Full Moon Formulas

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FM Disk

            I am going to take the time and spare the needed energy to get in touch with the group during the coming full moons ...  I ask you, at no matter what hour the full moon each month may fall, to endeavour to keep half an hour free so that you can attempt to enter into my consciousness.  ... This, my brother, is to be a group effort, and not an individual one, and it is as a group that I shall seek to contact you.  Therefore it is necessary for you to have this in your mind as you prepare for that moment.  You must link up first with all the group members, pouring yourself out in love to each of them, and to all collectively, and associating yourself with them as a part with the whole.  Then in united effort attempt the following procedure:
1.         Having linked up with all your group brothers, and having raised your consciousness as high as you possibly can, endeavour then to hold steady, holding the mind unwaveringly “in the light,” and letting the brain consciousness and its registration drop below the level of consciousness.
2.         Then initiate a new effort.  Realise that, on my side, I also stand steady, pouring out upon you my love and strength and endeavouring to life you up into a higher state of consciousness.
3.         Visualise ahead of you ... a disk or sphere of indigo blue, a deep electric blue.  In the centre of that disk imagine that I, your Tibetan brother, am standing.  My appearance and personality matter not.
4.         When you have visualised me thus standing waiting, then endeavour to see – stretching between yourself, the group and me – a band of golden light and know this to be the symbol of the Path which we are all tread­ing.  See this path gradually shortening, thus bringing us closer together, slowly and steadily, until you enter into the heart of the blue disk.
            Whilst doing this, hold the mind positive and attentive, using simultane­ously the faculties of imagination and of visualisation.  This triple activity will test and tax your powers but will be good training in active esoteric work.  Regard this always as a united group effort and remember that in doing it you aid each other ...