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Vol. III: Astro-Rayology
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Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins

in progress

Interpretations of Famous People by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis
With Explanations of All Astrological and Rayological Elements

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hosted on MAKARA

Venus in Pisces

Venus in Pisces or Venus in Relation to Pisces

(from Esoteric Astrology)

Venus is Exalted in Pisces:

“Esoterically, the reason that Venus is exalted in Pisces is connected with the relation of Pisces to the sign Gemini, of which Venus is the esoteric ruler, and also in relation to the fact that Venus is the Earth's alter ego and is closely related to the human kingdom. This subject is too vast and complicated to be elaborated here, but the point should be remembered. The Fishes in Pisces are bound together, as we have seen, and this is a symbol of the captivity of the soul in form, prior to the experience upon the Fixed Cross. The Twins in Gemini are symbols of the same basic duality, but the experience of the many changing incarnations has done its work, and the Band (uniting the two fishes) is in process of dissolution, for part of the work of Pluto is to ‘cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together’. It is the task of Venus to ‘reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread’. Therefore, Venus is exalted in Pisces and at the end of the greater cycle, the Sons of God who are the Sons of Mind are raised up into glory through experience and crucifixion because they have learned to love and truly reason.” (EA 129-130)

Specific Expressions of Venus in Pisces

Venus in Pisces for the Average or Undeveloped Man

1. Venus in Pisces—Attraction to Emotion
Pisces, like all water signs, brings out emotional responsiveness. Venus, upon the Mutable Cross, involves ‘love’, affection and sex, and therefore, an emotional focus. In combination, these two represent an attraction for the watery, falsely reflecting, unrealistic world of sentient life.

2. Venus in Pisces—Relying upon the Magnetism of Love to Attract what One Desires and Wants:
Venus is magnetic and Pisces a very material influence upon the earlier Mutable Cross—“Go forth into matter”. Pisces, too, (transmitting rays two and six, and taking from all the signs (cf. EA 333) is magnetic rather than assertive or offensive. Venus, in early days, likes the “good things of life”. Together they may use the energy of lower ‘love’ to attract whatever may be desired.

3. Venus in Pisces—Indiscriminate, Unrealistic Love:
Pisces is a sign partially ruled by unrealistic Neptune (unrealistic, at least, upon the earlier Mutable Cross. The possibility of fantasy is strong. In combination with Venus, the fantasies may concern ‘love’ and affection. The Venus/Neptune influence is idealistic. There may be a longing for the love or lover (Venus) of my dreams (Pisces/Neptune). There is a question whether any real person can ever live up to these beautiful dreams.

4. Venus in Pisces—“Beautiful Dreamer”; Escape from the ‘Real’ World:
Following on from the immediately preceding thoughts, there is a tendency to dream (Pisces) of beauty (Venus) and to have beautiful dreams in which ones wishes are happily fulfilled. There is a sense in which the real world is too harsh to such a sensitive person, and an escape into beauty or fantasy is indulged.

5. Venus in Pisces—Sentimental in ‘Love’:
Sentiment is a mixture of thought and feeling, with feeling definitely leading thought. Pisces, a fluid and dissolving sign, blurs the distinctions between mind and emotion, making it difficult for one to function without the other. Later in the evolutionary period, Venus will represent the light filled, intelligent mind, but at this point it simply represents attraction and affinity which weaken thought and compel it to find ways to gratify or justify emotional attachments.

6. Venus in Pisces—Subtly Seductive in Love:
Venus in Scorpio has a powerfully seductive nature, especially upon the Mutable Cross, before the mental potentials of Venus emerge. Venus in Pisces is, however, just as magnetic, and just as seductive, but in a subtler way. ‘Heavy’ magnetism is not needed; attraction works through a more refined beauty just as effectively (and just as irresistibly). Venus is Pisces is the very opposite of assertive, but it is, nonetheless, a powerful stimulant to a desire nature which has learned to achieve its fulfillment indirectly.

7. Venus in Pisces—the Savior-Complex in Relationships:
Pisces is traditionally the “savior” and Venus represents the energy of love. Together, those with this combination may develop the savior complex in relationships; this can be somewhat expressed through the following idea—“ if my loving you can save you then I will love you”. The self-sacrificial attitude of Pisces (evident even relatively early in the evolutionary period) may make it possible to love all kinds of “odd types”, “left-overs” and “rejects”. There may be nothing in it for the Venus-in-Pisces lover, but as long as there is something in it for them, that is what counts. Low self esteem, and the belief that it is not quite right to assert one’s own desires and preferences, may contribute to this complex.

8. Venus in Pisces—Masochism; Love isn’t Real Unless you are Suffering:
Pisces is a sign in which pain is acutely felt. Pisces, habitually, puts others first—either for good motives or bad. Perhaps it gives away too much; more than it should; more than it really wants to. Perhaps this is the result of seeking for love—“if I am sufficiently miserable, surely someone will love me”. With Venus in Pisces there may develop a masochistic approach to love—an approach which almost guarantees that one will suffer. Pisces often carries a deep sense of unworthiness, and masochism rewards this unworthiness with pain. One may easily develop the attitude that “love (Venus) isn’t real unless I am suffering (Pisces)”. In all fairness, however, Venus is powerful in this sign, and can give deep fulfillment and happiness in the love relationship.

9. Venus in Pisces—Loss of Love, often Forced Upon One:
Pisces, like Scorpio, is often forced into positions in which relinquishment and detachment are necessary. Both of these signs are ruled in part by Pluto, Lord of Death, the Lord who severs the human being from all he may desire. Venus in Pisces (stressfully aspected) may force the relinquishment of love. “Lost love” is a major theme with this combination, and from the pain of such loss there may arise a variety of reactions—self-pity, or more positively, an artistic/poetic or compassionate response.

10. Venus in Pisces—Vulnerable in Love; Weak and Without Resistance:
If Venus in Scorpio is, characteristically, the one who seduces, then Venus in Pisces is the one seduced. Venus in Capricorn has rules and regulations which it observes, but with Venus in Pisces these boundaries are softened or dissolved completely. Pisces has a reputation (in earlier days) for weakness; Venus, too, is not known for taking a resolute stand. Together, they may indicate vulnerability, or the tendency, when offered temptation or put under strong pressure, simply to succumb. Such people are known as a “soft touch for love”.

11. Venus in Pisces—Losing Identity in Relationship; Passive Reflection:
Pisces, like Cancer, is a reflective sign. It does impose; rather, it is imposed upon. In combination with Venus, Pisces can indicated a tendency to lose identity in relationship. There is a subtle, unconscious merging which robs one of ego-strength—“I am not different from the one I love. We are the same.” Later in the evolutionary period, after a strong ego has been developed, such unitive realizations may be constructive, but at this stage, they simply represent a loss of identity and integrity, and are a retrogression.

12. Venus in Pisces—the Love of Being Loved:
The Tibetan speaks of a certain second ray glamor called, “the love of being loved”. Venus in Pisces inclines its subjects towards this very glamor. Pisces distributes the second ray powerfully, and this is reinforced by Jupiter and Neptune rulerships. Venus “pure love-wisdom” is also a distributor of the second ray. The second ray can be weak, and there is something reinforcing about being loved; it makes the loved one feel stronger—as if he is more important, as if he actually exists! There is something so comforting about being loved; it seems to protect the overly sensitive person (Venus in Pisces) from the harsh impacts of a crude and cruel world.

13. Venus in Pisces—Doing Foolish Things for ‘Love’:
Venus in Pisces is not a terribly realistic position unless one starts thinking of realism in a much higher sense. Such people are likely to do a many foolish things for love unless they are checked through some other aspect or influence, because they get “carried away”. They are blinded by the feeling of love, which doesn’t make much Virgoan sense.

14. Venus in Pisces—a Musical Influence:
Pisces is intimately related to the flow of music, and Venus is the planet of art and beauty. Venus in Pisces is a powerful musical influence. The great J.S. Bach, had Venus in Pisces elevated in the tenth house. There is a special capacity to write music about love—all the way from the most sentimental love songs to the most sublime. With Venus in Pisces, we enter the fluid realm of liquid sound where is found the sweetest music. Bach, too, wrote what could be considered love songs, but in most of them the theme Christ-centered, spiritual love.

15. Venus in Pisces—Love of that which is Pleasant and Relaxing:
This combination is easy going, and likes to relax. In music, this may mean a preference for “easy listening”—something which does not demand too much attention or tension. In fact, Venus in Pisces inclines towards relaxation; positively it has the ability to put others at ease. It is no easy matter, however, for those with this combination to hold a point of tension; they prefer to go with the flow and “take it easy”.

16. Venus in Pisces—Self-Pampering, Cosmetics and Toiletries (Lotions, Balms, Salves, Fragrances):
Venus in Pisces is such a sensitive position that much self-pity, and its compensation, self-pampering, are to be found. Although Pisces has a reputation for “otherworldliness”, it can be very susceptible to the vibrations of matter. There is consequently a love for those products which soothe and comfort the material vehicle (the physical body). This is really a means of self-protection from harsh impacts.

Venus in Pisces for the Advanced Man

1. Venus in Pisces—Love of Poetry:
Pisces is not only one of the most musical of signs, but, perhaps, the most poetic. To appreciate real poetry requires some intelligence, which is why this trait is listed as a characteristic of the advanced man. Poetry is music in language. Poetry is rarely expressed in language that is strictly linear, nor is Pisces a linear sign. In poetry, especially of the Piscean type, language is more fluid and images easily coalesce

2. Venus in Pisces—a Powerful Imagination:
Pisces is a sign related to the birth of images; Venus rules the ajna center which is connected principally with the sense of sight. This combination gives a powerful imagination with the capacity to conceive beautiful images.

3. Venus in Pisces—Willingness to Suffer in Love and for Love:
In the advanced man, sacrifice for the sake of love begins to take the place of masochism. The reason for offering oneself in sacrifice may be more instinctive than consciously soul-motivated, but the result is similar. There is a willingness to suffer (Pisces) for the sake of love (Venus).

4. Venus in Pisces—Gentleness, Kindness, Tender-Heartedness:
The Tibetan informs us that Pisces people will often be found helping other and ministering to their needs. The loving energy of Venus only reinforces this natural tendency. A natural kindness, gentleness and tender-heartedness can be found from advanced subjects with this combination.

5. Venus in Pisces—the Ineffability of Beauty:
Pisces is an elusive sign and relates to the elusive things of life. True beauty is both elusive and ineffable; it cannot be captured nor really described. Yet Venus is Pisces can touch it, slightly, through sound, image and ‘atmosphere’.

6. Venus in Pisces—Powerful but Gentle Magnetism:
Together Venus and Pisces are highly magnetic and yet gentle. Individuals with this combination draw others to them in subtle and irresistible ways. Perhaps nothing is more magnetic that love, and Venus in Pisces is rich in love.

7. Venus in Pisces—Idealized Union: the “Be All and End All”:
Both Venus in Libra and Venus in Pisces idealize union with the partner. With Libra, however, there is greater reciprocity, “give and take”—all in a very harmonious manner. With Venus in Pisces there is a melting quality to the union, which is based on fusion and identification rather than reciprocity. A planet is powerful in an sign if it rules that sign, but it is most powerful if it is the hierarchical ruler or exalted. The buddhic energy is a melting, fusing energy; it is this energy which Venus in Pisces conveys, even though it is reduced in potency for the advanced man. Later, it will appear in a still purer and more powerful expression in the life of the initiate who is seeking to be directly responsive to the energy of the buddhic plane.

8. Venus in Pisces—Iridescence in Art:
Venus in Pisces conveys a certain shimmer or iridescence to the objects of art created under its influence. In landscapes there is some almost supernatural glow. The quality of light is definitely unusual—sublime and otherworldly rather than realistic. In music, the same iridescence is there, transferred to the world of sound.. The music of the Piscean Maurice Ravel displays this quality. The orchestral colors of Rimsky Korsakov demonstrate something similar.

9. Venus in Pisces—Religious Art:
Pisces is one of the religious signs (Sagittarius, another). Venus, the planet of art, expresses religious/spiritual themes with great beauty when working in conjunction with the Pisces influence. Such art has redemptive value (Pisces) lifts one closer to the soul (ruled by Venus).

10. Venus in Pisces—Peaceful Solutions:
There is no violence in this combination which emphasizes through both Venus and Pisces, principally, the second and sixth rays (and not the Martian aspect of the sixth ray.) Venus is the planet of peace, and reaches its consummation in this sign. The great struggle between spirit and matter, between soul and form, is (for the human being) over, though the struggle continues for higher beings on higher levels. Strife and warfare are resolved in love. Venus in Pisces radiates tranquility, beauty and peace.

Venus in Pisces for the Disciple-Initiate Man

1. Venus in Pisces—the Motivation Behind the Law of Service:
The third law of the soul, the Law of Service, is ruled by Pisces. It is called the “Law of Water and the Fishes”. The Solar Angels (symbolized by Venus) are the saviors of humanity, and, therefore, have descended under the influence of Pisces (though the Fifth Creative Hierarchy, itself, is ruled by Capricorn). When a human being comes under the influence of the Solar Angel, he also dedicates himself to the life of service. At the end of the human evolutionary period, the Angels are released (release, being a dynamic of Pisces) because the redemption has been completed. This release is symbolized by the exaltation of Venus in Pisces. All service is ultimately motivated by the urge to redeem through love—Venus and Pisces.

2. Venus in Pisces—Consummate Love-Wisdom:
Venus represents pure love-wisdom. Pisces is the sign of final consummation. Venus in Capricorn stands for a climax of individual attainment, with the factor of light gaining ascendancy. The consciousness of the human soul is bathed in light supernal. In terms of pure service, purse charity, and pure Christ-like love, Venus in Pisces represents a still more powerful (and selfless) consummation. Then it can be said, “It is finished”, without the slightest trace of sorrow. The man of Earth has, symbolically, become a man of Venus, and the round which began in Aries (the first), is fulfilled in Pisces (the last). Pisces and Venus are both consummatory influences.

3. Venus in Pisces—Completed Redemption through Love:
Love is the great redeeming force. Ultimately, Pisces will be seen as the foremost sign of love. With Taurus and Scorpio, it is one of three cosmic decanates, and is particularly that decanate distributing a cosmic form of love. It is also the cosmic decanate most associated with the Christ, the Lord of Love. With respect to Venus, the entire mission of Venus relative to the Earth and its humanity, is one of redemption. Through Venus and Pisces come saviorship and redemption, and the elevation of humanity into the fifth kingdom.

With Venus in Pisces, the process of redemptive sponsored by the great Solar Angels is completed. Indeed, as the Master Jesus upon the Cross said in relation to the fulfillment of his mission, “it is finished”. That which Venus intended from its first detriment in Aries (when it moved towards incarnation) reaches consummation in Pisces. A redeemer must be patient because that which is to be redeemed resists the process, just as the personality resists the soul, and humanity has resisted (and continues to resist) the Spiritual Hierarchy. Solar angelic love, Christ Love is, however, endlessly patient. It gives always another, and still another and yet another chance for response—not seven, not seventy, nor seven times seventy chances—but as many as may be granted until pralaya intervenes. Venus in Pisces represents this long-suffering patience, and the beautiful consummation which results through its exercise.

4. Venus in Pisces—Unconditional Love:
The Piscean initiate (exemplified by the Christ) places no conditions upon the love he freely shares with all. He loves anyone and everyone, and he loves without reservation—regardless of the expression of the one loved. Venus is “pure love-wisdom”, and in the Piscean ‘atmosphere’ has the opportunity for its most divine and sublime expression. The Solar Angels (under Venus) have made an immense sacrifice for humanity—a sacrifice operative regardless of changing human conditions. The ignorance and ingratitude of the human being has made absolutely no difference in the quality of the redeeming love pour forth continually (though the degree of human receptivity would affect the quantity, as the ill-timed bestowal of super-abundant love would prove a danger). The love of the Solar Angels is, thus, for human beings, one of the greatest examples of unconditional love—sustained over aeons. The love of the Solar Logos, of Sanat Kumara and of the Christ are other examples (in their own dimensions) of unconditional love.

5. Venus in Pisces—Radiating Great Compassion:
Venus in Pisces is a combination which bestows great compassion—the compassion of the Solar Angel, which the fully mature human soul can now appreciate.

6. Venus in Pisces—Universal Appreciation:
“Pisces takes from all the signs” (EA 333) and is, thus, a preeminent sign of universality and synthesis. Venus is the ‘great appreciator’, recognizing value and quality within the form. Venus in Pisces confers the capacity to look in all directions, universally, and recognize and attune to the soul in all. The distinction between forms does not matter; all forms are recognized as animated by soul.

7. Venus in Pisces— Profound Sense of Beauty; Refined Aesthetics:
Venus in Pisces confers, perhaps, the profoundest sense of beauty. Perhaps this is rivaled (or possibly transcended) by Neptune in Pisces—Neptune being, monadically, the foremost second ray planet and the “higher octave” of Venus. For the disciple/initiate with this combination, beauty and divinity are united. Pisces being the sign of consummation, we have with this combination perfected beauty (relative, of course, to the system in which the beauty is expressing). Via Venus in Pisces beauty becomes an infallible means of establishing the Christ Consciousness within the consciousness of the human soul.

8. Venus in Pisces—the Sacrifices of Real Love:
Because the energy of love is so strong in this combination, there is a great willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of love. It is not that the sacrifices are forced upon the disciple, nor that he is just awakening to the value of sacrifice in the service of love; rather, he actively courts the opportunity to sacrifice and redeem in order to place love in the seat of power.

9. Venus in Pisces—Love of the Unfortunate:
Even in the advanced man with a powerful Venus in Pisces, the compassionate love of the unfortunate begins to emerge. Within the disciple and, especially, the initiate, such love becomes profound. There develops an understanding of how painful is the course of human evolution, of how easy it is to fall down, go astray and become lost. The urge to gather the fallen ones, to attract them and uplift them into the life of the soul becomes a dominant motivation. Christ (Who can be beautifully symbolized as Venus is Pisces) walked among the rejects of society; it seems that His greatest love was for those who were most in need—the “prodigal sons” of the world.

10. Venus in Pisces—Featuring in a Venus-Pisces-Sirius Triangle—a Major Triangle of Redemption:
There is a Sirius-Pisces-Uranus triangle; it is second ray triangle much discussed in Esoteric Astrology. A similar triangle (a major triangle of redemption) would be Sirius-Pisces-Venus. Really, a fivefold progression could be arranged, with all members having a significant second ray in their make-up: Sirius-Pisces-Heart of the Sun-Venus-Earth. Perhaps two more factors could be added: the Pleiades (as the source of cosmic buddhi) and the constellation Orion (which, in toto, may play the role of the second ray constellation to the first ray of the Great Bear).connection between Venus, Sirius and Pisces.

11. Venus in Pisces—Magnetic Fusion; Completed Union:
Venus in Pisces represents a form of yoga which is a higher octave and final result of Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of Devotion). We could call this higher yoga the Yoga of Love. Loving union is perfected in the life of the advanced initiate under the influence of Venus in Pisces; the consciousness of the Solar Angel absorbs the consciousness of the human soul. At-one-ment is consummated under the inspiration of divine love.

12. Venus in Pisces—Completed Understanding; the Wisdom of the Soul:
Pisces is the sign of “loving-understanding”, arising from completed aeonial experience. Whereas Venus in Aries indicates immaturity in the understanding of values, Venus in Pisces represents wise maturity and completed understanding. The human soul has learned, through bitter experience (and fleeting joy), the true worth of things, and, finally, not only possesses the ‘heavenly treasures’, but, in a way, has become them.

13. Venus in Pisces—Completed Ingathering:
“Pisces takes from all the signs” and Venus is one of the most magnetic of planets. Venus in Pisces, symbolically, gathers the harvest of thousands of lives. By the time Venus reaches its consummating position in Pisces, it has extracted all value from experience, and thus a consummation is reached. The centripetality of Venus in Pisces represents the consummation of the centrifugality of Mars in Aries.

14. Venus in Pisces—Ultimate Poetical Refinement:
Poetry attempts to convey in words what no words can really capture. Under Venus in Pisces the poet comes closest to success. This combination represents the ultimate poetical refinement, with the intuitive realization of beauty reaching its highest level of possible perfection.

15. Venus in Pisces—Archetypally, Completed Fusion of Soul and Personality:
Venus in Pisces represents the most complete soul-infusion. Venus in Capricorn beings this culminating process at the third initiation; between the third and the fourth degree, Venus in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces play their roles. From one perspective, one can see the progression from light in Capricorn, to love in Aquarius, to will in Pisces (where the Will to Save and Redeem finds its consummation). By the time the fourth initiation has occurred, soul has infused the personality completely; the Solar Angel has given as much of itself as it can possibly give without destroying the instrument of reception. The Venus-in-Pisces personality is now the soul-in-incarnation—completely. The Solar Angel is liberated and the “man of earth” has become the ‘man of the heavens’.

16. Venus in Pisces—Love, Beauty and Sacrifice United:
Venus in Pisces represents the union of love, sacrifice and beauty—seemingly every different processes—but united in this planet and this sign of consummation.

17. Venus in Pisces—Love Conquers All:
It is literally true, in this solar system and on this planet, that “love conquers all”. Unconditional love proves itself to be a force far more powerful that the will as usually focussed. The Will of God is Love, and so, when love triumphs, will triumphs as well.

Venus in Pisces represents liberation. Sirius is the Star of Freedom, and in the Venus in Pisces combination, freedom is achieved—freedom through unfettered, unconditional love. It is said that “the Truth shall set you free”. It is equally true, perhaps even more true, that “Love shall set you free”. While Mars in Aries (the inaugurating force) may seem irresistible, the truly irresistible force is love, symbolized in its perfected form by Venus in Pisces.

18. Venus in Pisces—Great Sensitivity to Soul Impression:
Venus represents the soul and Pisces, the “mediator” and the “medium” is the sign of maximal impressionability, for Pisces dissolves all boundaries and the barriers which inhibit or prevent impression. Thus, with this combination, sensitivity to soul is extreme. The soul becomes a constant presence—a pervasive factor which in inseparable from all aspects of form life.

19. Venus in Pisces—Consummation as Beauty:
In the Divine Plan, all consummations are consummations in beauty. Venus in Pisces represent finality, but profound beauty as well. Harmony is perfected and song breaks forth. “The morning starts sing together.” How interesting that Venus is called the “morning star”.

20. Venus in Pisces—Emphasis upon the Heart Center:
Neither Venus nor Pisces is the specified ruler of the heart center, but their associations with the heart center are constant and undeniable. In the chart of the disciple or initiate, a strong Venus in Pisces will indicate heart center stimulation, and an ability to use that center in love and compassion. Other astrological influences which can be related to the heart center are, of course, Jupiter and the Sun, with Leo, Aquarius and Neptune having important associations.

21. Venus in Pisces—in Comparison with Venus in Capricorn:
Venus in Pisces and Venus in Capricorn are both powerful and climactic positions. The light content is greater with Venus in Capricorn and the love content with Venus in Pisces. Venus (to a degree, a second ray planet) combines love and light, heart and mind. The two zodiacal signs offering the maximal expression of the two aspects of the second ray (love and light) are Pisces and Capricorn, respectively.

22. Venus in Pisces—the Transmutation of Susceptibility into Exquisite Sensitivity:
Piscean vulnerability is a problem on the Mutable cross; it leads to capitulation and delay. Venus only adds to the problem. But later, for the disciple/initiate, susceptibility is transmuted into exquisite sensitivity to soul and Hierarchy. Weakness becomes strength; in this solar system, nothing is stronger than love.

23. Venus in Pisces—the Second Ray Method of Destroying the Causal Body:
Venus in Pisces (a profoundly second ray influence) contributes magnetically to the method by which the causal body is destroyed by the second ray. This method is one of progressive inclusion until the causal vehicle is destroyed by excess—its ‘walls’ can no longer contain the substance which love has magnetically embraced. (Jupiter in Pisces would also be involved in this process.) Venus in Pisces symbolizes causal destruction in another interesting way. Venus represents the causal body and Pisces is its dissolution. This combination symbolizes the love that releases into pralaya.

24. Venus in Pisces—Peace, No Violence; Shamballic Peace:
Venus in Pisces is a consummating sign of peace. Pisces is a Shamballic sign, releasing some few of the sons of men into the great peace of the Highest Center—the Center of Peaceful, Silent, Will. Venus, of course, is the planet which stands opposed to Mars, the “God of War” and

25. Venus in Pisces—the Light of Love, Wisdom and Understanding Reveals All:
Venus is the luminous planet (at least for the Earth); Venus is also a major planet of love. As well, Venus is the intelligent mind and leads to pure reason—simply knowing in the light. Pisces has a full measure of love (which is “relationship to divinity”) and wisdom (which is “relationship to form”)—a wisdom garnered upon the long and painful path of human unfoldment. Pisces also under-stands; it stands-under all experience because with its own ‘feet’ it has trodden the path to illumination and unitive love. Venus and Pisces, therefore, combine love, light, mind, wisdom and understanding. Venus in Pisces thus sees; it has earned the truth which long and difficult experience reveals.

26. Venus in Pisces—Union of Love and Will (as the Servant of Love):
Venus in Pisces can represent the union of love and will. Venus expresses along the lines of love and mind, but in Pisces will and love are balanced. Constellationally, Pisces conveys the love rays, two and six, but its esoteric and hierarchical ruler is Pluto, which distributes the first ray. Pisces is a Shamballic sign, and death and destruction (through dissolution and pralaya) are a inescapable Piscean dynamics. As well, there is the realization that Pisces is the zodiacal sign which admits the triumphant spirit/soul into Shamballa after the long and weary round. (Aries and Libra admit to Shamballa in different ways.). So love and will are definitely here to be found. The Piscean consummation is really the end of the love cycle, and the possibility of beginning the will cycle on the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens—upon which beings greater than man are crucified.

27. Venus in Pisces—Symbol of the Eternal Youth:
Sanat Kumara can be understood in terms of all the signs of the zodiac, just a can the Christ. Probably, there is a way in which He and the Christ are, symbolically, all the planets as well. Somehow, however, Sanat Kumara is above all (at least with respect to Humanity) the Savior. He is a Venusianly-inspired Being Who has come to save. Venus in Pisces, therefore, represents the consummation of His mission—at least of one very important phase. Truly, He works with initiates beyond the fifth degree in ways that prepare them for wider expression and service in the solar system and cosmos, but with respect to His Saviorship of Humanity, Venus in Pisces captures the essence.

28. Venus in Pisces—Transports of Great Art:
The Master Morya talks about how great art can in one great transport elevate the entire human spirit. This power of transport is symbolized by Venus in Pisces (though Neptune would also contribute). Beauty redeems. From the four we are led to the two. Beauty (the four) leads to love (which is symbolized by the two). From the fourth kingdom of nature (ruled by the number four), we are led into identification with the fifth kingdom (ruled by the number two). But beauty is also ruled by the second ray. In the trinity of the Good, the Beautiful and the True, the Beautiful is the middle term, correlated to ray two. The end of all great art is love.

29. Venus in Pisces—Chakra Association:
Associations maybe with the twelve, the heart within the head; Pisces is the twelfth sign. The heart within the head will not, however, be considered in relation to power per se. There is also an association with the heart center. The Lord of the World is the Great Venusian Youth, the “Lord of Venusian Love”. Venus in Pisces represents His role as Redeemer. He is the Great Sacrifice in that sense just as Venus is deeply and sacrificially involved with the redemption of the Earth.

Individuals with Venus in Pisces

Hans Christian Andersen
Susan B. Anthony
Marcus Aurelius
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sir Francis Bacon
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Sir Richard Burton
Giovanni Casanova
Edgar Cayce
Frederick Chopin
Baba Ram Dass
Charles Dickens
Thomas Alva Edison
Galileo Galilei
Vincent van Gog
Ulysses S. Grant
Manly Palmer Hall
Victor Marie Hugo
Elizabeth II
Henry James
Martin Luther King
Nicolai Lenin
Charles Lindbergh
Joseph Lister
Moses ben Maimon
Christopher Marlowe
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
John Muir
Vaslav Nijinski
Richard M. Nixon
Auguste Piccard
Edgar Allen Poe
Ronald Reagan
Vanessa Redgrave
Norman Rockwell
Wilhelm Rontgen
Jules Verne
Andreas Vesalius
George Washington
Wilbur Wright

Astrological Interpretations
by Michael D. Robbins

commentary and projects
by Michael D. Robbins

to the University of the Seven Rays 

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updated February 2008
