MaKaRa hosts the Collected Works of Michael D. Robbins

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Visualization for Rule VII for Disciples and Initiates, Sentence or Phrase III

but having passed beyond that lesser stage have linked themselves with the Great Council in the highest secret place

1.      Align with the soul.

2.      Visualize and reaffirm the individual antahkarana.

3.      Align with the group soul and realize your identity with it. Emphasize particularly the colors belonging to your soul and personality ray, otherwise indigo blue.

4.      Visualize and reaffirm the group antahkarana glowing with all seven colors of the rainbow. Emphasize the color indigo blue of the great synthetic second ray.

5.      Utilizing the group antahkarana, imagine the group open and accessible to the levels of the spiritual triad, and increasingly infused by the energies of those dimensions.

6.      See the group soul approaching identification with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and with the Christ at the Heart of Hierarchy.

7.      Identified as the group soul and imaginatively under triadal impression, focus on the nature of the Chohans of the race of men.

8.      Consider—in what ways is the evolutionary stage called “Master of the Wisdom” a lesser stage to the stage known as “Chohan”?

9.      Think—if the Chohans have “passed beyond” the lesser stage of Mastership, how have They done so? Can you imagine what it has required to do so?

10.  What is the “Great Council in the highest secret place”? Is it Shamballa or an interior aspect of Shamballa? Why?

11.  Identified with the group soul and imaginatively under triadal impression, imagine the nature of Shamballa and the nature of “the Great Council in the highest secret place”. Let this imaginative process convey to you (as a member of the group) something of the livingness of Shamballa and the Great Council.

12.  What do you suppose is required to “link” oneself to the Great Council? How, do you imagine the Chohans have made this link? Why have the Masters, per se, not yet been able to do so?

13.  Visualize the presence of the Chohans and imagine what is bestowed upon Them because They have “linked Themselves with the Great Council in the highest secret place”. See Them empowered by the “link” They have made.

14.  Identified with the group soul and imaginatively under triadal impression, imagine the entire group linked to the Masters, the Chohans and to Shamballa with its “Council”.  Imagine the group inspired by this alignment and expressive (to a proportionate extent) of the higher energies involved.

15.  Make note of any realizations that have come to you in the course of this meditation/visualization.

16.  Breathe forth the essence of your realizations to uplift the field of human consciousness.

17.  Sound the Great Invocation

18.  OM OM OM