Compilation on the Seven Head Centers

(Bolding and Underlining MDR)


Analogy of Sanat Kumara and the Six Kumaras to the Seven Head Centers: It has been said that in the head of every man are seven centres of force, which are linked to the other centres in the body, and through which the force of the Ego is spread and circulated, thus working out the plan.  Sanat Kumara, with the six other Kumaras, holds a similar position.  These central seven are as the seven head centres to the body corporate.  They are the directing agents and the transmitters of the energy, force, purpose, and will of the Planetary Logos on His own plane.  This planetary head centre works directly through the heart and throat centres, and thereby controls all the remaining centres.  This is by way of illustration, and an attempt to show the relation [Page 31] of the Hierarchy to its planetary source, and also the close analogy between the method of functioning of a Planetary Logos and of man, the microcosm. (IHS 30-31)


Direction of Force to the Seven Head Centers Probably at the Third Initiation: “By the application of the Rod of Initiation, the downflow of force from the Ego to the personality is tripled, the direction of that force being dependent upon whether the centres receiving attention are the etheric or the astral at the first and second initiations, or whether the initiate is standing before the Lord of the World.  In the latter case, his mental centres, or their corresponding force vortices on higher levels, will receive stimulation.  When the World Teacher initiates at the first and second initiations, the direction of the triadal force is turned to the vivification of the heart and throat centres in their position of synthesising the lower.  When the One Initiator applies the Rod of His power, the downflow is from the Monad, and though the throat and heart intensify vibration as a response, the main direction of the force is to the seven head centres, and finally (at liberation) to the radiant head centre above, synthesising the lesser seven head centres.” (IHS 139)


The Would Be Initiate Must Develop the Vibration of the Seven Head Centers: The would-be initiate must develop somewhat the vibration of the seven head centres, and thus sweep into increased vibratory activity the seven centres in the body upon the etheric plane; affecting also, through reciprocal vibration, the seven physical centres which are inevitably stimulated when the etheric centres approach their maximum vibration. (IHS 200)


Seven Centers in the Head Correspond to the Seven Rishis of the Great Bear: These should be carefully considered, even if no details of procedure can here be given.  Only the principle and the law involved can be considered by the student.  It should be remembered also that all these centres have their correspondences in the etheric matter found in the region of the head and that it is when these seven head centres are awakened that their counterparts are also safely awakened.  These seven head centres correspond in the microcosm to the seven Rishis of the Great Bear, the prototypes of the seven Heavenly Men, and the centres above enumerated relate to the energy of the seven Heavenly Men Themselves. (LOS 83)


Three Different Triangular Configurations Involving the Some or All of the Seven Head Centers: “4. Man partially controlled by the Ego, advanced man.

a. The heart.

b. The throat.

c. The head, i.e., the four lesser centres and their synthesis, the alta centre.


5. Spiritual man to the third Initiation.

a. The heart.

b. The throat.

c. The seven head centres.


6. Spiritual man to the fifth Initiation

a. The heart.

b. The seven head centres.

c. The two many-petalled lotuses.” (TCF 170)


Considering the Great Bear as Seven Head Centers in the OAWNMBS: The Cosmos.  Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centres in the Body of HIM OF WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID.  The seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centres in the body of that Being, greater than our Logos.  Again, two other systems, when allied with the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesised into the seven head centres in much the same way as in the human being after the fourth initiation.


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1. The base of the spine.

2. The solar plexus.

3. The heart.

4. The throat.


The sevenfold head centre in its turn finds ultimate expression in the gorgeous twofold centre above the top of the head and surrounding it.  Equally so, beyond the above named constellations is still another cosmic centre.  The name of this centre is one of the secrets of the final initiation, the seventh.  These are the only correspondences that may as yet be imparted.  What lies beyond the solar ring-pass-not may be of intellectual interest,78 but, for the purposes of microcosmic evolution it is a matter of no vast import. (TCF 182-183)


The Stimulation of the Seven Head Centers Probably at the Third Initiation: c. By the application of the Rod of Initiation the downflow of force from the Ego to the personality is tripled, the direction of that force being dependent upon whether the centres receiving attention are the etheric, or the astral at the first and second Initiations, or whether the initiate is standing before the LORD OF THE WORLD.  In the latter case, his mental centres or their corresponding force vortices on higher levels, will receive stimulation.  When the World Teacher initiates at the first and second Initiations, the direction of the Triadal force is turned to the vivification of the heart, and throat centres, and the ability to synthesise the force of the lower centres is greatly increased.  When the One Initiator applies the Rod of His Power, the downflow is from the Monad, and though the throat and heart intensify vibration as a response, the main direction of the force is to the seven head centres, and finally (at liberation) to the radiant head centre above, and synthesising the lesser seven head centres. (TCF 208)


Definition of the Seven Head Centers from a Higher Perspective: Seven Head Centers Considered to be Within the Head Center: “The second stage is that in which the energy of the lower six centres:


a. The throat,

b. The heart,

c. The solar plexus,

d. The spleen,

e. The organs of generation,

f. The base of the spine,


are—in due order according to a man's ray and subray—transferred into the correspondences within the head centre.  These seven head centres are the reflection in the microcosm of those "mansions prepared in the Heavens" which receive the sevenfold energy of the monad.  These are the chambers prepared by the lower energy which are to be the recipients of "soul or the higher psychic energy."” (TCF 865)


Geometrical Interplay Between the Seven Head Centers: “All this again is closely connected with the threefold energy of the physical body, and produces effects within the spinal column which arouses the kundalini fire at the base of the spine, causing it to mount along the triple spinal channel, again according to ray and aspect involved.  More anent this may not here be said, as the dangers of a premature knowledge along this line are far greater than the dangers of ignorance.  Suffice it to point out that the fires at the lower centres,—those below the diaphragm—have, by the time the second initiation is reached, usually mounted to the centre between the shoulder blades; at the second initiation they rise as far as the head, and all the fires of the torso are then active.  All that remains then to do is to centralise them, to produce the necessary geometrical interplay between the seven head centres, and then to focus them all prior to the final liberation in the highest centre of all.” (TCF 886)


A Most Important Esoteric Fact: “c. The fifth Hierarchy has an interesting position as the "mediating" body between the higher four and those which are found on the lower three subplanes.  There is a vital and significant correspondence to be found between the seven head centres and the seven groups of Egos on the mental plane, and there is an occult analogy between the three head centres (pineal gland, pituitary body, and the alta major centres) and the expression of these seven groups of Egos in the three worlds.  This is a most important esoteric fact, and all students of meditation upon the laws of at-one-ment must take this analogy into consideration.” (TCF 1206)


Seven Centers in the Head and the Normal Seven Centers Rotating in Unison: The Initiator then, with full knowledge of the disciple's ray and of his sub-ray, both egoic and personal, and recognising any karma that still may cling, touches the centre or centres which are in line for vivification, and the hidden fire will then rush up and become focalised.  Remember always that in the vivification of a centre there is always a corresponding vitalisation of the analogous head centre, till eventually the seven centres in the body and the seven centres in the head rotate in unison. (TWM 363)


Vivification of Four Lower Head Centers: “Period IV—marks the definite stimulation of the throat centre.  All the creative activity of the three-fold man—physical, emotional and mental—is turned upward in service, and his life begins occultly to sound.  He is occultly productive.  He manifests forth and his sound goes out before him.  This is an occult statement of fact definitely apparent to those who have the inner vision.  Coordination between the centres becomes apparent; rotation is intensified, and the centres themselves change in appearance, becoming unfolded, and the rotary movement becomes fourth-dimensional, turning inward upon itself.  The centres are then radiating nuclei of light, and the corresponding four lower head centres are equally alive.” (LOM 75)



Complete Awakening of the Head Centers: “Period V—marks the application of the fire to the head centres and their complete awakening


Before initiation, all the centres will be rotating in fourth dimensional order, but after initiation they become flaming wheels, and—seen clairvoyantly—are of rare beauty,  The fire of Kundalini is then awakened and is progressing in the necessary spirals.  At the second initiation the emotional centres are similarly awakened, and at the third initiation those on the mental plane are touched.  The initiate can then stand in the Presence of the Great King, the One Initiator.” (LOM 75)


Right Geometrical Linking to be Achieved in Relation to a Man’s Head Centers Also: When these triangles are paths of threefold fire, emanating from the base of the spine, when the interlacing is complete and the fire progresses along the path from centre to centre in the correct manner, and when this is accomplished in the order required by the man's primary ray, then the work is completed.  The fivefold man has attained perfection for this present greater cycle and the goal is reached.


(Note that this order has to be attained in the head centres likewise.) (LOM 77)


Correspondences of Kumaras to Head Centers: “Another triangle in connection with our own planetary Logos is that formed by the seven Kumaras—the four exoteric Kumaras corresponding to the four minor head centres, and the three esoteric Kumaras corresponding to the three major head centres.75,76 (TCF 181)


Seven Primary Head Centers in a Logos or Planetary Logos: “The connection between the centres and etheric substance, systemic and human, opens up a vast range for [Page 920] thought.  The "Transmitters of the Word" on the atomic subplane of each plane are devas of vast power and prerogative who may be stated to be connected with the Father aspect, and embodiments of electric fire.  They are all fully self-conscious, having passed through the human stage in earlier kalpas.  They are also corporate parts of the seven primary head centres in the body of a solar Logos or planetary Logos.” (TCF 919-920)


Head Centers and Ajna Center at the Stage of Intellection: “2. At the stage of intellection wherein a man is a self-conscious, self-directed being, and a definite personality,


a. All the petals in all the centres are awake, but the central focal point of each centre is quiescent.  It glows with a faint light, but there is no true activity.

b. The centres above the diaphragm, with the exception of the ajna and head centres, are receptive to impact and inflow of life.” (EP II 306)


Beginning of Mystical and Occult Life with Awakening of Heart and Head Centers: “When the heart centre and the head centres are awakened and used by the interior and the exterior forces, you have the beginning of the mystical and occult life.” (EP II 533)


Centers Including Head Centers as Receiving Centers: “The four centres above the diaphragm—the heart, throat, ajna and head centres—are basically and primarily receiving centres. The centres below the diaphragm—the base of the spine, the sacral, solar plexus and spleen centres—are galvanised into activity by the four higher receiving centres.” (EA 25)


Correspondence of Kumaras to Head Centers: “Another triangle in connection with our own planetary Logos is that formed by the seven Kumaras—the four exoteric Kumaras corresponding to the four minor head centres, and the three esoteric Kumaras corresponding to the three major head centres.” (EA 687)


Possible Relation of Head Centers to the Ventricles with the Head: “Mounting upward, it burns out all obstructions in the spinal etheric channel and vitalizes or electrifies the five centres up the spine and the two in the head.  The vital airs within the ventricles of the head are also swept into activity and produce a cleansing, or rather eliminating effect therein.” (LOS 209)



Selections from a Compilation Provided by Daniel Krummenacher


            The four lower head centers: In LOM 75, the Tibetan mentions, in the period IV of development: The centers are then radiating nuclei of light, and the corresponding four lower head centers are equally alive.  In period IV He mentions the seven centers of the head: I would like to point out that the vivification of any one center causes an accession of force in all, and I would further point out that in the head are seven centers (three major, four minor) and that these centers directly correspond to one or other center in the body.  They are the synthesis, and, on the stimulation of their corresponding center, receive a corresponding acquisition of rotary power (LOM 74).


            The seven head centers: In this quote is shown the relation between the 7 head centers, and the 7 etheric centers of man: Rule 8: When the disciple nears the portal, the Greater Seven must awaken and bring forth response from the lesser seven upon the double circle.....Literally it can be interpreted thus: the would-be initiate must develop somewhat the vibration of the seven head centers, and thus sweep into increased vibratory activity the seven centers in the body upon the etheric planes (IHS 200).

            A slightly different and analogic description: Just as the Monad is the sumtotal of all the three aspects, and the seven principles of man, so is the head center a replica of this, and has within its sphere of influence seven other centers with itself for synthesis.  These seven centers are likewise divided into the three major and the four minor centers, with their union and consummation seen in the gorgeous center surmounting and enveloping them all.  There are also three physical centers, called a/ the alta major center, b/ the pineal gland, and c/ the pituitary body with four lesser centers...blended in that center called the alta major....There is a close connection.....between the head center and the pineal gland (TCF 168-169).


            Cosmic correspondences to the seven head centers

The seven stars of the Great Bear are the seven head centers of him of whom naught may be said (OWNMBS) (TCF 182). Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centers in the body of OWNMBS.  Again, two other systems, when allied wit the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesized into the seven head centers in much the same way as in a human being after the fourth initiation..  The Tibetan mentions here four centers: the base of the spine, the solar plexus, the heart, and the throat. Further, he explains: the sevenfold head center in its turn finds ultimate expression in the gorgeous twofold center above the top of the head and surrounding it.  Equally so, beyond the above named constellations is still another cosmic center.