Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressRelations Between
Aries & LeoImportant Foundational Relationships
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary EnergiesGeneral Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic DescriptorsSimilarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences
Important Foundational Relationships .
Important Foundational Relationships
Aries In Comparison With Leo 1. Esoteric Mantram: I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule. 1. I am That and That am I. 2. Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let form again be sought. 2. And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule because I am.. 3. Quality of Light: The Light of Life Itself 3. The Light of the Soul 4. Element: Fire Sign 4. Fire Sign 5. Cardinal Cross 5. Fixed Cross 6. Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally 6. Transmits R1 and R5 7. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Aries transmits R6, R4 and R7 through Mars, Mercury and Uranus—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 7. Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Leo transmits R2, R6 and R7 through the ‘Sun’ and the veiled Neptune and Uranus—its unveiled and veiled ruling planets on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. 8. Color: carmine, scarlet red 8. Color: orange 9. Creative Hierarchy number II (unmanifested), characterized by the “Unity thro’ Effort” 9. Creative Hierarchy number I (manifested), and VI of the twelve. Divine Flames, Divine Lives 10. Associated with the inaugural first, the blinding, surmounting third, the revelatory fifth and the resurrecting seventh initiations, but especially with the third (EA 388-389) and seventh (EA 304) initiations—transfiguration and resurrection. The exalted Sun in Aries can be understood as relating to each of these initiations. 10. Associated with the Self-orienting first, the ‘solar-hearted’ second, (EA 298), the soul-dominant third and blazingly revelatory fifth initiations, and perhaps the consummately glorious seventh—all powerfully Sun-like. Especially the first and fifth are involved with Leo—the first giving entrance to the Fifth Kingdom and the fifth, by numerical affinity, can be seen as stimulated by the fifth sign. 11. Correlated to the synthesizing crown center and the ajna center—considered as the center of personality direction. Also influencing the impulsive solar plexus and the propagative center of sexuality—the sacral center, in relation to which, the opposites are brought together. The fertility of the Ram suggests the sacral association. Some connection with the based of the spine center is also possible, as Mars and Mercury (Aries’ first two rulers) rule kundalini “latent” and “in intelligent activity” respectively. Its hierarchical ruler, Uranus, transmits the seventh ray and is, thus, numerically related to this seventh (lowest) center.
11. Leo can be reasonably associated with the radiating , group-magnetizing heart center (and with the entire head center as well—the crown, the dome which is the organ of the ‘dominating’ soul or Spirit). “Leo within the heart and head shouted aloud and stood whilst Saturn did his work ... and thus the twain were one.” (EA431) Leo can influence the solar plexus as one center of focus for the dominant personality (emotionally dominant) which Leo rules. The ajna center is the organ of the integrated (and dominating) personality which is also, generically, ruled by Leo. May not Leo also be associated with the heart center within the head? (Leo is ruled by the Sun; Vulcan may substitute for the Sun; Vulcan rules the “heart of the Sun”; the heart of the Sun works through the heart center within the head.)
12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Aries impels the Monad forth upon its aeonial pilgrimage. The sense of pure selfhood which characterizes monadic awareness is enhanced by Aries. Further, Aries endows the Monad with its inherent omnipotence relative to the human energy system. 12. The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Leo preserves within the Monad the will of the King of Shamballa (Who reflects the wills of the planetary and solar Logoi.) Leo makes of the Monad the true center of selfhood, and yet a “relinquished point” (EA 332) in a planetary sphere, the center of which is everywhere—within the planetary ring-pass-not. 13. Within the Triad—associated principally with atma, the spiritual will as it reflects divine will and law. Aries is also associated with the birth of ideas in buddhi (or at least their reception from the buddhic realm) and also with their abstract formulation within the sphere of higher manas. 13. Within the Triad—Leo can be related principally to atma, the spiritual will, as it reflects the will of the “Central Spiritual Sun”—the monadic aspect, whether of man, the planetary Logos or the solar Logos. Since Leo, the second fire sign, is associated with the second ray and with consciousness, it can be related to the revelations of divine love and illumined wisdom emanating from buddhi. The ruler of Leo is the Sun, transmitting the second ray—the ray expressed through buddhi. The fifth ray transmitted through Leo relates it to higher manas. 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Aries governs the persistent will-to-incarnate “Let form again be sought”, and the first impulses (emanating from the plane of mind) towards descent onto the physical plane. “Aries—is connected with soul intention, the vibratory activity of which (under impulse from the Monad) initiates the successive involutionary periods which produce appearance upon the physical plane.) (EA 302) 14. In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Leo is a pervasive and fundamental solar influence. The causal body is a “sun-flower”; soul-consciousness is to the personality as a luminous sun; and the Solar Angel emanates (with respect to our system) from the “heart of the sun”. In a broad sense, Leo can be seen as governing the radiant light, magnetic love, luminous consciousness, and authoritative power of the Solar Angel which it wills, assertively, to express through the personality. 15. Within the Personality—Aries can be identified with the ruling and assertive qualities of the mental nature; with the impulses and passions of the astral nature; with the forceful but irregular vigor of the etheric nature; and, generally, with the muscular strength of the dense physical nature. Aries is especially related to the lower mental vehicle. (EA 92) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 15. Within the Personality—Leo can be identified with dominating and imposing attitudes within the lower mental nature; with the dramatic and expressive qualities of the astral nature—Leo is correlated with the astral permanent atom (EA 302); with the prana and natural radiance of the etheric vehicle; and, in general, with the strength of the dense physical vehicle. Leo is related to the integrated personality as a whole. (EA 253, 486, 620) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.) 16. Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Conception 16. Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Concentration. “Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.” (EA 228) 17. The Crisis of Orientation characterized by the quality of Reversal. (EA 472) 17. The Crisis of the Burning Ground characterized by the process/quality of Liberation (EA 472)
Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic
Aries In Comparison With Leo 1. Expressive, principally, of the first or will aspect of divinity. “Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect.” (EA 194)Some third aspect may enter in relation to activity and , depending upon whether the seventh ray is interpreted in terms of the first or third rays. 1. Expressive primarily of the second and first aspects of divinity. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Leo is also the second fire sign. Its transmission of the first ray connects Leo to the first aspect, and the transmission of the fifth ray, to the first as well as the third. 2. As the first fire sign, Aries is identified with Spirit. (EA 293)
2. As the second fire sign, Leo is identified with Soul. (EA 293) 3. Cosmically, associated primarily with the Great Bear: “Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear, but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers;….” (EA 195) “The Great Bear—Aries—Pluto—Shamballa.” (EA 416) “Aries—Libra—The Sun (which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation.” (EA 466) “Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name ‘Pointer’ in common parlance. This Pointer is a ‘major star of direction’ because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis.” (EA 482) 3. Strongly associated with Sirius.” Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple.” (EA 299) “The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called ‘the heart of the Lion’.” (EA 300) “Third Triangle: Sirius—Leo—Jupiter—Hierarchy.” (EA 417) “…Sirius governs Leo.” (EA 299) (also 447 re Sirius, Leo, Uranus and first initiation)
Also cosmically related to the Great Bear. Leo “is also peculiarly susceptible to the influence of that Pointer in the Great Bear which is the nearest to the Pole Star.” (EA196) Leo transmits energy from the Great Bear to Saturn and, thence, Shamballa. (cf. EA 427-428, 435)4. “ Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect.” (EA 194) 4. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) 5. Aries is related “to one of the two stars, found in the constellation, the Great Bear, which are called the two Pointers.” (EA 194) 5. Leo is related “to Polaris, the Pole Star, found in the Little Bear.” (EA 194) 6. Aries is connected with the Pointer furthest from the Pole Star. “The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God's purpose. (EA 195-196) 6. Leo is connected with the Pointer closest to the Pole Star. “The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which—in speaking of humanity—we call self-will.” (EA 196) 7. Aries is connected to the Great Bear 7. Leo is also connected to the Great Bear via the triangle: Great Bear—Leo—Saturn 8. Three Constellations Connected with Aries: a) Cassiopeia—the Enthroned Queen; b) Cetus—the Sea Monster; c) Perseus—the One Who Subdues (cf. LOH 35-36) 8. Three Constellations Connected with Leo: a) Hydra—the Serpent; b) Crater—the Cup; c) Corvus—the Raven (LOH 105-108) Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment
Aries In Comparison With Leo 1. Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, transmits ray six 1. Neptune, the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo, transmits ray six 2. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries. 2. Uranus is in detriment in Leo (from the exoteric perspective). 3. Uranus is hierarchical ruler of Aries 3. Uranus is veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo 4. Sun is exalted in Aries 4. Sun is exoteric, and veiling esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo
Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies
Aries In Comparison With Leo 1. Aries transmits the first ray constellationally. Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac on both the reversed and clockwise wheels, and on the wheel which numbers the signs by polarity (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.) All this reinforces the association of Aries with the first ray. 1. Leo transmits ray one constellationally. Uranus, the Sun-veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 2. Aries transmits the seventh ray constellationally. 2. Uranus is the veiled hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the seventh ray. Just as in the sign Cancer, Jupiter is very important as a possible exoteric planetary ruler of Leo. (cf. EA 297) Jupiter transmits the seventh ray. 3. Counting from Pisces clockwise, Aries becomes the twelfth sign, and is thus numerically resonant with the number three and with the third ray. “Let form again be sought.” Aries plunges into the material world at the outset of every new cycle. 3. Neptune, veiled esoteric ruler of Leo, is the “God of the Waters”, and is associated with the third ray, because “water” is “matter.” (EA 275) Uranus is closely associated with the third ray, and may well transmit this ray as its personality ray. “Two of our planets, the Earth (non-sacred) and Uranus (sacred), are directly the product of this third ray activity.” (EA 200). Jupiter answers to Jupiter . Jupiter transmits the threefold energies of the Sun, exoterically. (cf. EA 297) In this case, Jupiter is related to the third aspect of the Sun’s energy. These are oblique references. In general , Leo, is not much related to the third ray. 4. Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the sixth ray. 4. Neptune is the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo and transmits the sixth ray. 5. Mars also transmits the first ray, because its “School” trains “those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer.” (TCF 1179). It is the first ray which is the Ray of the Destroyer. 5. See #1 above. 6. Mars manifests as the astral body of a great third ray Entity and, hence, is aligned with the transmission of the third ray. The physical body of Mars must be more the third than seventh ray. (EPII 99) 6. See #3 above. 7. Mars is closely associated with the fifth ray, because it governs the five senses and rules science. (EA 215) 7. Leo transmits the fifth ray constellationally. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the number five and with the fifth ray. 8. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, transmits the fourth ray. 8. There are no strong representations of the fourth ray in Leo. Only Neptune, the Sun-veiled esoteric ruler, is related to the fourth ray, because it is a ruler of the fourth plane, the buddhic plane. (cf. EA 666) The heart center, ruled by Leo, is however the fourth chakra, and our Sun and its solar system (‘ruling’ Leo) is a system of the fourth order. Also, as the eighth sign on the clockwise wheel, Leo has affinity with the eight of Mercury—the “Messenger at the eighth gate.” Mercury channels the fourth ray. Further, Leo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, hence is related to Mercury (EA 298). 9. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, has a strong affinity with third ray, just as has the Moon. (cf. EA 280). Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries, participates in the expression of a great third ray Entity 9. See #3 above. 10. Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries, possibly transmits the fifth ray monadically (as Lord of Manas). Further, Mercury rules the fifth race and is connected with the fifth scheme and the fifth round. 10. See #7 above. 11. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, transmits the seventh ray, probably as its soul ray. 11. See #2 above. 12. Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, the first sign, transmits the first ray monadically. (EPI 421) 12. See #1 above. 13. . Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Aries, is closely connected to the third ray which is probably transmits as the personality ray. (cf. EA 200, 238) 13. See #3 above. 14. Uranus stands for “exoteric science” which is on the fifth ray (EA 149) 14. See #7 above. 15. Uranus stands in a line of transmission along the second ray from Sirius and Pisces (EA 432). Further, Uranus participates, probably as the mental body, in the expression of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 15. See #16 below. 16. The Sun, exalted in Aries, is the veiling transmitter of the second ray, and, as a star, transmits the second ray in its own right 16. The Sun (veiling an unknown planet) is esoteric, exoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo, and transmits the second ray through its soul and personality. “It is the ray which governs the ‘personality’ of our solar Logos, if such an expression may be used, and (because it is dual) it indicates both His personality and soul rays,...” (EPI 334) “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194) Neptune, the veiled esoteric ruler of Leo, also—though not as powerfully as the sixth—transmits the second ray monadically (EPI 421). Counting from Pisces., Leo is the eighth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the Christ (Who is the Exemplar, for humanity, of the second ray). Jupiter, which may be veiled even exoterically by the Sun in Leo, also transmits the second ray. (cf. 297) Uranus, the veiled hierarchical ruler, is part of a second ray transmission from Sirius, via Pisces, and, also, is most probably the mental body within the manifestation of a great second ray Entity. (EPII 99) 17. Vulcan often substitutes for the Sun, and the Sun is exalted in Aries. Vulcan is related to the “heart of the sun”, and hence, in some mysterious way, to the second ray. (EA 393) 17. “Leo is the focal point for the expression of the second aspect, the love-wisdom or consciousness aspect. This, primarily where humanity is concerned.” (EA 194)
General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors
Aries In Comparison With Leo 1. The Absolute Self 1. The Cosmic Ego (and all lesser egos) 2. Identification as the One 2. Identification as the Self 3. I 3. “I am”; “I am That”; “I am That I am” 4. “Cosmic Fire” (EA 293)
4. “Solar Fire” (EA 293) 5. The Monad 5. The Soul 6. The Life of the Spirit 6. The “Light of the Soul” (EA 293) 7. God the Father 7. God the Son 8. Shamballa: “…Aries releases man into another centre to which we give the name Shamballa.” (EA 98) 8. Humanity: “…Leo, the most human sign of all,…” (EA 161) 9. Sanat Kumara as the “Eternal Youth” 9. Sanat Kumara as the “King of Shamballa” 10. “God” 10. The “God-man” (EA 230) 11. Universality (EA 288) 11. Self-consciousness (EA 288) 12. The Will-to-Be 12. The Will-to-Selfhood (an aspect of the Will-to-Be) 13. The Will-to-Be 13. The Will-to-Ruler; the Will-to-Illumine 14. The “Initiator” (EA 621) 14. The “Self” (EA 621) 15. The Inaugurator 15. The Exemplar 16. The Sword 16. The Scepter 17. The Rod of Initiation 17. The Crown 18. The Commander or General 18. The King or Queen 19. The Soldier 19. The Monarch (for whom the soldier fights) 20. The Rebel 20. The Ruler 21. The Novice or Beginner 21. The Master or Guru 22. The Head 22. The Heart 23. Birth in Aries: “Aries, the ‘birthplace of divine Ideas,’ whether these ideas are souls brought into incarnation and controlled by Mars until they reach the point of reorientation and become sensitive to the influence of Mercury, or whether they are the birth of the ideas of God in the form of the hierarchical plans to which the initiate becomes sensitive.” (EA 102) 23. Birth in Leo: “Leo, the ‘birthplace of the individual,’ the coming into form of individual self-conscious man who emerges out of the mass and herd in Cancer, substituting, for instinctual consciousness, self-awareness and a sense of responsibility of an individual kind.” (EA 102) 23. 24. “Aries, the incentive towards new beginnings” (EA 621) 24. “Leo, the giver of self-consciousness” (EA 621) 25. Aries—within the First Ray Triangle Aries-Leo-Capricorn as related to the Great Life Who employs it: “Aries, the Initiator.” (EA 621) 25. Leo—within the First Ray Triangle Aries-Leo-Capricorn as related to the Great Life Who employs it: “Leo, the Self” (EA 621) 26. Aries—within the First Ray Triangle, Aries-Leo-Capricorn, from the angle of human relations: “Aries, the incentive towards a new beginning.” (EA 621) 26. Leo—within the First Ray Triangle, Aries-Leo-Capricorn, from the angle of human relations: “Leo, the giver of self-consciousness .” (EA 621) 27. Aries, in the Aries-Leo-Virgo Triangle: “The potency of Aries, as it initiates those happenings which will set in motion the causes that will produce the New Age, can be seen today in the trend of all the new movements, in the formulation of the various world orders, in the discoveries of science and in the emergence of the new types in the different kingdoms in nature. This activity has only been felt since 1835;…” (EA 486) 27. Leo, in the Aries-Leo-Virgo Triangle: “the potency of Leo can be traced since then in the vast number of people who are achieving the integration of the personality and becoming self-conscious, as well as in the emergence of thousands of self-conscious world aspirants who are subordinating gradually their integrated personalities to the good of the group.” (EA 486) 28. Aries—for the Undeveloped Man: “Blind, undirected experience. Instinctual reaction.” (EA 332) 28. Leo—for the Undeveloped Man: “The lower self. The hidden point.” (EA 332) 29. Aries—for the Advanced Man: “Directed personality effort. Desire.” (EA 332) 29. Leo—for the Advanced Man: “The Higher Self. The revealing point.” (EA 332) 30. Aries—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Recognition and work with the Plan. Will.” (EA 332) 30. Leo—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The One Self. The relinquished point.” (EA 332) 31. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Aries: When the Sun is in Aries, an individual may cultivate 31. Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Leo: When the Sun is in Leo the disciple may seek to integrate his personality more fully, strengthen the individual note he sounds, and achieve spiritual positivity with respect to the lunar nature. 32. The Life of the Christ from an Aretian Perspective: “Aries.—This sign, which is the sign of beginnings, provided the impulse and energy which enabled Him to inaugurate the Christian era; it initiated, through Him, the ‘age of Love’ which is only now beginning to take form, and its potency is now so great that it has brought about (paradoxically) the present world cleavage.” (EA 567) 32. The life of the Christ from the Leonian perspective: “This is the sign of self-conscious identity. This is testified to by Christ in the words He spoke to His disciples: ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ or his own centre of self-consciousness—that significant point of attainment which must precede all the more inclusive states of consciousness.” (EA566) 33. Forward movement 33. Fixed centralization 34. Energetic “by fits and starts” 34. Lazy at times: The “lion must emerge from its lair” (EA 310) 35. A revolutionary, rebellious attitude 35. An authoritative, power-preserving attitude 36. The drive to discover the s/Self; the s/Self asserted 36. The sensitivity to establish in consciousness the true nature of the s/Self; the s/Self understood 37. The attempt to control others and the environment 37. The realization that one must first learn to control oneself. (LMC, FC) 38. Indefinite discrimination between self and others 38. Keen discrimination between self and others—the fifth ray is utilized 39. Insensitivity to the true structure of one’s own self, and to the selfhood of others 39. “Sensitivity” to Self 40. Naturally combative and aggressive 40. Naturally authoritative and dominating 41. Restlessness 41. Stateliness 42. Regardless of appearances 42. Nobility of bearing; concern for appearances 43. Heedless of the opinion of others 43. Seeking the admiration of others 44. Uncertainty, concealed by bravado 44. Greater self-assurance
Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between Aries and LeoThe Buddha of Activity, responsible for this type of planetary activity, works with the Lord of the first ray and functions as an outpost of the consciousness of the informing life of Aries and of Leo. His work is only now beginning to assume importance. (R&I 269)
Both Aries and Leo are fire signs with many similarities.
Both are profoundly associated with the principle of Will though Leo has equal association with the principle of Love.
These two signs are more associated with the primacy of the absolute self than any others.
They have an intimate association with the concept of Spirit or with the seed of Spirit. It is for this reason that the sun, as a symbol of the Self, is the ruler of Leo and is found exalted in the sign Aries.
Not only are both signs associated with the Spirit/Self but are both equally associated with the causal body. The so-called "middle principle" which is known as the Solar Self. This Solar Self seeks dominion over the lunar self, again the sun-like power of both Aries and Leo are accentuated.
Both signs are associated with splendor, magnificence and the irradiation of matter.
Still more essentially, they are associated with the blotting out of all form in the effulgence of the Spirit.
The concept of the "I" achieves its ascendancy in connection with Aries and Leo. In the early days the ahamkaric principle is asserted without regard to right human relations but in the later days of evolution, the essential spiritual Self, or "I", triumphs over all limitations.
Consequently these two signs are more associated with the state of Identification than any others. It is their unusual gift to eliminate or obliterate the duality of the subject/object relationship and resolve this relationship into the identity of synthesis.
Both signs are profoundly associated with the Life aspect and let it be remembered that the blood is the Life. Aries is of course associated with the arterial blood as carrier of the life force and Leo with the heart that rhythmically pumps the blood throughout the circulatory system.
These two signs are consequently associated with every manner of kingship and lordship, each Hierarch whether it be the head of earth/spiritual hierarchy or of Shamballa or of the planet or of the Sun, draws its ruling power from these two signs.
Although in daily life, Leo will often be the ruler and Aries the soldier, they unite in granting authority through the primacy of self. It is interesting to note that both signs frequently suffer from weak eyesight, perhaps this is because such an intense focussing upon self makes for lack of objectivity, lack of clear vision. Perhaps from another point of view the focus on oneself renders weak that dualistic perception represented by the two eyes. In any case I think it will be found that the eye of Shiva, the eye of Synthesis, is strengthened in advanced Aretian and Leonian types.
Hard-line rays alone pour through these two constellations and they share in common the first ray of Will and Power.
As might be expected, crown centre activity is accentuated in both types, though perhaps the heart within the head is more accentuated in the Leonian type, for Leo as we know is more associated with heart centre than is Aries.
Both of these signs in addition have an unusually close connected to the Big Dipper. Leo, we are told in Esoteric Astrology, rules the star Dubhe which is the pointer closest to Polaris.
Aries rules Merak, the pointer farthest from Polaris. The three stars Merak, Dubhe and Polaris represent a powerful alignment of the Will energy as it applies to the three periodical vehicles of man. Polaris is particularly associated with the monad; Leo in this case with the personality, and Merak governed by Aries with the Soul. These rulerships can be arranged in various ways in various contexts. Suffice it to say that the two stars which point to Polaris, the symbol of the monadic self, are governed by Aries and Leo.
No doubt they govern other stars within the Great Bear according to numerical resonance. Perhaps there is an association between Benetnash/Alkaid and Aries/Leo.
From another point of view the Great Bear as a whole, the seven principal stars, can be associated with Aries and Leo. For the Great Bear is the Cosmic Manu, the great ruler of our local heavens. Certainly the Bear is contiguous with Leo in the sky. The constellation Leo can always be found by following the bottom two stars of the Dipper's cup downwards. A specific alignment between the Great Bear, Leo and Saturn is mentioned in Esoteric Astrology as are alignments between the Great Bear, Aries and Libra. In both cases the entities ensouling the constellation Aries and Leo are shown to be closely resonant to that Great Being who ensouls the Great Bear.
I believe it will also be shown in time that Aries and Leo are associated with the controlling head centres, the 7 major or perhaps, 10 major head centres to be found as the centres governing the other major centres of the body.
Again it must be remembered that although Aries rules the head in general, Leo rules the dome of the head and the crown of the head as well. (See - eventually link this to physiognomy, Volume V.)
The crown can be seen as the thousand petalled lotus which is the centre of synthesis; a Divine quality intimately associated with both of these signs.
Aries and Leo are united through their hierarchical rulership by Uranus the Lord of Electric Fire and the Ruler of the Burning Ground. Whereas it is said that the Sun rules all three levels of Leo, it is the Sun veiling Uranus which is the true hierarchical ruler of Leo and Uranus is given directly as the hierarchical ruler of Aries.
Perhaps in this rulership we see the absolute freedom from outer constraints demanded by both the advanced Aries and Leo individual. Indeed these are two signs of the absolute freedom and absolute supremacy of the essential Self.
Uranus we know to be essentially the planet of the 1st ray, i.e. Uranus can be justifiably assigned the 1st ray at the monadic level, therefore it can easily be seen that the lesser entity Uranus is closely resonant to those greater constellational entities informing Aries and Leo. That Uranus is always associated with unimpeachable individuality is a further confirmation of the essential nature of its two guiding mentors Aries and Leo.
Missing or Weak Links Between Aries and Leo
There are no missing ray relationships between these two signs. They are connected, one way or another, through the energy of all seven rays.