Compilation “Manvantara


Generally speaking DK uses the term Mahamanvantara when

Describing the life time of one solar system or one incarnation of

A solar logos but there are exceptions to the general rule and so its best to double check. Manvantara and Kalpa are also used in a variety of instances. Consider the following few quotes.


Solar System=100 years of Brahma (CF 744)

Mahamanvantara=100 years of Brahma   (CF 157) & (CF 740)

Mahamanvantara= a day of Brahma (CF 146)

Manvantara=day of Brahma (CF 743)


(IHS Glossary) Manvantara. A period of activity as opposed to a period of rest, without reference to any specific length of cycle.  Frequently used to express a period of planetary activity and its seven races.


(CF 670)  This will involve the transmutation of desire into aspiration, and will produce eventually the liberation of the planetary Logos, and bring a manvantara (or His cycle of physical incarnation) to a close.  Withdrawal of the force of desire results likewise in the cessation of man's physical existence.  The old Commentary expresses this truth in the following words:


(CF 743)  Between Two Globes in a Chain.  This covers the period of abstraction of the seeds of all life, and its transference from one sphere to another.  The seed manu of a globe gathers all the life forces into Himself, as does the Logos at the close of a system, and as also transpires at the close of a chain, and holds them quiescent in His aura.  This covers a period of a manvantara, or of one day of Brahma.


(CF 273)  This repetition involves the following factors:


Repetition in time:  The thought of cyclic activity necessitates periods of time of differing length—greater or lesser cycles—but (according to their length) of uniform degree.  A manvantara, or Day of Brahma, is always of a certain length, and so is a mahamanvantara.  The cycles wherein an atom of any plane revolves upon its axis are uniform on its own plane.


(HIS 187) A large number of fifth ray people, those who have the Ray of Concrete Knowledge for their monadic ray, pass to this line of endeavour.  The inherent quality in the type of the monad settles usually the line of activity.  The karma of the fifth ray is one of the factors which produces this.  These monads work with Fohat, and must, to the end of the greater manvantara.  They have their eventual position on the cosmic mental plane, but as yet the capacity for abstract thought is so little developed that it is impossible for us to comprehend the significance of this expression.


(EPI 211)  From many of the above remarks it may have been inferred that the characteristics of any given ray find closer correspondence with one of the other rays than with the rest.  This is a fact.  The only one which stands alone and has no close relationship with any of the others is the fourth.  This brings to mind the unique position which the number four occupies in the evolutionary process.  We have the fourth root race, the fourth planetary chain, the fourth planet in the chain, the fourth planetary manvantara, etc.


(EPI 88)  The Chohans of the sixth initiation have the guidance of those units of consciousness in whom their particular ray vibration and colour predominate.  The vast importance of this fact is often overlooked, even when theoretically acknowledged by aspirants to initiation.  Hence the importance of determining the ray of the ego and of the Monad,—something of vital moment after the third initiation.  A majority and a minority always exist in every department of life.  So it is in the work of the Logos, for at the end of the greater cycle (manvantara) the majority will find their way to the synthetic love ray; a small minority will find their way to the power ray.  This minority are destined for an important function.  They will constitute the nucleus which (in the next solar system) (next 100 years of Brahma- see (CF744))will constitute the majority, finding their synthesis on ray one.  This is a great mystery and not easily understood. [Page 88]  Some hint towards its solution will be found hidden in the real meaning of the words "exoteric" and "esoteric."


(CF 927)  The etheric body of the solar system is now complete, though it will not be perfected till the end of another manvantara.  The greater body of vitality is ready to energise the dense physical vehicle.  The seven centres with their forty-nine major petals are vibrant, and consciousness thrills through every atom in the system.


(CF 706)  The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five and in the Biblical words "the sheep and the goats."36  The Christian hints at this when he speaks of the Christ reigning on earth a thousand years during which the serpent is imprisoned.  The Christ principle will triumph for the remainder of the manvantara, and the lower material nature and mind will be held in abeyance until the next round, when fresh opportunity will arise for certain groups of the discarded, though the majority will be held over until another system.  Something similar again will take place on the fifth chain but as it concerns a centre in the planetary Logos of which we know but little, we need not here enlarge upon it.


(CF 992)  In the early stages of human unfoldment all men are unconscious black magicians, but are not occultly "damned" thereby.  As evolution proceeds they come under the force of the second aspect, and the majority respond to it, escaping from the meshes of the black magicians, and coming under the force of a different number.  The few who do not do so in this manvantara are the "failures" who have to continue the struggle at a later date.  A tiny percentage wilfully refuse to "pass on," and they become the true "black magicians."  For them the end is ever the same, first, severance of the Ego from the Monad, entailing a wait for many aeons until another solar system has its being.  In the case of the "failures" the Ego severed itself from the personality or lower self, entailing a setback for a lesser period, but still having opportunity within the system. (within 100 years Brahma)  Second, a cycle of existence, spent in unlimited evil, and dependent upon the vitality of the severed egoic body and its innate persistence.  These are the ordinary "lost souls" spoken of in the Secret Doctrine.  If students will study these conditions, and will extend the same concept to an earlier and more matured solar system, they will get [Page 993] some light upon the problem of the origin of evil in this solar system.


(CF 831)  The petals are destroyed by the action of fire, and the multiplicity of deva lives which form them and give to them their coherence and quality are gathered back by the solar Pitris of the highest order into the Heart of the Sun; they will be directed outward again in another solar system.

The atomic substance will be used for another manvantara, but the solar Pitris will not again be called upon to sacrifice themselves until the next solar system (100 years Brahma-) when they will come in as planetary Rays, thus repeating upon monadic levels in the next system what they have done in this.  They will then be the planetary Logoi.

c. The central Life electric returns to its source, escaping out of prison and functioning as a centre of energy on planes of cosmic etheric energy.


(CF 928)  The logoic Phrase...Fifth plane...The plane of the logoic mantram of 35 stanzas.  The gaseous body.


The gaseous form of the solar system now appears, and the energy centres become veiled and hidden.  Accretion and concretion rapidly proceeds.  The three groups of builders co-ordinate their efforts afresh and a new influx of energy—bearing devas from the logoic head centre—pours in.  The lesser builders respond to the logoic mantram chanted anew at each manvantara, (probably day of Brahma) and the seven streams of energy from the seven logoic centres are directed downwards.


(OM 81) The total number of petals in the centres, if we eliminate the spleen which has a purpose all its own, and the three lower organs of creation, is one thousand, one hundred and ten, the total number signifying the perfection of the microcosm,—ten the number of perfected personality, one hundred the number of causal perfection, and one thousand the number of spiritual [Page 81] achievement.  When every petal vibrates in all the dimensions, then the goal for this manvantara is reached.  The lower lotus is full blown, and reflects the greater with precision.


(OM 235) In the microcosm the three rays of the Monad, the Ego, and the Personality will likewise dominate and absorb the seven, and in time also lead to a merging in the [Page 235] synthetic ray of the Monad.  The correspondence will be found perfect.


(CF 115) A further chain of ideas may be followed up in the remembrance that the fourth ether is even now being studied and developed by the average scientist, and is already somewhat harnessed to the service of man; that the fourth subplane of the astral plane is the normal functioning ground of the average man and that in this round escape from the etheric vehicle is being achieved; that the fourth subplane of the mental plane is the present goal of endeavor of one-fourth of the human family; that the fourth manvantara will see the solar ring-pass-not offering avenues of escape to those who have reached the necessary point; that the four planetary Logoi will perfect Their escape from Their planetary environment, and will function with greater ease on the cosmic astral plane, paralleling on cosmic levels the achievement of the human units who are the cells in Their bodies.


(CF 127) If a man persists from life to life in this line of action, if he neglects his spiritual development and concentrates on intellectual effort turned to the manipulation of matter for selfish ends, if he continues this in spite of the promptings of his inner self, and in spite of the warnings that may reach him from Those who watch, and if this is carried on for a long period he may bring upon himself a destruction that is final for this manvantara or cycle.  He may, by the uniting of the two fires of matter and the dual expression of mental fire, succeed in the complete destruction of the physical permanent atom, and thereby sever his connection with the higher self for aeons of time.  H. P. B. has somewhat touched on this when speaking of "lost souls";5859 we must here emphasise the reality of this dire disaster and sound a warning note to those who approach this subject of the fires of matter with all its latent dangers.



(CF 570)  As we have been told, our seven major vibrations are the vibrations of the lowest cosmic plane; there is our habitat.  Our Logos Himself, the heart of His system, is on the cosmic astral plane; he is polarised there.  Just as the units of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, are evolving through the use of physical bodies, but are polarised at this time in their astral vehicles, so we have seen that the objective solar system forms the physical body of the Logos, though His polarity is in His astral body.  It is significant that in this greater manvantara, the Logos is to take the fourth cosmic Initiation.  A hint which may enlighten lies in the correspondence which exists between this statement and the [Page 571] fourth root-race development, and this, the fourth or astral round.


(CF 605)  The 5th cosmic plane  The cosmic mental.

The 5th systemic plane  The mental plane.

The 5th subplane of the physical The gaseous.

The 5th principle            Manas.

The 5th Law     Fixation, the Law of Concretion.

The 5th Ray      Concrete knowledge.

The 5th round        The round of manasic attainment.

[Page 605]

The 5th root-race          The Aryan.  Mental development.

The 5th sub-race           The Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon.  Concrete mind.

The 5th group of Devas Fire Devas of the mental plane.

The 5th Manvantara        Three-fifths of the manasaputras achieve.

The 5th scheme The Lord of concrete science.

The 5th Mahamanvantara (or

    solar system) (100 years Brahma)            The solar Logos achieves His fifth major Initiation.

The 5th chain    Principal evolution—fire devas.

The 5th Hierarchy         The greater Builders.

Vibrations of fifth order Manasic.


Three hierarchies are, in this mahamanvantara, of profound significance, the fourth or human Creative Hierarchy, and the two deva hierarchies, the fifth and sixth.



(CF 990) Planetary evil arises from certain relations existing between our planetary Logos and another planetary Logos.  When this condition of polar opposition is adjusted, then planetary evil will cease.  The adjustment will be brought about through the mediation (occultly understood) of a third planetary Logos.  These three will eventually form an equilateral triangle, and then planetary evil will cease.  Free circulation will ensue; planetary obscuration will become possible, and the "imperfect Gods" will have achieved a relative perfection.  Thus will the karma of the manvantara, or secondary [Page 990] cycle, be adjusted, and so much planetary karmic evil be "worked off."  All the above must be interpreted in its esoteric sense and not its exoteric.


(EINA 29) He discovers the soul and then passes through the illusion of duality.  This is a necessary but not a permanent stage.  It is one which characterises the aspirant of this world cycle, perhaps I should say this manvantara or world period.