Visualization for Rule VIII for Disciples and Initiates

Sentence or Phrase II

“The group contains all seven, the perfect group.”

1.      Align with the soul.

2.      Visualize and reaffirm the individual antahkarana. Emphasize particularly the colors belonging to your soul and personality ray, otherwise indigo blue.

3.      Align with the group soul and realize your identity with it.

4.      Visualize and reaffirm the group antahkarana glowing with all seven colors of the rainbow. Emphasize the color indigo blue of the great synthetic second ray.

5.      Utilizing the group antahkarana, imagine the group open and accessible to the levels of the spiritual triad, and increasingly infused by the energies of those dimensions.

6.      See the group soul approaching identification with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and with the Christ at the Heart of Hierarchy.

7.      Identified as the group soul and imaginatively under triadal impression, ponder on the statement, “the group contains all seven, the perfect group”.

8.      Which group is it that contains all seven? Is it one of the three groups mentioned—the “lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven” or is it all three of them considered together?

9.      Do each one of these three groups contain a septenate? If so, what are the seven contained in each and what is the manner of their containment?

10.  Visualize the “lesser seven” and the manner in which seven may be contained. What do you learn about the nature of the human race through this visualization?

11.  Visualize the “greater seven” and the manner in which seven may be contained. What do you learn about the nature of the Spiritual Hierarchy from this visualization?

12.  Visualize the “planetary seven” and the manner in which seven may be contained? What do you learn or intuit about the seven sacred planets from this visualization?

13.  Concentrate particularly upon the group of which you are a part and the seven which it also may contain. In what manner is this group potentially a “perfect group”? Or is only the greater group consisting of three septenary groups the perfect group?

14.  Should your group contain all seven? What would this containment mean?

15.  Does the fact that the group contains all seven contribute to the fact that it is called the “perfect group”? What really is the meaning of the word “perfect”?

16.  Visualize the dynamics of the group of which you are a part. How can that group move towards perfection or, more specifically, towards a sevenfold perfection?

17.  In what way would the relative perfection of the group of which you are part be a reflection of the “lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven”?

18.  Visualize this movement of your group towards relative perfection becoming factual.

19.  Make note of any realizations that have come to you in the course of this Meditation/Visualization.

20.  Breathe forth the essence of your realizations to uplift the field of human consciousness.

21.  Sound the Great Invocation

22.  OM OM OM