Meditation Instructions

Dear Fellow Meditators,

Here is Master DK's extremely potent first ray meditation from Rule X for Disciples and Initiates. It is for those who wish to take the risk of working in cooperation with the Ashram, in fact, 'against' the powers of evil - as you will see. Scripture has told us to "resist not evil". We can regard this injunction as a 'total half truth'. The Masters love all and choose sides, even as Arjuna was forced to do. You can use the meditation just as it is, or you can work with some of the suggestions that I will offer.

I have included the Commentary I wrote specifically concerning this meditation. For fuller understanding of Rule X for Disciples and Initiates, please go to and download all four Commentaries on this Rule.

Although one may work (in group form) with this mediation at any time, I would suggest Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is related to Saturn and the third ray - the energy most intimate to the problem of the "Veils of Maya". Sunday is a day of light, radiance and will. Wednesday, ruled by Mercury (both the 'Weaver of Illusion' and the 'Dispeller of Illusion through Intuition'), is also a good day on which to proceed. Radiant light (eventually the "Unfettered Light of Shamballa") must penetrate through the rents (hopefully, ever-widening) already made in these veils.

Immediately below is the meditation exactly as DK gave it. Below the original form, I shall add some orienting thoughts. Study also the Commentary on this meditation, as it may contain for some a degree of illumination.

I will also warn that this work cannot be undertaken lightly. The approach must be solemn and humble, never for a moment forgetting that it is performed as a group in alignment with Hierarchy, and not as an individual. There are risks involved, so let only those who intuitively feel themselves to be ready approach, and let them approach slowly and with caution. Slow, rhythmic work prolonged is far more valuable that a burst of enthusiasm shortly abandoned.

There will be more on this later. For now let us just get used to the meditation. We can begin on Sunday, December 31st, linking the old year with the new.

If you wish to be in a group which can discuss these approaches please join AAMP - the Ashramic Assistance Meditation Program -, by writing Sam Sheldon and Stefan Dobiasch (and include me too) at,,

Let's do what we can, using sanctioned esoteric methods, to attack humanity's serious problems as students of occultism who love humanity.

In Light, Love and Power,


First Ray Meditation for Driving Evil Back onto the Astral Plane

Let me here give you some of these rules or formulas as they are to be found in The Masters' Book of Rules and as I can translate them. Some are untranslatable:

1. Focus the force at the jewel's point and find the veil that it can touch.

2. Carry the force from point to point and then project.

3. Look for the energy in form behind the veil attacked. A rent within the veil exists. Find it and see.

4. A path lies through the veils, giving access to the several courts. Walk on that path, wielding destruction and clearing out the refuse in the court. The court of the money changers is the last.

5. Meet the descending forces and find the current which is yours.

6. Watch for the evil stream of force which seeks to mend the rents. Project upon that stream the energy of which you know. It led you from the Ashram into the veils. Use it and drive the evil back unto the astral plane.

7. Work with the Sound and know it as the source of power. Use first the Voice; then use the O.M., and later use the Sound. All three together will suffice.

Meditation with Some Orienting Thoughts

1)      Achieve consciousness as a group soul.

2)      Utilizing the antahkarana, align with the Great Ashram which is focussed largely on the buddhic plane, and attempt to feel your connection to the specific Ashram which 'calls to you'. Attempt to feel the group connection to the Great Ashram.

3)      Realize that you are working as a group which strives to become an extension of the Great Ashram, but, individually and more specifically, in relation to a subsidiary Ashram to which you are affiliated through your soul ray or (in a few cases) through your monadic ray.

1. Focus the force at the jewel's point and find the veil that it can touch.

4)      Visualize the alignment of the soul-infused, integrated group personality with the group "Jewel in the Lotus" consisting of all the many individual Jewels.

5)      Cognizant individually of your relation to the "Jewel in the Lotus" of your individual egoic lotus, imaginatively focus the force of the Greater Ashram and of your specific Ashram (if you think you know it) at the center of the group "Jewel in the Lotus". If you are not aware of an Ashram with which you are affiliated, utilize the Ashram of Master Djwhal Khul.

6)      Focus ashramic force also at the jewel in the highest head center (at the center of the heart within the head) and in the jewel within the ajna center - at first individually. Then, extend the focus to the higher group correspondences-contemplating the group implications of this focusing - the jewel within the group ajna and jewel within the group heart within the head.

7)      Consider the veils of maya against which the group intends to mount its attack. All four veils (as a whole) may be considered the 'target', or, according to group intention (and after much practice) a particular veil may be singled out. The veils are:

a)      The Veil of Impulsion - mayavic

b)      The Veil of Distortion - glamorous

c)      The Veil of Separation - illusory

d)      The Veil of Aspiration - egoistically propellant

8)      We could work (beginning with the sign Aries at the Equinox) for three months on every veil. Throughout the year, we would work upon all four veils simultaneously, yet, in addition and in a more focal manner, our initial work in Aries would be with the Veil of Impulsion. The focus of attack would change with each of the Cardinal Signs (Cancer - the Solstice; Libra - the Equinox; Capricorn - the Solstice). I avoid the use of seasonal terms as there will be workers in both the northern and southern hemispheres for whom the seasons are reversed. At the end of the spiritual year, the focus of attack would return, with the advent of Aries, to the Veil of Impulsion.

Until the Aries Equinox, we can work with the veils of maya in general.

2. Carry the force from point to point and then project.

9)      Imaginatively strengthen the ashramic power pouring through the three jewels (individual and group) and, for that matter, through all aspects of your energy system and the energy system of the group.

10)  Ensuring that the entire process is sustained by the group heart center, imaginatively circulate the ashramic force between the three jewels - the "Jewel in the Lotus", the jewel in the heart within the head, and the jewel at the center of the ajna center (in relation to yourself, individually, and in relation to the group).

11)  Via the group ajna center (envisioning one's own ajna center projection accompanied by the projections of all other group members from their respective ajna centers) project a fused stream of spiritual energy towards the imagined veils of maya (those 'curtains over the face of truth'). The fused stream will consist of

a)      The appropriated energy of the Spiritual Hierarchy, largely of a second ray nature

b)      The appropriated energy of the Ashram in relation to which you work most closely

c)      An imagined stream of Shamballic Force (really the imagined energy of your Monad) sustaining the entire projection with first ray energy (whatever may be your monadic ray).

12)  The projected stream can be subjectively colored by these ray energies and felt to originate from these sources, but should be visualized as of an intensely electric blue-white nature, suggesting the influence of Sirius.

3. Look for the energy in form behind the veil attacked. A rent within the veil exists. Find it and see.

13)  A form of pure etheric energy exists "behind the veil attacked". It is this energy that you will wish to access, promoting its vital, vibrant expression and its ability to conduct higher energies - unhampered by the veils.

14)  Contemplate the nature of rents within the veils of maya. What are they really and in practical terms? For practical purposes, and when working generally, one greater rent may be imagined.

15)  The way to reach the "energy in form behind the veil" is by passing energy through the major rents already made within the veils, and by passing (as a unit of individual and group consciousness) through the rents in the veils. These major rents were made by

a)      Moses - the Lawgiver, in relation to the third ray.

b)      The Christ - the Saviour, in relation to the second ray

c)      St. Paul - the Apostle, in relation to the first ray.

16)  These are the rents upon which we will concentrate and which we will seek to "widen" through the application of our focussed group force.

17)  We need not think of the rents made by these Great Souls only in relation to certain veils, even though the rent made by Moses related to the Veil of Impulsion; that made by St. Paul to the Veil of Separation; and that made by the Christ to ALL the veils - dramatically and dynamically so.

4. A path lies through the veils, giving access to the several courts.

18)  Visualize a path through the veils and attempt to feel its reality. This path passes through the rent or rents already made.

19)  Remember, that for the time being, you are working on these veils as if from the 'earthward side', focussed as an intelligent disciple, using your etheric-physical brain on the physical plane.

20)  Realize that, as you imaginatively pass through the rents while treading the "path", you are accessing the courts where wholesome etheric energy is to be established. The "courts" (now filled with contaminated etheric energy responsive to unwholesome forces of the physical-etheric, astral and lower mental planes) are to become "Halls" where pure energies are expressed - energies responsive to higher etheric, astral and mental impulses, and most importantly, to soul, triadal and, even, monadic energies.

a)      The Hall of Concentration

b)      The Hall of Choice

c)      The Hall of Blinded Men

21)  It is our purpose to help establish access to the purified courts (i.e., Halls) eventually for all human beings. Right now, the veils of maya prevent this - for most.

Walk on that path, wielding destruction and clearing out the refuse in the court. The court of the money changers is the last.

22)  Engage in an act of imaginative, creative destruction. No one can tell you how to do this. In general, imagine that you are (through the power of projected ashramic energy - Shamballically supported) widening all the rents within the veils, and purifying those areas of etheric living (the "courts") which have been polluted and rendered stagnant through the inhibiting, distorting force of the veils.

23)  While all the "courts" have not been named in the Old Commentary, you can imagine making the impure 'space' behind each veil, into a 'place of purity and power'.

5. Meet the descending forces and find the current which is yours.

24)  Realign with the energy of your Ashram, your Master and the Hierarchy inspired by the Christ. The descending hierarchical forces are sevenfold.

25)  Find the energy-force of your soul ray particularly. It is the ashramic "current" which is yours.

26)  Feel fully imbued and pervaded by this ashramic force. Experience it.

6. Watch for the evil stream of force which seeks to mend the rents.

27)  Become occultly alert and realize that there are forces which are attempting to 'repair' the rents made by the Great Souls. This evil stream of force is actual. Seek to become alert to the ways in which it works, even thinking of practical instances of 'malevolent repair' in today's world. How do the forces of evil attempt to prevent the intended "Light from on High" from rightly conditioning the systemic etheric plane and, thus, reorganizing the dense physical plane?

Project upon that stream the energy of which you know. It led you from the Ashram into the veils.

28)  For our purposes, this will be the triple stream of force: the sensed force of your Ashram, the imagined force of the Greater Ashram, and the imagined force of Shamballa strengthening the process with the first ray.

29)  Realize that you are working in group form under the inspiration of the Ashram (greater and subsidiary). You are attempting to cooperate in an important piece of ashramic work. This is your motive. This is why you have been "led" into the veils.

Use it and drive the evil back unto the astral plane.

30)  Imaginatively redouble the strength of the spiritual will felt pervading the group.

31)  As an act of group will, and with "massed intent", imagine the triple stream of force projected by the individual and the group driving the evil stream of force back onto the astral plane. Persist with firm but loving resolve in this act of spiritual repulsion. This is the first step: preventing the evil from precipitating on the physical plane via the ethers.

32)  As you stand with "Massed Intent", and in alignment with the Ashram, think with your group brothers and sisters the following Mantram of unique potency: "For the Christ's Sake and the Glory of His Name". Let our work in the Name of the Great Lord be our protection and our guarantee of success.

33)  You will choose what aspect of evil you wish to confront, but remember you confront it as a soul and in relation to the group of souls assembled for this work, AND, supported by the protective force of the Hierarchy. Never forget your group and hierarchical relations of the group. You do not act solely as an individual.

7. Work with the Sound and know it as the source of power.

34)  Ponder the nature of the all-embracing O - the Jupiterian, monadic sound as embracing the OM and the AUM.

Use first the Voice;

35)  Sound the AUM (on the note F, if you wish) imagining emerald green light) and imagine the work of Brahma, the Holy Spirit, inspiring the group to work with keen, manipulative intelligence within the veils of maya.

36)  Imaginatively aligned with Hierarchy and Shamballa, and with the solar systemic energy of the Holy Spirit, and continuing to sound the AUM, let the AUM pass through the group and into the veils where it reorganizes them according to the Divine Will. The power of Organization emanates from Shamballa.

then use the O.M.,

37)  Sound the OM (on the note Group, if you wish) imagining indigo blue light and imagine the work of Vishnu, the Divine Son, inspiring the group to work with luminous love and pure reason within the veils of maya - "letting in the light".

38)  Imaginatively aligned with Hierarchy and Shamballa, and the energy of Vishnu, and continuing to sound the OM, let the OM pass through the group and into the veils where it purifies the courts and restores the courts (as Halls) to their archetypal beauty. The power of Purification emanates from Shamballa.

and later use the Sound.

39)  Sound the O (on the note C, if you wish), imagining electric blue light or vibrant red light) and imagine the salvaging, sacrificing work of Sanat Kumara. Think in what manner He is inspired by the Presence of Shiva - the great Patron of all Yogis. Imagine that the O is sounding through the group from higher planes.

40)  Imaginatively aligned with Hierarchy and Sanat Kumara/Shamballa, and the energy of Shiva, and continuing to sound the O, as a group project the O into the 'battle field" and think: "Thy Will be Done", as you imagine the necessary destruction and restitution within the etheric fields. The power of Destruction emanates from Shamballa.

All three together will suffice.

41)  Sound the three sounds - the AUM, the OM and the O in repeated sequence, imagining their three colors blending into a most brilliant stream of electric blue-white light. Those who wish may sound the sequence on FA, SOL, DO - F, G, C. three times (but the use of these pitches is not necessary unless you are so inclined, and should not be allowed to become a distraction). It is intended as a synthetic reinforcement of the process.

42)  Imaginatively aligned with Hierarchy and Shamballa, and imaginatively imbued with the presence of the Solar Logos (embodying Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), project the triple O, OM, AUM, into the etheric fields and imagine that the work is being accomplished. The etheric planes are rendered into a true reflection of the "Fixed Design" found upon the four higher ethers.

43)  Close with the sounding of the Great Invocation followed by three OMs.

44)  Pause for a moment of sanctified silence.

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