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Vol. III: Astro-Rayology Table of Contents
Tapestry of the Gods Volume III by Michael D. Robbins Astro-Rayology in progress
Interpretations of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis With Explanations of All Astrological and Rayological Elements
Michael Robbins Homepage hosted on MAKARA
Individuals with the Ascendant in Leo
Jane Addams Czar Alexander II Marcus Aurelius Aurobindo Alice Bailey Cyrano de Bergerac Charles Pierre Baudelaire Otto von Bismarck Lucrezia Borgia Edgar Cayce Michel de Cervantes Charlemagne Aleister Crowley Claude Debussy John Dee Albrecht Durer Anthony Van Dyck Anne Frank Galileo Galilei Indira Gandhi Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi Michel Gauquelin Paul Joseph Goebbels Jacob Grimm Joan of Arc Lyndon Johnson Franz Liszt Martin Luther Moses ben Maimon Edouard Manet Christopher Marlowe Marilyn Monroe Maria Montessori Vanessa Redgrave Jean Sibelius Socrates Charles P. Steinmetz Meryl Streep J. R. R. Tolkien Wilbur Wright Paramahansa Yogananda
Astrological Interpretations by Michael D. Robbins
commentary and projects by Michael D. Robbins
to the University of the Seven Rays
to home updated February 2008