1. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Dense Physical Vehicle:
Mars in Scorpio strengthens the dense physical vehicle. Mars
rules this vehicle, (EA 210) and in Scorpio, the power of Mars is magnified.
The muscles are strong, and endurance is increased. The blood responds
powerfully to desire, The “fight or flight” mechanism is significantly
activated—but there is far more fight than flight. Blood rushes
to the genital areas which Scorpio rules. Under this influence there is
passion and aggression to satisfy passion—especially in early days
upon the Mutable Cross. Even upon the Fixed Cross, the body must be strong
to fight the psychological war which inevitably rages, otherwise it will
collapse under the rending and tearing process.
2. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Etheric Vehicle:
The vitality is increased; the “warrior” needs vitality
in abundance. But because Scorpio is also the sign of de-vitalization
and vampirism (theft of the vitality of others, or theft by one aspect
of the energy system from another aspect), emotional strain, tension,
and warfare may drain the energy of the etheric body. One can awaken from
a night of warfare upon the astral plane in a totally devitalized condition.
Therefore, the key to vitality within the etheric system is the degree
to which powerful emotions are transmuted within the body of desire; emotional
conflict takes energy.
Will is strong in this sign. Mars is a planet of will, and Scorpio is
Hercules’ sign (Hercules—the human embodiment of will). Energy
can be concentrated powerfully through whichever chakras are utilized,
and perhaps overly concentrated, causing stress, irritation and inflammation.
Advanced disciples must guard against the “fiery sickness”,
which may come with the premature release of the internal fires related
to kundalini. This is also true in relation to the other fire signs—especially
Aries, which is given to conflagrations.
3. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Astral Vehicle:
Mars in Scorpio intensifies everything about the astral vehicle.
Mars is the planet of the sixth ray. The astral plane is the sixth plane.
Scorpio (a water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto) is related directly to
the astral plane (and both Mars and Pluto to the solar plexus center which
governs this plane, as well as the principle of Kama or desire). (cf.
EA 78, 517) This is the combination which most directly relates to the
nature and power of the desire body. In addition, Scorpio is the sign
most related, archetypally, to the second initiation, during the process
of which the formidable desire nature is subdued.
“In Scorpio—In this sign, the disciple undergoes those tests
which will enable him to take the second initiation and demonstrate that
the desire nature is subdued and conquered and that the lower nature is
(by being lifted up in the air, i.e. into heaven) capable of reaching
the goal for this world period, and that from the earthy foundations of
Scorpio the personality can be so tested that it shows fitness for the
world service demanded in Aquarius.” (EA 143)
Desire is never more powerful than under Mars in Scorpio.
4. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Concrete Mind:
Mars, contrary to most astrological thoughts, is associated
with the lower mental body, and the five senses (EA 215) upon which the
processes of this lower mental vehicle mostly focus. Mars also governs
the sacral center (EA 78) which, also, is connected to the lower mental
process. “The sacral centre—the mental elemental life—Transferred
later to the throat centre.” (EP II 304) Further, in Scorpio, the
concrete mind (“released into full governing activity” seizes
control of the emotional nature, and is later illumined. (EA 180) Naturally,
Mercury will assist this process, for Mars and Mercury rule in Aries where
the individuals comes forth and rules “from the plane of mind”.
But even without the assistance of Mercury in the sign, Scorpio, the power
of the concrete mind to govern the emotional and etheric-physical nature
will increase. The warrior must gain full control of his enemy (the aroused
psychic nature), but, this is not fully possible until the illuminative
potential of Mercury is released in relation to the higher mind and intuition.
5. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole:
Mars in Scorpio makes of the personality the “fighter”,
the “warrior”, one who is engaged in a “conflict with
duality” (EA 333) This is a formidable combination for good or ill.
In earlier days, one may embody the qualities of the Lernaean Hydra; in
later evolutionary days, upon the Fixed Cross, the personality is willing
to sacrifice itself in the arduous battle with all that it has previously
been when unillumined and unredeemed. In any case, the power of the composite
personality elemental is greatly strengthened, as its ability to put up
an heroic fight (for or against the Good).
6. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Glamors and Necessary Transmutation
and Transformations:
Upon the Mutable Cross a Word goes forth which describes the
quality of life in form—“Let Maya flourish and deception rule.”
Scorpio is particularly connected with the power to generate glamour (and
also with the power to end it). Mars, almost always separative and separating
also contributes powerfully to the generation of glamour, for glamor is
based essentially on wrong magnetism functioning under the illusion of
egoistic separation. The first mistake is to believe in the reality of
the separative ego; this is illusion. The second mistake, is to allow
the illusory and separative ego to formulate desire, because such ego-driven
desires ever distort reality; this is glamor.
The nine heads of the Hydra are the symbols of ever manner of illusion,
glamor and maya—and there name is legion (though, perhaps, nine
types of distortion are the sources of all the others. Every obstacle
that the lower nature can throw in the path of soul infusion will be,
eventually, recognized (and then conquered) in Scorpio. Glamor (in its
three modes) is the enemy, and Mars in Scorpio is meant to evoke, challenge
and then subdue the enemy (with the help of Mercury). Ancient negativity
rises to the surface. All that seeks to drive the energies towards the
lower centers (the function of the personality elemental—R&I
9-10) is activated. The entire ancient “miasma” is up for
transmutation, transformation and eventual transfiguration (in which Scorpio
also participates). So, Mars in Scorpio is the combination which summons
latent glamor to the surface, and challenges it.
7. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Sex:
Scorpio (with Taurus and Libra) is a sign of powerful sexuality.
In early evolutionary days, this sexuality will be obsessive and obstructive
to the inflow of higher energies. But Scorpio is also a sign of great
control (under the first ray component of Mars and Pluto, and, perhaps,
an esoteric, constellationally transmitted first ray). Mars in Scorpio
“gets a grip” and regulates obsessive sexuality. Since, however,
Scorpio is a sign of extremes, this regulation can turn into suppression
and repression (unconscious)—witness the extremes of the Christian
Church during the two thousand years of the Piscean Age. The Tibetan speaks
of Christianity’s “cruel and oft illogical war against sex
and its implications” (EA 212); Christianity is a Mars-in-Scorpio
Later, under higher mental and buddhic impression, all of life is seen
in a truer proportion. The disciple realizes he need not repeat the mistake
of Hercules in Virgo and kill the “Amazon Queen”. All energies
are to be wisely used, and in that wise use, transmuted and transformed.
But it takes a long time and much experience before the individual with
this combination can release his extreme attitudes towards sex and its
expression (or suppression).
8. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Management and Expenditure
of Energy:
Mars is a planet of abundant energy, and Scorpio is a sign of
control. Life upon the Mutable Cross may witness much energy spent in
pursuit of the lower passions, but once the Path is somewhat understood,
the Mars in Scorpio individual realizes that according to how he spends
his energy, so will be the success and speed of his intended liberation
from form. This, then, is a combination favorable for energy control,
and stern control. When the spiritual values govern the personality expression,
energy is treated as precious—for both battle and ascent.
9. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Courage:
Again, Mars in Scorpio provides the archetype for courage—courage
of a deep and authentic kind. Some are prepared to face obvious enemies;
but hidden enemies are far more dangerous, often far more powerful, and
invariably more difficult to subdue. The Mars-in-Scorpio individual has
the courage to face just such enemies in “fight-to-the-death”
combat. Invariably, an aspect of the personality (or the entire personality
as an independent, and often, wayward, entity) must die—at least,
“die to itself”. Under this influence, the individual easily
develops the “courage of desperation”, and becomes one (like
St. Paul) who “counts all things but loss if he may but win the
goal, and who, in the struggle for the mastery of the lower self by the
higher, is willing to sacrifice even unto death.” (IHS 82) Christianity,
says the Tibetan, is a religion of “high courage”
“It is a religion of devotion, fanaticism, of high courage, of
idealism, of the spiritual emphasis upon the individual and his worth
and problem, of conflict and of death.” (EA 212)
This is the kind of courage which Mars is Scorpio is well suited to provide.
Man can accomplish much if he is not afraid to die. He can accomplish
even more if he wills the death of all that is lowest in himself. This
Mars in Scorpio does.
10. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Aspiration:
“Desire in Taurus becomes spiritual aspiration in Scorpio.”
(EA 209) Both these signs, Scorpio and Taurus are notable for this aspiration,
as is the other sign which transmits the fourth ray, Sagittarius. There
comes a point in the Scorpionic life, which the embattled individual simply
has enough of the darkness. He senses the “Light of Day” behind
the veil of form. He works under the “inspiration of aspiration”
(EA 398) intensifying his intent to live within a higher dimension. Aspiration
fuels his will-to-prevail. As he battles below, he years for that which
is above, and this aspirational yearning makes it impossible for him to
give up until there is triumph—or death—or both.
11. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Idealism:
Mars is the planet of idealism in its most powerful placement—for
Mars rules Scorpio doubly. The higher light has been seen, otherwise the
battle would not occur. Intensified light reveals the darkness. Idealism
for a better, higher, freer way of life, provokes and sustains the battle.
The “Monster” who had no ideals, except the satisfaction of
its Hydra-like appetites, becomes the warrior whose ideal is to enter
the Kingdom of Souls. The vision of this possibility is firm and ready
to descend upon the warrior, especially in his darkest hours.
12. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Life’s Battlefield
and the Readiness and Willingness to Fight:
With Mars in Scorpio, we are dealing with an archetype of warriorship.
There is always a willingness to fight—even a demand that the battle
take place. The battlefield of life will involve every conceivable vice,
and the will to conquer it. Fortunately for the warrior, there are a number
of incarnations which occur in or under Scorpio, and not all battles need
to be fought in the same incarnation. But as the second and third initiations
are approached, the Hydra/Dweller, becomes formidable, complex and increasingly
subtle. The ready warrior will need much internal skill, and much humanity
to prevail. Various positions and aspects within the astrological chart
(and also the particular decanate of Scorpio which is most tenanted) may
indicate the particular battles in which the subject will choose to engage
or be forced to engage.
13. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to the Nature of Personality
Rebellion against the Soul:
The rebellion will be total; the personality (as the well-armed
rebel) is entirely aroused. “It will be obvious to you, therefore,
how the tests in Scorpio and the activity of Mars are potent to arouse
the entire lower nature and bring about its final rebellion and the last
stand, so to speak, of the personality against the soul.” (EA 211)
Every tactic of warfare will be used, including “dirty tricks”,
subterfuge, “sneak attacks”, broken promises; “all’s
fair in love and war.” The personality is fighting for its life;
rather, it fights to sustain itself within the ‘realm of death’,
for it fears the loss of itself in the higher worlds. Its “fight
to the death”, therefore, is based upon fear. The human soul, also
fight to the death, and its fight is based upon soul-inspiration.
14. Mars (in Scorpio) in Relation to Personality Cooperation
with the Soul:
The greatest enemy can become the greatest friend. “The
greatest sinner makes the greatest saint.” In the Mars in Scorpio
combination, the soul has a brave and determined instrument willing to
sacrifice itself so that soul-values may prevail within the lower worlds.
The soul is many things, but the soul is, at this stage of evolution,
preeminently the warrior. There is no better combination to ensure that
what is intended to be the “final battle” is indeed final,
with the issue decided entirely in favor of the conquering soul and its
warrior-agent (the inspired, empowered, illumined personality) in the
three worlds.
A Few Miscellaneous Meaning of Mars in Scorpio