Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)

in progress

Relations Between
Gemini & Sagittarius

Important Foundational Relationships

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

Missing Links

Important Foundational Relationships


Important Foundational Relationships

In Comparison With
1.   Esoteric Mantram: I recognise my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.   1.   Esoteric Mantram: I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.
2.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let instability do its work.   2.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let food be sought.
3.   Quality of Light: The Light of Interplay.   3.   Quality of Light: A beam of directed, focused Light
4.   Element: Air sign   4.   Element: Fire Sign
5.   The Mutable or Common Cross   5.   Mutable or Common Cross
6.   Transmits R2 constellationally   6.   Transmits R4, R5 and R6 constellationally
7.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), transmits R4, R5 and R3 through Mercury, Venus and the Earth—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.   7.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively) Sagittarius transmits R2, R3 and R6 through Jupiter, the Earth and Mars—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical..
8.   Color: yellow   8.   Color: rich blue
9.   Creative Hierarchy number IV (unmanifested), characterized by the “Desire for Duality”   9.   Creative Hierarchy number VI (manifested), the Lunar Lords, or Sacrificial Fires.
10.   Associated with the establishing of relationship between Father, Mother and Child at the first initiation (cf. EA 388); the clarifying, mind-illumining second initiation (EA 157, GWP 271); the crucifying, illusion-renouncing fourth (EA 472); and the resurrecting seventh initiations (the second ray initiation of fulfilled Love-Wisdom). (cf. R&I 88-89)   10.   Associated with the instinct-directing, ‘soul-ward’ orienting, ‘form-abstractive’ first initiation; with the fierily-baptizing, ideal-containing, de-glamorizing, clear-eyed second initiation, and with the direction-choosing, outward-bound, adventuring, nirvanic sixth initiation—the initiation of Decision.
11.   Gemini (the third sign) can be associated with the thought-configuring, articulating throat center under the third ray; also with the duality-resolving, unifying heart center, and with the manipulating/blessing centers in the palms. Dualistic Gemini (ruled by oscillatory Mercury) can also be associated with the dualistic, decision-making, polarity-integrating ajna center, and with the system-uniting “kundalini” at the base of the spine. “Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity” (EA 181)  

11.   Sagittarius can be reasonably associated with the insistently driving, aspiring, fiery solar plexus center; with the instinctively-hunting, passion-driven sacral center, and even with the center at the base of the spine, where the latent fire (Mars) awaits its rising; Earth (with its first ray Monad and a symbol identical to the fourfold structure of the base center) is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, connecting it to that lowest center.  The personality-directing, clear-seeing, force controlling ajna center should also be influenced strongly by Sagittarius, at a relatively high point in the evolutionary process.

12.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.”   12.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Sagittarius guides the Monad on its descent into material immersion, and, again, through an inherently flawless sense of direction, guides the Monad upon its path of return. Sagittarius contributes to the conviction of “monadic destiny”, and destination.
13.   Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad.   13.   Within the Triad—Sagittarius is focused in both buddhi and higher manas—the abstract mind. Sagittarius transmits the fourth ray, which relates to the fourth, or buddhic,  plane and the principle of  buddhi.  Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs. (EA 177) In Sagittarius, intuition (fourth ray, second principle) governs aspiration (sixth ray—which Sagittarius also transmits) (cf. EA 178) Sagittarius is at once philosophical (utilizing the abstract mind) and intuitive. The blend of buddhi and higher manas may be called “universal or spiritual mind” which Sagittarius expresses in relation to Mercury. (EA 369)
14.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to communicate with and instruct the personality.   14.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Sagittarius can be seen as the will of the Solar Angel to inspire its personality to a state of aspiration through the presentation of an elevating vision of future spiritual possibilities. As well, when the personality errs (as oft it does), Sagittarius represents the ‘guiding beam of light’ which offers a secure sense of spiritual direction—directing, at length, to the mountain of initiation.
15.   Within the Personality—Gemini can be identified with the flexible associative processes and informational receptivity of the lower mental nature, which becomes, eventually, especially responsive to the antahkarana; with the bi-polar fluctuations of the astral nature, vacillating conflicted between the pairs of opposites (EA 362); in general, with the etheric nature and its network of interplaying vital-electric currents and with the sprightliness and rejuvenation of the dense physical  nature. Gemini is especially related to the etheric vehicle. (EA 352) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)   15.   Within the Personality—Sagittarius can be identified with the directing, thought-projecting power of the lower mental nature and its eventual responsiveness to intuitive guidance; with the passional and eventual aspirational processes of the astral nature; with the vibrancy and buoyancy of the etheric nature; and with the general tendency to energetic activity of the dense physical nature. Sagittarius is particularly associated with the integrated, one-pointed, disciplic personality.(The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)
16.   In the body: the arms and hands; the lungs   16.  In the body: the thighs
17.   Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Vitalization   17.  Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Inspiration. “Sagittarius—Inspiration—Preparation for initiation. Soul inspires personality life. Soul expresses itself through personality. The Initiate.” (EA 229)
18.   The Crisis of Renunciation characterized by the quality of Crucifixion   18.  The Choice of Direction.

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

In Comparison With
1.   Expressive, principally, of the second or Love aspect of divinity. (EA 351) “It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel.” (EA 346) Gemini, ‘Lord of Intelligence’, is also closely linked by numerical affinity to the third or Intelligence aspect. “…Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’…” (EA 355) “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357)   1.   Expressive principally of the third aspect of divinity because it is the third fire sign. “From Aries comes cosmic fire; from Sagittarius comes planetary fire; and from Leo comes solar fire; and each of these fires ‘clears the way by burning’ for the expression of the three divine aspects: spirit (Aries), soul (Leo) and body (Sagittarius).” (EA 293) Expressive of the second or consciousness aspect, through its majority of soft-line constellation and planetary rays.
2.   Cosmically associated with Sirius. “1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.” (EA 349) Sirius and Gemini are both related to Masonry. (cf. EA 350) Sirius and Gemini were active together in the individualization process. (cf. EA 355) Gemini is also associated with the Pleiades. “Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.” (EA 466)   2.   Definite cosmic association with the Pleiades and probably with the Little Bear (particularly Polaris—the Pole Star).  “Pleiades—Gemini/Sagittarius—Mercury” (EA 50) “GeminiSagittariusMercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.” “…The Pointers; these point to the Pole star which is at this time a major ‘star of direction’.” (EA 195) It should be noted that Sagittarius is a major sign of direction. If Leo and Aries rule the two Pointers, then the third fire sign, Sagittarius, should be connected with Polaris. Also, Sirius, Gemini and Sagittarius probably formed a triangle at the time of man’s individualization. (cf. EA 355) Sagittarius and Betelgeuse are related to the third cosmic path: “Source— Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius.” (EA 1257)
3.   Three Constellations Connected with Gemini: a) Lepus—the Hare; b) Canis Minor—the Lesser Dog (including Procyon) c) Canis Major—the Greater Dog (including Sirius) (LOH 68-70)   3.   Three Constellations Connected with Sagittarius: a) Lyra—the Seven Stringed Harp; b) Ara—the Altar; c) Draco—the Serpent of Wisdom (LOH 166-167)

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment


Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

In Comparison With
1.   Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini.
1.  Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius.
2.   Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini.   2.  Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius.
3.   Jupiter is in exoteric detriment in Gemini, but (esoterically) holds special power.   3.  Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius.
4.   No planet is exalted or falls in Gemini.   4.  No planet is exalted or falls in Sagittarius.

Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

In Comparison With
1.   Gemini transmits the second ray constellationally   1.   Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius, transmits the second ray, most probably through its soul. Earth, the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, transmits the second ray through its second ray soul (EA 619).
2.   Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel, and therefore, has numerical affinity with the number three and with the third ray “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357) “The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’ enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualising or the humanising of its higher forms of life.” (EA 355)   2.   Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel. Nine is the number of the number three. The third ray has a 900 year cycle. (EPI 348-349). The Earth, esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, transmits the third ray as its personality ray. Mars serves as the astral body to a third ray Entity.
3.   Gemini is the eleventh sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, therefore, has numerical affinity with the number two and with the second ray.   3.   See #1 above.
4.   Gemini is also the fifth sign in the series of sign if one proceeds by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-etc.) Thus, Gemini, from this perspective, has numerical resonance with the fifth ray.   4.   Sagittarius transmits the fifth ray constellationally. Further, Sagittarius is the fifth sign on the clock-wise wheel and hence, has numerical affinity with the fifth ray. Mars, the hierarchical ruler, has strong fifth ray relations, through its orange color and its connection to science and the five senses.
5.   Gemini is the tenth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, IF one begins numbering from Pisces (as the Tibetan does in relation to Leo) This indicates a resonance with the first ray, though there is, otherwise, little first ray to be found within this sign, proper. The seventh initiation (under Gemini) occurs on the first, or Logoic plane, and is the synthesis of the normal initiations   5.   Earth, the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, transmits the first ray monadically. (EA 619)  Mars (and its School) are expressive of the first ray. (TCF 1179)
6.   Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini and transmits the fourth ray. As well, the constellation Gemini is associated with the fourth ray. Ray 4.—Harmony through Conflict, under the influence of Gemini-Sagittarius, staging those situations upon the astral plane which will produce the conflict in the astral body which is essential to the final treading of the burning ground and subsequent release.”  (EA 357)   6.   Sagittarius transmits the fourth ray constellationally. Further,  Sagittarius is the fourth sign of the zodiac upon the clockwise wheel, numbering from Pisces. The Earth has a close relationship to the fourth ray through its planetary order (fourth from the Sun if Vulcan is counted) and its symbol. (the fourfold, even-armed cross within a circle). Mars, the “God of War” must be related to the lower aspect of the fourth ray—that which produces the conflict which precedes harmony.
7.   Mercury is closely associated with the third ray, and probably transmits this ray as its personality ray.   7.   See #2 above.
8.   Mercury has a close relation to the fifth ray, through its relation to the fifth scheme, the fifth round, the fifth race and sub-race. “The fifth race is born under Mercury.” (EA 663)   8.   See #4 above.
9.   Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini, transmits the fifth ray.   9.   See #4 above.
10.   Venus is “pure love-wisdom” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting the second ray (probably as the personality ray) (cf. EA 281) “…the second ray is the ray at present of the planetary Logos” (DINA II 210)   10.   See #1 above.
11.   Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray” (EA 595) thus transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically, just as Uranus, with its first ray Monad, is the “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154)   11.   Sagittarius transmits the sixth ray constellationally—with especial strength. Numbering the signs by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), Sagittarius is the sixth in order, giving it numerical affinity with the sixth ray. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler, has possible sixth ray associations through enthusiasm and the “worship” aspect of ritual  Mars, the hierarchical ruler, transmits the sixth ray.
12.   The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini and transmits the third ray, its personality ray. “…it was necessary to call attention to this great determining factor, the third ray, which is the personality ray of our planetary Logos.” (EP I 338) (cf. EA 619)   12.   See #2 above.
13.   The Earth transmits the second ray, its soul ray. “It [the first ray] is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos, Whose Soul ray is the second and the personality ray the third.” (EA 619)   13.   See #1 above.
14.   The Earth transmits (however weakly) the first ray—its monadic ray. (cf. EA 619)   14.   See #5 above.
15.   There are no strong seventh ray transmissions through Gemini, proper. Jupiter and Saturn, which have a special relation to this sign (one demonstrating the fusion of Spirit and soul, and the other the confrontation with the Dweller) both have seventh ray components.   15.   Jupiter, the exoteric ruler, transmits the seventh ray through “ritualistic worship” (EA 648, 660)

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

In Comparison With
1.   The Messenger   1.   The Adventurer/Explorer
2.   The Teacher   2.   The Prophet
3.   The Teacher   3.   The Preacher
4.   The Twins:
“…the Twins set apart and unattached in Gemini…” (EA 182)
  4.  The Centaur—Man-Beast:
“…become the Centaur, the man-beast, in Sagittarius,…” (EA 182)
5.   Ordinary Wheel Gemini: “Fluid interplay and instability…” (EA 338)   5.  Ordinary Wheel Sagittarius: “…leads to personality focus and determination. The man is one-pointedly devoted to personality achievement” (EA 338)
6.   Gemini upon the Mutable Cross: “Gemini—In the undeveloped man or the average man, the experiences undergone on three arms of the Mutable Cross have brought him to the stage where the ‘dream of life’ can be changed into the recognition of the reality, and the Great Illusion can be seen as undesirable and untrue. The sense of duality is, at this stage, instinctual but becoming increasingly real and steadily more complex. The man begins to dream of stability, of ordered changes and of union with that which he senses to be the most real part of himself. The mystical vision emerges into his consciousness and he becomes aware of the higher self through the first faint flickerings of the intuition.” (EA 119)   6.  Sagittarius upon the Mutable Cross: “Sagittarius—Here the ordinary man begins to demonstrate a tendency to become more focussed and the fluidity and negativity of Pisces become concentrated upon the attainment of that which is desired. The man demonstrates one-pointed selfish instincts and though he may be, for instance, friendly and kind, it is through a desire for popularity. This is a good expression of the individual Sagittarian subject and shows also the tendency of the soul to turn all evil eventually into good. The lessons of life are being learned and experiment is going on.” (EA 118)
7.   Gemini upon the Fixed Cross: “Gemini—The man upon the reversing wheel in Gemini becomes increasingly aware of the intuition and increasingly under the influence of ‘the Brothers who live in the Light,’ as the Twins are sometimes called. The light of the personality dims and the light of the soul waxes. The fluidity of Pisces and the undeveloped Gemini gives place to the responsiveness of the personality to soul impression and consequent stabilising of the life on the physical plane.”  (EA 120)   7.  Sagittarius upon the Fixed Cross: “Sagittarius—This is now the sign of the one-pointed disciple. The life of fluid response to matter becomes that of the focussed response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal.” (EA 121)
8.   Reversed Wheel Gemini: “The result of this related pair of opposites is…” “…a demonstrated readiness for initiation.” (EA 339) (In both signs)   8.  Reversed Wheel Sagittarius: “… that there is one-pointed soul effort, spiritually directed activity and a demonstrated readiness for initiation.” (EA 339) (In both signs)
9.   Gemini for Unevolved Man: “Changeableness. Instability. Interplay” (EA 182)   9.  Sagittarius for Unevolved Man: “Ambitious desire. Direction. Orientation.” (EA 182)
10.   Gemini for Evolved Man: “Recognition of soul and form. Soul interplay.” (EA 182)   10.  Sagittarius for the Evolved Man: “One-pointed spiritual aspiration. Disciples.” (EA 182)
11.   In Gemini: “dual consciousness…or the soul-body realization” (EA  230)   11.  In Sagittarius: “the directed controlled life of the disciple…” (EA 230)
12.   Gemini—Disorientation before the Probationary Path: “He turns from right to left, and then again from left to right. He revolves in giddy fashion upon an axis of desire. He knows not where to go or what to do. The sky turns black.” (EA 61)   12.  Sagittarius—Orientation on the Probationary Path: Sagittarius gradually pierces “the heart with his arrows, and then upon the flight of the arrow, the man reaches Capricorn.” (EA 61)
13.   “There is a waning of the power of form and a waxing of the life of the soul” (EA 339) (In both signs)   13.  “There is a waning of the power of form and a waxing of the life of the soul” (EA 339) (In both signs)
14.   “The threefold lower nature,…” (EA 338)   14.  “…synthesised and directed controls all activity.” (EA 338)
15.   Soul-Personality Relationship in Gemini: fluctuation between soul and personality.   15.  Soul-Personality Relationship in Sagittarius: The disciple “has established a balanced relationship between the personality and the soul and can function as either at any desired moment with equal facility.” This “is called the experience of the disciple upon the plains of Earth, for the path between the pairs of opposites runs straight and level, leaving the depths of personality experience and the heights of soul experience (at this point of development) on either side.” (EA 181)
16.   Gemini: the treading of many paths   16.  Sagittarius: “produces those conditions whereby the Path itself achieves glorification.” (EA 130)
17.   Gemini in Relation to Service: “In Gemini, the relation between the great duality of soul and body emerges in which, at this stage, the body or form serves the soul.” (EA 258)   17.  Sagittarius in Relation to Service:
“In Sagittarius, we find emerging the service of the One Life in terms of the service of the Hierarchy, the planetary expression of the idea of service,…” (EA 258)
18.   Gemini: the “Head” of the “Cross of Change” (EA 349)   18.  Sagittarius—“the Seeker” (EA 349)
19.   Gemini—a Transformation: “the dual forces of the cosmic brothers (Gemini)” (EA 356) must…   19.  Sagittarius—a Transformation:
“…become the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius)” (EA  356)
20.   The Focus of Gemini: “Gemini.—Subjective in nature. Vital. Is not focussed upon the physical plane. Is focussed upon the mortal brother.” (EA 368)   20.  The Focus of Sagittarius: “Sagittarius.—Subjective in nature. Vital. Is not focussed in consciousness upon the physical plane. Is focussed upon the immortal brother.” (EA 368)
21.   Jupiter is in Detriment in Gemini: “The clue to the mystery lies in the basic, spiritual dualism of Jupiter in contradistinction to the body-soul dualism of Gemini;…” (EA 369)   21.  Mercury is in Detriment in Sagittarius: “in Sagittarius, the dualism of Mercury as it expresses itself in the lower-higher mind is transcended by the universal or spiritual mind.” (EA 369)
22.   In Relation to Gemini-Sagittarius-Mercury: “the nature of the pairs of opposites is clearer to him” and “the little self begins to react consciously and with increasing frequency to the higher Self.” (EA 466)   22.  In Relation to Gemini-Sagittarius-Mercury: The disciple “is then becoming increasingly intuitive and entirely one-pointed”. “The man presses forward on that Path wherein he learns to see’.” (EA 466)
23.   The Third and Fifth Rays are Dominant upon the Path of Discipleship: Gemini is active in relation to the fifth ray through Venus. (EA 166)   23.   The Third and Fifth Rays are Dominant upon the Path of Discipleship: Sagittarius is active in relation to the third ray (apparently) through the Earth. (EA 166)
24.   Gemini—for the Undeveloped Man: “Mutation of relation. ‘I serve myself’.” (EA 332)   24.   Sagittarius—for the Undeveloped Man: “Self-centeredness. Experimental approach.” (EA 333)
25.   Gemini—for the Advanced Man: “Orientation of ‘I serve my brother’.” (EA 332)   25.   Sagittarius—for the Advanced Man: “One-pointedness. Directed approach.” (EA 333)
26.   Gemini—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Right relation ‘I serve the One’.” (EA 332)   26.   Sagittarius—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Director of man. The controller of the Gate. (EA 333)
27.  Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Gemini: When the Sun is in Gemini, an individual may cultivate the dialogue between soul and personality—a dialogue which stimulates the intuition. “In the coming world religion this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities.” (EA 355)   27.   Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Sagittarius: When the Sun is in Sagittarius the disciple may “endeavour to practice ‘one-pointedness’ along some one line” (EA 564)
28.   The Life of the Christ from a Geminian Perspective: “The Gemini aspect of His life is shown in the perfect fusion of the basic duality found in humanity: the human and the divine.” (EA 564)   28.   The Life of the Christ from a Sagittarian Perspective: “The Sagittarian energy enabled Him to say, when confronted with full knowledge of the imminent sacrifice which He would have to make: ‘I must go up to Jerusalem,’ and, we read, He then ‘set His face’ and trod the Path of the Saviour, leading to the liberation of humanity.” ( EA 565)
29.   More linked to Love than Desire. The second ray is powerful, engaging the heart center.   29.  More linked to Desire than Love. The sixth ray is powerful, engaging the solar plexus.
30.   Knowledge   30.  Wisdom
31.   Rational (FOP); the development of the intellect   31.  Intuitive (MSE, ASE) “Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs,…” (EA 177)  “In Sagittarius, the intellect which has been developed, used and finally illumined, becomes sensitive to a still higher type of mental experience and to this we give the name of intuitive perception. (EA 177, 180)
32.   Intuitive—using the antahkarana to access Buddhi   32.  Higher Manas—engaged with the abstract mind
33.   Intellectual   33.  Intellectual-directional
34.   Multi-directional   34.  Uni-directional (MSE, ASE). In early day (ESE) also multi-directional
35.   The dualistic vision; the two eyes   35.  The unified vision; the one eye
36.   Changeable perception   36.  Steady and clear-eyed
37.   Objectivity (MSE, ASE)   37.  Identification with given point of view; opinionated (MSE)
38.   Rational (MSE)   38.  Inspirational (ASE)
39.   Concrete (FOP)   39.  More Abstract (FOP)
40.   Intellectual (MSE); mind   40.  Passional (ESE, MSE); desire
41.   Amorality (under Mercury_   41.  Morality (under Jupiter)
42.   Doubting and skeptical   42.  Full of faith and belief
43.   Releasing easily; more easily detached   43.  Persistently following a cause
44.   Interested in the facts   44.  Interested in the meaning and significance of the facts
45.   Flexible   45.  Potentially rigid in its idealism
46.   Prevarication   46.  Truth-telling
47.   Factual   47.  Exaggerative
48.   The immediate environment   48.  The distant horizon
49.   Tangential, “beside the point”   49.  “Straight to the point”

Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences

 Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

These are both highly mental signs, very active at the time of individualisation.

Both having much to do with the bringing the principle of intelligence to the earth and both share an earth rulership, Sagittarius esoterically and Gemini hierarchically.

Both also are signs of great activity and mobility, given to change of environment. Though there will be more scatter in the movement of Gemini and eventually a more one-pointed purposefulness in the movement of Sagittarius.

Both are active in the production of the movement from intellect to intuition. Gemini is frequently associated with the intellect, even though at other times with the intuition. Sagittarius almost always with the intuition and the higher mind.

Together they form the energy which creates the antahkaranic bridge between lower mind and higher mind. Because of their close connection to the 3rd ray, Gemini via its rulership by earth, and the fact that it is the 3rd sign and Sagittarius through its rulership by earth, they are both closely connected with the throat center and with expressing points of view. The point of view of the Geminian will be more impassioned perhaps and philosophical while that of the Geminian will be more verbal and filled with variety but the throat centre is an important means of expression for both as the throat centre is related to the expression of intelligence.

The lower mind especially through Gemini and the higher mind especially through Sagittarius, though again the intuition is strongly related to Gemini equally. There is a triangle formed between Gemini, Sagittarius and the Pleiades and the Pleiades are (?) the mother of intelligence which shows again that these two signs are active on what might be called the intelligence axis of the zodiac.

They are found also closely in relation to the ajna centre. Gemini for its dualism, as the ajna centre is dual and Sagittarius for the power of unification for the ajna centre is a major directing and integrating centre – once the dualism has been resolved. 

Both signs can be seen as related to the divine mind. Sagittarius with its connection to abstraction, theory, philosophy has a natural affinity  with this sphere of human and planetary development and Gemini as the 3rd sign numbering down from Atma, with Aries, buddhi with Taurus, corresponds to the manasic vehicle.

From one point of view, Gemini and Sagittarius combine to make the egoic Lotus what it is. With Gemini ruling the Lotus proper and Sagittarius associated with the permanent atoms, which in essence provide the body of the Soul. The body in this case meaning the vehicles of the personality and in the triplicity, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Sagittarius is always associated with body.

They are also related together via the etheric body. Gemini ruling the network of nadis and meridians, along which etheric energy flows and also connected with vitality through its rulership of active earth, which represents the spleen and Sagittarius connected with earthly prana through its rulership by the earth – vitality via the earth, being that which gives mobility to the physical form. So there is much in relation to this animating prana which moves the physical form that can be associated with Sagittarius.

Both are signs which attempt to achieve mental perspective through wide exposure. Gemini, more masters the details of the big picture and Sagittarius the major themes but both value freedom of mobility greatly and languish in any type of confined or overly repetitive situation. Interestingly both have a connection with the constellation Orion, Sagittarius being associated with Betelgeuse in that constellation and the constellation itself occurring in the Geminian locale of the sky which in one sense is a very solar neighborhood there being stars of intense luminosity found in this area.  In this respect Gemini has much to do with solar power and Sagittarius a bit more to do with lunar power.

Both signs are known for their relative keenness of vision and there is a certain liveliness to be found in the eyes of both.  (This contrast is a bit harder to do and demands a certain discriminative attitude of mind but these contrasts and similarities are important because there is a tendency to think of signs in isolation whereas the full revelation of quality can only come when there is comparison with all those other similar units to which a unit is related. )

Both are mutable signs and therefore found upon the mutable cross and therefore closely related to the intelligence of the Christ aspect for the soul or the Christ aspect is indeed the thinker and the desire nature must be directed towards coming into rapport with the life of that thinker and hence Sagittarius with its connection to desire is involved. 

They both share a rather buoyant sense of humor and are generally known for their positive attitudes, refusing to makes things too heavy although Sagittarius, when in the throws of its idealism, may become earnest and overly sincere. 

Missing or Weak Links

Missing or Weak Links Between Gemini and Sagittarius