00:57:10 Mikhael Crow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA4PK8NTImA 00:57:24 Ben Stock: a while back a chunk of fire broke free from the sun and fell back, 2 triangles broke apart and reformed into one with the stable people, good to reach out to your triangle folk 00:57:46 Zenaide Moret: Reacted to "https://www.youtube...." with πŸ™ 01:25:03 Diana Bolbochan: In the image of the woman of fire, I do not perceive any benevolence or maternal protection... it does not inspire me but provokes me to take distance. 01:31:11 BL: https://light-weaver.com/ 01:33:44 Stefan Oberst: Would it be possible to expand the images to include all 4 elements ( earth,fire,water,air) and equally expand the images with a male god/archetype/ deva -could it be a greater insight to have these aspects presented ? If we have a jasper imagery of all aspects-we might have a way to a satisfying symbolism-that might help us in our creative visualisation-while creating form on the inner plains? 01:37:26 Ben Stock: Marshall McLuhan formed the concept of media. It is an extension of our human attributes. e.g. Clothing is an extension of our skin etc. 01:41:35 Stefan Oberst: Huch! I live on the second floor of a 10 unit building, and for the first time in ten years-a mouse has moved in ( behind the fridge) it’s so good to have a new housemate 😳 01:46:13 Ben Stock: My friend Simone was able to tell my whole mother's life by holding Mom's bracelet. They never met. Psychometry 01:46:24 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "My friend Simone was..." with πŸ‘ 01:47:13 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "My friend Simone was..." with 🐦 01:48:07 Ben Stock: William Q Judge wrote of meeting HPB It was her eye that attracted me, the eye of one whom I must have known in lives long passed away. She looked at me in recognition for that first hour, and never since has that look changed 01:57:30 Suzy Miller: Excellent points, M! 01:57:51 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "Excellent points, M!..." with πŸ™ 01:57:56 Janet n: Reacted to "Excellent points, M!..." with πŸ’™ 01:59:03 Marianne Larsson: Thank you MichkaelπŸ™ 01:59:04 MOM: Who is the artist; is it \The ARTIST ? 01:59:42 Dana: Thank you Mikhael! 01:59:47 Suzy Miller: We need our approximation of " the Diamond Eye of Buddha" for the challenges inherent in AI. 02:00:11 Maria Mikhailas: As Einstein said about nuclear. AI- β€˜Everything is different except the human heart’ 02:00:49 Suzy Miller: Reacted to Excellent points, M!... with "πŸ™" 02:00:51 Suzy Miller: Reacted to Excellent points, M!... with "πŸ’™" 02:01:24 Ben Stock: The whole world has been diverted from the plan. OUR job is to restore with light and love and power 02:01:40 Diana Bolbochan: Reacted to "We need our approxim..." with πŸ‘ 02:01:57 Suzy Miller: Reacted to We need our approxim... with "πŸ‘" 02:06:01 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "The whole world has ..." with πŸ‘ 02:06:27 Maria Mikhailas: Wow!! Such a good conversation! 02:07:00 Arjo Heinsola: Yes that's right! 02:07:40 Martine Dupont: Reacted to "Excellent points, M!..." with πŸ™ 02:08:02 Martine Dupont: Reacted to "The whole world has ..." with πŸ‘ 02:09:08 Helen Kunz: so its a question of the quality, purity of our intention when approaching this technology. 02:12:13 Mikhael Crow: No she is not a real person. It is possible to create a digital avatar like this and then teach it mannerisms and also give it a specific voice and accent 02:16:33 Anne Parker: Yes. Hepburn. 02:16:40 Helen Kunz: Audrey hepburn 02:16:46 Diana Bolbochan: Spiritual discernment is key. A message sent by a high-grade teacher or initiate will accompany their image, their message with a magnetic and radiative power that I believe our groups can detect if they are false or not. 02:17:05 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "Spiritual discernmen..." with πŸ‘ 02:17:28 Ben Stock: yes same thing goes on in our heads, we have to learn more acute discernment 02:17:45 Maria Mikhailas: Another challenge for humanity… Discrimination! 02:18:04 Mikhael Crow: Actually we will be using AI to sniff out AI videos and images 02:18:05 Suzy Miller: Again The need to develop the INTUITION...... " Into. It." 02:18:16 Mikhael Crow: Reacted to "Again The need to d..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 02:18:25 Jo Garceau: We can see the inauthenticity. I can deal with that, but I suppose AI will become apparently ,more so. 02:18:58 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "Actually we will be ..." with πŸ™Œ 02:19:09 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "Again The need to d..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 02:19:19 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "Again The need to d..." with πŸ’™ 02:19:36 Martine Dupont: Reacted to "Another challenge fo..." with πŸ™ 02:21:39 Dana: Plato's person in the cave, watching the shadows! 02:21:46 Mikhael Crow: Reacted to "Plato's person in th..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 02:22:04 Martine Dupont: Reacted to "Plato's person in th..." with πŸ™ 02:22:28 Suzy Miller: Reacted to Again The need to d... with "πŸ‘πŸ½" 02:23:19 Anne Parker: The value of TRUTH keeps coming up for us in the world to consider. Whether it be the US political situation or AI, TRUTH, can it be lost? Something to think about. 02:23:33 Rose Bates: I like that michael stacy. So true 02:23:59 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "I like that michael ..." with πŸ’ž 02:25:58 Vivienne G-S: Children’s minds are pliable, the exposure to constant animation could be very confusing unless they have the counter-balance of their parents’ understanding and wisdom. 02:26:30 Suzy Miller: Reacted to Children’s minds are... with "πŸ‘" 02:28:08 Francis Wilkinson: I think DK said that humans are not just creative but we are creators of creation also. 02:28:12 Maria Mikhailas: Perhaps the sun energies exploding right now might change things with the 5th Ray. 02:29:00 Suzy Miller: We most definitely need to strongly consider ways and means to deal with our children. This should be PRIMARY in our consideration So far,, this is a " side bar"... 02:29:21 Mikhael Crow: exactly massive power 02:29:56 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "We most definitely n..." with ❀️ 02:30:44 Ben Stock: The blacksmiths went through the same 02:32:11 Ben Stock: Love Ai refuse to strap a phone to my face 02:34:56 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "We most definitely n..." with πŸ’œ 02:40:55 Diana Bolbochan: If I remember correctly, in the old mystery schools the aspirant was exposed to tests that were unreal but very real for the neophyte to demonstrate his courage and qualities to be admitted. 02:41:25 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "If I remember correc..." with πŸ‘ 02:42:04 Maria Mikhailas: Replying to "If I remember correc..." Crocodiles!! 02:42:42 Diana Bolbochan: Reacted to "Crocodiles!!" with πŸ‘ 02:47:51 Suzy Miller: Amen... The " Children" are our Next step.. in a sense WE are Their Guiding Angels.... And we need honor them and OUR future, due, in great part to THEIR choices!! 02:48:34 Maria Mikhailas: Reacted to "Amen... The " Childr..." with πŸ™Œ 02:50:54 Jessica Baird: This meeting is part of the good stuff going on in the world and I am grateful. Thank you, Duane and all. May we co-create a spiritual AI component focused on deepening an understanding of wisdom teachings. πŸ₯° 02:53:03 Marianne Larsson: Reacted to "This meeting is part..." with πŸ’ž 02:53:10 Jo Garceau: Here's a funny experiment. Ask Google AI who you are! 02:53:43 Mikhael Crow: yep 02:53:54 Maria Mikhailas: Thank you, Michael, for your awareness. It helps. 02:54:16 Mikhael Crow: Reacted to "Thank you, Michael, ..." with πŸ’œ 02:55:13 MOM: Steiner warned us of Ahriman, the machine takeover. And, the 5 th, Ray is going out of existence, when ? 02:55:22 Martine Dupont: Reacted to "Thank you, Michael, ..." with πŸ™ 02:56:08 Marguerite Abatelli: Thank you. 02:56:40 Maria Mikhailas: Thank you Duane for this fascinating and helpful session. Awakening the higher mind! 02:57:03 Suzy Miller: Reacted to Thank you, Michael, ... with "πŸ™" 02:58:17 Walter Pullen: Thank you Duane and all for this presentation and sharings, with Love and many blessings! πŸ’–πŸŒ 02:58:18 Luise Kelley: Thank you! 02:58:19 Suzy Miller: Many thanks Duane for presenting such a challenging format 02:58:19 Kira: πŸ™Peace and blessings to all πŸ’™ 02:58:25 Minnamari: πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’ž 02:58:34 Mikhael Crow: Online Calendar of events can be viewed here: https://www.moryafederation.com/morya-federation-schedule Awakening the Higher Mind recordings and media resources can be viewed here: https://www.makara.us/portal/?page_id=247 USR SRI Conference begins May 20 Register here: https://sevenray.org/conference-38/ Big love to all and sacred blessings β™‰β˜€οΈπŸŒ‘πŸŒ•πŸŒπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈπŸ•―οΈ 02:58:35 Marianne Larsson: A very interesting evening Thank you Duan Mikhael and All BlessingsπŸ’œ