Tapestry of the Gods
Volume III
by Michael D. Robbins (c)

in progress

Relations Between
Gemini & Cancer

Important Foundational Relationships

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

Missing Links

Important Foundational Relationships


Important Foundational Relationships

In Comparison With
1.   The Twins   1.   The Crab
2.   Esoteric Mantram: I recognise my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.   2.   Esoteric Mantram: I build a lighted house and therein dwell.
3.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word said: Let instability do its work.   3.   Exoteric/Evolutionary Mantram: And the Word Said: Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.
4.   Quality of Light: The Light of Interplay.   4.   Quality of Light: The Light within the form
5.   Element: Air sign   5.   Element: Water sign
6.   The Mutable or Common Cross   6.   Cardinal Cross
7.   Transmits R2 constellationally   7.   Cancer transmits R3 and R7 constellationally.
8.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), transmits R4, R5 and R3 through Mercury, Venus and the Earth—its three planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.   8.   Secondarily, (assuredly, but not exclusively), Cancer transmits R4 and R6, through the Moon and Neptune—its two planetary rulers on three levels—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical.
9.   Color: yellow   9.   Color: violet
1.   Creative Hierarchy number IV (unmanifested), characterized by the “Desire for Duality”   10.   Creative Hierarchy number V (unmanifested) Mass Life, Veiling the Christ
10.   Associated with the establishing of relationship between Father, Mother and Child at the first initiation (cf. EA 388); the clarifying, mind-illumining second initiation (EA 157, GWP 271); the crucifying, illusion-renouncing fourth (EA 472); and the resurrecting seventh initiations (the second ray initiation of fulfilled Love-Wisdom). (cf. R&I 88-89)   1.   Cancer has no specific relation to the first three initiations. Since Neptune (inducing love and inclusive idealism) is so important at the second initiation (EA 71, 297-298), Cancer must be implicated. After the third initiation, the Cancerian can become “the Crab, who clears the ocean of matter which flows around the soul of man” (EA 62) In subtle ways Cancer must be related to the fourth (EA 218) and eighth initiations (relating to unmanifested Hierarchy V—eighth from below).
1.   Gemini (the third sign) can be associated with the thought-configuring, articulating throat center under the third ray; also with the duality-resolving, unifying heart center, and with the manipulating/blessing centers in the palms. Dualistic Gemini (ruled by oscillatory Mercury) can also be associated with the dualistic, decision-making, polarity-integrating ajna center, and with the system-uniting “kundalini” at the base of the spine. “Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity” (EA 181)   1.   Cancer can be reasonably associated with the protective and nourishment-giving centers in the breasts and, particularly, with the instinctual, bi-polar, emotionally sensitive solar plexus center. The disease, cancer, is strongly associated with a disturbed, congested solar plexus; the sign and the disease are, in fact, related. The sacral center (involved in form-building) cannot be ignored. The chakras in the ‘gripping’ hands are related. When Neptune (the esoteric and hierarchical ruler) functions buddhically, the sign Cancer can also be related to the compassionate, humanity-embracing heart center.
1.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.”   1.   The zodiacal signs influence the Monad of every human being (EA 411, 637, TCF 1191); the influence from Gemini makes it possible for the “Brother” who is the “prodigal son” to go forth into a “far country” (as the Monad-in-substantial-immersion), and yet, remain ‘at home’ within the Father’s House as the “elder Brother” Who did not go forth (i.e., as the Monad undiminished upon its own level of consciousness). Thus is the Monad “in the world yet not of the world”. Gemini endows the Monad with its all-pervasive omnipresence relative to the human energy system. “Having pervaded the entire Universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.”
2.   Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad.   3.   Within the Triad—Gemini, the third sign, is related to higher manas (the third aspect of the Triad). Higher manas formulates into abstract thought the revelations of the ‘idea-patterns’ to be found upon the buddhic plane. Gemini, as its dualistic symbol reveals, is also related to the divine love, pure reason and intuitive revelations of buddhi, the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad.
4.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to communicate with and instruct the personality.   5.   In relation to the Solar Angel, and the soul-consciousness (and causal body) through which it expresses—Gemini can be seen as governing the pulsations of Solar-Angelic thought and vitality which rhythmically stimulate the personality. Gemini can be associated with the attempt the Solar Angel to ‘communicate’ with the personality.
6.   Within the Personality—Gemini can be identified with the flexible associative processes and informational receptivity of the lower mental nature, which becomes, eventually, especially responsive to the antahkarana; with the bi-polar fluctuations of the astral nature, vacillating conflicted between the pairs of opposites (EA 362); in general, with the etheric nature and its network of interplaying vital-electric currents and with the sprightliness and rejuvenation of the dense physical  nature. Gemini is especially related to the etheric vehicle. (EA 352) (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)   1.   Within the Personality—Cancer can be identified with the memory and retentiveness of the lower mental nature; with the sensitivity and receptivity of the astral nature; with the de-vitalization or insufficient vitalization of the etheric nature; and, with the tenacity of the physical elemental as it seeks to perpetuate the integrity of its life. In general, Cancer (through the Moon) is especially associated with the dense physical form as a first solar system ‘residue’, and with the fourth or personality elemental (arising from the lesser three). (The vehicular focus and its degree of prominence, depends upon the stage of evolutionary development.)
1.   Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Vitalization   11.   Stage within a Preliminary Fourfold Meditative Process: Incarnation, Embodiment
2.   The Crisis of Renunciation characterized by the quality of Crucifixion   1.   The Crisis of Incarnation characterized by the process/quality of Individualization

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

Wider Relationships: Cosmic and Systemic

In Comparison With
1.   Expressive, principally, of the second or Love aspect of divinity. (EA 351) “It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel.” (EA 346) Gemini, ‘Lord of Intelligence’, is also closely linked by numerical affinity to the third or Intelligence aspect. “…Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’…” (EA 355) “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357)   1.   Expressive principally of the third or Intelligence aspect—in relation to matter. (EA 351)The incarnation process under the rulership of Cancer “is initiation into the creative third aspect, the matter aspect and the world of intelligent activity.” (EH 144) Since ruled by Neptune and related to the Pleiades, Cancer is correlated to buddhi (TCF 1162), and thus, also, is linked to the second aspect of divinity.
2.   Cosmically associated with Sirius. “1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.” (EA 349) Sirius and Gemini are both related to Masonry. (cf. EA 350) Sirius and Gemini were active together in the individualization process. (cf. EA 355) Gemini is also associated with the Pleiades. “Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship.” (EA 466)   2.   Cosmically associated primarily with the Pleiades. “Pleiades—Cancer—Venus—Humanity(EA 416)
3.   Three Constellations Connected with Gemini: a) Lepus—the Hare; b) Canis Minor—the Lesser Dog (including Procyon) c) Canis Major—the Greater Dog (including Sirius) (LOH 68-70)   3.   Three Constellations Connected (symbolically) with Cancer: a) Ursa Major—the Great Bear; b) Ursa Minor—the Little Bear; c) Argo—the Ship. (LOH 90-92) Another constellation Connected with Cancer is Praesepe—the Beehive.  There are eighty three stars to be found ‘within’ this constellation. (LOH 87-88) Tradition connects both Ursa Major and Minor with “flock(s) of sheep” and “sheepfold(s)”

Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers, and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment


Relationships Between Three Levels of Planetary Rulers,
and Planets in Exaltation, Fall and Detriment

11.   There are no obvious lines of comparison between the ruling planets of both signs.
In Comparison With
12.   There are no obvious lines of comparison between the ruling planets of both signs.
12.   Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini.   13.   Jupiter is exalted in Cancer.

Subtle Relationships Between Rays, Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

Subtle Relationships Between Rays,
Zodiacal and Planetary Energies

In Comparison With
1.   Gemini transmits the second ray constellationally   1.   Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and transmits the second ray. Neptune, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer, transmits the second ray monadically. (EPI 421) Even the feminine receptivity  of the dualistic Moon has reasonable associations with the number two and, hence, with the second ray.
2.   Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel, and therefore, has numerical affinity with the number three and with the third ray “Ray 3.—Active Intelligence, under the influence of this third sign, Gemini, slowly conditioning the etheric body.” (EA 357)“The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called ‘a third potency’ enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualising or the humanising of its higher forms of life.” (EA 355)   2.   Cancer transmits the third ray constellationally. The Moon, the exoteric ruler of Cancer,  is closely related to the third ray. (EA 280), and to the third chain and the first solar system (the ray of which was the third). Neptune, the “God of the Waters” and the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer, is related to the third ray, because “water” is “matter”(third ray). “Neptune is as you know, the God of the waters, and the term "water" covers many angles of the esoteric wisdom, such as: The whole concept of matter—universal and itemised….” (EA 275) Neptune’s trident shows this relation. “…Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation.” (EA 220)
3.   Gemini is the eleventh sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel and, therefore, has numerical affinity with the number two and with the second ray.   3.   See #1 above.
4.   Gemini is the fifth sign of the zodiac if one numbers in polarities (Aries-Libra-Taurus-Scorpio-Gemini-etc.)  This indicates a resonance with the fifth ray.   4.   There are no fifth ray transmissions through Cancer. If the Moon is considered to veil Vulcan, in early, materialistic Cancer, then, Vulcan can be said to have an association with the concrete mineral kingdom (a kingdom to which the fifth ray is closely connected)
5.   Gemini is the tenth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel, IF one begins numbering from Pisces (as the Tibetan does in relation to Leo) This indicates a resonance with the first ray, though there is, otherwise, little first ray to be found within this sign, proper.   5.   Cancer is the tenth sign of the zodiac on the clockwise wheel. Ten sums to one, hence Cancer is numerologically  resonant to the first ray. First ray Spirit sleeps (with first-ray Vulcan, veiled by the Moon) in matter. For undeveloped man (in regressive Cancer), the Moon veils Vulcan, transmitter of the first ray (resistance)
6.   Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Gemini and transmits the fourth ray. As well, the constellation Gemini is associated with the fourth ray. Ray 4.—Harmony through Conflict, under the influence of Gemini-Sagittarius, staging those situations upon the astral plane which will produce the conflict in the astral body which is essential to the final treading of the burning ground and subsequent release.”  (EA 357)   6.   Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac on the reversed wheel and, hence, has numerical affinity with the fourth ray. The Moon, the exoteric ruler of Cancer, is a veil for the transmission of fourth ray energies from an undiscovered planet. Neptune is associated with the fourth plane, the buddhic plane, and with the energy of buddhi. “No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune.... When this happens, his personality horoscope will show this influence as dominant” (TCF 899)
7.   Mercury is closely associated with the third ray, and probably transmits this ray as its personality ray.   7.   See #2 above.
8.   Mercury has a close relation to the fifth ray, through its relation to the fifth scheme, the fifth round, the fifth race and sub-race. “The fifth race is born under Mercury.” (EA 663)   8.   See #4 above.
9.   Venus, the esoteric ruler of Gemini, transmits the fifth ray.   9.   See #4 above.
10.   Venus is “pure love-wisdom” and, therefore, can be seen as transmitting the second ray (probably as the personality ray) (cf. EA 281) “…the second ray is the ray at present of the planetary Logos” (DINA II 210)   10.   See #2 above.
11.   Venus is the “home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray” (EA 595) thus transmits the sixth ray, probably monadically, just as Uranus, with its first ray Monad, is the “home of fire electric” (TCF 1154)   11.   Neptune, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Cancer (and exalted with Jupiter in this sign as well) , transmits the sixth ray. Jupiter (exalted in Cancer) through its enthusiasm and aspirational nature has defensible connections to the sixth ray.
12.   The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini and transmits the third ray, its personality ray. “…it was necessary to call attention to this great determining factor, the third ray, which is the personality ray of our planetary Logos.” (EP I 338) (cf. EA 619)   12.   See #2 above.
13.   The Earth transmits the second ray, its soul ray. “It [the first ray] is the monadic ray of our planetary Logos, Whose Soul ray is the second and the personality ray the third.” (EA 619)   13.   See #1 above.
14.   The Earth transmits (however weakly) the first ray—its monadic ray. (cf. EA 619)   14.   See #5 above.
15.   There are no strong seventh ray transmissions through Gemini, proper. Jupiter and Saturn, which have a special relation to this sign (one demonstrating the fusion of Spirit and soul, and the other the confrontation with the Dweller) both have seventh ray components.   15.   Cancer transmits the seventh ray constellationally. The Moon is closely related to the seventh ray, through its rulership of the seventh manifested Creative Hierarchy, and its general association with dense physical matter. The Moon is really a veiling transmitter of the seventh ray, due to its association with the seventh plane and its general veiling of seventh-ray  Uranus Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and transmits the seventh ray through “ritualistic worship.” (EA 660).

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts and Pragmatic Descriptors

General Qualitative Comparisons, Contrasts
and Pragmatic Descriptors

In Comparison With
4.   The Head of the Cosmic Christ: “Upon the golden triangle, the cosmic Christ appeared; His head in Gemini;...” (EA 348)   4.   The Divine Mother (cf. EA 266)
5.   The Messenger   5.   The “House-holder”
6.   The Teacher   6.   The Nurturer, the Care-giver
7.   The “Son”   7.   The “Mother”
8.   Correlated to the present solar system, conditioned by the second ray.   8.   Correlated to the past solar system, correlated to the third ray.
9.   As the third sign and ‘Lord of Intelligence’ identified with the third aspect of divinity.   9.   Since ruled by Neptune and, thus, correlated to buddhi, Cancer also has links with the second aspect of divinity.
10.   “Gemini—heart of the Sun—2nd aspect—love of the Whole” (EA 351) “In in Gemini, you have an emerging recognition of duality, leading to experience and growth in all separative intelligent forms;…” (EA 351)   10.   “Cancer—physical Sun—3rd aspect—intelligent activity of the Whole.” (EA 351) “In Cancer, you have the intelligent synthetic consciousness of the mass, viewing it from the consciousness of matter itself and the awareness of all forms and atoms;…” (EA 351)
11.   The Buddha of Activity working with the Act of Individualisation draws the needed energy from Gemini. (R&I 268)   11.   The Buddha of Activity working with the Act of Individualisation draws the needed energy from Cancer. (R&I 268)
12.   Gemini: “expressive of man’s essential duality” (EA 161) “Gemini, which gives the sense of the dual nature of man —human and divine—which is the goal of the consciousness of experience upon the Mutable Cross.” (EA 161)   12.   Cancer: expressive of “mass consciousness”. The forces of Cancer are “involutionary in nature” (EA 161)
13.   In Gemini: the souls emerge “as vital entities” (EA  92)   13.   In Cancer: souls emerge into complete physical incarnation
14.   In Gemini: “dual consciousness…or the soul-body realization” (EA 230)   14.   In Cancer: “…the processes of physical incarnation…” (EA 230)
15.   Gemini: “manifested duality” (EA 314)   15.   Cancer: “outer manifestation” (EA 314)
16.   Gemini: “the establishment of relationship” (EA 320)   16.   Cancer: “mass awareness” (EA 320) and “form-taking” (EA 344)
17.   “Gemini governs the way of many changes” (EA 361)   17.   The “way of many changes” conditions the struggle which is focused in Cancer.
18.   Gemini (with Aries and Taurus)—a purely subjective influence…   18.   Subjective Influences Controlled: “They [the subjective influences]can only find outward expression in the life of the subject and be consciously directed and controlled in Cancer,…” (EA 389)
1.   The Sixth and Fourth Rays are Dominant upon the Path of Evolution: Gemini is active in relation to the fourth ray through Mercury. (EA 166)   2.   The Sixth and Fourth Rays are Dominant upon the Path of Evolution: Cancer is active in relation to the fourth ray through the Moon. (EA 166)
1.   Gemini—for the Undeveloped Man: “Mutation of relation. ‘I serve myself’.” (EA 332)   1.   Cancer—for Undeveloped Man: “The blind unit is lost. The mass.” (EA 332)
2.   Gemini—for the Advanced Man: “Orientation of ‘I serve my brother’.” (EA 332)   2.   Cancer—for Advanced Man: “The unit awakens to that which is around. The House.” (EA 332)
3.   Gemini—for the Disciple/Initiate: “Right relation ‘I serve the One’.” (EA 332)   3.   Cancer—for the Disciple/Initiate: “The Whole is seen as one. Humanity.” (EA 332)
4.   Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Gemini: When the Sun is in Gemini, an individual may cultivate the dialogue between soul and personality—a dialogue which stimulates the intuition. “In the coming world religion this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities.” (EA 355)   4.   Yearly Opportunity in Relation to Cancer: When the Sun is in Cancer the disciple may attempt to increase his power to manifest (to em-‘body’), his intuitive faculties, and cultivate the sense of wholeness.
5.   The Life of the Christ from a Geminian Perspective: “The Gemini aspect of His life is shown in the perfect fusion of the basic duality found in humanity: the human and the divine.” (EA 564)   5.   The life of the Christ from the Cancerian perspective: “The potency of this sign is expressed for us by Christ in the oft misinterpreted words: ‘Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring.’ This refers to the mass consciousness in contradistinction to the initiate consciousness of His disciples. Cancer is a mass sign.
Seeks variety for new experiences.   Seeks repetition for the sake of security.
Unpredictable   More predictable (because of repetitive lunar rhythms)
Environmentally explorative   Environmentally timid
Open to diverse world-impacts   Hiding
Communicative   Reclusive (due to sensitivity)
Flighty “Let instability do its work.”   More grounded; oriented towards manifestation.
19.   Clear-thinking (MSE, ASE)   19.   Thought much affected by feelings.
20.   Learning is more independent of the emotional nature.   20.   The power to learn is tied to the emotional condition. “Not in the mood to learn.”
21.   Emotionally shallow (ESE, MSE)   21.   Emotionally rich
22.   Mentally changeable.   22.   Moody; emotionally changeable
23.   Excessively talkative (throat center stimulation)   23.   Often silent. Retreats into a “shell.” Tends to “clam up.”
24.   Cheerful   24.   Often melancholy or morose
25.   Maintains youthfulness   25.   Shows signs of age early through worry—the effect of the difficult emotions upon the body.
26.   Fickleness. The bee moves “from flower to flower.”   26.   Faithfulness: “faithful to the end.”
27.   Easily bored with sameness   27.   Soothed and comforted by sameness
28.   Non-committal   28.   Familial, with all of commitment that involves.
29.   Restless   29.   Home-loving
30.   Brotherly (MSE, ASE)   30.   Clannish
31.   Locomotive   31.   Well defined locus—“ring pass not”

Similarities and Points of Cooperation Between the Influences

 Similarities and Points of Cooperation
Between the Zodiacal Influences

Perhaps the distinctions between these two signs are far greater than the similarities. They are unalike in triplicity, in quadruplicity and share none of the same rays or planetary rulers.

Because Cancer is a sign through which the 3rd ray is transmitted and because Gemini is the 3rd sign, they do have a connection with the creative intelligence aspect.

While Gemini is usually esoterically associated with the 2nd aspect of divinity, there can be no doubt of its connection with mind and creative intelligence. 

Together the two signs represent the grounding of intelligence upon the earth. They are also connected as the etheric body and physical body are connected – the one being the reflection of the other.

For Gemini represents the etheric body and Cancer the physical nature, both of which are part of the physical plane considered as a whole.

The indirect, circuitous, oblique approach of Cancer is perhaps reflected in the web of relationships of energy threads twisting and turning within the etheric body.

These signs therefore are united via the 3rd ray especially. Therefore there is a tenuous connection between the hierarchical rulership by the earth, distributing the 3rd ray, and the 3rd great ray as it manifests through the constellation Cancer. 

It is curious that if one considers Aries the Father, Taurus the Mother and Gemini the Son,  a similar structure is achieved by considering Leo the Father, Cancer the Mother and Gemini the Son – always Gemini is the Son.

There is a close connection between the Spirit of learning and evolution. Cancer rules the Will to evolve through intelligence.

Gemini rules the intelligent exploration of the environment as a result of which evolution occurs.

Although Cancer has a reputation as a sign of home-loving, considerable travel may be associated with this sign. Let it be remembered that the crab carries its home on its back as it explores various environments and so again Gemini and Cancer may be united through the principle of mobility.

Although the 2nd Ray is not usually associated with Cancer as a constellation, the esoteric and hierarchical rulership by Neptune, the primary 2nd ray planet, gives a 2nd Ray connection to this constellation and thereby a similarity can be found with the Christ force of Gemini.

With Gemini however, the love energy may be realised in the mind and with Cancer it is realised more in the maternal  breast and heart.  Nevertheless the stimulation of the Christ force may be found in both signs. 

Both are distinctively lacking in the energy of will and if the energies of the various rays and planets passing through and ruling these signs are consulted, a conspicuous absence of Ray 1 may be found. The only variation to this would be the first monadic ray of the earth as the  hierarchical ruler of Gemini but this is a consideration far too remote at the present time.

And so it might be said that both of these are signs which create matrixes  or webs of nourishing relationship. The Geminian matrix or network is far  more impersonal and the Cancerian matrix far more familial but via the weaving power of the 3rd ray, matrixes are created.

Missing or Weak Links

Missing or Weak Links Between Gemini and Cancer

Gemini is well endowed with the fifth ray; Cancer is not.

Cancer is well endowed with the seventh ray; Gemini is not.

Gemini can produce a possible seventh ray bridge to Cancer through Jupiter, but only at a very late stage of evolution.

Cancer cannot produce a fifth ray bridge to Gemini. Mars (with its scientific fifth ray) falls in Cancer. Saturn, with its connection to the concrete mind, the forces of condensation and precipitation and definition, is in detriment.

Venus and Uranus (both demonstrating some fifth ray) are not particularly strong or weak.