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Seeds of Infinite, Identify as Being Series 4 – the Absolute Lasts Forever

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Seeds of the Infinite, Identify as BEING Series 4 – BEING as Fundamental

Webinar meditations and discussions led by Michael D. Robbins

This series concluded in 2020


New Identify as Being Series 5 begins January 2021

Link to Join the Recurring IAB Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 6043 8368, Passcode: 415026

Link for the Series 5 Makara Page and Recordings


Series 4 Description:  The purpose of this group is to facilitate the entry into the State of IDENTIFICATION, from which vantage point one can recognize oneself as BEING, PRESENCE, SUBSTANCE, ABSOLUTE INFINITUDE, ALL-INCLUSIVE UNALTERABLE REALITY. Aspects of the AGELESS WISDOM which lead in this direction will also be studied and pondered.


Dear Friends of Humanity and the Ageless Wisdom,

     While it is impossible to accurately define THE ABSOLUTE in human terms, or, really in any terms, the attempt to do so will develop abstract capacities in the mind.
     Our first inquiry (in this third series of SOTI—Seeds of the Infinite—Programs) will be into the NATURE of the ABSOLUTE. In that process we will have to review or consider a number of associated thoughts, clarifying much that THE ABSOLUTE is NOT and hinting at what IT may BE. We cannot really determine what IT IS!
     The language used is largely invented, with the purpose of giving insight into a subject which ordinary language cannot penetrate or represent. Of course, this is an impossible quest, but much can be gained in the process.
     This inquiry precedes along the abstract, third ray line, which can be useful to those upon any ray, as they attempt to grapple with the nature of the abstract mind. One of the major purposes of this generation of Seed Thoughts is to help students of Spiritual Occultism learn to think abstractly.
     Seeds of the Infinite is, as must be obvious, forever a Work in Progress, and there will be additions and subtractions as we proceed.
     I would be insincere if I claimed to fully understand all that I am drawn to write about. I trust that increasing understanding will come for both you and me as we proceed with our process.
     Our method of procedure can be thought of one method of building and developing the Antahkarana—not exactly the method given by Master DK, but a method which bridges the ‘distance-in-consciousness’ between the higher mind (on mental subplanes two and three) and the abstract mind (on mental sub-plane one) and converges, eventually, upon the intuition. As well there may be occasional penetrations of the atmic plane with the goal of receiving a little of the universal impression of the Monad.
     I well realize that this method of procedure will not be everyone’s “cup of tea”, but all that will be established as we go. These studies are what I might all “Transcendental Studies” and have very little to do with the definitely necessary equipping the disciple with abilities of character and the development of the familiar psychic powers (both of which are eventually necessary)—though some of these may emerge as we work in relation to triadal levels.
     The plan is to work mostly from week to week (when possible) as I continue to work on Seeds of the Infinite, refining it as I go. At least it will not be a long wait for students for the book to emerge and will give me the kind of feedback I may need to produce a better book.
     I do not expect the discussion group to be big, and I suspect that some may find the process burdensome, as they may not have exercised their abstract mind in the way this study demands, but I do expect that all who stick with it will improve. Master M.: “Burden me still more as I enter the beautiful garden.”
     This is my third book on the subject of the Monad.
1. Infinitization of Selfhood
2. On the Monad
3. Seeds of the Infinite
     The first book, Infinitization of Selfhood, was wide-ranging and highly speculative. There was little attempt to adhere to the language of esotericism as we have come to know it. I decided to write it on the basis of ‘what I knew within’ (or thought I knew!). Also, I concentrated more upon what occurs “in-Universe”, so to speak, than beyond it. There were also many practical considerations undertaken which could help an individual live a better life.
     The second book, On the Monad, an E-book (like Infinitization, presently on the Makara Website for free downloading), was written largely in the language of esotericism as we have received that language from Master DK. I sought to adhere to the presentation offered by the Master, and, speculatively, to clarify and expand His offering, following out His hints where appropriate. My ideas have since evolved in some important particulars, and so an addendum will have to be offered in relation to certain subjects in this book—such as the Dual Rays of the Monad.
    The third book, Seeds of the Infinite, is for me a “no holds barred” effort applied to my speculative attempt to understand the NATURE of INFINITY, not so much from the mathematical perspective, but from the perspective of Universal Creation and PREPARATION for that Creation. I have let go of any constraints concerning “what can be actually be achieved now”, and ventured into what, for me, are the broadest and deepest possible speculations. The writing of this book is a search into the experience of Understanding Reality within our Universe, and REALITY as ABSOLUTE INFINITUDE and the ABSOLUTENESS of THE ABSOLUTE. (Again, impossible, I realize.) I deal with many subjects which I cannot possibly verify, but at least I reason my way towards my conclusions or towards the speculations I presently entertain as Truth. It will take much patience to work with this book, but it may open doors of infusception hitherto closed.


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Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 26. In this meeting we discussed the question of the Reality or Unreality of Difference. Held 10 December 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 26 Video — 536 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 26 Audio — 88 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 25. In this meeting we discussed how duality is needed for the “here and now”, but there is no duality in the Reality of Being. Held 3 December 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 25 Video — 568 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 25 Audio — 86 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 24. In this meeting we discussed the search for a more inclusive perception, that which has no parts, the In-Universe Self, and using the chain of hearts. Held 26 November 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 24 Video — 464 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 24 Audio — 87 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 23. In this meeting we discussed stretching and compressing the Self-concept, and perceiving a Change of Identity. Held 19 November 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 23 Video — 397 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 23 Audio — 76 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 22. In this meeting we discussed the problem of evil philosophically, relating it to the identity of the Absolute in Its various guises. Held 12 November 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 22 Video — 780 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 22 Audio — 115 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 21. In this meeting we discussed the question “What Am I”, stretching and compressing the Self-concept. Held 5 November 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 21 Video — 536 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 21 Audio — 83 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 20. In this meeting we discussed negating variety, and the equivalence of PRESENCE, ISNESS, and SELF. Held 29 October 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 20 Video — 760 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 20 Audio — 109 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 19. In this meeting we discussed the Presence, dimensionality, and division. Held 22 October 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 19, Part 1 Video — 98 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 19, Part 1 Audio — 14 MB .mp3 file
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 19, Part 2 Video — 646 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 19, Part 2 Audio — 101 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 18. In this meeting we discussed the approach to synthesis through identification, the perception of Presence, and the negation of negation regarding the Presence in which there is no absence. Held 15 October 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 18 Video — 546 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 18 Audio — 106 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 17. In this meeting we came together in a synthesis of meditations, expressing the importance of identification with the Mind as it is in Christ, and activating the heart center. Held 8 October 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 17 Video — 381 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 17 Audio — 55 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 16. In this meeting we discussed various Seed Thoughts, pursuing a curriculum of the Will that leads to the Monad through the Science of Non-Relations. Held 24 September 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 16 Video — 584 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 16 Audio — 110 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 15. In this meeting we discussed various Seed Thoughts, attempting to expand our thoughts of what we are in Reality and thereby changing our sense of Identity, all in the Science of Non-Relations. Held 17 September 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 15 Video — 487 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 15 Audio — 87 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 14. In this meeting we discussed thoughts about Space, its illusory nature, eliminating difference, and related thoughts, all in the Science of Non-Relations. Held 10 September 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 14 Video — 578 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 14 Audio — 115 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 13. In this meeting we discussed Ontological Take Over (OTO) in the Science of Non-Relations, and related thoughts. Held 3 September 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 13 Video — 562 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 13 Audio — 111 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 12. In this meeting we discussed thoughts on the Negligibility of Time (and Space), and Hints about what Reality is Not. Held 27 August 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 12 Video — 536 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Program 12 Audio — 113 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 11. In this meeting we discussed a Universally pervasive 8-NESS and related topics. Held 20 August 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 11 Video — 492 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 11 Audio — 114 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 10. In this meeting we discussed the study of non-relational reality and the practice of an increasingly “non-bounded identity”. Held 13 August 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 10 Video — 383 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 10 Audio — 97 MB .mp3 file>/p>

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 9. In this meeting we discussed the production of Multiplicity through Limited Self-Perception. Held 06 August 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 9 Video — 535 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 9 Audio — 92 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 8. In this meeting we discussed limitless Selfhood as a mental challenge, steps toward Realization, and changing the meaning of ME. Held 30 July 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 8 Video — 434 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 8 Audio — 92 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 7. In this meeting we discussed cultivating the sense of articulated universality. Held 23 July 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 7 Video — 745 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 7 Audio — 111 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 6. In this meeting we continued to discuss the Intuition and Inclusive Reason, focusing on its aspect of Love. Held 16 July 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 6 Video — 773 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 6 Audio — 95 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 5. In this meeting we continued to discuss the Intuition and Inclusive Reason, focusing on its aspect of Understanding. Held 9 July 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 5 Video — 729 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 5 Audio — 105 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 4. In this meeting we continued to discuss the Intuition and Inclusive Reason, focusing on its aspect of Illumination. Held 2 July 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 4 Video — 811 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 4 Audio — 90 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 3. In this meeting we began to discuss the Intuition and Inclusive Reason. Held 25 June 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 3 Video — 768 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 3 Audio — 96 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 2. In this meeting we began to discuss the three steps on the way to the appreciation of BEING. Held 18 June 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 2 Video — 453 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 2 Audio — 102 MB .mp3 file

Seeds of the Infinite – Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 1. In this study, we are striving to go beyond words, leading to Triadal consciousness, then Monadic awareness. Held 11 June 2020.

Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 1 Video — 923 MB .mp4 file.
Identify as BEING Series 4, Webinar 1 Audio — 72 MB .mp3 file