Compilation Root
(EINA 118) Second, the emerging
of a new racial type.
The subjective outlines of this type can already clearly be seen. So glamoured are we
by the form side that many claims are made today that the new
race is to be found in
(CF 677) 6. A mysterious group of devas
intimately connected at this time with the sex expression in the human family
on the physical plane. They are a group
who are, at this juncture, swept into being, and they embody the fire of sex
expression as we understand it. They are
the impulse, or instinct, back of physical sex desire. They were peculiarly dominant in the
fourth root-race, at
which time sex conditions reached a stage of unbelievable horror from our point
of view. They are gradually being
controlled, and when the last of the Lemurian
Egos has passed into the fifth root-race they will be slowly passed out of the solar
system altogether. They are connected with the passional "fire" of the solar Logos and with
one of His centres in particular; this centre is being gradually obscured and its fire
transferred into a higher centre.
(CF 164) By the time the fifth
round is reached, three-fifths of the human family will have attained this
point and will have their five senses fully functioning on the three planes in
the three worlds, leaving the two other planes to be subjugated during
the remaining two rounds.
(HIS 34) the
great cycle or round (5th)….but as this is several million
years away from us…
(EPI 357) Later, we shall have a
transition period again, analogous to that period wherein kama-manas
was developed, and we shall then have the entire race expressing a developed
synthesis of intellect-intuition, preparatory to that advanced stage which will
come at the close of the next root race, the sixth. This takes us to a period
ten million years hence, when the intellect will have in its turn slipped
below the threshold of consciousness, as did the instinct. It will then work automatically as does man's
instinctual nature, and the race will be intuitive
(LOS Introductory
remarks) The Science of Raja Yoga, or
the "Kingly Science of the Soul," as laid down by its main exponent, Patanjali, will eventually find its greatest demonstration
in the West. This is owing to the fact
that—under cyclic
law—the fifth root race (in its fifth subrace) must inevitably touch its highest point….
(CF 498) as
far as the evolution of manas in this round is concerned
its highest efflorescence may be
looked for during the next five hundred years.
(DINAII 336) It is this test which I have been applying in my work with all of you in this special group; the related state persists also on the inner plane after death, and in the consciousness of those (at present non-affiliated) who are still part of the group chosen for the experiment, on my part, of group preparation for initiation. Other Masters are doing the same as I am doing. We hope during the next five hundred years (see CF 498-manas will reach its highest during next 500 years, clearly the Masters are utilizing that cyclic high point) to present several such groups to the One Initiator.
(RI 648) It must not be inferred
from the above that humanity as a whole, will be taking the fifth initiation, for such is not
the case. Many advanced souls (perhaps amounting to many thousands) may and will
take this initiation…
(WM 391) ……work of arousing
the sacred fire, the kundalini. Note how the correspondence works out. A great part of the fifth root-race,
three-fifths perhaps, stand close to the Probationary Path……many will find it
possible to make the adequate extra effort, entailed in the taking of the first
major Initiation…
arousing the fire of kundalini in the large numbers
of those who are ready. This will be
begun in this century, and carried forward actively for the next one
thousand years.
(LOS intro) Now, in the Aryan race, the subjugation of the mental
body and the control of the mind is brought about
through the practice of
Raja Yoga, and the fifth initiation, that of adept, is the goal for evolving
(EPI 74) This is owing to the
imminent appearance, or manifestation, of certain great Lives Who will embody the energy of rays two, three, five and
seven…. inflow of these four types of divine energy …..These four
Beings, Who will appear as human beings in the field of the modern
world, may be looked for before the end of this century …….. period which will go down in history as the time
of glory for the fifth root race. Each of these four Masters……. For each
ray ……..destructive energy extant in the world today is due to the presence on
the astral plane of a first ray disciple of the planetary
Logos. His work it is to clear the way
for the manifestation of these other four major Disciples, Who are primarily
……..He produced there was a great
gathering in of Arhats. These were men who had achieved liberation
through self-initiated effort. This
period, in our Aryan race, marked a climax for
the East. Since then the tide of
spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will
reach its zenith between
the years 1965 and 2025…..
(RI 597) All this again is due to the influence
of fifth ray energy. (see CF 498 Re high
point of manas for this round during the next
500 years) This will
begin to transform human living and human desires and also human affairs and
attitudes, and will lead eventually (in the middle of the sixth root
race) to the great Transfiguration Initiation in which the reality that lies behind all human
phenomena will stand revealed. (this sixth root race will be over in ten
million years)
(RI 595) Today we
find this ray energy expressing itself mainly through science—a science sadly
debased and corrupted by materialism and human greed, but a science which (when
[Page 595] animated entirely by goodwill) will lift humanity on to higher
levels of consciousness, thus laying the foundation for that time when
humanity on a large scale can pass through the Transfiguration Initiation.
(LOS 215) The Aryan
disciple has to learn to control the mental body and devote it to
the service of Ishvara through Raja Yoga, with
aspiration towards knowledge of the indweller, the
soul. Thus in this
root-race, the entire
lower man, the personality
is subjugated and the "Transfiguration" of humanity takes
(LOS 167) He identifies himself with the mental vehicle and regards
himself as thinking thus and so. It is
this identification which results in the theological differences, and the
doctrinal and sectarian diversities everywhere to be found, and in this fifth root race and particularly in
this fifth subrace this identification reaches
its apotheosis. It is the era of the personal self,
not of the spiritual Self. This
realisation of the lower nature is part of the great evolutionary process but
must be followed by a realization of the other polar opposite, the spiritual
The fourth branch of the school will
deal with the 6th and 7th sub-races of the fifth rootrace
The present MahaChohan
achieved adeptship on the moon-chain, which means he
must have begun his evolution on another chain, either in this or the previous
solar system-and came to this 4th chain during the 2nd subrace of the Atlantean
root-race-whereas the majority of those who individualised in the 3rd
chain came to the 4th chain in the middle of the Atlantean
(HIS 45) Group three has as its Head the Mahachohan. His rule over the group persists for a longer period than that of His two Brothers, and He may hold office for the term of several root-races. He is the sumtotal of the intelligence aspect. The present Mahachohan is not the original one Who held the office at the founding of the Hierarchy in Lemurian days—it was then held by one of the Kumaras, or Lords of the Flame, Who came into incarnation with Sanat Kumara—but He took hold of His position during the second sub-race of the Atlantean root-race. He had achieved adeptship on the moon-chain, and it was through His instrumentality that a large number of the present more advanced human beings came into incarnation in the middle of the Atlantean root-race. Karmic affiliation with Him was one of the predisposing causes, thus making this eventuality possible.
Prior to the opening of the 5th
petal the Souls incarnations follow a fixed formula routine-
(CF 738) (2) The period between egoic Cycles. Herein is hid
the mystery of the 777 incarnations and concerns the relation of the unit to
his group on the egoic plane, prior to the unfoldment of the fifth petal. It concerns man in the period between the
savage stage and that of the disciple, when he is an average man but still in
the two Halls. The mystery
of all root races lies here, and the egoic cycles coincide with the
building of racial forms, and civilisations.
A man will reincarnate again and again in the various subraces of a root race until a certain cycle has been
covered; then he may
undergo a pralayic condition until in a later
(and sometimes much later) root race he will respond to its vibratory call, and the egoic impulse to incarnate will again be felt. In illustration of this, we should bear in
mind that the more advanced humanity of today did not incarnate until
the fourth root race. These cycles are one of the mysteries of
initiation, though one of the earlier mysteries, and are revealed
at the second initiation
as they enable the initiate to comprehend his position, to see somewhat the
nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light.
in the 7th subrace
of the 4th root-race many hundreds became Masters
(CF 1079) At the close
of the fourth root race there was a period of distinctive radioactivity,
and many hundreds of men passed out of the fourth Creative
Hierarchy into another and a higher one.
Many posts held hitherto by Venusian Entities
were vacated in order that our humanity might occupy them, and a vast
interchain [Page 1079] radiation went on as many
of the Kumaras and certain lesser existences quitted
our earth chain, and entered upon subtler, and more advanced
work. Then the activity gradually ebbed
until a recurring cycle brought in influences which produced a new radiation,
though not of such a strength as in the preceding period.
5th Ray Souls who
eventually have to transfer to the 1st ray (who presumably
individualised in the 3rd root-race) were not in incarnation during 4th rootrace-DK then gives us a major hint as to which subrace of a root-race a particular Soul ray will incarnate
into-In this case the 5th ray souls while skipping the 4th
root-race have come into the 5th root-race during the 4th
and 5th subraces- These classes also need
much to develop the 2nd petal in the 3rd tier.
(CF 841) Primary
lotuses. These are a group of
special interest brought in under the influence of the Lord of
the fifth Ray, and therefore fundamentally allied to the energy
which is the special manifestation in this system and the basis of all
achievement, that is, manas. They were quiescent during the Atlantean root-race but have come
in during the fourth and fifth subraces of this rootrace. They are a group
a good deal more advanced than the earlier classes but need much to develop the
second petal.
Presumably by Lemurian
Egos DK means those who individualised in the Lemurian
root-race-in which case he could be hinting that many of these Egos have not
incarnated since Lemuria and throughout the 4th
(CF 677) 6. A mysterious group of devas
intimately connected at this time with the sex expression in the human family
on the physical plane. They are a group
who are, at this juncture, swept into being, and they embody the fire of sex
expression as we understand it. They are
the impulse, or instinct, back of physical sex desire. They were peculiarly dominant in the
fourth root-race, at
which time sex conditions reached a stage of unbelievable horror from our point
of view. They are gradually being
controlled, and when the last of the Lemurian
Egos has passed into the fifth root-race they will be slowly passed out of the solar
system altogether. They are connected with the passional "fire" of the solar
Logos and with
one of His centres in particular; this centre is being gradually obscured and its fire
transferred into a higher centre.
Many of present advanced humanity
individualised on the moon chain-
(CF 364) One point here needs
emphasis: all Monads pass at different
times under the influence of the different planetary Logoi,
and all are found at some time in each scheme.
This does not mean that every human unit passes a period of incarnation
in each scheme. It means that on some
one globe in every scheme, human units will be found either prior to physical
incarnation, between different egoic cycles (a
totally different thing to periods between physical lives), between different
rounds or manvantaras, or between the various root-races and subraces. As stated in various occult books, many
of the present advanced humanity individualised on the moon chain, and only took
physical bodies in the earth
chain during the fourth root-race, thus escaping
incarnation during the first three rounds, and the
first two races of the fourth round. In the interim, they came under the planetary influence of another Logos of a scheme, and were
occupied during that immense period of time in fanning the manasic
flame, and developing [Page 365] the attributes of manas,
so that the Atlantean root-race found them adequately equipped to cope with
life conditions.
Members of the 4th
Creative Hierarchy make up various chakras
(CF 375) The Logos of our scheme
has been in physical incarnation (having a body of etheric
matter) since the middle
of the Lemurian root-race, and will remain
with us until what is called "the judgment day" in the next
round. At that point in His career He
will have achieved the necessary vitalisation of the particular
centre which is occupying His attention, will have "seen of the travail
of His Soul" in connection with the units of the human [Page
375] Hierarchy who go to the composition of this centre, and will drop
His present form, will turn His attention to another and higher centre, and give of His force to the units of a different calibre, from another
branch of the human Hierarchy, (some
members of the 4th Creative Hierarchy make up a higher centre) who respond to
the vibration of that centre.
Must find that ref which says most
(CF 524) When man has found out
how to contact and utilise positive solar electricity in combination with
negative planetary electricity, we shall have a very dangerous condition
brought about, and one of the factors which will eventually manifest in the
destruction of the fifth root race by fire. At that great cataclysm—as the Bible says
"the Heavens will melt with fervent heat."70 This will be seen in a still
greater degree in the next round, and will cause that
destruction by fire of the forms of the men who have failed, which will
liberate the lives on a stupendous scale…..
(RI 597) All this again is due to the influence of fifth
ray energy. This will begin to transform
human living and human desires and also human affairs and attitudes, and will
lead eventually (in the middle of the sixth root race) to
the great Transfiguration Initiation in which the reality that lies behind all human
phenomena will stand revealed.
(RI 595) Today we
find this ray energy expressing itself mainly through science—a science sadly
debased and corrupted by materialism and human greed, but a science which (when
[Page 595] animated entirely by goodwill) will lift humanity on to higher
levels of consciousness, thus laying the foundation for that time when
humanity on a large scale can pass through the Transfiguration Initiation.
Three fifths close to probationary
path now, this path takes seven lives minimum or perhaps as many as 18
max-7+11=18, Consider in middle of fifth round this is the three fifths who
will take 5th initiation and pass on.
(WM 391) 8. Agni controls
not only the fires of the earth and rules the mental plane but he is definitely
associated with [Page 391] the work of arousing the sacred fire, the kundalini. Note how
the correspondence works out. A
great part of the fifth root-race, three-fifths perhaps, stand close to the
Probationary Path, (this probationary path
covers a minimum of seven lives unitil
initiation) and with the
coming in of the new age and the advent of the Christ in due time and in His
own place (note the care with which I express this; dogmatic assertions in
terms of men's concrete minds are inadvisable) many will find it possible
to make the adequate extra effort, entailed in the taking of the first major
Initiation. (3rd
initiation) They will begin to pass from the fifth to the
fourth plane. The Lord of Fire will
achieve his peculiar work for this cycle by arousing the fire of kundalini in the large numbers of those who are ready. This will be begun in this century, and carried
forward actively for the next one thousand years.
The above ref (WM 391) suggests
many will take the 3rd initiation within the next thousand years,
and since we know that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th or
the 3rd 4th and 5th can all be taken in one
life or two lives, we can read 3rd initiation to mean 3rd,
4th and 5th initiations. Hence why DK says (RI 648) that
many thousands will take the 5th initiation over the next few
(RI 648) It must
not be inferred from the above that humanity, as a whole, will be taking
the fifth initiation,
for such is not the case. Many advanced
souls (perhaps amounting to many thousands) may and will take this initiation, but the
masses of men everywhere, constituting the sum total of the world disciple will
eventually take either the first or the second initiation……….
(CF 164) By the time the fifth
round is reached, three-fifths of the human family will have attained this
point and will have their five senses fully functioning on the three planes in
the three worlds, leaving the two other planes to be subjugated during
the remaining two rounds. I would
here point out a fact that is little realised, that in this fivefold evolution
of man and in this solar system, the two
remaining rounds in any planetary cycle, and the sixth and seventh root-races in those
cycles are always synthetic; their function
is to gather up and synthesise that which has been achieved in the earlier
five. For instance, in this root-race, the sixth and seventh
sub-races will synthesise and blend that which the earlier five have wrought
out. The analogy lies in the fact that
in this solar system the two higher planes (the logoic-and
the monadic) are synthetic. One is the
synthesising plane for the Logos from whence He abstracts the essence in
manifestation; the other for the Monad, from whence the Monad abstracts and
garners the fruits of objectivity.
(EINA 118) Second, the emerging
of a new racial type.
The subjective outlines of this type can already clearly be seen. So glamoured are we
by the form side that many claims are made today that the new
race is to be found in
(EOH 124) This nucleus which was saved, formed the basis of our present root race, the Aryan. The whole theme of the Old Testament is built around the development and growth of this nucleus. Symbolically speaking, the inhabitants of the ark and their descendants and the Jewish race stand for the salvaged remnant of humanity—salvaged in spite of themselves and in face of stupendous difficulties by the Great White Lodge.
(CF 1093) There is
next, the Wheel of a globe, or the process of evolution upon any particular
globe. The student must bear in mind
that the Monad, after planetary dissolution, passes
the time between incarnations on other and subtler globes, which are the correspondence to the
interplanetary and intersystemic spheres.
There is also, the
Wheel of a race, or the lesser cycle of incarnations—forming a definite series—wherein the incarnating Monad cycles
through a number of lives in a particular race.
(HIS 40)
Their work is therefore concerned, not
only with force distribution, but with the passing
into our scheme from other planetary schemes, of Egos seeking earth experience.
4. Each of Them is in direct communication with one or another of the sacred planets.
5. According to astrological conditions, and according to the turning of the planetary wheel of life, so one or another of these Kumaras will be active. The three Buddhas of Activity change from time to time, and become in turn exoteric or esoteric as the case may be. Only the King persists steadily and watchfully in active physical incarnation.
(CF 738) (2) The period between egoic Cycles. Herein is hid
the mystery of the 777 incarnations and concerns the relation of the unit to
his group on the egoic plane, prior to the unfoldment of the fifth petal. It concerns man in the period between the
savage stage and that of the disciple, when he is an average man but still in
the two Halls. The mystery
of all root races lies here, and the egoic cycles coincide with the
building of racial forms, and civilisations.
A man will reincarnate again and again in the various subraces of a root race until a certain cycle has been
covered; then he may
undergo a pralayic condition until in a later
(and sometimes much later) root race he will respond to its vibratory call, and the egoic impulse to incarnate will again be felt. In illustration of this, we should bear in
mind that the more advanced humanity of today did not incarnate until
the fourth root race. These cycles are one of the mysteries of
initiation, though one of the earlier mysteries, and are revealed
at the second initiation
as they enable the initiate to comprehend his position, to see somewhat the
nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light.
(CF 747) In Them have to be
stored the psychic seeds of knowledge which will be available in the fifth
round; this necessitates for Them an attitude of receptivity to occurrences
at the close of each root-race, when there is, on subtler
levels, a gathering in of psychic force, and its storing with Those prepared
for its reception. Their work is
analogous to that of the Seed-Manu, Who Himself works through a septenate as do these storers of
the psychic life-forces.
(CF 827) This cycle covers the
period passed by the man in the [Page 827] Hall of Learning and has its correspondence
in the Atlantean root-race and its conflict
between the Lords of the Dark Face and the Brotherhood of Light. Within the life of each individual, a similar
conflict wages during this period, ending with the final kurukshetra
or battle-ground which earns for the man the right to tread the
Probationary Path, and eventually the privilege to stand before the
Portal of Initiation.
Third. The 7 incarnations. (these seven lives take place after 1st initiation) These are those passed upon the
Probationary Path. This is an
interesting period in which certain things are effected
which might be described in the following terms:
(CF 171) 1. The circle. At this stage the centre is seen simply as a
saucer-like depression (as Mr. C. W. Leadbeater
expresses it) of dimly glowing fire, a fire diffused throughout but of no real
intensity. The wheel rotates slowly, but
so slowly as to be almost inappreciable.
This corresponds to the little developed stage, and to the early Lemurian root-race, and to that
period wherein man was simply animal; all that was being formed was a field for
the appearance of the spark of mind.
(CF 171) 4. The circle divided
into four. We come now to the point
where the centre is exceedingly active, with the cross within its periphery
rotating as well as the wheel itself, and causing an effect of great beauty and
activity. The man has reached
a stage of very high development [Page 172] mentally, corresponding to the fifth root-race, or to
the fifth round in the larger cycle; he is conscious of two
activities within himself, symbolised by the rotating wheel and the
inner rotating cross. (this is the symbolism
of the Union Jack) He is
sensing the spiritual, though actively functioning in the personal life, and
the development has reached a point wherein he is nearing the Probationary
(CF 187) In the two lower planes
in the three worlds—the astral and the physical—the five subplanes
of human endeavour are the five highest.
The two lowest subplanes, the sixth and
seventh, are what we might express as "below the threshold," and
concern forms of life beneath the human altogether. We have a corroborating
analogy in the fact that the two earliest root-races in this round are not definitely
human, and that it is the third root-race which
is really human for the first time.
Counting, therefore, from the bottom upwards it is only the third subplane on the physical and the astral planes which mark
the commencement of human effort, leaving five subplanes
to be subdued. On the mental plane the
five lower subplanes have to be subjugated during
purely human evolution. When the
consciousness is centred on the fifth subplane
(counting from below upwards) then the planes of abstraction—from the standpoint
of man in the three worlds—supervene the two subplanes of synthesis, demonstrating through the synthesis
of the five senses. In the evolution of
the Heavenly Man we have exactly the same thing: the five planes of endeavour, the five lower
planes of the solar system, and the two higher planes of abstraction, the
spiritual or monadic and the divine, or logoic.
(CF 196) Sight follows on this,
the third sense, and the one definitely marking the correlation of ideas, or
the relation between; it parallels the coming of Mind, both in time and
function. We have hearing, touch or
feeling, and then sight. In connection
with the correspondence it is to be noted that sight came in with the third root-race in this round, and that the third race
saw also the coming in of Mind. The Self
and the not-self were immediately correlated, and co-ordinated. Their close partnership became an
accomplished fact, and evolution hastened forward with renewed impetus.
(CF 191) He is perfecting the
control of the fourth subplane on the cosmic astral
plane, and has nearly completed it. He
is beginning to work at the control of the fifth subplane—a
control which will be perfected in the fifth round.
He is sensing and responding to the vibration of the sixth subplane, but is not as yet fully conscious on that subplane.
We have a corresponding reflection to this in the fourth and fifth root-races on this planet, in which the
astral consciousness of the Atlantean cycle is being
perfected, the fifth principle is being developed, and the sixth is being
gradually sensed. This deserves
thoughtful consideration.
(CF 303) By this we must
understand that all incarnations on the physical plane are not of equal
importance, but some are of more moment than others; some, from the point of
view of the Ego, are practically negligible, others count; some are to the
evolving human Spirit of importance analogous to
the incarnation of a planetary Logos in a globe, or through a root-race, whilst others
are as relatively unimportant to him as the manifestation of a branch-race is
to a Heavenly Man.
(CF 307) Only when His Body has
reached a certain vibratory movement can He truly influence the individual
cells. This work of transmuting cell
activity was begun on this planet during the last
root-race, and the divine alchemy proceeds.
The progress made is as yet but small, but each transmuted
[Page 307] conscious cell increases the speed and the accuracy of the
work. Time alone is needed for the
completion of the work. In connection
with this matter of transmutation comes the legend of the Philosopher's Stone,
which is literally the application of the Rod of Initiation, in one sense.
(CF 351) Consciousness
and Existence. From the wider
point of view the terms initiation and individualisation are synonymous; they
both express the idea of an expansion of consciousness, or of entrance into a
new kingdom of nature. The faculty of
acquiring knowledge [Page 351] must be realised as paralleling the development
of the sense of sight, or vision, as earlier pointed out. The fire of mind shone forth and illuminated
animal man in Lemurian days, during that vast cycle wherein sight opened up for
him the physical plane. The relationship between sight and mind is a very close one, and
must not be lost from sight. In the first round, and in the first root-race of this round, hearing was
the sense developed. In the second round and the second root-race touch was evolved. In the third
round and corresponding root-race sight was added to the other two, and the Self
which hears, and the Not-self which is touched, or apprehended as tangible, are
related and connected by sight,—the
correspondence to the intelligence that links.
Thus is brought about the blending of the three fires, and illumination
is present. But through all this
evolutionary development the ONE Who hears, touches,
and sees, persists and interprets according to the stage of the development of
the manasic principle within Him.
(CF 362) Add to the above facts
the accepted knowledge that this is the fourth round and we have a fivefold
alignment which is of paramount significance to us all, though it had even
greater significance and force in the fourth
root-race, and brought about that stupendous psychic event—the opening of the
door of Initiation to the human Hierarchy.
(CF 364) One point here needs
emphasis: all Monads pass at different
times under the influence of the different planetary Logoi,
and all are found at some time in each scheme.
This does not mean that every human unit passes a period of incarnation
in each scheme. It means that on some
one globe in every scheme, human units will be found either prior to physical
incarnation, between different egoic cycles (a
totally different thing to periods between physical lives), between different
rounds or manvantaras, or between the various root-races and subraces. As stated in various occult books, many
of the present advanced humanity individualised on the moon chain, and only took
physical bodies in the earth
chain during the fourth root-race, thus escaping
incarnation during the first three rounds, and the
first two races of the fourth round. In the interim, they came under the planetary influence of another Logos of a scheme, and were
occupied during that immense period of time in fanning the manasic
flame, and developing [Page 365] the attributes of manas,
so that the Atlantean root-race found them adequately equipped to cope with
life conditions.
(CF 367) It must be remembered
that every scheme has seven chains; that each chain has seven globes, making a
totality of forty-nine globes; [Page 367] that each
globe is again in turn occupied by the life of the Logos during what we call
seven rounds, making literally three hundred and forty-three incarnations, or fresh
impulses to manifest. We must add to
these major manifestations such lesser ones as those named by us root-races, and subraces, also branch
races, and thus we are faced with a complexity that is enough to stagger the
average student.
(CF 368) The Venusian
scheme is—as stated in the Secret Doctrine35—in its fifth and last round; its
humanity is very far ahead of ours in certain particulars, but the momentous
occurrence in the third root-race was due to the
following causes, and not to the factor of the greater advancement of a certain
group of human beings:
(CF 371) Therefore, the Heavenly
Men of Venus and Jupiter are magnetically linked with the Heavenly Man of our
scheme. The relationship of the Logos of Jupiter and His influence will not be realised nor felt until the sixth
[Page 371] round is in full force, though during the sixth root-race His vibration will be acknowledged and
sensed; in the middle of the fifth round the Logos of Mercury will, with the
Logos of the Venus scheme, and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of
force. We have here information given
that has only been hinted at hitherto but for which, in this fifth subrace and in this fourth
round, the world is now ready; it holds the solution of the mystery of
this round.
Third, the statement that the great Kumara or the One Initiator came to
this planet from Venus is true in so far as it embodies the fact that He came
to this dense planet (the fourth) in the fourth chain from that chain in our
scheme which is called the "Venus" chain, and which is the second
chain. He
came via the second globe in our chain; His scarcely felt vibration
was sensed (occultly) in the second round, but only in the third root-race of the fourth
round did conditions permit of His physical incarnation and of His coming as
the Avatar. Very reverently might it be
said that the first three rounds and the two succeeding root-races in this chain correspond to
the period prior to birth; and that His
coming in the fourth round with the subsequent awakening of manas
in the human units find their analogy in the awakening of the life principle in
the unborn infant at the fourth month.
(CF 375) The Logos of our scheme
has been in physical incarnation (having a body of etheric
matter) since the middle
of the Lemurian root-race, and will remain
with us until what is called "the judgment day" in the next
round. At that point in His career He
will have achieved the necessary vitalisation of the particular centre which is
occupying His attention, will have "seen of the travail of His Soul"
in connection with the units of the human [Page 375] Hierarchy who
go to the composition of this centre, and will drop His present
form, will turn His attention to another and higher centre, and give of His force to the units of a different calibre, from another
branch of the human Hierarchy, who respond to the vibration of that
(CF376) Five stages of activity
mark the development and utilisation of the mind principle; there are three
stages of acquisition, and two wherein that which has been acquired is
used. This is too
intricate a calculation for us to enter into it here, and it cannot be
undertaken except by an initiate, for it involves
ability to study the cycles of the earlier solar system, but it might be
noted that (judging from the microcosm on the earth planet) this is just what
might be expected. Man developed manas in this round (4th
round) during the third, fourth and fifth
root-races, and utilises it for the development of the intuition and of the higher
consciousness during the sixth and seventh.
During an incarnation by a planetary Logos in a chain, during one round He demonstrates through His seven centres or globes manas on three globes, and utilises it for
specific purposes on the final two. This
is a lesser cycle to that in which we view the seven chains as His seven
centres. (to the planetary logos the seven chains are his charkas for
one incarnation) These words are chosen with care; I say not
"acquires manas"; He but produces that
which is inherent. It must be remembered
that just as the planes of a solar system stand for a different purpose,
vibrate to a different key, and serve their own specific ends, so do the globes
serve an analogous function.
(CF 390) They depict only one
cycle in logoic evolution, and cover only the present
greater period in the working out of which we are engaged. They might be roughly described as embracing
that period in the system which began for us in the middle of the third
root-race of this round and continues until the period called "the
Judgment" [Page 390] in the coming fifth round. When that time comes our planetary Logos will
have attained the initiation which is His present goal; the fifth round
of the Venusian scheme will be closing, and the Venus
scheme will begin to pass into obscuration, preparatory to transferring her
life to the synthesising planet with which she is connected; Mercury will be
reaching the apotheosis of achievement, and with Mars and the Earth, will form
a systemic triangle. We are speaking
here of schemes and not of chains.
(CF 392) It is an interesting
occult fact that our Earth should now be in her fifth round, and paralleling
the Venusian scheme, but the moon
chain of our scheme saw a period of temporary retardation of the
evolutionary process of our Heavenly Man; it resulted in a temporary slowing
down of His activities, and caused "lost time," if such an expression
might reverently be permitted. The Lords
of the Dark Face, or the inherent forces of matter for a time
achieved success, and only the fifth round (out of 5 or 7?) of
our chain(the 4th ) will see their ultimate
defeat. The Venusian
scheme also had its battleground, but the planetary Logos of that
scheme overcame the antagonistic forces, triumphed over material
forms, and was consequently in a position—when the right time came—to apply the
needed stimulation or an [Page 393] increased fiery vibration to our Earth
scheme. The fact that outside
aid was called in during the third root-race of this chain, and that the
evolution of manas brought about the
individualisation, in physical form, of the Avatar, needs to be pondered
on. The Divine Manasaputra,
the Lord of the World, took form Himself through the driving impulse of manas, inherent in His nature, and in some mysterious way
this was aided by another Heavenly Man of another scheme. His co-operation was required.
(CF 495) Third. Inability to control the fire elementals who are the external fire which affects that central spark
through the medium of its environment.
This inability is especially distinctive of the alchemists
of the fifth root race who have been practically incapable of this control, having lost the
Words, the formulas, and the sounds.
This is the consequence of undue success in Atlantean
days, when the alchemists of the time, through colour and sound so entirely
controlled the elementals that they utilised them for their own selfish ends
and along lines of endeavours outside their legitimate province. This knowledge of formulas and sounds can be
comparatively [Page 495] easily acquired when man has developed the inner
spiritual ear. When this is the case,
the transmutative processes of the grosser kind (such
as are involved in the manufacture of pure gold) will interest him not at all
and only those subtler forms of activity which are connected with the
transference of life from graded form to form will occupy his attention.
(CF 524) When man has found out
how to contact and utilise positive solar electricity in combination with
negative planetary electricity, we shall have a very dangerous condition
brought about, and one of the factors which will eventually manifest in the
destruction of the fifth root race by fire. At that great cataclysm—as the Bible says
"the Heavens will melt with fervent heat."70 This will be seen in a still
greater degree in the next round, and will cause that destruction
by fire of the forms of the men who have failed, which will liberate the
lives on a stupendous scale, and thus temporarily 'purify' the Earth from
elements which would tend to hinder the evolutionary process. As the cycles pass away, the balancing of
these fiery currents will be gradually brought about, and will result in a
planetary condition of harmony, and of esoteric equality, which will provide
ideal environment for harmonious man.
(CF 571) As we have been told,
our seven major vibrations are the vibrations of the lowest cosmic plane; there
is our habitat. Our
Logos Himself, the heart of His system, is on the cosmic astral plane; he is polarised
there. Just as the units of the fourth
Creative Hierarchy, the human, are evolving through the use of physical bodies,
but are polarised at this time in their astral vehicles, so we have seen that
the objective solar system forms the physical body of the Logos, though His
polarity is in His astral body. It is
significant that in this greater manvantara,
the Logos is to take the fourth cosmic Initiation. A hint which may enlighten lies in the
correspondence which exists between this statement and the [Page 571] fourth
root-race development, and this, the fourth or astral round.
(CF 576) The aim of evolution
for us is love dominated by intelligence—or intelligence dominated by love, for
the interaction will be complete. The human
race came into the chain at a point where it naturally took bodies of
the fifth astral and physical subplanes, and we can see
here an analogy to the coming into the fourth root-race of the
more advanced Egos.
(CF 590) The Ray of Concrete Science has a peculiar
relationship to the animal kingdom, in that it is the Ray that governs the
merging of that kingdom into the human.
The planet, Venus, in her fifth round, gave the impetus which produced
the spark of mind in animal man—a fact well known. It is also the fifth Ray, and has an
interesting connection with the fifth Law of Fixation. We might study, too, with profit, the analogy
that can be seen between these factors and the fifth root-race, the race
of peculiarly strong development of the concrete mind. The
Law of Analogy always holds good.
(CF 596) In the
sixth chain of each scheme, this sixth law and the sixth Ray have a very
important significance, whilst the seventh chain of each scheme is always
synthetic—Love and Activity in a perfect balance. The same effect can be demonstrated in the
sixth Round. In the sixth Round of the
present chain of the Earth scheme, the sixth law will demonstrate with great
clarity and force, as love shown in brotherhood, love translated or transmuted
from the astral to the buddhic. So in the sixth rootrace and the sixth subrace a similar analogy will be seen. Out of the shattered form of the
fifth subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete
Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realisation of
the one life latent in each Son of God.
(CF 598) In order to give some idea of the complexity
of the arrangement, I would like here to point out that the Rays themselves
circulate, the Law of Karma controlling the interweaving. For instance, Ray I may pass around a
scheme (if it is the
paramount Ray of the scheme) with its first subray
manifesting in a chain, its second in a round, its third in a world period, its
fourth in a root race,
its fifth in a subrace, and its sixth in a branch
race. I give this in illustration, and
not as the statement of a fact in present manifestation. This gives us some idea of the vastness of
the process, and of its wonderful beauty.
It is impossible for us, sweeping through on some one Ray, to visualise
or in any way to apprehend this beauty; yet, to those on higher levels and with
a wider range of vision, the gorgeousness of the design is apparent.
(CF 599) The major root races are chosen under the Law
of Correspondence. In the third
root race came the third Outpouring, the merging and the point of contact between the
Spiritual Triad and the Lower Quaternary.
The fifth root race marks a point where higher and lower manas approximate, and where the concrete mind, meeting its highest development
of this round, gives place to the intuition from above. Here again we have a twofold reason. The seventh root race again demonstrates dual
attainment, love in activity, the basis of the third
system of Will or Power.
(CF 719) It also brings about a setting loose of force
from the cosmic mental plane which is cyclic in character. In this round, the fourth, the maximum
force of this cycle was felt in the third root race. In
the next round, during the fourth root race, and for a very brief period, a
fresh cycle will reach its zenith, and will again open the door of
individualisation in order to permit the entry of certain very advanced Egos
who are seeking [Page 719] incarnation in order to carry out a special piece of
work. This round will provide no bodies
adequate to their need. The next round
may do so if the plans proceed as anticipated.
(CF 1082) Each name conveys to the mind of the initiate some knowledge as to the place in evolution of the Monad concerned, the nature of its incarnations, and its place in cyclic evolution.
(CF 948) One of the greatest impediments upon the Path
of Return and one for which man is distinctly responsible within occult limits
are those animated forms which he has produced ever since the middle
of the Atlantean root race when the mind
factor began slowly to assume increasing importance. The selfishness, the sordid motives, the
prompt response to evil impulses for which the human race has been
distinguished has brought about a condition of affairs unparalleled in the
system. A gigantic thought form hovers
over the entire human family, built by men everywhere during the ages,
energised by the insane desires and evil inclinations of all that is worst in
man's nature, and kept alive by the promptings of his lower desires.
(EPI 67) The third ray, which is
one that has a very long cycle, having been in
manifestation since A.D. 1425, has a direct effect upon the
fifth root race, the Aryan, and has connected with it a set of curious
phrases which express its purpose.
(EPI 74) This is owing to the
imminent appearance, or manifestation, of certain great Lives Who will embody the energy of rays two, three, five and
seven. They will thus constitute focal
[Page 74] points for the inflow of these four types of divine
energy and, this will produce a tremendous stimulation of their corresponding
and responding units of life. These four
Beings, Who will appear as human beings in the field of the modern
world, may be looked for before the end of this century and Their united effort will inaugurate definitely the New Age,
and usher in the period which will go down in history as the time
of glory for the fifth root race. Each of these four Masters, for that They will be, is also subjectively the focal point for a
triple inflow of energy from the centre in the Body of God which is
symbolically spoken of as "the heart of the Sun." For each ray is in its turn a
triple manifesting entity as is the solar Deity Himself. Love will be Their
outstanding characteristic, and through that attractive magnetic force the new
forms will come into being which will permit of purer ray types, and thus of
more truly expressive appearances. A
great deal of the destructive energy extant in the world today is due to the
presence on the astral plane of a first ray disciple of the
planetary Logos. His work it
is to clear the way for the manifestation of these other four major Disciples, Who are
primarily Builders; They will enter on Their work when
the task of the wreckers of form has been accomplished.
(EPI 76) This Life has also much
power today in connection with the fifth root-race and with the
transference of the consciousness of humanity into the fifth or spiritual
kingdom. Students would learn much if
they contrasted the building power of the higher mind with the destroying power
of the lower. Just as the personality
has no other function in the divine plan than to be a channel for, and the
medium of expression of, the soul, so the lower mind is intended to be the
channel for the pure inflow of higher mind energy.
This fifth ray is a Being of the intensest
spiritual light and in His manifestation on this fifth plane, which
is peculiarly His, He symbolises the three aspects in a way achieved by no
other ray. Through His quality of higher
mind, this ray is a pure channel for the divine will. Through the septenary
grouping of the solar lives on the mental levels whereon they appear, He
brought into functioning activity seven corresponding reflections of the seven
centres of Deity, as far as our planet is concerned, a thing which none of His
six brother rays have done. This
statement means little to you, but the tremendous sacrifice and effort thus
involved are paralleled only by the life of the Buddha, and this is one of the
reasons why, [Page 77] in this fifth race, love and mind must eventually
and mutually reveal each other.
(EPI 353) The application of
this truth can be clearly seen in connection with the Aryan
race and the two rays which govern and control its
destiny. The third Ray of Intelligent
Activity or Adaptability governs the entire career of the race, and through
this dominance we can see working out the plan of God, which is the definite
fusion of spirit and matter, through the evolution of the soul of man. The result of this fusion may be briefly
summed up in the following three statements:
1. A widespread interest in, leading finally to a
recognition of, the soul as a result of this fusion and blending.
2. The appreciation of the divinity of substance, and the recognition
of the fact that matter is the outer garment of God. This will characterise the
intellectual achievement of the Aryan race.
3. The plan of God that humanity should control matter on the physical
plane reaches a
These three important developments indicate the activity of the third
ray during the period of time wherein the Aryan race emerges from
the general racial background, develops itself as the generations pass
away, and then fades out again as do all the races. By this process the souls
which have profited by the experience during racial manifestation
pass on into another and higher race, the sixth root
race, in this case. These are the major results. There are many minor ones which tend to
perfect the divine purpose for the race.
That [Page 354] purpose aims only at a relative perfection and not at
the ultimate consummation. The racial
perfection which will be reached as a result of the activity
of the third and fifth rays will be seen as only partial
from the angle of vision of the seventh root race, for instance, but
it will be far ahead of that achieved during the Atlantean
or fourth root race, which was under the dominant influence of the second
and sixth rays. The flower
of any race, and those who guarantee its achievement, are to be seen in the Masters,
Initiates and Disciples Who, during any race, reach
the goal which Their souls have set. The
reader must remember that the goal of adeptship is a
steadily shifting one, and that the adepts of the Aryan race will be higher in
development, and of a more intellectual order, than those who reached that stage
during the Atlantean race. Therefore the requirements for treading the
path of discipleship in the present race are steadily increasing in difficulty
as the centuries slip away. At the same
time, the assets brought by the aspirant to the task of achieving discipleship
likewise steadily evolve, and the equipment is as steadily arriving at a
greater adequacy, thus measuring up to the opportunity offered.
(EPI 357) Later, we shall have a
transition period again, analogous to that period wherein kama-manas
was developed, and we shall then have the entire race expressing a developed
synthesis of intellect-intuition, preparatory to that advanced stage which will
come at the close of the next root race, the sixth. This takes us to a period
ten million years hence, when the intellect will have in its turn slipped
below the threshold of consciousness, as did the instinct. It will then work automatically as does man's
instinctual nature, and the race will be intuitive
This will really mean that the fifth kingdom in nature
will be manifesting on earth, and that the
I think I have
given you as much on this abstruse subject as can be grasped. The tabulation of the rays
governing the races might
be stated, therefore, as follows:
Lemurian Race................................Rays 1.
7. 5.
Atlantean Race................................Rays 2.
Race.....................................Rays 3.
Race.......................................Rays 2.
Seventh Race...................................Rays
1. 7. 2.
(EA 453) No planet is a sacred planet unless the
centre at the base of the spine (speaking symbolically) is aroused and the
great fusion of energies resulting therefrom has been
effected. I refer to this particular world cycle and period and to the state
of affairs in this the fifth or Aryan root-race. Students of my books and of The Secret Doctrine must
remember that any contradictions which may appear are only contradictions in
Time and that when this time factor is properly understood and the student
knows to what specific cycle the information should be applied, these apparent inexactitudes will disappear.
What is true of
humanity, for instance, during the third root-race, may not be true
in the fifth root-race.
Therefore, all that can be done is to study and relate, to reflect and to apply
the Law of Analogy, knowing that when the expanded and more inclusive
consciousness of the trained initiate takes the place of the present human
awareness, [Page 454] then these debated points will be clarified; they will
assume a true consistency and the contradictions will disappear.
The planetary
centre which corresponds to the one at the base of the spine in the human being will not
be awakened until the seventh root-race and that only when right relationship is established
between the planetary sacral centre (which is related to the third kingdom in
nature, the animal kingdom) and the planetary throat centre, functioning properly and in unison.
In the first
volume of this treatise, certain hints were given anent the
planetary centres and the rays of energy pouring through them. To these I would like here to refer
because they are related to the Science of the Triangles. You should note that
the three lower kingdoms in nature constitute in themselves a triangle of force
and are essentially a reflection of a particular planetary triangle. It might
be of service if I here briefly tabulated again for you certain of these major
inferences—for they are little more than inferences at this time. One point is
of real interest here. I have stated that Humanity is the
correspondence in the planetary Life to the ajna
centre in individual
man. Earlier I told you that the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge is related
to the ajna centre and, therefore, in this present world cycle, you have:
. . . planetary ajna centre . . . 5th Ray of
Knowledge . . . 5th root-race.
Therefore five
centres in man are rapidly awakening. These relationships prove each other but only when
seen in relation to the greater cycle. Humanity was at one time the
correspondence to the planetary solar plexus and some day will shift the focus of its
receptivity to the planetary heart centre; when this takes place, the Hierarchy will
[Page 455] shift its focus of receptivity into the sphere of influence of Shamballa. Of this shift, the presence of the twelve-petalled lotus in the highest head centre (the relating point between the heart
centre and the soul on its own plane) is the guarantee. The following relations
must consequently be borne in mind:
I. Head centre . .
. Shamballa . . . 1st ray . . . 1st & 7th races .
. . Will; the goal.
of Life. Synthesis.
Seven centres
awakened and functioning.
first root-race alive and faintly vibrating.
In seventh
root-race fully
II. Heart centre .
. . Hierarchy . . . 2nd ray . . . 6th root-race . . . Love; the goal.
of Identification. Achievement of fusion.
Six centres
focal point of the egoic consciousness of divinity.
fifth kingdom. The
III. Ajna centre . . . Humanity . . . 5th ray . . . 5th
root-race . . .
Intuition; the goal.
energy of Initiation. Development of inclusiveness.
Five centres
rapidly awakening.
focal point of personality.
human kingdom, the fourth kingdom in nature.
IV. Throat centre
. . . Animal . . . 3rd ray . . . 3rd root-race . . . Intellect; the goal.
energy of Illumination.
Creating in the light.
Four centres
point of the instinctual consciousness.
third kingdom in nature.
[Page 456]
V. Solar plexus .
. . Vegetable . . . 6th ray . . . 4th root-race . . . Instinct; the goal.
energy of Aspiration. Unfoldment of
Three centres
point of psychic response.
second kingdom in nature.
VI. Sacral centre
. . . Deva evolution . . . 7th ray . . . 2nd
root-race . . .
Responsiveness; the goal.
energy of Magnetism. Power to build.
centres functioning; heart and sacral centres.
point of vibratory response to the "eye of God."
VII. Base of spine
. . . Mineral . . . 4th ray . . . 7th root-race . . . Synthesis; the goal.
energy of foundational Synthesis. Completion.
All centres
functioning as one.
point of evolution.
first kingdom in nature.
There is another
point of interest to which I wish to refer and it is one which is little
realised by the average occult student. I refer to the outlets of planetary
energy through the means of which great and general effects are produced in the
external, planetary life. In this fifth root-race, there are only
five such outlets as
far as effects on humanity are concerned; man's responsiveness to them, is
demonstrated by the fact of their relative importance in conditioning world
events and world affairs. Wherever one of these outlets for
spiritual force is found, there will also be found a city of spiritual
importance in the same location. These five points are:
1. London.—For the
2. New York.—For
3. Geneva.—For all of
4. Tokyo.—For the far East.
5. Darjeeling.—For all of central Asia and
(EA 457) Later,
two more points or outlets for energy will be added to these but the time is
not yet. Through these five places and areas in their neighbourhood, the energy
of five rays pours forth,
conditioning the world of men, leading to effects of planetary significance and
determining the trend of events. A study of history and of current affairs will
produce some understanding of their importance in connection with four of them.
The effect of the force flowing through the
These five points
of conditioning energy produce two triangles of force in their interrelation:
[Page 458]
It may interest
you also to know the governing rays and astrological signs of these five
places, so far as they can be given at this time and during this present cycle.
Forget not that the personality rays change from period to period in connection
with countries and cities just as they do with individuals:
City Soul Personality Sign
(EPI 74) This is owing to the
imminent appearance, or manifestation, of certain great Lives Who will embody the energy of rays two, three, five and
seven…. inflow of these four types of divine energy …..These four
Beings, Who will appear as human beings in the field of the modern
world, may be looked for before the end of this century …….. period which will go down in history as the time
of glory for the fifth root race. Each of these four Masters……. For each
ray ……..destructive energy extant in the world today is due to the presence on
the astral plane of a first ray disciple of the planetary
Logos. His work it is to clear the way
for the manifestation of these other four major Disciples, Who are
primarily Builders……
(EA 521) As this is the Aryan or fifth root-race (and I do not use this term in the
German, materialistic and untrue sense)
there are today in the body of Him in Whom we live and move and have our being,
five focal points of spiritual energy, expressing themselves through five
awakened centres in that body. These five are:
1. Geneva.—The
European continent.
2. London.—The
3. New York.—The American continent.
Darjeeling.—Central and
5. Tokyo.—For the
Today, these five
centres are being abnormally and deliberately stimulated and vitalised. The energy which flows from
them is profoundly affecting the world, holding great hope for the future but
producing most disrupting and disastrous effects where the material side of
human life is concerned. There are two centres in the planetary Life which are as yet relatively quiescent as
far as any world effect is concerned. To them I assign no other focal point
beyond hinting that within the continent of Africa one will some day be
found, and later still
(many millions of years ahead) another will be discovered in the
region of
The force which
the centre at
force which is centred in London is that of the first Ray of Will or
Power in its building
aspect and not in its destroying aspect. It is the service of the whole which is being
attempted at great cost and the effort is to express the Law of Synthesis which
is the new emphasis, pouring through from Shamballa. Hence the fact that the governments of many nations found asylum in
The force
expressing itself through the centre,
The force pouring
I would like here
to interpolate some remarks. It is of deep moment to realise that
The forces flowing
(RI 593) What is the effect of this ray upon humanity
as a whole and at this time? The effect
of these influences is very great and of supreme importance in
this fifth root race, the Aryan race, in this second solar system.
Again you can see the clarity of the correspondences which are
emerging. I would have you note them
Ray II, the Ray of Love-Wisdom; and Ray V, the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or
2. The second
plane, the monadic plane; and the fifth plane, the mental plane.
3. The second
solar system of love; and the fifth root race, the Aryan race, of active
In all these basic
relationships, that which is the fifth in order is destined to be the
instrument, the vehicle or the implementing factor for the second. The Universal Mind, as it works through all
the planes of our conscious planetary life, is the creative agent and the
form-building factor which makes the revelation of love possible.
(RI 594) Today in
our Aryan age and race, we see the vital expression of this fifth ray energy.
When I use the word "race" I deal not with man-made or
pseudo-scientific differentiations of nations and races or types. I deal with a state of consciousness
which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking; this finds its exponents and [Page
594] its "race members" in every nation, without any distinction or
omissions. This I would have you
carefully remember, for there is no new race in process of appearing, from
the territorial angle;
there is only a general distribution of those persons who have what have been called
the sixth root race characteristics. This state of
consciousness will find its expression in people as far apart racially as the
Japanese and the American or the Negro and the Russian. It posits an ability to function with clarity
upon the mental plane, to collate information, rightly to interpret and relate
that information, and to create the needed thoughtforms
or concepts for those interpretations.
These thoughtforms fall into three major
fields of thought or thoughtform areas of consciousness:
1. Science. Under this word I include all that which the
educational processes cover or are supposed to cover, and such a useful science
as medicine.
2. Philosophy,
with its presentation of great conditioning ideas.
3. Psychology,
with its effort to account for humanity and to discover what man is essentially
and how he functions.
You will note that
I have not included religion in this analysis.
The reason for this is that IF the world religions were really
controlled by concrete knowledge or science, they would not be the vague, speculative,
mystical and glamour-controlled systems which they are at present. Some day the minds of men—illumined by the
light of the soul—will formulate the One
universal religion,
recognisable by all. Then the
(RI 595) Today we
find this ray energy expressing itself mainly through science—a science sadly
debased and corrupted by materialism and human greed, but a science which (when
[Page 595] animated entirely by goodwill) will lift humanity on to higher
levels of consciousness, thus laying the foundation for that time when
humanity on a large scale can pass through the Transfiguration Initiation.
Steps in this direction are already being laid and the existence of the
press, the radio and the rapid means of transportation have done much to
further the revelation of that unity and that Oneness which is the major
characteristic of the Universal Mind.
(RI 597) The creation (and, I should add, the
over-creation) of the millions of material things which men everywhere regard
as essential to their well-being is also the result of the creative activity of
the fifth ray consciousness. This is, of
course, as it demonstrates upon the physical plane. When it demonstrates upon the mental plane,
we then talk of ideas, concepts, philosophies and ideologies. When it demonstrates upon the astral plane,
we are aware of the religious impulse, of mysticism and of the emotional and
conditioning desires. All these aspects
are present in the consciousness of men everywhere today. Everything is crystallising in human
consciousness, and this takes place in order to make man aware of where he
stands upon the ladder of evolution, and of what is wrong and what is
right. All this again is due to the
influence of fifth ray energy. This will
begin to transform human living and human desires and also human affairs and attitudes,
and will lead eventually (in the middle of the sixth root
race) to the great Transfiguration Initiation in which the reality that lies behind all human
phenomena will stand revealed.
(WM 391)
8. Agni controls not only the fires of the
earth and rules the mental plane but he is definitely associated with [Page
391] the work of arousing the sacred fire, the kundalini. Note how the correspondence works out. A great part of the fifth root-race,
three-fifths perhaps, stand close to the Probationary Path, and with the coming in of the new age and the
advent of the Christ in due time and in His own place (note the care with which
I express this; dogmatic assertions in terms of men's concrete minds are
inadvisable) many will find it possible to make the adequate extra
effort, entailed in the taking of the first major Initiation. (this is the 3rd initiation)
They will begin to pass from the fifth to the fourth plane. The Lord of Fire will achieve his peculiar
work for this cycle by arousing the fire of kundalini
in the large numbers of those who are ready.
This will be begun in this century, and carried forward actively
for the next one thousand years.
(DINAII 425) In an earlier instruction I pointed out that three ideas were involved in grasping the significance of these points of revelation and—once you have grasped them—they are beautifully clear and simple. The Procedure required for the manifestation of "light supernal" takes place when a transitory point of synthesis is reached and the seven energies are blended into one great energetic Light. These seven energies have ever, unitedly, created the "light supernal" upon the highest levels of divine expression, but that revealing light only finds Location when the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order is active and in process of manifestation in the three worlds, and necessarily, therefore, upon the seventh plane, the physical plane. Such a manifestation inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis, when the seventh ray is active and when the Sun is in Aquarius. Such a combination of relationships is being established now, for the seventh ray is rapidly coming into manifestation and the Sun is in Aquarius, for the Aquarian Age is just beginning. The Objective of this combination (which has occurred six times during [Page 426] the period of the fifth root-race) is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth.
(DINAII 474) For you, as for all disciples at this time of world crisis, life has been exceedingly difficult. This is not a platitudinous truism—in spite of A.A.B. remarking sub rosa that it was. She knows me so well that for years her comments have proved a source of amusement to me and sometimes have proved most helpful in aiding me to understand the occidental mind. I am an Oriental of the fourth root race and although I have had two European incarnations I still at times fail to grasp or understand the occidental reaction. But the [Page 474] remark above is not simply fatuous, but contains in it the clue to your future. Your difficulties at this time stem largely from others more than from yourself; they are instructive more than karmic.
(EINA 118) Second, the emerging
of a new racial type.
The subjective outlines of this type can already clearly be seen. So glamoured are we
by the form side that many claims are made today that the new
race is to be found in
Let me also make one definite statement at this point which may cause some surprise. The fifth kingdom in nature, the spiritual, will emerge out of the fifth root race. Such is the esoteric control of the Law of Correspondence. I would [Page 119] remind you nevertheless that the only fourth root race people to be found upon our planet are the Chinese, the Japanese, the various Mongoloid races in Central Asia (and they are somewhat intermixed with the Caucasian race) and the hybrid groups found in the many islands in the southern waters in both oceans and hemispheres, as well as the descendants of the races which a million years ago made the South American continent famous for its civilisation. I am necessarily widely generalising.
(HIS 25) It is not possible to touch upon the history of the Hierarchy during the long ages of its work, beyond mentioning certain outstanding events of the past, and pointing out certain eventualities. For ages after its immediate founding, the work was slow and discouraging. Thousands of years came and went, and races of men appeared and disappeared from the earth before it was possible to delegate even the work done by initiates of the first degree to the evolving sons of men. But in the middle of the fourth root-race, the Atlantean, an event occurred which necessitated a change, or innovation in the Hierarchical method. Certain of its members were called away to higher work elsewhere in the solar system, and this brought in, through [Page 34] necessity, a number of highly evolved units of the human family. In order to enable others to take Their place, the lesser members of the Hierarchy were all moved up a step, leaving vacancies among the minor posts. Therefore three things were decided upon in the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World.
1. To close the door through which animal men passed into the human kingdom, permitting for a time no more Monads on the higher plane to appropriate bodies. This restricted the number of the fourth, or human kingdom, to its then limitation.
2. To open another door, and permit members of the human family who were willing to undergo the necessary discipline and to make the required stupendous effort, to enter the fifth or spiritual kingdom. In this way the ranks of the Hierarchy could be filled by the members of earth's humanity who qualified. This door is called the Portal of Initiation, and still remains open upon the same terms as laid down by the Lord of the World in Atlantean days. These terms will be stated in the last chapter of this book. The door between the human and animal kingdoms will again be opened during the next great cycle, or "round" as it is called in some books, but as this is several million years away from us at this time, we are not concerned with it.
This decision led to that great struggle which distinguished the Atlantean civilization, and which culminated in the destruction called the flood, referred to in all the Scriptures of the world.
(HIS 42)
The Manu presides over group one.
He is called Vaivasvata Manu, and is the Manu
of the fifth root-race. He [Page 42] is
the ideal man or thinker, and sets the type for our Aryan race, having presided over its destinies since its inception nearly one hundred thousand years ago. Other Manus have come and gone and His place
will be, in the relatively near future, taken by someone else. He will then pass on to other work of a more
exalted kind. The Manu, or the prototype
of the fourth root-race,
works in close co-operation with Him, and has
His centre of influence in
(HIS 46) The closest co-operation and
unity exists between these three Personalities, and every move and plan and
event exists in Their united foreknowledge. They are in daily touch with the Lord of the
World at Shamballa, and the entire guidance of
affairs rests in Their hands, and in those of the Manu of the fourth root-race. The World Teacher holds
office in connection with both the fourth and fifth root-races.
(HIS 54)
He works in close co-operation with the Manu, and will Himself
eventually hold office as the Manu of the sixth root-race. He dwells, as does His Brother, the Master K.
H., at Shigatse in the
(HIS 61) Certain facts
concerning these Masters, and Their work in the present and in the future, may
be in place here. First, the work of
training Their pupils and disciples to fit them to be of use in two great
events, one, the [Page 61] coming of the World Teacher towards the middle or
close of this present century, and the other, the training of them to be of use
in the founding of the new sixth sub-race and in the
reconstruction of the present world conditions.
This being the
fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race, the pressure of the work on the five
rays of mind which are controlled by the Mahachohan, is very great. The Masters are carrying an over heavy
burden, and much of Their work of teaching disciples has been delegated to
initiates and advanced disciples, and certain of the Masters on the first and
second rays have temporarily taken over pupils in the Mahachohan's
(HIS 94) It has been emphasised
many times in the occult teachings that the process of initiation, as it is
usually understood, is an abnormal and not a normal one. All progression in the realm of consciousness
is naturally by a graded series of awakenings, but this would proceed much more
gradually and cover a longer period of time than is the case under our present
planetary conditions. This particular
mode of developing the consciousness of the human family was initiated by the
Hierarchy during the Atlantean root-race at the latter end of the fourth sub-race, and will persist until the middle of the next round. At that time the needed stimulus will have
been imparted, and as three-fifths of the human family will then have
esoterically "set their feet upon the path," and a large percentage
of them will then be in process of becoming the Path itself, the more normal
routine will again be resumed.
(HIS 181) Thirdly,
initiations in which a Heavenly Man may take either a minor or a major
initiation, thereby involving His entire nature. For instance, when individualisation took place during the Lemurian, or the third root race, and the human
family in this cycle definitely came into manifestation, it signified a major initiation for our Heavenly
(HIS 216) Atlantis.
The continent that was submerged in the Atlantic ocean,
according to the occult teaching and Plato. Atlantis was
the home of the Fourth Root Race, whom we now call the Atlanteans.
(HIS 220) Lemuria. A modern term first
used by some naturalists and now adopted by Theosophists to indicate a
continent [Page 220] that, according to the Secret Doctrine of the East,
preceded Atlantis. It was the home of the third root race.
(HIS 220) Lords
of the Flame. One of the great Hierarchies of
spiritual beings who guide the solar system. They took control of the evolution of
humanity upon this planet about 18 million years
ago, during the middle of the Lemurian, or third root race.
(HIS 224) Root Race. One of the seven races of man
which evolve upon a planet during the great cycle of planetary existence. This cycle is
called a world period. The Aryan
root race, to which the Hindu, European, and modern American races belong, is the fifth, the Chinese and Japanese
belonging to the fourth race.
(OM304) These are the
outstanding features that are descriptive of the one true fundamental School.
This fundamental school has three main
branches and a fourth that is in process of forming and which will
make the four branches of this fourth round. These branches are as follows:—
1. The trans-Himalayan Branch.
2. The southern
3. A Branch that works with the fourth
root-race and has two fourth root-race adepts at its head.
4. A Branch in process of forming that will have
its headquarters in the Occident at some place not yet
disclosed. It has for its main object the
instructing of those connected with the coming sixth root-race.
The southern Indian school has special work with the deva evolution, and with the second and third sub-races of the Aryan race.
The Himalayan school works with the first, fourth and fifth sub-races.
The fourth root-race branch works under the
Manu of that race and his brother of the Teaching Ray. Their headquarters are in
The fourth branch of the school will deal with the 6th and
7th sub-races of the fifth rootrace
It is not purposed as yet to have branches in Southern Africa or Southern America. Their day is not yet, but comes in the next cycle.
(LOS Introductory remarks) The Science of Raja Yoga, or the "Kingly Science of the Soul," as laid down by its main exponent, Patanjali, will eventually find its greatest demonstration in the West. This is owing to the fact that—under cyclic law—the fifth root race (in its fifth subrace) must inevitably touch its highest point. That point, in the economy of the races, is seen exemplified in the right use of the mind and its utilisation by the soul for the achievement of group objectives and the development of group consciousness upon the physical plane.
Under the law of evolution likewise, the mind, being the fifth
principle, the fifth root race must be
intimately concerned with it, and its corresponding fifth subrace more intimately
than any other.
Under the law of evolution likewise, the mind, being the fifth
principle, the fifth root race must be
intimately concerned with it, and its corresponding fifth subrace more
intimately than any other.
Students would do well to bear in mind the following correspondences:
1. The fifth root race Aryan.
2. The fifth subrace Anglo-Saxon.
3. The fifth principle manas, or mind.
4. The fifth plane the mental.
5. The fifth ray concrete knowledge.
In Atlantean
days, the progress of the sons of men was procured through the imposition
of two Yogas.
First, the Yoga which is called by the name of Laya
Yoga, the Yoga of the centres which produced a stabilizing of the etheric body and of the centres in man and the development
of the astral and psychic nature. Later
on, Bhakti Yoga, growing out of the development of
the emotional or astral body, was incorporated with Laya
Yoga and the foundation of that mysticism and devotion, which has been the
underlying incentive during our particular Aryan root race, was laid. The fourth
initiation was at that time the objective. [Page xi] The subject of these great
initiations has been discussed more at length in my previous volume,
"Initiation, Human and Solar."
Now, in the Aryan
race, the subjugation of the mental body and the control of the mind
is brought about through the practice of Raja Yoga, and the fifth
initiation, that of adept, is the goal for evolving humanity…
When these are studied, it will become apparent why the day of
opportunity has only just arrived. The
East has preserved rules for us since time immemorial. Here and there orientals (with a few Western adepts) have availed
themselves of those rules and have submitted to the discipline of this exacting
science. Thus has been preserved for the
race the continuity of the Secret Doctrine, of the Ageless Wisdom, and thus has
been gathered together the personnel of the Hierarchy of our planet. In the time of the Buddha and [Page xii]
through the stimulation He produced there was a great
gathering in of Arhats. These were men who had achieved liberation
through self-initiated effort. This
period, in our Aryan race, marked a climax for
the East. Since then the tide of
spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025. Towards this end the adepts of the East and
of the West are unitedly working, for they follow
always the Law.
(LOS 121) Karma Yoga has a
specific relation to physical plane activity, and to the working out into
objective manifestation of all the inner impulses. In its ancient and simplest form it was the
yoga of the third or Lemurian
root race and its two best known expressions are:
a. Hatha Yoga,
b. Laya Yoga.
(LOS 214) In the East there is a
science of postures and about eighty-four different positions, some of them
most intricate and painful, are listed.
This science is a branch of hatha yoga and is not to be followed by the fifth root-race; it is a remnant
of that yoga which was necessary and sufficient for the Lemurian
root-race man, who needed to learn physical control. Bhakti yoga, or the yoga of the devotee was the yoga of the Atlantean or fourth root-race man, plus a little hatha yoga. In this fifth rootrace, the Aryan, hatha yoga should fall into desuetude altogether where the
disciple is concerned, and he should occupy himself with Raja Yoga plus bhakti yoga—he should be a mental devotee.
(LOS 290) When these seven
points are borne in mind, it is interesting to note that the symbol of the
centre at the base of the spine, the muladhara
centre, is the elephant. It is the
symbol of strength, of concentrated power, of the great moving force, which
once aroused, carries all before it. It
is for our fifth root race, the symbol of the
most powerful and mighty of the animal kingdom. It is a picture of the transmutation or
sublimation of the animal nature, for at the base of the spine is the elephant
and in the head is the thousand petalled lotus hiding
Vishnu, seated in the centre. Thus is
the animal nature carried upward into heaven.
(TEV 120) The human mind is at
this stage (in time and space) unable to register any aspect of the Purpose;
all that we can do is to cooperate with the efforts of the Hierarchy to
activate those things and events which will make the manifestation of the
Purpose eventually possible. This purpose will constitute the ultimate revelation to the final root-race of men; it therefore lies a very long way ahead of our present point in evolution.
(TEV 185) Only in the final root-race of
men upon our planet will the essential central Triangle make its
appearance and function openly in the third planetary Centre, that of Humanity.
Men are not yet ready for this, but the areas of conscious creative activity,
out of which this triangle of functioning embodied energies will emerge, is
already in preparation.
(CF 144) All lesser spheres ranging downward from these major spheres, include all grades of manifestation down to the
elemental essence on the arc of involution. 64 We need to remember that on the Path
of Involution, the action of Brahma is primarily felt, seeking the line of
least resistance. On the Path of
Evolution the work of the second Logos is felt,
beginning at a point in time and space which hides the mystery of the second
chain, but finding its point of accelerated
vibration or the unification of the two modes of
manifestation—rotary-spiral-cyclic—in the middle part of what we call the third chain. This is after all the blending of the
activity of Brahma with the onward progress of Vishnu. We have the correspondence to this in the sumtotal of the effects brought about in the second and third root races.
(COA 135) We can look, too, for the development of the power to think abstractly, and for the awakening of the intuition. As the great races have succeeded one another upon the planet, there has ever been an ordered, directed unfoldment of the powers of the soul, and a definitely planned sequence. In the third root race, the Lemurian, the physical aspect of man was carried to a high stage of perfection. Later in the great race which preceded ours, the Atlantean, and which perished in the flood, the emotional nature of man was developed. Then in the race to which we belong, the Aryan or fifth race, the development of the [Page 135] concrete or lower mind is the goal, and this we are developing each decade. A few are also beginning to develop the power to think in abstract terms.