See Michael Robbins' Tapestry of the Gods, Volume III
9. The fifth Creative Hierarchy (also numbered 8) is on the verge of liberation. It is peculiarly connected with the tenth Creative Hierarchy, with the constellation Capricorn and with the human personality which veils and temporarily hides the Christ principle behind both form and mind. Eight is, under some numerical systems, regarded as the number of the Christ. (EA p38)
I. DYNAMIC ENERGY .......................................................... Electric Fire
| Cancer
1. Sirius................... | ......... Saturn..................................... Fifth Creative Hierarchy
| Capricorn (the 8th Unknown)
The Cardinal Cross
(EA p50)
Capricorn as one of the “paramount signs of influence”
Through the effect of the energy flowing from the zodiacal signs the man is prepared for the "crisis of orientation" wherein he slowly and gradually reverses his mode of progress upon the wheel of life and begins consciously to travel back to his source. He then goes from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn, instead of moving from Aries to Taurus via Sagittarius, Leo and Cancer. The triplicity of constellations mentioned in these two great routes around the zodiac have a definite and momentous effect and are called "paramount signs of influence." During this process the mental principle, the discriminating mind, is developed and in this specific connection (not in a general connection) (EA p52)
12. The symbol for the sign Capricorn is most mysterious. It conceals the mystery of the Crocodiles, or Makara. It is constructed in an inaccurate and definitely misleading manner and should be regarded as a mystery and therefore not to be defined. (EA p57)
At this point, the sign Gemini begins potently to play its part in the life of the disciples, with Sagittarius gradually "piercing the heart with his arrows, and then upon the flight of the arrow, the man reaches Capricorn." Then comes the Crisis of Renunciation. (EA p61)
Then, from the standpoint of achievement in Capricorn, he works for several lives around the zodiacal path, descending into the sea of the mass consciousness to become what is called in the ancient books "the Crab, who clears the ocean of matter which flows around the soul of man," and eventually to become a functioning world saviour in Pisces. He descends into the world of men to save mankind and to further the plan. He is then "the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter." (EA p62)
3. Sagittarius governs the degree of M\ M\ up to the episode of the raising of the Master, and that Capricorn governs the final part of the ceremony and the H\ R\ A\ (EA p64)
3. Sagittarius and Capricorn, through the Earth and Saturn, are related to Ray 3. The one-pointed disciple becomes the initiate.
The Initiate
(EA p67)
Constellation Ruler Ray Related to
10. Capricorn Venus 5th ray none.
11. Aquarius The Moon 4th ray Scorpio
12. Pisces Pluto 1st ray Taurus
NOTE: Aries and Capricorn in conjunction with 7th and 5th ray energy stand alone. The other constellations and rays are related in every case. (EA p68)
2. Consider the energies of the three major constellations as they each pour through three of the zodiacal constellations, thus forming great interlocking triangles of [Page 80] force. Thus nine of the zodiacal constellations are involved, and these in their turn fuse and blend their energies into three major streams of force upon the Path of Initiation. These three streams of force pour through:
a. Leo, Capricorn and Pisces.
b. Saturn, Mercury and Uranus (the Moon).
c. The head, ajna and heart centres.
d. The throat, the solar plexus and the base of the spine.
It should be remembered that the sacral centre and the spleen are primarily connected with the planetary emanation of the Earth itself. (EA p79-80)
All souls come into incarnation in the sign Cancer. By this I mean that the very first human incarnation was always taken in this sign which has been recognised down the ages as "the doorway into life of those who must know death," just as the constellation Capricorn is ever regarded as another door and is called esoterically the "doorway into life of those who know not death." As the ages slip away, the man passes into and out of all the signs, the particular sign being determined by the nature of the personality ray which itself changes, as you know, from life to life. In those signs he learns the needed lessons, broadens his horizon, integrates his personality, begins to sense the conditioning soul, and thus discovers his essential duality. (EA p83)
What appears in Aries as spiritual energy enters into the soul stage in Cancer, in which sign the soul incarnates for the first time in form, reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra, in which sign soul and personality achieve a balance of cooperation and, in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective.
The difference between these two goals depends upon the mode of progression around the wheel of life. It should be remembered—generalising again and speaking symbolically—that the Crosses also turn, being the spokes of the great wheel. The undeveloped man goes from Aries to Capricorn and to Libra and Cancer, whilst the developed man reverses the process. (EA p93-94)
Aries, therefore, starts the process of the "most ancient initiation" which all the human family has already undergone and will undergo. The first great cosmic initiation (as far as humanity is concerned) is initiation into incarnation—the initiation of individualisation. This process culminates aeons later in the reversing of the wheel and the attaining of a definite goal in Capricorn. It culminates in the achievement of transference from off the Fixed Cross on to the Cardinal Cross, which is, in its turn, the logical sequence of the transference from off the Mutable or Common Cross on to the Fixed Cross. (EA p94-95)
2. Scorpio, which brings about eventually the death of the personality and with which we shall later deal when we come to consider that sign. Esoterically as well as exoterically, Scorpio is the sign of death and burial in the earth, of descent into the depths in order to be lifted again on to the heights (the mountain top in Capricorn). It is stated in some of the most ancient books that "the heat of the earth, the mother, and the sting of the scorpion are the beneficent gifts which the turning of the wheel gives to the man at the beginning and the end." These gifts, when accepted and used, bring a man to liberation and eventually from the control and pain of the Fixed Cross. (EA p96)
Mars embodies sixth ray force which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution. God's idea in Aries becomes the concrete plan in Capricorn whether that objective is the full flower of the planetary life in all its forms, the ambition of a personality working out its own ideas and ambitious worldly projects or the spiritual aspiration (worldly ambition [Page 100] transmuted into its higher aspect) of the initiate, who seeks to work out God's plans and make them his own. In every case, Mars leads to the battle ground of Scorpio. (EA p99-100)
The birth of the individual Christ takes place in Capricorn
Mercury, therefore, leads Aries to Virgo (again speaking symbolically) where the idea or Word of God begins to take form, and consequently the latent life in Aries comes to the "crisis of the birth hour," prior to the birth of the Christ, cosmically considered, though the birth of the individual Christ takes place in Capricorn, at the close of the needed gestation period. (EA p100)
1. The crises of the battle field, leading to the culminating battle in Scorpio and the liberation into life in Capricorn, the place of the higher initiations, after the reversal of the wheel.
2. The crisis of the birth place in Virgo, brought about through the activity of Mercury, leading through Leo to the birth of the Christ in Capricorn. The self-conscious individual in Leo becomes the Christ-conscious Initiate in Capricorn. (EA p101)
The vague beginnings in Aries, the faint emergence of the latent embodied ideas have—after the turning of the wheel in two directions—brought release in Capricorn and produced the world server in Aquarius, who voluntarily stays upon the great wheel (using the Cardinal Cross as his conditioning signs) and thus staying within the sphere of influence in order to help humanity to find liberation from the Fixed Cross. (EA p101-2)
4. Capricorn, the "birthplace of the Christ," the place of the "second birth" and the scene for the emergence of the fifth kingdom in nature when the right time comes. In this sign, the initiate comes into a spiritual awareness which demonstrates later in Aquarius and in Pisces as man, the world worker, and man, the world saviour—both of them with a universal mission.
It is from hints such as these that the astrologer of the future will determine the type of horoscope which should be cast. Two questions will then arise, requiring reasoned answers:
1. Is the subject a personality, progressing around and around the wheel, perfecting self-consciousness and developing a rounded out personality through experience and the working of the Law of Karma, subject to the Great Illusion and arriving eventually at the height of personality ambition in Capricorn?
2. Or, is this person beginning to manifest as a soul, pouring light through dense fogs of illusion, and preparing for the major tests in Scorpio, to be followed by initiation in Capricorn? (EA p102-3)
Sagittarius—This is now the sign of the one-pointed disciple. The life of fluid response to matter becomes that of the focussed response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal. (EA p121)
Therefore, when we find that the power of Mercury is lessened in Pisces and that it finally "falls" in that sign, what is the esoteric and spiritual meaning? Simply, that after the stage of initiation in Capricorn, as the result of the reversal of the wheel and the consequent experiences, and after the triumph of Scorpio, the power of the mind lessens steadily till finally (like other aspects of form life in the three worlds) it comes to an end and its meaning and illuminating aspects between soul and physical brain are no longer required.
The man, coming definitely into full soul consciousness, requires now no mediator but deals directly himself with his emanating source. Mercury is then met with again under another name, this time as the Sun, mediating between the higher aspects—soul and spirit—for Mercury and the Sun are One. Through Mercury, the mind is illumined and relation is established between personality and the soul. As Mercury, the Sun—the mediator—shifts to a still higher plane and is no longer mediator between two different stages in consciousness but between life and consciousness itself; this is a very different matter and effects the higher understanding. (EA p131-32)
As one studies these twelve signs, it is interesting to trace the relation of consciousness to the preceding sign and to the succeeding sign. It is peculiarly so in connection with the sign Aquarius. The material, earthly quality of Capricorn becomes "dissolved into the air" in Aquarius. The individual "fish" of the other sign becomes eventually the soul, and soul quality emerges, and on the reversed wheel it demonstrates as the pervasiveness of wisdom (Pisces) and the universal love of the truly developed Aquarian.
On the wheel as it "rolls onward into illusion," the wheel of the personality, the superficiality and the airy nature of the undeveloped Aquarian deepens gradually into the concrete and rocky material nature of the Capricornian. The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found. Esoterically, the developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need. (EA p136)
Some astrologers assign Saturn as one of the rulers. Alan Leo does so, but I would point out that in this case he is dealing entirely with the progress of the ordinary man upon the wheel of life, and the Saturn which he senses as ruling Aquarius is the Saturnian influence of Capricorn, in which sign Saturn governs in two fields. On the reversed wheel, the Saturnian influence exhausts itself in Capricorn and the man is then free from karma and needs no presentation of opportunity for he stands a free initiate, a true Master Mason and can then proceed with world service undeterred and held back by no thought of self or selfish desire. He comes then under the influence of Uranus, that mysterious and occult planet. (EA p137-38)
In astrology, we are dealing all the time with the energies which produce movement and subjective and outer activity; we are concerned with the impact of many forces upon the human, the planetary and the systemic expression of life and purpose, and with the resultant effects. When these effects and activities are purely objective (and under that word I place all events and happenings going on in the three worlds of human experience—the physical, astral and mental planes) you have personality demonstration. When they are consciously related to the world of causes and are the result of "right and conscious direction" of the emanating centre, the soul, then the personality forces become subject to the diffusion of the soul energies and the personality or form nature becomes magnetic in a different manner, and so attracts to itself energies of a higher and more dynamic plane to the ones with which the man has been concerned hitherto and which he has learned to control and use; in other cases, the soul energies intensify certain of the personality forces and the effect of the exoteric planets is supplemented by an increasingly steady inflow of the energies of the esoteric planets, and these begin to have a dominantly esoteric effect. In Capricorn, for instance, the influence of Saturn is both exoteric and esoteric; in Taurus, Vulcan has both an esoteric and hierarchical effect, whilst in Leo the Sun rules all three—the exoteric, the esoteric and the hierarchical life. (EA p140-41)
We come now to a very interesting point in connection with Aquarius. There is apparently no planet which is either exalted or "falls" in this sign. The only planet affected is the Sun, whose power is lessened. What is the symbolic significance of this? It consists in the relation of Aquarius to Capricorn and of the Fixed Cross to the Cardinal Cross and of the third initiation to those succeeding it, of the point of balance reached between Pisces and Capricorn, which focus in Aquarius. I am not here considering the orthodox mathematical or astronomical reasons, for they are, in reality, dependent upon the subjective and spiritual reasons, and it is with these that we are concerned. One of the facts which will emerge in our consciousness as we study along these esoteric lines is that all the outer indications do not indicate truth but only point the way to the subjective realities of which the outer facts are but the illusory symbols. Ponder upon this and keep an open mind. (EA p146)
This is one of the most difficult signs about which to write, for it, as you know, is the most mysterious sign of all the twelve. It is the sign of the Goat which seeks its sustenance in the most rocky and arid of the world's places and it, therefore, relates man to the mineral kingdom; it is also the sign of the Crocodiles which live half in the water and half on dry land; it is spiritually the sign of the Unicorn which is the "fighting and triumphant creature" of the ancient myths.
Under the symbolism of the above creatures, this sign gives us a rather complete picture of man with his feet upon the earth, yet running free and climbing to the heights of worldly ambition or of spiritual aspiration in search of what he realises (at any particular time) to be his major need. As the Goat, he is man, the earthly, human, greedy seeker after the satisfaction of desire, or man, the equally selfish aspirant hunting for the satisfaction of his aspiration.
This sign portrays to us man, an ambitious animal in two senses of the word: in the early stage upon the Mutable Cross, man, the blend of desire (water) and the animal nature (earth), and upon the reversed wheel, man, the blend of soul and form. It gives us the picture also of the triumphant initiate, the "unicorn of God," the symbol of the unicorn, with its one horn out-thrust like a single spear upon his brow instead of the two horns of the scavenging goat. (EA p153-54)
It is interesting to study the three signs in which the animals have horns: Aries, the downturned horns of the ram, signifying the coming into manifestation, the involutionary cycle and the experience of the Cardinal Cross as it expresses the Will-to-manifest of God. Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the "eye of light" in the centre of the Bull's forehead; this is "the single eye" of the New Testament which makes the "whole body to be full of light."
Then Capricorn, the Goat, related particularly and closely to Aries, but hiding (as an esoteric blind) the symbolism of the Unicorn in which the two horns and the single eye are blended and depicted by the long straight horn of the unicorn in the centre of the forehead.
Behind all the above lies the dual mystery of Leo, for Leo is—as far as humanity is concerned—the key or clue to the entire zodiac and around the constellation Leo two great mysteries are found:
1. The mystery of the Sphinx, connected with the relation of Leo and Virgo, and tied up with the secret of the solar Angels. This is not the mystery of soul and form, but the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation to each other.
2. The Mystery of the Lion and the Unicorn. This secret is preserved for us in the ancient nursery rhyme about the "lion and the unicorn going up to town," and contains in a peculiar way the secret of initiation and the "going up" of the human being to the portal of admittance into the Hierarchy as well as the "mystic raising" of which Masonry holds the key. This deals with the emergence of the consciousness of the initiate (white and one-pointed) and the defeat of the king of beasts (the personality) leading to the triumph of group and world consciousness, of selflessness and illumination over self-consciousness and selfishness. In the true rendition of this ancient myth the king of beasts is blinded and killed by the piercing of his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.
The symbol of this sign is indecipherable and intentionally so. It is sometimes called the "signature of God." I must not attempt to interpret it for you, partly because it has never yet been correctly drawn and partly because its correct delineation and the ability of the initiate to depict it produces an inflow of force which would not be desirable, except after due preparation and understanding. It is far more potent than the pentagon and leaves the initiate "unprotected."
In an ancient astrological treatise which has never yet seen the light of day but which will be some day discovered when the right time has arrived, the relation between the horned animals of the zodiac is thus described:
"The Ram, the Scapegoat and the sacred Goat are Three in One and One in Three. The Ram becomes the second and the second is the third. The Ram that breeds and fertilises all; the Scapegoat, in the wilderness, redeems that all; the sacred Goat that merges in the Unicorn and lifts impaled upon his golden horn the vanquished form—in these the mystery lies hid."
It here becomes apparent that three mysteries are hidden in the three horned signs:
1. The mystery of God the Father Creation
2. The mystery of God the Son Redemption
3. The mystery of God the Holy Spirit Liberation
(EA p154-56)
In both their higher and their lower aspects these signs hold the secret of the "horns of strife and the horn of plenty subjected to and guarded by the horn of life." Again, an ancient proverb runs: "The Ram—when it has become the Scapegoat, has sought illumination as the Bull of God and has climbed the mountain top in the semblance of the Goat—changes its shape into the Unicorn. Great is the hidden key." If the symbolism is carried a little further, it might be stated that:
1. The Ram leads us into the creative life of Earth and into the darkness of matter. This is the blue of midnight.
2. The Bull leads into the places of desire in search of "wrathful satisfaction." This is the red of greed and anger, changing eventually into the golden light of illumination.
3. The Goat leads us into arid ways in search of food and water. This is the "need for green," but the Goat is equal also to climbing to the mountain top.
This is the experience of the Mutable Cross in connection with these three signs. Upon the Fixed Cross:
1. Eventually the Ram becomes the Scapegoat and the will of God in love and salvage is demonstrated.
2. The Bull becomes the bestower of light, and the darkness of the earlier cycle is lightened by the Bull.
3. The Goat becomes the Unicorn, and leads to victory. The Crocodile, the Goat and the Unicorn depict three stages of man's unfoldment. (EA p157)
Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn are the great transformers under the great creative plan. They are in the nature of catalysts. Each of them opens a door into one of the three divine centres of expression which are the symbols in the body of the planetary Logos of the three higher centres in man: the head, the heart and the throat.
Aries opens the door into Shamballa, when the experience of Taurus and Capricorn has been undergone.
Taurus opens the door into the Hierarchy when the significance of Gemini and Leo is understood and the first two initiations can therefore he taken.
Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy in a higher aspect when the last three initiations can be undergone and the significance of Scorpio and of Virgo is understood.
In these signs and their relationship upon the Fixed Cross lies hid the mystery of Makara and of the Crocodiles. (EA p157-58)
The keynotes of this sign are all indicative of a crystallisation process. This concretising faculty of Capricorn can be considered in several ways.
First of all, Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then "of the earth, earthy" and is what the New Testament calls "the first Adam." In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality—the death which takes place finally and eventually in Pisces. Ponder on this. When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called "hardness," it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the "blows of fate" which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.
Secondly, Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently (though not always) the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically "periodic arresting." Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place. The attempt today to climb Mount Everest is amazingly symbolic, and it is being watched with much interest by the Hierarchy, for in this effort we see the attempt of humanity to achieve the top of the mountain whose height has hitherto defeated all efforts. But—and this is the matter of moment and of interest—when humanity emerges into the light and relative glory of the new civilisation, they will at the same time conquer this last remaining summit. That which is of the densest materiality and which is the consummation of earthly grandeur will remain—but it will be beneath the feet of humanity.
Thirdly, Capricorn is, as a consequence of all the above, the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn. (EA p158-59)
In ancient days, as you may perchance have heard, there were only ten signs, and—at that time—Capricorn marked the end of the zodiacal wheel, and not Pisces as is at this time the case. The two signs of Aquarius and Pisces were not incorporated in the signs for the simple and sufficient reason that humanity could not respond to their peculiar influences; the vehicles of contact and the mechanisms for responses were not adequately developed. Originally, there were eight signs; then there were ten and now twelve.
1. In Lemurian days, during the early period of animal man and before humanity appeared on earth, in the interim period of development, eight signs influenced the planet and the kingdoms of nature found upon it. There was no response to the influences of Leo and Virgo. The mystery of the Sphinx did not exist and these two signs were not then part of the zodiacal wheel. Then individualisation took place and the seed of Christhood was planted in man and these two signs began to influence humanity, and gradually that influence was recognised and the zodiac was then known to have ten signs. The Mutable Cross dominated, but it was then the Tau, for Pisces was lacking and only Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius were evidenced. Aries to Capricorn marked the circle of experience.
2. In Atlantean days, man had become so responsive to the planetary and solar influence that the door of initiation into hierarchical experience was opened and two more signs were added. These two signs were the higher correspondences of Leo and Virgo and were the polar opposites of these two: Aquarius and Pisces. Their influence became active and effective and thus they formed part of the zodiacal wheel because man began to respond to their potencies. It then became possible for the Fixed Cross to function esoterically in the life of humanity, and the first reversals of the wheel in the life of the advanced men of the period took place. It was this reversal which was the true cause of the great contest or battle between the Lords of the Dark Face (as they are called in The Secret Doctrine) and the Lords of Light—a contest which is today persisting. Certain men then reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the Fixed Cross and be prepared for a major initiation. This the Forces of Materiality and of Obstruction (as they are sometimes called) fought and the battle was fought out and conditioned in the sign Scorpio.
3. Today, in Aryan times, a similar conflict upon a higher turn of the spiral is taking place. The reason is that certain world disciples and initiates have reached the point in their unfoldment wherein they are ready to mount the Cardinal Cross and take some of the higher initiations. ... (EA p159-60)
3. The initiates, in their turn, are being subjected to the impact of energies from Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces—an inflow of force from each of the three Crosses. These three forces enable the initiates to take the third initiation. (EA p162)
Seven constellations are, therefore, predominantly brought into a close combination at the present moment of crisis and are responsible for world affairs as they are found today:
Cancer |
| The Cardinal Cross. "Both Gates stand wide."
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Leo | The Fixed Cross. "The Discipliples dominate the world."
Scorpio |
Gemini |
| The Mutable Cross. "World salvation is possible today."
Pisces |
(EA p162-63)
The exoteric and the esoteric planetary rulers of Capricorn are the same, and Saturn rules the career of the man in this sign, no matter whether he is on the ordinary or the reversed wheel, or whether he is on the Mutable or the Fixed Cross. When he has taken the third initiation and can consciously mount the Cardinal Cross, he is then released from the ruling of Saturn and comes under the influence of Venus, who is governor or ruler of the Hierarchy which is that of the Crocodiles.
A reference to the tabulation heretofore given will show this. It is only when a man is upon the Cardinal Cross that the significance, purpose and potencies of the Creative Hierarchies become clear to him and the "doors of entrance" into all of them stand wide open. On the Mutable Cross and on the Fixed Cross we have the so-called green ray, controlling not only the daily life of karmic liability upon the path of evolution, but also controlling the experiences and processes of evolution. The reason for this is that Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind. These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach our planet, the Earth.
Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future. Such is the intention and purpose of karmic opportunity. From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family. Saturn, in a peculiar relation to the sign Gemini, makes this possible. Individual man makes this discovery and faces the two extremes whilst in the sign Capricorn; the fourth and fifth Creative Hierarchies do the same thing in Libra.
Through Saturn and Venus, therefore, Capricorn is connected with Libra and also with Gemini and Taurus, and these four constellations—Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn—constitute a potent quaternary of energies and between them produce those conditions and situations which will enable the initiate to demonstrate his readiness and capacity for initiation. They are called the "Guardians of the Four Secrets."
Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.
Gemini—Guards the mystery or secret of duality and presents the initiate with a word which leads to the fusion of the greater pairs of opposite.
Libra—Guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma.
Capricorn—Guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the "secret of the hidden glory."
Through certain other of the planetary rulers, through the medium of which the third and fifth rays work, Capricorn is connected with other constellations besides the four above mentioned, but these four are for our purposes the most important. Students can work out the remaining interlocking energies for themselves, if they so desire, by relating the rays, planetary rulers and constellations through reference to the tabulations already given. (EA p163-65)
It has been occultly said that a vision of these powers and their many weaving lines (seen as rivers and streams of light) is given to the initiate from the mountain top of Capricorn, once that summit has been reached. It is at the Transfiguration initiation that this vision appears before the eyes of the astounded disciple. The great experiences upon the various mountain tops as related in the Bible have all to do with Capricorn. Moses, the Lawgiver on Mount Sinai, is Saturn in Capricorn imposing the law of karma upon the people.
A clue to the significance of the Jewish people as a karmic clearing house can be found here. Ponder on those words "a karmic clearing house." The Mount of Transfiguration in the New Testament is Venus in Capricorn when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and "He was transfigured" before all men. At the same time, He received the vision of the Father and of what He had to do as He "went up to Jerusalem," the place of death and likewise the city of peace. This Jerusalem is Pisces. In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the "man, bearing a pitcher of water," Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast. For that feast, humanity is today preparing, as we saw when studying the last constellation.
The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces "It is finished." (EA p167-68)
The polar opposite to Capricorn is Cancer and, as you have been taught, these two signs are the two great Gates of the zodiac—one opening the door into incarnation, into mass life, and into human experience, whilst the other opens the door into the life of the spirit, into the life of the Kingdom of God, the life and purposes of the Hierarchy of our planet. Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity. Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in the life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy. Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries. This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the "narrow razor-edged path" which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul.
As man passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered. But it is only on the reversed zodiac that the man learns to pass with equally conscious purpose through the gate of Capricorn. Five times he has to pass through that Gate in full waking consciousness and these five happenings are frequently called the five major initiations. Viewing the fourth Creative Hierarchy as a whole, the appearance and experiences of the life of the planetary Logos through the medium of the five races—two past, one present, the Aryan, and two to come—are planetary correspondences to the five initiations. This is peculiarly interesting to study because at the time that any particular race comes into being both the doors in Cancer and Capricorn stand wide open, being then occultly aligned. (EA p168-69)
A study of the characteristics and qualities of the man who is born in the sign Capricorn will reveal a great deal anent the human family because the Capricornian can express all the worst of which a man is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes, and this because at the time there were only ten signs, Capricorn was the first on the ordinary wheel and the last on the reversed wheel. This is obvious.
Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn but also the very worst type of man—hard, materialistic, cruel, proud, selfishly ambitious and egoistic. The head rules the heart in such cases, whereas in the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced. (EA p169)
Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true, for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life. Only on his knees can he go through that door. As long as he arrogantly stands where he has not earned the right to stand, he can never safely be given the information which is imparted to all true initiates.
The ancient mode of pilgrimage in India, by which the devotee passed or progressed from one holy place to another upon his knees, is indicative of this deep need of the Capricornian for humility. India is ruled by Capricorn and India knows this truth. Though India has permitted the physical act to usurp the place of a spiritual attitude, yet the symbolic meaning is eternally true. When the man born in Capricorn can kneel in spirit and in truth, he is then ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top. (EA p169-70)
The symbolism underlying the astrological fact that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, whilst the power of the Moon is lessened in that sign, and Jupiter and Neptune both fall, is significantly beautiful and instructive. Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs in the early stages of the evolution of the fourth Creative Hierarchy and in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies. India, governed by Capricorn, has been a battlefield right down the ages; Port Said, ruled by this sign, is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world—a meeting place for the evil of three continents.
But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly. Jupiter, which has been the ruler of Pisces and also of Aquarius, falls in this sign.
This fall must be studied from two angles, for Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears. It is to the "fall" of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs. Neptune is often spoken of as falling in this sign and for the same reasons. Neptune is the God of the waters, and is esoterically related to Pisces. It should be noted that both Neptune and Jupiter are exalted in Cancer, the great sign wherein the desire for incarnation finds its fulfilment; the power of both is lessened in Virgo, wherein the first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt; both fall in Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition. (EA p170-71)
In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities. India, for instance, expresses a widespread degradation, but at the same time the heights of spiritual attainment; a study of India—her history, characteristics and spiritual qualities—will reveal much anent the influences and possibilities of this sign. (EA p171-72)
The triplicity into which each sign is divided and which we call the decanates is of particular interest in the case of Capricorn. As is the case in all correspondence, this triplicity can be related to the three aspects of God and man—spirit, soul and body. The central decanate is therefore of peculiar moment in our world period as it is concerned with the effect of the planetary influences, the solar rays and the energy of the constellations upon the soul or the consciousness aspect. This is the case whether we are considering man on the ordinary wheel or man upon the reversed wheel. ...
Two sets of rulers for the three decanates are available. According to Alan Leo, we have Saturn, Venus and Mercury. According to Sepharial we have Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. Of these two, the first is the more correct and the more esoteric. The true rulers are Saturn, Venus and the Sun. I would remind you that Mercury and the Sun are interchangeable but that in this case the Sun stands exoterically for Mercury and esoterically for a hidden planet.
Saturn relates Capricorn to the previous sign Aquarius, upon the ordinary wheel, and Jupiter, exoterically understood, relates Capricorn to Sagittarius upon the reversing wheel. It will be obvious to all esotericists that the Sun is the obvious ruler of the third decanate, veiling as it does a hidden and deeply significant planet and being that which reveals divinity at the time of the third initiation.
You will note how, in this great sign of initiation, Saturn reveals the nature of the third aspect of divinity, the nature of intelligent substance; Venus reveals the nature of the second aspect, which is consciousness or intelligent love, whilst the Sun—the physical Sun and the heart of the Sun together—reveals the synthesis of these two. (EA p172-73)
The key words upon the ordinary wheel are "And the Word said: Let ambition rule and let the door stand wide." Here we have the key to the evolutionary urge, to the secret of rebirth, and of that word which reverberates from Cancer to Capricorn. The door of initiation stands ever open, but for aeons of time man prefers the open door in Cancer. Ambition urges him on from life to life until he has discovered the worthlessness of all earthly gratification.
Gradually then spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation take the place of worldly ambition, and become an impelling impulse, until finally the moment arrives when a true sense of reality supersedes both earthly and spiritual ambition. The man can then say with truth "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." For him there remains now no goal but service. He therefore passes back through the gate of Cancer, but with his consciousness held steadily in the sign Aquarius. From being the world initiate in Capricorn he becomes an incarnated world server in Aquarius, and later a world saviour in Pisces. (EA p173-74)
The definite goal of the Centaur, which is the satisfaction of desire and animal incentives, becomes in the later stages the goal of initiation, which meets with satisfaction in Capricorn, after the preliminary work has been done in Sagittarius. The keynote of the Centaur is ambition. The keynote of the Archer is aspiration and direction, and both are expressions of human goals but one is of the personality and the other of the soul. [Page 176] From ambition to aspiration, from selfishness to an intense desire for selflessness, from individual one-pointed self-interest in Leo to the one-pointedness of the disciple in Sagittarius and thence to initiation in Capricorn. (EA p175-76)
Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs, for only the intuition will suffice to carry a man to the foot of the mountain of initiation in Capricorn. (EA p178)
4. Illumination, governing intuition—Capricorn. Soul consciousness in later stages.
I realise.
(EA p178)
In these signs—Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces—you have the six signs which constitute the six pointed star of the human or fourth Creative Hierarchy; Cancer and Pisces marking the two extremes. The Crab symbolises imprisonment (the hard shell and the rocks under which the Crab ever takes shelter), and the Fish signifies freedom. In between—in Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius—come the four stages of personality development, struggle with the pairs of opposites, and finally release into full spiritual service. (EA p179)
In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used and finally illumined, becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name of intuitive perception. There come flashes of light upon problems; a distant yet possible vision of attainment is seen; the man begins to climb out of the depths to which he has descended in Scorpio and sees ahead of him the mountain in Capricorn which he knows he must eventually climb. (EA p180)
In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realise the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the "fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light" to which I referred in A Treatise on White Magic. The light of the personality and the light of the soul blend. Upon this I need not enlarge, as nothing I could say would be more than it now is—the theory of initiation. This takes place upon the Path of Initiation and is called the experience of the mountain top. All are needed—the depths, the plains and the mountain top. (EA p181)
Both the Earth and Saturn (one a non-sacred and one a sacred planet) are exponents or expressions of the third Ray of Active Intelligence, and this ray relationship serves to bring the influences of Capricorn into relationship with Sagittarius, thus providing a field of energy wherein the one-pointed disciple can finally become the initiate. This is the set goal of the subject born in Sagittarius—whether it is the set goal of initiation into some form of sensuous experience or of spiritual undertaking and consciousness. The result of all experience in any sign of the zodiac should definitely work out as an expansion of consciousness and, no matter what form this experience may take, it consummates in an initiation of some kind or another. (EA p189)
Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for initiation begins. (EA p32-33)
5. Mars and Saturn.—Both these planets are exceedingly potent in connection with initiation into the life of the Hierarchy; Mars is potent in relation to Scorpio and Saturn in relation to Capricorn. This involves the intensified activity of the 6th and the 3rd rays and their energies, and when these are rightly employed there comes liberation from form control and the release of the conscious individual. (EA p199)
Initiation is taken in Capricorn
I would here remind you that, though initiation is taken in Capricorn, the man is an initiate before he is initiated. This is the true secret of initiation. (EA p229)
This sign [Libra] is sometimes called "the place of judgment" for it is here that the decision is made and the die is cast which separate the "sheep from the goats" or those constellations ruled by Aries (the Ram or Lamb) and those ruled by Capricorn, the Goat. It really marks the distinction between the ordinary wheel of life and the reversed [Page 230] wheel. (EA p229-30)
Initiation in Capricorn
Then takes place the reversal of the wheel and the beginning of the new orientation and of discipleship in Scorpio, the directed, controlled life of the disciple in Sagittarius, initiation in Capricorn, followed by service in Aquarius and the work of a world saviour in Pisces and final liberation. (EA p230)
As you already know, Libra is one of the four arms of the Cardinal Cross. This accounts for our difficulty in understanding the real nature of its influence. The significance of the energies working out into our solar system through the medium of the four arms of this Cross, or from the four constellations, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, can be summed up in the four words: Creation, Manifestation, Legislation and Initiation. Having given you these words, their very scope and meaning make it hard for you to understand.
… The unfoldment of the plan is thus carried forward through a progressed series of beginnings, of manifestations, and of consummations—all relative in nature but leading to an absolute consummation. This is Initiation, or activity in Capricorn. All this is on a somewhat vast and incomprehensible scale as far as the human understanding is concerned. (EA p239, 240)
4. Sagittarius and Capricorn.—The world Initiates; i.e., Masters.
(EA p243)
In Capricorn, it [Venus] stands for spiritual love, expressing itself perfectly when the work in Taurus and Libra has been accomplished. Thus can the golden thread of evolutionary progress be traced throughout the zodiacal path from sign to sign, and thus the history of humanity can he seen and its goal visioned. (EA p245)
1. Taurus—animal kingdom—law—natural law.
2. Libra—vegetable kingdom—sex—natural affinity.
3. Capricorn—mineral kingdom—money—concrete expression of the Law of Supply,
(EA p245)
1. Aries Beginning Creation Evolution.
2. Taurus Desire Incentive Progress.
3. Gemini Duality Condition Interplay.
4. Capricorn Synthesis Initiation Attainment.
5. Aquarius Objective Inclusion Service.
(EA p248)
3. Capricorn.—Incentive behind initiation (Service). Desire for liberation. Service desire.
The Light of Life
(EA p259)
In Virgo, the purpose for which form life exists begins to be realised and the desire for personality satisfaction begins to change and the desire of man for interior recognition of the indwelling Christ begins to assume increasing control until the inner spiritual reality is eventually released from the thralldom of matter and becomes manifest in its own true nature in the world.
Putting the same thought in other terms, the light of knowledge of which Taurus is the custodian gives place to the light of wisdom of which Virgo is the guardian, and yields finally to the light of initiation in Capricorn. All this, however, takes place and must take place upon what is esoterically called "the radiant surface of the earth," the plane of form; the assumption or glorification of the Virgin has not yet taken place and the raising up of substance is not yet realised.
It is interesting to note that Scorpio establishes the inevitability of this final assumption of matter into heaven in Capricorn, and this is previsioned for us in the story of Hercules in Scorpio when he raises the Hydra high above his head into the air. (EA p259-60)
The astrologer of the future will have to bear these three modes of progression carefully in mind. Such is God's plan as we at present can sense it. In this plan Virgo, the Virgin, stands for the womb of time and passes the personality-soul (Leo-Virgo) through the three above stages or cycles. She stands also for the womb of form and for the nurturing mother, guarding the Christ principle within her own material substance until in "the fullness of time" she can give birth to the Christ child. There are three principal signs connected with the Christ principle in this world period:
1. Virgo.—Gestation—governing nine signs from Virgo to Capricorn, including Virgo.
2. Capricorn.—Labour—three signs from Capricorn to Pisces, until the third initiation, including Capricorn.
3. Pisces.—Birth—appearance of the world Saviour.
(EA p262)
From this group of signs and their attendant constellations, three are omitted. These are Leo, Libra and Capricorn. These three signs are all signs of crisis and indicate the progressive influence of the other nine and the situations which evolve out of their activity. They are the testing points in the process of the play of energies from the other nine signs as these energies affect individual aspirants.
… 3. Capricorn.—The Crisis of Initiation. This exists in five stages and signifies the emergence of the dominating Christ life. It means the higher synthesis and the control of the Christ consciousness which is group consciousness. (EA p265-66)
1. Leo-Libra-Capricorn.—Constitute the triangle of the father or will aspect; they mark points of attainment, through crisis met and triumphant achievement. (EA p266)
As I earlier pointed out to you, the sign Virgo is related to nine constellations and in this fact lies both prophecy and guarantee. That which this sign veils and hides is potentially responsive to nine streams of energy which—playing upon the life within the form and evoking response from the soul—produce those "points of crisis" and those "moments of demonstrated development" to which we have referred in speaking of Leo-Libra-Capricorn. (EA p271)
Of all these attributes or conditions of the feminine pole in existence (the material aspect), the constellation Cancer is outstandingly symbolic. It precedes Leo, the sign of individuality and of self-conscious effort, and is concerned with the slow rhythm of mass life—either instinctually active or the reactions of an imposed consciousness which is a result of chosen experience after initiation. It connotes mass life, leading to group life after the experience of initiation, for which its polar opposite, Capricorn, stands and which finds full expression in Aquarius which completes the experience of Leo and fuses it with that of Cancer and Capricorn. These six signs:
Cancer Leo Virgo
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
form another six-pointed star of profound significance which is the subjective counterpart of the six-pointed star (the interlaced triangles) which we call King Solomon's seal. This interlacing of the two above triangles constitutes what is called a triangle of humanity and—under the theories of the Science of Triangles—it concerns the relation of the individual to the mass of humanity and of the disciple to the group. (EA p275-76)
Capricorn and the mysterious number, ten—the number of perfection
This sign, Leo, is the fifth sign of the zodiac which indicates that it is part of the mysterious number, ten—the number of perfection, a relative perfection, prior to entering into a new cycle of progress. This links Leo consequently with Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, for it is the processes of initiation which make the self-conscious person the group conscious individual.
… This numerical significance links Leo with Scorpio (the eighth sign of the Zodiac) in an effective manner and you have, therefore, the triangle of Leo-Scorpio-Capricorn involving [Page 287] humanity and indicating the three important crisis points in man's career:
1. Self-consciousness or human awareness. Unity—Leo.
2. Consciousness of warring dualities. Discipleship—Scorpio.
3. Group consciousness as an initiate. Unity—Capricorn. (EA p286-87)
Aries begins the process and is the "initiator of the process which leads to progress" and—at the end of the age (as it is now at the final or seventh initiation)—the Initiator of the Mysteries will work under instructions and with energies which emanate from the Lord of the Constellation Aries. In the last analysis and esoterically speaking, fire is the great liberator and Aries is the leading fire sign which will eventually "fuse the beginning and the end, blend the opposites and dispel both time and space."
At present, the Initiator of the Mysteries acts under inspiration and with energies emanating from Capricorn—an earth sign—because humanity is, as yet, earth-bound. The forces of initiation produce their major effects upon the physical plane, for it is there that the initiate has to demonstrate his liberation, his understanding and his divinity. (EA p304)
This sign [Cancer] is, as you already know, one of the two gates of the zodiac because through it souls pass into outer manifestation and to the appropriation of form, and subsequent identification with it for many long cycles. It is "the gate which stands wide open, broad and easy to pass through and yet it leads unto the place of death and to that long imprisonment which precedes the final revolt." It is allied with material nature, and with the mother of forms, just as the other gate, Capricorn, is allied with spirit, the father of all that IS. (EA p312)
I state a basic truth—vaguely acknowledged by you—that in Aries the essential substance of manifestation awoke to renewed activity under the impact of divine desire, impelled by the divine Breath, by divine Life or Spirit. In Cancer this living substance assumed a triple differentiated relationship to which we give the names of Life (Aries) of Consciousness (Taurus, the next sign to Aries) and manifested duality (Gemini, the sign preceding Cancer) and these three, blended together, came into outer manifestation in Cancer, thus completing an esoteric quaternary of great importance.
Here the first major fusion, inchoate and unrealised, took place. In Libra, these reach a point of balance and of a somewhat static equilibrium (later to be disturbed in Scorpio), so that this essential triplicity appears clearly in relation to each other. In Capricorn, the sign of initiation, this basic triplicity begins to return to the earlier state of the "breath of spirit" but, this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organisation, so that form is a perfect expression of the soul and the soul is sensitive and responsive to the pulsations of the One Life, as that Life reveals, through its activity, the perfect will of the Logos. (EA p313-14)
Hercules comprehended the true meaning of the Mutable Cross and, with full knowledge, mounted the Fixed Cross, with all its attendant difficulties and labours. The Buddha comprehended, through complete illumination, the meaning of both the Mutable and the Fixed Crosses, for the secret of revelation in Taurus was His, just as the secret of directed energy in Scorpio was the source of the strength of Hercules. But the Christ, knowing both the above secrets, also understood with a living comprehension, the mystery of the Cardinal Cross, because the light of the Transfiguration (undergone in Capricorn) revealed to Him the glory and transcendent mystery.
There are two words also which convey the purpose and intent of expression upon the Cardinal Cross. They give the reason why the two "Doors of the Zodiac" open wide to the impulse and demand of the divine Spirit. One is the word "self-preservation" which leads to the impulse to incarnate in Cancer, which is the Door to the physical plane expression of spirit. This impulse (when the form is the prime object of the attention of the soul and that with which it primarily identifies itself) brings about the stage of static concretion in the earth sign Capricorn. The other word is "immortality" which is the divine aspect of self-preservation; it is the major conditioning factor in the creative process and leads to the whole revelation of evolution, to the recurrent appearance of life in form, and to the revelation of life in form. In Capricorn, at the third initiation, this life aspect assumes primary importance.
You will see, therefore, why the Cardinal Cross is so mysterious; also why both Cancer and Capricorn are so little understood by modern astrology and why, in the last analysis, only the initiated Sons of God can grasp the significance of the four signs which comprise the Cardinal Cross, or understand the relation which exists between the four major divine energies which—pouring through the four arms of this Cross—produce the vortex of force (a synthetic force) which constitutes that "pool of pure, fiery light" through which all those who take the higher initiations must eventually pass. Those taking the first two initiations must tread the Path as it passes through the Burning Ground. Those taking the higher initiations have to plunge into the sea or pool of fire which is essentially the fire of God as it has been cleansed from every aspect of the material form through the complete purification of desire. (EA p315-16)
This fivefold relationship is only established upon the Path of Discipleship and is brought about by the esoteric linking of Cancer-Virgo-Scorpio-Capricorn-Pisces. In the future horoscopes of disciples, this significant interplay of forces will be recognised as dominating the chart at a particular and peculiar stage of discipleship. In this case, disciples will be born in one or other of these signs or with one of other of these signs rising.
… In Capricorn—as a result of the effects of the influences of Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio—the disciple begins to demonstrate the capacity to express the life of two kingdoms, at least in some measure, and is a developed human being and also a citizen of the kingdom of God. Therefore, for an initiate and for a period of three incarnations, the four signs of revelation (Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn) intensify their effect upon him, until in the fourth incarnation he begins to respond to the inner influence of Pisces. (EA p318-19)
10. Capricorn.—The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun. (EA p330)
Sign Undeveloped Man Advanced Man Disciple Initiate
1. Aries Blind, undirected experience. Directed Personality Effort. Recognition and work with the Plan.
Instinctual reaction. Desire. Will.
Keynote: Aries turns towards Capricorn.
… 10. Capricorn The earthbound soul. The one who crosses The Conqueror of death.
the water.
Fluid. Initiated.
Keynote: Capricorn consummates the work of Scorpio.
(EA p332-33)
1. Through a study of the Cardinal Cross—Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn—the astrologer can arrive at a clearer understanding:
a. Of ordinary, individual, human beings.
b. Of group beginnings.
c. Of the significance of the first initiation.
… It should be remembered that these are the threefold differentiations of the One Life and that Capricorn, for instance, marks not only the point of the deepest concretion and therefore of death but also the point of highest initiation and of entrance into the life aspect of deity. (EA p335-36)
It is the focussed energy of Cancer which makes it a major magnetic or attractive focal point leading to the processes of incarnation. Through the door of Cancer streams the "magnetic magical light which guides the soul into the dark place of experience." Similarly, it is the magical pull of Capricornian energy which upon the returning wheel (in contradistinction to the wheel of rebirth or the outgoing wheel) of expression and of discipleship draws the soul steadily away from form life and experience and constitutes that "radiant light which leads the soul in safety to the mountain top."
In the recognition of this comes elucidation of the fact that in time and space the controlling factor and determining condition is the sensitivity of the incarnated soul to form life, leading to incarnation through the door of Cancer, or to soul life, leading to initiation through the door of Capricorn. It is also in the relation of these two signs to each other that you get one of the clearest pictures of the interplay between the pairs of opposites as they exist in the zodiac,
… 4. Cancer-Capricorn.—The urge to incarnate leads to the densest incarnation and immersion in form. The pull of form life and the processes of concretisation control. The man arrives after many incarnations at a point of crystallisation.
… 4. Capricorn-Cancer.—The initiate now chooses to incarnate and passes freely and at will through both doors. The pull of matter is superseded by the free choice of the soul. Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.
…They control the form and the lower psychic nature and produce the battle ground (later to be transmuted into the burning ground) whereon these two "face in the final conflict" their higher correspondence, the soul and spirit, for matter is spirit at its lowest point and spirit is matter at its highest. In these words you have the true clue to the Cancer-Capricorn relationship. When to these potent influences is added the force of the seventh ray (producing a synthesis of expression upon the physical plane) and of the third ray (producing intense activity in matter) you will note how in this sign all the energies concerned tend to bring about the incarnation of the soul in the three worlds of experience and human expression. (EA p336-37, 339-40)
In space and time, for long aeons, form controls and hides the soul. This is equally true in regard to the fluid psychic nature. These (the form aspect and the psychic nature) reach an eventual concrete perfection in Capricorn to become again in Cancer the perfect instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass. (EA p341-42)
The strength which comes through conflict and constant struggle builds up steadily that reserve of strength and power which enables the aspirant to take the final tests of discipleship in Scorpio and to brave in Capricorn the [Page 343] trials of initiation and the breaking of all the bonds which the processes of incarnation have forged. (EA p342-43)
You will note that Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, thus showing the power of the mind and its place and purpose in connection with both the major human crises: Individualisation and Initiation. (EA p355)
The cosmic line of force from Gemini to Sagittarius and the reverse is subjectively and esoterically related to our Earth, thus guaranteeing its soul development, the unfoldment of form as an expression of that soul, and leading our sorrowful humanity upon this woeful planet inevitably to the very gate of initiation in Capricorn. (EA p356)
3. Ray 5.—Concrete Knowledge or Science, under the influence of Capricorn, focussed through Venus, which will enable the man to take initiation. (EA p357)
Venus also establishes an interplay between Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn, which again (because the Earth is one of the rulers of Gemini) produces the "desperate conflict of the imprisoned soul upon the astral plane" which characterises our planetary life. These four-fold influences and relationships produce the minor initiations of the astral plane which ever precede the major initiations in Capricorn, in their turn prepared for in Scorpio. Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, via Venus, onto our Earth; Gemini, via Venus, awakens in humanity (the focal point of our planetary effort) the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will; in Libra this reaches a point of balance wherein the one who struggles sees the issues clearly and achieves a desirable point of equilibrium through the wise use of the Mercury-Venus mind, ensuring the success of its final efforts in Capricorn. You will note, therefore, how necessary it is to realise accurately the point in evolution of the soul. (EA p362-63)
The earthly triplicity of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus form a triangle of material expression which is of profound interest as one studies it either from the angle of the ordinary round of the zodiac, followed by average and undeveloped humanity, or from the angle of the disciple wherein the path of zodiacal progress is reversed.
In the first case, Capricorn marks the point of greatest density and concrete expression and shows the life divine as deeply imbedded in substance. This is the true state of death as far as the life is concerned; it is captivity in form. In Virgo, however, that life makes its inner pressure felt and the movement—faint yet real—of the hidden life begins to pulsate within the concrete form, producing in Taurus that reaction to desire and that onward rush and powerful movement which distinguishes the evolutionary progress of the individual, working under the impulse of desire.
Forget not, that the first thrill or response of the Christ life is to the pull, urge or suggestion of the form nature wherein it finds itself. Then later, when all the resources of the form nature (drawn out through desire), are exhausted and the Christ life is exceedingly strong and ready to reveal itself through the death of the Mother, the form, then and not till then is the progress of the wheel arrested and "revolution" takes place with the life aspect reversing itself upon the wheel. Then the disciple (an expression of the Christ life in its early manifested stages), having transmuted desire into aspiration, begins his career—objectively and in full consciousness—in the sign Taurus and "on the wings of aspiration" proceeds towards Virgo and "being both the Mother and the Child enters into the House of Labour." From that house, the disciple in due time arrives at Capricorn where he finally subdues matter, form or concrete expression to divine uses and purposes, and thus demonstrates the triumph and the potency of the Christ life. (EA p379-80)
The earthy triplicity has been designated by astrologers as embodying the idea of plains (Taurus), of caves (Virgo) and of rock (Capricorn). It might be stated that these caves exist in the rocks, deep under the plains. I am speaking figuratively and symbolically. Out of the rocky cave, the Christ emerged and walked again upon the plains of Earth and from that time "the woman knew Him not." Form had no further hold upon him for He had overcome it in the depths. Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in the form to the death of the form—deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple—the human being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light. (EA p384-85)
3. That which is fluid and changeable in Gemini produces the great shift in consciousness which distinguishes the initiate from the disciple. This, at the third initiation becomes a fixed attitude in Capricorn. The concrete form life is transcended and the inner man reorients and assumes an unchangeable direction. (EA p390)
I would call your attention to the fact that through the exoteric or orthodox planet, Venus, this sign Taurus is related to Gemini, Libra and Capricorn. It is of interest to note that Taurus is, therefore, related to the Mutable Cross by a linking stream of energy, via Venus, but is at the same time linked in a dual sense with two arms of the Cardinal Cross, by a Venusian connection with Libra and Capricorn. There is therefore to the true Taurian who reaches illumination one link with the body and soul aspects of expression and two links with soul and spirit—the higher octave of manifestation. (EA p391)
Looking at the matter from another angle: Venus, the mind or the soul in Libra reveals to man the exoteric significance and results of desire. In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire of the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process—the interplay of the opposites. In Capricorn, Venus reveals to man that desire for the whole, for the universal, which is the hallmark of the initiate and the true expression of the spiritual life. (EA p391-92)
the struggle is to achieve initiation in Capricorn and thus release the soul from the revolving wheel and achieve final liberation from the thralldom of desire and from form control of any kind. (EA p402)
The Great Bear The Pleiades Sirius
Transmit energy via
Leo Capricorn Pisces
These transmit energy via
Saturn Mercury Uranus
Reaching the following centres
Planetary head centre Planetary ajna centre Planetary heart
From thence to
Disciple's head centre Disciple's ajna centre Disciple's heart centre
and eventually control
The base of the spine The throat centre the solar plexus
(EA p421)
2. Five signs related to the unfoldment, in time and space, of the Human Hierarchy. These five signs are of major conditioning importance and may be enumerated as follows:
a. Cancer
b. Leo
c. Scorpio
d. Capricorn
e. Pisces
These five signs are related in the planetary sense to the five great races of which our present race, the Aryan, is the fifth. These five races, under the influence of the five signs, produce the externalisations which are called the five continents—Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, America. These five continents are to the planetary Life what five major endocrine glands are to the human being. (EA p426)
Will. Purpose. Love-Wisdom. Active Intelligence.
Spirit. Consciousness. Form.
1. The Great Bear Sirius The Pleiades.
Cosmic. Cosmic. Cosmic.
2. Leo Pisces Capricorn.
Zodiacal. Zodiacal. Zodiacal.
3. Saturn Uranus Mercury.
Systemic. Systemic. Systemic.
Earth. Earth. Earth.
Planetary head centre. Planetary heart centre. Planetary ajna centre.
Will. Purpose. Love-Wisdom. Active Intelligence.
Spirit. Consciousness. Form.
5. Head centre Heart centre Ajna centre.
Initiate Disciple Aspirant.
Egoic purpose Egoic love Spiritual mind (abstract).
6. Base of spine Solar plexus Throat centre.
Initiate Disciple Aspirant.
Personal Will Personal desire Personal creativity.
(EA p427-28)
The seven Mothers blend their light and make it six (refers to the lost Pleiad, A.A.B.) and yet the seven still are there. Their light is different from the other lights. This light evokes response from that which shouts aloud: `I am the densest point of all the concrete world (Capricorn. A.A.B.). I am a tomb; I also am the womb. I am the rock which sinks itself into the deep of matter. I am the mountain-top on which the Son is born on which the Sun is seen and that which catches the first rays of light.' To me a Messenger comes forth (Mercury. A.A.B.) and says `the Dayspring from on high is on the way, sent by the Father to the Mother.' Upon his way unto this nether star we call the Earth he stopped at a bright sun where shines the light of love (Sirius. A.A.B.) and there received the accolade of love. So thus he brings bright gifts to man. For he is man himself and from these three (The Pleiades, Capricorn, Mercury. A.A.B.) Man takes a nature which is his today. Son of the Mother, born from the tomb and showing after birth the light which he has taken from them all. (EA p432-33)
A consideration of a hint given earlier as to the symbolism and significance of the three eyes available for man's use will be found illuminating and their relation to the heart and throat will prove evocative of knowledge. They relate to the three centres above referred to and in their wider connotation relate to the three planetary centres: Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa; further back still lies a relation to the cosmic centres of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades. In between these planetary centres to which I have referred and their distant cosmic archetypes lie three systemic centres which at this time and under cyclic law are Saturn, Uranus and Mercury. In between these again are to be found a zodiacal triangle of Leo, Pisces and Capricorn. For purposes of our immediate consideration the following three triangles are, therefore, to be found:
[See Figure]
When the significance of this is grasped, the following interesting points will appear. I give them to you for what they are worth to you and that worth is dependent upon the goal ahead of you, and where you stand today in time and space.
Triangle Three depicts the interplay of three streams of force which, in this particular world cycle condition and basically influence ordinary humanity. Forget not that humanity itself constitutes a great centre in the life of the planetary Logos:
a. Capricorn connotes density, firm foundations, concretisation, the mountain of karma that holds down the struggling soul or the mountain of initiation which must eventually be climbed and surmounted. It signifies, therefore, the great force of liberation which both drives into experience and brings experience to an end, from the angle of humanity. This is the major stream of force in this particular triangle at this time.
b. Mercury brings in that quick and intuitive mind which interprets experience, fosters the growth of the intuition and relates the inner spiritual man to the outer human being in such a way that their future unity of purpose, plan and effort is assured. Mercury brings about those changes in mental perception which eventually enable humanity to act as the mediating interpreter between the higher worlds and the three lower kingdoms in nature; thus Mercury institutes the threefold activity of this centre in the body of the Heavenly Man which we struggle to perceive and comprehend, and which we regard as forming the three phases of the mind:
1. The abstract mind—pure manas.
2. The Son of Mind—soul, manasaputra.
3. The concrete mind—mental body.
and their correspondences in substance-energy:
1. The right eye.
2. The left eye.
3. The third eye.
In this particular world cycle it is Capricorn which is producing the moment of crisis—a crisis of initiation plus a crisis of destruction (related primarily to the mineral kingdom) paralleled by a crisis of mental perception, precipitated by Mercury. It is this mental perception plus world participation in the "crumbling of the mountain load of karma" which heralds the vision of the new day from the top of the mountain.
Here in pictorial language I have endeavoured to indicate the three streams of energy which meet in the centre called Humanity, involving therefore:
1. The active intelligence of man, latent in the human centre.
2. The initiatory activity of Capricorn.
3. The illumining radiance of Mercury.
This combination of energies produces a triplicity of activity of supreme importance today.
Triangle Two has been called the "triangle of the advanced man"; it is associated with the kingdom of souls, with the fifth kingdom in nature as it is related to the fourth. It is this triplicity of forces which, playing on Triangle Three, attracts out of it those units of energy which (as a result of the activity of Capricorn, Mercury and Humanity itself) are ready to come under hierarchical influence and to be swayed consequently by different streams of force to those hitherto evoking response:
a. Pisces is particularly potent at present in the life of Humanity owing to its being the sign which is now passing out of influence as we progress upon the great wheel of the zodiac. It is this sign with its combination of energies which has produced such a potent vibratory activity in Humanity that it can successfully and eventually enact the role of World Saviour. Of this salvation, Pisces is the sign. Pisces is also the sign of death, as you know, and in its death aspect we see the Piscean correspondence to the first aspect, the destroyer aspect of the Logos. This death aspect is naturally active at the close of the Piscean age and is consequently bringing about the present death of form in all the three worlds.
b. Uranus is the planet of occultism for it veils "that which is essential; it hides that which must be discovered and, at the right moment, it transmits knowledge of the hidden mystery." Today, for the mass of men, occultism is non-existent; for the aspirant and the disciple occultism is rapidly becoming a source and system of revelation as they penetrate into the wisdom of the Hierarchy.
The triangle of Pisces-Uranus-Hierarchy is becoming magnetically attractive to the triangle of Humanity. Uranus and Mercury in combination are dualities which the disciple learns to resolve and in the process of this resolution he shifts his focus out of the human kingdom into the fifth kingdom, the Hierarchy of souls. Pisces and Capricorn in unison bring about those changes which "lift the disciple out of the waters, wherein he is rapidly drowning, on to the mountain top from whence he can watch the recession of the waters. Thus does he know himself initiate."
The present world crisis should and will see a close merging of the two triangles in a most potent manner and this partial synchronisation (for close though it may be it will not yet be a process of general identification) will produce the sixfold energy needed to bring in the new sixth race and the new world period wherein fellowship and brotherhood will be manifest in all human relations.
Triangle One is produced by the inter-relation of energies from Leo, Saturn and Shamballa. Its potency is naturally felt more directly in the triangle of the Hierarchy than in that of Humanity. These three energies are sometimes called (in an effort to make understanding more easy and to simplify comprehension) the "triple energy of WILL":
1. The will of self-determination—Leo.
2. The will of sacrifice—Pisces.
3. The will to choose—Capricorn.
because the Shamballa force lies behind the other two triangles and is the recipient of energy from the three above constellations, blending them into the united expression of will, and thus proves to be the custodian of divine purpose. The triangles of which the Hierarchy and Humanity are the expression are becoming responsive to Shamballa—the hierarchical centre greatly so and the human centre gradually so.
These three triangles of energy can, therefore, be seen as basic and determining in all planetary affairs and event-producing. I have consequently chosen to consider them in our efforts to comprehend this basic astrological science.
2. Triangles of Force—Planets.
At the same time, it will be obvious to you that, in relation to these simple triangles, certain interlocking triangles also emerge, as for instance the zodiacal triangle of Leo-Pisces-Capricorn and the allied planetary triangle of Saturn-Uranus-Mercury. These two triangles pour their six streams of force into our three planetary centres at this time, vitalising and stimulating the planetary triangle of Shamballa-Hierarchy-Humanity. Behind these three stands a cosmic triangle, emanating three streams of energy which pour into and through the three lesser triangles, thus potently affecting every kingdom in nature. This cosmic triangle is that of the Great Bear—Sirius—the Pleiades. This paragraph simply summarises the preceding pages and indicates the relation between four triangles of energy.
There are one or two subsidiary points which are of interest to the esoteric astrologer and these we might briefly list in connection with these effective triangles, using the word "effective" to imply conditioning and potent in results. In this present world cycle all results are of unusual significance and also unusually emphasised in human consciousness.
1. Saturn, through which energy flows from Leo, via Shamballa, to Humanity, governs two decanates in Capricorn. Hence its extreme potency today in the triangle of Humanity. Saturn breaks up existing conditions by the force of its energy impact, thus enabling the influence of Mercury to be more fully expressed. The vision can then be intuitively perceived when obstructions have been removed.
2. Leo is one of the birth signs of the zodiac; it connotes the birth of self-consciousness, as you know. Capricorn is also a birth sign, because it is also an aspect or one of the arms of the Cardinal Cross—the Cross of that which initiates or brings into being. This has a peculiar relation to Humanity. It is the birth of the two types of consciousness—self-consciousness and Christ consciousness—which are brought to the attention of humanity by the fact of this Leo force, pouring through Saturn to Humanity and thus bringing Shamballa and Humanity into a closer relation, via Capricorn, active through Mercury. (EA p435-42)
Very briefly I would like to touch upon the fact that, as might be expected, the influences of Leo-Pisces-Capricorn which dominate the present world situation, via Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity, are potent in their oft unrealised effect upon the individual people. They bring about changes in his life focus and in his centres just as they have wrought corresponding changes in the three planetary centres. In view of this certain basic ideas can here be emphasised:
1. The influence of Capricorn, via Mercury, will have a dominant effect in the human kingdom—itself a planetary centre.
2. The individual disciple will, therefore, respond to this Capricornian influence most easily. It will constitute a line of least resistance, offering opportunity, as well as the chance of possible disaster if wrongly handled. Right response will lead the disciple nearer to the door of initiation; wrong response will take him back into the depths of crystallisation and of concretion. (EA p450)
Crisis Quality Constellation Cross
1. Crisis of Incarnation Individualisation Cancer Cardinal
2. Crisis of Orientation Reversal Aries Cardinal
3. Crisis of Initiation Expansion Capricorn Cardinal
4. Crisis of Renunciation Crucifixion Gemini Mutable
5. Crisis of the Battlefield Conflict Scorpio Fixed
6. Crisis of the Birthplace Initiation Virgo Mutable
7. Crisis of Burning ground Liberation Leo Fixed
(EA p472)
Cancer, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo, which bring the man from the stage of individualisation to the Path of Discipleship. (EA p475)
Leo appears again in this world situation as a part of a triangle of crisis, for the combination of the three constellations involved invariably produces crisis. These three are Leo, Libra and Capricorn. Leo, when dominating the triangle, produced in the past the crisis of individualisation. Later in human history, when the point of balance was reached, Leo was again potent. H.P.B. pointed out that there came a time when the balance was reached between spirit and matter and from that time on the tendency of humanity was towards evolution out of matter and not involution into matter; humanity turned towards the Path of Return and not the Path of Outgoing; this has become increasingly apparent.
Today, Capricorn is producing a third crisis in the long, long history of mankind—a crisis of initiation, and the possibility of this crisis proving effective and producing the appearance of a new kingdom of nature on Earth is steadily becoming more and more possible. (EA p487)
Ray VII.—Capricorn: This Capricornian energy produces initiation and the overcoming of materialism.
… d. Libra is also found relatively inactive in the triangle of Ray III. Today there is no true balance but the opposition of spirit and matter is so violent that the Libran force is relatively quiescent. Ray III is expressing itself through Cancer, as far as the mass is concerned and through Capricorn, on a much smaller scale, in relation to the world disciples. Capricorn esoterically leads towards the externalisation of the Mysteries. (EA p489, 490)
There are, therefore, great Triangles of energy which affect the mental response apparatus of humanity and to the above triangle which concerns the unfoldment of the mind, two others can be added:
| 1. Taurus Desire the incentive to evolutionary
| unfoldment in the human
I. | kingdom.
| 2. Scorpio Aspiration the key to the testing of the disciple.
| 3. Capricorn Illumination the liberation of the initiate.
| 1. Sagittarius Direction expression of the intuition.
II. | 2. Cancer Incarnation experience of realisation.
| 3. Leo Self-consciousness mode of development.
(EA p495)
There exists at this time an inter-relation between three of the constellations upon which I would like somewhat to enlarge, because their potency and the climax of their inter-relation is being reached at this time. From 1975 on, that potency will greatly lessen until it fades out. The period of this interplay of three major energies and their focussed potent effect upon our planet began in 1875, achieved momentum in 1925, will reach its highest expression (for good or evil) in 1945 and will then decline slowly until 1975. These three constellations are: Leo, Capricorn and Pisces. These are curiously and most mysteriously related to the fourth kingdom in nature and therefore to the evolution and the destiny of the human family. Add to these the emerging energy of Aquarius, and you have four energies which are playing upon the vehicles of men and producing peculiar effects—both destructive and constructive. (EA p537)
Capricorn.—Ruler: Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the "seed house" of illumination and the new emerging light. Venus also rules Libra exoterically and the seventh House wherein enemies are recognised and unions and friendships achieved. (EA p538)
Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; it is also the sign of the coming world Saviour and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose. If this does not take place, the present situation will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be "re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light." A dark period of civilisation will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate's own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the "lighted Way."
The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light, the manifestation of the soul nature and the recognition of the "light which is found in the eye of the Bull."
… The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are "shells," obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda. They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race.
The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind. In like manner, the Forces of Light can be evoked in tremendous potency but only by the massed aspiration and spiritual desires of the peoples of the Earth. Of this evocation, there are already signs. (EA p542-43, 544)
Capricorn.—This sign marks the point of concretion and of crystallisation which results eventually in the death of the form. This we see happening today. In His triumph over death and in His resurrection into life, Christ indicated the deep mystery of Capricorn. (EA p567)
"He who sees in the dark light of Shamballa penetrates to that which lies beyond our little sphere to that which can be sensed behind the holy triangle (Venus, Mercury, the Earth, A.A.B.). There is to be found the point of radiant fire which shines within the eye (Taurus), which burns upon the mountain-top (Capricorn) and which the water cannot quench (Aquarius). These are the holiest three." (EA p594)
3. CAPRICORN. This is the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself. You will remember that there is a close connection between the Earth and Capricorn. The reason for this is that the Earth provides ideal conditions for this particular type of achievement because it is in process of transforming from the stage of a "non-sacred planet" into that of a "sacred planet."
This is why Saturn is so powerful a ruler and transmitter to the Earth of the dynamic quality of the first ray of power. This inpouring of first ray energy will be greatly accelerated from now on. These energies and their inflow must be carefully studied in connection with the diagrams given earlier in this treatise, remembering that visualisation is always a directing energy, employed to bring about a specific desired effect.
Aries, the Initiator, Leo, the Self, and Capricorn, the transfiguring Agent—such are some of the implications in relation to the first ray and humanity. (EA p620-21)
7. "A further factor in cyclic computation lies in the effect of the following stars and constellations upon our system and upon any particular planet within the system:
1. The Great Bear. 4. The Pleiades.
2. The little Bear. 5. Constellation Capricorn.
(Ursa Minor) 6. Draco.
3. The Pole Star.
And all the other constellations and allied stars of the zodiac. The mystery is hidden in esoteric astrology and until the subject of energy, working through the etheric body, of radio-activity and of the transmutation of all bodies from a lower state into a higher is better comprehended, the true mystery of the "influence of these various bodies upon each other will remain at its present stage—an unrevealed secret." (C.F. 795.)
… 10. Capricorn.—Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.
(EA p653, 654)
1. "The Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile and their abode in Capricornus." (I. 239.)
2. "Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac ... and has in it 28 stars." (II. 609. 612.)
3. "There is a mystic connection between the names Makara and Kumara.
a. It means and is connected with the pentagon.
b. It represents five-fold man and therefore the five kumaras.
c. It is related to the Ocean God.
d. It personifies solar fire." (II. 609. 610.)
4. "Capricorn is connected with the birth of the spiritual microcosm and with the death of the physical universe." (II. 612.)
5. "When the sun passes away behind the 30th degree of Capricorn and will reach no more the sign Pisces, then the Night of Brahma has come." (II. 612.)
6. "The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five (spiritual man, aspirant, disciple, initiate and adept) and in the Biblical words `the sheep and the goats'." (706.)
7. "Once in the history of each scheme, an avatar from the constellation Capricorn appears on mental levels. This level is the lowest one on which these inter-planetary deities appear. No more can be communicated on this matter. The mystery of the goat lies hidden here. This avatar makes His appearance in the third round of the third chain and disappears in the fifth round of the fourth chain." (727.)