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Vol. III: Astro-Rayology
Table of Contents

Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins

in progress

Interpretations of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis
With Explanations of All Astrological and Rayological Elements

Michael Robbins Homepage
hosted on MAKARA

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius or Saturn in Relation to Aquarius

(from Esoteric Astrology)

1. Saturn as Ruler of the First Decanate of Aquarius:

“Saturn is the planet of discipleship and of opportunity; it is exceedingly active today, presenting to the world disciple those difficult situations and crises which will involve free choice, discriminative pioneering, wise response and correct decision, thus bringing about the destruction of that which hinders without relinquishing any of the true values of which humanity may be aware. The individual disciple has always been faced with these conditioning and releasing circumstances, and today humanity is in the same position....Saturn having offered opportunity and proffered us a choice to bring about the needed changes and to destroy that which holds back the free expression of the soul.…” (EA 148)

2. Saturn and the Opportunity to Suffer:

“Saturn offers opportunity to suffer and, through suffering, to learn to choose rightly, to analyse correctly and to decide upon the higher values.” (EA 283)

Specific Expressions of Saturn in Aquarius

1. Saturn (in Aquarius) in Relation to the Etheric Physical Vehicle:
Trouble or difficulties may occur in relation to the circulatory system and the nervous system as well. By reflex action, the heart and heart center will be involved. The whole question of the general distribution of fluids, currents and subtle energies in the human energy system is focal under Aquarius, and especially when Saturn is found in this sign, for difficult (or even fatal) blockages can occur. The arteries (Aquarius) can harden (Saturn) and become obstructed leading to blood (Aquarius) clots (Saturn); an analogous condition can occur with respect to the nervous system, and nervous transmission be obstructed leading to numbness, and loss of sensation. The questions raised concern the economy of the energy system--how are energy resources used? How are they shared or not?

Fixed in thoughts—relating to the circulatory system.

One etheric implication of this position concerns the degree to which etheric energy within groups and associated persons can circulate. There is a group mental field, astral field and etheric field. Can vitalizing etheric currents flow between group members, or will there be obstructions and blockages? How well will someone with Saturn in Aquarius receive and distribute the group flow? Clearly, individuals with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in this sign will promote group unification through shared etheric stimulation and vitalization; it will be more difficult for the Saturn in Aquarius person to participate in and promote this flow.

2. Saturn (in Aquarius) in Relation to the Astral Vehicle:
Saturn is the planet of the isolated individual; from one perspective, it rules the separative lower ego. Aquarius is the sign of the group, of the “we”. Yet, paradoxically, Aquarius also has the reputation for aloofness, perhaps because of its powerfully observational fifth ray. Saturn in this sign only adds to the aloofness, and may incline one to feel alone within the group. As a general principle, it will contribute to emotional detachment, and will probably work to stabilize the “hill and valley”, exaltation-and-depression experience which the Tibetan associates with the Aquarian response to life. (EA 141-142, TWM 63) Negatively, Saturn can make the “valley” part of the experience even more depressing, and the “hill” part less elevating.

This combination can be valuable on the Path of Discipleship during which time emotional dispassion must be cultivated. Saturn is one of the impersonal planets; Aquarius, also, has the well-deserved reputation for impersonality. During the cultivation of “divine indifference”, this combination will serve well. Personal reactions will fade, and group-centered responses will take their place. Saturn in Aquarius, used properly, can thus contribute to emotional decentralization.

3. Saturn (in Aquarius) in Relation to the Mental Vehicle:
Saturn in Aquarius is a strong mental indicator. Saturn manifests entirely upon the hard-line, and Aquarius is associated principally with the fifth and third rays, with some latent first ray through its association with the Great Bear. Saturn is often prominent in the charts of scientists, and Aquarius has its strong scientific orientation. Under this combination, the world can be carefully studied, and causes and effects discovered. There is the ability to focus upon the many influences which contribute to the precipitation of any particular situation. The study of astrology may come under this category. The mind focuses upon whole systems, and nothing is seen in isolation. Aquarius inclines towards a universal grasp, and Saturn towards practicality and specificity. A capacity as a systems analyst may result—one who can detect and solve the problems within systems, including groups as systems.(Return to this)

4. Saturn (in Aquarius) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole:
Upon the Mutable Cross, the evolving human being in Aquarius passes through a phase characterized by “consecration to the service of the lower self.” (EA 151) This is service of a kind, but just the opposite that which is desirable. For the Aquarian during the period of the earlier Mutable Cross, “desire in form [is] ruler”, and the person finds all manner of ways to “shower himself” with the good things of life, pampering to a wide variety of personal desires he considers to be needs. Saturn, with its third ray, only makes this process more selfish and more efficient. The man is both superficial and selfish. He emphasizes only one part of the Aquarian motto—“all for one”.

Later in the evolutionary process, this combination will results in responsible group work with many burdens to carry. One learns, through a dawning realization of the futility of self-service, that he does not “live unto himself alone”. Even in early evolutionary days, those who gather (Aquarius) will assign to him responsibility (Saturn) on behalf of the group. He is forced, always, to consider more than his personal preferences. He will have to take those difficult measure which help any group (or system) work properly. Administrative and organizational responsibilities on behalf of the group are a distinct possibility. As the path of personal accomplishment turns into the Path of Aspiration and the Path of Discipleship, he is more and more willing to assume these burdens on his own initiative.

Upon the later stages of the Path, this combination is most useful in the service of the Hierarchy. In a way, Saturn in Aquarius symbolizes the “burden of service”, and so one can understand that the Hierarchy itself labors under this influence—although they do not have to do so. Their real work (as Masters) is under Uranus and Jupiter, but they accept Saturnian burdens by free choice and free will Such burdens are not imposed, as is the case with human beings who are still karmically bound. It is interesting to realize how powerful a role Saturn plays in upon the first of the Cosmic Paths—the Path of Earth Service.

In any case, under Saturn in Aquarius, the responsibly serving disciple makes his appearance—taking on the difficulties (Saturn) of service (Aquarius), carrying burdens on behalf of others, and training (Saturn) with the Hierarchy (Aquarius) for a live (and lives) of increasing group usefulness.

5. Saturn (in Aquarius) and the Presentation of Opportunity on the Path of Discipleship:
Upon the Path of Discipleship, presented difficulties serve as presented opportunities for progress. The difficulties magnetically attracted to the Saturn in Aquarius person concern the effective use of group potentials. Everywhere people gather, but fail to fulfill their promise; group energies are wasted and disperse. The new potentialities do not materialize as they could. Further, it is just very difficult for people to work together constructively, without disruptions caused by personality differences.

The Saturn in Aquarius individual faces this perpetual mal-coordination of energies. A new pattern is necessary and only the group (a collection of similarly motivated individuals), can really make a difference. How shall they be organized and governed so that constructive outcomes emerge? How shall group ideals become practical results? This is never an easy task, and often falls to the one who, for reasons of principle (Saturn), puts the group (Aquarius) and its welfare first.

6. Saturn (in Aquarius) and Choices to be Made and Destruction to be Endured in order to Promote a Freer Expression of the Soul:
The choices concern the most effective and needed means of service. That Saturn in Aquarius individual knows the great difference between serving as one wishes to serve, and serving as need demands. What action is truly needed for betterment? The responsible (and, now, impersonal) server waits for the answer to this question, and undertakes the service whether or not it is personally appealing. Choices concern how to define the nature and scope of one’s service to make it most effective.

Necessary destructions concern one’s own rigidities in relation to service and, also, apply to methods of group functioning which are outworn, and (no matter how long established) unworkable. Saturn in Aquarius is responsible in service, but not as innovative as Uranus, nor as synthesizing as Jupiter. Sometimes such a one, apparently serving responsibly and dutifully, may be perceived by others as the cause of problems and obstructions within the group.

It is necessary to be open to evolving group-will, and to function accordingly to the flow of creative change emerging from the group process. The individual influenced by Saturn in Aquarius, however, may have his own methods, which he seeks to preserve because such methods are tested and reliable (at least in his eyes). In short, flexibility within the group context, is required of an individual influenced by this indication if the most constructive potential of this combination is to manifest.

7. As “the sacred planets endeavour to fuse the personality and make it the instrument of the soul and the non-sacred planets influence more specifically the form nature”, how does Saturn, a sacred planet, fuse the personality and make it a responsible instrument of the soul in this particular sign? How does it enforce the law(s) of the soul, and assist in the fulfillment of the Purpose, Plan and Dharma conceived by the soul?:
Personality integration occurs (after the vehicles have been sufficiently developed) through a process of right flow and coordination between the three vehicles. If one vehicle is malfunctioning or out-of-alignment, integration is prevented. Aquarius is the sign ruling a “free flow” between the different aspects of a system. The threefold personality is such a system. Saturn in Aquarius structures the exchange of energies between the personality vehicles, and does so according to law.

The pervasive, integrating energies of Aquarius, and the organizing, structuring, energies of Saturn combine to fuse and blend the energies of the personality, then insist that the fused personality offer itself in responsible service to the group. The effect of the group upon the individual is both revelatory and disciplining. To fit oneself (Saturn) to be a true group member (under Aquarius) is no easy task.

Saturn in Aquarius submits the personality to group discipline. It is precisely within the group context that the Laws of the Soul are meaningful, effective and can be expressed: sacrifice for the group; soul-relationships within the group; service to the group; repulse from all that separates one from the group; and elevation and progress with the group—thus are five Soul Laws epitomized. Soul Laws are laws (Saturn) of group life (Aquarius). (EP II 85) Under Saturn in Aquarius, the individual learns the meaning and importance of these laws, and how to express them within and through the personality (and, of course, in relation to inner and outer groups).

8. Miscellaneous Meanings of Saturn in Aquarius:

a. Recognition of the Divine Plan and work in group formation in line with that Plan
b. Purposeful group work
c. Purposeful friendship
d. The burden of the group; the burden of service; the burden of humanity
e. The duty to serve
f. Group law
g. Group karma
h. Group structuring; organizing the group
i. Group planning
j. Group responsibility and management
k. Group manifestation
l. Responsible member of the Ashram.
m. Manifestation of Ashramic Purpose.
n. Obeying the will of the higher group
o. Authority within group processes
p. Working slowly towards one’s objectives which are serious in nature
q. The responsibility to ensure creative group work
r. Scientific thought
s. Frozen thoughtforms
t. Fixity of opinion
u. Alone within the group
v. Isolation; few friends
w. Enforcing conformity and standardization
x. Stifling group expression and creativity
y. Depression; emphasizing the ‘lows’ rather than the ‘highs’
z. Heart conditions; circulatory blockages
aa. “Party-pooper”; wet blanket at the joyous gatherings

Individuals with Saturn in Aquarius

John Audubon
Sarah Bernhardt
Charles Pierre Baudelaire
Otto von Bismarck
William Blake
George Gordon, Lord Byron
Winston Churchill
Aleister Crowley
Howard Hughes
Carl G. Jung
Louis XIV
King Ludwig II
Guglielmo Marconi
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Friedrich Nietzsche
Elvis Presley
Wilhelm Rontgen
Carl Sagan
Albert Schweitzer
Noah Webster

Astrological Interpretations
by Michael D. Robbins

commentary and projects
by Michael D. Robbins

to the University of the Seven Rays 

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updated February 2008
