Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Leo & CapricornImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Leo In Comparison With Capricorn 1. The Lion 1. The Goat, the Unicorn 2. Esoteric Mantram: I am That and That am I. 2. Esoteric Mantram: Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule because I am.. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let ambition rule and the door stand wide. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of the Soul 4. Quality of Light: The Light of Initiation 5. Element: Fire Sign 5. Element: Earth Sign 6. Fixed Cross 6. Cardinal Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R5 7. Transmits R1, R3 and R7 constellationally 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Leo transmits R2, R6 and R7 through the ‘Sun’ and the veiled Neptune and Uranus—its unveiled and veiled ruling planets on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Capricorn transmits R3 and R5 through Saturn and Venus—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: orange 9. Color: green 10. Creative Hierarchy number I (manifested), and VI of the twelve. Divine Flames, Divine Lives 10. Creative Hierarchy number V (manifested) and X of 12. Human Personality; the Crocodiles; Makara the Mystery 11. Associated with the Self-orienting first, the ‘solar-hearted’ second, (EA 298), the soul-dominant third and blazingly revelatory fifth initiations, and perhaps the consummately glorious seventh—all powerfully Sun-like. Especially the first and fifth are involved with Leo—the first giving entrance to the Fifth Kingdom and the fifth, by numerical affinity, can be seen as stimulated by the fifth sign. 11. Associated with the first five initiations: the soul/Self-revealing, soul-law-imposing, Christ-birthing first; the emotion-controlling, ‘un-capsized’, ‘water-crossing’ second; the soul-illumined, personality-transfiguring, three-aspect-synthesizing third; the isolation-inducing, world-renouncing fourth; and the supernally-lighted, mountain-peak-revelatory fifth. Saturn (ruling Capricorn) does not follow a man onto the Cardinal Cross. 12. Leo can be reasonably associated with the radiating , group-magnetizing heart center (and with the entire head center as well—the crown, the dome which is the organ of the ‘dominating’ soul or Spirit). “Leo within the heart and head shouted aloud and stood whilst Saturn did his work ... and thus the twain were one.” (EA431) Leo can influence the solar plexus as one center of focus for the dominant personality (emotionally dominant) which Leo rules. The ajna center is the organ of the integrated (and dominating) personality which is also, generically, ruled by Leo. May not Leo also be associated with the heart center within the head? (Leo is ruled by the Sun; Vulcan may substitute for the Sun; Vulcan rules the “heart of the Sun”; the heart of the Sun works through the heart center within the head.)
12. Capricorn can be reasonably associated with the clear-seeing, forcefully-penetrating, powerfully directing ajna and brow centers, and the ‘dominating’, all-controlling crown center. Capricorn must be connected to the magically materializing throat and sacral centres via the third and seventh rays (resonant to both centers). The humility-inducing centers at the knees are also indicated. Also associated with Capricorn are the central “jewels” in all the chakras. 13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Leo preserves within the Monad the will of the King of Shamballa (Who reflects the wills of the planetary and solar Logoi.) Leo makes of the Monad the true center of selfhood, and yet a “relinquished point” (EA 332) in a planetary sphere, the center of which is everywhere—within the planetary ring-pass-not. 13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Capricorn causes the Monad (even in immersion) to be guided by Shamballic and Logoic Law. There are lines which the Monad may not cross as it ‘super-vises’ its own Self-extension. It must leave its fragment ‘free within limits’; free-will (of a relative kind) must not be violated. The initiatory power, flowing through Monad from Capricorn, endows the Monad-in-extension with the power to face every obstacle and re-ascend to its source. This re-ascent is initiation. 14. Within the Triad—Leo can be related principally to atma, the spiritual will, as it reflects the will of the “Central Spiritual Sun”—the monadic aspect, whether of man, the planetary Logos or the solar Logos. Since Leo, the second fire sign, is associated with the second ray and with consciousness, it can be related to the revelations of divine love and illumined wisdom emanating from buddhi. The ruler of Leo is the Sun, transmitting the second ray—the ray expressed through buddhi. The fifth ray transmitted through Leo relates it to higher manas. 14. Within the Triad—Capricorn is most associated with atma (first triadal aspect) and higher manas (third triadal aspect). Capricorn transmits the first ray which relates it to the will and law emanating from the atmic plane. Capricorn transmits the third ray, as well, which relates it not only to higher manas but, again, to atma, for the atmic plane is the third systemic plane, and is a plane of both law/will and mind—the atmic mind—God’s mind as directly expressive of God’s will/law. Capricorn is less related to buddhi, though it is the sign admitting (via hierarchical Venus) into the buddhic dimension known as Hierarchy. 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Leo is a pervasive and fundamental solar influence. The causal body is a “sun-flower”; soul-consciousness is to the personality as a luminous sun; and the Solar Angel emanates (with respect to our system) from the “heart of the sun”. In a broad sense, Leo can be seen as governing the radiant light, magnetic love, luminous consciousness, and authoritative power of the Solar Angel which it wills, assertively, to express through the personality. 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Capricorn can be understood as the will of the Solar Angel to master its personality, through total soul-infusion leading to transfiguration and subsequent crucifixion. Karmic confrontation with residual darkness is enforced from ‘above’, and the power to transcend matter bestowed. The will aspect of the Solar Angel is strongly asserted, leaving the responsive personality no choice but elevation. (cf. EP II 174) 16. Within the Personality—Leo can be identified with dominating and imposing attitudes within the lower mental nature; with the dramatic and expressive qualities of the astral nature—Leo is correlated with the astral permanent atom (EA 302); with the prana and natural radiance of the etheric vehicle; and, in general, with the strength of the dense physical vehicle. Leo is related to the integrated personality as a whole. (EA 253, 486, 620) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Within the Personality—Capricorn can be identified with the concretizing, regulatory and disciplining processes of the lower mental nature; with processes which focus, control and deepen the astral nature; with organizational and co-ordinative processes within the etheric vehicle; and the with maintenance and survival of the dense physical vehicle—of which Capricorn represents the density. (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 17. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Concentration. “Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.” (EA 228) 17. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Initiation 18. The Crisis of the Burning Ground characterized by the process of Liberation (EA 472) 18. The Crisis of Initiation characterized by the process/quality of Expansion. Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Leo In Comparison With Capricorn 1. Expressive primarily of the second and first aspects of divinity. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Leo is also the second fire sign. Its transmission of the first ray connects Leo to the first aspect, and the transmission of the fifth ray, to the first as well as the third. 1. Expressive primarily of the first and third aspects of divinity. “CAPRICORN. This is the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself.” (EA 620) Capricorn is the major transmitter of the seventh ray which is related to the first aspect. “The seventh ray is, in the last analysis, the focussed differentiated energy of Ray One as it expresses the will of the first aspect of divinity on earth…” (EA 138) “the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind.” (EA 164) 2. Identified with the present solar system. Mastership is the culmination of development of the energy first solar system, fulfilling Brahma (under the number five) 2. Identified with the energy of the previous solar system. Also, assisting, through initiation, the transition from the energy of the first solar system into the energy of the second solar system. 3. Strongly associated with Sirius.” Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.” (EA 299) “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called ‘the heart of the Lion’.” (EA 300) “Third Triangle: Sirius—Leo—Jupiter—Hierarchy.” (EA 417) “…Sirius governs Leo.” (EA 299) (also 447 re Sirius, Leo, Uranus and first initiation)
Also cosmically related to the Great Bear. Leo “is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.” (EA196) Leo transmits energy from the Great Bear to Saturn and, thence, Shamballa. (cf. EA 427-428, 435)3. Related cosmically to the Pleiades. “…from these three (The Pleiades, Capricorn, Mercury. A.A.B.) Man takes a nature which is his today. Son of the Mother, born from the tomb and showing after birth the light which he has taken from them all.” (EA 433, also 427-428) Capricorn is necessarily related to the Great Bear because, like Aries, and Leo, it transmits the first ray. (cf. EA 417) Capricorn, the “great sign of initiation” (EA 173) is almost certainly related to Sirius, “the great star of initiation.” (EA 197) Venus completes a triangle. 4. Three Constellations Connected with Leo: a) Hydra—the Serpent; b) Crater—the Cup; c) Corvus—the Raven (LOH 105-108) 4. Three Constellations Connected with Capricorn: a) Sagitta—the Arrow; b) Aquila—the Eagle; c) Delphinus—the Dolphin (LOH 175-176) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Leo In Comparison With Capricorn 1. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo. 1. Neptune falls in Capricorn. 2. Saturn is considered to be in detriment in Leo (though, esoterically, powerfully related to this sign) 2. Saturn is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn. 3. Jupiter, which transmits the lowest energies of the Sun (in relation to the Mutable Cross) represents the exoteric Sun in Leo. (EA 297) 3. Jupiter falls in Capricorn. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Leo In Comparison With Capricorn 1. Leo transmits the first ray constellationally 1. Capricorn transmits the first ray, constellationally. Capricorn is also the tenth sign on the reversed wheel, hence numerologically associated with the number one and, by numerical affinity, with the first ray. Saturn, the exoteric and esoteric ruler, is a strong transmitter of the first ray. (EA 450, 621). Mars, exalted in Capricorn, teaches “those whose work lies along the lines of the destroyer”, hence must transmit the first ray. (TCF 1179) 2. Leo transmits the fifth ray constellationally. 2. Capricorn may, in some subtle matter, transmits the fifth ray (independently of its hierarchial ruler Venus). Ray 5.—Concrete Knowledge or Science, under the influence of Capricorn, focussed through Venus, which will enable the man to take initiation.” (EA 357) Also, “Capricorn is an earth sign and because the third and fifth rays work pre-eminently through this sign, embodying the third major aspect of divinity, active intelligence plus that of its subsidiary power, the fifth Ray of Mind. These pour through Capricorn to Saturn and to Venus and so reach our planet, the Earth.” (EA 164) Note the word, “through.” Venus, of course, is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, and transmits the fifth ray. Saturn is associated with the concrete mind (concretion pertains to the fifth ray). Mars, exalted in Capricorn, rules “science” and the “five senses) (EA 215) and, therefore, is related to the fifth ray, transmitting it, conceivably, through its Monad.
3. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number five and with the fifth ray. 3. See #2 immediately above. 4. Leo is the ninth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel—proceeding by polarities (Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.). Since nine is the number connected with the ray three cycle (EPI 348-349), Leo, in its more material aspect, is connected with the third ray. 4. Capricorn transmits the third ray, constellationally. In addition, Capricorn is the third sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, beginning number with Pisces. This numerical fact reinforces the relationship of Capricorn to the third ray. Saturn is the exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Capricorn and transmits the third ray monadically (EPI 421), and, probably, through its soul. Mars, exalted in Capricorn, participates as the astral body in the constitution of a great third ray Entity (EPII 99). 5. Leo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel (IF counting begins with Pisces as number one) and, hence, has numerical affinity with the Christ, and with Mercury (EA 298) the “Messenger at the eighth gate” “Eight is, under some numerical systems, regarded as the number of the Christ.” (EA 37) 5. Capricorn is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel (numbering by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), and hence is related to the Christ, Whose number can be understood as eight. 6. The Sun (veiling an unknown planet) is esoteric, exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the second ray through its (the Sun’s) soul and personality. “It is the ray which governs the ‘personality’ of our solar Logos, if such an expression may be used, and (because it is dual) it indicates both His personality and soul rays,...” (EPI 334) 6. Venus, the hierarchial ruler of Capricorn, is “pure love-wisdom”, and hence, transmits the second ray. (EA 281) 7. The Sun, even exoterically, may veil Jupiter, which transmits the second, seventh, and (possibly) sixth rays. “In connection with the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of the second ray which the Sun expresses—cosmically and systemically.” (EA 297) 7. See #6 immediately above, and #8 and #12 below. 8. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo and transmits the sixth ray. 8. Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically. (EA 595). Mars (exalted in Capricorn) transmits the sixth ray 9. Neptune transmits the second ray monadically (EPI 421). 9. See #6 above. 10. Neptune is associated with the fourth ray through its rulership of buddhi and the buddhic plane.(EA 666) 10. Capricorn is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the clock-wise wheel—hence, resonant with the fourth ray (especially through its rulership over ‘for-m’ and establishment). Venus, the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, may have some higher fourth ray associations—harmony and beauty. Mars (exalted in Capricorn) is a major planet of conflict, so it is difficult not to think that Mars has some strong fourth ray association—perhaps within its personality vehicles. “The theme of that ray is "Harmony through Conflict" and it is the lower aspect of the ray energy, producing conflict which has hitherto controlled, and is climaxing now through the impetus of the new incoming Shamballa force.” (EA 328) 11. Neptune, “God of the Waters”, is associated with the third ray, because “water” is “matter.” “EA 275) 11. See #4 above. 12. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the seventh ray. 12. Capricorn transmits the seventh ray constellationally. Saturn has strong seventh ray associations through that fact that it is the “logoic physical permanent atom” in relation to the cosmic physical plane (TCF 406), hence strongly involved in the manifestation of the cosmic physical plane. As well, Vulcan is powerful in Capricorn (third decanate) and transmits the first ray. 13. Uranus transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 13. See #1 above. 14. Uranus is closely associated with the third ray, and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200) 14. See #4 above. 15. Uranus is part of a second ray transmission from Sirius, via Pisces, and, also, is most probably the mental body within the manifestation of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #6 above. 16. Uranus is closely related to the fifth ray through its rulership of “exoteric science.” (EA 149) 16. See #2 above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Leo In Comparison With Capricorn
- Sanat Kumara—King of Shamballa
1. Sanat Kumara—The Ancient of Days
- God the Father
2. The Devil
- God the Son; the Son of God
3. God the Father
- God the Son
4. God the Holy Spirit
- Life (Vitality and Selfhood)
5. Death (Cold and Banished from Spirit)
- The Hierarchy as the Great Heart
6. The Hierarchy as the Inner Government
- The Master
7. The One Initiator
- The Guru
8. The One Initiator
- The Law of the King
9. God’s Law
- The Monarch
10. The Constitution
- The Kingdom
11. The State
- The Self
12. The Not-Self
- Spirit
13. Matter
- Solar Fire
14. Fire by Friction
- The Lion
15. The Unicorn
- The King or Queen
16. The Viceroy
- The Palace
17. The Mountain
- “King of Beasts”
18. “King of the Mountain”
- The Magnanimous Ruler
19. The Tyrant—Procrustus (with his infamous “procrustean bed”)
- The “God-Man”
20. The Underworld, and its Ruler
- Hercules the “Sun-God”
21. The Three-headed Dog—Cerberus
- The Individual
22. The Conquering Soul
- The Strengthener
23. The Regulator
- The Patron
24. The Comptroller
- The Individual
25. The Individual’s Office or Post
- A “law unto oneself”—identification with the Spirit.
26. The Law of a Higher Being—institutionalized
- “Intellect, governing ambition—Leo. Individual consciousness. I know” (EA 178)
27. “Illumination, governing intuition—Capricorn. Soul consciousness in later stages. I realise.” (EA 178)
- “Leo—Self-consciousness—mode of development” (EA 495)
28. “Capricorn—Illumination—the liberation of the initiate” (EA 495)
- “Self-consciousness or human awareness. Unity—Leo.” (EA 287)
29. “Group consciousness as an initiate. Unity—Capricorn.” (EA 287)
- “The Self-conscious individual” (EA 101)
30. “The Christ-conscious Initiate” (EA 101)
- Leo—within the First Ray Triangle Aries-Leo-Capricorn as related to the Great Life Who employs it: “Leo, the Self” (EA 621)
31. Capricorn--within the First Ray Triangle Aries-Leo-Capricorn as related to the Great Life Who employs it: “Capricorn, the transfiguring Agent.” (EA 621)
- Leo—within the First Ray Triangle, Aries-Leo-Capricorn, from the angle of human relations: “Leo, the giver of self-consciousness .” (EA 621)
32. Capricorn—within the First Ray Triangle, Aries-Leo-Capricorn, from the angle of human relations: “Capricorn, the sign wherein initiation can be taken.”(EA 621)
- Leo—as a Sign of Crisis: “Leo.—The Crisis of Individualisation. This shows itself in two stages as: a. Diffused inchoate power; b. Personality integration. It signifies the emergence of personality and preparation for the Christ experience. It is self-consciousness and the lower synthesis.” (EA 265)
33. Capricorn—as a Sign of Crisis: “Capricorn.—The Crisis of Initiation. This exists in five stages and signifies the emergence of the dominating Christ life. It means the higher synthesis and the control of the Christ consciousness which is group consciousness.” (EA 265-266)
- Crisis in Relation to Leo, in the Leo-Libra-Capricorn Triangle: “Leo, when dominating the triangle, produced in the past the crisis of individualisation. Later in human history, when the point of balance was reached, Leo was again potent.[as was Libra] H.P.B. pointed out that there came a time when the balance was reached between spirit and matter and from that time on the tendency of humanity was towards evolution out of matter and not involution into matter; humanity turned towards the Path of Return and not the Path of Outgoing; this has become increasingly apparent.” (EA 487)
34. Crisis in Relation to Capricorn in the Leo-Libra-Capricorn Triangle: “Today, Capricorn is producing a third crisis in the long, long history of mankind—a crisis of initiation, and the possibility of this crisis proving effective and producing the appearance of a new kingdom of nature on Earth is steadily becoming more and more possible.” (EA 487)
- Leo as a Birth Sign: “Leo is one of the birth signs of the zodiac; it connotes the birth of self-consciousness, as you know.” (EA 442)
35. Capricorn as a Birth Sign: “Capricorn is also a birth sign, because it is also an aspect or one of the arms of the Cardinal Cross—the Cross of that which initiates or brings into being. This has a peculiar relation to Humanity.” (EA 442)
- Leo (with Libra and Capricorn) in a Father-Aspect Triangle: “Constitute the triangle of the father or will aspect; they mark points of attainment, through crisis met and triumphant achievement.” (EA 266)
36. Capricorn (with Leo and Libra) in a Father-Aspect Triangle: “Constitute the triangle of the father or will aspect; they mark points of attainment, through crisis met and triumphant achievement.” (EA 266)
- Related Triangles: Great Bear-Leo-Saturn (cf. EA 421) A further related Triangle: Planetary Head Center-Disciple’s Head Center-the Base of the Spine
37. Related Triangles: The Pleiades-Capricorn-Mercury (cf. EA 421) A further related Triangle: Planetary Ajna Center-Disciple’s Ajna Center-the Throat Center
- Of Leo, in the Leo-Capricorn-Pisces Triangle: “Leo.—Ruler: The Sun, veiling Uranus, the planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organisations and the eleventh House. It relates the Leo influence to Aquarius.” (EA 538)
38. Of Capricorn, in the Leo-Capricorn-Pisces Triangle: “Capricorn.—Ruler: Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the "seed house" of illumination and the new emerging light. Venus also rules Libra exoterically and the seventh House wherein enemies are recognised and unions and friendships achieved.” (EA 538)
- Leo is involved with Capricorn and Pisces in an important triangle. (cf. EA 427)
39. Capricorn is involved with Leo and Pisces in an important triangle. (cf. EA 427)
- Within the Ray I Aries-Leo-Capricorn Triangle—“ Ray V.—Leo: This sign produces the growth of individualism and of self-consciousness, so prevalent today on a world scale.” (EA 490)
40. Within the Ray I Aries-Leo-Capricorn Triangle—“ Ray VII.—Capricorn: This Capricornian energy produces initiation and the overcoming of materialism.” (EA 490)
- The Role of Leo when Dominant within the Triangle of Crisis: “Leo, when dominating the triangle, produced in the past the crisis of individualisation. Later in human history, when the point of balance was reached, Leo was again potent.” (EA 487)
41. The Role of Capricorn when Dominant within the Triangle of Crisis: “Today, Capricorn is producing a third crisis in the long, long history of mankind—a crisis of initiation, and the possibility of this crisis proving effective and producing the appearance of a new kingdom of nature on Earth is steadily becoming more and more possible.” (EA 487)
- Birth in Leo: “Leo, the ‘birthplace of the individual,’ the coming into form of individual self-conscious man who emerges out of the mass and herd in Cancer, substituting, for instinctual consciousness, self-awareness and a sense of responsibility of an individual kind.” (EA 102)
42. Birth in Capricorn: “Capricorn, the ‘birthplace of the Christ,’ the place of the ‘second birth’ and the scene for the emergence of the fifth kingdom in nature when the right time comes. In this sign, the initiate comes into a spiritual awareness which demonstrates later in Aquarius and in Pisces as man, the world worker, and man, the world saviour—both of them with a universal mission.” (EA 102)
- Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, indicating that it is part of the number ten, thus linking it to Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac. (cf. EA 286)
43. Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, indicating that it is the double of the number five, thus linking it to Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac. (cf. EA 286)
- Leo—for Undeveloped Man: “The lower self. The hidden point.” (EA 332)
44. Capricorn—for the Undeveloped Man: “The earthbound soul.” (EA 333)
- Leo—for Advanced Man: “The Higher Self. The revealing point.”(EA 332)
45. Capricorn—for the Advanced Man: “The one who crosses the water. Fluid.” (EA 333)
- Leo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The One Self. The relinquished point” (EA 332)
46. Capricorn—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Conqueror of death. Initiated.” (EA 333)
- Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Leo: When the Sun is in Leo the disciple may seek to integrate his personality more fully, strengthen the individual note he sounds, and achieve spiritual positivity with respect to the lunar nature.
47. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Capricorn: When the Sun is in Capricorn, an individual may cultivate achievement and mastery over all that opposes that achievement with respect to a selected task.
- The life of the Christ from the Leonian perspective: “This is the sign of self-conscious identity. This is testified to by Christ in the words He spoke to His disciples: ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ or his own centre of self-consciousness—that significant point of attainment which must precede all the more inclusive states of consciousness.” (EA566)
48. The Life of the Christ from a Capricornian Perspective: “This sign marks the point of concretion and of crystallisation which results eventually in the death of the form. This we see happening today. In His triumph over death and in His resurrection into life, Christ indicated the deep mystery of Capricorn.” (EA 567)
- The individual
49. The institution, the power structure, the establishment, the bureaucracy
- Humanity. “Leo, the most human sign of all….” (EA 161)
50. Hierarchy. “Capricorn opens the door into the Hierarchy in a higher aspect when the last three initiations can be undergone and the significance of Scorpio and of Virgo is understood”( EA 157).
- The soul as a member of Hierarchy
51. Society’s power structure; man-made hierarchies
- The Unconditioned. Spirit and pure Being are unconditioned.
52. The Conditioned. Matter and form are conditioned according to the divine ideation of Spirit.
- The dominant personality
53. The disciplining soul
- Death (MC). The death of egoism. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Vision is destroyed by ahamkara.
54. Life (FC, LFC). The “Conqueror of Death.” One who lives free from the form—upon the mountain top.
- The darkness of egotism
55. The “Light Supernal” of the transfiguration.
- The radiant soul
56. The “earth bound” personality
- Life—the Self and Spirit are Life (LFC, CC)
57. Death (MC). Death within the concrete form.
- The “Light of the Soul”
58. The darkness of the unredeemed personality life.
- Myopia, caused by the ahamkaric principle
59. The highest, clearest perspective (sight) achieved through detachment from the personality
- The will of the personality
60. The law of the soul
- Those who are a “law unto themselves”
61. The supremacy of the higher Law
- The expression of the soul
62. The “law of the land”
- The expression of selfhood
63. Limitations upon the expression of selfhood due to law, custom and tradition
- Personal integrity
64. Functional integrity; integration for the purpose of efficient functioning
- The heart’s desire
65. The profession or career
- Inspiration
66. Discipline
- Self-indulgence
67. Self-discipline; self-denial
- License
68. Responsibility
- The wisdom of the soul guides behavior; the heart
69. Behavior “by the book”
- The limitations of personality and personalism
70. Impersonality
- An ardent emotional life
71. Detachment and dis-identification from emotions
- Passion
72. Spiritual love
- The joy of the soul
73. The gloom of the personality. “A dark and sombre figure, yet old and wise, experienced and sad.” (R&I 302)
- Spontaneity
74. Ritualism, Formalism
- Creativity
75. Reliance upon precedent
- The living essence. (First and second aspects)
76. The crust, the exterior, the rind. (The third aspect)
- The center
77. The periphery
- The heart
78. The bone
- Spontaneous expression
79. Inhibition
- Authenticity
80. Artificiality
- Pride
81. Humility (“on one’s knees”)
- Humility (at last achieved as the “Relinquished Point”) (EA 332) True humanity through identification with the Essence.
82. Pride—the hardness of the ego in pre-spiritual days. Pride of place and position. “…the very worst type of man—hard, materialistic, cruel, proud, selfishly ambitious and egoistic.” (EA 169) Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal InfluencesHere we see many points of similarity for two such dissimilar signs. Either Leo/Scorpio or Leo/Capricorn may be considered St. George and the Dragon but they are power signs.
Both Leo and Capricorn distribute the 1st Ray and with Aries, comprise the three signs which do this on a constellational level.
There is tremendous authority and domination here.
Leo and Capricorn are signs of will and both the Hierarchy and Shamballa can be considered ruled by these two first Ray signs for even though Hierarchy is a 2nd Ray body in comparison to its student and charge humanity, it is a 1st Ray body.
With Leo, the law comes out of essential nature and with Capricorn the law is more a matter of tradition, of that which has been established in the venerable past.
Leo represents the authority of self-hood, of one's individuality whether personal, soul or spirit and Capricorn, the power accumulated through venerable tradition, of the structures that have been set in place by great authorities in the early days.
Both therefore are signs of control although in Leo the control emanates from one's own self-hood and the self is seen indeed as the center of the universe, which it is indeed from one perspective and in Capricorn the control is seen from the post or function which one occupies and with which one is not truly identified for it is a form and not the self.
These signs are great collaborators and represent from one point of view, the power of Hierarchy for Hierarchy is collection of masters, represented by Leo, the sign of mastership.
They express being and yet Hierarchy is a group of those who conform to the law of great hierarchs - greater still than themselves and every member when thinking of the king of Shamballa will not say, "It is not my will but let thy will be done." Thus humility comes in.
One can see also the combination of Leo/Capricorn in relation to the egoic lotus and to the brilliance of the egoic lotus because the jewel in the lotus under Capricorn is so perfectly formed. The brilliant light of spirit under Leo can shine in full dazzling array.
Both signs are signs of intense luminosity. Remember Leo, the will to reveal, also associated with the light of the soul. (Let us check the references for the 12 different forms of light, I think in the Cancer chapter) Capricorn, supposedly ruling the gloomy caverns of earth, is associated with sublime, supernal light.
The phrase, "Lost am I in light supernal yet on that light I turn my back." The supernal light is the light of transfiguration, at least the first of the supernal lights and it is not unreasonable to think of both Leo and Capricorn as associated with this great initiation.
Capricorn is historically associated with the mountain of transfiguration and its hierarchical rulership by Venus, the 5th Ray, the planet of illumined mind, confirms this as does the Sun as the ruler of the 3rd decanate in Capricorn.
Leo is very much the Sun upon the mountain-top and let us remember that Leo is the most human of the signs and the interesting thought that a person does not become a true human being until the 3rd initiation.
In other words, a person, an individual is not solarized until the 3rd initiation and to that solarization, both Leo and Capricorn bring their qualities.
So the true member of Hierarchy is a master who is in one respect, a law unto himself, for he has full creative and expressive potential within the range of Hierarchy and is thus ruled by Leo and yet he is a member of the occult power structure and has rigorous limits within which he functions and must follow the law of one higher than himself and hence comes under Capricorn.
There is a close connection here not only with the soul but with the aspect of the personality known as the concrete mind. Leo, distributing the 5th Ray as a constellation and being the 5th sign, is intimately associated with the concrete mind as that function within human nature which, when activated, makes a personality truly possible.
Capricorn is associated with the concrete mind as the Tibetan informs us and its rulership by Saturn, who in one respect is the great divider, confirms this.
Capricorn is also associated with that process by which the concrete mind becomes divided from the loving soul and forms a sphere of its own, the eighth sphere and when this misfortune befalls the individual, there is great isolation, coming under Leo again and it often happens because there is pride of intellect - Leo again.
So negatively, the two signs can lend to create the separation of intellect from love and then the coldness of Capricorn and the isolation of Leo prevail and a great tragedy of identity has befallen the human being. Interestingly enough, the inverted pentagram is the signs of the goat (Capricorn) and can also be related to this fifth sign Leo when self-hood becomes resistant to the Christ force.
The story of the Lion and the Unicorn tells us how the lion, the king of beasts, the aggressive personality, following the eyes of desire, is blinded by the unicorn which stands for the power of the soul and probably the power of the initiate - the initiate's ajna center. Personality functions in a dualistic world and desire follows the principle of dualism. The initiate sees with synthesis from the point of view of the powerful open ajna center and the usual eyes of the personality are blinded to its own desires. The unicorn stabs out the eyes of the lion and the personality can no longer see its own self interest.
When the lion is blinded however, the wisdom eye appears and I have already demonstrated how Leo can be associated with the eye of wisdom which is an eye of synthesis. So here Capricorn is in the superior position and is carrying the Hierarchical note and is subduing the lion.
In a reverse manner, Capricorn can also represent the materialistic forces of the personality under Saturn, for Saturn indeed can represent the entire personality as a selfish, purposeful, wilfull agent bent on its own materialistic advantage and here the great warming, radiant light of the soul must subdue this cool customer.
This is the age-old battle between the Sun and Saturn.with the Sun being considered the hero, or Satan or the Serpent, the dragon, the shadow - it is a power struggle. Always with Leo and Capricorn there is power and usually they struggle against each other.
Naturally they can combine to make an almost indomitable power.
It is interesting that with both of these power signs, the hierarchical ruler of one is a planet of will, this is Leo with its hierarchical ruler Uranus and in the other, Capricorn, a planet of love and intelligent - Venus.
If anything, I would say that ultimately, Leo is a more powerful sign.
At the present time the glyph of Capricorn (vs: also referred to as the 'signature of god'?) is unrevealed to humanity because too much power would be released and Capricorn surely is great sign of initiation and expansion and access of power but Leo, in its highest brackets, represents the absolute force and identity of the entire universe, "I am that I am", the one great self, unconditioned.
When looking at this question of ultimate power of the signs, as surely the constellations like the planets, are not equally evolved (I am using the terms, signs and constellations interchangeably, as the web of their relationship is too difficult at this time to untangle), so when dealing with this question of ultimate power at any point in human history, one sign may seem more powerful than another. A lesser sign may seem more powerful than a greater and later, at a different period, that greater sign will assume its proper role.
Let's think of the developing inner being at a certain point. Mars, a non-sacred planet, is the dominant planet and seems in its effects, perhaps more powerful than many of the others which are essentially more sacred and more powerful, more full of spiritual will, divine will. Later the power of Mars will subside and the more highly advanced individual will conduct with great power, the planet which originally was more powerful than Mars but was subdued because of the level of development of the individual through whom it was manifesting.
At any rate, both Capricorn and Leo are the signs of Sun Gods, even Aries can be assigned this role which fact begins to make one think of the Sun in its true power aspect. For though it is a 2nd and 4th Ray being, it is certainly the most powerful of the beings to be found within the confines of the solar system.
As well, the Sun is exalted in Aries, rules in Leo and holds a special place in the mythology of Capricorn for it is said that all Sun Gods are born in Capricorn and the third and final decanate of Capricorn which rules the consummating function of the sign, is ruled by the Sun.
Both Leo and Capricorn contribute greatly to the establishment of solar life within the consciousness of any disciple or initiate and these are both signs of egoity. Leo rules the sense of self-centeredness, "I am who I am - simple, I am."
Capricorn, with its rulership by Saturn rules the sense of, "I am some specific thing", such as "I am a doctor, I am a lawyer", in other words it rules ones profession. Hopefully the profession comes out of who one essentially is, Leo, but in society Capricorn is the ruler of profession.
One can see great limitations on the authentic self-hood coming from either of these signs. The proud Leo is so caught up in personality idiosyncrasies and uniqueness, that he forgets who he essentially is. The serious, earnest, hard-working Capricornian is so caught up with the demands and requirements of his profession that he also forgets who he really is for surely he is not his profession.
The issues of status are both common to these two signs and along with the problem of focusing overly much on self-image, come problems of vanity, respect, how am I regarded? What can be a limitation in the early days and a most resistant one, is broken down through the cooperation of these two signs, for being the signs of identity, are able to restore the individual to his true identity.
Again as in Scorpio, and Leo, through a number of destructive and melting processes, for Leo which is closely related to Vulcan, can certainly smash the Capricornian crystallizations and the long horn of the unicorn, endowed with occult power. is able to pierce the limited sphere of personality identification built up in early Leo. The result is that the sense of identity continually intensifies in brightness and climbs and climbs for there is always a higher mountain to climb and the higher the mountain, the higher the initiation - the greater, the more expansive, the more authentic is the sense of identity.
It is interesting that the Jewish people, very much ruled by Virgo and Capricorn, and Aries to a certain extent, another one of those identity signs, have been focussed on the entire issue of identity and they are known as, "The people of the book" and their great and learned tradition with all of its ritualistic observances, has proved for them perhaps, a prison. Here the problem has been the loss of reliance upon the endless source of light, love and wisdom represented by the Sun and instead, a reliance upon an outer form which is merely a crystallization of some few of those endless potentials - this under Capricorn.
The true identity is, "I am that I am" and this is Leo. Any powerful or beautiful thing that comes out of that endless source may crystallize in a very useful and powerful and helpful form under Capricorn but it is not the source itself.
So Capricorn ever lifts Leo higher so that Leo can discover who it really is - the one great identity in the universe.
All of this could be called a divine megalomania, accompanied by profound humility. Does this seem paradoxical?
Missing or Weak Links Between Leo and Capricorn