With commentary by SDP



The Venus Scheme


so it may be here said that at the present point in evolution of the logoic centres, Venus, Earth and Saturn form one triangle of great interest.  It is a triangle that is at this time undergoing vivification [Page 182] through the action of kundalini; it is consequently increasing the vibratory capacity of the centres, which are becoming slowly fourth-dimensional.  It is not yet permissible to point out others of the great triangles, but as regards the centres, we may here give two hints:


First.  Venus corresponds to the heart centre in the body logoic, and has an inter-relationship therefore with all the other centres in the solar system wherein the heart aspect is the one of greater prominence.


Second.  Saturn corresponds to the throat centre, or to the creative activity of the third aspect.


As evolution proceeds, the other centres attain a more pronounced vibration and the fire (circulating triangularly) will bring them into greater prominence; the two above mentioned, however, are of prime importance at this time.  These two, with the lesser triangle of our chain, constitute the focal point of energy viewed from our planetary


Tcf 182


Three of the sacred planets, it should be remembered, are the home of the three major Rays, of the embodied forms of the three logoic aspects or principles.  Other planets are embodiments of the four minor rays.  We might consider—from the standpoint of the present—that Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered as the vehicles of the three super-principles at this time.  Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three, but a hidden mystery lies here.  The evolution of the inner round has a close connection with this problem.  Perhaps some light may be thrown upon the obscurity of the matter by the realisation that just as the Logos has (in the non-sacred planets) the correspondence to the permanent atoms in the human being, so the middle evolution between these two (God and man) is the Heavenly Man, whose body is made up of human and deva monads, and Who has likewise His permanent atoms.  Always the three higher principles can be distinguished in importance from the four lower.


The key is hidden in the fact that between the number of a globe in a chain and its corresponding chain lies a method of communication.  The same is true likewise of the correspondence between a chain of globes and a scheme of analogous number.  The connection between Venus and the Earth lies hid in number, and it took a moment of mysterious alignment between a globe, its corresponding chain and the scheme of allied number to effect the momentous occurrence known as the coming of the Lords of Flame.  It occurred in the third rootrace in the fourth round.  Here we have an analogy between the quaternary and the Triad, carrying the interpretation up to a Heavenly Man.  The chain was the fourth chain and the globe, the fourth.  The fourth [Page 300] chain in the Venus scheme and the fourth globe in that chain were closely involved in the transaction.


h. The progress of development of the Heavenly Men is by no means uniform.  One point has not been emphasised hitherto, and that is, that the problem before each of Them is dissimilar, and, therefore, it is not possible for man correctly to gauge the work done by Them and Their relative point of attainment.  It has been said that as Venus is in the fifth round, the Venusian Lord is further progressed than His brothers.  This is not altogether so.  Just as in the development of humanity three main lines may be seen with four lesser lines merging into one of the three main lines, so in connection with the Heavenly Men, there are three main lines of which the Venusian is not one.  The Lord of Venus holds place in the logoic quaternary, as does the Lord of Earth. Tcf 300


As earlier pointed out, each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction, which manifests so degradingly as yet upon the physical plane, through the life of the human unit, imprisoned in physical form.  Psychically the link is of a different nature, and such a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme.  This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force.  In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator.  This could not have been effected had not the planetary Logos of the Venus scheme been in a position to link up closely with ours.


c. Venus and the Earth Chain.  This question of the coming of the Lords of Flame to the planet Earth is deeply involved (as stated above) in the relationship existing between the Heavenly Man of the Earth scheme and the Lord of the Venus scheme.  Until more detailed information is permitted publication anent these two great Entities, little more can be done beyond indicating some probabilities, and pointing out certain factors which students should carefully bear in mind.  The statement [Page 368] has been made that (owing to the Venusian scheme being in its fifth round) its humanity is consequently further advanced than ours, and can help us, and that this help came in Lemurian days.  This is an instance of a partial truth and its misinterpretation.  The Venusian scheme is—as stated in the Secret Doctrine35—in its fifth and last round; its humanity is very far ahead of ours in certain particulars, but the momentous occurrence in the third root-race was due to the following causes, and not to the factor of the greater advancement of a certain group of human beings:


First, the Venus Scheme, viewed as a logoic centre, is more active than ours, and therefore its radiatory magnetism is far more widely spread.  Its radiation is such that on the buddhic plane it swept within its magnetic radius that chain in our scheme which is composed predominantly of buddhic matter.  Then, via that chain, it magnetised the corresponding globe in our chain, and this resulted in a specific vitalisation in the dense planet itself.



Second, just as in the case of man, certain triangles of force are found at different stages of evolution, or (to word it otherwise) different centres become geometrically linked, such as the


a. Base of the spine,

b. Solar plexus,

c. Heart;


or again,


a. Solar Plexus,

b. Heart

c. Throat

so, in the case of a Heavenly Man, or of a solar Logos, a similar event occurs.  Such an event transpires in this round in relation to the centre which our planetary Logos [Page 369] embodies.  It became geometrically linked with two other centres, of which Venus was one, and logoic Kundalini—circulating with tremendous force through this adjusted Triangle—brought about that intensification of vibration in the human family which resulted in individualisation.  We might here enumerate the schemes as a basis for our further work:


The seven planets, centres, or schemes:


1. Vulcan (the sun, exoterically considered).

2. Venus.

3. Mars.

4. Earth.

5. Mercury.

6. Jupiter.

7. Saturn


c. Mercury, the star of the intuition, or of transmuted manas, is, at this stage, considered as the fifth scheme.


Therefore, the Heavenly Men of Venus and Jupiter are magnetically linked with the Heavenly Man of our scheme.  The relationship of the Logos of Jupiter and His influence will not be realised nor felt until the sixth [Page 371] round is in full force, though during the sixth root-race His vibration will be acknowledged and sensed; in the middle of the fifth round the Logos of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme, and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force.  We have here information given that has only been hinted at hitherto but for which, in this fifth subrace and in this fourth round, the world is now ready; it holds the solution of the mystery of this round.


A systemic formation of great importance in the next round should be pointed out which will bring three schemes:


The Earth scheme,




into such a position in relation to each other that the following results will eventuate:


1. A systemic triangle will be formed.


2. Logoic kundalini will circulate freely between these three points.


3. A certain great logoic centre will be vitalised and the attention of logoic kundalini will pass from the present triangle in process of forming (the Earth, Venus, and a scheme whose name it is advisable to withhold) to the other.

4. An entirely new group of human beings will sweep into incarnation in our Earth scheme.  Three fifths of the present humanity, being on the Probationary Path, or the Path of Initiation, at that time, will have their centre of consciousness definitely on the mental plane [Page 391] whilst two fifths will remain focussed on the astral.  These two fifths will pass into temporary pralaya, preparatory to their transference to another scheme, as the Earth scheme will no longer provide for them an adequate place of nurture.


5. Entities will come in from Mars to the Earth scheme, and will there find their necessary field of endeavour.


6. Mercurian life will begin to synthesise, and to be transferred to its synthesising planet.  In the case of Mercury this synthesising planet is not Saturn, but one of the other two higher major centres.


7. The "Judgment Day" in the fifth round, or the point of attainment of our Heavenly Man, will see a period of planetary strife on mental Ievels which will cause the present world unrest to seem as nothing.  As pointed out earlier, this present struggle has been to test the ability of the entities within the present human forms to appreciate their mental forces, and through the power of MIND to transcend feeling, or pain.  The struggle in the fifth round will be between higher and lower mind, and the battle ground will be the causal body.38  The [Page 392] struggle now being waged on the planet is between a few Egos (or the leaders of the many races


The four schemes which form the logoic Quaternary [Page 406] will merge into their synthesising scheme, that of Saturn, while Venus and Mercury will merge into Uranus and Neptune.  No importance need be attached to the sequence of these names.  The dual fact is all that is necessary to grasp.


We have attempted to carry the thought of the student beyond his own tiny sphere to the consideration of the work of the Manasadevas in the solar system.  In every scheme They have Their place, but in some—as in the Jupiter scheme—They are just beginning Their work, and in others—as in the Vulcan and Venus schemes—Their work is nearly completed.  Venus is in her last round, and has nearly developed her fourth kingdom to perfection, or as much as it is possible in the system.  In the Earth scheme, They are in full tide of work, and only in the next round will They demonstrate the height of Their activity.


More of their work it is not possible to detail, for the work of the Agnishvattas is vast and intricate, and differs also in the various schemes in certain particulars.  Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune, and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas of the inner round.


But nothing practically has been imparted anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising schemes, passing first to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising scheme.  They are numerically more than those who remain within the Earth scheme.  Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are attracted, it marks and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths.  The work of the Manasadevas is carried on throughout the entire system, and a constant circulation transpires, and a constant transmission of energy, and of force units embodying that energy, goes on throughout the entire system.  This transmission becomes possible in any scheme when the [Page 779] fourth or human kingdom becomes radioactive; it really marks the setting in of the period of obscuration.  Venus is a case in point.  Metaphysically stated, it marks the point when the Logoi begin to dissociate Themselves from Their dense physical bodies, or from the three worlds of human endeavour.


n the middle of the fifth round, the Lord of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force." (371.)


The three planetary schemes wherein the great experiment of initiation is being tried are the Earth, Venus, and one other.  Venus was the first sphere of experiment, and the success of the endeavour and the force generated was the cause of a similar effort being made on our planet.  No planet increases its store of force, and consequently its sphere of influence, without incurring obligations and affecting other schemes; the interchange of force and energy between these two planets, Earth and Venus, is continuous.  A similar process has but lately been instituted on another planetary scheme, and when, in the next round, our Earth attains a point in evolution analogous to that of the Venusian scheme at the time its influence was felt by us, then we shall aid in the stimulation of still another group of planetary Egos; we shall assist in the institution of a similar procedure among the sons of men in another scheme. IHS


This will lead to a close investigation of polar conditions in the earth, of the planetary magnetic currents, and of the electrical intercourse between our earth, and the Venusian and Martian planetary schemes. When this has been accomplished, astronomy and esoteric astrology will be revolutionized, and the nature of solar energy as an expression of an Entity of the fourth rank will be appreciated. This will come at the close of this century after a scientific discovery of even greater importance to the scientific world than that as to the nature of the atom.  TCF 1070



Just as Venus is negatively polarised to our Earth scheme, so the seven stars of the Pleiades are negatively polarised to our seven schemes.


A very pertinent question might here be asked.  We might justly enquire (in connection with the point that Venus is negatively polarised, and also that the Pleiades are equally so) why they should be termed negative if they are the donors and not the receivers, for to be negative is surely to be receptive.  This is indeed so, but the question arises in our minds, owing to lack of information, and consequent misapprehension.  Venus may have had much to do with the impartation of the stimulation which resulted in great events on Earth via the Venus chain of our scheme, but our scheme gave, in a mysterious manner, more than was received, though the [Page 378] gift was not of the same nature.  The coming in of the Venusian influence to our chain, and to our planet, with the subsequent stimulation of certain groups in the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, caused a paralleling event of even greater magnitude in the Venus scheme.  This affected the sixth Hierarchy, one of the deva Hierarchies, dwelling in the Venus scheme.  This stimulation emanated via our sixth chain (or the second according to the angle of vision) and affected a corresponding chain in the Venus scheme.  The magnitude of the difference may be seen in the fact that in our case one globe alone was affected, whereas the influence of our scheme on the Venusian was such that an entire chain was stimulated.  This was brought about through the positive polarity of the Heavenly Man of the Earth scheme. Tcf 378


First, it should be borne in mind by the occult student that:


a. This advent signalised the taking of a physical vehicle by the planetary Logos, and was literally the coming of the Avatar.

b. That this advent was brought about by a definite systemic alignment which involved:

The Venus scheme of the system.

The Venus chain of the Earth scheme.

The Venus globe of the Earth chain.

c. That the planetary Logos did not come from the Venus scheme but from the Venus chain of His own scheme, the Earth scheme.  Owing to systemic [Page 387] alignment logoic kundalini could flow through a certain triangle of which two points were Venus and the Earth.  This caused an acceleration of vibration, and enabled the Heavenly Man of our scheme to take a minor initiation, and to set about His preparations for a major initiation.


Next, it should also be remembered that in considering this matter we must be careful to view it not only as it affects our own globe and its present humanity, but from the systemic and cosmic point of view, or from the angle of its importance to a planetary Logos and a solar Logos.  Hence it is a fact that this event was not only the result of the taking of a minor initiation by our Earth Logos, but in the Venus scheme it was signalised by the taking of a major initiation by the Venusian planetary Logos on His fifth chain.  In connection with a solar Logos it followed upon the stimulation of one of His centres and from the geometrical progression of the fire through the earlier mentioned Triangle. Tcf 387


In the sixth Scheme, that of Venus, this can be seen clearly; it is the scheme of love.  Viewed from one angle, the Venusian Scheme is the second, and from another it is the sixth.  It depends upon whether we reason from the circumference to the centre or the reverse.


It is the home of the planetary Logos of the sixth Ray.  This may sound like a contradiction, but it is not so really; we must remember the interlocking, the gradual shifting and changing, that takes place in time on all [Page 596] the Rays.  In the same way the Earth chain is the third if viewed from one aspect and the fifth viewed from another??????. Tcf 596


These five Kumaras are the channels for this force and one of Them, the Lord of the planet Venus, embodies in Himself the function of the fifth Hierarchy.  This accounts for the activity of Venus at the moment of individualisation in this round.  In the next round, this fifth Hierarchy will be utilising our Earth scheme in this way, and we shall then see manas in full fruition working out in the human family. TCF 703

 In every scheme They have Their place, but in some—as in the Jupiter scheme—They are just beginning Their work, and in others—as in the Vulcan and Venus schemes—Their work is nearly completed.  Venus is in her last round, and has nearly developed her fourth kingdom to perfection, or as much as it is possible in the system.  In the Earth scheme, They are in full tide of work, and only in the next round will They demonstrate the height of Their activity.  They pass cyclically through the schemes and under Law—the Law of Karma for the planetary Logos, for They are essentially concerned with His Life as it actuates His centres.  They come into a scheme on a wave of manasic energy from the head centre of the Logos, and in the process of passing through his Heart centre three things occur: Tcf 742


A great deal has been said in modern occult literature anent the process followed in the perfecting of those Egos who choose to remain with the Hierarchy of our planet, and their methods of development (through chelaship to adeptship).  But nothing practically has been imparted anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising schemes, passing first to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising scheme.  They are numerically more than those who remain within the Earth scheme.  Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are attracted, it marks and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths.  The work of the Manasadevas is carried on throughout the entire system, and a constant circulation transpires, and a constant transmission of energy, and of force units embodying that energy, goes on throughout the entire system.  This transmission becomes possible in any scheme when the [Page 779] fourth or human kingdom becomes radioactive; it really marks the setting in of the period of obscuration.  Venus is a case in point.  Metaphysically stated, it marks the point when the Logoi begin to dissociate Themselves from Their dense physical bodies, or from the three worlds of human endeavour. Tcf 779


 The initiatory cultural process which has in view the stimulation of magnetic radiation or transmutation is but an experiment.  It was tried first on Venus, and on the whole proved successful, resulting in the consummation of the planetary purpose in five rounds instead of seven.  This was what made it possible to utilise Venusian energy upon the Venus chain and the Venus globe of our scheme and thus cause the phenomenon of forced individualisation in Lemurian days.  It was the intensive stimulation of the third kingdom of nature during the third root race which artificially unified the three aspects.  The process of stimulating through the medium of Venusian energy was really begun in the third round when the triangle of force was completed, and ready to function.  It is this factor which occultly makes the third Initiation of such tremendous importance.  In it the human triangle is linked, the Monad, the [Page 1077] Ego and the personality, or Venus, the Sun and the Earth are symbolically allied.


Enough has here been indicated to give the student room for thought, though one more word in this connection might be added.  In the potentially radioactive qualities of the four kingdoms of nature with which we are most concerned will be found an interesting analogy to the functions of the four planetary schemes which (in their totality) form the logoic quaternary.  This applies also in a lesser degree to the four chains which form the planetary quaternary.  All have to become radioactive and all their principles have to be transmuted and the form for which they are responsible transcended. Tcf 1077


VENUS—The School with five strict Grades.  This again is a planetary scheme closely related to ours, but its planetary Logos is in a more advanced group of students in the cosmic sense than is our planetary Logos.  Most of its hierarchical instructors come from the fifth cosmic plane, and are a peculiar group of Manasadevas of very exalted rank.  They are each depicted in the archives of our Hierarchy as holding a trident of fire surmounted by five green emeralds.


c. To attain to the consciousness of a greater centre on cosmic levels.  This covers the period of the seventh round, and gives to a Heavenly Man (when these rounds are viewed in the light of the Eternal Now, and not from the standpoint of time and of space) the consciousness of [Page 291] the cosmic astral, or the second lowest plane of the cosmic planes.  A great deal of the problem to be seen slowly working out at this time to a solution is due to the fact that the control of the Heavenly Man, Whose body our scheme may be, is as yet but partial, and His cosmic experience is as yet but imperfect.  This necessarily affects the cells in His body in the same way that lack of astral control in the case of a human being, affects his vehicle.  It might here be pointed out that the evolution of the Heavenly Men is unequal, and that our planetary Logos has not the control, for instance, that the Heavenly Man of the Venus chain has achieved.  In each round one subplane of the cosmic astral plane is brought under control, and the consciousness of the Heavenly Man expands to include one subplane more.  The planetary Lord of Venus has dominated and controlled the five subplanes and is working on the sixth.  Our planetary Logos is engaged in a similar work on the fourth and fifth.  The work, as in all cycles, overlaps and it might be explained thus:


He is perfecting the control of the fourth subplane on the cosmic astral plane, and has nearly completed it.  He is beginning to work at the control of the fifth subplane—a control which will be perfected in the fifth round.


He is sensing and responding to the vibration of the sixth subplane, but is not as yet fully conscious on that subplane.


We have a corresponding reflection to this in the fourth and fifth root-races on this planet, in which the astral consciousness of the Atlantean cycle is being perfected, the fifth principle is being developed, and the sixth is being gradually sensed.  This deserves thoughtful consideration. TCF 291