Specific Expressions
of Jupiter in Leo
1. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles:
Jupiter in Leo will enhance the magnetism of the physical elemental, and
the vitality of the etheric vehicle. In early days, this combination will
contribute to self-centered, emotional indulgence. The emotions pour forth
without restraint or proportion.
Later, upon the Fixed Cross,
the light and love of the soul influence the astral vehicle, producing
emotional positivity, radiance and confidence. Mere contact with such
an individual will bring the impression that one has been strengthened
emotionally, and that one’s outlook on life has been uplifted and
improved. With respect to the lower mind, pride and conceit are probable
initial results; the person thinks too much of himself, and cannot see
himself in relation to others. His lower ego is inflated and his thought
self-centered and distorted as a result. Later, he can become a source
of positive, original, heart-centered thought. Mental positivity and a
healthy confidence in one’s power to overcome resistant circumstance
through one’s own authentic, accumulated wisdom—these are
virtues which Jupiter in Leo will often confer.
2. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Personality as a Whole:
The personality is an ahamkaric system; it functions according
to the thought of “I-ness”—whether that thought is crude
and egoistic, or refined, inclusive and decentralized. Ahamkara is definitely
increase by this combination. Upon the Mutable Cross, we have the possibility
of the “big ego”, someone who stands always at the center
of his own world, impressed by his own apparent importance. Later, as
Libra, Gemini and other signs do their relational work, there is a greater
sense of proportion.
The personality is still radiant,
and tends to “stand out in a crowd” (as Leo will ever emerge
from the mass), but the breadth and drama now become instruments of service
rather than means of drawing all attention (and the flow of nourishing
energies) towards the little self. The disciple or initiate emerges as
an example (Leo) of soul-love and wisdom (Jupiter), and becomes, in the
eyes of others, an inspiring exemplar.
3. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality:
The soul becomes positive to its personality. The “greater light”
(for Leo expresses as the Light of the Soul) dims the lesser light of
the personality. The greater (Jupiter) identity (Leo), beneficently overpowers
the smaller identity which loses itself in the greater. The greater (Jupiter)
heart (Jupiter and Leo) overpowers the lesser heart, which begins to beat
in a new rhythm. Thus, through the effect of the greater light, love and
identity upon the lesser, the fusion proceeds.
4. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Synthesis of Human Dualities—Head/Heart; Mind/Love;
Jupiter unifies and Jupiter brings all to a point—the
central point of synthesis. Mercury becomes the Sun, and the two become
the one. Every zodiacal pair is really one bi-polar zodiacal energy. Each
dualities which Jupiter fuses are also one bi-polar energy. As the sense
of the one, all-inclusive (Jupiter) Identity (Leo) grows, the realization
grows that head/heart, mind/love and will/wisdom are just aspects of that
identity. The important thing (under Jupiter/Leo) is to be that Identity
(abundantly); then “all things shall be added unto you” and
duality will be overcome in unified Selfhood.
5. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of Consciousness may be
Consciousness may be expanded by identification with abundant
being, or the abundance of being. Expansive Jupiter (on the second ray)
knows (when found in Leo) the truth of the great second ray mantram—“Nought
is but me.” (EP II 84) The sphere of one’s identity grows
and grows, one ring-pass-not after another falling away, until one sense
oneself to be the Whole. Under this influence, one will of course not
realize all particularities within that Whole, but one will have a broad
sense of participation in a ring-pass-not far greater than the personal.
6. Jupiter (in Leo)
in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction of Demand—
1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then
2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the whole—a fulfillment
achieved through the outgoing expression of love. Leo at first is a materialistic
sign—“This sign has frequently been described as the ‘battlefield
of the Forces of Materialism and the Forces of Light’. It is occultly
regarded as one of the most material signs, in-as-much as selfish desire
for possession of material objectives can be peculiarly present and the
display of the possessive spirit can violently control;…”
(EA 307)
One can see that, under such
circumstances, desire will be fulfilled and demand satisfied through grasping,
aggression and domination. But later, “the advanced Leo person can
function as the ‘inspired spiritual Sacrifice’.” (EA
307) The solar radiation and magnetism of the Leo initiate will be powerful,
indeed. The heart will be wide open and a source of inspiration to many.
Great devotion and loyalty are the understandable and justified response
to the abundant pouring forth of loving, lighted being. Through generosity
of Self, the flow returns; the initiate is glorified; his radiance is
displayed for all to see and experience, and many shine more brightly
as a result—one day to achieve their own glorification.
7. Miscellaneous Meanings
of Jupiter in Leo:
a. Jupiter in Leo is a strong
second ray combination. Jupiter transmits the second ray, and Leo is
associated with the consciousness aspect.
b. Jupiter in Leo can be
expected to promote a definite expansion of the causal lotus.
c. Leo expresses the “Will-to-Illumine”.
Jupiter in Leo represents the “Guru”—the Illuminator,
the “Light-Bearer”, the one who illuminates others, causing
them to grow through the light shed upon them.
d. Jupiter in Leo offer
the opportunity to be the larger Ego rather than the smaller ego. Under
this influence, the Solar Angel can come fully into the personality
e. As consciousness expands
for the Jupiter-in-Leo individual, he develops generosity, great-heartedness,
and magnanimity. Conversely, these virtues, expressed, expand his consciousness.
f. The Jupiter-in-Leo disciple
radiates and vitalizes, causing the soul nature in others to grow and
g. Jupiter in Leo confers
fulfillment of personality expression. Leo governs the integrated personality.
h. Jupiter represents “growth”
and Leo, the self. Jupiter in Leo signifies the one who grows most when
he is most himself; this is ‘growth through the accentuation of
i. Jupiter in Leo represents
both Self-confidence and self-confidence.
j. Since Jupiter promotes
the growth of understanding, understanding would come to the person
with Jupiter in Leo when he takes positions of authority, or when he
has to set an example
k. Jupiter is Leo inclines
towards the overcoming of pettiness. The individual becomes a “big
person”, “above all that”.
l. Jupiter in Leo can be
expected to expand the heart center, and make one “big-hearted”.
Statistically, it would be interesting to see whether there is a correlation
between enlargement of the heart and a high-focus Jupiter in Leo.
m. Jupiter in Leo correlates
to the thought of “whole-heartedness”. Jupiter-in-Leo people
frequently put their “whole heart” into what they do.
n. Jupiter in Leo offers
the individual opportunities to “shine” and to take his
“place in the sun”. This combination Also, an optimistic
and sunny disposition
o. Jupiter in Leo, on the
Mutable Cross, contributes to the growth of one’s feelings of
self-importance—i.e., conceit.
p. Upon the Mutable Cross,
Jupiter in Leo helps one become a VIP (“very important person”)
socially. One may become “lionized”, and serve as a president
of leader of clubs and associations—such as the “Lion’s