1. Mercury in Pisces—Mediumistic
mind; too impressionable. Thinking what others think; saying what others
2. Mercury in Pisces—Vague,
uncertain, unclear thought. Easily falling into confusions.
3. Mercury in Pisces—Illogical,
disorganized thinking; disorganized volubility.
4. Mercury in Pisces—Unrealistic
belief and expectation; fantasy. The mind of the “true believer”,
often animated by “blind faith”.
5. Mercury in Pisces—An
impractical mind. Lack of common sense.
6. Mercury in Pisces—A
non-assertive, often lazy mind; looking for the “easy way out”
and accepting too much without thinking about it.
7. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind adept at subtlety and seduction.
8. Mercury in Pisces—Inarticulateness;
incapable of expression; handicapped.
9. Mercury in Pisces—Kama-manasic
thought. (Regardless of the sign in which Mercury is placed, there is
a stage of the mental development of the human being when kama-manasic
thinking is the norm. Some positions, however are more prone to this
type of thought. Mercury in Cancer and Mercury in Pisces especially.)
10. Mercury in Pisces—Kama-manasic
11. Mercury in Pisces—Glamorous
12. Mercury in Pisces—Lost.
1. Mercury in Pisces—Strong
imagination; the capacity to think pictorially.
2. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind moving towards the exercise of intuition and the realization of
“straight knowledge”.
3. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind endowed with poetical and musical inclinations and abilities.
4. Mercury in Pisces—Acute
mental receptivity.
5. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind increasingly open to inspiration.
6. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind which understands the value of silence—both in relation to
thought and speech.
7. Mercury in Pisces—Perceptive
capacities highly attuned to the detection of nuance, and to the “feeling-tones”
associated with thought.
8. Mercury in Pisces—A
‘mystical’ mind, sometimes undervaluing knowledge.
9. Mercury in Pisces—An
historical mind.
10. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind operating more through the power of attraction than assertion.
11. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind given to kindness in expression
12. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind expressing a growing capacity to understand.
13. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind moving towards the ability to unify and synthesize.
1. Mercury in Pisces—Shedding
the light which saves by ending all darkness. Of the Light characteristic
of Pisces, D.K. says: “The Light of the World. This is the light,
revealing the light of life itself. It ends forever the darkness of
2. Mercury in Pisces—Yet,
the mind which can fathom the *dark* as that which is greater than the
light. Penetrating cognitively into the “dark light” of
Shamballa, and Its inscrutable Will.
3. Mercury in Pisces—The
complete “falling away from” the *concrete* functioning
of Mercury.
4. Mercury in Pisces—Straight
knowledge through a highly sensitized capacity to be impressed; knowledge
received without access to word or utterance.
5. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind which deeply knows the hopeless limitations of words. Thus, the
mind which *knows* more than it can ever speak, or even think.
6. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind easily “over-shadowed” or “over-lighted”.
7. Mercury in Pisces—Pictorial-symbolic
mind; fecund imagery, embodying the intuition. “A picture’s
worth a thousand words”.
8. Mercury in Pisces—The
silence of a realized synthesis.
9. Mercury in Pisces—The
‘mediumistic mind’; the ‘photographic’ recipient
of higher impression.
10. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind of the “mediator”, translating the content of the “arupa”
or formless levels of life into the “rupa” or more ‘concrete’
11. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind which accesses and thus *knows* the “Will of the Father”.
Mine standing as sacrifice to the Will.
12. Mercury in Pisces—
‘Poetic’ mind. Fusing word and image in supra-rational combination.
13. Mercury in Pisces—Supra-logical
14. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind which intuitively understands the ways of Karma.
15. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind sensitive to spiritual subtlety, to that something “far more
deeply interfused”.
16. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind better at the “Visualization Phase” of antahkaranic
17. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind sensitive to that which has been *evoked* by the projective/invocative
phase of antahkaranic construction.
18. Mercury in Pisces—Thinking
the thought and speaking the word which liberates through compassion.
19. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind as an instrument for healing through love.
20. Mercury in Pisces—The
soul-personality dialogue focuses upon sensitizing the personality to
increasingly subtle impression.
21. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind considered as an ‘instrument of sentiency’.
22. Mercury in Pisces—The
soul/personality conflict generated by increased soul/personality communication
centers upon the issue of how to condition the personality so that it
accepts an increasingly sacrificial life.
23. Mercury in Pisces—The
mind as “Registrant of the Purpose”.
24. Mercury in Pisces—Distinct
capacity to ‘slip into’ the mind of another: ‘identificatory
25. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind capable of standing aloof, of understanding from the perspective
of one who is “in this world and yet not of this world”.
26. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind capable of dissolving distinction, and hence, of overcoming the
mentally-generated differentiations which produce illusion.
27. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind adept at introducing buddhi to the realm of manas.
28. Mercury in Pisces—A
mind which grasps the irreducible essence, unbaffled by appearances.
This, of course, is the exact opposite of the Mercury in Pisces in the
early days of evolution, when it is prey to every manner of glamor and