proposed Ascendant)
  6. Billy Graham—Southern Baptist Preacher, Evangelist (Perhaps the Most Popular of the 20th Century) (Ascendant)
  7. Mahomet—Founder of the Islamic Religion (Given by AAB in The Labors of Hercules)
  8. Modest Mussorgsky—Russian Nationalist Composer (Sun Sign)
  9. Edmond Rostand—French Playwright, Poet and Attorney
  10. Girolamo Savonarola—Fanatical Italian Religious Reformer (Proposed Ascendant or Pisces)


Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R7P (or R7S)

  1. Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the constellational transmission of the seventh ray through Aries. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational Transmission. This reinforcement is further strengthened by the transmission of the seventh ray through Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries. Jupiter, which has a significant seventh ray component {probably personality or, perhaps, sub-monadic ray} is the ruler of the first decanate {in esoteric order} and the third decanate {in exoteric order}. Clearly, the higher the evolutionary status of the seventh ray personality {or soul}, the stronger will be the reinforcement of the seventh ray, as it is not reinforced by either the exoteric or esoteric planetary rulers.)

  2. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):
  3. The imposing militarism of the self-centered Aries person combines with the rigid regimentation induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.
  4. Forcing conformity and imposing patterns.
  5. Organization more important than individuality.
  6. Mind more important than Nature.
  7. The “Procrustean bed”. Lethal rigidity. Straight lines and hard angles.
  8. Forceful regimentation. Intolerant of individuality. Grinding all “in the iron mill of routine”.
  9. Forced and unnatural rhythms.
  10. The martinet. The drill-sergeant. “Boot camp”. The marching band. Nazi rallies. Shot if one steps out of line
  11. Compulsive promptness. Living experience “like clockwork”.
  12. Small and tight organizational procedures which ignore the larger organism.
  13. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
    1. The vigilant exercise of control characteristic of the advancing Aries individual combines with a focused attentiveness to correct expression through form induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the seventh ray.
    2. Forceful efficiency. Swift organizer. (Lord Kitchener)
    3. The excellent running or directing an organization. Directing the team.
    4. Manifesting the “impossible”.
    5. The power to sculpt, to bring material “into shape”.
    6. Architecture. Materializing the conception.
    7. Efficient mastery of “men and materiel”.
    8. Bringing the life under rule and discipline.
    9. Efficient group creativity upon the physical plane.
    10. The well-coordinated and winning team. Rapid progress through coordination and teamwork.
    11. Refusing to hear that something “cannot be done” or that a good idea “cannot be manifested”.
    12. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to receive soul-promptings and then see them through into manifestation—actually, force them through into manifestation. Carrying out soul impulses in every particular.
    13. On the Path of Discipleship: eager following of the rules of group life. A combination useful for carrying out rules upon the Paths of Aspiration and Discipleship. This would be especially useful at the time of the first initiation (with which both Aries and the seventh ray are involved).
    14. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to “rule” from the plane of mind in a highly structured and militant way. Whipping the personality life into shape.
    15. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to impress soul patterns upon the personality and the environment.
  14. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
          1. The power to align with the purpose of the Spirit Aspecta power often possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries, combines with a strongly developed ability to bring spirit into matter—a relational ability induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.
          2. The white-magical process from conception to execution.
          3. The ability to work with the Divine Will and the Divine Plan—in some degree of detail.
          4. Knowing the archetype and using all means to ensure that it manifests.
          5. A powerful ability to bring life into form, and spirit into matter.
          6. Following the Divine Law with exactitude in order to produce results in conformity with that Law.
          7. Vertical, hierarchical living.
          8. The power to see Pure Being within the realm of form.
          9. The power to create not just unity, but a living synthesis upon the physical plane.
          10. The soul vitally present within the personality.
          11. The spirit vitally present within the soul-infused personality.
          12. Vital preparation for the resurrection of matter by creating livingness-in-matter.
          13. Eventually, ‘Hierarchy-on-Earth’.
          14. Finally, ‘Shamballa-on-Earth’.
          15. The consummation of the original Divine Purpose upon the physical plane.

    Directives for Aries and the Seventh Ray

    (On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

    (These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

    1. Act Without Hesitation To Fulfill Your Role In Hierarchy
    2. Arouse And Inspire The Team
    3. Be Daring In Renovation And Reorganization
    4. Be First In Final Fulfillment
    5. Begin Properly
    6. Begin Yet Achieve Completion
    7. Be Militant In Exercise (“Military Exercises”)
    8. Be Rigorous In Execution
    9. Bring New Life To Organizations
    10. Commence Building
    11. Conceive Archetypes And Express Them
    12. Confront Deviation From The Intended Pattern
    13. Do Not Stop Until Perfected Expression Is Fulfilled
    14. Enforce Regulations
    15. Engage Vigorously In Rites, Rituals And Ceremonies
    16. Have Your Way, But In Good Form
    17. Impose Laws
    18. Initiate Transformation
    19. Insist On Regularity
    20. Invent New Paradigms
    21. Keep To Regimens
    22. Launch Movements And Organizations
    23. Make Haste Towards Consummation
    24. Organize Swiftly, Immediately
    25. Organize Initiatives
    26. Originate New Patterns
    27. Persist With Practice
    28. Pioneer New Procedures
    29. Prepare Meticulously To Begin
    30. Proclaim A New Structure
    31. Propel Spirit Into Matter
    32. Push For Manifestation
    33. Push Through New Policies
    34. Regiment!
    35. Rehearse Constantly
    36. Renew Traditions
    37. Resurrect Matter Into Spirit
    38. Revitalize Old Yet Worthy Forms
    39. Rule From The Plane Of Mind As A Magician
    40. Sacrifice All For The Materialization Of The Divine Plan
    41. Stand Forth As An Example
    42. Start Networks
    43. Synthesize Activity Upon The Physical Plane
    44. Fulfill Your Function With Vigor
    45. Will Perfected Expression Upon The Physical Plane

    Mantra for Aries and the Seventh Ray

    Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek to manifest in perfect form the pattern which the Oneness of all Being has revealed.

    Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: When the “Highest and the Lowest Meet”, Oneness of all Being is Expressed in Perfect Form.

    Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R7/Aries: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the ‘Magician of his Life’ receives a new impression of a Plan-inspired pattern of relations, which he seeks, with force insistent, to impose upon the world.

    Discover Potentials to be Derived from

    Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R7

    Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally.

  1. R7

  1. Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R7

  1. Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red—as given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange (“roaring orange”).

  1. Color: violet

  1. Note: DO or C

  1. Note: TI or B

  1. Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna center (near or following the third initiation).

  1. Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples (under the impress of the seventh ray planet, Uranus).

  1. Creative Hierarchy II, liberated

  1. Creative Hierarchy number V, liberating, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.

  1. Relates to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Identified with the Life Aspect.

  1. Identified with the fusion of the Life, Consciousness and Matter Aspects.

  1. Identified with the ‘highest”

  1. Identified with the “highest” and “lowest”

  1. Emphasizes the head center

  1. Emphasizes the sacral and base of the spine centers, though in the third degree initiate, Uranus (the seventh ray planet) rules the head center.

  1. Identified principally with Spirit

  1. Identified principally with Matter

  1. Essence

  1. Form

  1. Identified with spiritual subjectivity

  1. Identified with material objectivity

  1. Law-breaking

  1. Law-abiding

  1. Ill-regulated

  1. Well-controlled

  1. Often rude

  1. Usually polite

  1. Often crude

  1. Usually polished

  1. Impulsive

  1. Cautious and restrained

  1. Often chaotic

  1. Usually well-organized

  1. Forceful in confrontation

  1. Legalistic in confrontation

  1. Spontaneous, loving surprises

  1. Forethoughtful, often disliking surprises

  1. Identified with the destruction and shattering of form

  1. Identified with the creation and preservation of the form

  1. Capricious in action

  1. Usually sequential in action, or at least acting in a well-planned manner.

  1. Proceeding according to inspiration

  1. Proceeding according to formula

  1. Emphasizing newness in every moment

  1. Emphasizing established pattern, habit and routine (unless the Uranian aspect of the seventh ray is expressing strongly).

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R7

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Aries and the Seventh Ray Closely Connected: Aries is closely connected to the seventh ray due to the constellational transmission of the seventh ray through Aries.
  2. Spirit and Matter—the “Highest and the Lowest”: The seventh ray relates the “highest” and the “lowest”—spirit and matter. This is also true of Aries. Of the disciple in Aries it is stated: “He started in Aries with Mars ruling, and the great war between the dualities which constitute the man began. The pairs of opposites were thus brought into relation with each other.” (EA 210) With respect to the seventh ray and its Word of Power, “The Highest and the Lowest Meet”; Aries, too, engages the great Pairs of Opposites.
  3. Regimented Discipline: Under both Aries and the seventh ray, the factor of regimented discipline is applied. Those influenced by Aries can become, metaphorically, the “drill sergeant”, forcing all into strict conformity. This is true, as well, of those who are strongly influenced by the seventh ray.
  4. Related to Archetypes: Both Aries and the seventh ray are related to archetypes. Archetypes are divine patterns or patterns in the heavens. Uranus (hierarchical ruler of Aries and distributor of the seventh ray) is the planet of archetypes and is called the “heavenly sphere”. (cf. EA 432)
  5. Uprising of Kundalini: It is reasonable to conclude that both Aries and the seventh ray are associated with the uprising (Aries) of kundalini from the base of the spine (seventh ray). There comes a time, late in the developmental process, when seventh ray Uranus can be considered a ruler of the base of the spine center.
  6. Alchemical Process: These two influences have a close association in the alchemical process. The seventh ray is the “Divine Alchemical Worker” (EP I 85), and Aries is associated with the burning ground of transmutation. Transmutation is “the passage across from one state of being to another, through the agency of fire.” (TCF 476). It can be seen how Aries, the burning ground and Uranus are connected to this transmutative process. In a way, Aries rules all states of being. Aries is the zodiacal sign most identified with being.
  7. Reasonable Relation to the First Initiation: The seventh ray is the predominant ruler of the first initiation. Aries distributes the seventh ray and is also related to Uranus which, as ruler of the sacral center, figures strongly in this initiation. The first initiation represents the initial entry into the Kingdom of Souls. This initial entry is (as all initial entries are) correlated with Aries. The subjection of the physical vehicle to regimen and regimentation (a requirement at the first initiation) is facilitated by this combination of energies.
  8. Possible Relation to the Seventh Initiation: Aries should be considered closely related to the seventh ray through the seventh initiation, which focuses upon the seventh plane (from below upwards), the logoic. This initiation is called the Resurrection, which connects it definitely to Aries, which can be called the ‘Sign of Resurrection’.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Aries is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Seventh Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Giovanni Casanova—Adventurer, Profligate Lover, Meticulous Diarist, ‘Magician’ (Sun Sign)
  2. Carlos Castaneda—Anthropologist, Author of the “Don Juan” Series (Proposed as Aries but Possibly Taurus)
  3. John Dee—Elizabethan Sage, Scholar, Astrologer, Occultist (Proposed Ascendant)
  4. Benjamin Franklin—American Statesman, Printer, Scientist, Inventor, Diplomat, Civil Servant (Proposed Ascendant)
  5. Thomas Jefferson: Third President of the United States, Author of the Declaration of Independence, Musician, Architect, Inventor (Sun Sign)
  6. Robert A Millikan—Discoverer of Cosmic Rays (Sun Sign)
  7. Wilhelm Reich Austrian-American Psychoanalyst and Pioneer of Sexual Freedom, Proposed the Exixtence of the ‘Orgone’ Energy (Sun Sign)