Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)Astro-Rayology
in progressScorpio
& Ray 2Introduction - Expression in the self-centered - Expression in developed man - Expression in disciples and initiates - Directives - Mantra - Symbols - Contrasts - Similarities - Famous People
Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio & Ray 2
Sun Scorpio (or Ascendant Scorpio), R2P (or R2S)
Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges with respect to this combination, whether through rays transmitted constellationally through the sign Scorpio or through its ruling planets. Only, Venus, ruler of the second decanate in one decanate allocation and the third in another transmits the second ray, probably through its personality. Since Venus is a sacred planet, such a transmission is relatively weak {though certainly not negligible}—sacred planets having largely overcome their personality radiation. An appropriate category of reinforcement would be Weak—by Decanate Rulership or Numerical Association Only.
Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being
An intense attachment to the vices of ‘lunar’ living characteristic of the self-centered Scorpio person combines with the inability to release self from snares—a state induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)
Probably not a very common combination as the second ray does not reach Earth through the constellation Scorpio or its rulers.
Weak, helpless surrender to vice. The strength to resist cannot be marshaled.
Lower magnetisms, lower “allure” rules.
Hardly having the will to resist the imprisonment which the Hydra represents. Some of the heads are especially dangerous to this combination of Scorpio and the second ray: sex, comfort, fear and hatred are probably the four most prominent. (The first ray type in or under Scorpio is vulnerable to all the heads, with fear and comfort being somewhat reduced in power.)
Strong and clinging attachment to the forces which eventually bring death.
Loving illusion. Functioning as or under a “deluder of souls” (cf. TWM 240)
Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple: Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign with the ray of either the ray of the personality or soul.
Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple
Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul.
The penetrating psychological insight of the advancing Scorpio individual combines with the capacity to wisely understand induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.
One sees and understands the effects of vice within the life.
Perspective, humility and wisdom grow.
Emerging psychological skills—especially in the field of depth psychology.
Compassion arises through suffering. Love emerges after prolonged darkness.
A teacher of martial arts—especially as a tool for building consciousness.
Conflict resolution.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning detachment from compelling vices through understanding.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning detachment from compelling vices through love.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning that love is a spiritual weapon.
On the Path of Discipleship: the light of the soul is brought into dark places.
On the Path of Discipleship: the unconscious nature is raised into consciousness where it cannot do as much harm.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to substitute love for desire.
On the Path of Discipleship: in general, learning to “let go” through the application of Love-Wisdom.
Advanced Disciple; the Initiate: Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign with the ray as either the ray of the personality or soul.
Advanced Disciple; the Initiate
Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Scorpio, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul.
The power to detach from desire regardless of sacrifice to the personal self—an aptitude possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Scorpio—combines with the ability to release through the power of love induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.
Becoming an excellent esoteric psychologist. Understanding the depths and heights of human nature.
Identifying as the soul and becoming the redeemer of the lower threefold man.
Drawing-in the intuition and loving-understanding to release the lower man from the Serpent of Illusion. Only intuition (buddhi, fourth plane, second and fourth rays) can dispel illusion.
Luminous soul love (fed by the intuition) dissolves illusion.
Disidentifying with the eighteen lower fires, and identifying with the world of buddhi-manas, triad-soul.
Repulsion from all that is low becomes redemption and uplift. The soul absorbs the ‘hate-ful’ personality into the field of Love-Wisdom.
The deadly “Dweller on the Threshold” merges with the “Angel of the Presence”.
Love is the True Warrior and “Love Conquers All”.
The “peaceful warrior” who conquers through love.
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work. These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Directives and Counsels for Scorpio and the Second Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Achieve Victory Over Fear
Alchemize Lower Magnetisms Into Higher Attachments
Annihilate Sentimental Attractions
Battle With The Enemies Of Inclusiveness
Be Faithful Unto Death
Be Firm But Gentle
Be Generous With Profits From Investments
Be Harsh If Necessary In Order To Be Kind
Be A Warrior For The Light
Bear With The Negativity Of Others
Bless Those In Bondage
Bring Benediction To The Depths
Bring Light To The Dark Spaces Within The Three Lower Worlds
Brood Deeply And Ponder
Build Masterfully After Destruction Has Done Its Work
“Bury The Hatchet”
Care For Those In Deep Distress
Clear The Way To Open Expression
Clearly See The Evil Tendencies Within Yourself
Confer Names Which Go To The Essence Of Identity And Reveal It
Comfort Those Who Mourn
Conceal In Order To Reveal
Confront Adversity In The Educational Process
Conquer Cowardice Through Love
Contend With Yourself For The Sake Of Liberated Love
Control The Emotional Vehicle So That Love May Emerge
Courageously Ameliorate The Wretchedness Of Humanity
Cross The Threshold Of Darkness To Find The Light
Cultivate The “Warrior Within”
Deeply Understand Suffering
Defeat Malignant Forces Through Positivity
Demonstrate The Triumph Of The Christ Aspect
Deprive Yourself For The Sake Of Sharing
Detach From Useless Adhesions
Die To ‘Excessive Care’
Disclose The Treasures Of The Causal Body
Display The Glory Which Shines Effulgently After Transformation Has Been Achieved
Dissolve Vices Through Love
Do Away With Anxieties
Draw Forth Deep Knowledge Of The Self
Educate Those Who Dwell In Darkness
Eliminate The Obstacles To Unity
Endure Spiritual Agony If Necessary
Enter Deeply Into Psychological Education
Exercise Patience Throughout Catastrophe
Expel ‘Possessors’ Through The Power Of Love
Exhume And Clear Away Impediments To Group Love
Express Eternal Love Despite The Agony Of The Conflict With The World Illusion
Face Weakness Courageously
Fight For Beauty And Truth
Forfeit Your Life For The Hierarchy
Fuse And Blend The Warring Dualities
Generously Provide For Those Of Struggle With Adversity
Gently Dissolve The Vices Of Life
Give Until It “Hurts”
Go To The Depths To Experience Enlightenment
Guard What You Love With Your Life
Have Compassion For Psychological Bondage
Humble Yourself Before The Power Of Divine Love
Intensify Magnetism
Invest Yourself In The Educational Process
Irradiate With Light The “Forces Of Mara”
Kill-Out Cowardice
Let Compassion Arise Through Thorough Psychological Knowledge
“Let Pain Bring Due Reward Of Light And Love”
Lose Your Life To Find It; Lose The Personality To Gain The Soul
Love Intensely
Magnetize Irresistibly
Masterfully Build—Anchoring The Foundation In The Darkest Depths And Ascending Towards The Realms Of Liberation
Merge And Fuse With Quiet Intensity
Mine The “Nuggets Of Truth”
Neutralize Wrong Allure With Light And Love
Overcome Separativeness To Establish Cohesive Love
Pass Bravely Through Conflict To Experience Illumined Soul-Infusion
Penetrate With Ever-Deepening Understanding
Penetrate Deeply Into The Art And Science Of Meditation
Ponder On The Nature Of Illusion
Pour Forth Wisdom Born Of Your Struggle With The Tendencies Of Lunar Life
Proceed Deeply And Carefully
Proceed Serenely Through Loss
Probe The Foundation Of The ‘Building’
Protect With An “Eagle-Eye”
Purge And Purify Group Life
Put Your Money Into Socially Responsible Investments
Radiate The Light Of Life And Love Through The Form
Quiet The Rebellion Of The Personality
Realize That Love Conquers All
Redeem The Criminal Element—Within And Without
Refuse To Be Suffocated
Reject Depression
Remain Loyal To The Soul Throughout The Inevitable Battle
Renew The Heart With Frequency
Renounce Comfort For The Sake Of Spiritual Joy And Happiness
Renovate Group Structures
Repulse The Selfishly Over-Conscientious Attitude
Research The Divine Pattern
Resurrect Through Love
Risk Extremes To Reveal The Light
Sacrifice Yourself For The Sake Of Redemption
See Behind The Personality To Reveal The Radiance Of The Soul
See Through Deception
Seek Psychological Intimacy
Shed Light Upon The “Dweller On The Threshold”
Struggle Within Yourself To Establish Loving-Understanding
Surmount Over-Sensitivity
Survive Cruelty And Adversity Without Returning Hatred
Teach The Methods Of Rising Out Of Bondage
Terminate All Timidity And Cowardice
Tolerate Tribulation
Transform Your Vision
Transmute Lower Attachments
Triumph Over Emotion To Establish The Reign Of Love
Undergo Loss Serenely
Undermine The Basis Of Fear
Unveil The Mystery Of Love
Use Hypnotism Therapeutically
Vanquish Mortality Through Understanding
View Apparent Disaster Wisely
Wage War With Love And Light
Wisely, “Fight The Good Fight”
Mantra for Scorpio and the Second RayMantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness
Throughout the fearsome struggle, e’en in moments most obscured, I seek to know the light of soul suffusing and the love of soul pervading—subsequent revealers of Triadal Mind, Triadal Love and Power.Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness
“I See the Greatest Light”—Revealed by my Triumph in Triadal Mind—revealed by the Victory of Buddhic Love and Atmic Power.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R2/Scorpio.Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the illumined Scholar/Teacher, triumphant in the Light of Truth, victorious in Wisdom and in Love, pours forth his lighted strength into the yawning pits of hell, redeeming and uplifting, salvaging and saving, conquering the ‘Devil’ and the Dark.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Scorpio and R2Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
In Comparison With
Transmits R4 Constellationally.
Scorpio rulers transmit R6, R1 and R4.
Color: crimson and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) greenish-blue, blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.) Black is a strong but non-chromatic possibility.
Color: indigo blue, sapphire blue or light blue.
Note: possibly SOL or G.
Note: SOL or G
Pervades solar plexus, sacral and base of spine centers. Expression through throat and ajna centers is possible via hierarchical Mercury.
Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet.
Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.
Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated
Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Animal Kingdom via Mars, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and R4, the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and R4.
Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls
Christ harrows Hell.
Weakness and capitulation
Promotes the destruction of the form.
Promotes the preservation of the form.
Scorpio promotes conflict (eventually, in the interests of harmony).
Inclination to avoid conflict whenever possible.
Vengeful, resentful, grudge-bearing.
Strong always (for good or ill); heroism.
Initially weak—later, strong in Love; initial cowardice.
Astrality. Intense emotion
Promotes peace in the emotional nature through love
Discover Potentials to be Derived from Energetic Similarities
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Scorpio and R2Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Developing the Processes of Psychology: Both Scorpio and the second ray are involved in developing the processes of psychology. The true psyche is the soul, the representative of the second aspect of divinity. The second ray always inclines, in some measure, to the study of the psyche. Scorpio (transmitting the fourth ray—another psychological ray) inclines to the study and practice of “Depth Psychology”, in the interests, eventually, of achieving the heights of conscious realization.
Revealing the Light: Both Scorpio and the second ray are involved in the process of revealing the light. Second ray souls are the most luminous of souls. The Tibetan states this as follows: “The vivid light of the second ray soul (the most vivid in this second ray solar system)…” (R&I 516) This ray is also the ray of “light-giving Influence” (DINA I 177). Scorpio is the sign of darkness, but it is a darkness entered in order, eventually, to reveal the higher light. Once the hydra-headed obstructions are cleared away, the light breaks in. Conversely, once the light breaks in (the light of the intuition, through the building of the antahkarana) the Hydra is destroyed. The process is reciprocal and creates and positive feed-back loop. Scorpio represents the “Light of Day” (EA 330).
Calm after the Storm: Both influences combine to fully reveal the nature of “the calm after the storm”.
Admittance into Hierarchy: These two energies are especially important in admitting the struggling human soul into the Hierarchy of Light and Love.
Destructiveness—but How?: Both the energies of Scorpio and the second ray are terribly destructive. But what do they destroy and how do they do so? Scorpio withdraws life from imprisonment in form. The second ray attracts the life in form to the ‘Center of Love’ residing free from form.
Death and Love as Death: Both the energies of Scorpio and the second ray are energies of death. But what dies and what is the mode of dying? It might be said that the Christ Force loves the personality to death (or rather, to its death). A mystery is contained in these thoughts so remote from the usual channels of thought.
Related to Processes Important at the First, Second and Third Initiations: Scorpio (like Capricorn) is a sign active in the initiation process, and is said to be particularly active at the first three degrees.
At the first degree, to the usual destructive and transforming qualities of Scorpio, is added the entrance into a new kingdom of Nature—the Kingdom of Souls. This kingdom is ruled by the second ray whereas the Human Kingdom is ruled by a lower expression of the fourth ray under the control of the third, or matter aspect, of divinity.
At the second degree, to the death-dealing energies of Scorpio which kill personal desire, is added the inflow of soul love which renders the astral body an instrument for the distribution of love/buddhi; at least, a significant beginning is made.
At the third degree, to the destruction of the grip of the personality over the soul, is added the emergence into dominance of the energies of Love-Wisdom (the major energy of the soul no matter what its particular individual ray may be).
Even at the fourth degree (which is not given by the Tibetan as much related to Scorpio), the power of love, heart and buddhi emerge through the medium of the second ray as the causal body is destroyed by the Scorpionic/Piscean/Plutonic/Vulcanian forces.
A List of Famous Individuals for whom this combination is prominent
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Scorpio is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as ProminentLouis Braille—
French Educator who Invented the Braille Reading System for the Blind (Sun Sign)Desiderius Erasmus—
Renaissance Humanist and Scholar (Sun Sign)Marsilio Ficino—
Italian Philosopher, Theologian, and Linguist; his Translation of Commentaries on Plato Generated Florentine Platonist Renaissance (Sun Sign)Robert Gerard—
American Esoteric Psychologist and Occultist (Ascendant)Victor Hugo—
French Romantic Poet, Novelist, Dramatist (Ascendant)Helen Keller—
Author, Educator Who Triumphed Over Blindness and Deafness to Becomes One of the World’s Most Cultured Individuals (Ascendant)
Jawaharlal Nehru—
Statesman, First Prime Minister of India (Sun Sign)