Visualization for Rule V for Applicants

Let the applicant see to it that the solar angel dims the light of the lunar angels remaining the sole luminary in the microcosmic sky.”

  1. Align with the soul.

  2. Visualize and reaffirm the individual antahkarana.

  3. Align with the group soul and realize your identity with it. Emphasize particularly the colors belonging to your soul and personality ray, otherwise indigo blue.

  4. Visualize and reaffirm the group antahkarana glowing with all seven colors of the rainbow. Emphasize the color indigo blue of the great synthetic second ray.

  5. Utilizing the group antahkarana, imagine the group open and accessible to the levels of the spiritual triad, and increasingly infused by the energies of those dimensions.

  6. See the group soul approaching identification with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and with the Christ at the Heart of Hierarchy.

  7. Identifying as a soul-infused personality, clear the consciousness of preoccupations so that the Solar Angel may come into focus.

  8. Find the influence of the Solar Angel in your heart center and at the crown of your head.

  9. Visualize the Solar Angel as:

a.       As a radiant angelic existence.  This is seen by the inner eye with the same accuracy of vision and judgment as when a man stands face to face with another member of the human family.  The great solar Angel, Who embodies the real man and is his expression on the plane of higher mind, is literally his divine ancestor, the "Watcher" Who, through long cycles of incarnation, has poured Himself out in sacrifice in order that man might BE.

b.      As a sphere of radiant fire, linked with the initiate standing before it by that magnetic thread of fire which passes through all his bodies and terminates within the centre of the physical brain.  This "silver thread" (as it is rather inaccurately called in the Bible, where the description of its loosing of the physical body and subsequent withdrawal is found) emanates from the heart centre of the solar Angel, linking thus heart and brain,—that great duality manifesting in this solar system, love and intelligence.  This fiery sphere is linked likewise with many others belonging to the same group and ray, and thus it is a literal fact in demonstration that on the higher planes we are all one.  One life pulsates and circulates through all, via the fiery strands.  This is part of the revelation which comes to a man who stands in the "Presence" with his eyes occultly opened.

c.       As a many tinted Lotus of nine Petals.  These petals are arranged in three circles around a central set of three closely folded petals, which shield what is called in the eastern books "The Jewel in the Lotus."  This Lotus is a thing of rare beauty, pulsating with life and radiant with all the colours of the rainbow, and at the first three initiations the three circles are revealed in order, until at the fourth initiation the initiate stands before a still greater revelation, and learns the secret of that which lies within the central bud.  In this connection the third initiation differs somewhat from the other two, inasmuch as through the power of a still more exalted Hierophant than the Bodhisattva, the electrical fire of pure Spirit, latent in the heart of the Lotus, is first contacted. (IHS 115-117)

10.  Recognize each of the three lunar vehicles, plus the personality elemental. View them with objectivity and detachment.

11.  Realize that you are, essentially, none of the lunar vehicles you see. To facilitate this you may use the ancient Raja Yoga formulation:

a.       “I have a body, but I am not that body”;

b.      “I have emotional sentiency, but I am not that emotional sentiency”;

c.       “I have a lower mind, but I am not that lower mind”;

d.      “I have a personality, but I am not that personality”. (This method, of course, could be continued until one reaches the spirit aspect.)

12.  Try to understand the ‘place’ from which it is possible to recognize these vehicles. That ‘place’ may be imagined as midway between personality consciousness and soul consciousness.

13.  Imagine the Solar Angel shining with a golden light and the lunar vehicles with a silvery light.

14.  Imagine the golden light waxing in brilliance as the luminosity of the silvery light subsides, dimming appreciably.

15.  Imagine the golden light of the Solar Angel filling each of the lunar vehicles and the personality as a whole. One may form an objective image of this process, or imagine that it is happening with respect to one’s Solar Angel and one’s lunar vehicles. One is facilitating the process of soul-infusion through the use of the creative imagination.

16.  Imagine the personality and the three lunar vehicles, infused by radiant golden light, gradually absorbed into the intensifying golden radiance of the Solar Angel.

17.  Ponder on the esoteric ‘feel’ of this absorption.

18.  Realize that, symbolically, the Solar Angel now remains the “sole luminary in the microcosmic sky”.

19.  Send forth the essence of your realization to uplift the field of human consciousness.

20.  OM OM OM


Alternative Visualization for Rule V for Applicants

1.      Align with the soul.

2.      Visualize and reaffirm the individual antahkarana.

3.      Align with the group soul and realize your identity with it. Emphasize particularly the colors belonging to your soul and personality ray, otherwise indigo blue.

4.      Visualize and reaffirm the group antahkarana glowing with all seven colors of the rainbow. Emphasize the color indigo blue of the great synthetic second ray.

5.      Utilizing the group antahkarana, imagine the group open and accessible to the levels of the spiritual triad, and increasingly infused by the energies of those dimensions.

6.      See the group soul approaching identification with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and with the Christ at the Heart of Hierarchy.

7.      Identify as a “Sun of God”, a ‘Sun of Life’.

8.      Now see the sky filled with many other blazing suns, which you realize to be ‘brother luminaries’. As a sun, feel yourself connected to all the other suns.

9.      Ponder on the unity which prevails in the solar world of soul.

10.  Realize that there is but One Soul and thus one Macrocosmic Solar Luminary.

11.  Send forth the essence of your realization to uplift the field of human consciousness.

12.  OM OM OM