Visualization for Rule III for Disciples and Initiates, Sentence VI

“When the demand and the response are lost in one great SOUND, move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind and know that God is Fire.”

  1. Align with the soul.

  2. Visualize and reaffirm the individual antahkarana.

  3. Align with the group soul and realize your identity with it. Emphasize particularly the colors belonging to your soul and personality ray, otherwise indigo blue.

  4. Visualize and reaffirm the group antahkarana glowing with all seven colors of the rainbow. Emphasize the color indigo blue of the great synthetic second ray.

  5. Utilizing the group antahkarana, imagine the group open and accessible to the levels of the spiritual triad, and increasingly infused by the energies of those dimensions.

  6. See the group soul approaching identification with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and with the Christ at the Heart of Hierarchy.

  7. Identifying as a soul-infused personality within the group soul (and, progressively, as the group soul), focus imaginatively on both the “demand” the “response:. Imaginatively listen to both.

  8. Imaginatively ‘hear’ the demand (i.e., “the cry of invocation”) and the response merging in “one great SOUND”. Be imaginatively attentive to this SOUND; what do you learn from it, what do you perceive?

  9. ‘Feel’ the group strengthened and empowered by the “one great SOUND”. Feel the group’s fundamental energy state altered in that SOUND.

  10. Identified with and as the group soul, define for yourself the nature of the “desert”, the “seas” and the “Fire” (as they are pertinent to this more advanced Rule).

  11. Contrast these higher meanings with the meanings which were pertinent to Rule III for Applicants.

  12. By what means is the group to “move outward from the desert”? What will this mean for the group life? Imagine the group doing so. What do you learn from this imagining?

  13. By what means is the group to “leave the seas behind”? What will this mean for the group life? Imagine the group doing so. What do you learn from this imagining?

  14. What does it mean to you that “God is Fire”? Can you change the theory that “God is Fire” into a realized fact that “God is Fire”?

  15. By what means is the group to “know that God is Fire”? What will this mean for the group life? Imagine the group engaged in knowing that God is Fire. What do you learn from this imagining?

  16. When the group has performed these three acts, where (in terms of consciousness and life) does the group ‘stand’?

  17. Send forth any realizations of quality into the field of human consciousness for its upliftment.

  18. OM OM OM