of the Gods
of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis |
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Vulcan in Aries |
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Vulcan in Aries Vulcan has a natural relationship with Aries through a fivefold relationship: Pointer 2, Aries, Earth, Vulcan, Pluto. What is the nature of the “divine design” being inwardly forged in the life? The “divine design” being forged in the life of a disciple or initiate with a prominent Vulcan in Aries would be strongly archetypal and ideal rather than practical. The individual “divine design” would be imposed To what extent (and, if so, how) is the “Jewel in the Lotus” active in the life? Is there the capacity to hold an adamantine point of tension? The power to hold an adamantine point of tension by sheer force of will, would be very strong.. To what extent are the seven head centers [which I infer to be ruled by Vulcan] a prominent factor in the disciple’s energy system? To what extent do they dominate the normal, ‘lesser’ centers? There would be a tremendous head center focus (crown chakra). Aries can very reasonably be associated with the head center, as is Vulcan (p. 517, EA). Vulcan, as well, may be reasonably associated with the seven controlling head centers by the analogy The Great Bear is the Seven Head Centers in the OAWNMBS as the planet Vulcan is to the seven head centers of our Solar Logos, as Vulcan (in its microcosmic mode) is to the seven head centers in a human being.What is the manner in which the soul (Solar Angel) grips the personality, and bends the personality to its will and enforces that will? The Solar Angel would grip the personality, and bend the personality to its will and enforce that will in a manner not characterized particularly by subtlety or gentleness. There would be a potent display of forcefulness from the soul field. From a soul perspective, in what manner and with what quality does the soul’s will impact the personality? From the soul perspective, the soul will would impact the personality with a certain forceful incessancy; the pressure would be unrelenting .The soul would not be moderate in its effort to bend the personality to its will. In what ways does the personality experience the pressure of the spiritual will? The personality, depending upon its quality and structure would (more or less) experience the pressureful impact of the soul as onerous and unrelenting. There would be a sense that inner pressure was always being applied, and that one was always being forced forward. The soul, in this case, could be sense as a kind of ‘slave-driver’, yet no matter what the ray, Vulcan in Aries represents a powerful combination of ray one forces. Has the life been one in which circumstances and things have been periodically shattered? The effect of shattering in the life would be pronounced. At least, enough spiritual power is applied inwardly to readily produce shattering (unless modified and buffered by ameliorative forces). Soul-driven will-currents would be unusually strong, and this (in a weakened or unprepared personality vehicle) could readily produce shattering. To what extent and in what fields is the life of the individual impactful? Is the dynamic of the “hammer” noticeable in any of the energy fields or in relation to the environment? The “hammer aspect” of Vulcan would be readily and easily expressed. Aries individuals have always to learn to co-measure the force they release; this combination does not tend towards co-measurement but the application of excessive force. Force can be expressed in an overpowering manner, and with strong, rhythmic accents-hammer blows. Aries is related to the ‘dance’ (the “Dance of Life”); sense of rhythm in this combination would be strong, and the rhythmic impacts would be powerful. D.K. speaks of the first ray type’s love of “crashing choruses”; Vulcan in Aries would give the love of what might be called ‘crashing impacts’. When the individual uses the energy of destruction in the life, how does the individual exercise this energy and upon what or whom? Destructive behavior would be expected through the immoderate application of force. Whether upon people or things, destruction is used to be rid of obstacles; these obstacles would be faced “head-on”. There would be very little subtlety in the destructive process. How is will (whether personal will or spiritual will) generally evidenced in the life? What qualities of will are demonstrated? To what extent is the individual capable of steadfastness and endurance? In Assagioli’s terminology, it would be the “strong” will which would be evidenced, rather than the “skillful will”. That quality of unrelenting will would be prominent. There would be steadfastness for the duration of the period of intense application, but the will would tend to be used in shorter bursts rather than with continuity over a long period of time. What, if anything, does the individual seek to fashion and how does he or she go about this fashioning? With this combination there would not be a deep understanding of matter per se, so the fashioning would take place not so much in the more tangible realms, as one might expect with Vulcan in Taurus or in one of the earth signs. Depending upon the point in evolution (though, let us remember, we are talking about disciples and initiates) the process of fashioning would relate to the realm of thought and ideation. These types would be more likely to ‘hammer out a theory’ than to fashion or craft in matter. The relationship with matter would tend to be destructive, with a perhaps unrealistic assessment of how much a ‘piece’ of matter “can take”. To what extent and in what manner is the light value of matter manifested in the individual’s energy system, especially through what we normally call the “matter aspect”? To a rather lesser extent that Vulcan in Taurus or in Virgo. In some ways, soul light is obscured in Aries, though the light of the spirit is not. Aries is not known for the refinement of the matter aspect; its natural ruler, Mars, is ‘profane’ in an important sense (“outside the temple”) and is naturally opposed to Venus, planet of light. But I would think that the matter aspect can be raised to great heat with Vulcan in Aries, and this heat is a predecessor to light. To what extent and how is the individual engaged in the process of the “uplift of matter”? Perhaps Vulcan in Aries is more involved in forcing the compliance of matter. This combination, however, would definitely force matter into the fire, which, again, would end in revealing the ‘light value’ in matter thus leading to its upliftment. How does the individual go about dominating or controlling the astral body, the body of desire? I am tempted to say, ‘by brute force’. Aries is such a mental sign (at this stage of evolution). We would see the combination mind/will oppose desire. There would simply be the tendency to say ‘No’ to desire, without necessarily understanding it or transmuting it. Therefore, this combination could be repressive where desire and the astral body are concerned. What is the nature of the interplay between sacral center and throat center, and is the will brought into this interplay in any potent or noticeable manner? With Vulcan in Aries (especially if prominent in the life through strong aspects or by ray sympathy {i.e., when first ray is naturally a part of the energy system}), will would always be brought into play. There might be the tendency to deny the one (the sacral) and force the other (the throat). With this combination, Cain is all to ready to kill Abel. The danger is that force will be used against nature; will will impose its design without giving time for the process to operate in a reasonably natural manner. Naturally, with Vulcan in Aries there would be a sense of “forcing the issue”. In what manner and to what extent does the physical form prove obdurate, resistant and even obtuse to the will of the soul? To what extent is the individual given to self-will and stubbornness? Vulcan in Aries is “head strong”, whereas Vulcan in Taurus is “bull-headed”. Perhaps there is a difference, but maybe not much. Anyway, the potential for self-will and stubbornness is very strong. But we might say that Vulcan in Aries would incline a person to be more changeable about the matters about which he or she were stubborn-unpredictably stubborn. (I realize this is not an esoteric interpretation, but we are dealing with a very esoteric planet whose ways in exoteric matters are, perhaps, somewhat obscure, and therefore worthy of discussion. How are ‘crystallizations developed within the personality. What role does ‘hardness’ play in the life? With Aries transmitting both R1 and R7, hard attitudes are to be expected, but perhaps they do not become hardened as one would expect with Vulcan in Capricorn, for instance. What are the nature and quality of the individual’s initiative? To what extent and how, does the individual “get things going”? Aries is the sign of all beginnings and Vulcan sets things in motion (including the whole evolutionary process). One can imagine that the tendency to initiate would be prominent and forceful. We might think of this dynamic as ‘original impact’-the “prime mover”. To what extent is the individual concerned with the strength of the physical body? Very much concerned with the strength of the physical body, and inclined to force the physical body into feats of strength. The Uranian planet ‘Vulcanus/Samson’ would be implicated in such demonstrations of strength. I would leave it to Niklas to discriminate how the effect upon physical strength might be contrasted between Vulcan and “Vulcanus”. To what extent and how is the individual related to the mineral kingdom? Only to a certain extent, but the tendency to forge weapons, or, even more, to use forged weapons would be very strong. Other placements of Vulcan would, perhaps, be more inclined to fashion the weapon, but the Aries influence rarely hesitates to wield the weapon. In what ways, if any, does the individual will to construct? To what extent is such constructive activity utilitarian or artistic? To what extent is the individual deeply concerned with matters concerning the structure of form? I would think that construction in matter would be limited. Construction within the realm of mind more common (for disciples and initiates). I do not think of Aries as sign which inclines toward a knowledge of the laws of matter. How does the factor of isolation manifest in the life? For what reason is isolation pursued, if it is pursued? The tendency towards isolation could be pronounced. On a lower turn of the spiral, Aries inclines towards a “go it alone” attitude. The first ray emphasis in this combination would reinforce the tendency towards isolation. Isolation might be pursued to facilitate independence of action. There would be a pronounced tendency towards self-reliance, and an inclination to “take matters into one’s own hands”. The capacity (at a later stage of evolution) to centralize in the Self would lead initially to isolation. To what extent is the “Will-to-Love” active in the life, and in what manner is it active. (This question is in relation to Vulcan’s connection to the “Heart of the Sun”.) I think the tendency would be more towards the “Will-to-Be”, though Aries (at a high point of evolution) is an example of the “Lamb of God slain from the foundations of the World”. The “Eternal Youth” (Aries) is also the “Great Sacrifice” (Pisces). We might say the Monad begins its pilgrimage under the impulse of the Will-to-Love, and that beginning might be related to Aries (just as the first impulse into incarnation of the soul comes under the rulership of Aries). How will Vulcan (when it is in a particular sign) operate with respect to the various initiations in which it is said to play a part? Vulcan in Aries would certainly enflame the “burning ground” phenomenon which precedes the first initiation (during which Vulcan and Pluto are so prominent). We might also say that Vulcan (related as it is to the Monad and Shamballa) forces the spirit into matter at the beginning of the initiatory regime. (The Monad is active in relation to the soul and subtly in relation to matter, even at the first initiation.) The prologue to the first initiation must necessarily be destructive because there are many impediments to a fundamentally new orientation which must be destroyed; the habit nature (Vulcan/Moon) of aeons must be broken, even shattered. We can see with Vulcan in Aries the inauguration of the new and the burning of bridges (or shall we say, the dynamiting of bridges?). Aries is active at the third initiation (p. 387-388 EA). Also Mars and the Moon (veiling Vulcan from one reasonable interpretation) are also active. The monadic will (active to some extent at the second degree) becomes an irrevocable influence at the third initiation. Aries give a strong orientation to spirit, for spirit is the “One and Only”, and Aries is the One. Vulcan is the emissary of the Will of the Spirit (sometimes called “Spiritual Will”). We can see, then, how Vulcan and Aries are prominent at this initiation, at which time, the Will of the Monad becomes irrevocable (though, at first, tenuously so). Having passed the point of no return some mid-way between the second and third degree, the now trusted disciple is committed to the initiatory regime of the Great While Lodge and cannot turn back. Vulcan in Aries represents a new appreciation of the Divine Will, and a new (though incipient) ability to wield the same. All personality inclinations and desires are burned away (another burning ground for Vulcan in Aries) in the Will of the Monad, and the beginning of real isolation takes place, for the man is never more attracted to the three worlds for what he may acquire from them. With respect to the fourth degree, Vulcan is greatly involved, as the “depths of aloneness are plumbed.”. At the fourth degree we find the man (detached from “that which is above and that which is below”) renouncing all desire. Again, we see Vulcan as the enemy of desire per se, for will and desire (though related) are, in one sense, opposites. Vulcan confers the strength to prove that all desire except the desire to manifest the Plan has been renounced. As the fourth Degree represents an entirely new departure, and a repolarization within the vital body of the planetary Logos (and even the solar Logos) we can see how Aries, the sign of life is particularly implicated. An initiate begins truly to live at this point, and Aries inaugurates this process of living. We can see as well since the causal body must be destroyed to admit into the ‘realm of Life’, the combination of Aries in Vulcan would be most suitable to both shatter and burn the causal body. Burning takes place for all, but there are different methods of ‘causal dismemberment’; for the first ray, it is shattering, peculiarly related to Vulcan in Aries. What kind of force will “shatter the rock” (reference not only to matter, but to the Jewel in the Lotus which is also destroyed and consumed by fire at the fourth initiation). The fourth degree represents an adventure into the realm of “free souls”, and Aries inaugurates all such adventures. This is an adventure into the Realm of Will (for which the combination Vulcan in Aries is peculiarly useful). Destruction, Fire, Inauguration, Life. What can be expected of the combination Vulcan in Aries based upon the rays which are transmitted through Aries and the rays which are transmitted through Vulcan. Aries as a
constellation, transmits R1 and R7. Some rays listed (other than the customary) are based upon various available references, and also upon speculation based upon inference. Rays 1, 7 and 3 for Uranus are given by the Tibetan, and R5 is inferred because of the close connection of Uranus with occult and orthodox science as well as with electricity. Mars’ R1 comes from the discussion of the School on Mars. Mercury’s R3 and R5 are easily inferred. At any rate, rays 1 and 7 are prominent. Vulcan’s association with R7 arises through the Principle of Rhythm and its association with the mineral kingdom. Vulcan has a close connection with all that is concrete and dense hence its association with R5 which promotes concretion and density. A study of the Primary Lotuses in Cosmic Fire, p. 841-842, seems, by inference and some intuition to connect Vulcan with a strong R5 component. You be the judge. (But of course R5 can be considered, in one way, a subset of R1). If we were to ask the meaning of the Aries/Vulcan R7 connection, we might think of enforced regimentation, and the fortifying of the Law, rigidly considered. But the Vulcan R7 connection is speculative, whereas Vulcan’s R1 is assured and its R4 strongly suggested through its association with Taurus and with humanity (the “Fiery Stones” and the “Living Stones”)
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Vulcan has a natural relationship with Aries through a fivefold relationship:
Vulcan and Aries have a special affinity, as Vulcan is one of planets most conditioned by the first ray and Aries is presently the primary transmitter of the first ray. |
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with Vulcan
Necessarily in Aries Hans
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