About the Relation of D.K. and the Masters M. and
I am a brother of
yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the average
student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has
wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the
aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter
of the light, no matter what the cost. I am not an old man, as age counts among
the teachers, yet I am not young or inexperienced. My work is to teach and
spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and
I have been doing this for many years. I seek also to help the Master M. and the Master K.H. whenever
opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and with Their
work. In all the above, I have told you much; yet at the same time I have told
you nothing which would lead you to offer me that blind obedience and the
foolish devotion which the emotional aspirant offers to the Guru and Master
Whom he is as yet unable to contact. Nor will he make that desired contact
until he has transmuted emotional devotion into unselfish service to
humanity—not to the Master (Extract from a Statement from the Tibetan).
D.K. speaks to One of His Disciple about Different
Types of Second Ray Vibration:
I am glad that you
regard yourself as sensitive to my vibration, for so you are. But not as often
as you think. It is so easy for aspirants to confound the second ray
vibration—as it expresses itself through a second ray group such as my group of
disciples—with my individual vibration. Disciples need to train themselves to
1. The vibration of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The vibration of the Master
M. or the Master K.H. should They happen to use the ray vibration for
purposes of stimulating a group.
3. My vibration, which is naturally strongly colored by the second ray.
4. The vibration of a second ray group, which is an aggregate of all
the notes and tones of the disciples in the group.
5. The vibration of advanced second ray disciples. This can at times be
confused with mine.
6. The vibration of sixth ray groups which respond to a second ray
vibration. Their work lies predominantly on the astral plane and is contacted relatively
A consideration of the above may indicate to you something of value
(DINA I, 117).
Master M. is the Head of all Esoteric Schools in the
World at this Time, and about the Capacity to learn to Differentiate Energies:
You have come a
long distance quite rapidly upon the Path lately, and have definitely increased
both your vibratory capacity and your influence. Some years of potent service
are possible to you and again another explanation is in order. He Whom you will
some day know as your Master when admitted in full consciousness into His group
of disciples (the Master M.) is the
head of all esoteric schools in the world at this time. Hence you can see why
you found your way into my group of disciples and why also you are working
actively and fruitfully in its executive and organizational end. It is in line
with your inner group force and this, rightly understood and used, can make of
you a useful focal point for the Master's energy in the place where you have
chosen to serve. You must learn to differentiate, therefore, as time goes on
and your sensitivity increases, between:
1. The vibratory influence (incoming and outgoing) of your own soul.
2. The vibratory influence (incoming and outgoing) of this particular
group of disciples.
3. The vibratory influence (incoming and outgoing) of the esoteric
4. The vibratory influence (incoming and outgoing) of the head of all
esoteric groups, the Master Morya
(DINA I, 226).
About the Great Invocation and the Ashrams of D.K.,
Master K.H. and Master M.:
I seek to have
this Invocation go forth on the power generated by my Ashram and by all of you
affiliated with my Ashram: the Ashrams of the Master K.H. and the Master M. are likewise deeply committed
to participation in this work (DINA II, 151).
Why some of D.K. Senior Disciples are Previous
Disciples from Master M, or K.H.:
I would like to
deal with a question, which is bound to arise in the minds of those of you who
are senior in this group.
The question might
be voiced thus: "If I am in preparation for the second or the third
initiation, I must have been in a group of disciples—presumably the
Tibetan's—for some lives at least. Why then the need for an integrating
formula?" Because, my chela, though you have been in a group of disciples
prior to this, it was not my group but [Page 246] the group of either the Master M. or the Master K.H. Owing to
the fact of world urgency and the immensity of the work to be done by Them and
owing also to the fact that They are preparing to pass through one of the
highest initiations, these two Masters have handed all but a few of Their
senior disciples to me and to two other of Their initiate disciples, themselves
Adepts or Masters. They have also retained in Their groups of disciples those
who have started specific work under Their direction in some previous life, and
a few disciples who came into incarnation in this world period having the brain
and the mind awakened to their relationship to these Masters. These conditions
do not exist in this group in relation to me—the Master chosen to lead you
forward. Yet (though you remember it not) all of you knew me well when working
with the two Chohans, and hence the decision for you to work under my
instruction and guidance. It has worked happily and with no delay so far DINA
II, 245-6).
About the Relation between D.K. Ashram and Master M.
As I told J.W.K-P.
Some years ago, a "detached attachment" (paradoxical as it sounds) is
the goal of the first ray-working disciple. This is equally true of you. You
and he have the same egoic, personality and mental rays. Hence the close link
with him, which you have ever realized. He is a disciple of the Master M.,
temporarily working in my Ashram. You have been admitted into the ranks of
accepted disciples in my Ashram and by me, but you will eventually be
transferred into the Ashram of the Master M. The free interplay thus
established between my Ashram and that of the Master M. is due to the fact that
He is the inner Head of all esoteric groups, and in the interest of the coming
new world order, the teaching Ashrams are being strengthened by the inflow of
first ray disciples. This should be a point of real interest to you (DINA II,
About some of the Reasons to belong Temporarily to
Master M. Ashram:
My relation to you
is slightly different to that which I face when approaching the bulk of the
members of my Ashram; you belong, as does F.B., to the Ashram of the Master
Morya. You have been assigned to my Ashram on account of the nature of the
vibratory activity of your astral body, and because—owing to your own definite
soul choice—you are shifting on to the second ray of love-wisdom. You might
well ask, therefore, how it happens that your orientation has been towards the Master M. and that you have been
affiliated with His Ashram. The reason is to be found in the fact that your
personality, your mental nature and your physical body are all upon the first
ray, and that consequently the power of your intelligent and focused mind has
driven you into the aura of the leading first ray Ashram, and has held you
there. Closer participation was not possible, owing to your sixth ray soul,
whose natural and predetermined destiny was to fuse its secondary energy with
the energy of the second ray, thus opening the door for you into a second ray
Ashram. It was felt, therefore, that I (through the medium of my Ashram) could
provide those conditions which would facilitate this transition and at the same
time prepare you for the next great spiritual expansion of consciousness—the
initiation of which you know. This will mark the consummation of this major
life cycle (DINA II, 516).
D.K. is Preparing some Disciples to shift from His
Ashram to the Ones of K.H. or M.
The objective of
this life of interlude and of a somewhat drastic, hampering experience, plus
repeated frustration, is to fit you in a later life (next life, if you profit
by the presented opportunity) for transfer into the Ashram of the Master K.H.
As you know, one of the tasks I undertook in this time of world crisis was to
relieve several of the Masters from the task of instructing and watching over
Their junior disciples. The senior disciples and those that are called world
disciples have retained their position in the older and more potent Ashrams.
One of these senior disciples, A.A.B., as you well know, has aided me in this
task. I also undertook to prepare certain disciples who had never been in the
Ashram of either the Master K.H. or the Master
M. so that they could transfer out of my Ashram into Theirs; among these
you will find yourself. In your case you have here the chief reason for your
present circumstances (DINA II, 563).
About the Natural Isolation of the First Ray Type,
even of Master M.:
It is not easy for
you or for any first ray disciple to get close enough, or want to get close
enough, to a person to really know him. You may remember the episode when the
Master M. was at one time asked to handle the pupils of the Master K.H. so as
to release Him for some brief job, and found himself unable to understand them
or to do anything with them. It lies in the natural isolation of the first ray
type. Have this in mind (DINA II, 594).
Role of Master M. in the Specific Overshadowing of the
Avatar of Synthesis:
1. Overshadowing. Where there is kinship in
quality, in objective and in nature, it is possible for the Avatar to
overshadow some Member of the Hierarchy (as in the case of the Avatar of
Synthesis) or some disciple or aspirant where humanity is concerned (in the
case of a lesser Avatar). This is done through meditation, through a directed
stream of thought energy, the presentation of a thoughtform and the evocation
of the focused will of the one who is overshadowed. All this proceeds rapidly
where there is close cooperation between the latter (the sensitive responding disciple)
and the Avatar. The Christ is today in very close rapport with the Avatar of
Synthesis, and this rapport will continue, becoming closer and closer until the
Full Moon of June; He is giving all possible aid, as is His Brother, the
Buddha. It is this, which makes the coming Full Moon of May of such supreme
A group of Masters
and initiates Who are specially related to the Christ's department, as well as
a group working under the Master M.,
are endeavoring to respond to this overshadowing which is only possible—even to
Them—when transmitted to Them by the Christ. (I talk here of mysteries.) It
will therefore be apparent to you that, as They succeed and become increasingly
sensitive to and aware of this overshadowing energy of the great Avatar, Their
disciples on earth can also—in a dim and faint way—become responsive to the
ideas that are formulated in the mind of their particular Master in response to
avataric impression. Ponder on this EXH 306-7).
Three Ashrams actively engaged in the Externalization
of Hierarchy:
Among the seven
major Ashrams and their subsidiary and affiliated Ashrams only a few have
undertaken to send their disciples and their initiates at this time to carry
out this initiatory task. The three major Ashrams so engaged are:
1. The Ashram of the Master K.H. This is the second ray Ashram and—with
that of the Master M. —the most powerful in the Hierarchy; it controls the
building forces.
2. The first ray Ashram, that of the Master M. He is the custodian of the principle of synthesis, the
work of which is that of organic fusion, and this is ever needed to supplement
that of the building agents.
3. The Ashram of a Master on the fifth ray, the custodian, among other
things, of science and of that which relates and brings into expression the
duality of spirit-matter. This Ashram has an important part to play in the work
of preparation, for it is through the scientific use of energy that the world
will be rebuilt and the factual nature of the Hierarchy be proved.
Through the pressure
of education (second ray energy), through the growth of the concept of
synthesis (first ray energy), and through the correct use of energy (fifth ray
energy), this world can be brought into a condition of preparedness for the
externalization of the Hierarchy.
The efforts of the
disciples coming from the Ashram of K.H. will be largely directed towards the
general public, but they will work primarily through educators in all countries
and through those concerned with the teaching of religion. Educators touch
those preparing for all types of activity…
—will develop the
new world religion.
Paralleling these
activities (and disciples on this ray are already taking the needed steps) will
come that of the disciples and initiates who are working under the direction of
the Master M. Their work lies in the
field of right human relations and in the production of that synthesis of
effort which will create a new intuitional consciousness and—consequently—a
changing political consciousness and situation in which the family of nations
will stand together for certain basic values. These are fundamentally three in
1. The freedom of the individual. These freedoms have been voiced for
us in the words of that great first ray disciple, Franklin D. Roosevelt. They
are the four essential freedoms.
2. Right international interplay, necessitating finally the abolition
of war.
3. Clean political regimes, free from graft, selfish ambition and dirty
political maneuvering.
In the achievement
of these ends (and only major issues will be considered, leaving the lesser and
unimportant effects [Page 579] to be dealt with later) the disciples of
synthesis and the instigators of right political relationships will work in
close cooperation with disciples upon the second ray whose task it is to
educate the general public in the truer values. A trained and enlightened
public, shouldering right responsibility, will elect only those men whose
vision is in line with the new ethics, the new science of right human
relations, and who recognize as a basic political tenet the equality of all
men—an equality founded on a universal and basic divinity.
Allied to the
efforts of these two groups of disciples and initiates will be those disciples
on the fifth ray, whose task it will be to lead mankind into the benefits of
the atomic age. The occultist has ever
proclaimed that the field wherein the Hierarchy works is that of energy; they
have taught that there is nothing in existence but energy in some form or
other, and that all we see, all with which we daily work (including our own
material natures, mental, emotional and physical), and all that produces
phenomena is energy in relation to forces, or forces as they are directed by
energy. This the emerging group of
disciples will incontrovertibly prove…
(EXH, 576-9).
Who is Master M. and about His Function:
Under the first
great group of which the Manu is the Head, can be found two Masters, the Master
Jupiter, and the Master Morya. Both of them have taken more than the fifth
initiation…. The Master Morya, Who is one of the best known of the Eastern adepts,
and Who numbers amongst His pupils a large number of Europeans and Americans,
is a Rajput Prince, and for many decades held an authoritative position in
Indian affairs.
He works in close co-operation
with the Manu, and will Himself eventually hold office as the Manu of the sixth
root-race. He dwells, as does His
Brother, the Master K. H., at Shigatse in the Himalayas, and is a well-known
figure to the inhabitants of that far-away village. He is a man of tall and commanding presence,
dark hair and beard and dark eyes, and might be considered stern were it not
for the expression that lies in His eyes.
He and His Brother, the Master K.
H., work almost as a unit, and have done so for many centuries and will,
on into the future, for the Master K. H. is in line for the office of World
Teacher when the present holder of that office vacates it for higher work, and
the sixth root-race comes into being.
The houses in which They both dwell are close together, and much of
Their time is spent in the closest association.
As the Master M. is upon the
first Ray, that of Will or Power, His work largely concerns itself with the
carrying out of the plans of the present Manu.
He acts as the Inspirer of the statesmen of the world; He manipulates
forces, through the Mahachohan, that will bring about the conditions desired
for the furthering of racial evolution.
On the physical plane those great national executives [Page 55] who have
far vision and the international ideal are influenced by Him, and with Him
co-operate certain of the great devas of the mental plane, and three great
groups of angels work with Him on mental levels, in connection with the lesser
devas who vitalize thoughtforms, and thus keep alive the thoughtforms of the
Guides of the race for the benefit of the whole of humanity.
The Master M. has a large body of pupils
under His instruction, and works in connection with many organizations of an
esoteric and occult kind, as well as through the politicians and statemen of
the world.
At this particular
time the Master M., the Master K. H.
and the Master Jesus are interesting Themselves [Page 56] closely with the work
of unifying, as far as may be, eastern and western thought, so that the great
religions of the East, with the later development of the Christian faith in all
its many branches, may mutually benefit each other. Thus eventually it is hoped one great
universal Church may come into being (HIS, 54-5).
About the Line along which Light comes, and Master M.:
At a certain stage
upon the Path all the rays governing the mental body shift their focus onto
rays one and two, doing this via the third ray.
This ray holds the same position to the other rays that the solar plexus
center does to the other six centers, for it constitutes a great clearing
house. The first ray penetrates, pierces
and produces the line along which Light comes; the second ray is the
"light-carrier," and supplements the work of the first ray. A study of the activities and the cooperative
endeavors of the Master M. and the
Master K.H. may serve to make this clearer.
Their work is indispensable to each other; just as life and
consciousness are mutually indispensable, and without them form is rendered
valueless (EP II, 359).
Ashrams on Atmic Levels are under the Control of the
Master M.:
On atmic levels,
the levels of the spiritual will, are to be found the Ashrams of those Masters
Who are interpreting the will of Shamballa and to Whom is committed the task of
transmitting the purpose and organizing the plans whereby that purpose can be
fulfilled. As on manasic levels the
Ashrams as a whole are presided over by the Master R., the Lord of
Civilization, so on buddhic levels all Ashrams are supervised by the Master
K.H., with the aid of myself (the Master D.K.) and three senior and initiated
[Page 170] disciples; the objective is the unfoldment of group awareness and of
loving understanding, in order that the forms prepared and conditioned under
the supervision of the Master R. may be sensitized and become increasingly
conscious of reality through the development of an inner mechanism of light
which—in its turn—will condition and develop the outer mechanism of
contact. Ashrams on atmic levels are
under the control of the Master M.,
Who fosters the will aspect within the developed forms and Who (as the Old
Commentary expresses it) "adds darkness unto light so that the stars
appear, for in the light the stars shine not, but in the darkness light
diffused is not, but only focused points of radiance." The symbolism will be obvious to you though
not the full significance (RI, 169-70).