The Earth Scheme
With commentary by SDP   

 re the symbol: It might be of interest here to note that this center is literally a fourfold radiation, and the "Cross of the Holy Spirit," the equal armed Cross, is its symbol. This four-petalled lotus is the result of evolution.

It is not possible to state what is the peculiar coloring of the Ray which is embodied in our scheme, as it is one of the most secret of the mysteries revealed at initiation [TCF778]

Each Heavenly Man of a scheme is a focal point for the force and power and vibratory life of seven stupendous ENTITIES in exactly the same sense [416] as the seven centers in a human being are the focal points for the influence of a corresponding heavenly Prototype. Our Heavenly Man, therefore, is esoterically allied to one of the seven solar systems.

The “Lesser dragon” the Logos of Earth, is related to Draco, the Dragon via the path of earth service.

Draco:  Source:Cosmic 7th Ray and Base of the spine center in the OAWNMBS.


The earth is an organism within a greater one, and this fact needs wider recognition. The sons of men upon this planet so often view the whole system as if the earth were in the position of the sun, the center of the solar organism. [TCF.177]

This is an intricate occult study and is concerned with the response of the etheric body to the incoming energies. It relates finally the lowest center at the base of the spine to the highest center, the head center. This is a correspondence to the relation of the Earth to the Sun. Think this out.

It might be of interest here to note that this center is literally a fourfold radiation, and the "Cross of the Holy Spirit," the equal armed Cross, is its symbol. This four-petalled lotus is the result of evolution. In the first kingdom of nature, the mineral, through which a specific Entity is manifesting, this center is a unity on etheric levels, for only one petal is to be seen. In the vegetable kingdom, viewing it as the expression of a great Existence, two petals are becoming active. In the third kingdom, the animal, the center at the base of the spine will be found to have three petals, whereas in man, the lotus is vibrating in a fourfold manner. At each initiation of the great Being Who is manifesting through our planet, one of these petals becomes unfolded on etheric levels, so that at individualization, the four became active, and His self-conscious activity was brought right down on to the physical plane. The analogy can be seen typified at His great Initiation which took place in the fourth round and the third root-race; the correspondence between the third kingdom and the fourth, and their production of the esoteric seven is one of the lines of study for the occultist.

 Each of these planetary schemes can be seen as a lotus having seven major petals, of which each chain forms one petal, but having also subsidiary petals of a secondary color according to the nature and karma of the Entity concerned. It is in the enumeration of these solar lotuses that occult students go astray. It is, for instance, correct to say that the planetary scheme corresponding to the microcosmic base of the spine is a fourfold lotus and has, therefore, four petals. There are four outstanding petals of a peculiar hue, but there are three of a secondary color, and nine of a tertiary nature. (To students with intuition the hint here conveyed may reveal the name of the planet, and the nature of its evolution). [TCF1165]

Path of Earth Service.

When the adept enters through the "luminous door" he has before him four very peculiar and esoteric IDENTIFICATIONS. This entrance takes place after he has passed the fifth Initiation and has demonstrated his fitness so to do through a long period of service in connection with our planetary evolution. These identifications eveually bring about within the jewel, which is essentially the true spiritual unit, a momentous happening, and are undergone within the monadic consciousness after the transcendence of the atmic sheath. These four identifications are connected with the fourfold lotus of the solar Logos, or with His twelve-petalled heart center. This lotus is sometimes called the "heart of the Sun," and concerns the subjective sun. It is not, however, possible to say more along this line. [TCf1246]

It should be here also remarked that in the logoic manifestation one of the planetary schemes forms the center in the logoic body which harbors kundalini. This scheme, whose name must not as yet be revealed, is largely given over to deva control - the two groups of devas meeting there, and performing their function of animating the dense physical body of the Logos in the same way as the kundalini in man at this stage animates his dense physical vehicle. Later, as the third major scheme assimilates the life-activity of the lower four, this kundalini fire will be withdrawn, and will be transmuted into the activity of the logoic Throat center.

 Black magic is spoken of as making its appearance upon our planet during the fourth root race. 97 It should be borne in mind here that this means strictly in connection with the fourth kingdom and its conscious use by wrongly developed men. The forces of evil of the planetary and cosmic kind have been present since manifestation set in, being latent in the karma of the planetary Logos, but human beings began consciously to work with these forces and to use them for specified selfish ends in this round during the fourth root race. [TCF991]

In occupying ourselves with these various statements anent our scheme and its Ruler we have seen that this particular cycle, or incarnation of His, is one of great importance, not only to Himself but to the entire system. The planetary Logos of this scheme is primarily occupied with a particular group of units, or with those Monads who vibrate to His key, are colored by the same color as Himself, answer to the same number, and are esoterically known by the same Name.[TCF364]

The force or vibration of any Ray might be summed up as:

a.      The intelligent purpose of an Entity, a planetary Logos.

b.     His life energy working in, through, and upon His body of manifestation.

c.     His magnetic radiation as it affects (though in lesser degree) His Brothers in manifestation.

d.     His peculiar coloring or quality, His main psychological aspect, demonstrating through His own activities within His own scheme.

e.      The effect of the same as it influences His Brothers within the body corporate of the solar Logos.

f.       His life force as it radiates beyond His own periphery as active energy and stimulating activity - being literally one of the aspects of Fohat. The activity aspect of a Heavenly Man is as much an aspect of Fohat as Brahma is the sumtotal of Fohat. The Heavenly Men are, by virtue of physical manifestation, Fohat and His Brothers. [TCF443]


First, it will come through the study of the place of the solar system in the universal whole, and the effect that certain constellations have upon it; secondly, it will come through a close study of the effect of one planetary scheme upon another, and the place of the moon in our own planetary life. This will lead to a close investigation of polar conditions in the earth, of the planetary magnetic currents, and of the electrical intercourse between our earth, and the Venusian and Martian planetary schemes. When this has been accomplished, astronomy and esoteric astrology will be revolutionized, and the nature of solar energy as an expression of an Entity of the fourth rank will be appreciated. This will come at the close of this century after a scientific discovery of even greater importance to the scientific world than that as to the nature of the atom. Until that time it will be as difficult to express the hylozoistic conception in terms of exact science as it would be for the sixteenth century ancestor of present humanity to conceive of the atom as being simply an aspect of force, and not objective and tangible. Hence further elucidation will but serve to confuse.[TCF1070]

  Our solar Logos has not yet attained true rhythm, but for millennia of cycles the equilibrising process must go on. Nor has our planetary Logos achieved equilibrium, and the even balancing of forces, therefore until His point in evolution and His objective vision is known and it is known also which center in the solar body is vitalized by His life, it will be the part of wisdom to refrain from dogmatic assertion [TCF1090]

 The planetary Logos of this scheme is one of the four minor Logoi, or Lords of the Rays, and is specially concerned therefore with the development of one attribute of manas. Each of the four minor Rays is, as we know, eventually synthesized, or absorbed into that Ray which is represented on our earth by the Mahachohan. He is the Lord of the third major Ray or Aspect, and synthesizes the four. These four Rays with their synthesizing Ray make the five rays of Manas or Mind. We can consider them as:

  1. The fivefold Brahma Aspect.
  2. They were the five Rays of prime importance in the first solar system, and were the five individualized Heavenly Men, called the Mind-born Sons of Brahma. Through the individualization of the four in that system the individualization of the great cosmic Entity we call Brahma was brought about. He individualized and the four go to the content of His body.
  3. They are represented on our earth by the five Kumaras Who obeyed the Law, and took human form, as H. P. B. hints in several passages in the Secret Doctrine. (S. D., I, 493.)

This scheme is considered as the fourth and the one of the most importance in the system during this particular cycle for the following reasons:

These very important facts merit close attention, and the consideration of all occult students. They hold the key whereby some comprehension of manas and of planetary evolution may come about. What have we, therefore, in this special cyclic alignment? [363]

  1. A solar system of the fourth order.
  2. The fourth scheme in the system.
  3. The fourth chain in the scheme.
  4. The fourth globe in the chain.
  5. The fourth round. 34

All these are found active within the same cycle, and all therefore bring about a simultaneous alignment which results in the clearing of a channel direct from the heart of our scheme through every ring-pass-not to the cosmic correspondence, found outside the solar sphere.

 The planetary lotuses differ in each scheme, and one of the secrets of initiation is revealed when the number of the petals of

  1. Our earth planet,
  2. Our planetary polar opposite,
  3. Our complementary or equilibrising planet,

is committed to the initiate. Armed with this knowledge, he can then work out certain formulas of magic which enable him to create in the three spheres.

 The Heavenly Man or planetary Logos of the Earth scheme can be considered in various ways, and as is our custom we will simply tabulate the statements anent Him which, when considered at length by the individual student, should serve to make the FACT of the essential Personality of this great Entity, the work that He is endeavoring to accomplish, and the relationship of the human Hierarchy to Him, a greater reality. We must bear in mind in studying this matter that it will not be possible to reveal for general publication details as to His specific Identity, His number and His scope of conscious development. Such mysteries, as earlier pointed out, are reserved for those who are pledged to keep silent.

It must also be borne in mind that just as all seven Heavenly Men are found in the body logoic, and are Themselves under the influence of seven solar Logoi (using the word "influence" in its astrological sense), so in a planetary scheme with its seven globes each is astrologically under the influence of all the seven Heavenly Men. A scheme is but a replica of a system. Each of the Heavenly Men pours forth His radiation or influence, and stimulates in some way some other center or globe. To word it otherwise, His magnetism is felt by His Brothers in a greater or less degree according to the work being undertaken at any one time. At present the Heavenly Men, representing centers at different stages of stimulation, being not all equally developed and being not as yet psychically unified, this magnetic interplay is little realized, and the psychic flow from one scheme to another is little utilized or comprehended. As time elapses this interplay of force will become more evident and the force will be consciously employed. When men, for instance, know

then will the body logoic begin to achieve its purpose; [TCF360] then will the Logos of our system begin to blend and merge and coordinate all His vehicles; then will the force flow through all the centers unimpeded; and then will the glory shine out, and each cell in every body - logoic, planetary, deva and human, blaze forth with perfected glory, vibrate with adjusted accuracy, and a major cosmic initiation be taken


"The points of golden flame merge and blend with the four-leaved plant of tender green, and change its color to a tinge of autumn yellow. The four-leaved plant through new and fresh [1179] inflow becomes the plant with seven leaves and three white flowers."

Third, one of the mysteries revealed at initiation is that of the logoic center which our scheme represents, and the type of electrical fire which is flowing through it. The "Seven Brothers," or the seven types of fohatic force, express Themselves through the seven centers, and the One Who is animating our scheme stands revealed at the third Initiation. It is by knowledge of the nature and quality of the electrical force of our center, and by realization of the place our center holds in the body logoic, that the Hierarchy achieves the aims of evolution. It will be obvious that the Heavenly Man Who stands for the kundalini center, for instance, will work differently, and have a different purpose and method, from His Brother Who stands for the heart center in the body logoic, or to the Heavenly Man Who embodies the logoic solar plexus. From this it is apparent that:

  1. The type of electrical force
  2. The vibratory action
  3. The purpose
  4. The evolutionary development
  5. The dual and triangular interaction

of all the Heavenly Men will differ, and so will the evolutions that form the cells in Their Bodies differ likewise. Little has as yet been revealed anent the types of evolutions which are to be found in the other schemes of our system. Suffice it to say that in all the schemes, on some [359] globe in the scheme, human beings or self-conscious units, are to be found. Conditions of life, environment and form may differ, but the human Hierarchy works in all schemes.



In these three circles of petals lies concealed another clue to the mystery of the 777 incarnations. The figures do not convey an exact number of years, but are figurative and symbolical; they are intended to convey the thought of three cycles of varying duration, based upon the septenary nature of the manifesting monad.

First. The 700 incarnations. These concern the unfoldment of the outer circle. This is the longest period. The initial vibration is slow and heavy, and millennia of lives have to elapse before the interchange of energy between the Ego and its reflection, the personal self (the lower threefold man) is such that the consciousness of the man occultly "awakens" in the Hall of Learning. For advanced man at this time these incarnations took place upon the moon chain and in some cases upon certain planets connected with the inner round. This is the circumstance which necessitated his "coming-in" during the Atlantean root-race. Men of this type refused to incarnate earlier, as the bodies were too coarse; this was the cyclic reflection (on the lowest plane) of the refusal of the Monads to incarnate at the dawn of manvantaric opportunity. No real "sin" was committed; it was their privilege to discriminate, and this refusal has its [826] bearing upon conditions upon Earth, being the basis of the great class distinctions which - in every land - have been so fruitful of trouble and the esoteric foundation of the "caste" system, so abused now in India. The problem of labor and capital has its roots in the subjective distinction between "equipped and unequipped" Egos, between those units of the human family on earth who have passed out of the Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and gloomy corridors; between those Egos who are only "bud" Egos, and those who have organized the outer circle of petals, and whose petals are ready to open up.

The idea of a septenate of centuries must be carefully pondered upon, and as ever in all occult matters, the idea of triplicity must be also borne in mind with a synthesizing period, which is a summation of the triple coordination:


3 periods of 3 tens

90 years.

1 synthesizing period

10 years.


100 years.

This seven times repeated

* 7


700 years.


Each cycle (again figurative cycles) leaves one of the petals more vitalized, and has a definite effect on each.

Second. The 70 incarnations. These concern the unfoldment of the middle circle. Much may be learned from a consideration of the occult significance involved in the sending out of their followers by any initiate (such as the Christ) in groups of seventy, going two and two. These seventy incarnations primarily effect the development of love in the personal life, the evolution of the astral nature, based on the recognition of the pairs of opposites, and their equilibrising in love and service.

This cycle covers the period passed by the man in the [827] Hall of Learning and has its correspondence in the Atlantean root-race and its conflict between the Lords of the Dark Face and the Brotherhood of Light. Within the life of each individual, a similar conflict wages during this period, ending with the final kurukshetra or battleground which earns for the man the right to tread the Probationary Path, and eventually the privilege to stand before the Portal of Initiation. Again the numerical significance of the numbers must be studied; this time they are hid in the number ten, or three cycles of three lesser periods, each making nine, and one synthesizing period, leading up to the consummation of one period within the greater cycle; this is signified by the ten of relative perfection. 63, 64 The interplay between kamic impulse and manasic energy has produced a realization within the consciousness of the Ego of that [828] which he has learned within the two Halls; the outer circle of petals is unfolded, and the central ring is ready to open.



I have several times used the phrase "pass through" the centers and forms. This concept necessitates the idea of distributing centers to which the incoming energies may go and from which they may pass out again as radiation. Some idea of this might be grasped if I gave you the new proposition (new to you though old to esotericists) of the centers in the human etheric body. The four centers above the diaphragm - the heart, throat, ajna and head centers - are basically and primarily receiving centers. The centers below the diaphragm - the base of the spine, the sacral, solar plexus and spleen centers - are galvanized into activity by the four higher receiving centers. This, when accomplished, demonstrates as personality and physical magnetism and influence until the time comes when there is a reversal in the way of passing - as a soul - around the zodiac. This is symbolized as the revolution of the sun around the zodiac from Aries to Pisces instead of the reverse movement, from Aries to Taurus. This is repeated in the human frame and the four lower centers eventually return that which has come to them. They thus reverse the process normally followed and the centers above the diaphragm become radioactive, dynamic and magnetic. This is an intricate occult study and is concerned with the response of the etheric body to the incoming energies. It relates finally the lowest center at the base of the spine to the highest center, the head center. This is a correspondence to the relation of the Earth to the Sun. Think this out.


It might be of interest here to note that this center is literally a fourfold radiation, and the "Cross of the Holy Spirit," the equal armed Cross, is its symbol. This four-petalled lotus is the result of evolution. In the first kingdom of nature, the mineral, through which a specific Entity is manifesting, this center is a unity on etheric levels, for only one petal is to be seen. In the vegetable kingdom, viewing it as the expression of a great Existence, two petals are becoming active. In the third kingdom, the animal, the center at the base of the spine will be found to have three petals, whereas in man, the lotus is vibrating in a fourfold manner. At each initiation of the great Being Who is manifesting through our planet, one of these petals becomes unfolded on etheric levels, so that at individualization, the four became active, and His self-conscious activity was brought right down on to the physical plane. The analogy can be seen typified at His great Initiation which took place in the fourth round and the third root-race; the correspondence between the third kingdom and the fourth, and their production of the esoteric seven is one of the lines of study for the occultist.

As each of the petals of the etheric centers becomes vibrant, or an at-one-ment is brought about in deva substance, a quickening takes place on allied levels in the cosmic etheric body of the planetary Logos, and of the solar Logos. Certain correspondences in the petals of the egoic lotus of the different units of the human family, and (on cosmic levels) in the solar and planetary egoic bodies become apparent. It should also be borne in mind that these basic centers, wherein the [648] kundalini fire lies hidden, are found in the following Existences, as They function in physical bodies:

  1. A solar Logos.
  2. A planetary Logos.
  3. Those Entities Who are the sumtotal of consciousness as it expresses itself through the different kingdoms of nature - manifesting through them as a man manifests through his body.
  4. The Lord of a chain.
  5. The Lord of a globe.
  6. Certain Beings Who form the life of specific groups. They are esoteric, and Their function is one of the secrets of initiation.
  7. Man.
  8. Animals.

It should be here also remarked that in the logoic manifestation one of the planetary schemes forms the center in the logoic body which harbors kundalini. This scheme, whose name must not as yet be revealed, is largely given over to deva control - the two groups of devas meeting there, and performing their function of animating the dense physical body of the Logos in the same way as the kundalini in man at this stage animates his dense physical vehicle. Later, as the third major scheme assimilates the life-activity of the lower four, this kundalini fire will be withdrawn, and will be transmuted into the activity of the logoic Throat center.

In planetary manifestation, one of the chains performs a similar work in the evolutionary process of the planetary Logos. Again the same can be predicated of one of the globes in a chain. In this fourth round, therefore, it can be seen why the fire at the base of the spine (viewing it in its esoteric significance, and in connection with the Logos, and the Logoi, and not only in connection with man) plays so dominant a part in the stimulation of [649] the logoic Quaternary, or of His Lower Self. Herein is found the mystery of present evil, the source of present distress, and the basis of planetary experience. The kundalini fire in the logoic body is at the height of its activity in stimulating His physical body - our lower three systemic planes - and the four petals of that particular center are coming into full activity in this fourth round. It must be remembered that He is the sumtotal of all the centers in manifestation, and the aggregate of all the fires of kundalini in every department of nature. The trouble in our planet, and likewise the hope for our planet, lies in this very fact. The etheric center of our planetary Logos being in matter of the fourth cosmic ether (the buddhic plane) stimulates at present His lower quaternary, our three worlds of human endeavor. The direction of the force lies here, and not until the next round (when three-fifths of the human kingdom will be developing the buddhic vehicle), will the point of equilibrium for Him be reached, and the direction of the serpent fire be directed higher.

This holds the clue to much. A further clue to the sad condition to be seen in the world (especially along sex lines) lies in the fact that those units of the human family who contribute to the constitution of this particular center out of the seven, are frequently at this stage over-vitalized, the physical vehicle vitality indicating to them the line of least resistance. To word it otherwise: The deva forces who form the center, and are likewise the activity of the center, are as yet over-dominant, and the power they acquired in the earlier solar system has not yet been transmuted into spiritual power.

We have above considered a few of the devas of the ethers but have of necessity left many untouched. The vastness of our subject will be apparent when it is remembered that in dealing with the devas we are dealing [650] with that which is the basic substance of manifestation, or Spirit-matter; with the negative or the mother aspect, in the divine duality, and with the sum total of all that is. We are concerned with the tangible form, using the word "tangible" as that which can be apprehended by consciousness in one or other of its many states. The utter impossibility of cataloguing the forms and aspects of deva substance, or of tabulating the myriad groups and classes will be borne in on our comprehension. On all the planes these three groups will be found, and all are recipients of force. An analogy likewise exists between these three groups of devas on the systemic physical plane, and their correspondences on the cosmic physical plane. Briefly it might be pointed out that we have:

In this lies much of interest for the student as it makes clear the correspondence between the evolution of substance and the evolution of spirit.