Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)

in progress

Relations Between
Gemini & Pisces

Important Foundational Relationships

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

Missing Links

Important Foundational Relationships


Important Foundational Relationships

In Comparison With
1.   Esoteric Mantram: I recognise my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.

  1.   Esoteric Mantram: I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save.

2.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let instability do its work.

  2.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Go forth into matter.

3.   Quality of Light: The Light of Interplay.

  3.   Quality of Light: The Light of the World.

4.   Element: Air sign

  4.   Element: Water Sign

5.   The Mutable or Common Cross

  5.   Mutable or Common Cross

6.   Transmits R2 constellationally

  6.   Transmits R2 and R6, with a possible secondary transmission of R3 (matter—the “waters of space”)

7.   Gemini in relation to the transmission of second ray energy: “Gemini is only found in the triangle of Ray II and at this time, …Today the world is focussed (spiritually or materially) and the fluctuations of the pairs of opposites are much lessened temporarily. Gemini, therefore, is the inactive point of the triangle, though still potent from the esoteric angle of the individual disciple or initiate.” (EA 491)

  7.   Pisces in relation to the transmission of second ray energy: “…Virgo and Pisces are carrying the major task of transmitting second ray energy.” (EA 491)

8.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), transmits R4, R5 and R3 through Mercury, Venus and the Earth—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.

  8.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Pisces transmits R2, R1 and R6, through Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune—its planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.

9.   Color: yellow

  9.   Color: lavender

10.   Creative Hierarchy number IV (unmanifested) characterized by the “Desire for Duality”

  10.   Creative Hierarchy number I (unmanifested). The energy of Intelligent Substance

11.   Associated with the establishing of relationship between Father, Mother and Child at the first initiation (cf. EA 388); the clarifying, mind-illumining second initiation (EA 157, GWP 271); the crucifying, illusion-renouncing fourth (EA 472); and the resurrecting seventh initiations (the second ray initiation of fulfilled Love-Wisdom). (cf. R&I 88-89)

  11.   Associated with the Fixed-Cross-mounting first initiation (cf. EA 125); the purifying, desire-releasing second initiation; the crucifying, death-dealing fourth initiation, as well as the liberating Path-revealing fifth initiation, which in this case opens to the “world saviour” the door to Shamballa and to great revelation through self-abnegating willingness to serve the Divine Will. (cf. EA 141, 320-321, for the fourth and fifth initiations) Since, Pisces brings about the “consummation of divine desire”, the sixth initiation which restores the ‘Savior-Monad’ to complete power may also be indicated.

12.   Gemini (the third sign) can be associated with the thought-configuring, articulating throat center under the third ray; also with the duality-resolving, unifying heart center, and with the manipulating/blessing centers in the palms. Dualistic Gemini (ruled by oscillatory Mercury) can also be associated with the dualistic, decision-making, polarity-integrating ajna center, and with the system-uniting “kundalini” at the base of the spine. “Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity” (EA 181)


12.  Pisces can be reasonably associated with the centers in the soles of the feet, giving humility, ‘under-standing’, and the power to tread the Path. Pisces is also strongly related to the solar plexus center (in relation to which purification of desire and detachment must prevail) and to the compassionate, all-embracing, all-forgiving heart center—these centers being ruled, in part, by Neptune, special ruler of Pisces. Pisces can, at a high point of evolution, condition the ajna center (when Alpha {Aries—crown center} and Omega {Pisces—ajna}) meet. The buddhically-resonant heart within the head, of which the Buddha, Himself, is a symbol (EXH 87) is another significant association.

13.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.”

  13.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Pisces provides the foundational motivation for the entire monadic pilgrimage, for every Monad is a “Lord of ceaseless, persevering devotion” (EA 117) and, under the influence of Pisces—a savior. The monadic pilgrimage is entirely sacrificial, and is undertaken for purposes of redemption. Pisces both symbolizes and impulses the humanly unfathomable Self-abnegation which send the Monad forth. “Go forth into matter”, is one mantram of Pisces.

14.   Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad.

  14.   Within the Triad—Pisces (which transmits the second ray)  is principally related to the second principle buddhi, as it expresses the divine love, wisdom and understanding which redeem. Pisces is also one of the intuitive signs connecting it to buddhi. Pisces eventually induces a “pervasiveness of wisdom” (EA 136), and wisdom is the influence of the first aspect upon the second (as in the case of the Buddha). (cf. DINA II 518) In Pisces there is a powerful sensitivity to the will of God, (“Father, not my will by Thine by done”) and thus to the atmic aspect of the Triad—and to the Monad. Pisces, transcending Mercury, is less related to higher manas.

15.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to communicate with and instruct the personality.

  15.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Pisces is the energy of the will-to-save which animates those “Hearts of Fiery Love” known as Agnishvattas, or Solar Angels. Pisces (in which Solar Angelic Venus is exalted) provides the originating incentive for the sacrifice which the Solar Angels made aeons ago, on behalf of the human Monads, and in service of the Planetary Logos. Pisces governs the Solar Angel as Savior.

16.   Within the Personality—Gemini can be identified with the flexible associative processes and informational receptivity of the lower mental nature, which becomes, eventually, especially responsive to the antahkarana; with the bi-polar fluctuations of the astral nature, vacillating conflicted between the pairs of opposites (EA 362); in general, with the etheric nature and its network of interplaying vital-electric currents and with the sprightliness and rejuvenation of the dense physical  nature. Gemini is especially related to the etheric vehicle. (EA 352) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)

  16.   Within the Personality—Pisces can be identified with the impressionability and eventual intuitive sensitivity of the lower mental nature; with the sentient permeability, and imaginative, tranquilizing processes within the astral nature; with the induction of quietude within the etheric nature; and with the general sensitivity of the dense physical vehicle. (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)

17.   Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Vitalization

  17.   Stage of Meditative Consciousness: Identification

18.   The Crisis of Renunciation characterized by the quality of Crucifixion

  18.   The Choice of Method of Salvation (such as that which confronted the Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene)

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

In Comparison With
1.   Expressive, principally, of the second or Love aspect of divinity. (EA 351) “It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel.” (EA 346) Gemini, ‘Lord of Intelligence’, is also closely linked by numerical affinity to the third or Intelligence aspect. “…Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’…” (EA 355) “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357)

  1.   Expressive principally of the second divine aspect, with a lengthy history connected to the material substance (“water”) of the third. There is some emphasis upon the liberating will of the first aspect. “In Pisces, you have the consummation of the work of that which the matter aspect has made possible, and the Christ emerges as the world saviour. All this has taken place through the will aspect of the second ray, focussed in Shamballa, expressing itself through humanity and consummated in the Hierarchy. (EA 627-628)

2.   Cosmically associated with Sirius. “1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.” (EA 349) Sirius and Gemini are both related to Masonry. (cf. EA 350) Sirius and Gemini were active together in the individualization process. (cf. EA 355) Gemini is also associated with the Pleiades. “Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.” (EA 466)

  2.   Cosmically related to Sirius. “The triangle of Pisces-Uranus-Hierarchy is becoming magnetically attractive to the triangle of Humanity.” (EA 438) “And then the heavens within the ring-pass-not responded to the light from Sirius which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere (Uranus) and thus a lesser triple light appeared, the radiant sun of suns, the watery light of Pisces, the heavenly light of Uranus.” (EA 432, also 427-428)
A connection between the Dragon, the Pleiades and Pisces may well exist, in relation to the saving,  self-abnegating Path of Earth Service. (cf. TCF 904, 1162)

3.   Three Constellations Connected with Gemini: a) Lepus—the Hare; b) Canis Minor—the Lesser Dog (including Procyon) c) Canis Major—the Greater Dog (including Sirius) (LOH 68-70)

  3.   Three Constellations Connected with Pisces: a) The Band—(connecting the two Fishes; b) Andromeda—the Chained Woman; c) Cepheus—the King (LOH 200)

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment


Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

In Comparison With
1.   Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini.

1.   Mercury falls in Pisces. Mercury is also considered to be in detriment in Pisces.

2.   Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini.

  2.   Venus is exalted in Pisces.

3.   Jupiter is in exoteric detriment in Gemini, but powerfully expressive from an occult perspective.

  3.   Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Pisces.

Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

In Comparison With
1.   Gemini transmits the second ray constellationally

  1.   Pisces transmits the second ray, constellationally. Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, transmits the second ray. Neptune, as special, spiritual ruler of Pisces for “humanity as a whole(EA 129), transmits the second ray monadically. Venus, “pure love-wisdom” (exalted in Pisces), transmits the second ray. (EA 281)

2.   Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel, and therefore, has numerical affinity with the number three and with the third ray “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357)“The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’ enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualising or the humanising of its higher forms of life.” (EA 355)


2.   Pisces, associated with “water” and with the “ocean” has an indirect connection with the material third ray through “matter.” Pisces is the “fish swimming in the waters of matter and finding there its sustenance.” (EA 287) ‘As we well know, water stands for matter,…” (TCF 1005)  “Neptune is as you know, the God of the waters, and the term ‘water’ covers many angles of the esoteric wisdom, such as: The whole concept of matter—universal and itemised.”.. (EA 275) The Piscean is to become “the fish who swims free in the ocean of matter.” (EA 62)  Pisces is also the twelfth sign on the reversed wheel, numbering normally and also by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, etc.), and hence, resonant to the third ray. Neptune rules Pisces in a special way (EA 171), and the Neptunian trident connects it to the third ray. “Water” and “matter” are equivalent and matter is ruled by the third ray. Pluto, through it lunar, material, sub-conscious associations, and its associations with the “past”,  shows its relation to the third ray.

3.   Gemini is the eleventh sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, therefore, has numerical affinity with the number two and with the second ray.

  3.   See #1 above.

4.   Gemini is also the fifth sign in the series of sign if one proceeds by polarities (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-etc.) Thus, Gemini, from this perspective, has numerical resonance with the fifth ray.

  4.   Venus (exalted) transmits the fifth ray. Pluto, for whom Mars is the “Alter Ego” (EA 507) is connected with scientific research, and Mars rules science—on the fifth ray.

5.   Gemini is the tenth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, IF one begins numbering from Pisces (as the Tibetan does in relation to Leo) This indicates a resonance with the first ray, though there is, otherwise, little first ray to be found within this sign, proper. Gemini can be associated with the seventh initiation taken on the logoic, or first systemic plane—Adi.

  5.   Pluto is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Pisces, and transmits the first ray.

6.   Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini and transmits the fourth ray. As well, the constellation Gemini is associated with the fourth ray. Ray 4.—Harmony through Conflict, under the influence of Gemini-Sagittarius, staging those situations upon the astral plane which will produce the conflict in the astral body which is essential to the final treading of the burning ground and subsequent release.”  (EA 357)

  6.   Only indirect fourth ray connections relate Pisces to the fourth ray. Venus, the planet exalted in Pisces, can be understood as associated with the harmony and beauty aspects of the fourth ray (but not with the factors within this ray which lead to conflict). Neptune, the special spiritual ruler of Pisces (for “humanity as a whole”) has strong relations to buddhi/intuition, and to the fourth plane, the buddhic plane

7.   Mercury is closely associated with the third ray, and probably transmits this ray as its personality ray.

  7.   See #2 above.

8.   Mercury has a close relation to the fifth ray, through its relation to the fifth scheme, the fifth round, the fifth race and sub-race. “The fifth race is born under Mercury.” (EA 663)

  8.   See #4 above.

9.   Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini, transmits the fifth ray.

  9.   See #4 above.

10.   Venus is “pure love-wisdom” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting the second ray (probably as the personality ray) (cf. EA 281) “…the second ray is the ray at present of the planetary Logos” (DINA II 210)

  10.   See #1 above.

11.   Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray” (EA 595) thus transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically, just as Uranus, with its first ray Monad, is the “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154)

  11.   Pisces transmits the sixth ray constellationally. Enthusiastic Jupiter has sixth ray associations. Neptune (a special ruler of Pisces) transmits the sixth ray. Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical ruler) has sixth ray associations through its relation to the solar plexus. (EA 78)

12.   The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini and transmits the third ray, its personality ray. “…it was necessary to call attention to this great determining factor, the third ray, which is the personality ray of our planetary Logos.” (EP I 338) (cf. EA 619)

  12.   See #2 above.

13.   The Earth transmits the second ray, its soul ray. “It [the first ray] is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos, Whose Soul ray is the second and the personality ray the third.” (EA 619)

  13.   See #1 above.

14.   The Earth transmits (however weakly) the first ray—its monadic ray. (cf. EA 619)

  14.   See #5 above.

15.   There are no strong seventh ray transmissions through Gemini, proper. Jupiter and Saturn, which have a special relation to this sign (one demonstrating the fusion of Spirit and soul, and the other the confrontation with the Dweller) both have seventh ray components.

  15.   Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Pisces, rules “ritualistic worship” and,  thus, transmits the seventh ray. (cf. EA 648, 660)

16.   Mercury, the “Messenger at the eighth gate” is powerful in Gemini, where it is associated with “kundalini active.” Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity, while Mars demonstrates kundalini latent.” (TCF 181)

  16.   Mercury falls in Pisces. It “falls away” from its lowest expression, and manifests as pure intuition, or buddhi—which is release when kundalini has done its work.

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

In Comparison With
1.   The Head of the Cosmic Christ

  1.   The Saviour

2.   Pure Reason

  2.   Divine Love

3.   The Teacher

  3.   The Healer

4.   The Cognizer

  4.   The Empath

5.   Intelligence and Love

  5.   Love and Will

6.   The telepathy of Hierarchy

  6.   The oneness within Shamballa

7.   Gemini for Unevolved Man: “Changeableness. Instability. Interplay” (EA 182)

  7.   Pisces for Unevolved Man: “Sensation. Mediumship. Fluidity” (EA 182)

8.   Gemini for Evolved Man: “Recognition of soul and form. Soul interplay.” (EA 182)

  8.   Pisces for Evolved Man: “The world Saviour. Mediatorship.” (EA 182)

9.   Gemini upon the Mutable Cross: “Gemini—In the undeveloped man or the average man, the experiences undergone on three arms of the Mutable Cross have brought him to the stage where the ‘dream of life’ can be changed into the recognition of the reality, and the Great Illusion can be seen as undesirable and untrue. The sense of duality is, at this stage, instinctual but becoming increasingly real and steadily more complex. The man begins to dream of stability, of ordered changes and of union with that which he senses to be the most real part of himself. The mystical vision emerges into his consciousness and he becomes aware of the higher self through the first faint flickerings of the intuition.” (EA 119)

  9.   Pisces upon the Mutable Cross: “Pisces—Here the beginner upon the way of life starts with a material receptivity which will enable him to respond to all contacts in the cycle of manifestation. He is, at this stage, negative, fluid and endowed with an instinctual consciousness which contains within itself the potentiality of the intuition. But the seed of the intuition is dormant. The mind which is the instrument of reception from the intuition is, at this stage, unawakened.” (EA 118)

10.   Gemini upon the Fixed Cross: “Gemini—The man upon the reversing wheel in Gemini becomes increasingly aware of the intuition and increasingly under the influence of ‘the Brothers who live in the Light,’ as the Twins are sometimes called. The light of the personality dims and the light of the soul waxes. The fluidity of Pisces and the undeveloped Gemini gives place to the responsiveness of the personality to soul impression and consequent stabilising of the life on the physical plane.”  (EA 120)

  10.   Pisces upon the Fixed Cross: “Pisces—Here, at the final stage, Pisces stands for the death of the personality and the release of the soul from captivity and its return into the task of the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished and the final death is undergone. "There is no more sea" says the ancient book, which means inevitably the "death of the fishes" and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.” (EA 121)

11.   Duality in Gemini: “in Gemini there is also a definite relationship between the two brothers but there is no connecting band, and in that relationship is latent free choice and free determination.” (EA 126)

  11.   Duality in Pisces: “In Pisces, there is demonstrated the captivity angle of relationship and the two fishes are unable to escape from each other;…” (EA 126)

12.   Bondage and Freedom in Gemini: “The Twins in Gemini are symbols of the same basic duality, but the experience of the many changing incarnations has done its work, and the Band (uniting the two fishes) is in process of dissolution, for part of the work of Pluto is to ‘cut the thread which binds the two opposing lives together.’ It is the task of Venus to reunite the severed lives but with no binding thread’.” (EA 130)

  12.   Bondage and Freedom in Pisces: “The Fishes in Pisces are bound together, as we have seen, and this is a symbol of the captivity of the soul in form, prior to the experience upon the Fixed Cross. (EA 129-130)

13.   Duality: In Gemini there emerges “the dual consciousness…or the soul-body realization” (EA 230)

  13.   Salvation: In Pisces, “the work of a world saviour…and final liberation” (EA 230)

14.   “Duality” is reflected in the symbol for Gemini. (cf. EA 258)

  14.   “Duality linked in synthesis” is reflected in the symbol for Pisces. (cf. EA 258)

15.   Service in Relation to Gemini: “In Gemini, the relation between the great duality of soul and body emerges in which, at this stage, the body or form serves the soul.” (EA 258)

  15.   Service in Relation to Pisces: “…in Pisces, there appears—as a result of the entire evolutionary process—the dedicated, trained and tested world Server or Saviour.” (EA 258)

16.   Gemini mediates five zodiacal polarities: Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius, Virgo/Pisces (cf. EA 346-347)

  16.   Pisces mediates one zodiacal polarity: Gemini/Sagittarius (cf. EA 347)

17.   Gemini in Relation to Synthesis: “This sign is sometimes called the ‘constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis’. Governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One.” (EA 347)

  17.   Pisces in Relation to Synthesis: “Pisces takes from all the signs” (EA 333) Pisces synthesizes the qualities of all zodiacal signs. It serves, for the zodiac, as the synthesizing omega point.

18.   Gemini: the “head” of the “Cross of change” (EA 349)

  18.   Pisces: “the submerged Fish” (EA 349)

19.   Gemini in Relation to the Ray Two Triangle: “Gemini is only found in the triangle of Ray II and at this time,… Today the world is focussed (spiritually or materially) and the fluctuations of the pairs of opposites are much lessened temporarily. Gemini, therefore, is the inactive point of the triangle, though still potent from the esoteric angle of the individual disciple or initiate. (EA 491)

  19.   Pisces (and Virgo) in Relation to the Ray Two Triangle: “Virgo and Pisces are carrying the major task of transmitting second ray energy….” (EA 491)

20.   Gemini and the Will-to-Relate: “In Gemini, therefore, you have the two, the pair of opposites and the will-to-relate;…” (EA 627)

  20.   Pisces and the Will-to-Save: “In this sign the work is consummated and the will of the Father works out through the second ray will as the will-to-save…. In Pisces, you have the consummation of the work of that [Page 628] which the matter aspect has made possible, and the Christ emerges as the world saviour.” (EA 627-628)

21.   Gemini—for the Undeveloped Man: “Mutation of relation. ‘I serve myself’.” (EA 332)

  21.   Pisces—for the Undeveloped Man: “Responsiveness to environment. The medium.” (EA 333)

22.   Gemini—for the Advanced Man: “Orientation of ‘I serve my brother’.” (EA 332)

  22.   Pisces—for the Advanced Man: “Sensitivity to soul. The mediator.” (EA 333)

23.   Gemini—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Right relation ‘I serve the One’.” (EA 332)

  23.   Pisces—for the Disciple/Initiate Man: “Spiritual responsibility. The Saviour.” (EA 333)

24.   Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Gemini: When the Sun is in Gemini, an individual may cultivate the dialogue between soul and personality—a dialogue which stimulates the intuition. “In the coming world religion this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities.” (EA 355)

  24.   Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Pisces: When the Sun is in Pisces, the disciple will know that “sensitivity to the higher impression is his right and privilege.” (EA 564)

25.   The Life of the Christ from a Geminian Perspective: “The Gemini aspect of His life is shown in the perfect fusion of the basic duality found in humanity: the human and the divine.” (EA 564)

  25.   The Life of the Christ from a Piscean Perspective: “The Piscean aspect in its highest expression is demonstrated by His sensitivity to immediate and unbroken contact with His "Father in Heaven"; He was in constant communication with the Monad, thereby proving to the world that He was initiated into states of consciousness of which the third initiation is but the beginning.” (EA 565)

26.  Rational (FOP) (MSE, ASE)

  26.  Intuitive

27.  Intuition via the antahkarana (LFC)

  27.   Intuition through identification—post antahkarana (LFC, CC)

28.   More related to mind

  28.   More related to feeling

29.   Analysis

  29.   Belief, faith.

30.   Thinking for oneself

  30.   Open to guidance; accepting thought and feeling issuing from a higher source

31.   Knowledge

  31.   ‘Under-standing’—figuratively and quite literally too—Pisces rules the feet.

32.   The glorification of multiplicity

  32.   The dissolving of multiplicity in the ‘Ocean of Wisdom”

33.   Head (FOP)

  33.   Heart

34.   Mentally proud

  34.   Self-effacing

35.   Logical

  35.   Superstitious, gullible

36.   Detached

  36.   Attached (until advanced stages of evolution when detachment is forced or willed)

37.   Inquisitive, inquiring

  37.   Impressionable

38.   Verbal

  38.   Imagistic

39.   Articulate

  39.   Often rendered inarticulate, silent or dumb

40.   Communicating through words

  40.   Communicating through silence

41.   Versatile dexterity

  41.   At times (even physically) handicapped

42.   Disloyalty

  42.   Loyalty, faith, adhesion

43.   Active, mobile, alert

  43.   More inert, less easily aroused

44.   Sharp response

  44.   Blurred or indefinite response

45.   Used to freedom

  45.   Habituated to servitude and bondage (whether material or spiritual)

46.   Superficial knowledge of others (ESE, MSE)

  46.   In-depth knowledge of others through identification (MSE, ASE)

47.   Insensitivity to emotional depth (ESE, MSE)

  47.   Sensitivity to emotional depth

48.   Learning through cognition

  48.   Learning through experience, and sensitivity to impression

49.   Unemotional focus

  49.   Keenly emotional

50.   Under the second ray—saving through the mind

  50.   Under the second ray—saving through the heart

Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences

 Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

Both are signs of salvation and world-saviorship 163 World salvation is possible today

Both signs are closely associated with the Christ impulse. Gemini is the great 2nd ray sign of relationship and Pisces, perhaps the most powerful of all the 2nd Ray signs, though not the most powerful at this particular world period. Both constellations, with Virgo, distribute the 2nd Ray although Pisces also distributes the 6th Ray giving it its emotional emphasis which is different from the non-emotional emphasis of Gemini.

Both are signs of keen impressionability, though it would be mental impressionability from Gemini and more emotional, intuitive impressionability in relation to Pisces. Gemini too, can be considered an intuitive sign in terms of the building of the antahkarana.

Both are signs of Love/Wisdom though Gemini may be more involved with the cognitive and wisdom aspects of the Love/Wisdom Ray and Pisces more involved with the love aspect though the Piscean wisdom, based upon long experience, is deep. 

Both are signs of duality and have a close relationship to the pairs of opposites, namely soul and personality but in Gemini we have the unbound soul and personality and in Pisces we have the bound soul and personality yielding bondage wherein the soul is captive to the personality in the early days and the type of higher spiritual bondage wherein the personality is captive to the soul in the later days.

Both are dualistic signs but in both signs the dualities are brought into relationship with one another.

Both are united in a relationship to Jupiter – Jupiter representing the union of spirit and soul in Gemini and the soul &wisdom consciousness in Pisces.

Both, as members of the mutable cross, are involved in the instilling of Christ consciousness and there is a rulership of Venus esoterically in Gemini and Venus holds an exalted position in Pisces. Again this relates both signs to the work of the solar angels, initiating intelligence in Gemini and consummating the development of intelligence as love/wisdom in Pisces.

In a sense then, Gemini and Pisces control the relationship between the pairs of opposites in which Gemini represents the freest possible relation and Pisces the most bound relation whether for good or for ill.

Missing or Weak Links

Missing or Weak Links Between Gemini and Pisces