Four Meditations for the Christ Festival


Preparatory Meditation I

For the

Christ’s Festival at the Gemini Full Moon


1.    Withdraw your consciousness from the personality and its vehicles and enter deeply into the presence of the soul. Feel yourself established as a soul within the field of light, love and spiritual power.

2.    Merge yourself as a soul into a deep sense of the group soul.

3.    Thus, unite in soul with the spiritually minded people of the world and with the men and women of goodwill.

4.    Visualize the group soul merging into the One Soul of Humanity. Realize that that there is no ‘my soul and thy soul’. Deeply realize “Naught is but Me”.

5.    Imagine the group antahkarana, colored with all the seven colors, but primarily the deep indigo blue of the second ray, reaching into the realms of the spiritual triad.

6.    Inwardly affirm the great Word of Power—“I see the greatest Light” as you project a line of vivid white light from an established point of tension on the mental plane into triadal realms.

7.    In the presence of this great Light of the spiritual triad, attempt to ‘feel’ the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Planet.

8.    Focus your meditative attention on the Christ and the Buddha, realizing Their Brotherhood, as they represent the West and the East and the spiritual union of these two hemispheres.

9.    Attempt to realize the manner in which they stand for the constellation Gemini—the Brothers in the Light.

10.                       Prepare for the day of the Full Moon itself (when the Christ preaches the Last Sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy and the hearts and minds of all human beings), by pondering on the following words from the Last Sermon of the Buddha:

“Herein, O Ananda, let a brother, as he dwells in the body, so regard the body that he, being strenuous, thoughtful and mindful may, whilst in the world, overcome the grief which arises from the body's cravings”.

Affirm in yourself the fact that you can be strenuous, thoughtful and mindful in the overcoming of the grief which arises from the body’s cravings, and resolve to be so.

11.                       With profound gratitude to the Buddha for all He has done to illumine humanity, we now refocus our attention on the Christ.

12.                       With the utmost heartful attentiveness of which we are capable, we listen inwardly, imagining that we hear the Christ sounding the Great Invocation. We allow a period for the silent absorption of His imagined sounding. (On each of the three days of preparation prior to the Full Moon, the Christ is said to speak the Great Invocation alone.)

13.                       Again, listening inwardly with great care, we imagine the Christ and the entire Hierarchy intoning the First Stanza of the Great Invocation:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

We contemplate the deep significance of these words

14.                       We imagine the illumination of Humanity and the planet. We see an enlightened human race and our planet as a great Station of Light.

15.                       On each of the three days before the day of the Gemini Full Moon, Christ and His Hierarchy are said to emphasize a distinct Keynote.

16.                       In imagined concert with the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy we contemplate the first Keynote described by Master DK as follows:

The keynote of Love in its hierarchical sense—free from sentiment, emotion and personal emphasis—a love that sacrifices and understands, that acts with strength and decision, and that works on behalf of the whole and not in the interests of any group or individual.

17.                        We envision this type of Love growing in ourselves and in all human beings. We imagine how we may apply this type of hierarchical Love.

18.                       We affirm our solidarity with the Buddha, the Christ and the Assembled Hierarchy. We seek to identify with Them and to merge our purpose with Their Purpose.

19.                       We imaginatively merge with Them and bless the world in silence.

20.                       We pause for a moment of appreciation of the illumined, loving energies of the constellation Gemini, and feel ourselves imbued with these energies which are growing in strength as the Full Moon approaches.

21.                       As if in union with the Christ, the Hierarchy and all disciples in the world, we sound together the First Stanza of the Great Invocation, sensing the redemptive union of Light and Love.

22.                       From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth




Preparatory Meditation II

For the

Christ’s Festival at the Gemini Full Moon


1.    Withdraw your consciousness from the personality and its vehicles and enter deeply into the presence of the soul. Feel yourself established as a soul within the field of light, love and spiritual power.

2.    Merge yourself as a soul into a deep sense of the group soul.

3.    Thus, unite in soul with the spiritually minded people of the world and with the men and women of goodwill.

4.    Visualize the group soul merging into the One Soul of Humanity. Realize that that there is no ‘my soul and thy soul’. Deeply realize “Naught is but Me”.

5.    Imagine the group antahkarana, colored with all the seven colors, but primarily the deep indigo blue of the second ray, reaching into the realms of the spiritual triad.

6.    Inwardly affirm the great Word of Power—“I see the greatest Light” as you project a line of vivid white light from an established point of tension on the mental plane into triadal realms.

7.    In the presence of this great Light of the spiritual triad, attempt to ‘feel’ the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Planet.

8.    Focus your meditative attention on the Christ and the Buddha, realizing Their Brotherhood, as they represent the West and the East and the spiritual union of these two hemispheres.

9.    Attempt to realize the manner in which they stand for the constellation Gemini—the Brothers in the Light.

10.                       Prepare for the day of the Full Moon itself (when the Christ preaches the Last Sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy and the hearts and minds of all human beings), by pondering on the following words from the Last Sermon of the Buddha:

“While subject to sensations let him continue so to regard the sensations that he, being strenuous, thoughtful, and mindful, may, whilst in the world, overcome the grief which arises from the sensations.”.

Affirm in yourself the fact that you can be strenuous, thoughtful and mindful in the overcoming of the grief which arises from sensations, and resolve to be so.

11.                       With profound gratitude to the Buddha for all He has done to illumine humanity, we refocus our attention on the Christ.

12.                       With the utmost heartful attentiveness of which we are capable, we listen inwardly, imagining that we hear the Christ sounding the Great Invocation. We allow a period for the silent absorption of His imagined sounding. (On each of the three days of preparation prior to the Full Moon, the Christ is said to speak the Great Invocation alone.)

13.                       Again, listening inwardly with great care, we imagine the Christ and the entire Hierarchy intoning the Second Stanza of the Great Invocation:

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

We contemplate the deep significance of these words

14.                       We imagine the Love of God pervading Humanity and the planet. We see a human race characterized by Right Human Relations and our planet expressing its great Second Ray Soul.

15.                       On each of the three days before the day of the Gemini Full Moon, Christ and His Hierarchy are said to emphasize a distinct Keynote.

16.                       In imagined concert with the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy we contemplate the second Keynote described by Master DK as follows:

The keynote of Resurrection, emphasising the new note of livingness, of the living Christ and of that “life more abundantly” which [wars, privation and suffering] have made possible by forcing a return to the real values

17.                        We envision the sprit of resurrection and a response to the “life more abundantly” growing in ourselves and in all human beings. We imagine how we may express this new note of livingness.

18.                       We affirm our solidarity with the Buddha, the Christ and the Assembled Hierarchy. We seek to identify with Them and to merge our purpose with Their Purpose.

19.                       We imaginatively merge with Them and bless the world in silence.

20.                       We pause for a moment of appreciation of the illumined, loving energies of the constellation Gemini, and feel ourselves imbued with these energies which are growing in strength as the Full Moon approaches.

21.                       As if in union with the Christ, the Hierarchy and all disciples in the world, we sound together the Second Stanza of the Great Invocation, sensing the manner in which hierarchical Love leads to “life more abundantly” and the resurrection of the Spirit

22.                       From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.




Preparatory Meditation III

For the

Christ’s Festival at the Gemini Full Moon


1.    Withdraw your consciousness from the personality and its vehicles and enter deeply into the presence of the soul. Feel yourself established as a soul within the field of light, love and spiritual power.

2.    Merge yourself as a soul into a deep sense of the group soul.

3.    Thus, unite in soul with the spiritually minded people of the world and with the men and women of goodwill.

4.    Visualize the group soul merging into the One Soul of Humanity. Realize that that there is no ‘my soul and thy soul’. Deeply realize “Naught is but Me”.

5.    Imagine the group antahkarana, colored with all the seven colors, but primarily the deep indigo blue of the second ray, reaching into the realms of the spiritual triad.

6.    Inwardly affirm the great Word of Power—“I see the greatest Light” as you project a line of vivid white light from an established point of tension on the mental plane into triadal realms.

7.    In the presence of this great Light of the spiritual triad, attempt to ‘feel’ the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Planet.

8.    Focus your meditative attention on the Christ and the Buddha, realizing Their Brotherhood, as they represent the West and the East and the spiritual union of these two hemispheres.

9.    Attempt to realize the manner in which they stand for the constellation Gemini—the Brothers in the Light.

10.                       Prepare for the day of the Full Moon itself (when the Christ preaches the Last Sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy and before the hearts and minds of all human beings), by pondering on the following words from the Buddha’s Last Sermon: 

“And so, also, when he thinks, or reasons, or feels, let him so regard his thought that, being strenuous, thoughtful and mindful, he may, whilst in the world, overcome the grief which arises from the craving due to ideas, or to reasoning, or to feeling.”.

Affirm in yourself the fact that you can be strenuous, thoughtful and mindful in the overcoming of the grief which arises from the craving due to ideas, or to reasoning or to feeling—and resolve to be so.

11.                       With profound gratitude to the Buddha for all He has done to illumine humanity, we refocus our attention on the Christ.

12.                       With the utmost heartful attentiveness of which we are capable, we listen inwardly, imagining that we hear the Christ sounding the Great Invocation. We allow a period for the silent absorption of His imagined sounding. (On each of the three days of preparation prior to the Full Moon, the Christ is said to speak the Great Invocation alone.)

13.                       Again, listening inwardly with great care, we imagine the Christ and the entire Hierarchy intoning the Third Stanza of the Great Invocation:

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

We contemplate the deep significance of these words.

14.                       We imagine the Will of God pervading Humanity and the planet. We see a human race empowered by the Will-to-Good expressing as Goodwill, and our planet beginning to express its Monad of Will and Power which lies behind its great Second Ray Soul.

15.                       On each of the three days before the day of the Gemini Full Moon, Christ and His Hierarchy are said to emphasize a distinct Keynote.

16.                       In imagined concert with the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy we contemplate the third Keynote described by Master DK as follows:

The keynote of Contact, of a closer relation between Christ and His people, between the Hierarchy and Humanity.

17.                        We envision that we and all human beings will come into ever-closer relation with the Christ and His Hierarchy. We imagine what the reality of this contact will bring in terms of the expression of the Will-to-Good upon our planet.

18.                       We open ourselves to impression and attempt to feel deeply that this contact is already a fact on the planes of the soul and spiritual triad.

19.                       We affirm our solidarity with the Buddha, the Christ and the Assembled Hierarchy. We seek to identify with Them and to merge our purpose with Their Purpose.

20.                       We imaginatively merge with Them and bless the world in silence.

21.                       We pause for a moment of appreciation for the illumined, loving energies of the constellation Gemini, and feel ourselves imbued with these energies which are growing in strength as the Full Moon approaches.

22.                       As if in union with the Christ, the Hierarchy and all disciples in the world, we sound together the Third Stanza of the Great Invocation, sensing that it is the Will of God, that Shamballa, the Christ, Hierarchy and Humanity may come into true and real contact, and may thereby cooperate in the redemption of our planet.

23.                       From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.




Meditation for the Day of the Gemini Full Moon

Christ’s Festival, the Asala, the Festival of Goodwill


(Be sure to give this meditation plenty of time as entering its depths requires a sufficient duration).

1.    Withdraw your consciousness from the personality and its vehicles and enter deeply into the presence of the soul. Feel yourself established as a soul within the field of light, love and spiritual power.

2.    Merge yourself as a soul into a deep sense of the group soul.

3.    Thus, unite in soul with the spiritually minded people of the world and with the men and women of goodwill.

4.    Visualize the group soul merging into the One Soul of Humanity. Realize that that there is no ‘my soul and thy soul’. Deeply realize “Naught is but Me”.

5.    Imagine the group antahkarana, colored with all the seven colors, but primarily the deep indigo blue of the second ray, reaching into the realms of the spiritual triad.

6.    Inwardly affirm the great Word of Power—“I see the greatest Light” as you project a line of vivid white light from an established point of tension on the mental plane into triadal realms.

7.    In the presence of this great Light of the spiritual triad, attempt to ‘feel’ the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, the Lodge of Masters, the Spiritual Hierarchy of our Planet.

8.    Focus your meditative attention on the Christ and the Buddha, realizing Their Brotherhood, as they represent the West and the East and the spiritual union of these two hemispheres.

9.    Attempt to realize the manner in which they stand for the constellation Gemini—the Brothers in the Light.

10.                       As this is the day of the Full Moon, with greater inner attentiveness we imagine that the Christ is, in fact, preaching the Last Sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy and the hearts and minds of all human beings:

11.                       The major theme of the Buddha’s Last Sermon is Self-Reliance. As we ponder the closing words of His Sermon, let us imagine the Christ communing with the Buddha and intoning His Brother’s last words for the sake of all humanity.

(Let the meditation leader read the words slowly pausing between the indicated breaks. The sections may be read twice if sufficient time has been allowed for the meditation)

"Those who, either now or after I am dead, shall be a lamp unto themselves, relying upon themselves only and not relying upon any external help, but holding fast to the truth as their lamp, and seeking their salvation in the truth alone, shall not look for assistance to any one besides themselves,

it is they, Ananda, among my bhikshus, who shall reach the very topmost height   But they must be anxious to learn.

'My age is now full ripe, my life draws to its close: I leave you, I depart, relying on myself alone!

Be earnest then, O brethren, holy, full of thought!
Be steadfast in resolve! Keep watch o'er your own hearts!

Who wearies not, but holds fast to his truth and law,
Shall cross this sea of life, shall make an end of grief.

When the light of gnosis has dispelled the darkness of ignorance, when all existences has been seen as without substance, peace ensues when life draws to an end, which seems to cure along sickness at last.  Everything, whether stationary or movable, is bound to perish in the end. 

Be ye therefore mindful and vigilant!  The time for my entry in Nirvana has now arrived! 

There are my last words!

12.                       In deep silence, enter into the spirit of the Buddha’s Last Sermon. Take it deeply to heart.

13.                       With profound gratitude to the Buddha for all He has done to illumine humanity, we now refocus our attention on the Christ.

14.                       With the utmost heartful attentiveness of which we are capable, we listen inwardly, imagining that we hear the Christ and the assembled Hierarchy sounding the entire Great Invocation together.

15.                       We allow a period for the silent absorption of this imagined sounding.

16.                       We imagine the Christ focussing all the spiritual aspiration of humanity in His Being, and, as the Leader of His people and “the Eldest in a great family of brothers”, in an Act of Love offering up that aspiration to the Buddha and Shamballa.

17.                       We imagine the full response of the Love of Shamballa (inspired by the Solar Logos) flowing into both Hierarchy and Humanity, creating a great planetary Triangle through which the energies of Divine Solar Love are circulating.

18.                       We extend our contemplative thought towards the luminous constellation Gemini, seeking to understand that Gemini is the Head of the Cosmic Christ, the Source of all that is transpiring on this Great Day—World Invocation Day.

19.                       We pause for a moment of deep appreciation for the illumined, loving energies of the constellation Gemini, seeing the pillars of Gemini in yellow before our inner eye, and feeling ourselves imbued with these energies uniting Spirit and Matter in the bonds of Divine Love, streaming through Mercury (the Messenger) and Venus (the Union of Heart and Mind) upon our planet Earth (the hierarchical ruler of Gemini).

20.                       We affirm our solidarity with the Buddha and the Christ (who, as the Brothers of the East and West, represent Gemini on Earth) and with the Assembled Hierarchy. We seek to identify with Them and to merge our purpose with Their Purpose.

21.                       We imaginatively merge with Them and bless the world in silence.

22.                       We realize that the Great Invocation is our strongest instrument for preparing the hearts and minds of all humanity for the Reappearance of the Great Teacher, the World Saviour.

23.                       We resolve to do all we can to distribute The Great Invocation widely, bringing it to the attention of all who may possibly benefit from its use.


24.                       As if in union with the Christ, the Hierarchy and all disciples in the world, we sound together the entire Great Invocation, sensing its power to draw humanity towards the Hierarchy of Light, Love and Power.

25.                       From the point of Light within the Mind of God,
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God,
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.