or Ascendant in Virgo with Ray 5
Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R5P (or R5S)
Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and
A mild
mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through
the fifth ray {probably monadic} component of Mercury, the exoteric
ruler of Virgo. The fifth ray component of Mercury is presently
not as powerful as one day it will be—perhaps in the next solar
The operative
category of reinforcement would be Mild by Rulership—what is probably a monadic ray must filter-down
into a more customary, “orthodox” setting, for Mercury is the orthodox
ruler of Virgo. The fifth ray and Virgo, however, share the factor
of analysis and so the fifth ray presence—even though it may emanate
from the highest part of Mercury—is not negligible. Perhaps, the
fifth ray is built very strongly into the nature of Mercury as a
mental ray, in which case it would be far more accessible
to the average individual.
It is difficult
to know how much weight to give to the rays which condition the
personality vehicles of a planetary deity. Firstly, we cannot be
sure which rays to assign; secondly, we cannot be sure of the degree
to which such rays have been subsumed in the normally designated
rays of the planetary god—the personality or soul ray.
by the Law of Analogy, it stands to reason that, just as the rays
conditioning the personality vehicle of a man are important to his
overall presentation-of-self, so they would be to a greater entity.
Even in the case of the Christ and the Buddha {both of whom had
reached a high level of spirit/soul synthesis, the ray of the mental
vehicle was considered important and was given a ray to be considered.}
If then, the fifth ray were to be found within the mind of Mercury,
the operative category of mutual reinforcement would be more Moderate
or Moderately Strong than Mild.
From another
perspective, the constellation Virgo, itself, so strongly related
to the third ray, especially in the last solar system, is,
for this very reason, very resonant to the fifth ray.
Further, Mercury
and Venus are both decanate rulers of Virgo. Venus, ruler of the
third decanate {in esoteric order} and of the first {in exoteric
order}, strongly transmits the fifth ray. The Mercury decanate rulerships
are exactly reversed. Virgo is also associated with the factor of
analysis as is the fifth ray.
The movement
within Virgo seems to be from mind to heart. Nevertheless, the position
of Venus in the last decanate illustrates the importance of the
fifth ray and the mind even in the later stages of development of
the Virgo initiate.
Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being
Selfish, Self-centered
or Self-Serving Human Being
The preoccupation with sensory reality characteristic
of the self-centered Virgo person combines with the
narrow and prejudiced attitude induced within an insufficiently
spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
“Matter reigns” again, as in the case with selfish use of the third
ray and Virgo.
The “Glamor of Knowledge and Definition” (GWP
Destructive analysis. “The power to rationalise and destroy”. (EP II 42)
Harsh rejection of all that is not considered logical or rational.
Splitting hairs, and then splitting the ones that have been split.
Irrelevant exactitude of thought.
vii. Skepticism,
doubt, disbelief.
“Only the dense physical world is real. All psychology and spirituality,
even mind itself, is an artifact of matter”.
“Learning more and more about less and less, until one knows everything
about nothing”.
Ultra-specialization out of all relation to the larger context.
Rejection of length, width, breadth. Contentment with a narrow and
well-defined world.
Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple: Additionally,
where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign with the ray of either the
ray of the personality or soul.
Advanced Human
Being; Aspirant; Disciple
The careful observation and practical understanding
characteristic of the advancing Virgo individual combine with the
capacity for accuracy and truthfulness induced
within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the fifth ray.
Expertise. Specialization as a contribution to human welfare (not
as a defense against the wider world.
Growing expertise in the field of logic and discriminative thinking.
The stocking of the mind with facts.
Exacting truthfulness—to one’s self and other.
Strong medical interests; ability in diagnosis.
On the Path of Discipleship: sound development of the Science of Meditation.
(Meditation, per se, is ruled by the sign Virgo, just as contemplation
is ruled by Libra, etc.,.)
On the Facility: a marked facility for studying and applying Raja
On the Path of Discipleship: the facile detection of glamor—one’s
own or that of another.
On the Path of Discipleship: facility with the “Technique of Light”,
through which glamor can be dissipated.
On the Path of Discipleship: facility for developing and utilizing
the “Attitude of the Observer”. A gradually growing objectivity concerning
all personality states.
On the Path of Discipleship: correct estimation of one’s own status
and that of others. Knowing with accuracy what has been done,
and what remains to be done.
On the Path of Discipleship: the attack on glamor may be successful,
but there may be danger of illusion through an overly-fragmented mental
Disciple; the Initiate: Additionally,
where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign with the ray as either the
ray of the personality or soul.
Disciple; the Initiate
Additionally, where relevant, combine
Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul
The reverence for the Christ-presence within the field of all manifested
forms—a characteristic possessed by the soul-inspired disciple/initiate
born in or under Virgo, combines with a great
capacity for discovery and revelation of the Light induced
within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
Strides are made in developing the science of the soul. The
disciple/initiate becomes a technician in the application of
this science.
The overshadowing soul emerges as a spiritual technician,
and where necessary, a spiritual surgeon.
The techniques whereby the substance of the personality vehicles
can manipulated and mastered by the human soul are learned.
The formulas related to the keynotes and vibratory frequencies
of matter within the three worlds begins to emerge in consciousness.
The techniques whereby the Christ can be brought into emergence
through matter are learned and applied.
The technique of transmutation becomes a science, not a reflex action
of correctly applied spiritual psychology.
The initiate becomes increasingly adept at the Science of Redemption.
He learns to work intelligently in matter with the three lower kingdoms
as well as with the Human Kingdom.
A practical understanding of the permanent atoms grows.
The technicalities of the Science of Initiation are revealed and gradually
The “Son of Mind” becomes glorified. Intelligence is exalted
and becomes luminous and filled with love.
The man masters energy so that the Christ Life may emerge in greater
power and beauty through matter and form.
xiii. The
“Garment of God” glorifies the Wearer of the Garment—the planetary
(On Behalf of
Humanity and the One Great Work.
are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives
and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
for Virgo and the Fifth Ray
Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
Mantra for Virgo and the Fifth Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness
“Three Minds Unite” Perceiving in the “Light Supernal”, Father/Mother/Child
as One, and God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ,
the Son.
Symbol, Image, or Scene
Proposed Symbol for R5/Virgo
Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’ the ‘Scientist
of Life’
Potentials to be Derived from Energetic Contrasts
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and
Utilize these contrasts to understand how
these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when
they are found together within the human energy system.
Comparison With |
R5 |
1. Transmits
R2 and R6 constellationally |
1. R5 |
2. Transmits
principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled
and veiled) |
2. R5 |
3. Colors:
yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale
incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green,
green, greenish-blue. |
3. Colors:
orange (exoteric), indigo-blue (esoteric) |
4. Note:
Possibly FA or F |
4. Note:
LA or A |
5. Expresses
principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart
center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression
likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral
center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation
to conception and the gestation period. |
5. Expresses
through the ajna center |
6. Creative
Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated |
6. Creative
Hierarchy number III, liberated and Creative Hierarchy number
V/X, unliberated |
7. Hypothesized
as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom
via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune
and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom
via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter. |
7. Related
to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls |
8. Relates
to the third or “Mother” aspect of divinity |
8. Through
its affinity with the third ray, can relate to the matter
aspect, but also has facility to transfer consciousness into
the “Son” and the “Father” |
9. Interested
more in refinement |
9. Interested
more strictly in functionalism |
10. Holds within itself the capacity for cherishing and devotion—especially when
influenced by the 2-4-6 line with which Virgo is so abundantly
endowed |
10. Rarely given to a cherishing or devotional attitude (other factors notwithstanding) |
11. Once love is awakened, can give a tendency towards Bhakti Yoga—the Yoga of
Devotion |
11. Given a preference for Gnani Yoga—the Yoga of Knowledge |
12. Gives facility for intelligent psychism |
12. At first skeptical and repudiating of psychism. Later, a student of psychism
without, necessarily, having the receptivity |
13. Related to biological processes |
13. Related to mechanical processes |
Potentials to be Derived from Energetic Similarities
Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Virgo
and R5
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these
two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better
of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Sharing Many Similarities: An unusual
number of similarities can be found between these two energies.
Criticism: Both Virgo and the fifth
ray share a tendency towards harsh criticism. The fifth and
the third rays are intensely critical.
Meticulousness: Both of these influences
share a passion for meticulousness; this is not the case when
comparing Virgo with the third ray.
Concretion: Both share a capacity
for producing concretion, and relate most readily to the more
concrete planes.
Analysis: Both influences are intensely
analytical, and that analysis tends to apply to the realm of
physical process.
Useful in Raja Yoga: Both influences
incline towards success in the field of Raja Yoga, the “Kingly Science
of the Soul” approached through the control of the mind.
Skepticism: Both share a pronounced
Study of the Garment of God: Both
Virgo and the fifth ray tend to study the “Garment of God”
(the ‘robe or matter’ worn by Deity).
Specialization: Both, as well, share
a tendency towards specialization, leading them into the “Glamor
of assurance based upon a narrow point of view”. (GWP 122)
Emotional Coolness: Both types tend
towards coolness or coldness in the emotional life.
Mechanical Ability: For both, there
may be mechanical ability, and the capacity to fix
and repair.
Glamor of Materiality and Form: Both
Virgo and the fifth ray share in the “Glamor of Materiality or overemphasis
on form” (GWP 122) The early mantram for Virgo is, “Let matter reign”, and its involvement
with the third aspect of divinity is well-recognized.
Glamor of Organization: Both frequently
succumb to the “Glamor of Organization”
Glamor of Intellect: Before the
energy of love has made its presence felt, both types demonstrate
the “Glamor of the Intellect”
Related to Processes Important During and
After the Second Initiation: The second initiation is the
“Baptism” focusing on purification; Virgo is a sign of purification.
At the second degree, purification of the emotional vehicle is important,
and discriminating Virgo can be of assistance. But equally important
is purification of the mind, and the logic, analysis and careful thought
of Virgo helps to create “illumination of the mind and spiritual intelligence”
which must be to a certain present at the time of the initiation and
must develop following that degree. To this general trend, the illuminating
fifth ray can only contribute, bringing deglamorization and illumination
of the astral body, and an increasingly mental focus and capacity
for objective thought.
List of Famous Individuals for whom this combination is prominent
Virgo & Ray 5
