Ascendant, Leo,
with Mars rising in Leo from H12; MC, Aries
with Jupiter
in Aries conjunct the MC, H9, and Saturn also in Aries; Sun in Gemini
with Venus in Gemini; Moon in Libra;
Mercury in Cancer; Uranus in Virgo; Neptune and Pluto in Taurus; NN
in Capricorn.
If any astrological chart
should be given an esoteric interpretation, it should certainly be that
of Alice A. Bailey who, as the amanuensis of the Master Djwhal Khul,
was largely responsible for seeing that the book Esoteric Astrology
reached humanity. Yet, we are faced with an unknown birth
Alice Bailey, who knew little
of ordinary, technical astrology, speculated that her Ascendant might
be Pisces, as she
was certainly a “mediator” between Hierarchy and humanity.
She also thought Cancer
might be a possibility. She was good friends with the progressive, humanistic
astrologer Dane Rudhyar who, not only dedicated his monumental Astrology
of Personality to her, but rectified, to his satisfaction, her
astrological chart.
That chart with a
Leo Ascendant has gained a wide acceptance and is the one we will use
here for this analysis.
The rays of Alice A. Bailey
are known. Although not given in completeness in any book, they were
related to the author by the disciple R.S.W. (a good friend of AAB’s
and a member of the discipleship groups to which the Tibetan wrote the
instructions found in Discipleship in the New Age, Vols. I and II).
This ray assignment
also appears in various unpublished papers to which the author has access.
These rays are as
Soul: Ray II
Personality: Ray 1
Mind: Ray 1
Astral Body: Ray 2
Etheric Physical Body: Ray 7
A careful reading of AAB’s
Unfinished Autobiography, will reveal the presence of the sixth
ray, probably as a “legacy ray” (self-inherited from a recent
incarnation), or as the ray of the astral vehicle prior to its transformation
into the second ray. In brief it can be said that she used to preach
rather than teach, and that her style involved a fair bit of “hellfire
and damnation”—an odd beginning for one so identified, later,
with the teaching of the expansive and luminous Ageless Wisdom. She
was personally engaged in the elevation of the energies of the solar
plexus center to the heart—a process which reinforces the idea
that sixth ray energies were being transmuted into energies qualified
by the second ray.
As an added speculation (although
it is certainly impossible to know with certainty), it is reasonable
to think of the AAB’s monadic nature as focussed upon the second
ray of Love-Wisdom, very much like that of her Master, K.H., a Chohan
upon the second ray. At her stage of development, the monad (her own
“Central Spiritual Sun”) would be influential, and, further,
it is utterly clear that she is working in the Department of the Bodhisattva.
Ascertaining the monadic ray of the Tibetan presents, perhaps, more
controversy and uncertainty.
The conduits for the second
ray soul (or monad) are several—the Sun and one sign/constellation,
and three planets in particular (Venus, Jupiter and Neptune). The Sun
(itself considered to be a second ray source among other things) is
placed in Gemini. The Tibetan is a Master upon the second ray of Love-Wisdom,
and it seems He sought to work closely with those in whose energy system
the sign Gemini (which distributes in this world period principally
and, perhaps, only the second ray) was prominent. AAB’s second
husband, Foster Bailey, had a Pisces Sun sign, and according to best
estimates, a Gemini Ascendant.
Mary Bailey, the second wife
of Foster Bailey, continued from the middle 1950’s as president
of the Lucis Trust. Like Alice Bailey, Mary Bailey had a Gemini Sun
sign and Leo Ascendant. The disciple R.S.W. (with whom, it is said,
the Tibetan attempted some further transmissions of the teaching) had
a Gemini Ascendant. From all this one wonders whether the Tibetan, Himself,
as one of the key “Messengers” of the Hierarchy, was not
distinguished by a powerful Gemini in His own, individual horoscope.
(The Masters, like all human beings, do have astrological charts given
important clues about their individual energy systems.)
When one thinks of the Tibetan’s
Teaching, one can see how closely it is related to the sign Gemini,
offering as it does, a wide ranging explanation of atomic, individual,
planetary, solar and constellational processes. Gemini represents the
polarities of Love and Wisdom, and Gemini is the sign relating all the
pairs of opposites. The second ray is peculiarly a ray of relationship.
From a close study of the
Tibetan’s books and a following of the Law of Correspondences
and the Law of Analogy, one can begin to ascertain the relationships
between all things. This comprehensive relational process is very much
the domain of Gemini.
Through AAB’s Gemini
Sun, therefore, the Tibetan could easily work. This resonance was augmented
by the planet Venus (dispensing the love and light of the soul) also
placed in the sign, Gemini, which it esoterically rules. Gemini is a
sign most related to duality and dualism, and to the techniques of building
and utilizing the antahkarana by means of which a conscious relationship
between the ‘unsheathed soul’ (i.e., the spiritual triad)
and the soul-infused personality can be established.
Thus Gemini links the two
into a fluid synthesis. Venus, a planet especially related to the luminous,
loving Solar Angel and its powers, facilitates the rapport between the
spiritual triad and personality, and promotes, in general, the process
of soul infusion. In AAB’s case, Venus (a planet with a strong
second ray component) symbolizes the facile rapport of soul and personality,
and an easy access to the radiance of the Solar Angel (a member of the
Fifth Creative Hierarchy, just as the human monads are members of the
Fourth Creative Hierarchy).
Through so much of AAB’s
teaching, knowledge concerning the Solar Angel is articulated and expanded
far beyond that which was earlier given by HPB. The Sun and Venus both
in Gemini can be considered to be in a fairly wide but, nevertheless
effective, conjunction of about seven and a half degrees. Further, they
are both found in the eleventh house of group work (also the eleventh
arm of the astrological chart—as explained by the astrologers
Stephen Pugh, Niklas
Nihlen and others). This is the house of group work and of the emergence
of the group soul and group causal body, just as the fifth house of
the chart signifies the emergence of the individual soul (if such a
misnomer can be allowed) and the individual causal body (which does,
in fact, exist).
We must remember, “The
macrocosmic Whole is all there is. Let the group perceive that Whole
and then no longer use the thought ‘My soul and thine’.”
(Rule XI for Disciples
and Initiates, R&I 20)
Further conduits for the
second ray are Jupiter in Aries and Neptune in Taurus. Jupiter is the
ruler of the heart center for all disciples. AAB was certainly a disciple
of high degree, and, according to the estimation of the author (and
from all available evidence) at least an initiate of the third degree
(well into the process of renunciation—the fourth degree). The
soul ray of the planet Jupiter is very probably the second, and so it
can be considered the principal planet of the second ray. It is placed
closely conjunct AAB’s Midheaven on the ninth house side. This
seems a perfect position for one who initiates (Aries) a second ray
school of the Ageless Wisdom (Jupiter), namely the Arcane School. Jupiter
in Aries, in this case, indicates the process of undertaking a piece
of new work for the Hierarchy and on one’s own initiative.
Neptune also is a conduit
for the second ray, as the monadic ray of Neptune is very reasonably
the second. (cf. EP I, 420) As well, Neptune
is closely conjunct Chiron, a planetoid (comet or asteroid—its
true nature is not definitely determined) with a strong second ray coloring
(for Chiron is the teacher, guide, mentor and healer—all second
ray functions).
Interestingly, these two
planets are placed in the second sign, Taurus, which emphasizes the
light and wisdom of the second ray, rather than its love nature, per
se. This conjunction bestows the power to heal and guide with light
and intuition. This combination of energies, when wielded by the initiate,
provide a subtly deglamorizing potency, giving facility for redemptive
work upon the astral plane as that plane is influenced by the intuition
(i.e., by the buddhic faculty correlated, in part, with Neptune). The
conjunction also confers the power to guide people (Chiron) through
the astral miasmas through the intuitive use of the light.
From another perspective,
the conjunction of Neptune and Chiron in illuminative Taurus confers
buddhi-manas, the blending of intuition with the light of all levels
of mind—especially the level of higher mind. This combination
was one of the factors (along with the Gemini capacities) which rendered
AAB so telepathically sensitive. Taurus is associated with the Ajna
center, and so is Neptune (sixth ray) at a certain quite advanced point
in the evolutionary process (i.e., beyond the third degree). Neptune
in Taurus, rightly utilized, can help one see into the higher and more
subtle worlds, and Chiron makes of one a leader and a guide for those
who need the impartation of the light.
On a lower turn of the spiral,
in relation to this Neptune/Chiron conjunction, one has to be on guard
against being hurt, damaged or wounded (Chiron) on the astral plane
(Neptune). The disciple R.S.W. told the author that “Alice was
kicked around quite a bit on the astral”, presumably by those
negative entities which sought to interfere with her work. The square
from aggressive Mars in Leo would only emphasize this tendency. As well
some of the fear reactions which AAB acknowledged could also have had
their origin in this Neptune/Chiron conjunction. Mars square Neptune
would confer a strong idealism and a degree of astral agitation—probably
more so in early life.
Both the personality and
the mind are on the first ray, giving a powerful point of connection
for will and purpose. Two signs/constellations, in particular, act as
modes of transmission for the first ray—Aries and Leo. Leo is
ruled by the Sun on all three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.
Because of the initiate status of AAB, Neptune, correlating with the
energy of the “Heart of the Sun” (or soul) and Uranus correlating
with the “Central Spiritual Sun (or monad) are both interpretively
relevant. Neptune would be considered the more active ruler, perhaps,
but Uranus (a planet with a deeply first ray nature) would also have
its part to play, placing AAB strongly en rapport with the atmic aspect
of divinity—that of the spiritual will.
In another respect, Uranus
representing all that is archetypal, authentic and hence unusual from
an ordinary perspective, is conjunct Juno (the asteroid of marriage
and partnership) and both are either sextile or trine the nodal axis
(indicating the formation and dissolution of life connections). This
conjunction, thus, manifests as one of the principal indications of
AAB’s unusual telepathic (Uranus) ‘partnership’ or
collaboration with the Tibetan Master—especially as Uranus is
places in the second house which, among other things, indicates the
treasures of the Ageless Wisdom.
The other first ray sign
Aries, has for its orthodox ruler, the planet Mars (which, in itself,
carries much of the first ray) and is placed in the first ray sign,
Leo, prominently at the Ascendant. Mars in Leo is a strongly first ray
indication, and gives the individual natural “push” and
authority. It can represent the power to command, and from all first
hand reports AAB (though filled with love and Geminian humor) “ran
a tight ship”.
In many individuals Mars
in Leo represents the assertiveness of the personality, but as Leo
also represents the soul (and even the spirit), this combination can
stand for the power to assert the authority of the energies resident
within the two higher periodical vehicles.
Within Aries, are placed
both Saturn (a planet with a significant first ray component) and also
Jupiter. Whereas Jupiter is Aries bestows a ready initiative, Saturn
in Aries (taken together) are a mutually reinforcing pair, and indicate
strong purpose. Jupiter in Aries will undertake much, but Saturn in
Aries gives more restraint and discrimination, choosing more wisely
that which is to be initiated.
Further we see that first
ray/seventh ray Aries qualified the authoritative tenth house cusp (the
MC), showing that the first ray is easily applied to AAB’s “calling”
or vocation, especially since dharmic Saturn is very strong in the tenth
house, just as visionary Jupiter is strong in the ninth. We can certainly
see how the first ray power to initiate was available to AAB in the
execution of her dharma.
Pluto, found in the eleventh
house of group work, is also a planet of the first ray. It has several
aspects of interest. One is a quincunx (150°) to the fated vertex,
and also a close quintile (72°) to the Ascendant.
Interestingly, AAB was virtually
expelled (Pluto) from the Theosophical Society, and later undertook
important transformative and regenerative work for the Hierarchy (apparently
doing much inner work in the transmutation of negative substance).
There is also a close parallel
of declination between Pluto and the MC, only seven minutes of arc from
exactitude, again showing the occult depth of AAB’s work for the
Great Ones, and also certain subtle dangers to which she was exposed.
One can well imagine that she was not ‘popular’ with the
counterforce, and Hitler, himself, is said to have desired her elimination
(Pluto). The first ray power of Pluto was certainly useful given the
extraordinarily rigorous and physically exhausting labor which she chose
to undertake.
Perhaps it was no coincidence
that she thought of her closest companions as members of a “suicide
squad”—a band of esoteric workers who would voluntarily
sacrifice themselves through extreme effort on behalf of Hierarchy and
humanity until they “dropped”. Pluto parallel the MC and
Pluto in the eleventh house predispose towards this self-sacrificial
AAB’s Ascendant is
in the first (or sub-Leo) decanate of the sign Leo. It reinforced her
first ray personality and mind and gave her the strength to persist
in her arduous Self-chosen task, and to centralize within herself the
necessary spiritual authority to be (for thirty years) the very “life
and heart of the project”. AAB had the Leo dharma of becoming
an example of the teaching she gave to the world; she executed this
dharmic task admirably.
The Leo Ascendant also combines
with and reinforces the energy of her second ray soul. Of the three
fire signs, Leo is the one most associated with consciousness, per se.
It is the second of the fire signs indicating its numerical affinity
with the second ray. Its peculiar type of light is the “Light
of the Soul”; interestingly, AAB, wrote a book with this title,
commenting on translations of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
prepared for her by the Tibetan. Leo is associated with two types of
will: the Will to Illumine and the Will to Rule.
The Will to Rule was focussed
through her first ray personality and mind, and was applied through
her role as spiritual executive. The Will to Illumine is clearly and
potently related to her dharma as a teacher and author in the field
of esotericism, and complements perfectly her Geminian abilities as
a receiver and transmitter of occult knowledge and wisdom.
The role of the Moon and
Mercury must be examined. Like HPB, AAB’s moon was placed in the
collaborative sign, Libra. Both of these initiates formed a significant
partnership with the Tibetan Master, Who wrote the great majority of
the “Blue Books” and Who was responsible, we are told, for
providing HPB with much of the material for her monumental Secret
Doctrine. His collaboration with AAB was, it would seem, the more
intimate, for in this latter instance, the major ray was the same (the
second), HPB being upon the first ray.
Note that the Moon is found
in the third house of communication, in this case telepathic communication
and collaboration. With AAB, the mind (third house) was an extremely
sensitive instrument of reception, and the rapport (Libra) which made
possible this mental interplay between the Tibetan and herself, had
been trained in earlier incarnations when she was an accepted disciple
under the Tibetan’s supervision.
The presence of the Moon
in the very first degree of Libra indicates the important choices which
confronted AAB throughout her life (since one of the mantrams of Libra
is “Let Choice be Made”). Perhaps her most important choice
was whether or not to collaborate with the Tibetan when opportunity
was presented.
At first, fearing psychism,
she did not want to do so. Shortly after the initial contact, she evaluated
(Libra) the quality of material she was receiving from him and became
convinced of His authenticity and the importance of the spiritual enterprise
He suggested. There are many of us in the world today who must be extremely
grateful that she decided as she did.
The aspects made by Mercury
(a planet of communication and, hence, on a higher turn of the spiral,
of telepathy) are revealing. There is a sextile to Juno (partnership)
and another sextile to the Neptune/Chiron conjunction (representing
close contact with a subtle (Neptune) mentor (Chiron).
Mercury is also widely conjunct
the South Node, indicating the telepathic faculty had been brought over
from the past, and quite closely conjunct one of the “alternative
Ascendants” (the Equatorial Ascendant), again emphasizing its
importance. Mercury, as well, is square to Jupiter representing the
sheer quantity of transmitted material with which she had to deal.
That Mercury
is in the sign Cancer shows the receptive and retentive quality
of her mind, and its sensitivity to impression. Esoterically, it signifies
that the transmitted triadal teachings received via the “thread”
from the Master and via the antahkarana were to be anchored deep in
manifestation, within the lunar substance (the elemental worlds) represented
by Cancer.
One more point in relation
to Mercury may be of interest—it’s declination is the highest
of all the planets. High declination is said to confer added power upon
the planet. As the orthodox ruler of her Sun Sign, Gemini, Mercury naturally
carries special importance. Mercury, as a planet, is the “Messenger”.
The Tibetan as a Master is, also, the “Messenger”. The connection
of the Tibetan with the Mercurian vibration seems more than reasonable.
Of note is the grand trine
relating expansive second ray Jupiter in Aries, courageous Mars in Leo
and dedicated Vesta in Sagittarius (the sign of higher mind, philosophy
and seership). Something of the large scope of the great work undertaken
on behalf of the Tibetan can be appreciated. She had the enthusiasm
(Jupiter/Mars) to sustain this work, and the singleness of purpose and
commitment (Vesta) to adhere to it.
From a certain perspective,
Master D.K., pouring forth the abundance of the Ageless Wisdom into
her receptive mind, is represented by second ray Jupiter at the tenth
house cusp—a significant point of authority in the chart. (He
can be considered Saturn, the “Task Master”, as well.) This
elevated Jupiter can also represent the benevolent supervision (Jupiterian
keywords) of the Master K.H. (her Master, actually) Who had materialized
for her during her teen-age years (telling her of future work she might
do), and with Whom she had the closest inner rapport—about which,
of course, little is said. The interplay between a disciple and an his
or her Master is a purely private matter.
Several important parallels
have already been pointed out. Additionally there is a close parallel
between the Sun and the South Node, indicating the personal authority
which AAB had developed in the past (South Node), and also the personality
(Sun) which she was leaving behind. Venus finds itself on the other
side, also parallel to the South Node, showing the soul contact established
in former lives. There is another parallel (exact to the minute of arc)
between Mars and Ceres, showing that all the assertion (Mars) which
she had to bring forward was for the sake of nurturing (Ceres) the spiritual
potentials of the disciples for which she made herself responsible.
Together, Jupiter and Ceres
represent forceful cultivation. Jupiter and the Moon are closely parallel,
indicating her successful receptivity and why she was able to provide
a psycho-mental vessel for the reception of so much knowledge and wisdom;
her form (the Moon) had reached a sufficient point of unfoldment (Jupiter)
for this to be possible.
Juno and intelligent Pallas
Athene are also parallel, further accentuating the mentoring to which
she was subjected. Pallas Athene was always the astute advisor to various
of the heroes of Greek Mythology. The Juno Uranus conjunction and parallel
is part of this complex.
The Neptune/Chiron conjunction
(indicator of subtle mentoring) is also reinforced by a parallel between
them, adding to its strength. Finally, the Sun is closely parallel the
Anti-Vertex, (hypothesized as a “point of free initiative”).
This shows her able to put her integrated personality powers freely
into the telepathic experiment with the Tibetan.
In AAB’s case, the
more prominent fixed stars do not contact the usual personal points
of the chart. The Gemini Sun is conjunct two stars—Saiph and Wazn.
Saiph is the “Sword Hilt of the Hunter” Orion, and is probably
the seventh ray star among the seven first magnitude stars in that constellation.
Wazn is translated at the “Weight” and, with Phact, is a
star in the constellation of the “Dove” both considered
to be good messengers or bringers of good news. This was certainly true
in the case of AAB, whose collaborative teaching with the Tibetan brought
the inspiring Ageless Wisdom to many thousands.
We have already talked about
the importance of Uranus in relation to Juno as an indicator of the
transformative (Uranus) collaboration (Juno) AAB formed with the Tibetan.
This conjunction is found in the second house (the house of wealth—whether
physical, mental or spiritual).
We find that Uranus and the
star Thuban (the “Judge of Heaven” and the pole star more
than four thousand years ago) are conjunct in the same house—the
second. Thuban, according to Brady, is the symbol of one who guards
or produces a treasure.
Again the treasure can be
spiritual or material. Thuban is said to indicate prospectors of gold
or silver and ministers of money. Its connection with that which is
highly valuable is only reinforced by its presence in the second house
of the chart. We can easily see AAB guarding and producing the “Treasures
of the Ageless Wisdom”—the ‘Treasures of Light’
(another and higher meaning of the second house).
The Star Menkar, associated
with Cetus the Sea Monster, is conjunct Neptune, indicating a strong
relationship with the collective unconscious—the collective forces
of the pan-human psyche. Ebertin tells us that “this star has
a Saturnine character, corresponding to impediments of many kinds, worries
and tests of endurance”. It is associated with “unjustified
enmities, hardening and toughening these people in some ways”.
All of these interpretations apply to AAB’s life .
One personal point, the Vertex
or “point of fate” is very closely conjuncted to Acumen,
a twin nebula to Aculeus in the sting of the Scorpion. Its meaning according
to Brady is “enduring attacks which weaken”. Placed at the
Vertex, Acumen indicates a inevitable confrontation with those who criticize
and malign, and this was certainly the case in AAB’s life. The
positive interpretation indicates a very sharp mind and a perception
well above the average.
When thinking of AAB’s
spiritual achievements and status, one must conclude that not only was
she, technically, a “Chela on the Thread”, empowered to
seek and get the Master’s attention when the work demanded it,
but also a “Chela with the Master’s Aura” (yet a further
stage of disciplic development) indicating a still more intimate and
trusted relationship with the Hierarchy. With her, the antahkarana,
indicated by the sign Gemini, Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer
was built to a large degree and she could journey to the Ashram on the
inner planes for consultation and instruction.
This is far from an exhaustive
analysis of the main astrological features of AAB’s natal chart.
Her conception and animation charts would also be of great interest
and may be undertaken in further portions of this series of astrology
Alice A. Bailey was (and
is) a great disciple and initiate. Her accomplishments on behalf of
students of the Ageless Wisdom are irreplaceable. Her life was a hard
one, both inwardly and outwardly. She was, after all, being trained
to work still more closely with Master K.H. in His future plans relating
to the Reappearance of the Christ and the Re-establishment of the Mysteries
of Initiation. Her last incarnation was a clear example of the principle
that as disciple advances, the greater his/her inner freedom becomes,
but the more restricted and outwardly bound becomes his/her life within
the world of circumstances.
Gemini often gives
either the tendency towards insomnia or the ability to get along on
very little sleep; often, in the execution of her endless responsibilities,
she was down to perhaps two hours of sleep per night. We see the elevated
Saturn standing austerely in the tenth house of duty, and harmoniously
sextiling the important Gemini Sun, but giving, in essence, no time
for the personal self. The life of the initiate of the third degree
is one of increasing pressure, internal intensity and self-sacrifice.
Are we in any position to
determine what AAB accomplished inwardly during her last incarnation?
Probably not. The Tibetan once suggested that for all the fullness of
outer work which AAB accomplished, her inner work was still more demanding.
Here we see the two sides of the Geminian energy expressed through the
life of a disciple/initiate who was certainly in the world, but with
equal certainty not of it. We might say of AAB that she (under the inspiration
of the Tibetan Master) made the soul and the Solar Angel vivid spiritual
realities in the lives of thousands. She was instrumental (literally)
in offering the world an entirely new approach to discipleship and to
the cultivation of group activity, group consciousness and group progress
in the Aquarian age.
The Aquarian Age will not
be an Age focussed only upon the group (thought that will be its primary
focus). During this Age, powerful individualities will emerge who will
take positions of leadership relative to group work. Ashrams are always
organized with a Master or Arhat at the central point. It can be clearly
seen that AAB (through her work for the Tibetan and her own Self-initiated
work with respect to the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust) was in the
process of “gathering her Ashram”.
Through the power of her
Leo Ascendant, she was learning to be the ‘authoritative center’
of a future Ashram on the second ray. She stood at the nexus of a great
array of subtle forces and they passed through her. The impairments
of the “blood condition” which eventually arose were directly
related to her position at the “heart of things”.
We know that both Leo and
Aquarius condition the heart and circulatory system and the condition
of the blood. In a way, and karmically, her time to pass had come before
the thirty years work was completed, but with characteristic courage
(bold Mars in courageous Leo, plus her double first ray emphasis), she
“refused invalidism”, and pushed forward to complete the
work. It is said that the Masters kept her in incarnation for several
additional years so that this work for the Tibetan might reach its proper
conclusion, but They never could have done this unless her own indomitable
will (first ray, Leo and Aries) were invested in continuation.
The greatest of all hierarchical
projects in the current era are the Externalization of the Hierarchy
and the Reappearance of the Christ. To facilitate this Reappearance,
the Master K.H. and his Ashram (and Ashram, which in a broader way includes
the Master D.K.) are committed. AAB as a member of K.H.’s Ashram
was also thoroughly invested in this monumental project. If we wish
to evaluate her work in collaboration with the Tibetan, we must think
of what it has meant for informing the world (Gemini) about the true
nature of the Spiritual Hierarchy, its impending Externalization, and
the return of its great Director, the Christ.
Certain lives serve as an
inspirational example for us all; the last incarnation of Alice Bailey
was one such. We are grateful that (like Yogananda) she drew upon the
energies of her Leo Ascendant to write an autobiography which brings
before the eyes of humanity an example (Leo) of a life entirely and
courageously dedicated to discipleship service.