the Great
Conqueror and King of Macedonia
Born July 22, 356 BC, Pella, Macedonia, between 10 and 12 PM. (Source,
Marc Penfield, who cites Die Astrologie, June 1927). Time used,
11 PM. Suggested rectification 11:04:08 PM.
chart must be considered speculative, but well supported by evidence
from transits, progressions and directions. Died, June 13, 323 BC, Babylon.
consideration based on Sabian Symbols

(Proposed Ascendant, Aries with Pluto in Aries conjunct the Ascendant;
Sun conjunct Venus in Cancer with Mercury also in Cancer; Moon in Scorpio
Mars in Gemini; Jupiter in Virgo; Saturn in Taurus; Uranus in Capricorn
conjunct the proposed MC in Capricorn; Neptune in Virgo. The Chiron
position, probably very significant, cannot be given due to the lack
of a sufficiently extensive Chiron ephemeris).
The name Alexander the Great is synonymous with war, conquest and towering
ambition. The Tibetan infers that he may have been one of those rare
expressions — i.e., “a pure ray type” — along
with Julius Caesar,
the Buddha, the Christ and Leonardo
da Vinci (EP I 73). Alexander and Caesar were clearly on the
first ray line, the Buddha and the Christ on the second, and Leonardo
on the fourth. In the brief, thirty-three year life of Alexander, he
forced his way into the imagination, not only of his own era, but of
the following two millennia.
was surely an extraordinary character—dramatic, merciless, magnanimous,
terrifying, awe-inspiring, full of contradiction, unforgettable. Humanity,
full of the sense of its own weakness, persistently admires the archetype
of the invincible conqueror. Alexander came as close to fulfilling this
archetype as any personage in recorded history, perhaps with the exception
of Genghis Khan.
In colloquial
speech we speak of a very ambitious person as one who is “out
to conquer the world”. In the case of Alexander, this seemed literally
true. A Macedonian, his obsessive military exploits took him to the
east of the Hellenic states, where at length he became the conqueror
of the entire Persian Empire.
Never content
with the vast and ever-increasing scope of his conquests, he pressed
on to subdue what are now Baluchistan, Southern Afghanistan and Iran,
and finally large portions of northern India, where only a mutiny of
his nearly exhausted armies prevented him from seeking still further
lands and peoples to overcome. Alexander was a driven man, obsessed
with the need to vanquish the then-known world, and even worlds beyond.
An explorer
as well as a conqueror, he sought to prove his strength against the
peoples of lands undreamt. He did not know who they were, but he had
faith in his invincibility and his power to bend them to his will. Whether
or not he sought to create a world empire is unknown, but for him, interestingly
(and to his credit) conquest was never enough. It had to be followed
by harmonization and attempted fusion. One can judge that the drive
to create synthesis was, for him, an irresistible urge—no matter
what the cost, to himself, his armies or to those over whom he repeatedly
The Rays of Alexander the Great
The Ray
of the Soul: There can be little doubt that Alexander was a first
ray soul.
The Tibetan
lists him in the company of those who, equally, must be considered first
ray souls.
“The sorry
history of humanity has been one of kings and potentates, rulers and
warriors, presidents and dictators—rising into power at the expense
of their own or other nations. Conquerors come and go—Akbar,
Genghis Khan, the
Pharaohs, Alexander the Great, Caesar,
William the Conqueror, Napoleon,
Hitler and Mussolini.
These have all upset the rhythm of their times and have come to power
through aggression and slaughter. (EXH 183-184)
Whether or
not Alexander was a first ray monad, as well, must remain, for the moment,
undecided. Although he was a figure famous to many (and infamous to
some), it could not be said that he functioned in a manner definitely
inspired by the high spiritual level of the monad, though the possibility
remains. The Master of the Wisdom will know Alexander’s monadic
ray; we human beings, who know much less, can only infer. Judging from
the quality of Alexander’s life, as history has recorded it, the
degree of his spirituality (if “spirituality” is defined
in relatively conventional terms) can be severely questioned, whereas
the degree of his megalomania cannot.Yet,
in relation to Alexander, Julius Caesar, the
Buddha, the Christ and Leonardo,
the Tibetan offers the suggestion that he could be considered an example
of a “pure ray type”.
Given the
choice between types of major, or primary, monadic rays (the first,
second and third), it is hard to believe that Alexander could have been
anything other than a first ray monad. As for the various subrays, and
other qualifiers on the monadic, triadal and egoic levels, we are as
yet in no position to judge with accuracy.
astrological chart chosen for Alexander is speculative but
has much to recommend it. It differs significantly (in date, time and
even in year) from other speculative charts (as might be expected with
so ancient a chart), though most accounts place his birth in July, in
the year 356 BC. The time for the chart used is suggested (by Marc Penfield)
as between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM in Pella, Macedonia, in the year 356
An average
time of 11:00 AM is selected. Selection in this manner could seem a
very crude and arbitrary process, indeed, and one unlikely to yield
any degree of accuracy, yet surprisingly, the hour of 11:00 AM may be
very close to the correct time of birth. Coincidentally (if it is a
coincidence) the symbol for the 19th degree of Aries rising
is “The Magic Carpet of Oriental Imagery. We have very little to do
to imagine the idea of the ‘Persian Carpet’, as we remember Alexander’s
great and continuous movement to the East as the conqueror of the entire
Persian Empire.
If we move
the birth time forward a mere four minutes and eight seconds, we would
find the beginning of the twenty-first degree of Aries rising—a degree
entitled “A PUGILIST ENTERS THE RING, “The release and glorification
of social aggressiveness, a keyword for which, in Dane Rudhyar’s opinion
Suffice it
to say that such a symbol would be most apt for the life and character
of Alexander, one of the most ruthless and invincible conquerors of
recorded history.
of these two rising degree we choose to use, charts calculated for 11:00
AM, or 11:04:08+ (or some time in between, such as 11:01 AM or 11:01:30
AM) prove convincing in a number of ways which shall be demonstrated.
The charts for 11:01 to 11:04 AM, however, suffer from the
Ascendant’s association with Sabian Symbols that seem inappropriate.
These Aries
Rising charts also demonstrate the presence of a most powerful, astrologically-based
first ray through which the ray of the soul (or monad) could manifest.
Aries, the principal astrological sign/constellation, through which
the first ray manifests most forcefully is, significantly, the
Ascendant (with Leo and, consequently, the Sun as the decanate ruler
in the 11:00 AM chart). If the 11:04:08+ chart is more correct, then,
according to the Tibetan, Mars is the decanate ruler, which is certainly
The first
ray is dramatically accentuated by the presence of Pluto,
planet of death and destruction, rising in Aries—whether in the
first or twelfth house, it makes no difference, so close is Pluto the
Ascendant. First ray Pluto (regardless of the exact degree of the proposed
Aries Ascendant) is placed in the Leo decanate of Aries, reinforcing,
thereby, the powerful presence of the first ray, for Leo is partially
a first ray sign/constellation.
There is
an astrological triangle known as Aries-Pluto-Shamballa. Pluto is, indeed,
intimately connected with first ray Aries and with Shamballa (the main
source on our planet of the First “Ray of Will or Power”).
Alexander (if he could be called a disciple) would reasonably, along
with certain others, be called a disciple of Shamballa:
“The men who
inspired the initiating French revolution; the great conqueror, Napoleon;
Bismarck, the creator of a nation; Mussolini, the regenerator of his
people; Hitler who lifted a distressed people upon his shoulders;
Lenin, the idealist, Stalin and Franco are all expressions of the
Shamballa force and of certain little understood energies. (EXH 133)
That those
who represent and express Shamballa do not always have a positive effect
upon humanity, can be seen by considering the relative moral merits
of the individuals mentioned above.
By considering
the conjoining of Aries and Pluto at the Ascendant, we can see what
a powerful conduit existed in Alexander’s astrological chart for
the “Ray of the Destroyer”. His relentlessness, ruthlessness,
mercilessness (at times) and apparent invincibility are thereby explained—at
least astrologically. He would allow nothing to stand in the way of
his conquests. Those who resisted were annihilated.
Those who
accepted his domination were (paradoxically, in the eyes of many) treated
with respect and an unusual degree of what can only be described as
generosity and civility. Often, he seemed to treat them as the equals
of his conquering Macedonians.
The first
ray is also represented by first ray Uranus (i.e., monadically
first ray) in first ray Capricorn at the MC (a position on the astrological
angles or “cross” which is closely associated with the first
ray). Alexander was powerfully Uranian in his nature (unpredictable,
reorganizational, ‘establishmental’).
He was a
potent restructuring force in the Hellenic World and the Asiatic empires
he conquered. Aries, the sign of the new, is also a conduit for
the seventh ray of manifestation—of which Uranus is also a transmitter.
It is said by one of his biographers that Alexander inaugurated (Aries)
about 70 new cities.
Aries, it
will be remembered, is hierarchically ruled by the planet, Uranus—especially
in the case of initiates. It is difficult to judge Alexander as a true
initiate, so it will be wise to pause before deciding that Uranus can
be considered effective as a hierarchical ruler of the proposed Ascendant
in his chart.
As an elevated
planet conjunct the MC, Uranus was, however, definitely effective. Placed
in the sign Capricorn
(a major sign of manifestation and anchoring) we can see why he was
able to inaugurate and establish these cities, and, in general, to institute
his inspirations. Not only was Uranus conjunct the MC but rather closely
parallel to it as well (parallels of declination).
At a certain
point in his career Alexander became convinced that he was a “god”,
which, if true, would indicate a spiritual status far above and beyond
that of an initiate. As
his life continued, he insisted that others treat him as divine,
complete with all the obsequies due a deity. In truth, he was no more
a “god” than any other human being (who, as a monad, is,
indeed, a “god), and the probability is, that he was no high initiate,
but rather an extremely powerful, versatile, talented personality who
appropriated the first ray of his soul in manifestly destructive ways.
Whether he
was an “initiate of the threshold (i.e., an initiate of the first or
second degree) can be debated.
There can
be little doubt that he was an individual of great courage and intelligence
and, on occasion, of heart, but he loomed too large in his own importance
to be called a true initiate.
through repeated and prolonged “drinking-bouts (in one of which, enraged
by drink, he murdered a military comrade he otherwise valued highly),
he demonstrated that he was far indeed from achieving emotional control—a
characteristic of those who have achieved the second degree.
The Ray
of the Personality: When considering a hypothesis for the personality
ray, the fourth ray of “Harmony through Conflict”, which
is, in certain respects, very much the ray of the warrior, seems
a strong possibility. Alexander was not a consistent character by any
means. There are a number of well-documented sudden and dramatic reversals
of attitude in his life. He was often remorseful over his excesses and,
for a great conqueror, apologetic and full of regretful grief. It seems
he had all the adolescence of character typical of an inflamed (Aries)
fourth ray type, and was the victim, as well, of the self-celebratory
narcissism typical of those upon that ray (and influenced strongly by
that sign).
It was always
difficult to predict what Alexander would do, a fact which may have
contributed much to his continue successes over ‘enemies’.
He was quick to anger, but suddenly generous and forgiving as well.
He would take tremendous risks (both to himself and his men), but was,
on other occasions, extremely cautious or wisely flexible in situations
which demanded it. As a general he has a certain spontaneous adaptability
and improvisatory quality typical of the fourth ray.
He was given
to fourth ray excesses of character—at times utterly unrestrained,
undisciplined—Dionysian in the extreme; at other times, he was
the strictest of disciplinarians. Such inconsistencies are typical of
the fourth ray.
His treatment
of (cooperative) conquered enemies was typically fourth ray in nature,
for he sought harmony with all compliant, subjugated peoples
by restoring to them many, if not all, of their former privileges, which,
as their conqueror, he could easily have retained for himself and his
Macedonian armies. Once he was well-established as the conqueror of
Persia, he treated Persian culture as the equal of Macedonian culture
and traditions, and many subservient Persian rulers as the equals of
his Macedonian and Greek comrades in arms. In a way, he adored Persian
culture (adopting its customs and trappings) and was judged (by his
disgruntled Macedonian soldiers) to elevate it far beyond its true worth.
He sought a broad-scale harmony between Persians, Macedonians and Greeks,
and encouraged his men to take Macedonian brides; he even paid them
to do so.
He, himself,
took a Persian bride—a daughter of the Persian emperor, Darius.
He deliberately
became the harmonizer of his conquered lands and peoples, envisioning
himself grandly as a supremely tolerant, benevolent ruler. His method
was so often—first severe conflict and conquest, followed by the
promotion of a pervasive harmony entirely in contrast with the furious
conflict he had precipitated.
This is behavior
typical of the interplay between the first and fourth rays, especially
when aggravated by the fiery impulses of Aries and modified by the personal
sensitivity of Cancer.
Two of the
three signs/constellations which serve as conduits for the fourth ray,
are tenanted in Alexander’s chart—Saturn,
the ruler of the MC, placed in fourth ray Taurus, and the fourth ray
Moon placed in the very first degree of fourth ray Scorpio. This Moon
position is powerful indeed, and a good argument for speculatively delaying
the time of Alexander’s birth until approximately 11:00 AM, when
the Moon entered destructive, war-like Scorpio.
Fourth ray
Mercury, the esoteric ruler of the Aries Ascendant is placed in the
fourth sign, Cancer, and is widely trine to the fourth ray Scorpio Moon.
If 21º of Aries is rising (the apt symbol for which is, “A Pugilist
Enters the Ring”), then Sagittarius, which, with Taurus and Scorpio,
is a distributor of the fourth ray, is the sub-ruler of the decanate
of the Rising Sign.
Sun Sign (like that of Julius
Caesar’s) is, both tropically and sidereally considered, Cancer—not
a sign which one would normally associate with a conqueror, for this
sign often produces in men a rather effeminate psychology.
Both Alexander
and Caesar are reputed to have had a number of homosexual liaisons.
Caesar, for instance, notorious for his sexual excesses, was known as
“every woman’s husband and every man’s wife, and Alexander, though he
married a number of women, had a male “best friend, Hephaestion, who
was almost certainly, so some affirm, his lover. Sexual ambiguity is
often associated with the artistic fourth ray.
A study of
history will reveal that Alexander was closely tied to his mother, for
whose sake he became temporarily estranged from and hostile to his father,
Philip II of Macedonia, when Philip took yet another wife.
The attitude
of obsessive conquest so dramatically evidenced by Alexander can be
interpreted as a huge over-compensation for the passivity and effeminacy
of his Cancerian nature. The one most driven to conquer is, from the
psychological perspective, often the one most fearful of being conquered—in
this case by the mother force. It is interesting that in one of the
most convincing astrological charts for Genghis
Khan, there is to be found a fourth house Cancer Moon and, as history
tells the story, the great Khan both feared and respected his mother,
who was the only person who seemed to have power over him.
the “Iron Chancellor, is said to have been “ruled by his wife.
That Cancer
is the fourth sign of the zodiac is significant. Its orthodox
ruler is the fourth ray Moon, strengthened in its fourth ray
nature by being placed in fourth ray Scorpio.
Since Ascending Aries is esoterically ruled by fourth ray Mercury,
which is trine to the fourth ray Scorpio Moon, the fourth ray is potently
accented—especially in its conflict side (because two Martian
signs are strongly involved).
The orthodox
ruler of the Ascendant is Mars, placed in Gemini, the sign over which
fourth ray Mercury orthodoxly rules. Mars in Gemini is also significant
for a battle between the pairs of opposites, and would contribute to
the fact that Alexander’s facile, intelligent mind was a great
instrument of war. This position of Mars would promote a conflict within
his own nature which aggravated his already warlike tendencies.
The harmony
side of the fourth ray is accentuated by the presence of affiliative,
unitive Juno rising (albeit in aggressive Aries, making it the ‘initiator
of marriages’). Further, the Vertex (the ‘point of fate’)
is placed in compromising Libra. Most significantly perhaps, the orthodox
ruler of fourth ray Taurus and of compromising Libra is Venus which
is found in the fourth sign, Cancer, conjuncted to the Cancerian Sun.
Venus would
add to Alexander’s effeminacy as well as to his charm and popularity.
It would contribute to making him the “best of friends”.
Other factors—Pluto rising in Aries and the Scorpio Moon would
make him the “worst of enemies”.
The Ray
of the Lower Mind: From the records that exist, it is difficult
to assess the ray of Alexander’s lower mind. Certainly he could
be decisive and authoritative, thus demonstrating the first ray. He
could also be colorful and ironic—qualities characteristic of
the fourth ray.
What is perhaps
less known is that he had an active scientific and explorational interest,
and was fascinated with the acquisition of new knowledge. Mars, as orthodox
ruler of the Aries Ascendant, is in curious Gemini and quite close to
the Placidus cusp of the third house of lower mind.
As well,
Mars and Mercury are only one minute of arc away from an exact parallel.
It would
be difficult (and perhaps lethal) to argue with Alexander. The Mars/Mercury
parallel can be read in much the same way as Mars in Gemini and makes
for an incisive, aggressively curious, mobile mind. Further, Mercury,
the orthodox dispositor of Mars is found in the third house of the chart,
in Cancer, a sign that emphasizes the third ray of mind. This Mercury
is opposed within one degree to the elevated, scientific Uranus, giving
the mind a definitely experimental and exploratory tinge.
The Mercury/Uranus
opposition, involving the third and ninth houses, emphasizes the possibility
of a fifth ray component to the mind. The fifth ray would not necessarily
be “good in the field” of battle because it is so deliberate,
weighing up the facts, but it seems characteristic of Alexander’s
curiosity about the peoples and places he conquered. Interestingly,
this was true of Napoleon,
who, in the speculations of some, was the reincarnation of Alexander.
The Ray
of the Astral Body: There
seems little doubt that Alexander was possessed of (or by) a
sixth ray astral body. He was the exponent of a Pan-Hellenic idealism
and sought to bring Greek Culture to the then-known world.
The great
irony (characteristic of one for whom the fourth ray was so strong)
was that he became the devotee of oriental culture, and in one of his
characteristic reversals, sought then to impose Persian/Oriental culture
not only on himself, personally, but on his Macedonian soldiers. In
true fourth ray fashion, it seems he could not tolerate being only one
thing or another, but had to be both.
A strong
conduit of the sixth ray of idealism is the square, within one degree,
between sixth ray Mars and sixth ray Neptune (placed in Virgo, a sign
which partially distributes the sixth ray). Alexander’s devotions
(as with almost every characteristic of his life) were excessive.
When his
best friend Hephaestion, died in 324 BC, just a year before Alexander’s
own death, he engaged in the most extravagant mourning (born both of
his devotion and flamboyant character), building a funeral pyre in Babylon
which cost 10,000 talents (a huge sum and more than a king’s ransom).
It should
be noted, in terms of parallels of declination, that sixth ray Neptune
is parallel within less than a degree to the Ascendant. These Neptune
positions establish Alexander as a visionary—and, as one
who could be judged as an alcoholic.
Further indications
of the presence of the sixth ray are as follows: Jupiter is placed in
sixth ray Virgo, giving further weight to the power of the sixth ray.
Two asteroids, devoted Vesta and nurturing Ceres, are placed in sixth
ray Pisces, and in the twelfth house which is resonant to both Pisces
and the sixth ray. Ceres, exactly trine to the Sun and closely trine
to Venus, would add to the maternal, care-taking quality. When the family
of the Persian Emperor Darius, was captured, they were treated with
unaccustomed chivalry and entertained in an almost luxurious captivity,
at great expense to Alexander.
there were softer, more generous and noble aspects to his character.
The opposite was also true, as a number of seemingly close friends and
companions discovered The impulsive, subconscious Moon is placed in
Scorpio, the sign of death, and in square to the nodal axis (the nodes
indicating the place where people both come into the life and depart
from it). Alexander, for all his flamboyance and apparent magnanimity,
was inherently suspicious (Moon in Scorpio), and to lose his trust was
to lose one’s life.
The Ray
of the Physical Body: This ray cannot reliably be determined. Alexander
loved beauty of form (as his Venus conjunct the Sun would suggest).
His likeness was rendered more than once (in a manner no doubt flattering)
by a famous sculptor of the day. But, as well, he was given to the most
robust physical exertions, and could be, it seemed, indefatigable.
The first
ray, from whichever source—from the soul or astrologically mediated—clearly
had a great influence upon his physical nature, though legend reports
that he was lithe and supple rather than stiff as the first ray so often
inclines the body to be.
It must be
noted that the seventh ray, whether or not it was the ray of the physical
body, was astrologically important in the life. The three signs/constellations
that distribute the seventh ray are all tenanted.
Aries is
at the Ascendant and holds Pluto; Cancer holds the Sun and Venus; and
Capricorn is at the MC and holds Uranus. It was Alexander’s wish
to set his conquests in good, well-harmonized form, as the Sun/Venus
conjunction in the fourth house of establishment would indicate.
or fortunately, the impatient Aries Ascendant, with all three of its
rules either in conjunction, parallel or both to the MC/IC, made him
far too restless to ever properly consolidate his gains. He was always
moving on towards greater and greater achievements until, at length,
only the weariness of his soldiers stopped him in India. One wonders
whether Alexander was following a path to his metaphysical ‘home’
in the East.
Certain Astrological
That Alexander
was one of the most successful military generals of recorded history
may be attributable to the experience of many lives, but there are also
horoscopic reinforcements the contributed to this success. Protective
Jupiter in Virgo is closely sextile to the Sun/Venus conjunction, and
thus, closely trine to the heliocentric position of the Earth.
The Part
of Fortune (the place where energy between the Sun and the Moon ‘flows’
unobstructedly, and thus, contributes to happiness and success) is closely
conjunct the MC (the career point), indicating elevation. The Part of
Fortune is trine to Neptune (giving success through imagination and
intuition), and also conjunct Uranus, giving unexpected successes ingeniously
The Uranus/MC
conjunction is reinforced by a parallel between the MC and Uranus (Uranus
being the planet of greatest declination, and thus powerful). In so
many ways, Alexander “broke the mould”. He was a unique
leader—and dictator (another quality of willful Uranus).
Further contributing
to his success was stabilizing Saturn in Taurus, trine to both Neptune
and Jupiter in Virgo, and especially trine the midpoint of Jupiter and
Though extravagant
in his expenditures (and inflated in many respects, as the Jupiter/Neptune
conjunction would indicate), he was in other ways a financial conservative
and was scrupulous in the collecting of revenues through the taxation
of subjugated kingdoms and peoples (Moon in Scorpio, relating to the
resources of others). Thus a balance was struck, and, indeed, he was
sensible enough to ensure that he could afford his occasional
Three planets
can be seen as involved with the Part of Fortune—Uranus (conjunct)
Neptune (trine) and Saturn (widely trine). We note that these are the
three synthesizing planets. Alexander had at his disposal great and
determining energies and he used them to advance his “fortunes
in the world”.
We also note
that the extremely close parallel of declination between mobile Mercury
and restless Mars, account not only for an agile and enquiring mind,
but (since they are, as well, closely parallel the IC) for a driving
urge to be “on the move”.To
this, an Aries Ascendant would naturally contribute, and we remember
that Mars in Mercury are, respectively, the orthodox and esoteric rulers
of Aries.
The hierarchical
ruler of Aries, Uranus (another planet of mobility), is also involved
in this configuration being acceptably contraparallel to both Mars and
Mercury, and also to the IC. These indications reinforce the importance
in the life of relentless Aries.
It is interesting
to realize that Alexander the Great was, as well as a great general,
a great founder of cities—foremost among which was Alexandria.
In fact a number of the cities he founded were based upon his name—Alexander,
such was his growing megalomania. The powerful seventh ray contributed
to this urge-to-civic-establishment. When we see the Sun in Cancer in
its own house, the fourth, we understand that the Cancerian mantram,
“I build a lighted house, and therein dwell”, operated powerfully
in his life.
He destroyed
cities, razing them to the ground (Aries); he built and re-built cities
(Cancer). One can see that he was not animated thoroughly by the will-to-destroy,
but quite significantly by the will-to-build, the will-to-establish
and, of course, the will-to-harmonize.
We cannot
be certain of the position of Vulcan in Alexander’s chart. It
might have been in Cancer or Leo. If in Cancer, his ‘will-to-build’,
would have been strengthened. If in Leo, yet another first ray planet
would have been placed in a first ray sign, thus strengthening his already
formidable will and autocratic behavior.
Esoteric Indications
It could
easily be said that Alexander was not a spiritual person—but would
this be true? Certainly he understood spirituality more in terms of
Shamballa than Hierarchy (though he could not have known about these
planetary centers or called them by the names we now do). Alexander’s
vision of a Pan-Hellenic civilization, incorporating the best values
of the East, was certainly grand in its conception. He was no unaccomplished
His feats
of destruction were immense, but so were his feats of construction.
He was in fact both the conqueror and would-be reorganizer of
the then-known world.
Pluto is closely associated with first ray Aries, and makes of Alexander
the consummate ‘destroyer’. But he was also the regenerator—another
quality of Pluto. He sought to benefit from the civilizations and cultures
he conquered, and to see their best qualities widely distributed. Pluto
at the Ascendant is countered by Uranus (the planet of ‘magical
reconstruction and reorganization’) at the Capricorn MC. Uranus
rebuilds what Pluto destroys.
The spirituality
of Alexander (if we can reasonably credit its existence) would have
to be interpreted in terms synthetic of Shamballic power rather than
the gentler impulses of the Spiritual Hierarchy; he seems more the representative
of the obliterative monad than of the preserving soul.In
any case, the “monadic point” (always opposite the Sun)
is also found in first ray/seventh ray Capricorn, the same sign which
houses Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of the Aries Ascendant.
Mercury the
esoteric ruler of the Aries Ascendant, closely connected to Mars via
parallel of declination and through Mars’ placement in Gemini,
speaks for the spread of learning and culture that Alexander advocated.
It is interesting
that the principal city he founded—Alexandria—became one
of the greatest repositories of learning in the ancient world.
So often
world conquerors have come from the East in the attempt to overrun the
West—Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Tamerlaine. In this case, the
direction was reversed, with a later (the fourth) subrace of the Fifth
Root Race (namely the Celts—among whom the Greeks and Macedonians
could be numbered) becoming the conquerors of an earlier subrace (the
Persians, the Arabs and even of the residents of India, connected with
the first subrace).
Some other Factors
of Astrological Interest
There are
number of hypothetical planets, to the reality of which more than a
few competent astrologers attest. Should they be taken into consideration
when assessing the character, psychological and spiritual potentials
of an individual? Perhaps, in the interests of research, they should.
After all,
the Tibetan speaks of over 115 planets in our solar system, as well
as many asteroids, all of which have their various influences and effects.
The Trans-Neptunian
planet Apollon is part of the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune (quite
close to Neptune), and accounts for the spread of influence associated
with Alexander’s conquests and also with the spread of information
which resulted from them. Hades (another Trans-Neptunian), bringer of
death, disease, and destruction, is conjunct the Scorpio Moon adding
to its lethal quality.
Jason (one
of the Centaur planets) is closely conjunct to the proposed Descendant.
Jason is associated with the quest for the Golden Fleece (and with all
quests for that matter).
through his conquests, was on a great quest. The question remains
whether the objective was ever entirely clear to him. Other of the Centaurs
are fairly close to the Ascendant and one of them is conjunct the Vertex.
Alexander’s relationship to his horse, Bucephalus, became the
well-renowned subject of legend.
If the Ascendant
were in the twenty-first degree rather than in the nineteenth, then
Sagittarius (the sign of both the horse and the Centaur) would be the
zodiacal sub-ruler of the rising decanate.
It is interesting
to see the undiscovered planets Isis and Osiris opposite each other
with Isis closely opposed to Mars. This contributed to Alexander’s
attempt to put back together that which, through conquest, he had taken
Midas, the
unknown planet of great wealth, is in Taurus (the sign of resources)
closely conjunct to Saturn, also in Taurus. Through his victories, Alexander
accumulated a huge treasury, which, despite his extravagances, he watched
over scrupulously, insisting on its proper management and putting to
death any guardian of the treasury whom he found to be dishonest.
Some Fixed Star
There are
a number of fixed stars associated with Alexander’s Scorpio Moon.
Alpheratz is closely contraparallel, Mirfak is opposed, Scheat is closely
contraparallel, and Toliman is conjunct. Alpheratz gives the urge for
freedom and independence and a love of great speed; Mirfak is the young
male warrior, proud of his strength and courage; Scheat is closely associated
with free-thinkers who think fast and dare to think or do the impossible.
in the foot of the Centaur, is linked with learning, education and spiritual
growth.It may also represent the sacral
center of the great Being.
We can see
how these particular stars, in relation to Alexander’s warlike
Scorpio Moon, amplify certain well-known traits of his Character.
Venus is
closely conjunct to the royal star, Regulus, showing how he could use
his charm and charisma to enhance his power to rule. While there are
many asteroid and fixed star contacts with significant areas of Alexander’s
chart, and while these contacts would be most interesting to explore,
to do so would be beyond our present scope, and, in any case, would
more likely reveal exoteric detail, however interesting, rather than
insight into the esoteric state of his soul.
Points of Interest
Relative to Dynamic Factors in Alexander’s Chart
When dealing
with a speculative chart, it is always necessary to study closely the
dynamic factors of the proposed chart to see if the chart is justifiable.
At the age
of fourteen, Alexander became the pupil of the great Aristotle (an arrangement
which almost proved fatal for the great sage). We note that in April
of 342 BC, Alexander’s progressed Mercury (planet of learning)
enters the sign Leo, connected with the fifth ray and individualized
mind. Mercury also represents the power to “think for oneself”,
as Aristotle, intent on giving the young prince an excellent education,
found out to his dismay. Significantly, there is a lunar eclipse on
April 28th, involving the Scorpio Moon.
More significantly,
transiting Saturn retrogrades to a long month station at one degree
of Scorpio, on the eclipse point and conjunct the Moon. The sage, Aristotle
(representing Saturn to Aristotle) was arriving. Aristotle tried to
tame Alexander’s wild emotions (Saturn was on Alexander’s
Moon), but, in the last analysis, failed.
As well in
May of 342 BC there was a solar eclipse within three and a half degrees
of Alexander’s Saturn—Saturn again. The emphasis was upon
attempted discipline and instruction.
Let us examine
some pertinent eclipses for the period. It is not possible to discover
when, after Alexander was fourteen years old, Aristotle came to be his
teacher, but the following eclipses involve the Moon, Saturn, and to
a degree the Ascendant and the Descendant. The last eclipse, before
his fifteenth birthday, is close enough to involve either of the proposed
Ascendants (19º or 21º)
Mon LEcl
(X) Tr-Tr Apr 28 0342 BC 13:59 02°Sc08' D
Sun SEcl (X) Tr-Tr May 13 0342 BC
01:06 15°Ta57' D
Mon LEcl (X) Tr-Tr Oct 22 0342 BC 01:29
23°Ar47' D
Mon LEcl (X) Tr-Tr Apr 17 0341 BC
04:50 21°Li58' D
When Alexander
was 18 years old, in 338 BC, he became a military commander. Transiting
Jupiter was crossing both his Aries Ascendant and Pluto. Significantly,
Jupiter is natally placed in the sign Virgo, which has come to indicate
the military service. Uranus directed by SA (solar arc) comes opposite
the natal Sun, giving freedom, independence and the free expression
of will—emphasizing the elevated Uranus natally on the MC—the
indication of one who can do as he pleases.
In the beginning
of 337 BC, there is a solar eclipse opposed the Sun in the fourth house,
and conjunct to solar arc directed Uranus, emphasizing the theme of
authority and independence.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jan 20 0337 BC 07:44 25°Cp38'
At the age
of 20, Alexander became King of Macedonia—we do not know the exact
date. Saturn transiting in Capricorn was coming to the MC, conferring
power, authority and, especially, great responsibility. Particularly
important, and strongly indicative of the quite close accuracy of the
chosen Aries Ascendant charts is the conjoining of the progressed Ascendant
with both natal and progressed Saturn.
This conjunction
reinforces the testimony of transiting Saturn at the MC.
We must remember
that Alexander came to power at the death (the murder) of his father,
Philip II of Macedonia. Saturn is traditionally the indicator for the
father, and the double Saturn emphasis reinforces the connection between
ascension to power and the condition of the father.
At approximately
the time of his birthday in 336 BC we see solar-arc directed Chiron
crossing the Ascendant of the 11:00 am chart. (When the date is unknown,
the solar return chart for that year is chosen, for its indicative quality.)
A most interesting
eclipse shortly before Alexander’s twentieth birthday indicates,
from a fourth house perspective (the fourth house ruling one’s
native country) the coming to power. There is a close solar eclipse
at the IC. Alexander was now established as the king of Macedonia.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jul 4 0336 BC 12:30 06°Cn30'
This eclipse
falls exactly on his natal Mercury, which T-Jupiter is conjuncting.
Mercury is the ruler, orthodoxly, of the third house of lower mind and
the sixth house of practical service. Alexander had to have all his
wits about him in this sudden situation.
Mercury is
also the esoteric ruler of the Aries Ascendant (and is natally opposite
the planet of suddenness, Uranus—which the eclipse opposed). He
had to think fast due to the sudden death of his father and his ascension
to the throne. Transiting Pluto is also reinforcing the MC or career
point by Trine. Pluto
is a planet of power, and by transit is also exactly trine the elevated
with his rise to power, the P-Moon moves into Leo, the sign of personal
authority, and, incidentally, ‘kingship’. Alexander was
assuming a new identity. It should be noticed that not only was the
P-Moon changing sign, but the P-MC was either in the last degree of
Capricorn (the summation of power) or, depending upon the chart used,
in the very inception of Aquarius. Perhaps the last degree of Capricorn
is more convincing, as it was after the death of his father that
Alexander began to spread his military influence to the East in a manner
reminiscent of the sign of spread and circulation, Aquarius.
benefit from the death of his father is indicated by transiting Pluto
in trine to the MC, indicating the father. It is said that Alexander
had nothing to do with his father’s death.
Indeed, he
took revenge swiftly, ruthlessly eliminating all who were suspected
of complicity in the assassination. When certain cities rebelled after
the death of Phillip, Alexander put down the uprisings. When Illyria
revolted on the false rumor that Alexander was dead, Alexander rushed
south and sacked the city, sparing only the temples and the house of
the poet, Pindar.
One can see
here the contrast between the Aries
and Cancer aspects of his chart. Under Aries he leapt into drastic
and ruthless action, sparing none—except his Cancerian urge to
preserve that which was sacred to the gods and his innate sensitivity
(under Cancer and the fourth ray) led him to spare Pindar’s home.
It should be noted that by November of 335 BC (Alexander was 21) there
is a powerful stellium of planets in Leo in the fifth house of personal
authority. The progressed Sun and Moon are conjunct producing a progressed
lunation in the fifteenth degree of Leo (the Sabian Symbol for which
CROWDED WITH CHEERING PEOPLE”, and the Keynote of which is “The
more or less sensational release of energies in a form dramatizing the
unconscious aspirations of man’s primitive and instinctual nature”).
This progressed lunation was to set the tone for Alexander’s
remaining years, and death came to him well before another lunation
could be accomplished. P-Mercury was also an important part of this
progressed Leo stellium, and was in the same degree only twelve minutes
of arc from the progressed Sun and Moon.
The stamp of a dramatic and imperious authority was received. At the
time of the progressed lunation, Jupiter had already moved by transit
into Leo as well. Alexander’s authority was unopposed, and, essentially,
he could do anything he wished.
the time Alexander was 22, he was victor throughout all of Asia Minor.
We note that T-Jupiter is conjunct his progressed Sun in Leo, indicating
the continued growth of his Leonian personal power and authority.
In 332 after
many conquests Alexander, in full command of Syria, entered Egypt and
was acknowledged to be the son of Amon-Ra. This may have contributed
to the growing conviction of his own divinity. At this time Uranus was
square the MC and its own natal position, promoting a change in his
own conception of his status. The P-Moon was close to Jupiter and P-Jupiter,
contributing to the beginning of the psychological inflation which was
to continue growing as his conquests mounted.
By the end
of 332 BC T-Jupiter was also coming to the conjunction of his natal
Scorpio Moon, reinforcing the inflation. During this period, there were
also solar eclipses involving the Ascendant and Descendant, and thus
involving his perception of his own identity relative to others.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Oct 16 0332 BC 19:31
19°Li03' D
Sun SEcl (X)
Tr-Tr Apr 11 0331 BC 12:55 16°Ar07' D
In the winter
of 332 BC he founded the city of Alexandria, perhaps the greatest of
all monuments to his name. We can see how the two eclipses above would
contribute to this founding. In the earlier of the two charts, his progressed
Sun is trine to his natal Ascendant, emphasizing identity, and the progressed
Moon (signifying all that is established in form) is closely conjunct
his natal Jupiter—indicating fulfilled embodiment.
In the year
330 there was a conspiracy against Alexander. T-Saturn was transiting
his twelfth house of Karma and T-Uranus was transiting the Ascendant.
We also see
SD Mars very close to his IC in the earlier of the two charts. The conspiracy
was put down. Alexander, discovering that the son of one of his leading
generals, Parmenion, was involved, had him put to death and the innocent
Parmenion as well. Alexander’s men intensely disliked this despotic
harshness as well as Alexander’s pretenses, as he assumed Persian
dress (fourth ray personality and natal Venus conjunct the Sun).
It is clear
that Alexander was undergoing a change of identity, of self-perception
(coincident with the transiting of Uranus on his Ascendant).
Between the
year, 328 BC and 327, he attempted to impose the Persian court ceremonial,
involving prostration (proskynesis), on the Greeks and Macedonians
too; but to them this custom, habitual for Persians entering the king's
presence, implied an act of worship and was intolerable before a man.
We note that there is a solar eclipse opposing the progressed MC, and
thus on the progressed IC.
A lunar eclipse
involves his Sun. These eclipses involve identity points.
Mon LEcl
(X) Tr-Tr Jul 20 0328 BC 16:51 22°Cp05' D
Sun SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Aug 4 0328 BC
03:02 06°Le02' D
This practice
was repudiated by those in his entourage. Macedonian laughter led to
the discontinuation of this pretentious practice.
In 327 BC,
Alexander fought his way into India, crossing the Hindu Kush. At the
Hydaspes (the present-day Jhelum River) he met and defeated an army
under Porus. He overran the Punjab, but there, in 326 BC, his men would
go no farther. There was a mutiny and Alexander’s wishes to proceed
further came to an end.
We see Alexander’s
progressed Moon in Scorpio; Saturn is coming to its return position,
and T-Pluto is beginning its conjunction of natal Saturn.
During January
of 0327 there is a solar eclipse on this progressed MC. During July
of the year 327 BC there was a solar eclipse closely conjunct his natal
Sun in Cancer, foreshadowing the growing challenge to his authority.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jan 28 0327 BC 20:51
04°Aq47' D
Mon LEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jul 9 0327 BC
17:21 11°Cp18' D
Sun SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jul 24 0327 BC
19:59 25°Cn50' D
Mon LEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jan 3 0326 BC
16:31 09°Cn08' D
Sun SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Jun 15 0326 BC
01:13 17°Ge30' D
Note how
these eclipses involve Alexander’s nodal axis, his MC, his Sun
and his IC. By the Spring of 326 BC, he experienced his Saturn Return,
followed by a square of transiting Saturn to his progressed Sun in Leo.
There was
also a solar eclipse on his natal Mars (positioned at 15 + Gemini),
perhaps descriptive of the mutiny (reacting against the tendency toward
overexpansion signaled by Mars in Gemini).
His expansions
into India were stopped. He had to turn back. Pluto had come to its
conjunction of natal Saturn. This, along with the other adverse aspects,
represented an insuperable challenge to his claim to unlimited authority.
There was no way for him to proceed further.
Under the
continuing influence of transiting Saturn square the progressed Sun
and transiting Pluto, for long conjunct natal Saturn, Alexander suffered
many reversals, and retrenchment was necessary. At one point he received
a serious wound which weakened him considerably.
In spring
324 Alexander had returned to Susa, the administrative centre of the
Persian Empire.
There is
a story that he passed much of the journey through Carmania in drunken
revel, dressed as Dionysus. This story may be an exaggeration, but is
not dissimilar to the strange theatrical behavior of Nero,
who also had Pluto rising (probably with Sagittarius rising) and who
was also possessed of or by a fourth ray personality—though his
soul ray may have been the sixth.
We note that
during this period, Alexander was strongly under the influence of transiting
Neptune trine his natal Sun—a planet already powerful in his chart
through its square to natal Mars (orthodox ruler of the Ascendant) and
its close parallel to the Ascendant.
This was
a period in which Alexander, uniting the influences of his first ray
soul and fourth ray personality, was attempting great racial fusions
between the Macedonians and Greeks, on the one hand, and the Persians
on the other. He and his best friend Hephaestion married Darius’
daughters, and 80 of his men took Persian wives. Of the 10,000 of his
men who had previously taken Persian wives, all were given generous
Thus, Alexander
continued to promote racial and cultural fusion and synthesis.
This policy
of racial fusion brought increasing friction to Alexander's relations
with his Macedonians, who had no sympathy for his changed concept of
the empire. His determination to incorporate Persians on equal terms
in the army and the administration of the provinces was, likewise, bitterly
resented. Neptune
is the planet of idealism and of fusion.
The strong
influence of transiting Neptune during this period accounts for Alexander’s
idealistic, and rather unrealistic attempt to fuse the Persians and
Macedonians together in harmony, in one great empire. He was thwarted
in his attempt during 324 BC with two solar eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio,
respectively, squaring the position of his progressed Sun in Leo.
transiting Pluto was conjunct his natal Saturn and transiting Saturn
was conjunct natal Mars. Again he was thwarted, though transiting Jupiter,
also conjunct natal Mars, allowed him to bring harmony out of the situation
and pacify the rebellious Macedonians.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr May 23 0324 BC 07:31
26°Ta20' D
Sun SEcl (X)
Tr-Tr Nov 16 0324 BC 19:25 20°Sc36' D
In the autumn
of 324 BC, with T-Pluto conjunct his natal Saturn and T-Uranus also
conjunct natal Saturn, his best friend Hephaestion died. During this
period there was also a solar eclipse squaring Alexander’s progressed
Sun. Transiting Saturn was in the third house of brothers and siblings,
and was opposed the progressed Moon in Sagittarius (ruler of the fourth
house of intimates and family members).
From the
time of Hephaestion’s death, Alexander demanded to be seen as
a god. His progressed Moon had moved into Capricorn and was approaching
the tenth house cusp. His status in his own estimation had reached its
in Babylon, while busy with plans to improve the irrigation of the Euphrates
and to settle the coast of the Persian Gulf, Alexander was taken ill
after a prolonged banquet and drinking bout; ten days later, on June
13, 323, he died in his thirty-third year; he had reigned for twelve
years and eight months.
His body,
diverted to Egypt by Ptolemy, the later king, was eventually placed
in a golden coffin in Alexandria. Both in Egypt and elsewhere in the
Greek cities he received divine honors.
The astrological
indicators at the time of Alexander’s death are compelling. The
progressed Moon had come to within one minute of arc of natal Uranus.
His death was sudden and unexpected (Uranus).
It should
be noted that the Moon is the orthodox ruler of the Cancerian Sun; Sun
and Moon are intimately involved with health. The drinking bouts, in
which he engaged with greater frequency as his life progressed, were
an effect of the Mars/Neptune square.
We also notice
SD Neptune at the seventh house cusp. Uranus was also involved by transit,
conjunct to progressed Saturn.
We see, thus,
Saturn, the progressed ruler of the MC (one’s status) transited
by Uranus and natal Uranus (already conjunct the MC) conjuncted by the
progressed Moon (the Moon representing the constitution of the individual).
We also note P-Mars conjunct Mercury, ruler of the 6 house
of health and, T-Mercury conjunct P-Mars and N-Mercury. The house of
health was definitely implicated.
Jupiter (which often brings the release of death) had come to the fourth
house, which is traditional astrology represents the “end of life”.
The eclipses
for the period of death are unusually potent in their indications.
SEcl (X) Tr-Tr Apr 12 0323 BC 23:26
17°Ar33' D
Mon LEcl (X) Tr-Tr Apr 28 0323 BC
12:07 02°Sc27' D
Sun SEcl (X) Tr-Tr May 12 0323 BC
10:40 15°Ta45' D
Note that
there is an almost exact solar eclipse (within one degree) of Alexander’s
Ascendant in Aries using the earlier chart. Such an eclipse is often
fateful. Even if 20° + are rising, the eclipse would have to be considered
The lunar
eclipse of April 28th occurs within two degrees of Alexander’s
natal Moon in Scorpio, and the solar eclipse of May 12th
occurs within a few degrees of terminal Saturn, already implicated by
a transit of Uranus.
Clearly a
forceful array of inharmonious aspects and eclipses were in effect when
Alexander died—apparently of his own excesses (indiscriminately
‘incorporative’ Cancer), probably compounded, according
to some reports, by a fever.
On the day
of his death, the transiting Moon (moving rapidly, of course) was also
in the sign Cancer, the sign of his Sun, and perhaps very close to transiting
Jupiter, the planet of release.
Neptune, another planet of release, was quite closely square the progressed
Sun, and exactly inconjunct the transiting nodes, and its position was
in the eighth house—the house of death. It is needless to say
that Neptune is related to alcohol consumption, and that Mars (square
Neptune in the natal chart) is related both to intemperance and to fevers.
It has been
suggested that the disciples of Shamballa are difficult to understand;
the prevailing bias of humanity rejects them for their apparently harsh
and cruel ways. One must often evaluate their influence from a perspective
somewhat distant from the immediacy of their lives, and in terms of
larger processes of civilization and culture.
Could Alexander
in any way be considered a disciple? Certainly he appeared egocentric,
and at length, megalomaniacal—not traits usually found in one
who serves the spiritual advancement of humanity. From a certain perspective,
his life of obsessive conquest served no one but himself, contributing
steadily to his insistent need for self-aggrandizement and self-glorification.
Such a need is usually found only in one who is beset by deep personal
insecurities (generated, it may reasonably be thought, by his Cancerian
and Venusian qualities and the emotionally vigilant paranoia promoted
by his Scorpio Moon)
On the other
hand his military exploits, animated increasingly by a spirit of exploration,
brought many benefits to the culture and civilization of the period.
His own personal interest in scientific investigation (Uranus opposed
to Mercury—both powerful planets in the chart) brought many advances
in the knowledge of geography and natural history.
His will-to-explore
was certainly promoted by his orthodoxly ruling planet, Mars, in the
sign of enquiry, Gemini.
even if unconsciously, under the will-to-synthesize (a first ray impulsion
strengthened by Aries with its absolutism), he created one world, united
both culturally and economically, from Gibraltar to the Punjab. Trade
and social intercourse in these regions were greatly enhanced.
life has to be evaluated in terms of Shamballic themes. He impacted
greatly the civilization of his era paving the way for the world dominion
of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity. Synthesis is destructive
of a multitude of minor hegemonies.
was an irresistible cultural force. He was inspired by Hellenic ideals
and the heroes and gods of Greece—Heracles, Achilles, Dionysis—figures
which were often in his mind and with whom he, romantically (Mars square
Neptune) compared himself. But in true fourth ray manner, he was surprising
sensitive to the cultural values of his conquered ‘enemies’,
and sought to befriend them, incorporating their values and traditions
into his ever expanding world-empire, and to reconcile and harmonize
these values with those of his own Macedonian/Greek culture.
If we understand
the meaning of the sign Cancer in combination with the first ray, we
will find Alexander to be psychologically incorporative. He sought
not only to conquer, but to incorporate his conquests into his own glorified
personhood—merging subdued kingdoms, empires and their subjects
into “one body” within his larger god-like self.
When we think
of the effect of Alexander’s life, the advanced Cancerian mantram,
“The Whole is seen as One” becomes significant.
We find the
many synthesized into the one, with one figure (himself)
as the absolute monarch and guiding spirit of this forcefully achieved
wholeness, synthesis, oneness. Of course, such an attitude reeks of
extreme self-glorification—even self-deification—but one
can hardly fail to recognize its foundational impulse as Shamballic—however
distorted that impulse had become.
There is
no question that, during the millions of years of human ‘progress’,
war has been inevitable. Humanity, qualified by Scorpio and the fourth
ray, is a warring kingdom on its way to an eventual peace and harmony.
Alexander’s Ascendant and Moon are in Aries and Scorpio respectively—two
signs governed by Mars (the “God of War”). To
conquer was but to fulfill his destiny.
As humanity
becomes more psychologically sophisticated, it will incline, increasingly,
towards what might be called ‘the internalization of war’.
Then, the spirit of conquest will no longer cause such great misery
and hardship on the external plane of life, but the tremendously potent
spirit of an Alexander or a Genghis Khan, will be turned towards the
conquest of ‘internal enemies’—one’s own faults
and vices—everything of a psychological nature which prevents
true freedom of the spirit.
To contemplate
the figure of Alexander (a man of iron will, relentless, yet flexible
and adaptable, intelligent, imaginative, romantic, full of the sense
of glory) is both inspiring and horrifying. From a distance one can
marvel at his character, and yet be grateful that he lived in another
time and not in the present age (apparently). While abhorring many of
the outrageous specifics of his life, one can be filled with admiration
for him as a psychological phenomenon—a testimony to what can
be accomplished under the driving force of pure will. Will is neither
good nor bad; its application will determine its value in any particular
Most of us
need far more will than we seem to have, though we would (so we think)
never apply the will as Alexander did. That great reservoirs of will
do, indeed, exist, and are accessible by the human being, Alexander’s
short life has demonstrated. We can only imagine his achievement in
the realm of soul and spirit, had this great and relentless will been
turned inward—as no doubt it someday will be (or, over the course
of the last almost 2400 years, has been). It is the nature of
the spirit to know its essential greatness and to seek to recapture
it. Perhaps, beneath all psychological compensations, “this was
the motive of this fundamentally spirit-driven man.