Specific Expressions
of Jupiter in Taurus
1. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles:
This combination is likely to add weight (or light) to the physical body;
initially, it increases the tendency towards indulgence, but, later, also
the capacity of the physical nature to be irradiated and uplifted by the
energy of light. Since Taurus is associated with the desire nature, Jupiter
in Taurus will feed desire, and also contribute to the satisfaction of
desire (which will be considered very important) In later days, since
Taurus is a sign of great aspiration (EA 391), Jupiter will orient the
desires towards the ‘World of Light”, in fact, towards the
“Greatest (Jupiter) Light (Taurus)”. The lower mind will be
materialistic at first, “counting on” various kinds of material
satisfactions; the powers of thought are used to promote material fulfillment;
as evolution proceed, values are elevated, and a great love of knowledge
supervenes—“ Taurus incites towards experience and towards
the gaining of knowledge;…” (EA 488) The mentality of the
scholar may arise; one may accumulate knowledge (the treasures of the
mind) in the hope that it can be wisely applied. The lower mind is used
to ensure that form is wisely created and wisely used—in the interests
of the higher values.
2. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Personality as a Whole:
This combination augments the desire nature; in early days, it produces
a personality expectant of material fulfillment. Self-worth becomes an
important concept, and one may feel valuable or not, self-confident or
not on the basis of how much one has. Jupiter is Taurus leads to what
might be called ‘fulfillment in ownership’. Later, upon the
reversed wheel, the personality, at home with the beauties of the earth
(Taurus being a fourth ray earth sign), is oriented towards all that truly
“makes life worth living”. Resources are considered important,
and abundant resources are sought, but not for personal indulgence, but
for the materialization, or embodiment of that which brings abundance
and blessing to humanity. There is a broad sharing of the ‘energy
which fulfills desire’, whether than energy is crystallized in the
form of money, or more fluid, in the form of prana. This combination tends
to endow one with the “wherewithal” to manifest one’s
high desires and aspirations, and help others do the same.
3. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality:
At that fairly advanced stage of evolution when soul personality
fusion can be successfully undertaken, Jupiter in Taurus floods the personality
with the light of soul knowledge and wisdom, and reveals how that knowledge
and wisdom may be operative through form (to which Taurus is so closely
related). The higher light reveals the “big picture”, and
the human soul (within the personality) begins to understand itself in
relation to light and the higher, lighted “forms” (Plato’s
archetypes) which are intended to precipitate into the three worlds; areas
of darkness are also revealed. Personality habits which do not accord
with the lighted wisdom of the soul are seen for what they are, and more
easily handled. The sense of values is uplifted; one sees and understands
the difference between “treasures in heaven” and treasures
of the earth. A reorientation of desire occurs, and the personality form
is absorbed into the soul—possessed by the soul
4. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Synthesis of Human Dualities—Head/Heart; Mind/Love;
Taurus relates to the light of knowledge, and Jupiter to the
heart; Taurus to the light of the mind and Jupiter to Love; Taurus (through
Vulcan) to the will, and, as in the case of the Buddha, to the light of
wisdom; Jupiter, too, confers wisdom. Early evolutionary days under the
influence of Taurus, shows a marked cleavage between the materialistic
lower life and the higher, spiritual life. The Tibetan speaks of “the
accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so
marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject” (EA 401). But under
a broadened perspective (Jupiter), and a more enlightened sense of values
(Taurus), the purpose for fusing these dualities is revealed; the awakening
Jupiter in Taurus subject wishes to be possessed of his full range of
spiritual potentials, and proceeds with increasing wisdom gradually to
lessen any cleavages which may exist between fundamental aspects of his
5. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of Consciousness may be
In the East, the experience of “satori” or “samadhi”
are considered the objectives of spiritual training. One simple way to
describe these and similar states is—enlightenment. Taurus (the
“Mother of Illumination”) impels towards the pursuit of the
Light, towards identification with the Light—in short, towards becoming
the Light. Christ and all World Teachers and Saviors say, “I am
the Light of the World.”
With Jupiter in Taurus,
expansions of consciousness become revelations in the Light.
What may be called the ‘light value’ of all forms
must be seen and understood; and light must reveal the nature, place and
function of all forms. Consciousness will be expanded as the beauty of
Creation is revealed under Taurus (with its transmitted fourth ray). Beauty
and Truth will be seen as equivalent. Master Morya has said, “In
Beauty thou hast the Light”, and admonished us to think and repeat
to ourselves, “How beautiful is everything!” Consciousness
thus expands in the direction of revealing the beauty, pattern and luminosity
of all forms. God Immanent is understood, and God’s Creation comes
to be valued—profoundly.
6. Jupiter (in Taurus)
in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction of Demand—:
1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then
2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the whole—a fulfillment
achieved through the outgoing expression of love: Through the love of
life in form; through the perceived beneficent abundance of the Logos’
Creation, the Jupiter in Taurus individual inspires others with the sense
of the goodness of the life process. “Abundance thinking”
has become popular during the past twenty years. Rather than see life
on this planet in terms of scarcity and resultant war for possession,
one envisions a condition of abundance created through sharing—a
vision much closer to the truth of God’s Providence.
The Jupiter in Taurus individual
gives for the betterment of life in form, and abundance returns so that
he can give again. Although the two signs are in square, and very different
in many respects, in their potential appreciation of life’s abundance,
Taurus (the sign of the New Group of World Servers) and Aquarius (the
sign of the Hierarchy) have important points in common.
A Few Miscellaneous
Meanings of Jupiter in Taurus:
a. Jupiter in Taurus indicates
the growth or accumulation of substance; on a higher turn of the spiral,
it is the substance of wisdom.
b. Jupiter in Taurus promotes
the expansion of consciousness through the accumulation of light, of
knowledge and, in general (once the stage of discipleship is reached)
of that which has spiritual value.
c. With Jupiter in Taurus
expansion occurs in a more steady and stable manner than with Jupiter
in Aries, but there may still be ‘charges’ and a sudden
‘rushing’ forward under the incentive of possible acquisition.
The Tibetan says of the man born in Taurus: “He will move spasmodically
and in wild rushes; steady measured progress upon the Way is very hard
for him.” But the temperance of Jupiter, modifies the situation
and the general trend, will be towards a more gradual accumulation.
The Tibetan suggests that such accumulations may remain unapplied, for
there is a tendency to “pile up” accumulations. At a certain
point, accumulations become light, itself. This can be distressing.
In this case the following words from the Direction of the Law of Repulse
for the Second Ray will apply:
“Detail on detail enter
into the content of his world of thought. He stores the nuggets of the
knowledge of the world, as a squirrel stores its nuts. The storehouse
now is adequately full....Sudden a spade descends, for the thinker tends
the garden of his thought, and thus destroys the passages of mind. Ruin
arrives, destroying fast the storehouse of the mind, the safe security,
the darkness and the warmth of a satisfied enquiry. All is removed.
The light of summer enters in and the darkened crannies of the mind
see light....Naught is left but light, and that cannot be used. The
eyes are blinded and the one eye seeth not as yet....” (EP II
d. Jupiter in Taurus indicates
enrichment at all levels, including enrichment in terms of prana or
e. Jupiter in Taurus indicates
that riches of all kinds may accrue from social and group associations.
Such an individual gains in substance (Taurus) from his associations
and affiliations (Jupiter).
f. Jupiter in Taurus is
a constructive combination, and may indicate the builder—for the
second ray (through Jupiter) is the builder of form, and Taurus is the
second sign on the reversed wheel. The process of building will be well
g. Jupiter in Taurus may
contribute, literally, to the size of the voice. It can indicate one
whose voice is growing stronger.
h. Negatively, Jupiter in
Taurus confers the complete fulfilment of earthy, animal, sensory desire.
There is a tendency towards gluttony, and over-accumulation of all kinds.
Looking to material values for satisfaction.