For ages, the potency
of that which lies behind the fifth initiation - in
the planetary sense and
not in connection with the individual initiation
with its revelation indicating
first ray purpose - has held sway on Earth.
Knowledge, the revealing of the
Mysteries, the attainment of scientific
achievement, producing the activity
of the fifth plane of mind, has governed
human thinking and advancement; God
in nature (i.e., the planetary Logos in
concrete and material expression)
has been revealed, and this has culminated
in that tremendous expression of
power - the atomic bomb. [RI656]
At present, the physical effects of the
fission of the atom and its
subsequent constructive use is the immediate problem
before modern science,
and (I would remind you) it is now an exoteric problem.
Its use, or
corresponding use on esoteric levels, still remains one of the
secrets of
Is the etheric web of the planet sufficiently
stable and balanced so that it
can adequately respond to the new and potent
forces which could and will
pour through it into objective expression? I would
remind you that the
release of atomic energy has had a far more potent effect
in the etheric web
than in the dense physical vehicle of the planet. Three
times the atomic
bomb was used, and that fact is itself significant. It was
used twice in
Japan, thereby disrupting the etheric web in what you erroneously
call the
Far East; it was used once in what is also universally called the
Far West,
and each time a great area of disruption was formed which will have
potent, and at present unsuspected, results.
The formation of
the Triangles of Light and of [62] Goodwill - essentially
the manipulation
of energy into a desired thought pattern - has a definite
relation to this
area of disruption. It will in due time be found that the
Japanese people,
with their peculiar knowledge of thought power (used along
wrong lines in
the war period), will respond more intelligently to this type
of work than
many of the Western peoples. An effort should therefore be made
to reach the
Japanese along the lines of the Triangle work.
We come now to our second
point, that initiation veils a secret and that the
revelation of that secret
is imminent. Just what this secret is, I may not
reveal, but it is concerned
with a peculiar type of energy which can be
induced at a moment of supreme
tension. The only possible hint I can give
you in connection with this mysterious
matter is that it is closely related
to the "Blinding Light" which
Saul of Tarsus saw on the road to Damascus and
the "blinding light"
which accompanied the discharge of energy from the
atomic bomb. The "Blinding
Light" which ever accompanies true conversion (a
rare and sudden happening
always when true and real) and which is an
attendant demonstration of all
Lives who have passed the human stage of
consciousness - according to their
degree - and the light which is released
by the fission of the atom are one
and the same expression on different
levels of consciousness, and are definitely
related to the processes and
effects of initiation. This will not even make
sense to you until certain
initiate-experiences have been undergone by you.
It is not easy for the
average aspirant to realize that progressive stages
upon the Path indicate a
progressive ability to "take the Light."
When the aspirant prays in the new
Invocation: "Let Light descend on
Earth" he is invoking something which
humanity will have to learn to
handle; this is one of the things for which
the disciples of the world must
begin to prepare the race of men.
All these planetary developments are attended
by risks, and none more so
than that of the absorption of light - on a worldwide
scale - by humanity,
with a subsequent reflex action on the three subhuman
kingdoms. Nothing
which affects humanity or which stimulates it to a forward-moving
is without its inevitable effect upon the three lower kingdoms in
Forget not! Mankind is the macrocosm to this threefold lower microcosm.
as you may well surmise, can be among the secrets [328] of the
process. The "principle of absorption" emerges as one of the
to be studied, understood and mastered between initiations, for
each initiation
carries the subject another step forward. At present, the
physical effects
of the fission of the atom and its subsequent constructive
use is the immediate
problem before modern science, and (I would remind you)
it is now an exoteric
problem. Its use, or corresponding use on esoteric
levels, still remains one
of the secrets of initiation.
That atomic bomb (though used only twice destructively)
ended the resistance
of the powers of evil because its potency is predominantly
etheric. Its uses
are twofold at this time:
a. As the forerunner of
that release of energy which will change the mode of
human living and inaugurate
the new age wherein we shall not have
civilizations and their emerging cultures
but a world culture and an
emerging civilization, thus demonstrating the true
synthesis which underlies
humanity. The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray
Ashram, working in
conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range
point of view, its
intent was and is purely beneficent.
b. As a means in
the hands of the United Nations to enforce the outer forms
of peace, and thus
give time for teaching on peace and on the growth of
goodwill to take effect.
The atomic bomb does not belong to the three
nations who perfected it and
who own the secrets at present - the United
States of America, Great Britain
and Canada. It belongs to the United
Nations for use (or let us rather hope,
simply for threatened use) when
aggressive action on the part of any nation
rears its ugly head. It does not
essentially matter whether that aggression
is the gesture of any particular
nation or group of nations or whether it
is generated by the political
groups of any powerful religious organization,
such as the Church of Rome,
who are as yet unable to leave politics alone
and attend to the business for
which all religions are responsible - leading
human beings closer to the God
of Love.
Owing to extra-planetary stimulation,
to the immediate planetary crisis and
to the present invocative cry of humanity,
energy from Shamballa has been
permitted to play upon the "center which
is called the race of men" and has
produced two potent results: first,
the world war was precipitated and,
secondly, the fission of the atom, resulting
in the atomic bomb, was brought
about. Both these events were made possible
by the pouring-in of the energy
and power of the third aspect of the first
Ray of Power or Will. This is the
lowest aspect, and definite [647] material
effects were produced. The
destroyer aspect was therefore the first aspect
to take effect. It split the
thought-form of materialistic living (which was
governing and controlling
humanity everywhere) upon the mental plane and,
at the same time, it
produced a great agent of destruction upon the physical
Thus was the new era ushered in; thus was the stage set for a better
This was the intent and the purpose of Those Who compose the Council
of the Lord. It rests with humanity itself to take advantage of the
proffered opportunity which this destructive manifestation made possible.
having acted in this manner, it is nevertheless the Hierarchy
which will bring
into expression a measure of the second aspect of the first
Ray of Will or
Power, and it is for this that the Hierarchy is preparing; it
is for this
event that the Christ is fitting Himself to be the distributing
Agent and
the directing Factor, with the concentrated assistance of the
united Hierarchy;
it is this that will begin to manifest when He appears.
You have here the
true reason for His proclaimed Coming or Reappearance. The
distinction between
material living and spiritual living will be clearly
demonstrated. This is
made possible by the cleavage of the ancient
materialistic thought-form on
mental levels; the reorientation of human
thinking, as this fact is grasped,
will have its first results upon
emotional levels through the focused expression
of human goodwill; this is
the lowest aspect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom,
implemented and
strengthened by the second aspect of the first Ray of Will.
the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially
"splitting of the atom," will be turned eventually to the production
those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful
and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread
of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague
dream. Many
scientists today (and particularly those who love their
fellowmen) [648] are
not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic
energy but are already
engaged in harnessing - for the good of humanity -
some of its products and
its radioactive properties.
Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled
use of the results of this
scientific adventure in connection with the atomic
bomb which will
eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature
of certain forces
in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking
and lead to a
new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.
must not be inferred from the above that humanity, as a whole, will be
the fifth initiation, for such is not the case. Many advanced souls
amounting to many thousands) may and will take this initiation, but
the masses
of men everywhere, constituting the sum total of the world
disciple, will
eventually take either the first or the second initiation.
The effect however
of hierarchical happenings, in conjunction with
Shamballa, will lead finally
to the great stimulation of the fifth Principle
of manas, the intelligence
principle in man. A revelation which is not
perceived, which remains unrelated
and unexpressed, is of no true service to
mankind, except from a purely subjective
standpoint; nevertheless, through
the proposed stimulation, through the efforts
of those who have taken or who
will take the fifth initiation, and through
the new direction of first ray
energy from Shamballa, the mental plane will
receive such an inflow of
energy that the thinking principle, the reasoning
factor within humanity,
will reach new heights. Thus will the "light
stream forth into the minds of
men," and the first stanza of the Invocation
prove that it can and does
receive an answer to its invocative appeal.
the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew
the battle had been won. Their preparations were halted and the Masters
organized for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about
conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with
divine purpose could freely move forward. The war was not won by the
of [495] Germany. That was only the outer result of inner
happenings. The
war was won by the Forces of Light when the mental potency
of the forces of
evil was overcome and the "energy of the future" was
directed or
impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and
the spiritual
good of mankind. Four factors lie behind the momentous
happening of the release
of this form of atomic energy, through the medium
of what is erroneously and
unscientifically called the "splitting of the
atom." There are other
factors, but you may find the following four of real
a. There
was a clearly directed inflow of extra-planetary energy released by
the Lords
of Liberation, to Whom invocation had been successfully made;
through the
impact of this energy upon the atomic substance being dealt with
by the investigating
scientists, changes were brought about which enabled
them to achieve success.
The experiments being carried forward were
therefore both subjective and objective.
A concerted effort was made by a number of disciples who were working in
and seventh ray ashrams, and this enabled them to impress lesser
in the scientific field and helped them to surmount the well-nigh
difficulties with which they were confronted.
c. There was also a weakening
of the tension which had hitherto successfully
held the forces of evil together,
and a growing inability of the evil group
at the head of the Axis Powers to
surmount the incidental war fatigue. This
brought about, first of all, a steady
deterioration of their minds, and then
of their brains and nervous systems.
None of the men involved in the
direction of the Axis effort in Europe is
today normal psychologically; they
are all suffering from some form of physical
deterioration, and this has
been a real factor in their defeat, though one
that may be difficult for you
to realize. It is not so in the case of the
Japanese, whose psychological
makeup is totally [496] different, as are their
nervous systems, which are
of fourth root-race quality. They will be and are
being defeated by physical
war measures and by the destruction physically
of their war potential and
the death of the form aspect. This destruction...
and the consequent release
of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening;
it is the justification
of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population.
The first use of
this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind
you that it
has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual
values and the death of the human spirit - as was the goal of the Axis
not that all success (both good and bad) is dependent upon the
of the point of tension. This point of tension involves the
dynamic focusing
of all mental, emotional and physical energies at a central
point of planned
activity. This, by the way, is the objective of all true
meditation work.
It is in this act of tension that the German people failed.
This cost them
the war; their tension broke because the group of evil forces
who were impressing
the negative German people were unable to attain the
point of tension which
the Hierarchy could reach when it was reinforced
through the action of the
Lords of Liberation.
d. Another factor was the constant, invocative demand
and the prayers
(articulate and inarticulate) of humanity itself. Men, impelled
largely by
fear and the innate mobilizing of the human spirit against slavery,
such a pitch of demanding energy that a channel was created which
facilitated the work of the Hierarchy, under the direct influence
of the
Lords of Liberation.
The release of the energy of the atom is
as yet in an extremely embryonic
stage; humanity little knows the extent or
the nature of the energies which
have been tapped and released. There are
many types of atoms, constituting
[497] the "world substance"; each
can release its own type of force; this is
one of the secrets which the new
age will in time reveal, but a good and
sound beginning has been made. I would
call your attention to the words,
"the liberation of energy." It
is liberation which is the keynote of the new
era, just as it has ever been
the keynote of the spiritually oriented
aspirant. This liberation has started
by the release of an aspect of matter
and the freeing of some of the soul
forces within the atom. This has been,
for matter itself, a great and potent
initiation, paralleling those
initiations which liberate or release the souls
of men.
In this process of planetary initiation humanity has carried its
work as the
world savior down into the world of substance, and has affected
primary units of life of which all forms are made.
5. You will
now understand the meaning of the words used by so many of you
in the second
of the Great Invocations:
The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived.
This "saving force" is the energy which science has released
into the world
for the destruction, first of all, of those who continue (if
they do) to
defy the Forces of Light working through the United Nations. Then
- as time
goes on - this liberated energy will usher in the new civilization,
the new
and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest
dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities
through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are
emphasized and applied to daily living. This "saving force" has now
been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated.
A Treatise on White Magic, published in 1934, beginning on Page 333,
the following statements appear:
It might be noted here that three great
discoveries are imminent and during
the next two generations will revolutionize
modern thought and life.
One is already sensed and is the subject of experiment
and investigation,
the releasing of the energy of the atom. This will completely
change the
economic and political situation in the world, for the latter is
dependent upon the former. Our mechanical civilization will be simplified,
and an era ushered in which will be free from the incubus of money (its
and its non-possession), and the human family will recognize
universally its
status as a bridging kingdom between the three lower
kingdoms of nature and
the fifth or spiritual kingdom. There will be time
and freedom for a soul
culture which will supersede our modern methods of
education, and the significance
of soul powers and the development of the
superhuman consciousness will engross
the attention of educators and
students everywhere.
A second discovery
will grow out of the present investigations as to light
and color.
third development, which will be the last probably to take place, will
more strictly in the realm of what the occultists call magic. It will
out of the study of sound and the effect of sound, and will put into
hands a tremendous instrument in the world of creation.) [498]
I last communicated with you the outer aspects of the world war, the
and the slaughter are over, except in a few sporadic instances. The
now being waged is to reach a point of stabilization in human
thinking and
understanding from which a true and reliable peace can emerge.
On the emotional
plane, there is as yet no peace. On the mental plane, a
great and deep seated
cleavage is going on and the occult significance of
certain words, enunciated
by the Christ when in Palestine, is being worked
out. He gave them as the
keynote for the particular subjective happening
which is taking place at this
time. He said: "He that is not with Me is
against Me." This refers
to the after effects of the conflict between the
Forces of Light and the Forces
of Evil. Great decisions have to be made all
over the world, as to whether
humanity moves forward into a New Age of
cooperation and of right human relations
or whether the materialistic groups
will reassert their control and succeed
in winning the day. This great
cleavage is now in process of settlement."
the other hand, a deeply spiritual division is also taking place. In a
sense, and speaking largely symbolically, [60] the first phase of
the Great
judgment is asserting itself. The sheep and the goats are forming
into two
distinct groups. The judgment being given is not the generally
assumed one
of assigning penalties or rewards; it is not the negation of all
effort as
the result of decisive moves, nor will it result in the emergence
of major
dividing lines. Such interpretations are man-made and are not true
of the parable or word picture which Christ gave to his
disciples nearly two
thousand years ago.
The judgment referred to has relation to a mysterious
process which is going
on in the thinking (if one dare use such a word for
such a comprehensive
process) of the planetary Logos. He is deciding at this
time the mode by
which a momentous event or happening within the Hierarchy
shall take shape;
he is timing the process of its externalization; he is deciding
Ashrams shall be externalized and who, within those Ashrams, should
and must
proceed with the purely inner and subjective work, and who should
be chosen
to work - consciously and openly - in the outer world of men, thus
duplicating in their numbers what Christ experienced when he "descended
Hell." Many things have to be considered; the objectives in view
of the
Masters concerned, the rays in manifestation, and many astrological
In this deciding judgment Sanat Kumara is being aided
by certain Members of
the Great Council at Shamballa, by the Christ and by
the seven Masters who
are responsible for the seven groups of Ashrams. He
is also reaching certain
conclusions as to the groups of disciples who have
hitherto been under
training during the final stages of the Path of Discipleship.
This decision
has to take under advisement the rapidity with which the entrance
of men and
women into the Ashrams can take place; it is also dependent upon
the members
of the Ashram moving forward according to their degree, and upon
the power
of the Ashrams to absorb and assimilate the much larger numbers,
upsetting ashramic stability. He has also to consider the ability
of the
neophyte under training to take and hold the far greater tension necessarily
incident to true ashramic life in the New Age. [61]
These points are
all being most carefully considered, because a major
expansion of the Hierarchy
as a whole, and the consequent reaction upon
humanity, again as a whole, is
not a thing lightly to be undertaken.
Expansion - if it is to be safely undertaken
- must proceed hand in hand
with consolidation. The expansion now contemplated
in the highest quarters
will greatly alter the potency of the relation of
the Hierarchy to Humanity,
and therefore of the second divine aspect to the
third. Can Humanity take
this increased potency correctly and safely? Will
the aspirants of the world
- given opportunity to pass off the Probationary
Path on to the Path of
Discipleship - be stable enough to stand steady under
the impact of hitherto
undiscerned spiritual energy? Can the Masters, tinder
the pressure of their
enormous task of world reconstruction, find the needed
time to increase
their training of their disciples? For they are still governed
by the time
equation where their disciples are concerned. Can the senior members
in any
Ashram relieve to some extent the pressures upon the Masters as well
as upon
the incoming and junior, and therefore inexperienced, disciples? If,
however, the relation between the Hierarchy and Humanity is thus
and there is freer access in both directions, there will
clearly emerge the
invocational pull or the magnetic potency of these
blending centers; the pull
will be upon Shamballa, which is the highest
center of all.
Is the etheric
web of the planet sufficiently stable and balanced so that it
can adequately
respond to the new and potent forces which could and will
pour through it
into objective expression? I would remind you that the
release of atomic energy
has had a far more potent effect in the etheric web
than in the dense physical
vehicle of the planet. Three times the atomic
bomb was used, and that fact
is itself significant. It was used twice in
Japan, thereby disrupting the
etheric web in what you erroneously call the
Far East; it was used once in
what is also universally called the Far West,
and each time a great area of
disruption was formed which will have future
potent, and at present unsuspected,
The formation of the Triangles of Light and of [62] Goodwill -
the manipulation of energy into a desired thought pattern - has
a definite
relation to this area of disruption. It will in due time be found
that the
Japanese people, with their peculiar knowledge of thought power (used
wrong lines in the war period), will respond more intelligently to this
of work than many of the Western peoples. An effort should therefore
be made
to reach the Japanese along the lines of the Triangle work.
would like to point out that the distinction between the "sheep and the
is mainly hierarchical. The term "goats" is esoterically applied to
initiated disciples and to those who have climbed the mountain of
The term "sheep" is applied to those who are following blindly
inner urge of their souls and who are groping their way (in relatively
numbers) toward the Hierarchy. For them still has to come the great
that the "kingdom of God is within you." Such is the word for
at this stage in humanity's history. Once they have realized that, they
already being absorbed into the Hierarchy. Life will now for them
For the "goats" must come the impelling call from the highest
of the Spiritual Triad, "Seek the way of Ascension" - ascension out
of even triadal life into that of pure Being and of monadic existence.
this Great judgment all decision lies in the conclusive thinking of Sanat
It is his judgment; neither the sheep nor the goats, nor the great
mass of
men from among whom they have emerged, can affect that decision in
the slightest
degree. Any moment or climax of decision on the part of the
Lord of the World
institutes new law and brings into play new energies. Laws
are only the unalterable
conditions brought about by the activity, the
orientation and the emanated
decisive thoughts of the One in whom we live
and move and have our being,
just as the activities, the orientation and the
thinking of a human being
carry the cells and the atoms of his body along
the line of his wishes. Energies
are but the rhythm of his breathing and the
results of the systolic and the
diastolic action of his heart. From these
energies we cannot escape, but -
in a mysterious and peculiar [63] manner -
the planetary Logos directs them
or withholds them to suit the recognized
planetary needs of the period.
come now to our second point, that initiation veils a secret and that the
of that secret is imminent. Just what this secret is, I may not
reveal, but
it is concerned with a peculiar type of energy which can be
induced at a moment
of supreme tension. The only possible hint I can give
you in connection with
this mysterious matter is that it is closely related
to the "Blinding
Light" which Saul of Tarsus saw on the road to Damascus and
the "blinding
light" which accompanied the discharge of energy from the
atomic bomb.
The "Blinding Light" which ever accompanies true conversion (a
and sudden happening always when true and real) and which is an
demonstration of all Lives who have passed the human stage of
- according to their degree - and the light which is released
by the fission
of the atom are one and the same expression on different
levels of consciousness,
and are definitely related to the processes and
effects of initiation. This
will not even make sense to you until certain
initiate-experiences have been
undergone by you. It is not easy for the
average aspirant to realize that
progressive stages upon the Path indicate a
progressive ability to "take
the Light." When the aspirant prays in the new
Invocation: "Let
Light descend on Earth" he is invoking something which
humanity will
have to learn to handle; this is one of the things for which
the disciples
of the world must begin to prepare the race of men.
All these planetary
developments are attended by risks, and none more so
than that of the absorption
of light - on a worldwide scale - by humanity,
with a subsequent reflex action
on the three subhuman kingdoms. Nothing
which affects humanity or which stimulates
it to a forward-moving activity
is without its inevitable effect upon the
three lower kingdoms in nature.
Forget not! Mankind is the macrocosm to this
threefold lower microcosm.
This as you may well surmise, can be among the
secrets [328] of the
initiatory process. The "principle of absorption"
emerges as one of the
subjects to be studied, understood and mastered between
initiations, for
each initiation carries the subject another step forward.
At present, the
physical effects of the fission of the atom and its subsequent
use is the immediate problem before modern science, and (I would
remind you)
it is now an exoteric problem. Its use, or corresponding use on
levels, still remains one of the secrets of initiation.
I stated as our third point that every initiation indicated a closer
in all forms of the hierarchical life. Do you realize in any measure
that statement means or what the implications are? I am dealing with a
not only of profound significance but of major testing. There is a
counterpart or higher correspondence of the economic life of our
planet to
be found in the Hierarchy. Sharing is associated with that which
is of value,
which should be shared if justice is to be demonstrated, and
basically, with
those values which are life-giving. The sharing to which I
am here referring
is the sharing in all reactions, of all attitudes, of all
types of wisdom,
of all problems and difficulties and limitations, so that
they become constructive
in the group sense and cease to be destructive.
Nothing destructive has place
in any Ashram, but disciples can and do use
ashramic force in their work in
a destructive manner, and in the three
worlds. This is not easy to understand.
Perhaps I can make it clearer to you
if I point out that this sharing involves
complete knowledge of all the
personality reactions of all the members of
the Ashram, i.e., of all
preparing for the lesser initiations, and therefore
of all below a certain
degree. There is nothing secret which will not be known,
and you can
understand that the discovery of the factual nature of this constitutes
major test for all disciples. There is nothing in the mind of a disciple
which cannot be telepathically known to all the other members of the Ashram
who are at the same degree of development or to all of a higher degree, for
it is a law that the greater can always include the lesser.
I wish students
would consider this fact with great intelligence and closer
attention; they
would then arrive at the [329] knowledge that their
limitations definitely
provide a problem for those less limited. The time
has to come wherein candidates
for admission into an Ashram, and later, for
initiation, must realize that
their limitations, their relatively petty
points of view and their circumscribed
attitudes are a hindrance to ashramic
progressive events. If the principle
of sharing has any significance
whatsoever, these are points of great importance
and are supremely worthy of
consideration. An illustration of this can be
seen in the response of this
group to the work which I have asked you to undertake
over the years. A tiny
handful of you have responded and have made sacrifices
and worked hard to
further the Triangle work, to spread the Invocation and
to help in the
Goodwill work, but it is a very tiny minority. The rest have
either been
interested intellectually but could not make the needed sacrifices,
or they
refused to put first things first, and secondary issues occupied their
lives. This limitation, as you may realize, has handicapped the ashramic
and those who whole-heartedly have worked (and they know I know who
they are)
have had to share - with pain and distress - in the limitation. I
have frequently
stated that on entrance into an Ashram the disciple leaves
behind him his
personality life and enters as a soul. What I have stated in
the above paragraph
in no way contradicts this fact. It must, however, be
remembered that a disciple
has become what he is as a result of his
personality aspiration, his struggles
in the three worlds, and an attained
point of spiritual unfoldment. Therefore,
though he may leave behind his
personality with its faults and problems, he
indicates clearly to his
co-disciples and to those more advanced than he is,
exactly what is lacking
in his equipment, what is his point in evolution,
and what stage of
discipleship he has achieved. In this connection, I recommend
the rereading
of all that is said anent the six stages of discipleship in
Discipleship in
the New Age (Vol. I); the material given there is of great
importance here.