Under the influence of disciples on the seventh Ray of Organisation or of Ceremonial Order, that powerful physical concretisation of energy which we call "money" is proving a topic of the most definite concentration; it is being most carefully considered, and the minds of thinking financiers and of wealthy humanitarian persons and philanthropists will be gradually led forward from a strictly philanthropic activity to an activity which is impulsed and brought into expression by spiritual insight, and by a recognition of the claims of Christ (no matter by what name He may be called in the East or in the West) upon the financial reservoir of the world. This is a hard thing to bring about, for the subtle energies of the inner worlds take much time in producing their effects upon the objective, tangible plane of divine manifestation. Money is not yet used divinely, but it will be.  Dina 2 222



The third ray Masters are working strenuously in the world of business and of finance through the agency of those who are animated by a spirit of selfless service—and there are many such.  It is a new field for spiritual endeavour.  It is not possible to enlarge within a brief space upon the methods and the plans of the Hierarchy at this time of crisis and emergency in connection with the field of money and its significance and right use.  The general method employed is one of inspiration and of the presentation of moments of crisis.  These moments offer opportunity for the activity of some disciple, and thus the learning of a needed lesson by the groups or nations implicated becomes possible.  The technique employed by these third ray Masters is to develop the minds of aspirants and thinkers in the specific field of business so that they can think in larger terms than those of their own selfish business interests.  Moments of contact are also arranged between members of the New Group of World Servers and these prominent people, working in the field of economic enterprise, and thus opportunities are provided for certain recognitions and certain definite cooperation.  These are the methods which concern us.  There are other subjective and spiritual methods employed which concern us not.  If they were outlined in detail to us, they would only serve to bewilder. EP 2


Influential and potent forces pouring in at this time from the great stars Betelgeuse and Sirius.  To these two influences, the disciples of the world in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers definitely react, and they produce a stimulation of the heart centre (Betelgeuse) and the head centre (Sirius).  The secondary effect of these energies is upon the mineral kingdom, particularly upon that peculiar product, gold, and that enigma, money. EP 11 722


I would ask for an intensification of love between all of you, and a growth of real understanding. Forget not, at the same time, that love is the great attractive magnetic force, and will consequently draw to itself all that is needed at the present crisis and for the materialisation of the vision in due form on earth. This will require spiritual energy, sound business sense, skill in action and financial support. Remember that money is the consolidation of the loving, living energy of divinity, and that the greater the realisation and expression of love, the freer will be the inflow of that which is needed to carry forward the work. You are working with the energy of love and not with the energy of desire, the reflection or distortion of love. I think that if you will ponder on this, you will see the way more clearly EXH 336


The aspirant has an appreciation of the occult value of money in service.  He seeks nothing for himself, save that which may equip him for the work to be done, and he looks upon money and that which money can purchase as something which is to be used for others and as a means to bring about the fruition of the Master's plans as he senses those plans.  The occult significance of money is little appreciated, yet one of the greatest tests as to the position of a man upon the Probationary Path is that which concerns his attitude to and his handling of that which all men seek in order to gratify desire.  Only he who desires naught for himself can be a recipient of financial bounty, and a dispenser of the riches of the universe.  In other cases where riches increase they bring with them naught but sorrow and distress, discontent, and misuse. HIS 190


This whole question of money is one of the greatest difficulty at this time and also one of the utmost simplicity. The key to the right expenditure of money and to its correct use can be summed up in the following statement to which I would ask all of you to pay attention:


As money has in the past ministered to personal and family need, so in the future it must minister to group and world need. Each unit has, in the past, attempted to act as a magnet and to attract to itself that which will meet what it regards as its need—using personal activity and labour, if of no influence or education, and financial manipulation where that was possible. Groups in the future must act as magnets; they must see to it that they are animated by a spirit of love. I give you a thought here which is capable of much expansion. Need, love and magnetic power are the three things which—consciously or unconsciously—attract money. But they must all manifest at once. The need in the past has not always been real, though it has been felt (such is the world glamour and illusion). The love has been selfish or unreal; the demand for things material has been for that which is not necessary to health or happiness. The magnetic force utilised has been, therefore, wrongly motivated and this process—carried forward over so long a time—has led to the present dire financial situation in the world. Dina 1  271


Take for instance the Law of Substance.  This law puts the disciple in the position of wisely utilising the universal storehouse.  It is the manipulation of matter, and its adaptation to the interacting forces of supply and demand...Blind faith is right for the mystic.  It is one of the means whereby the Divine storehouse is entered, but to understand the method whereby that storehouse is kept replenished, and to comprehend the means whereby the bounteous supply of the All Father is brought in contact with the children's need is better still.  One of those maxims I can here give anent supply and demand.  It is only as a skilful [Page 205] use is made of the supply for the needs of the worker and the work (I choose these words each one with deliberation) that that supply continues to pour in.  The secret is:  use, demand, take.  Only as the door is unlocked by the law of demand is another and higher door unlocked permitting supply.  The law of gravitation holds hid the secret.  Think this out.  LOM 205



This sign ( Libra ) is consequently closely connected with the third aspect of the Godhead and hence it is a governing sign and a major conditioning factor where Law, Sex and Money are concerned. Ponder on this. All the three divine aspects  in themselves are triune and manifest in three manners or through three lesser aspects and this third aspect is no exception to this rule underlying all the triplicities which condition the processes of evolution and manifestation. It is through a study of Libra that light upon the third aspect will come. The first aspect of will or power expresses itself in this sign as Law, as legislation, legality, justice; the second aspect manifests as the relation between the pairs of opposites (of which the scales are the symbol) and upon the physical plane shows itself as Sex; the third aspect demonstrates as concretised energy and this we call Money. It is literally gold and this is the externalised symbol of that which is created by the bringing together of spirit and matter upon the physical plane. The third aspect is, as you know, the creator aspect and the energy which produces the outer tangible plane of manifestation—the form side of life.


If students will, therefore, make a careful study of these three—law, sex and money—as they express themselves today and as they can express themselves in the future, they will have a picture of physical human achievement and of future spiritual expression which will be instructive and most worthwhile. The whole process is accounted for by the activity of the three rulers of Libra: Venus, Uranus and Saturn.


Venus rules in Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, and is the source of the intelligent mind, acting either through desire (in the early stages) or love (in the later stages). In Taurus, this means the mind expressing itself through intelligent desire, for that is the goal of knowledge for ordinary man. In Libra, the point of balance or equilibrium is attained between material personal desire and intelligent spiritual love, for the two qualities of cosmic desire are brought to the fore in the consciousness in Libra and balanced one against the other. In Capricorn, it stands for spiritual love, expressing itself perfectly when the work in Taurus and Libra has been accomplished. Thus can the golden thread of evolutionary progress be traced throughout the zodiacal path from sign to sign, and thus the history of humanity can he seen and its goal visioned. At some later date, the same golden thread can be traced in connection with the other kingdoms in nature, but the time is not yet and such a theme would prove profitless and unimportant. When, however, the consciousness of man is opened up in such a manner that it can register that which is proceeding and taking place in the three lower kingdoms in nature, then further light and information will be given. This will take place in a period of human history when Libra is dominant and the three divine aspects of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Creator—law, sex and money—will give the clue to the three lower kingdoms. Law, natural law (the externalisation of the subjective spiritual law) will give the clue to the animal kingdom; sex or the consciousness of affinity will reveal the mystery of the vegetable kingdom; money will unveil the secret of the mineral kingdom and all this will come about through the activity of Venus and when this activity in the three signs of Taurus, Libra and Capricorn is better understood. This I shall further elucidate when we come to study the Science of Triangles at a later date. Suffice it to say here that each of these three signs is related to one of these three aspects of divine life:


1. Taurus—animal kingdom—law—natural law.


2. Libra—vegetable kingdom—sex—natural affinity.


3. Capricorn—mineral kingdom—money—concrete expression of the Law of Supply, and all these form a triangle with Libra at the apex and dominating.


Uranus is the esoteric ruler and is of supreme importance in this sign for the seventh ray works through this planet and is the embodiment of the principle of concretion and the materialising of that which is in need of objective manifestation, through the bringing together of spirit and matter. It is here that the whole mystery of money lies hid and the creation and production of money. I would like here to point out to you that it is with the third aspect of divinity and the third aspect alone that the creative process is concerned. It is through the relation of the three aspects of the third divine manifestation—law, affinity and concretised energy—that money is created.


It is here that many mystics and world servers prove futile. They work from far too high a level and from the standpoint of spiritual incentive. They normally and naturally (because that is where their focus of consciousness is placed) work from the standpoint of the second aspect, whereas it is the third aspect (equally divine and equally important) which must be invoked and evoked. Ponder upon these words. It is not the bringing together of spirit and matter as occultism understands those terms but the relating of physical need and physical supply and the bringing together of two tangibles through the power of the creative imagination. It is for this reason that so many schools of thought prove so successful in materialising that which is required and why other schools of thought so signally fail. They work from too high a plane and have not the ability to carry through. I have here given you hints which can be fruitful of result if interpreted correctly and acted upon from right motive, in group formation and with selfless purpose. EA 246



In giving you these two meditations, I would remind all who undertake to use these meditative forms that they will not prove effective and of the needed vital potency unless the one who thus meditates identifies himself with the purpose and objective of the meditation, dedicates himself to cooperation with this objective and redeems all aspects of his own life in conformity with the focussed desire expressed in this spiritual appeal.

 It is useless for you to meditate in order to reorient money, for instance, towards spiritual work (and by "spiritual work" I do not here refer to the work of the churches and of the world religions) unless all the monies which you individually have to handle are dedicated to right usage, the fulfilment of your right obligations and the covering of your karmic responsibilities, plus the constant recognition of the relation of all money to the spiritual future of the race and the requirements of the hierarchical Plan. There must always be, in your consciousness, a recognition of the needs of all men.

It must be realised that money is the energy which can set in motion and make possible the activities of the New Group of World Servers

 Billions are required to overcome the materialism which has dominated  mankind for untold aeons; billions are also needed to bring about the reconstruction of human affairs and thus purify and beautify our modern world to such an extent that the Christ can appear among men; through the wise expenditure of the financial resources of the world in the many fields of human betterment and uplift, the Christ will be enabled to "see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied." Dina 2 225






Stage I.


After achieving a positive and intended personality quietness, formulate clearly to yourself and in your own words, the answers to the following questions:


[Page 229]

1. If money is one of the most important things needed today for spiritual work, what is the factor which is at present deflecting it away from the work of the Hierarchy?


2. What is my personal attitude towards money? Do I regard it as a great and possible spiritual asset, or do I think of it in material terms?


3. What is my personal responsibility in regard to money which passes through my hands? Am I handling it as a disciple of the Masters should handle it?




Stage II.


1. Ponder on the redemption of humanity through the right use of money. Visualise the money in the world today as


  1. Concretised energy, at present largely used for purely material purposes and for the satisfaction (where the individual is concerned) of purely personal desires.
  2. . What is my personal responsibility in regard to money which passes through my hands? Am I handling it as a disciple of the Masters should handle it?




 Stage II.


1. Ponder on the redemption of humanity through the right use of money. Visualise the money in the world today as


a. Concretised energy, at present largely used for purely material purposes and for the satisfaction (where the individual is concerned) of purely personal desires.


b. Visualise money as a great stream of flowing golden substance, passing out of the control of the Forces of Materialism into the control of the Forces of Light.


2. Then say the following invocative prayer, with focussed mental concentration and from a heartfelt desire to meet spiritual demands:


"O Thou in Whom we live and move and have our being, the Power that can make all things new, turn to spiritual purposes the money in the world; touch the hearts of men everywhere so that they may give to the work of the Hierarchy that which has hitherto been given to material satisfaction. The New Group of World Servers needs money in large quantities. I ask that the needed vast sums may be made available. May this potent energy of Thine be in the hands of the Forces of Light."

. What is my personal responsibility in regard to money which passes through my hands? Am I handling it as a disciple of the Masters should handle it?




Stage II.


1. Ponder on the redemption of humanity through the right use of money. Visualise the money in the world today as


a. Concretised energy, at present largely used for purely material purposes and for the satisfaction (where the individual is concerned) of purely personal desires.


b. Visualise money as a great stream of flowing golden substance, passing out of the control of the Forces of Materialism into the control of the Forces of Light.


2. Then say the following invocative prayer, with focussed mental concentration and from a heartfelt desire to meet spiritual demands:


"O Thou in Whom we live and move and have our being, the Power that can make all things new, turn to spiritual purposes the money in the world; touch the hearts of men everywhere so that they may give to the work of the Hierarchy that which has hitherto been given to material satisfaction. The New Group of World Servers needs money in large quantities. I ask that the needed vast sums may be made available. May this potent energy of Thine be in the hands of the Forces of Light."



1. This meditation is so simple that many of you may regard it as innocuous and perhaps futile. Used by many simultaneously, it may shatter the impasse which [Page 231] at present prevents adequate funds pouring into the work which the Hierarchy seeks to accomplish.


2. Do this meditation every Sunday morning. Take what you have saved during the previous week and dedicate it to the work and present it in meditation to the Christ and His Hierarchy. Whether the sum is large or small, it can become an attractive and magnetic unit in the Masters' plans.


3. Realise the occult Law that "to those who give shall be given" so that they can give again.


4. Attempt to feel true love sweeping through you, and have the fixed intention to express this love to all you contact. It is the great attractive and selfless agent in world affairs.