Compilation on Democracy

All quotes that were found on the search words democracy, democracies, democratic,  democratically, using Lucis Trust’s CDrom “Twenty-four books of Esoteric Philosophy by Alice A. Bailey”.



Externalisation of Hierarchy

 ““Let me here briefly indicate to you some of the modes of government which have been tried out, or will be tried out in the future.

1. Government by a recognised Spiritual Hierarchy. This Hierarchy will be related to the masses of the people by a chain of developed men and women who will act as the intermediaries between the ruling spiritual body and a people who are oriented to a world of right values. This form of world control lies indefinitely ahead. When it becomes possible so to govern, the planetary Hierarchy will have made a major Approach to earth, and there will then be thousands of men and women in touch with Their organisation because they will be developed enough to be sensitive to Its thoughts and ideas.

2. Government by an oligarchy of illumined minds, recognised as such by the massed thinkers, and therefore chosen by them to rule. This they will do through the education of the thinkers of the race in group ideas and in their right application. The system of education, then prevalent, will be utilised as the medium of reaching the masses and swinging them into line with the major ideas and this will be done not by force, but through right understanding, through analysis, discussion and experiment. Curiously enough (from the point of view of many) the spiritual Hierarchy will then work largely through the world scientists who, being by that time convinced of the factual reality of the soul and wise in the uses of the forces of the soul and of nature, will constitute a linking body of occultists.

3. Government by a true democracy. This again will be made possible through a right use of the systems of education and by a steady training of the people to recognise the finer values, the more correct point of view, the higher idealism, and the spirit of synthesis and of cooperative unity. Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity in that the subjective spirit and the objective form are functioning towards one recognised end. Today, such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians and of the financial forces as are the people under the rule of dictatorships, enlightened or unenlightened. These latter might be regarded as selfish idealists. But I would have you here note the word "idealist"! When, however, the world has in it more truly awakened people and more thinking men and women, we shall see a purification of the political field taking place, and a cleansing of our processes of representation instituted, as well as a more exacting accounting required from the people of those whom they have chosen to put in authority. There must eventually be a closer tie-up between the educational system, the legal system and the government, but it will all be directed to an effort to work out the best ideals of the thinkers of the [Page 53] day. This period does not lie so far ahead as you might imagine, particularly if the first move in this direction is made by the New Group of World Servers.

This first move involves a right comprehension of goodwill. These three systems, which are the three major systems, correspond to the three major rays of synthesis, of idealism, and of intelligence, which are only other names for the rays of Will or Power, of Love-Wisdom and of Active Intelligence.

4. Government by dictatorship. This type of government divides itself into three parts:

a. Rule by a monarchy, limited usually today by the will of the people, or rather by the politicians of the period, but symbolic of the ultimate rule of the Hierarchy under the Kingship of the Lord of the World.

b. Rule by the leader of some democratic country, who is usually called a president, or by some statesman (no matter by what name he may choose to be called) who is frequently an idealist, though limited by his faulty human nature, by the period in which he lives, by his advisors, and by the widespread corruption and selfishness. A study of such men who have held office in this capacity, made by a fair-minded neutral, will usually demonstrate the fact that they held office under the influence of some idea, which was in itself intrinsically right (no matter how applied), which was forward-moving in its concept, and belonged to the then new age. This relates them to the second ray.

c. Rule by dictators, whose animating principle is not one of the new age ideals, emerging in their particular time, but an idealism of a more material kind—a generally recognised present idealism. They are not usually reactionary nor are they found among the intuitive workers of their age, but they take what is grounded, settled and easily available—made so by the thinkers of their time—and then give it a material, national and selfish twist and objective, and so force it on the masses [Page 54] by fear, warlike means and material promises. They belong, therefore, more practically to the third ray methods of work, for they are intelligent, expedient, and materially constructive. True idealism, involving as it must the new age patterns, and religious incentives are lacking in their techniques. Nevertheless, they do lead the race on another step, for they have a mass effect in evoking thought, and sometimes eventual resistance, as the result of that thought.

Later we shall study these and other ways of governing, and analyse their ordinary modern expressions and future spiritual correspondences. These will some day appear on earth as a result of the many experiments today going on. Remember this.” EOH 51-54

“In the first solar system, the centre which is Humanity was prepared and the principle of intelligence came into manifestation. In the second solar system, the Hierarchy of Love made its appearance and must come into full manifestation, thereby enabling the love of God to be seen. In the next solar system, the centre which we today call Shamballa, will manifest the Will aspect of Deity intelligently through love. It is interesting to note that it is only through human beings, that these three centres ever come into true functioning activity; and likewise that the three major ideologies (the totalitarian, the democratic, the communistic) may be the response—distorted and yet responsive—to the forces playing from the two higher centres on to the human.” EOH 73

“The lines of cleavage have grown steadily until now they can be expressed in terms of a humanity which is oriented towards the higher spiritual and altruistic values and whose keynotes are sacrifice, group good and world understanding, and those whose focus is predominantly material and whose aims are selfish, animated by ambition and the spirit of acquisition.

It was the acuteness of this situation, and the wide extent of the cleavage, which induced the watching Hierarchy to permit a direct inflow of the Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies—Fascism, [Page 127] Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism. All these ideologies are fostered by the desire of the masses for the betterment of the condition in which the populace in any country lives and it has become focussed, expressive and creative by the force of the Shamballa influence.” EOH 126-127

“The issue is, in the last analysis, the right to express the will-to-good, the right to express human relationships, untrammelled by territorial barriers and national habits of thought; it involves the right and the felt necessity to shew love to all beings and thus stamp out all hate and separateness. It concerns the right of all nations to live at peace with their neighbours and harmoniously with each other and to express the true and subjective synthesis of humanity, and not place national possessions, frontiers, culture, power and ambition before the general good and the happiness of the world of men. This is the real and underlying issue. All the national challenges and patriotic calls are simply the attempts of the leaders everywhere to hold the people to a particular line of thought and of action. To make the world safe for democracy, to gain room to live, to defend the rights of little nations, to preserve the balance of power, to meet force with force, to restore ancient and historical boundaries, to impose some culture deemed desirable, to prevent economic destruction, to conserve national stakes and interests are all the talking points of the leaders today.” EOH 129

“Today, there are no more than two parties in the world—those who are on the side of right human relations and those who are on the side of selfish and cruel power politics. The totalitarian powers are on the march—ruthless, selfish, cruel and aggressive; the powers which are battling for human liberty and for the rights of the defenceless little nations are standing with their backs to the wall, facing the strongest display of human might that the world has ever seen. The nations which are not yet physically involved are preparing for some form of action and for defence—defence against the dictator powers but not against the fighting democracies.” EOH 177

“Where, then, should the New Group of World Servers stand? What should the men and women of goodwill do? Should they side with the totalitarian powers because in so doing they will bring the conflict more rapidly to an end, or should they stand on the side of the neutral powers, frantically pursuing ineffective peace programmes, policies of appeasement, and play into the hands of the totalitarian powers?

Humanity having decided to fight out the battle physically, there was nothing left to do but issue a challenge to the men and women of goodwill to take their stand on the side of such action as would release humanity through the destruction of the evil forces. These had determined to prove that might was right. Therefore, the forces fighting for progress and civilisation had to meet force with force.

The challenge was taken up by the democracies who [Page 179] stand for human rights and liberty. Because of the decision to fight on the side of spiritual progress, the spiritual forces of the planet had no alternative but to align themselves on the side of the allied democracies, and endeavour to awaken the neutral nations to the issue. They ranged themselves against the leaders of the aggressor nations, though not against their poor deluded or subdued peoples. They too must be liberated by the allied democracies.

On the basis of an active will-to-good, the men and women of goodwill, acting under the inspiration of the New Group of World Servers, had no alternative but to take their stand with the spiritual forces and join the struggle for the liberation of humanity from totalitarian ambitions and the intentions of a group of evil men. But the spirit of goodwill must be, steadily and unchangingly, the motivating impulse. No hate must be allowed to enter in. The greatest good of the greatest number lies today in the release of the nations from the domination of the totalitarian powers.” EOH 178-179

“It should be remembered, in countering these ideas and in justifying the fighting spirit of the Christian democracies, [Page 180] that it is motive that counts. War can be and is mass murder, where the motive is wrong. It can be sacrifice and right action, where the motive is right. The slaying of a man in the act of killing the defenceless is not regarded as murder. The principle remains the same, whether it is killing an individual who is murdering, or fighting a nation which is warring on the defenceless. The material means, which evil uses for selfish ends, can also be employed for good purposes. The death of the physical body is a lesser evil than the setting back of civilisation, the thwarting of the divine purposes of the human spirit, the negating of all spiritual teaching, and the control of men's minds and liberties. War is always evil, but it can be the lesser of two evils, as is the case today.” EOH 179-180

“These two forces—materialism and spirituality—face each other. What will be the outcome? Will men arrest the evil and initiate a period of understanding, cooperation and right relationship, or will they continue the process of selfish planning and of economic and militant competition? This question must be answered by the clear thinking of the masses and by the calm and unafraid challenges of the democracies.” EOH 183

“For our encouragement let us recognise that the same humanity which has brought about these terrible conditions can also create the new world, the new order and the new way of life. The selfish, wicked past can give way to a future of understanding, of cooperation, of right human relations and of good. Separativeness must be superseded by unity. The combination of totalitarian aggressors, of allied democracies and of anxious neutral nations must be changed into a world which is characterised by one endeavour—the establishing of those relations which will produce the happiness and peace of the whole, and not only of the part.” EOH 185

“Everything is spiritual which tends [Page 187] towards understanding, towards kindness, towards that which is productive of beauty and which can lead man on to a fuller expression of his divine potentialities. All is evil which drives man deeper into materialism, which omits the higher values of living, which endorses selfishness, which sets up barriers to the establishing of right human relations, and which feeds the spirit of separateness, of fear, of revenge.

On the basis of these distinctions, it is surely apparent that God is on the side of the allied nations, for it cannot be supposed that Christ is on the side of Hitler and the rule of cruel aggression. The spiritual Hierarchy of the planet is throwing the weight of its strength against the Axis powers just in so far as the spiritually minded peoples of the world can collaborate, for there can be no coercion of man's free will. No one is afraid of the allied nations; the situation has not been precipitated by the Allies; their methods are not the methods of lying propaganda and the terrorising of the weak and the defenceless. Facts prove these points, and it is this recognition which lies behind the constant aid of the United States
. The way of living and the spiritual objects of the democracies are recognised by all, and it is these which are threatened by the totalitarian concepts of life. Through the democracies humanity speaks.” EOH 186-187

“Steps Towards the New World Order

In contradistinction to the totalitarian world order, what should the rest of the world plan? Towards what world objectives should the democracies work? Utopian schemes, idealistic forms of government and cultural living processes have ever been the playthings of the human mind, down through the centuries. But these Utopias have been so far ahead of possibility that their presentation seems useless. They are most of them wholly impractical.

Certain immediate possibilities and attainable objectives can, however, be worked out, given a definite will-to-good and patience on the part of humanity.

Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them:

1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.

2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.

3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.

4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia, or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labour by capital or the control of capital by labour must also go.

5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.

6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be "all for one and one for all." This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.

7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.

8. The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category "haves" and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.

9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.

These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organisation whilst preserving the life of the organism.” EOH 190-192

“The difficulties confronting the nations when the war is over may seem insuperable but—given vision, goodwill and patience—they can be solved. Assuming that humanity will not rest until the aggressor nations are subdued, it will be necessary for the conquering democracies to be generous, merciful, understanding and attentive to the voice of the people as a whole. It is that voice (usually sound in its pronouncements) which must be evoked, recognised and listened to, and not the voices of the separative exponents of any ideology, of any form of government, religion or party. The objective of those who are entrusted with the straightening out of the world is not the imposition of democracy upon the entire world or to force Christianity upon a world of diversified religions. It is surely to foster the best elements in any national government to which the people may subscribe, or which they intelligently endorse. Each nation should recognise that its form of government may be suited [Page 193] to it and quite unsuited to another nation; it should be taught that the function of each nation is the perfecting of its national life, rhythm and machinery, so that it can be an efficient co-partner with all other nations.” EOH 192-193

“Coming now to the realm of government, under the new world order, one is faced with a very complex situation. [Page 199] Certain great ideological regimes have divided the world into opposing groups. There are the great democracies, under which certain of the few remaining monarchies find a place; there are the totalitarian powers in which the ancient dictatorships and autocracies of the past are summed up. There is nothing new in the Axis policies. They are essentially reactionary groups, for tyrants, cruelty and the exploitation of the weak are part of ancient history. The democracies, with all their present ineffectiveness, have in them the germ of that which is truly new, for they are the expression of an upward surging towards self-rule and self-mastery by humanity as a whole.” EOH 198-199

“Behind all this diversity of governmental methods, certain clear outlines are emerging which indicate wider fusions and a tendency to bring about certain syntheses. Various basic trends of thought are appearing which, in the new world order, will unfold into that major synthesis so much desired by the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, and which, whilst preserving the large national and racial outlines, will produce an underlying and subjective state of mind which will end the age of separateness. Desire is today being evoked for the Federated States of Europe, modelled on the lines of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the United States of America; there is talk of a new order in Asia, of the Good Neighbour policy in America, of a Federal Union of the democratic nations; there is also the steady spread of the Soviet Socialist Republics. Certain major groupings [Page 200] would seem possible and probably advisable. They might be divided as follows:

1. A Federal Union of the great democracies after the war. This might include the British Empire as a whole, the United States, the Scandinavian countries and certain northern European nations, including Germany.

2. A Union of the Latin countries, including France, Spain, all the Mediterranean countries, the Balkan countries (except one or two which might be absorbed into the U.S.S.R.), and South America.

3. The United Soviet Socialist Republics and certain Asiatic nations working in collaboration with them, such as China, and later Japan.

These three great blocs would not be antagonistic blocs but simply geographical spheres of influence. They would all three work in the closest unity and economic relation.” EOH 199-200
“The first preliminary is for the men and women of goodwill to decide once and for all with which of the two forces, battling together, they will take their stand, mentally and spiritually, even if they are not called upon by their country to do so physically. I write at this time for those who take their stand on the side of the constructive forces which are fighting for the democratic values and the freedom of the peoples.” EOH 204

“In past communications I have oft spoken of the Forces of Light and the Forces of Materialism, meaning by these terms the controlling trends towards brotherhood, right human relations and selfless purpose, and those which reverse these higher tendencies and bring into human affairs selfish acquisitiveness, emphasis upon material interests, brutal aggression and cruelty. The two positions are clear to the unprejudiced onlooker.

To these two groups I would add a third. This third group is taking shape in the world today with extreme definiteness and is composed of those who throw the weight of their influence and of their action on neither side; theoretically, they may advocate the higher way, but practically they do nothing to further its interests. This third group is formed internally of two groups: first, those people who are potentially weak and are therefore ridden by fear and terror, feeling that they dare not move in any way against the forces of aggression, and secondly, an intrinsically powerful group who, through selfish material interests, plus a sense of separative superiority, or distance from the seat of trouble and the domination of false values, hold aloof from the situation and shirk their evident responsibility as members of the human family. This latter group includes, among others, a number of powerful democracies and republics. Fear, terror and a sense of helpless futility govern the reactions of the one, and who can criticise? Selfishness and separativeness control the other group.” EOH 214

“The basic contrast between freedom of speech, thought and action which distinguishes the democracies, and the cruel suppression of all liberty of thought and personal activity which controls the masses in Germany today, is too well known to require emphasising by me. But I bring these contrasts to your attention, asking you to recognise your responsibility to stand behind those who fight for liberty and to end the activity of those who are the enemies of all human freedom.” EOH 239

“Today the issue is clear and the end inevitable. The free nations and the defeated and enslaved little nations are subjectively and practically unified into one intense spiritual determination to win the war; the fate of the Axis Nations is therefore unalterably settled, even though, at this time of writing, they seem to be victorious all along [Page 365] the line. It is only the time of the final victory of right against might which remains as yet the factor of uncertainty, and this is owing to the enormous prepared strength of the aggressor nations and the unpreparedness of the democracies. This unpreparedness is being rapidly remedied.” EOH 364-365

“4. The issues in this war are being increasingly clearly realised; even the ignorant and the prejudiced recognise today that these issues can be grouped under three major positions, and this enables them to make a personal choice as to loyalties.

a. The democratic position, with its emphasis upon the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter, ensuring right human relations and the ending of aggression.

b. The totalitarian position, with its emphasis upon world dictatorship, the slavery of the many conquered nations, its anti-racial bias and its blatant cruelty and terrorism.

c. The appeasement and the pacifist attitudes—idealistic and impractical and finding their focus today in the attitude of Gandhi. He brings into clear perspective the uncompromising, fanatical attitude which is non-realistic and which will willingly sacrifice lives, nations and the future of humanity in order to attain its object. If Gandhi were to succeed in his objective now, it would precipitate civil war in India, sacrifice all immediate hope of freedom for that country, permit the Japanese to realise an easy conquest of India, bring about a slaughtering of countless thousands, and permit Germany to join hands with Japan across Asia, with the appalling probability of a totalitarian victory.” EOH 368

“Selfish interests have controlled the reasons for which every nation has entered this war; individual security has prompted the entry of even the most enlightened democratic nations. That to these selfish incentives they have added world need and the love of freedom is true and serves [Page 373] to balance, though not offset, the selfish motives; that the instinct of self-preservation gave them no alternative is likewise true, but the fact remains that there would have been no war if the democratic nations had been the determining factor. That in itself gives rise to questions. Why did the powerful democracies, in the last analysis, permit this war when, united and banded together from the start, they might have arrested it in the initial stages? Also, given the existent aggressor nations, collective self-interest forced the democracies into combat, and yet this same self-interest should have made them take the steps which would have guaranteed the peace.” EOH 372-373

“Power politics, the exploitation of the weak, aggression, economic selfishness, ideals based on pure commercialism and materialistic and territorial goals colour all the past history of mankind in both hemispheres, and have laid the foundation for the present war.

Some nations, particularly the great democracies, like the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States of America, now realise that these attitudes and activities must end and that the hope of the world lies in the spread of right human relations, in economic interchange, broad unselfish international politics and the growth of the spirit of cooperation. They believe unalterably, and as a basic national policy, in the rights of the individual and that the State exists for the benefit of that individual; to that they add the belief that the State also exists for the benefit of all other states and for humanity as a whole. Other nations, such as the Axis Powers, are violently crystallising the ancient viewpoints, emphasising the worst aspects of the old and evil order, and are aggressively grasping all that they can for themselves. They regard the individual as of no value and hold that he exists only for the benefit of the State; they believe that the State is the sole unit of importance, and that only their particular state counts. They divide the family of nations into a superstate for the control of Europe and another for and regard all other states as slave states; they would perpetuate the ancient evil of force and war and would and do resort to unheard-of cruelties in the effort to raise their state to supreme eminence.” EOH 374

“Today the war has cleared the air. The issues are clear and at least we know what has been wrong. In their demonstration of supreme selfishness, national ambition, racial hatred and utter barbarity and cruelty, plus their complete lack of all humanitarian feeling, the Axis Powers have served the race by showing us what must not, and shall not, be permitted. The democracies have awakened also to their weaknesses and to the realisation that true democracy does not as yet exist, owing to widespread political corruption, and to the ignorance and unpreparedness of the masses for [Page 377] true self-government.” EOH 377-378

“It is the task of the Hierarchy to find and reach the enlightened men and women in all the churches, all the political parties, all the organisations—social, economic, and educational—so that their united purpose will be clear. This [Page 456] They will do through the medium of Their active, working disciples in the world. Thus They will pave the way for the true freedom of mankind—a freedom which is as yet a dream and a hope in even the most democratic countries.” EOH 455-456

“The common people are today awakening to the importance and [Page 480] responsibility of government; it is therefore realised by the Hierarchy that before the cycle of true democracy (as it essentially exists and will eventually demonstrate) can come into being, the education of the masses in cooperative statesmanship, in economic stabilisation through right sharing, and in clean, political interplay is imperatively necessary.” EOH 479-480

“This stage of hierarchical appearance is dependent upon the effective service of the first group of isolated and hard-working disciples who are the senior members of the New Group of World Servers and who are today working among the sons of men. This second group will take over from them, and theirs will be the task of instituting a more unified preparation for the return of the Christ. The first group prepare humanity for the possibility; the second group [Page 573] definitely prepare for the return itself. They will build for a future which will arise out of the wreckage of the past, which wreckage they will remove; they will instill certain basic concepts anent right human relations into men's minds. Their immediate group work, when they are coming into power and recognition, will consist of a sweetening and a clarification of the political situation and the presentation of those ideas which will eventually lead to a fusion of those principles which govern a democracy and which also condition the hierarchical method—which is somewhat different; this effort will produce a third political situation which will not be entirely dependent upon the choices of an unintelligent public or on the control which the hierarchical technique evidently involves. The mode of this new type of political guidance will later appear.” EOH 572-573

“Still another reply, upon which I would ask you to ponder, is that Christ and the spiritual Hierarchy never—no matter what the incentive may be—infringe upon the [Page 618] divine right of humanity to achieve freedom by fighting for freedom, individually, nationally and internationally. When true freedom covers the earth, we shall see the end of tyranny, politically and religiously. I refer here not to modern democracy, which is at present a philosophy of wishful thinking, but to that state of the realm in which the people themselves will rule; these people will not tolerate authoritarianism in any church, or totalitarianism in any political system or government; they will not accept or permit the rule of any body of men who undertake to tell them what they must believe in order to be saved, or what government they must accept. I say not that these desirable objectives must be accomplished facts on earth before Christ comes. I do say that this attitude to religion and politics must be generally accepted as necessary to all men, and that steps must have been successfully taken in the direction of right human relations.

These are the things which the New Group of World Servers, the disciples, the aspirants and the men of goodwill everywhere must believe and teach in preparation for His coming.” EOH 617-618

“Money—as with all else in human living—has been tainted by selfishness and grabbed for selfish individual or national ends. Of this, the world war (1914-1945) is the proof, for although there was much talk of "saving the world for democracy" and "fighting a war to end war," the main motive was self-protection and self-preservation, the hope of gain, the satisfaction of ancient hatreds, and the regaining of territory. The two years which have elapsed since the war have proved this to be so.” EOH 626

“Spiritual workers should face the various world alternatives:

1. An all-dominant Russia, whose regime would cover the planet, enforcing her totalitarian interpretation of communistic doctrine (there is a right and true interpretation), refusing freedom to the individual in the interest of the State, and—because of a low opinion of the human masses—everywhere standardising her interpretation of democracy.

2. A world in which all nations live in an armed armistice, in which distrust is forever rampant and in which science is prostituted to the art of destruction. In this world an explosion must and will eventually take place which will destroy humanity as once before it was destroyed, according to the Bible and the other world Scriptures and the hierarchical records.

3. A world in which the United States proves itself to be the controlling factor, after wiping out Russia, which she can well do if she acts now. It will be a predominantly capitalistic world, run by several nations but headed by the United States. A capitalistic nation is not necessarily wrong; capital has its place, and Russia (the enemy of capitalism) is by no means free from capitalistic bias. The motives of the United States are very mixed motives: greed of money or its equivalent, such as oil, and at the same time sincerely good intentions for the establishment of human freedom in a democratic world—modelled, of course, on American democracy. Other motives are an appreciation of the armed fist and, at [Page 639] the same time, a longing for economic sharing and for that essential kindness which is such a strong American characteristic—a mass characteristic. These mixed motives will produce eventually a very confused world, one in which it will be found that humanity has learned very little as the result of the World War (1914-1945) and is acquiescent to the cycle of well-intentioned money control.

4. A world divided into "blocs" for mutual aid and economic sharing. Of this, the proposed treaty between Great Britain, France and the Benelux countries is a tentative sample, though tainted by objectionable motives, from the angle of the Hierarchy. Fear is the major factor producing this treaty, but it has in it nevertheless the seeds of hope. There is nothing intrinsically wrong in any group of nations standing together for mutual aid and economic cooperation. The wrong factor comes in when they stand united against any other group of nations, and therefore against any group of human beings. It is this attitude, engineered and fostered by Russia, which has lead to the relatively new concept of blocs against. Along this line, and with this attitude of antagonistic groupings, only disaster can lie.” EOH 638-639

“The totalitarian powers have always realised and exploited this capacity of human beings to be responsive to [Page 650] good or bad impression. By impressing certain doctrines, certain principles and certain beliefs on their people, and by withholding the truth or the facts and ignoring the realities, they contrive to swing their people into an acceptance which means—for the controlling initiators—immense power.

Other nations, the so-called democracies, are in a state of great confusion, split into political, religious and social parties, listening to the teaching, the dreams and the plans of every person who has an idea and thrusts himself forward into the public consciousness, having no true or good policy, tainted by selfishness (personal or national, and sometimes both), and demanding the settlement of material affairs with small attention—if any—to the recognised spiritual goals and values.

There is fortunately a growing body of those of all faiths, or of no religious faith, to be found in every continent and nation who are aware of the stirring of this spiritual movement—linking humanity and the Hierarchy. This is due to their reaction to spiritual hope, to the expectancy and to the curiously widespread belief that divine intervention is possible and at hand. As the momentum of this spiritual activity develops, so will the responsiveness among men develop, and if the reaction is that which is hoped for, it will be the masses everywhere who will slowly unite to bring about the conditions needed for the reappearance of the Prince of Peace, bringing with Him the potency and the benediction of the Avatar of Synthesis. The number of these semi-enlightened people is growing fast; desperation is hastening their response to help from on high, and in due time their numbers will be so great that totalitarianism, as well as chaotic democracy, will not be able to stand against them.” EOH 649-650

“I would call your careful attention to one most important matter. The moment that a point of balance is reached, the moment that those who stand for separateness and materialism, for totalitarianism or for any imposed regime (and consequently an evil unity), and those who stand for the freedom of the human soul, for the rights of the individual, for brotherhood and right human relations, are equal in force, in position and in influence, then the doors of the Hierarchy (symbolically speaking) will open, and the Christ with His disciples will come. This balance has to reach a point upon mental levels; it has to be reached by those who can think, who can influence, and in whose hands lies the responsibility for what the masses below the mental level know and believe. The unskilled labourer, the numerous people who never think, who are only young in the experience of incarnation, and the multitudes who evade thought even when they are capable of it, lie in the hands of two vast and dominant groups: the totalitarians and the democracies.

The consequences of attaining a point of balance are very close today. Organised evil is not in power; organised good is still quite ineffective, largely owing to the failure of the religions of the world to give a true picture of Christ's mission; therefore the struggle for control is with us now. If the forces of evil, plus the groups of men who seek control of the human spirit (no matter in what country they are found, and they can be found in every single country without exception), become dominant, the doors of evil will open and the life of man will lose its meaning; death will settle down upon our planet—death both spiritual and [Page 652] mental. If the forces of good, the work of the New Group of World Servers, and the activities of men of goodwill everywhere prevail, the doors of the spiritual Hierarchy will open and—to use a Biblical phrase—the Hosts of the Lord will issue forth. The Christ Will Come.”

EOH 651-652

“There is still much illiteracy, but the average citizen in all the western democracies and in the Soviet Union is as well educated as the intellectual man in the Middle Ages.” EOH 664

“The material goal which all who love their fellowmen and serve the Hierarchy must ever have in mind and at [Page 701] heart is the defeat of totalitarianism. I do not say the defeat of Communism, but the defeat of that evil process which involves the imposition of ideas, and which can be the method of the democratic nations and of the churches everywhere, just as much as it is the method of the U.S.S.R. This we call totalitarianism. I would ask you to have this distinction clearly in your minds. Your material goal is the defeat of all that infringes human free will and which keeps humanity in ignorance; it applies equally to any established system—Catholic or Protestant—which imposes its concepts and its will upon its adherents. Totalitarianism is the basis of evil today; it is found in all systems of government, of education; it is found in the home and in the community. I refer not here to the laws which make group relations sound, possible and right; such laws are essential to community and national well-being and are not totalitarian in nature. I refer to the imposition of the will of the few upon the total mass of the people. The defeat of this undesirable tendency everywhere is your definite material goal.”

EOH 700-701

Destiny of the Nations

“Humanity is today more sensitive to ideas than ever before, and hence the many warring ideologies and hence the fact that — in defence of their plans — even the most recalcitrant of the nations has to discover some idealistic excuse to put before the other nations when occupied with any infringement of recognised law.  This is a fact of great significance to the Hierarchy for it indicates a point reached.  The major ideas in the world today fall into five categories which it would be well for you to bear in mind:

1. The ancient and inherited ideas which have controlled the racial life for centuries — aggression for the sake of possession and the authority of a man or a group or a church which represents the State.  For purposes of policy such powers may work behind the scenes but their tenets and motives are easily recognisable — selfish ambition and a violently imposed authority.

2. Those ideas which are relatively new such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism, though they are not really as new as people are apt to think.  They are alike on one important point, i.e. The State or community of human beings counts as of importance whilst the individual does not; he can be sacrificed at any time for the good of the State or for the so-called general good.

3. The idea, neither old nor particularly new, of democracy in which (supposedly but as yet never factually) the people govern and the government represents the will of the people.

4. The idea of a world state, divided into various great sections.  This is the dream of the inclusively-minded few, for which many regard humanity as yet unready.  Towards this the entire world is headed in spite of its many ideologies, each fighting with each other for supremacy and oblivious of the important fact that all these ideologies may be temporarily adapted to the groups or nations who adopt them.  They are none of them suitable for general use (and I say this equally of democracy as of any other ideology); they suit well in all probability the nations who accept them and mould their national life on their premises; they are only transitory substitutes in this transition period between the Piscean and the Aquarian ages and cannot permanently last.  Nothing as yet is permanent.  When permanency is reached, evolution will cease and God's plan will be consummated.  And then?  The greatest revelation of all will come at the close of this world period when the human mind, intuition and soul consciousness is such that understanding will be possible.

5. The idea of a spiritual Hierarchy which will govern the people throughout the world and will embody in itself the best elements of the monarchial, the democratic, the totalitarian and the communistic regimes.  Most of these groups of ideologies have latent in them much beauty, strength and wisdom, and also a profound and valuable contribution to make to the whole.  Each will eventually see its contribution embodied under the control of the Hierarchy of the Lords of Compassion and [Page 10] the Masters of the Wisdom.  The restoration of the ancient Atlantean control by the spiritual forces is still in the future but the Aquarian Age will see the restitution of this inner and spiritual guidance on a higher turn of the spiral.”

DON 8 -10

“I call this to your attention as the underlying, motivating idea behind all the work which you are called upon to do.  I suggest, therefore that you endeavour to see the three major ideologies with which you have perforce to deal in terms of the three efforts which are emanating from the three major planetary centres at this time:  Shamballa, The Hierarchy and Humanity.  You will thus gain a more synthetic [Page 22] viewpoint, and a deeper understanding of the slowly emerging world picture.

Is it not possible that the ideologies which we have been discussing are the response — distorted and yet a definite and determined, sensitive reaction — to the energies playing upon humanity from the two higher major centres?  I would like to suggest that the ideology which is embodied in the vision of the totalitarian states is an erroneous but clear-cut response to the Shamballa influence of will; that the ideology behind the democratic ideal constitutes a similar response to the universality which the love of the Hierarchy prompts it to express, and that communism is of human origin, embodying that ideology which humanity has formulated in its own right.  Thus the three aspects of God's nature are beginning to take form as three major ideas and what we see upon the planet at this time are the distorted human reactions to spiritual impulses, emanating from three different centres, but all equally divine in their essential natures, and in their essences.  Ponder on this.” DON 21-22

“The United States of America
has for its personality ray the sixth ray and hence much of its personality difficulties.  Hence also its strong desire life, impelling it to sex [Page 60] expression and to materiality but to a materiality which is very different from that of the French, for the citizen of the United States values money only for the effects on his life which it can bring and for what it makes possible.  Hence also the rapid response of the American continent to every form of idealism, to the need of others, even of its enemies, to compassion for all suffering and to a pronounced progress towards a well defined humanitarianism.  This they may call the democratic ideal but it is in truth something which grows out of and eventually supersedes democracy—the ideal of spiritual government—a government by the highest and the most spiritual to be found in the land.  Hence also their unrealised esoteric motto:  "I light the Way."  All the various forms of government, prevalent in the world today, will—after making their great experiment and its resultant contribution—proceed upon the way of enlightened rule by the illumined minds of the age.  This development is certain and inevitable and the indications of this happening can be seen today by those who have eyes to see and a developed inner vision.” DON 59-60


“The force expressing itself through the centre,

New York
, is the force of the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism.  Hence the conflicts everywhere to be found between the varying ideologies, and the major conflict between those who stand for the great ideal of world unity brought about by a united effort of the Forces of Light, backed by the cooperative effort of all the democratic nations, and the separative materialistic attitude of those who seek to keep the United States from assuming responsibilities and her rightful place in world affairs.  This latter group, if they succeed in their endeavour, will deny the United States her share in the "gifts of the Gods in the coming age of peace which will succeed this point of critical suspension," as The Old Commentary phrases it.  The sixth Ray is either [Page 98] militant and active, or mystical, pacific and futile, and these two aspects at present condition the United States.  The keynote of this world centre is "I light the WAY;" this is the privilege of the States if its people so choose and permit worldwide humanitarian, self-sacrifice (self-initiated) and a firm decision to stand by righteousness to govern their present attitudes and policies.  This is slowly coming to pass and the selfish voices of blind idealists, the fearful and the separative are dying out.  All this is happening under the inspiration of service, motivated by love.  Thus the two major democracies can eventually restore world order, negate the old order of selfishness and aggression and usher in the new order of world understanding, world sharing and world peace.  Peace will be the result of understanding and sharing, and not the origin of them, as the pacifists so often imply.” DON 97-98

“Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time:  The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia.  Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them, though it is as yet in an embryonic stage.  In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end; in the States by corrupt politics, and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies.  But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning, and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.” DON 101

Discipleship in the New Age

“The second Ray of Love-Wisdom, through the many extant educational processes and through the modern conflict of ideas (producing thus a borderland between the areas of influence of the first and second rays) is opening the minds of thousands of people. The pronounced contrast in ideas—as, for instance, the contrast between totalitarianism and the democratic freedom of thought (does such democratic freedom really exist, my brother?)—is forcing men to think, to reflect, to question and to meditate. The world is thereby greatly enriched, and the whole human family is transiting out of a pronounced cycle of karma yoga into the required cycle of raja yoga, from unthinking activity into a period of illumined mind control. It is a mental illumination which is brought about by the meditative and the reflective activity of humanity as a whole, and this is carried forward under the guidance of the New Group of World Servers, working under hierarchical impression.” DINA II 219

Education in the New Age

“World democracy will take form when men everywhere are regarded in reality as equal; when boys [Page 88] and girls are taught that it does not matter whether a man is an Asiatic, an American, a European, British, a Jew or a Gentile but only that each has an historical background and history which enables him to contribute something to the good of the whole, and that the major requirement is an attitude of goodwill and a constant effort to foster right human relations.” ENA 87-88

“At this time also a still further step is taking place. Everywhere and in every country men are being taught in their earliest years that they are not only individuals, not only members of a state, empire or nation, and not only people with an individual future, but that they are intended to be exponents of certain great group ideologies—Democratic, Totalitarian, or Communistic.  These ideologies are, in the last analysis, materialising dreams or visions.  For these, modern youth is taught that he must work and strive and, if necessary, fight.  It is therefore surely apparent that behind all the surface turmoil and chaos so devastatingly present today in the consciousness of humanity, and behind all the fear and apprehension, the hate and separativeness, human beings are beginning to blend in themselves three states of consciousness—that of the individual, of the citizen, and of the idealist.  The power to achieve this, and to be all these states simultaneously, is now reaching down into those levels of human life which we call "submerged classes."

All this is very good and part of the ordained plan. Whether it is the democratic ideal, or the vision of the totalitarian state, or the dream of the communistic devotee, the [Page 104] effect upon the consciousness of humanity as a whole is definitely good.  His sense of world awareness is definitely growing, his power to regard himself as part of a whole is rapidly developing and all this is desirable and right and contained within the divine plan.

It is of course entirely true that the process is spoiled and handicapped by methods and motives that are highly undesirable, but human beings have a habit of spoiling that which is beautiful; they have a highly developed capacity of being selfish and material, and because the minds of men are as yet practically untrained and undeveloped, they have little power of discrimination and small ability to differentiate between the old and the new, or between the right and the more right.  Having been trained in selfishness and in material attitudes while under parental control and in the educational systems of the day, their trend of thought normally runs along these undesirable lines.” ENA 103-104

“The widespread demand of the youth of the world today (in some countries) for a good time, their irresponsibility and their refusal to face the real values of life, are all indicative of this.  This is to be seen at its worst in the democratic countries.  In the totalitarian states it is not permitted on the same scale, as the youth in those states are forced to shoulder responsibility and to dedicate themselves to the larger whole, and not to a life of material vocation and the wasting of their years in what I believe you slangfully call "a good time."  This good time is usually had at the expense of others, and takes place in the formative years which inevitably condition and determine the young person's future.

I am not here speaking politically or in defense of any governmental system.  A forced activity and then a forced responsibility, relegate the bulk of those so conditioned to the nursery stage or the child state, and humanity should be reaching maturity, with its willingness to shoulder responsibility and its growing sense of the real values of the standards of life.  The sense of responsibility is one of the first indications that the soul of the individual is awakened.” ENA 105

“In the field of politics, the masses are swayed by their orators, and never more so than now through the use of the radio.  Great ideas are dinned into the ear of the public without cessation—theories as to dictatorship, communism, Nazism, fascism, marxism, nationalism and democratic ideals.  Methods of rule by this or that group of thinkers are presented to the public, leaving them no time for consideration, or for clear thinking.  Racial antipathies are spread, and personal preferences and illusions find expression, bringing about the deception of the unthinking.” ENA 114

Glamor: a World Problem

“They need to learn to penetrate to the true idea which lies behind their ideal and to interpret it with accuracy in the light of their soul, besides employing those methods which have the warrant and the sanction of LOVE. It is, for instance, no illusion that the idea which finds expression in the statement that "all men are equal" is a fact which needs emphasis. This has been seized upon by the democratically inclined. It is indeed a statement of fact, but when no allowance is made for the equally important ideas of evolution, of racial attributes, and of national and religious characteristics, then the basic idea receives only limited application. Hence the enforced ideological systems of our modern times and of the present day, and the rapid growth of ideological illusions, which are nevertheless based on a true idea—each and all without any exception.” GWP 132

Initiation, Human and Solar

“Little can be given out anent the two English Masters.  Neither of them takes pupils in the same sense that the Master K. H. or the Master M. take pupils.  One of Them, who resides in Great Britain, has in hand the definite guidance of the Anglo-Saxon race, and He works upon the plans for its future development and evolution.  He is behind the Labour movement throughout the world, [Page 60] transmuting and directing, and the present rising tide of democracy has His directing hand upon it.  Out of the democratic unrest, out of the present turmoil and chaos, will arise the future world condition which will have for its keynote co-operation and not competition, distribution, and not centralisation.” IHS 59-60

Problems of Humanity

“It is valuable also to remind ourselves in all our planning and with all our good intentions that the various nations, involved in the world war and whose countries have felt the full brunt of occupation, are laying their own plans. They know what they want; they are determined, as far as possible, to care for their own people, to salvage their own children, to restore their own special cultures and their lands. The task of the Great Powers (with their vast resources) and of the philanthropists and humanitarians throughout the world should be to cooperate with these people. It is not their task to impose upon them what they, from the vantage point of their position, believe to be good for them. These nations want understanding cooperation; they want the implements for agriculture, immediate relief in food and clothing, plus the wherewithal to start again their educational institutions, to organize their schools and to equip them with what is immediately required. They certainly do not want a horde of [Page 42] well-meaning people taking over their educational or medical institutions, or imposing democratic, communistic or any other particular ideology upon them. Naturally, the principles of Nazism and of Fascism must be swept away, but the nations must be free to work out their own destiny. They have each of them their own traditions, cultures and backgrounds. They are being forced to build anew but what they build must be their own; it must be distinctive of them and an expression of their own inner life. It is surely the function of the wealthier and free nations to help them to build so that the new world can come into being. Each nation must tackle the problem of its restoration in its own way.” PH 41-42

“World democracy will take form when men everywhere are regarded in reality as equal; when boys and girls are taught that it does not matter whether a man is an Asiatic, an American, a European, British, a Jew or a Gentile but only that each has an historical background which enables him to contribute something to the good of the whole, that the major requirement is an attitude of goodwill and a constant effort to foster right human relations.” PH 61

“It is not useful here to prophesy the uses to which the most potent energy hitherto released for man's helping can or will be put. Its first constructive use was to end the war. Its future constructive use lies in the hands of science and should be controlled by the men of goodwill to be found in all nations. This energy must be safeguarded from monied interests; it must be turned definitely into the usages of peace and employed to implement a new and happier world. An entirely new field of investigation opens today before science and one which they have long wished to penetrate. In the hands of science, this new potency is far safer than in the hands of capital or of those who would exploit this discovery for the increase of their dividends. In the hands of the great democracies and of the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian races, this discovery is safer than in other hands. It cannot however be kept in these hands indefinitely. Other nations and races are discovering this "secret of release" and the future security of humanity is, therefore, dependent upon two things:

1. The steady and planned education of the people of every nation in right human relations and the cultivation of the spirit of goodwill. This will lead to a complete revolution of the present political regimes, which are largely nationalistic in their planning and selfish in their purposes. True democracy, at present only a dream, will be founded on education for goodwill.

2. The education of the children of the future in the fact of human unity and the use of the world's resources for the good of all.” PH 67

“Yet all is not well with the labour movement. The question arises whether it is not sorely in need of a drastic housecleaning. With the coming-in of labour governments in certain countries, with the growth of democracy and the demand for freedom, with the uprising of the rule of the proletariat in Russia, and the higher educational standard of the race, it might well appear that new, better and different methods may now be used to implement the Four Freedoms and to insure right human relations. If there is a realization that there should be right human relations among nations, it is obvious that such relations should exist also between capital and labour (composed as both groups are of [Page 78] human beings) and between the quarrelling labour organizations. Labour is today a dictatorship, using threat, fear and force to gain its ends. Many of its leaders are powerful and ambitious men, with a deep love of money and a determination to wield power. Bad housing, poor pay and evil conditions still exist everywhere and it is not in every case the fault of the employer.” PH 77-78

“The problem of the Negro in the western hemisphere constitutes a very ugly story, seriously implicates the white man and provides an outstanding disgrace. Brought to the United States and to the West Indies more than two centuries ago and forced into slavery, the Negro has never had a fair deal or any true opportunity. Under the constitution of the United States, all men are regarded as free and equal; the Negro, however, is not free or equal, particularly in the southern states. The situation in the West Indies more closely resembles that in the northern states, where conditions are somewhat better but where there is still no equality of opportunity and much racial discrimination. The treatment of the Negro in the southern states is a blot upon the country; there the fight is to keep the Negro consistently down, to refuse him equality of education and of opportunity, to keep his standard of living at the lowest possible level and well below that of the white, to refuse him political recognition and, in a democratic country where all men are entitled to vote, he is prevented from sharing in this constitutional privilege. In the northern states these conditions do not exist to the same extent, but the Negro is steadily discriminated against, is refused equal opportunity and has to fight [Page 112] for every privilege. A few corrupt and ignorant senators consistently outrage the good intentions of the mass of American people by perpetuating these evil conditions and fighting by every possible means to prevent their being changed; they play upon the fears of their constituents and block every move made to bring about a better and cleaner situation which would be in line with the constitution.

PH 111-112

“With the cessation of World War II came the opportunity to inaugurate a new and better way of life, and to establish that security and peace for which all men ceaselessly long. Three groups immediately appeared in the world:

1. The powerful, reactionary, conservative groups desirous of retaining as much of the past as possible, having great power and no vision.

2. The fanatical ideologists in every country—communistic, democratic and fascist.

[Page 168]

3. The inert masses of the people in every land, ignorant for the most part, desiring only peace after storm and security in the place of economic disaster; they are victimised by their rulers, by established old conditions, and kept in the dark as to the truth of the world situation.

All these factors produce the present disorders and condition the deliberations of the United Nations. Though there is no major war, there is no peace, no security and no immediate hope of either.”

PH 167-168

The Reappearance of the Christ

“In the Middle Ages of history and earlier, it was the churches and the schools of philosophy which provided the major avenues for His subjective activity, but it will not be so when He is objectively and actually here. This is a point which the churches and organised religions would do well to remember. There is now a shift of His emphasis and attention into two new fields of endeavour: first, into the field of world-wide education, and secondly, into the sphere of implementing intelligently those activities which come under the department of government in its three aspects of statesmanship, of politics and of legislation. The common people are today awakening to the importance and responsibility of government; it is, therefore, realised by the Hierarchy that before the cycle of true democracy (as it essentially exists and will eventually demonstrate) can come into being, the education of the masses in cooperative statesmanship, in economic stabilisation through right sharing, and in clean, political interplay is imperatively necessary. The long divorce between religion and politics must be ended and this can now come about because of the high level of the human mass intelligence and the fact that science has made all men so close [Page 19] that what happens in some remote area of the earth's surface is a matter of general interest within a few minutes. This makes it uniquely possible for Him to work in the future.” ROC 18-19

“Therefore, another answer to the question posited is that Christ and the spiritual Hierarchy never—no matter how great the need or important the incentive—infringe upon the divine right of men to make their own decisions, to exert their own free will and to achieve freedom by fighting for freedom—individually, nationally and internationally. When true freedom covers the earth, we shall see the end of tyranny—politically, religiously and economically. I am not here referring to modern democracy as a condition which meets the need, for democracy is at present a philosophy of wishful thinking and an unachieved ideal. I refer to that period which will surely come in which an enlightened people will rule; these people will not tolerate authoritarianism in any church or totalitarianism in any political system; they will not accept or permit the rule of any body of men who undertake [Page 165] to tell them what they must believe in order to be saved or what government they must accept. When the people are told the truth and when they can freely judge and decide for themselves, we shall then see a much better world.” ROC 164-165

“Money—as with all else in human living—has been tainted by selfishness and grabbed for selfish individual or national ends. Of this, the World War (1914-1945) is the proof, for, although there was much talk of "saving the world for democracy" and "fighting a war to end war," the main motive was self-protection and self-preservation, the hope of gain and the satisfaction of ancient hatreds, and the regaining of territory. The years which have elapsed since the war have proved this to be so. The United Nations is unfortunately perforce occupied with rapacious demands from all sides, with the angling [Page 175] of the nations for position and power, and for the possession of the natural resources of the earth—coal, oil, etc., and also with the underground activities of the great Powers and of the capitalists which they all create.” ROC 174-175

“The voice of the people must prevail, but it must be a people educated in the true values, in the significances of a right culture and in the need for right human relations. It is, therefore, essentially a question of right education and correct training in world citizenship—a thing that has not yet been undertaken. Who can give this training? Russia would gladly train the world in the ideals of communism, and would gather all the money in the world into the coffers of the proletariat, eventually producing the greatest capitalistic system the world has ever seen; Great Britain would gladly train the world in the British concepts of justice and fair play and world trade, and would do it more correctly than any other nation because of vast experience but always too with an eye to profit. The United States would also gladly undertake to force the American brand of democracy upon the world, using her vast capital and resources in so doing, and gathering into her banks the financial results of her widespread financial [Page 176] dealings, preserving them safely by the threat of the atomic bomb and the shaking of the mailed fist over the rest of the world. France will keep Europe in a state of unrest as she seeks to regain her lost prestige and garner all she can from the victory of the other allied nations. Thus the story goes—each nation fighting for itself, and all rating each other in terms of resources and finance. In the meantime, humanity starves, remains uneducated, and is brought up on false values and the wrong use of money. Until these things are in process of being righted, the return of the Christ is not possible.” ROC 175-176

Esoteric Psychology – Volume I

“In the final analysis, the main problem of world government is the wise use of ideas.  It is here that the power of [Page 180] speech makes itself felt, just as in the department of religion or of education the power of the written word, of the printed page, is felt.  In the field of politics, the masses are swayed by their orators, and never more so than now through the use of the radio.  Great ideas are dinned into the ear of the public without cessation—theories as to dictatorship, communism, nazism, fascism, marxism, nationalism, and democratic ideals.  Methods of rule by this or that group of thinkers are presented to the public, leaving them no time for consideration, or for clear thinking.  Racial antipathies are spread, and personal preferences and illusions find expression, bringing about the deception of the unthinking.  The man who has a golden tongue, the man who has the gift of playing with words and can voice with emphasis people's grievances, the juggler in statistics, the fanatic with a certain and sure cure for social ills, and the man who loves to fan race hatreds, can ever get a following.  Such men can with facility upset the balance of the community and lead a body of unthinking adherents to a transient success and power, or to obloquy and oblivion.” EP I 179-180

Esoteric Psychology – Volume II

“The group of those who violently and actively and sincerely are partisans of certain basic and well-known ideologies which we can roughly divide into the fascist-nazi group, the democratic group and the communistic group.  Such are the major ideas to which the leading [Page 737] nations of the world are pledged and for which they are ready to fight if need arises.” EP II 736-737

““What, therefore, is the Hierarchy seeking to do today?  Let me briefly state the immediate plan.

1. To make the lines of cleavage, already existing, so apparent that the issue is clear.  This you can see happening every day if you read the world news intelligently and separate the spectacular and untrue details from the broad and true issues.  These lines of cleavage fall into three general lines.

a. Between the three major ideologies:  the Fascists, the Communistic and the Democratic.

b. Between the reactionary and fundamentalist groups and the liberal minded people who react to the newer spiritual impression and the emerging ways of approach to God.

c. Between the old cultures and civilisations and the new incoming ways of living and thinking; between the Piscean way of life and the Aquarian attitude of thought and life; between the laws of the kingdom of God, the fifth kingdom and those of humanity, the fourth; between the self-conscious individualistic way of life and the way of brotherhood, of love and of group consciousness.” EP II 744

Esoteric Astrology

“The force expressing itself through the centre, New York, is the force of the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. [Page 523] Hence the conflicts everywhere to be found between the varying ideologies and the major conflict between those who stand for the great ideal of world unity brought about by a united effort of the Forces of Light, backed by the cooperative effort of all the democratic nations and the separative materialistic attitude of those who seek to keep the United States from assuming her responsibilities and her rightful place in world affairs. This latter group, if they succeed in their endeavour, will deny the United States her share in the "gifts of the gods in the coming age of peace which will succeed this present point of critical suspension," as the Old Commentary phrases it. The sixth ray is either militant and active, or mystical, pacific and at present futile, and these two aspects at present condition the United States. The keynote of this world centre is "I light the Way" and this is the privilege of the States if its people so choose and permit worldwide humanitarian, self-sacrifice (self-initiated) and firm decision to stand by righteousness to govern their present attitudes and policies. This is slowly coming to pass and the selfish voices of the blind idealists, the fearful and the separative are dying out. All this is happening under the inspiration of service, motivated by love. Thus the two major democracies can eventually restore world order, negate the old order of selfishness and aggression and usher in the new order of world understanding, world sharing and world peace. Peace will be the result of understanding and sharing and not the origin of them as the pacifists so often imply.” EA 522-523

“Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time: The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia. Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them though it is as yet in an embryonic stage. In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end; in the States by corrupt politics and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies. But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.” EA 526

The Rays and the Initiations

“Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time: The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia. Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them though it is as yet in an embryonic stage. In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end; in the States by corrupt politics and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies. But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.” RI 631

“Men are today confronted with conflicting and antagonistic ideologies or schools of thought, and automatically—according to their background, tradition, training and place of birth—they regard some one of these ideas as true and all the others as false and wrong.  They are apt to forget that according to the locale of birth, the national mode of schooling and the nature of the national propaganda, so will be the chosen ideology or the imposed ideology.  Very few people are free agents, even in the democracies.  A man born in Central Russia, for instance, knows nothing but Communism; he cannot imagine another suitable form of government; again, a man born in the United States or in Great Britain boasts and is pleased that he was born in a democracy, but the accident of birth accounts largely for his attitude.  Men need to remember these things and not blame each other for the place in which they are born!” RI 744

“Men are today confronted with conflicting and antagonistic ideologies or schools of thought, and automatically—according to their background, tradition, training and place of birth—they regard some one of these ideas as true and all the others as false and wrong.  They are apt to forget that according to the locale of birth, the national mode of schooling and the nature of the national propaganda, so will be the chosen ideology or the imposed ideology.  Very few people are free agents, even in the democracies.  A man born in Central Russia, for instance, knows nothing but Communism; he cannot imagine another suitable form of government; again, a man born in the United States or in Great Britain boasts and is pleased that he was born in a democracy, but the accident of birth accounts largely for his attitude.  Men need to remember these things and not blame each other for the place in which they are born!  We have, therefore, ideologies and their opponents, great schools of thought and modes of government, confronted by organised opposition.  One basic premise can be laid down:  The platform of the leading ideologies is not necessarily wrong or wicked; it is the imposition by force and by a police state of an ideology, and its use by powerful men or groups for their own benefit, plus the keeping of the people in blind ignorance so that no free choice is theirs—which is fundamentally wicked and evil.

We have, for instance, the great crisis in the world today presented by the conflict between Communism and the democratic point of view.  I mention this first because it is the one which is occupying a prominent position in the eyes of all men everywhere.  This presents a dominant spiritual opportunity.  The democratic attitude, dedicated as it claims to be to human freedom (however little of that freedom is yet truly attained) is—because of that freedom factor—sponsored today by the Hierarchy.  Communism being an imposed ideology, forced on the people by totalitarian authority, is regarded as evil.  It is not the communistic [Page 745] theories which are necessarily wrong; it is the technique and the methods, rampant in the totalitarian lands, which are counter to the spiritual plan.  Imposed Communism and all totalitarian methods imprison the human soul, and breed fear and hatred everywhere.  Should the democratic principles therefore be imposed upon the world or any part of the world by a totalitarian regime, it would be equally wrong.

These conflicting ideologies are presenting clearly to the human consciousness certain great distinctions; these distinctions are found in techniques and methods far more than in the various tenets.  Many of the people most violently fighting Communism could not tell you succinctly what those tenets are, but they are fighting—and rightly fighting—the totalitarian methods of cruelty, spying, murder, suppression and the lack of freedom.  What they are doing in truth is fighting the abominable methods of imposing the rule of a few evil and ambitious men upon the ignorant masses, under the name of Communism.  They are fighting the technique of exploiting the ignorant through misinformation, organised lying and limited education.  They are fighting against the sealing up of nations within the confines of their own territory, against the police state, the lack of free enterprise and the reduction of men and women to automatons.  This is the true imprisonment of the human spirit.  The situation is, however, so pronounced and the evil so obvious (and the human spirit so basically and divinely strong) that it will eventually defeat itself; when the present group of totalitarian rulers (behind what you call the "iron curtain") die out a different state of affairs will gradually supervene and a true Communism (in the spiritual sense of the term) will take the place of the present wickedness.

On the other hand, the much vaunted democracies have much to learn.  Men are not truly free, even in democratic countries; the Negroes, for instance, lack their constitutional rights in parts of the United States; and in South Africa, their educational facilities and their opportunity [Page 746] to work and live as free men are not equal to those of the white race; in the southern states, the Constitution of the United States is infringed every day by those who believe in white supremacy—a supremacy which will be put to a crucial test when Africa awakes.  This attitude of the United States and their failure to live up to the Constitution where Negroes are concerned, have greatly weakened the faith of other countries in the wonder of America, and the situation in South Africa is not honoured by thinking men.  I mention these two situations because there is widespread evil even in the democracies; a true house cleaning is sorely needed.

The imperialism of democratic Britain has badly marred an otherwise fine record on behalf of dependent peoples, but it is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, as Britain gives freedom of choice and democratic liberation to India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Burma.  Each of those liberations was in the nature of a spiritual expansion of consciousness to the British people and a spiritual opportunity, of which only Ceylon and Pakistan show signs of being aware.  Always, in every department of human living, the spiritual and the material aims are making their presence and their differences clearly felt; the spiritual issue, as I have lately pointed out to you, is the imprisonment of the human spirit or its freedom and liberation.

True Democracy is as yet unknown; it awaits the time when an educated and enlightened public opinion will bring it to power; towards that spiritual event, mankind is hastening.  The battle of Democracy will be fought out in the United States.  There the people at present vote and organise their government on a personality basis and not from any spiritual or intelligent conviction.  There is a material, selfish aspect to Democracy (rampant today), and there is a spiritual aspect, little sought after; there are material and spiritual aspects to Communism, but its adherents know them not, and only a ruthless materialism is conveyed to them.

There is again the ideology of Socialism which is regarded [Page 747] by some as a basic evil.  Socialism can degenerate into another form of totalitarianism, or it can be more democratic than the present expressions of Democracy.  These issues will emerge clearly in Great Britain, where the socialist point of view is gaining ground among the masses, but which at present is a mixture of nationalisation of the public utilities and of free enterprise—a combination which may have true value, if preserved.

There are other ideologies in the political, social and economic fields but these with which I have dealt constitute a triangle of schemes undergoing national and political experiments in different countries throughout the world.  All of them have a religious and spiritual side; all of them are tainted with materialism; one of them is wickedly totalitarian and is finding followers; another is the victim of the stupid lack of interest of its people; another is in the throes of an experiment which may or may not prove successful.  Under the impact of these ideologies the spiritual growth of the human family is fostered, because the emerging spiritual factor (under the evolutionary law) is ever present, and always there is to be found a tendency towards God and divine expression.  That is why the issue is stressed between Christianity and Communism—a controversy emphasised by the Roman Catholic Church, but one into which the communistic nations are already drawing the Protestant churches.

From the standpoint of the Hierarchy, these three ideologies are three aspects of one great spiritual event; the outcome of the interplay between them can eventuate in an increased spiritual approach to divinity or (if the Forces of Light do not triumph) they can drive mankind deeper into the pit or prison of materialism.  The intense political interest of the Catholic Church, plus its gross materialism, acts as a great handicap to the steady gain of the spiritual position; if however, the Catholic hierarchy can renounce or relinquish its material and political aims and present the love of God in its beauty, it can do much to lead humanity out of darkness into light.  If the United States can equally [Page 748] renounce its gross materialism, it can give a lead to the world along spiritual lines which will be beyond anything yet demonstrated and, aided by Great Britain, the two great democracies, expressing right human relations and the fellowship of man, can do great things for the race.  Great Britain is learning a sense of values, and being drawn away from materialism through great privation; it is hoped that she will consciously renounce materialism.

I would like to remind you here that the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet cares not whether a man is a democrat, a socialist or a communist, or whether he is a Catholic, a Buddhist, or an unbeliever of any kind.  It cares only that humanity—as a whole—avail itself of spiritual opportunity.  It is an opportunity which is present today in a more compelling way than ever before.” RI 744-748

The Unfinished Autobiography

“The Fairbairns did not belong to the so-called aristocracy of birth which is so much prized.  Perhaps this was the salvation of the Bateman—Hollinshead—La Trobe stock.  They belonged to the aristocracy of brains and that is of greater importance in these democratic days.  Both William and Peter Fairbairn started life as the sons of a poor Scotch farmer in the 18th century.  Both ended up as rich men and both gained titles.  You will find Sir William Fairbairn's name in Webster's Dictionary and Sir Peter's memory is perpetuated in a statue in a square in Leeds, England.  I remember a few years ago arriving in Leeds to lecture.  As the taxi drove through a square there I noticed what I thought was a statue of a plain old man with a beard.  The next day my husband went to look at it and I discovered I had been criticising my great-uncle!  Great Britain was democratic even in those far off days and people had their chance to rise if they had that in them which warranted it.  Perhaps the admixture of plebeian blood is responsible for the fact that my cousins and their children have been, many of them, notable men or good looking women.” UA 19

“Increasingly, during my thirty-six years' residence in this [Page 107] country, I have been shocked, amazed and frightened by the attitude of many Americans to their fellow-Americans, the Negro minority.  The problem will have to be solved and room made for the Negro in the national life.  They cannot be kept down, nor should they be.  It is up to them to prove themselves all that they claim to be and it is up to all of us to see that they do, and that the abominable utterances and the poisonous hatred of such a man as Senator Bilbo are stilled, and there are a number such as he.  Again I re-state my belief that the problem cannot be solved today (I make no prophecy about the future) by intermarriage.  It must be solved by fearless justice, the recognition of the fact that all men are brothers and that if the Negro is a problem it is our fault.  If he is uneducated and not properly trained in the technique of citizenship it is again our fault.  It is time that prominent white men and congressmen in both Houses and parties left off yelling for democracy and free elections in the Balkans and elsewhere and applied the same principles to their own Southern States.  Forgive this tirade, but I feel strongly on the matter, as you see.” UA 106-107

“We discovered then that the E.S. completely dominated the T.S.  Members were good members if, and only if, they [Page 159] accepted the authority of the E.S.  If they agreed with all the pronouncements of the Outer Head and if they gave their loyalty to the people that the heads of the E.S. in every country endorsed.  Some of their pronouncements seemed ridiculous.  Many of the people endorsed were mediocre to the nth degree.  A number who were looked up to as initiates were not particularly intelligent or loving, and love and intelligence, in full measure, are the hall-mark of the initiate.  Amongst the advanced membership there was competition and claim making and, therefore, constant fighting between personalities—fighting that was not confined just to oral battles but which found its expression in magazine articles.  I shall never forget my horror one day when a man in Los Angeles said to me, "If you want to know what brotherhood is not, go and live at Krotona."  He did not know I lived there.

The whole situation was so serious and the split in the section so great between those who stood for brotherhood, for impersonality, for non claim-making and for dedication to the service of humanity that Foster cabled Mrs. Besant to the effect that if the E.S. did not cease dominating the T.S. the E.S. would soon be under very serious attack.  About that time Mrs. Besant sent B. P. Wadia over to the States to investigate and find out what was going on, and official meetings were held with Wadia arbitrating.  Foster, Dr. Shepherd and myself, along with many others, represented the democratic side:  Mr. Warrington, Miss Poutz and those ranged with them represented the side of authority and the domination of the E.S.  I had never before in my life been mixed up in an organisational row and I did not enjoy this period at all.  I loved some of the people on the other side very much and it distressed me exceedingly.  The trouble in time spread to the whole Section and members kept resigning.”  UA 159

“At the time of the second phase of the World War, which started in 1939, many pacifists and well meaning, though unthinking, people among the students of the Arcane School and the general public, which we could succeed in reaching, took the position that I had written the pamphlets and papers endorsing the United Nations and the need to defeat the Axis Powers, and that the Tibetan was not responsible for the anti-Nazi point of view of these articles.  This, again, was not true.  The pacifists took the orthodox and idealistic point of view that because God is love it would be impossible for Him to be anti-German or anti-Japanese.  Because God is love, He had no alternative, or the Hierarchy either, working under the Christ, to do anything else but stand firmly on the side of those who were seeking to free humanity from slavery, evil, aggression and corruption.  The words of the Christ have never been more true, "He that is not with Me is against Me."  The Tibetan in His writings at that time took a firm and unshakable stand, and today (1945) in view of the unspeakable atrocities, cruelties and enslavement policies of the Axis nations, His position has been justified.

All this time the situation at Krotona was getting more acute.  Wadia had arrived at Krotona (as the representative of Mrs. Besant) and was stirring up trouble and we collaborated with him to the full in order to swing back the Theosophical Society to its original impulse of universal brotherhood.  We collaborated because at this time Wadia seemed sound and sincere and to have the interest of the [Page 170] society truly at heart.  The cleavage in the society was steadily widening and the line of demarcation between those who stood for the democratic point of view and those who stood for spiritual authority and the complete control of the Theosophical Society by the Esoteric Section was rapidly growing.

The original platform of the T.S. had been founded on the autonomy of the lodges within the various national sections but, at the time that Foster Bailey and I came into the work, this whole situation had been fundamentally changed.  Those people were put into office in any lodge who were E.S. members and through them Mrs. Besant·and the leaders in Adyar controlled every section and every lodge.  Unless one accepted the dictum of the E.S. members in every lodge, one was in disgrace and it was almost impossible for the individual, therefore, to work in the Lodge.  The sectional magazines and the international magazine, called "The Theosophist," were pre-occupied with personality quarrels.” UA 169-170

“Let there be no mistake, the movement initiated by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was an integral part of a Hierarchical plan.  There have always been theosophical societies down the ages—the name of the movement is not new—but H. P. B. gave it a light and a publicity that set a new note and that brought a neglected and hitherto somewhat secret group out into the open and made it possible for the public everywhere to respond to this very ancient teaching.  The indebtedness of the world to Mrs. Besant for the work that she did in making the basic tenets of the T.S. teaching available to the masses of men in every country, is something that can never be repaid.  There is absolutely no reason why we should overlook the stupendous, magnificent work she did for the Masters and for humanity.  Those who have during the past five years so violently attacked her seem to me of no more importance than fleas attacking an elephant.

[Page 173] In 1920 this whole situation was reaching a climax.  The cleavage between the authoritarians of the E.S. and the more democratic minds in the T.S. was steadily widening.  In America Mr. Warrington and the E.S. wardens and heads everywhere represented one group, and the other group, at that time, was led by Foster Bailey and B. P. Wadia.  This was the situation which was rampant when the famous convention of 1920 took place in Chicago in the summer.  I had never been present at any convention in my life and to say that I was disillusioned, disgusted and outraged is putting it mildly.  Gathered together was a group of men and women from all parts of the United States who were presumably occupied in teaching and spreading brotherhood.  The hatred and rancour, the personality animus and the political manipulation was so outrageous and shocking that I made a vow never to attend another Theosophical Convention again in my life.  Next to Mr. Warrington, we were the ranking officials of the T.S. but we were a small minority.  It was obvious from the first moment of the Convention that the E.S. was in control and that those who stood for brotherhood and democracy were hopelessly outnumbered and, therefore, beaten.” UA 172-173