Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Aries & LibraImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Aries In Comparison With
Libra 1. The Ram, The Scapegoat 1. The Scales 2. Esoteric Mantram: I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule. 2. Esoteric Mantram: I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let form again be sought. 3. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let choice be made. 4. Quality of Light: The Light of Life Itself 4. Quality of Light: The Light that moves to rest 5. Element: Fire Sign 5. Element: Air Sign 6. Cardinal Cross 6. Cardinal Cross 7. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally 7. Transmits R3 constellationally 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Aries transmits R6, R4 and R7 through Mars, Mercury and Uranus—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Libra transmits R5, R7 and R3 through Venus, Uranus and Saturn—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 9. Color: carmine, scarlet red 9. Color: indigo. Green (strong Saturn) should not be ignored. 10. Creative Hierarchy number II (unmanifested), characterized by the “Unity thro’ Effort” 10. Creative Hierarchy number III (manifested) which is number VII (of all twelve). Lesser Builders, Conferring Form, the Triple Flowers. 11. Associated with the inaugural first, the blinding, surmounting third, the revelatory fifth and the resurrecting seventh initiations, but especially with the third (EA 388-389) and seventh (EA 304) initiations—transfiguration and resurrection. The exalted Sun in Aries can be understood as relating to each of these initiations. 11. Associated with the regulatory, balancing, reorienting first initiation; with the proportion-inducing, ideal-subduing, de-glamorizing second initiation, and with the decisive, nirvanic sixth initiation—the initiation of Decision. 12. Correlated to the synthesizing crown center and the ajna center—considered as the center of personality direction. Also influencing the impulsive solar plexus and the propagative center of sexuality—the sacral center, in relation to which, the opposites are brought together. The fertility of the Ram suggests the sacral association. Some connection with the based of the spine center is also possible, as Mars and Mercury (Aries’ first two rulers) rule kundalini “latent” and “in intelligent activity” respectively. Its hierarchical ruler, Uranus, transmits the seventh ray and is, thus, numerically related to this seventh (lowest) center.
12. Libra can be reasonably associated with the sexually-unitive, form-generating sacral center, and with the decision-making, force-balancing, triadally responsive ajna center. Libra has so much of the third ray (as do its rulers Uranus and Saturn, with Venus ruling Taurus, the sign of the throat) that throat center influence is to be expected. Libra can be connected be connected with the center at the base of the spine, from which stems the Sushumna—the “royal road” to Shamballa. (cf. EA 168) 13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Aries impels the Monad forth upon its aeonial pilgrimage. The sense of pure selfhood which characterizes monadic awareness is enhanced by Aries. Further, Aries endows the Monad with its inherent omnipotence relative to the human energy system. 13. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Libra governs the ‘Path of Return”, by means of which the immersed Monad regains its originating source. (cf. EA 168) Libra also endows the Monad with power from the Dragon and Pleiades and ensures that the Monad performs its part in the balancing of planetary karma, for every Monad is a cell within the planetary Logos. 14. Within the Triad—associated principally with atma, the spiritual will as it reflects divine will and law. Aries is also associated with the birth of ideas in buddhi (or at least their reception from the buddhic realm) and also with their abstract formulation within the sphere of higher manas. 14. In relation to the Triad—it can be said that Libra (the ruler of the third manifested Creative Hierarchy—the Triple Flowers) rules the Spiritual Triad as a whole. Within the Triad Libra, transmitting constellationally (exoterically) only the third ray, and related to “super-mind”, is clearly influential in relation to the higher mind—higher manas. Libra and Saturn are also express through the atmic plane, and hence are related to the principle—atma—Spiritual Will. Not surprisingly, Libra “admits the soul” to Shamballa. Eventually, Libra, ruling the union of all polarities, will be shown to be related to buddhi as well. 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Aries governs the persistent will-to-incarnate “Let form again be sought”, and the first impulses (emanating from the plane of mind) towards descent onto the physical plane. “Aries—is connected with soul intention, the vibratory activity of which (under impulse from the Monad) initiates the successive involutionary periods which produce appearance upon the physical plane.) (EA 302) 15. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Libra represents the skill, wisdom and power of the Solar Angel to supervise a balanced development in its personality. Libra is one of the major signs of karma, which the Solar Angel wisely administrates to ensure that the personality is eventually governed by the Law of Love. 16. Within the Personality—Aries can be identified with the ruling and assertive qualities of the mental nature; with the impulses and passions of the astral nature; with the forceful but irregular vigor of the etheric nature; and, generally, with the muscular strength of the dense physical nature. Aries is especially related to the lower mental vehicle. (EA 92) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Within the Personality—Libra can be identified with the evaluative, judicial and decision-making processes of the lower mental nature; with balancing and proportion-inducing processes within the astral nature; with the harmonizing of energy flows within the etheric nature; and, in general, with the energetic balance of the dense physical form. Libra has a special connection with the mental permanent atom. (EA 302) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 17. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Conception 17. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Contemplation. “Libra—Contemplation—Life of soul and form is balanced. Neither dominates. Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the soul organises itself for battle and the personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.” (EA 228) 18. The Crisis of Orientation characterized by the quality of Reversal. (EA 472) 18. The Crisis of Balance followed by Reversal. (cf. EA 101) Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Aries In Comparison With
Libra 1. Expressive, principally, of the first or will aspect of divinity. “Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect.” (EA 194)Some third aspect may enter in relation to activity and , depending upon whether the seventh ray is interpreted in terms of the first or third rays. 1. Expressive, principally of the third aspect of the divinity, with an expression of the second aspect slowly emerging.” “This sign is consequently closely connected with the third aspect of the Godhead.” (EA 243) “It is through a study of Libra that light upon the third aspect will come.” (EA 244) “Libra—Divine Love—Understanding” (EA 333) 2. Cosmically, associated primarily with the Great Bear: “Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear, but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers;….” (EA 195) “The Great Bear—Aries—Pluto—Shamballa.” (EA 416) “Aries—Libra—The Sun (which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation.” (EA 466) “Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name "Pointer" in common parlance. This Pointer is a "major star of direction" because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis.” (EA 482) 2. Related cosmically to the Pleiades. “Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.” (EA 349) Libra is also related to the Dragon and the Dragon to the Pleiades. “The adepts who choose this Path are called esoterically the ‘beneficent dragons,’ and the energy with which they work and the stream of living force upon which they are found emanates from the constellation of the Dragon, working through the zodiacal sign Libra.” (TCF 1245) D.K. speaks of the “…buddhic force, which is transmitted via the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades from a constellation called the Dragon…” (TCF 1162) Libra is related to one of the stars in the Great Bear. (A triangle?—Mizar-Libra-Sun?) (R&I 404) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Aries: a) Cassiopeia—the Enthroned Queen; b) Cetus—the Sea Monster; c) Perseus—the One Who Subdues (cf. LOH 35-36) 3. Three Constellations Connected with Libra: a) The Southern Cross; b) Lupus—the Wolf; c) Corona—the Crown (LOH 137-138) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Aries In Comparison With
Libra 1. Mars is exoteric ruler of Aries. 1. Mars is in detriment in Libra. 2. Uranus is hierarchical ruler of Aries. 2. Uranus is esoteric ruler of Libra 3. Venus is in detriment in Aries. 3. Venus is exoteric ruler of Libra. 4. Saturn falls in Aries. 4. Saturn is hierarchical ruler of Libra and exalted in Libra as well. Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Aries In Comparison With
Libra 1. Aries transmits the first ray constellationally. Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac on both the reversed and clockwise wheels, and on the wheel which numbers the signs by polarity (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.) All this reinforces the association of Aries with the first ray. 1. Libra governs the entry into Shamballa, hence must be associated with the first ray. “Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings” (EA 168) .Uranus, the esoteric ruler of Libra, transmits the first ray “esoterically”—i.e., monadically. “Uranus is the home of ‘fire electric’.” (TCF 1154) Saturn, the hierarchical ruler of Libra (also exalted in this sign) transmits the first ray powerfully. (EA 450) “This is why Saturn is so powerful a ruler and transmitter to the Earth of the dynamic quality of the first ray of power” ( EA 621) 2. Aries transmits the seventh ray constellationally. 2. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac on both the reversed and ordinary wheels and, hence, has numerical affinity with the seventh ray. Uranus, ruling Libra esoterically, transmits the seventh ray. Saturn, ruling hierarchically and exalted, has seventh ray associations, through its rulership of the dense systemic physical plane and cosmic physical plane—being the permanent atom of the latter. (TCF 406). 3. Counting from Pisces clockwise, Aries becomes the twelfth sign, and is thus numerically resonant with the number three and with the third ray. “Let form again be sought.” Aries plunges into the material world at the outset of every new cycle. 3. Libra transmits the third ray, constellationally. Uranus, the esoteric ruler, is closely associated with the third ray (EA 138, 200), and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. Saturn, exalted and ruling hierarchically, transmits the third ray monadically and probably, in addition, through its soul. 4. Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the sixth ray. 4. Venus, exoteric ruler of Libra, is closely associated with the sixth ray (TCF 595), and probably transmits this ray monadically. If one begins with Pisces as one counts signs upon the ordinary wheel (and this the Tibetan does at least once), Libra is the sixth sign, thus having resonance with the sixth ray. 5. Mars also transmits the first ray, because its “School” trains “those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer.” (TCF 1179). It is the first ray which is the Ray of the Destroyer. 5. See #1 above. 6. Mars manifests as the astral body of a great third ray Entity and, hence, is aligned with the transmission of the third ray. The physical body of Mars must be more the third than seventh ray. (EPII 99) 6. See #3 above. 7. Mars is closely associated with the fifth ray, because it governs the five senses and rules science. (EA 215) 7. Venus, the exoteric ruler of Libra, transmits the fifth ray. Uranus has strong fifth ray associations through its rulership of “exoteric science” (EA 149), and Saturn is easily seen as associated with the concrete mind (the generic ray of which is the fifth), and with the Law of Cleavages. “This fifth ray energy operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages.” (R&I 602).
8. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the fourth ray. 8. Libra, because of its oscillatory nature, may well have some subtle fourth ray associations—destined to emerge more in other world periods. Venus, too, seems to have the higher more harmonious part of the fourth ray associated with it. But there are no direct fourth ray connections linking these two constellations. 9. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, has a strong affinity with third ray, just as has the Moon. (cf. EA 280). Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, participates in the expression of a great third ray Entity 9. See #3 above. 10. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, possibly transmits the fifth ray monadically (as Lord of Manas). Further, Mercury rules the fifth race and is connected with the fifth scheme and the fifth round. 10. See #7 above. 11. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, transmits the seventh ray, probably as its soul ray. 11. See #2 above. 12. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, the first sign, transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 12. See #1 above. 13. . Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, is closely connected to the third ray which is probably transmits as the personality ray. (cf. EA 200, 238) 13. See #3 above. 14. Uranus stands for “exoteric science” which is on the fifth ray (EA 149) 14. See #7 above. 15. Uranus stands in a line of transmission along the second ray from Sirius and Pisces (EA 432). Further, Uranus participates, probably as the mental body, in the expression of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #16 below. 16. The Sun, exalted in Aries, is the veiling transmitter of the second ray, and, as a star, transmits the second ray in its own right. 16. Libra is also the second sign when numbering by polarities (Aries, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, etc., and, hence, has numerical resonance with the second ray, which it may more powerfully express in a future world period. Venus (exoteric ruler), called by the Tibetan, “pure love wisdom” can be considered as transmitting the second ray. (EA 281) 17. Vulcan often substitutes for the Sun, and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Vulcan is related to the “heart of the sun”, and hence, in some mysterious way, to the second ray. (EA 393) 17. See #16 immediately above. General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Aries In Comparison With
Libra 1. Shamballa—Impelling World Wars: “Perfection calls imperfection to the surface.” (EA 295) 1. Shamballa—the Center of Peace (cf. R&I 314) 2. Shamballa as Perpetual Resurrection 2. Shamballa as Perpetual Equilibrium 3. Sanat Kumara—the “Eternal Youth” 3. The Spirit of Peace 4. The Inception of Karma 4. The Balancing of Karma: the four Lords of Karma 5. The Self as Pure Spirit 5. The Self as Reflection in Matter 6. The Path of Spirit—Extreme 6. The Path of Soul—“Noble Middle Path” 7. The Unrelated Self 7. The Related Self 8. The Self-as-Self 8. The Self-as-Other; altruism 9. The Lonely Path: “I will brook no companion; I am the one alone.” (EA II 353) 9. The Divine Marriage; the Marriage between Soul and Personality; the “Marriage of Heaven and Earth” 10. Associated (through exaltation) with the rising Sun, and hence with the East and with the Self 10. Associated (through “fall”) with the setting Sun, and hence with the West and the not-Self. 11. The Man: the Force of the Masculine; Men and their concerns 11. The Woman: the Force of the Feminine; Women and their concerns 12. Or, the Exaltation of the Masculine Force: “macho” 12. The Balancing of the Masculine and Feminine Forces 13. Ancient Rome (FOP) 13. Ancient Greece (FOP) 14. The Warrior 14. The Peace-maker 15. The Sword 15. The Laws of the Land 16. “The first…” 16. “… among equals” 17. The Leader (whether President, Prime Minister, CEO, etc.)—Executive Government 17. The Legislature, Congress or Parliament—Consensual Government 18. The Dictator 18. The Diplomat 19. The Director 19. The Adviser 20. The Criminal, the Offender, the Defendant 20. The Judge and Jury 21. The Enemy of Society 21. Society 22. The Rugged Individualist 22. The Sociable Man 23. Rudeness 23. Politeness 24. Roughness 24. Polish 25. Following the Path—“no matter what” 25. Ensnared by social expectations 26. The ‘Unilateralist’ 26. The Consultant 27. The Self; thus, often self-absorbed and ignorant of the nature and needs of others. 27. The “Other”; thus, often aware of others—their natures and their needs 28. Individuality 28. Partnership 29. The Self as a “law unto itself” (Sun is exalted, Saturn falls) 29. The Self under law—whether divine, natural, or man-made. (Saturn is exalted, the Sun falls.) “He becomes his own legislator, ruling his conduct wisely, controlling his impulses intellectually and then Libra enables him to balance the material and the spiritual law.” (EA 240) 30. Aries—Creation: “Cosmically…the activity of Deity when spirit and matter are brought into a definite relationship and, under divine purpose, produce that fusion of living energies which will be adequately potent in time and space to bring that purpose to its desired consummation. This is Creation, or Aries in activity.” (EA 239) 30. Libra—Legislation: “the working out of the plan under spiritual and natural law which is evolutionary in expression; this is the goal of evolution and its expression and is steadily revealing the nature of God, for the laws under which this solar system of ours is governed are expressions of God's quality and character. This is Legislation, or Libra in activity. (EA 239-240) 31. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Creation in Aries upon the Cardinal Cross: “Then he becomes a cooperator in the great creative process and purpose. He begins to create his own body of expression upon the Cardinal Cross and the impulse of Aries begins to appear to him. As yet he understands it not.” (EA 240) 31. The Evolutionary Process in Relation to Legislation in Libra upon the Cardinal Cross: “He becomes his own legislator, ruling his conduct wisely, controlling his impulses intellectually and then Libra enables him to balance the material and the spiritual law.” (EA 240) 32. Mental control: .”.from the plane of mind, I rule.” 32. “Unbalanced fiery passion” (EA 333) Corrected later, becoming an emotionally balanced attitude. 33. Ordinary Wheel Aries: “Unstable, embryonic beginnings leading to …” (EA 337) 33. Ordinary Wheel Libra: “…the balancing of the lower psychic nature and its expression through form.” (EA 337) 34. Ordinary Wheel Aries: “Embryonic desire for expression…” (EA 337) 34. Ordinary Wheel Libra: “…consummates in the passion of satisfaction. Lower love controls.” (EA 337) 35. Reversed Wheel Aries: “…provides the mental impetus for soul control” (EA 338) 35. Reversed Wheel Libra: “The achieved equilibrium, at the point of rest…” (EA 338) 36. Reversed Wheel Aries: “Passion…” (EA 338) 36. Reversed Wheel Libra: “…is transmuted into love…” (EA 338) 37. Reversed Wheel Aries: “…and the initial desire of Aries…” (EA 338) 37. Reversed Wheel Libra: “…becomes the full expression of love-wisdom.” (EA 338) 38. Reversed Wheel Aries: “Desire to manifest becomes the aspiration to be.” (EA 338) 38. Reversed Wheel Libra: “Desire to manifest becomes the aspiration to be.” (EA 338) 39. Aries: entry “into the formless worlds”—on the Path of Initiation. (EA 467) 39. Libra: “achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible.” (EA 467) 40. Aries—for the Undeveloped Man: “Blind, undirected experience. Instinctual reaction.” (EA 332) 40. Libra—for the Undeveloped Man: “Unbalanced fiery passion. Human love.” (EA 333) 41. Aries—for the Advanced Man: “Directed personality effort. Desire.” (EA 332) 41. Libra—for the Advanced Man: “The weighing of the opposites. Devotion and aspiration.” (EA 333) 42. Aries—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Recognition and work with the Plan. Will.” (EA 332) 42. Libra—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Balance attained. Divine love. Understanding.” (EA 333) 43. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Aries: When the Sun is in Aries, an individual may cultivate 43. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Libra: When the Sun is in Libra, an individual may cultivate proportional action and response, and both balance and equilibrium within his own energy system, as well as between his energy system and the environment in which it expresses. 44. The Life of the Christ from an Aretian Perspective: “Aries.—This sign, which is the sign of beginnings, provided the impulse and energy which enabled Him to inaugurate the Christian era; it initiated, through Him, the ‘age of Love’ which is only now beginning to take form, and its potency is now so great that it has brought about (paradoxically) the present world cleavage.” (EA 567) 44. The Life of the Christ from a Libran Perspective: “Christ stood at the point of balance in human evolution; He stood between the old world and the new, between the East and the West. In the Christian era comes a ‘point of balance’ or that ‘crisis of equilibrium’ in the human kingdom. (EA 567) 45. Associated with Absoluteness 45. Associated with Relativity 46. Initiating the relationship between Spirit and matter 46. Equilibrizing the relationship between Spirit and matter (and between soul and personality) 47. A major sign of synthesis 47. A major sign of relationship, hence of duality 48. The principle of Free Will 48. The factor of Karma 49. The number one 49. The number two 50. The laws of the Self (at all levels) 50. The laws of society (at all levels) 51. Proclamation; declaration 51. Meditation; negotiation 52. Verticality 52. Horizontality 53. Radiation (the exalted Sun shines) 53. Magnetism (drawing two together) 54. Over-estimation; exaggeration 54. Proportional-estimation 55. Impulse 55. Regulation 56. Inception 56. Pause 57. Dynamism 57. The Still Point 58. “He who hesitates is lost” 58. “Look before you leap” 59. Aries: the Vernal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere); the Autumnal Equinox (in the Southern Hemisphere) 59. Libra: the Autumn Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere); the Vernal Equinox (in the Southern Hemisphere) 60. Ultimate Subjectivity 60. Ultimate Objectivity 61. The resurrection of Spirit from matter 61. The balanced expression of Spirit in matter 62. Beginning a new cycle or direction 62. The “reversal of the wheel” 63. That which initiates imbalance 63. That which restores balance 64. Infringement, trespass 64. Compensation, restitution 65. “Don’t get mad…” 65. “…get even” 66. War 66. Peace 67. Martial Law 67. Trial by Jury 68. Friction 68. Harmony 69. Adversarial relationships 69. Cooperative relationship 70. Radiation; out-going 70. Magnetism; in-gathering 71. The Harem (the one-in-many) 71. The Marriage (the two-as-one) 72. Individualism (often rugged) 72. Partnership 73. The isolated self 73. The partnership, the group 74. Unilateral action 74. Cooperation 75. Bluntness 75. Tact 76. Frankness 76. Intrigue (MC) 77. Refusal to compromise 77. Wise compromise 78. Standing on principle 78. Unprincipled compromise—appeasement 79. Inaugurating the new 79. Maintaining the status-quo 80. The force of disturbance 80. Tranquilization 81. The ultimate synthesis of the opposites into Oneness 81. All processes of interplay between the opposites which lead to that synthesis 82. Self-confidence through identification with Spirit 82. Loss of Self in the not-Self, in the “other” Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Influences of Aries and LibraAries and Libra as opposites are essentially one sign and govern the pathway to Shamballa. Aries rules the crown and Libra the base of the spine. When the relationship between Aries and Libra is clear the path of resurrection has been established and the Kundalini can flow from the base of the spine to the crown, this regardless of the system to which it applies, regardless of whether large or small.
Aries and Libra are both signs relating to the Law: Aries governs the Law of self-hood, for ultimately the Oneself is a law unto Itself. Libra governs the law which originates as a result of the social contract, it is based upon duality and multiplicity, all parts receiving their just desserts.
Aries and Libra are archetypally related to the access of Self-hood, the access of identity and govern the relationship between self and others.
Aries and Libra are both found upon the Cardinal Cross and these signs govern initiative: Aries governs individualistic self-related initiative and Libra governs social initiatives.
Aries and Libra are governed by hard-line rays; the 1st and the 7th in the case of Aries and the 3rd in the case of Libra, though the 7th ray can also be associated with this 7th sign.
They are similarly related through the planet Uranus which is the esoteric ruler of Libra and the Hierarchical ruler of Aries. Uranus always guarantees the optimum expression of the individuality.
In Libra this individuality is maximally expressed within the social contract. In relation to Aries the individuality is expressed free from all dualistic constraints. In all structures where right human relations prevail, the self must be fully and completely expressed and yet others must be respected so that their selves as well can be fully and completely expressed as well. Aries and Libra govern the dynamics of this equilibrized relationship between self and others.
Both signs are peculiarly associated with rights: Aries the rights of the individual considered as a free agent, Libra the rights of the individual within society.
Both have an intimate relationship to the Great Bear as the purveyor of primary first ray energy. In this regard to the triangle Great Bear, Aries & Libra distributed via Uranus or Vulcan is most significant.
It will be noted that those born in opposing signs show many of the same physical characteristics. This is true of those born in Aries and Libra and a similarity can be seen in the shape of the head and a peculiar shape of the eyelids.
When the twelve signs of the zodiac resolve into six at the end of the cycle of local Cosmic evolution Aries and Libra will be considered one sign.
A further similarity shows the natives of both Aries and Libra initiating passionate human relations.
For Aries initiates the battle of the sexes or the relationship between Spirit and Matter and Libra in the early days governs uncontrolled human love and passion.
Both signs are associated with the concept of the path:
Aries rules especially the burning ground and Libra the noble middle path or the razor-edged path.
Missing or Weak Links Between Aries and Libra
(to be completed)