Question-did the jews/3rd ray
monads from the last solar system come to our 4th chain via the moon/3rd
I have begun with
some references on the Monads so as to provide a background
(CF 579) A hint
has been given us as to the approximate figures governing the Monads:
35 Thousand
million Monads of love
20 Thousand
million Monads of activity
5 Thousand million
Monads of power
making a total of sixty
thousand million human Monads. (CF 579) The Monads
of power, though in
manifestation, are as yet very rare in incarnation.
They came in, in large numbers, at the close of the moon chain, and will
come in again in full numerical strength in the last two
rounds of the present chain.
Perhaps the 1st
ray Egos would have come in on the 5th sub race of the 4th
root race
(CF 587) The
first Ray of Will or Power is the first aspect of the All-self, and in the
third outpouring,83 came [Page 587] down to the fifth plane, along with the other monads. A subtle correspondence exists between the monads
of Will on the fifth
plane, the fifth law, and the fifth Ray.
(EPII 101) symbolically the "Earth,
Saturn and Mars"
state of consciousness.
…….The units of
divine life and the atoms of electrical energy who pass through these three
planetary schemes are subject to them in order to acquire that psychic
sensitivity which would otherwise be impossible. Only those units of life who are coloured
predominantly by the third ray of activity pass for any length of time through these three
schemes. A hint is here conveyed as to the prevalence
of third ray Monads
among the sons of men. The ray of active
intelligence, expressing itself through the seven ray types, is above everything else the ray upon
which the majority of human monads will, particularly, at this time, be
found. We shall, therefore, find the
following psychological types colouring the bulk of our humanity, and the ray
of active intelligence expressing itself through
3rd Ray
Monads are the failures of the first Solar System in the same way that many 2nd
Ray Monads will be the failures of this Solar System in the middle of the 5th
(CF 578) ……few Monads of power or will on the atomic subplane, but their numbers are not many, and they simply
form a nucleus in evolutionary preparation for System III, the power system…….on the third
subplane can be found quite a number of the Monads
of activity, but
numerically not as many as the Monads of love.
They are the failures of System I.
(EPII 101) ……..A
hint is here conveyed as to the prevalence of third ray Monads among the
sons of men. The ray of active intelligence, expressing itself through the seven ray
types, is above everything else the ray upon which the majority
of human monads will,
particularly, at this time, be found.
(CF 1194) This may seem to be a great complexity, but
it is not so much stranger after all than the phenomenon of the Monad (in time
and space and during evolution) demonstrating forth as the Triad, the Ego and
the Personality. This type
of triple Avatar only
makes its appearance under a peculiar series of cycles concerned with a
group of Monads who were the most progressed and advanced at the opening of the
mahamanvantara. As yet, there
are not many progressed enough to do this triple work;
the Buddha and nine others being the only Ones as yet remaining in touch with our particular planet
in this particular manner. A few are as
Christ is, and have the power to make a dual appearance.
This type of monad is only found on Rays two, four, six.
(CF 498) highest
development of manas in this round during next 500
many thousands
will take the 5th initiation, this could mean as many as 100,000
(RI 648) It
must not be inferred
from the above that humanity, as a whole, will be taking the fifth
initiation, for such
is not the case. Many advanced souls (perhaps
amounting to many thousands) may and will take this initiation, but the masses of men everywhere,
constituting the sum total of the world disciple will eventually take either
the first or the second initiation. The
effect however of hierarchical happenings, in conjunction with Shamballa, will lead finally to the great stimulation of the
fifth Principle of manas, the intelligence principle
in man. A revelation which is not
perceived, which remains unrelated and unexpressed, is of no true service to
mankind, except from a purely subjective standpoint; nevertheless, through the
proposed stimulation, through the efforts of those who have taken or who
will take the fifth initiation, and through the new direction of first ray energy from Shamballa, the mental plane will receive such an inflow of
energy that the thinking principle, the reasoning factor within
humanity, will reach new heights. Thus will the
"light stream forth into the minds of men," and the first stanza of
the Invocation prove that it can and does receive an answer to its invocative
(CF 365) One
point here needs emphasis: all
Monads pass at
different times under the influence of the different planetary Logoi,
and all are found at some time in each scheme.
This does not mean that every human unit passes a period of incarnation
in each scheme. It means that on some one globe in every
scheme, human units will be found either prior to physical incarnation, between
different egoic cycles (a totally different thing to periods
between physical lives), between different rounds or manvantaras, or between the various root-races and subraces. (CF 365) As
stated in various occult books, many of the present advanced humanity individualised
on the moon chain, and
only took physical bodies in the earth chain during the fourth root-race, thus escaping incarnation during the first
three rounds, and the first
two races (which
means they came in from the 3rd chain in the 3rd root
race of the fourth round) of the fourth round. In the interim, they came under the planetary
influence of another Logos of a scheme, and were occupied during that immense
period of time in fanning the manasic flame, and
developing [Page 365] the attributes of manas, so
that the Atlantean root-race found them adequately
equipped to cope with life conditions.
(CF 365) This
participation in the life and influence of the different schemes is effected in
four different ways:
First, through
passing the interim between egoic cycles
of physical incarnation
on the particular globe of their scheme, which numerically coincides with the
particular other scheme whose influence is desired, either from deliberate
choice or karmically necessitated. Each globe in a chain is occultly
linked with the chain of its own number, and with the scheme of a similar
number. For instance: Globe 2, Chain 2, and scheme 2 during round 2
are specially linked and vitalised, and are the focal point of peculiar
attention on the part of the Logos of that scheme. Similarly (again in illustration) globe 2,
chain 2 during round 2 in any scheme such as the fifth, for instance, are
aligned or connected esoterically with the second scheme.
This gives opportunity for the units in the body of any Logos to come under
the influence of another Logos, and within his vibratory radiation.
Second, through a
direct transference of the units in incarnation in any scheme (during an interlude) to some globe in another
scheme where they are
subjected to the stimulation and vibration peculiar to that scheme. These two methods are the most usual. This transference will seem mysteriously
impossible unless the student is careful to realise that it is the transference
of the individualised lives and not the transference of the forms which they
occupy. The whole matter is psychic, and
based on the unity of the anima mundi. It is only possible at those periods when
two Heavenly Men are
mutually finding each other—under the Law of Attraction—and thus swinging into
the magnetic radius of each other.
Third, through a
conscious passage of the initiate, [Page 366] through initiation, from one
scheme to another. This is frequently
done, and hints of it have been given by different writers and thinkers, though
several have confused the globes of their own chain with the scheme of the same
number, or have mistaken another chain within the scheme for another scheme.
(CF 371) Third,
the statement that the great Kumara or the One Initiator came to this planet
from Venus is true in so far as it embodies the fact that He came to this dense
planet (the fourth) in the fourth chain from that chain in our scheme which is
called the "Venus" chain, and which is the second chain. He came via the second globe in our chain; His scarcely felt vibration was sensed (occultly) in the second round, but only in the third
root-race of the fourth round did conditions permit of His physical incarnation and of His coming
as the Avatar. Very reverently might it be said that the
first three rounds and the two succeeding root-races in this chain correspond
to the period prior to birth; and that His coming in the fourth round with the
subsequent awakening of manas in the human units find
their analogy in the awakening of the life principle in the unborn infant at
the fourth month.
(EPI 318) The fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict
leads from the period of that terrific balancing of forces in Atlantis (the
[Page 318] fourth race) to the sanctified and free devotion of one-pointedness in the next or sixth race, with two lines of
energy consummating in it. It
marks the point of achievement of the Monads of Love, Who arrive at the expression of Love-Wisdom. The final race marks the point
of achievement for the Monads of Will, just as the present Aryan race marks,
and will mark, the achievement of the Monads of Intelligence. This warrants thought. It is a relative achievement, for this is the
fourth round, but there is necessarily a "highwater mark," if I might so
call it, for each round.
(CF 176) in this astral-buddhic solar system, wherein love and wisdom are being brought into
objectivity, the bulk of the monads are on the love-wisdom
the third Initiation all human beings find themselves on their monadic ray, on one of the three major rays
(CF 579) The Monads of power, though in manifestation, are as yet very
rare in incarnation. They came in, in large numbers, at the close of the moon
chain, and will come
in again in full numerical strength in the last two rounds of the
present chain.
(EPI 27) As to the
first ray egos, there are no pure first ray types on
the planet. All so-called [Page 27] first ray egos are on
the first subray of the second
ray, which is in
incarnation. A pure first ray ego in
incarnation at this time would be a disaster.
There is not sufficient intelligence and love in the world to balance
the dynamic will of an ego on the ray of the destroyer.
(CF 1161) This Path is one of the great distributing
paths of the system, and is trodden by the adept who has a clear understanding
of the laws of vibration. It leads to the next cosmic
plane with great facility and is therefore called "the outer door of
entry." As we know, the seven Rays
which manifest throughout our solar system, are but the seven subrays of one great ray, that of Love-Wisdom. This ray Path is the one upon
which the majority of the "Masters of the Wisdom" pass. In
the same way many of the "Lords of Compassion" pass on to Path
IV. Five-eighths of the former
pass on to this path
just as four-fifths of the adepts of suffering pass on to Path IV. In considering these numbers it must be borne
in mind that the figures are of very great magnitude. One-fifth of the Compassionate Lords is a vast number, whilst three-eighths
is a stupendous number of monads. We must
remember in this connection also that we are only dealing with the adepts
of the fifth Initiation,
and are not taking into consideration initiates of lower degrees nor disciples
of many grades. It is useless for
average man to ponder upon these figures.
They are too difficult to compute and involve calculations most abstruse
and intricate. This can be demonstrated
by pointing out that from these figures must be subtracted that two-fifths
which (in the next round) pass before the Judgment Throne and are
rejected. Out of the remaining
three-fifths only a
percentage which may not be revealed reach final adeptship,
though all pass upon the Path. The five-eighths above referred to and the four-fifths have reference only to the two great
groups of asekha
In order of
Egos from moon
Chain came in middle 4th root race(CF 1092)
Egos from Lemuria individualised 3rd root race of 4th
Essentially there
were two groups of Egos who came in from the moon chain,
(EPII 201) III. The Five Groups of Souls
We now begin our
study of the five groups of souls. For purposes
of classification and comparison, we shall divide our earth humanity into the
following groups:
1. Lemurian Egos our
true Earth Humanity. (75% 3rd Ray & 25% 1st & 2nd
2. Egos which came in on
Atlantis. (80% 1st Ray & 20% 2nd
Ray Egos)
3. Moon chain Egos from the moon. (75% 2nd Ray &
25% 3rd Ray few 1st Ray)
4. Egos from other
5. Rare and
advanced Egos awaiting incarnation.
(EPII 211) The three major types are, as is well known,
those of will or power, of love-wisdom and of active intelligence. The following facts must, therefore, be
1. That egos
of all types individualised upon the moon chain, but that the egos of active intelligence constituted
75% of the total, the
remaining 25% being divided between the other two.
2. That in Lemurian times, the egos of love-wisdom
preponderated, and in
their turn constituted 75%, with the remaining 25% being the egos of
active intelligence. Very few indeed, practically a negligible
number, individualised along the line of power or will at that time.
3. There was a
very large influx of individualising egos in early Atlantean days and they were practically all of the power-will type. It
might be stated that 80% of those who entered human evolution at that time were egos who were expressing
the will aspect of deity, and that the remaining 20% were along the line of love-wisdom.
These all, with
the egos which individualised upon the moon chain and which came in steadily, as the
planetary conditions fitted them, until the final stages of the Atlantean period, [Page 212] constitute the bulk
of our modern humanity,
plus some rare egos which drift into our planetary evolution for some reason
or other, and never become properly
adapted to or fitted into our planetary life.
They persistently remain abnormalities.
(EPI 64) This ray Lord is not yet in full expression, except as He causes destruction and
brings cycles to an end. The Monads
of power are much fewer in number than any others.
Egos upon the power ray are relatively not so few.
They are characterised by a dynamic will, and their power within the
human family works out as the force of destruction……Form does not count with
first ray types their
energy produces death to form
(CF 700) In considering the Entities33 who gave the manasic principle to man, we must remember that they are
the beings who, in earlier manvantaras
have achieved, and
who—in this round—waited for a specific moment at [Page 700] which to enter,
and so continue their work. A parallel
case can be seen at the entry—in Atlantean
days—of Egos from the moon-chain. The parallel
is not exact, as a peculiar condition prevailed on the moon, and a peculiar
karmic purpose brought them all in at that time.
these 1st
ray Egos would be from the moon chain who came in during the middle Atlantean period
(DON 5) Those
energies which are — at any given time — expressing the ray type of the bulk of
the manifesting humanity. Today these ray
types are predominantly the second and the third.
Relatively large numbers of first ray egos are also to be found acting as focal
points for certain first ray forces.
(DON 6) The energy of the second ray, which is always
basically [Page 6] present in our solar system, that of love-wisdom, to which many of the egos now in
incarnation belong and
will increasingly belong. The next
one hundred and fifty years will see them coming into incarnation. The
reason is that it is to this type of human being that the work of
reconstruction, and of re-building is naturally committed.
Moon chain Egos
are not susceptible to homosexuality
(EH 63) It might be pointed out here that
homosexuality is of three kinds:
1. That which is
the result of ancient evil habits.
This is the major cause today and indicates:
a. Individualisation
upon this planet; for
those who individualised upon the moon chain are not susceptible to these dangerous
b. A relatively
advanced stage upon the evolutionary path which was achieved by the Lemurian egos who succumbed to this desire-satisfaction.
c. A consequent
study of sex magic, plus a constant insatiable physical and sexual urge.
Those Egos who
individualised on the Moon chain are the advanced members of the 4th
Creative Hierarchy
(CF 379) The Earth
Chain and the Incarnating
…….our Earth chain
within the Earth scheme, and see something of the origin of the manasic principle in the present group of
incarnating egos, units of the fourth Creative Hierarchy. It
is necessary here for students to remember that only one group in the
fourth Hierarchy was affected by the coming in of manas
in the third root-race,
and that therefore in incarnation on the planet at this time are component
parts of the two groups: one group,
which received the manasic stimulation during
this world period, and
another group which received the stimulation during the previous chain.
The last named group can be seen incarnating in all those who tread the Probationary
Path, who are counted
as the advanced units of the race, and considered as the notables among
men. Owing to the difference
between the two groups
may be traced much of the world unrest.
This difference lies in the following [Page 380] factors, which, for
purposes of clarity, it might be well to enumerate:
The fact that each
group forms a different centre in the body of a Heavenly
Under which logos
were these Atlantean moon chain people under
(CF 365) As stated
in various occult books, many of the present advanced humanity individualised
on the moon chain, and
only took physical bodies in the earth chain during the fourth root-race, thus escaping incarnation during the
first three rounds, and the first two races of the fourth round. In the interim, they came under the planetary
influence of another Logos of a scheme, and were occupied during that immense
period of time in fanning the manasic flame, and
developing [Page 365] the attributes of manas, so
that the Atlantean root-race found them adequately
equipped to cope with life conditions.
(EPII 209) In connection with individualisation the
following points should be remembered:—
1. Individualisation
upon the moon chain took place in the fifth race of the third
2. In Lemurian days, individualisation took place because it
was the third root race and the fourth round.
3. In Atlantis,
the door of initiation
opened, and forced initiation became the objective of the best of the human
family. Those who could or can thus
become initiate are the "lights which ever radiate." In Lemurian days it
was the "lights which ever burn" that came into being.
4. In our race we
find the "lights which ever shine."
This is the individualisation of the sixth race types who came in the second
In order of
Egos from the moon
chain individualised 5th race of 3rd round
Egos from moon
Chain came in middle 4th root race(CF 1092)
Egos from Lemuria individualised 3rd root race of 4th
It is well to
remember that the soul who came into incarnation in old
Atlantis individualised
upon that chain which is called the moon chain. This was a
period of unfoldment so much earlier than that of our
earth that we know nothing about it.
These egos, therefore, did not individualise on our [Page 210] earth at all but came into our cycle of
evolution as human beings,—of a low order as far as the lowest of our present
humanity is concerned, but somewhat higher than the egos which individualised upon
ancient Lemuria.
These Atlantean Egos(80% 1st ray and 20% 2nd
ray) individualised on the moon chain and came in later than the other group of
moon chain Egos (75% 3rd ray and 25% 1st & 2nd)
(CF 1092) Many
Monads who achieved self-consciousness in the moon chain only entered into
renewed activity in the middle of the fourth root race; others, who have
individualised on this earth, will not succeed in reaching their goal upon this
There is here a correspondence to systemic evolution, and there is an
analogy between the Monads who
refused to [Page 1093] incarnate and the Egos who were unable to take bodies in the Lemurian
or third root race.
The Christ was the
first of the Lemurian Egos to attain
It might be of
interest here to note that Christ was the first of our earth humanity
to achieve the goal,
whereas the Buddha was the last of the moon chain humanity to do so.
As far as the development of these two sons of God was concerned, so
rapid was the development of the Christ that in Atlantean
days He found Himself
upon the Path of Probation as did also the Buddha. He, coming into incarnation from the moon
chain (having been held in what the occult teaching calls "pralaya" till that time), entered upon the probationary
Path a very short time ahead of His Brother, the Christ.
From the angle of evolution the rapid unfoldment
of the evolution of Christ was, and has been, totally unparallelled. It has never been duplicated, though there
are people living today upon the planet who are beginning to develop now with
equal rapidity (but not earlier, so that they have a background of slow
individual development, which is only now being accelerated). This rapidity is, however, a different matter
altogether, for many of the disciples today came into this earth evolution from
the moon chain where already much had been unfolded. They have not worked up to their present
point from Lemurian times as the Christ has done. He, therefore, stands uniquely alone.
……..All that can
be said is that the three major monadic types came into being, either from the moon
chain or during the Lemurian stage of individualisation, and that these three
determine much that is transpiring today……..
(EPII 214) The interest of this, psychologically
speaking, does not lie in the historicity of the facts stated, but in the
appearance upon earth today of the higher types at present found amongst men
everywhere. Egos of will are
relatively and naturally few; egos of love are becoming more frequent in appearance; intelligent egos are
widely distributed. There is a balance now being established
between the egos of love and of intelligence……
(EPI 402) 7. The
Ray of the Ego
In starting our
study of the ray of the Ego or Soul, certain major premises might be briefly stated and
incorporated into a series of propositions, fourteen in number. They are as follows:
1. The egos of all
human beings are to be found upon one or another of the seven rays.
[Page 402]
2. All egos found
upon the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh rays must eventually, after
the third initiation,
blend with the three major rays, or monadic rays.
3. The monadic
ray of every ego is one of the three rays of aspect, and the sons of men are either monads of
power, monads of love, or monads of intelligence.
4. For our
specific purposes, we shall confine our attention to the seven groups of souls
found upon one or other of the seven rays or streams of divine energy.
The Buddhas of activity/spirits before the throne are concerned
with the passing of Egos from other Schemes into this one
(HIS 39) 3. Their work is therefore concerned, not
only with force distribution, but with the passing into our
scheme from other planetary schemes, of Egos seeking earth experience…….and according to the turning
of the planetary wheel
of life, so one or another of these Kumaras
will be active. The three Buddhas
of Activity change from time to time, and become in turn exoteric or
esoteric as the case
may be. Only the King persists steadily
and watchfully in active physical incarnation.
(CF 800) The life influence of the desire or astral
body, the strongest karmic agency which has to be considered. [Page 800] In the
human atom, this involves the influence of the three centres in the body
of the Heavenly Man which form any specific "force triangle," and which have much to do with the liberation
of groups of Egos from manifestation.
By judgement in
middle of 5th round the3/5th saved will go to the schemes
of synthesis
In the three great
planetary schemes, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn, the method of initiation will not be
employed. They will be the recipients of
those who are esoterically "saved" from among the other schemes. That is to say that all those who, in any
scheme, achieve the needed expansions of consciousness (such as will be achieved
by the majority of the
human family prior to the middle of the next great cycle, or round), will be considered "saved,"
whilst the remainder will be held to be failures, and will be held over for
further development during later periods, or will be transferred
to those planetary schemes which from the point of view of time are not so far advanced as our
Earth scheme. These three major schemes
are the absorbers and synthesisers of the energy of the others.
(CF 899) The Neptunian
scheme governs one
of the three paths of return, and gathers to itself eventually all those Egos (6th ray souls) who attain primarily through the
manipulation of the sixth type of energy usually called devotion……
….Neptune is one of the major or synthesising planets, that it is an "absorbing" or
"abstracting" planet, and that it is connected with the process
whereby eventual perfection is demonstrated.
The Son is made perfect, and the cosmic incarnation is brought to a close.
Perfected Egos/Monads
are transferred first to the scheme which is polar opposite to ours (Venus) and
then to the synthesizing scheme-3rd ray Monads would go to Saturn, 2nd
Ray Monads to
(CF 778) …….But nothing practically has been imparted
anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme
and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising
schemes, passing first
to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising
scheme. They are numerically more than those who
remain within the Earth scheme.
Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are
attracted, it marks
and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths.
(EA 24) 3. The quality of the Earth's complementary
planet, which is the Earth's polar opposite, esoterically considered. This planet
is Venus.
(HIS 122) He not only is brought to a full recognition
of the purposes and plans for all the evolutions upon his own planetary scheme,
the earth, but also there swings into the radius of his apprehension that
planetary scheme which is our earth's complement or polar opposite. He
realises the inter-relation existing between the two schemes and the vast dual
purpose is revealed to him.
each logos
embodies one type of cosmic energy which permeates his
seven chakras in
seven differentiations(7 Monadic types) of the main energy. Each of these seven
manifest through egoic groups of Egos.
(CF 769) The egoic lotuses
can be seen grouped together, and each of them forms part of a group.
These groups in their turn form part of a vaster lotus which embodies
the consciousness of a still greater Entity whose "jewel" may be found on the second
subplane. All these in
their turn may be divided into seven fundamental groups. These seven groups or aggregates of egoic lotuses form the seven types of consciousness of
those Entities Who are the seven centres of force for our own
planetary Logos. These
seven in their turn will be synthesised on higher levels into the three
higher centres, till
the entire energy and force which they represent is gathered up, and absorbed
by the centre corresponding to the highest head centre of the planetary Logos. Each Logos embodies one type of cosmic
energy. Each of His centres embodies this type of energy in one of its
seven differentiations. Each of these
seven in turn manifests through egoic
groups, and these
again are composed of those points of energy we call Egos.
These multitudes
of egoic
groups form a radiant
interlocking whole, though all are diverse and differing, both as to their
point of development, and their secondary colouring. Just as the petals in the egoic
lotus of the incarnating jivas unfold in differing
order and at different periods, so the egoic groups
also unfold diversely as to time and sequence.
This produces a wonderful appearance.
Again just as the Master can (by [Page 770] studying the group
or larger lotus of which He is a part), ascertain the condition of the human units who go
to its constitution, so the planetary Logos can ascertain through conscious
identification (note the term) the condition of the various groups through whom
His work must be accomplished.
(CF 770) As identification of a man with his group
becomes matured the desire impulse becomes modified until it is eventually
superseded by group will. If these facts
are pondered upon it will be apparent that Egos come into incarnation therefore not singly but according
to group urge, and
thus collectively…..
This egoic impulse in any group or any group unit makes
itself felt as a pulsation, or access of energy, emanating from the central
point. This central activity is produced
by the action of the planetary Logos working through the groups
in His centres, and
according to the [Page 771] centre under stimulation so
will the groups concerned be affected……
The Buddhas of activity/spirits before the throne are concerned
with the passing of Egos from other Schemes into this one
(HIS 39) 3. Their work is therefore concerned, not
only with force distribution, but with the passing into our
scheme from other planetary schemes, of Egos seeking earth experience.
4. Each of Them is
in direct communication with one or another of the sacred planets.
The planetary
wheel determines which kumaras are active/exoteric or
inactive/esoteric and the transference of Egos from Scheme to Scheme
5. According to
astrological conditions, and according to the turning of the planetary
wheel of life, so one
or another of these Kumaras will be active.
The three Buddhas of Activity change from time
to time, and become in turn exoteric or esoteric as the case may be. Only the King persists steadily and
watchfully in active physical incarnation.
(HIS 41) Co-operating with these karmic Lords are the
large groups of initiates and devas who occupy
themselves with the right adjustment of:—
a. World karma,
b. Racial karma,
c. National karma,
d. Group karma,
e. Individual
and who are
responsible to the Planetary Logos for the correct manipulation of those forces
and building agencies which bring in the right Egos on the different
rays at the correct
times and seasons.
With all these groups
we have little concern, for they are contacted only by initiates
of the third initiation, and
by those of even more exalted rank.
(HIS 168) Groups of Egos are formed:—
1. According to
their ray.
2. According to
their sub-ray.
3. According to
their rate of vibration.
They are also
grouped for purposes of classification:
1. As Egos,
according to the egoic ray.
2. As
personalities, according to the sub-ray which
is governing the
All are graded and
charted. The Masters have Their Halls of
Records, with a system of tabulation incomprehensible to us owing to its
magnitude and its necessary intricacies, wherein these charts are kept. They are under [Page 69] the care of a Chohan of a Ray, each ray having its own collection of
charts. These charts, being in many
sections (dealing with incarnate, discarnate, and perfected
Egos), are again all
under the care of subordinate guardians.
The Lipika Lords, with Their vast band of
helpers are the most frequent users of these charts.
Many discarnate egos awaiting incarnation or having just left the earth, sacrifice
their time in heaven to assist in this work.
These Halls of Records are mostly on the lowest levels of the mental
plane and the highest of the astral, as they can be there most fully utilised
and are most easily accessible.
(HIS 95) The seasons of initiation. The Egos in incarnation on any planet will—according to ray type—be easily
stimulated or not as the case may be, according to astrological conditions, and
this will produce shorter or more protracted periods of development prior
to or between each initiation.
(HIS 96) The three
planetary schemes
wherein the great experiment of initiation is being tried are the Earth, Venus,
and one other……in the next round, our Earth attains a point in evolution
analogous to that of the Venusian scheme at the time
its influence was felt by us, then we shall aid in the stimulation
of still another group of planetary Egos; we shall assist in the institution of a similar
procedure among the sons of men in another scheme.
At the 3rd
initiation the purpose of the soul ray is revealed
(HIS 121) At the
third initiation there is revealed to the initiate the purpose
of the subray of the ray to which he belongs, that upon which his Ego finds
itself. All egoic
units are upon some subray of the monadic ray.
This knowledge is conferred upon the initiate so as to enable him
eventually to find for himself (along the line of least resistance) the ray of
his Monad. This subray
bears upon its stream of energy many groups of Egos, and the initiate is therefore made aware
not only of his egoic group and its intelligent
purpose, but of many other groups, similarly composed. Their united energy is working towards a
clearly defined goal.
At certain stage will
evaluate before incarnation which note and personality ray needs development
The Higher self on
its own plane, is not trammeled by time and space,
and (knowing the future as well as that which is past) seeks to bring the
desired end nearer and make it more rapidly a fact.
[Page 34]
The Higher Self or
Ego on its own plane has direct relationship with other egos on the
same ray, and on a corresponding
concrete or abstract ray,
and—realising that progress is made in group formation—works on that plane at
the helping of his kind. These facts are
already half apprehended among students but by a slight elaboration I may make
it clearer.
All the Monads are, as you know, under the control, or rather form
part, of the consciousness of one of the Planetary Spirits. On egoic levels, the egos are in a similar condition. An Adept of their ray supervises their
general evolution, dealing with them in groups.
These groups are formed under three conditions:
a—As to sub-ray of
the egoic ray.
b—As to period of
individualisation or of entrance into the human kingdom.
c—As to point of
The Adept of their
ray handles the general supervision but under Him work the Masters each on His
own ray, and with Their own individual groups, who are affiliated with Them
through period, through karma and [Page 35] through point of vibration. Under the Masters work the disciples who have the consciousness of the Higher
Self, and are therefore able to work on causal levels and aid in the development
of those egos whose
causal bodies are less developed than their own.
Certain things
need to be remembered:—
The factor of
periodicity. Egos that are in
incarnation, and egos that are out of incarnation are differentiated and capable of
different work. Egos
whose reflections are in incarnation are more limited than those who are not. It is almost as if the Higher
Self were directed downwards, or willingly circumscribing itself to three-dimensioned existence,
whereas the egos out of incarnation are not so limited but work in another direction or
dimension. The difference lies in the
focusing of attention, during physical plane life. The matter is hard for you to grasp, is it
not so? I scarcely know how to express
the difference more clearly. It is
perhaps as if the incarnating egos were more positive, and the non-incarnating egos more
The factor of
activity. This is largely a matter of
ray, and affects closely the relationship between egos. Those on similar rays coalesce and vibrate
more readily to each other than those on different rays, and it is only as the
second or wisdom aspect is developed that synthesis becomes possible.
On the third subplane of the mental plane egos are separated into
groups—individual separation exists not, but group separation can be felt,
incidental to ray and point in evolution.
On the second subplane the groups become merged and blend, and from their
forty-nine groups are formed (by merging) forty-two. The process of synthesis might be tabulated
as follows:
(1st subplane 35 groups, 7 x 5
Mental plane (2nd subplane 42 groups, 7 x 6
(3rd subplane 49 groups, 7 x 7
[Page 39]
(3rd subplane 28 groups, 7 x 4
Buddhic plane (1st
subplane 21
groups, 7 x 3
Atmic plane Atomic
subplane 14
groups, 7 x 2
Monadic plane 7 great groups
Meditation must
therefore be given which is in line with the group to which the Ego is
assigned, for as each man meditates he contacts not only his own Ego
but also his egoic group, and through that group the Master to Whom
he is consequently linked, though the efficacy of a meditation depends upon the
work being done in an occult manner and under law.
(LOS 299) Vyasa notes that
the mind world is peopled by six groups of Gods (the six groups of egos and their six
rays, the six subrays of the one
synthetic ray, which
is apparently inferred).
(DON 30) 2. The seventh ray is steadily gaining
momentum and has for a long time been stimulating and enhancing the activity of
all fifth ray nations. If you bear in
mind that one of the major objectives of seventh ray energy is to bring [Page
30] together and to relate spirit and matter and also substance and form (note
this distinction) you can see for yourself that the work of science is closely
connected with this endeavour and that the creation of the new forms will definitely
be the result of a working interaction between the rulers of the fifth, the
second and the seventh rays, aided by the help — on demand — of the ruler of
the first ray. A
large number of seventh ray egos or souls and also of men and women with seventh
ray personalities are
coming into incarnation now, and to them is committed the task of organising
the activities of the new era and of ending the old methods of life and the old
crystallised attitudes to life, to death, to leisure and to the population.
3. The result of
the increasing flow of seventh ray energy plus the decreasing influence of the
sixth ray — which shows itself as a pronounced crystallisation of the
standardised and accepted forms of belief, religious, social and philosophic —
is to throw the millions of people who do not respond to either
of the above influences through egoic or personality
relation, into a state
of bewilderment. They
feel entirely lost,
are gripped by the idea that life holds for them no desirable future, all that
they have learnt to cherish and to hold dear is rapidly failing.
(DON 31) 2. The
activity of human beings themselves, working on all the different rays but in
any given time and in any particular period conditioned by:
a. The preponderance
of egos to be found on
any particular ray. There are a very
large number of second ray egos in incarnation today and their work and their lives will
facilitate the coming Great Approach.
b. The nature and
the quality of the predominating personality rays of the
majority. At this time there are a vast
number of souls in incarnation whose personality rays are either the sixth or
the third. They condition the coming civilisation
outstandingly including all educational and financial enterprises, just as the influence of those who have
soul contact and can express soul quality condition and determine the current
(GAWP 222) Third ray people are as susceptible to it as are those of the sixth ray and
their devious, twisting, planning minds and the rapidity with which they can
deceive themselves (and seek often to deceive others) greatly hinders their
work of clearing away glamour. Their pronounced tendency to be the victims of
glamour is evidenced by the inability of the third ray aspirant and
disciple to convey his meaning clearly by speech. He has guarded himself for many lives by devious
formulations of thought
and of ideas and can seldom convey his meaning clearly. This is why sixth ray people and third
ray people almost
inevitably prove themselves unable to teach. Both these groups must, therefore, learn
to use this formula and they would greatly hasten the process of dissipation if
they would force themselves to speak or write their thoughts clearly, if they would never be ambiguous or deal
in half thoughts, innuendo or suggestion. They should clearly enunciate the ideas with which
they may be dealing.
(DON 117) Changes in the type of egos
or souls which will take incarnation during any particular ray period. By this I mean that just as during the age which is now
coming to an end, the bulk of the incarnating souls were
predominantly sixth ray in quality, so we can look for an increasing number of
seventh ray egos now
to appear. The furtherance of the coming
seventh ray civilisation of synthesis, fusion, and of increased soul
expression, and the development of the new stage into which the white magic of
the Hierarchy is entering is, therefore, inevitable and for this stage there
should be definite preparation and training.
(DINAI 136) In dealing with first ray egos,
such as yourself or
with those souls who are working through first ray personalities, I am faced always with the initial
difficulty of their "isolated independence." It is not easy for such
first ray types to cooperate, to fall into line with group suggestion, with
group rhythm or group discipline, or with united synchronised activity which is
the announced goal of all groups of disciples. Frequently the inner attitude is
at one with the main purpose and ideals but the outer expression, the physical man,
remains unadaptable and basically unwilling to
(DINAI 633) The expression or term, Hierarchy, is only a
word applied to the transfigured personality aspect of all these egoic groups of liberated egos
or souls which
function on the higher levels of the mental plane, and from there seek to aid
the sons of men. Your contact with the Hierarchy is, therefore, on mental
(DINAII 445) The expression of this higher aspect of the
will, in relation to the three rays of aspect on which all initiates are
eventually to be found, is likewise threefold:
1. There is the dynamic
will, as it is expressed by first ray egos.
2. There is the
inclusive radiatory will of second ray souls. This is
the kind of will-expression and recognised life purpose with which you must
learn to put yourself in direct contact.
3. There is the
magnetic will of the third ray ego which draws, attracts, manipulates and
arranges in accordance with divine purpose. This is not the same kind of
magnetism as that of love.
(DINAII 685) In this connection and in order to enlarge
your perspective, I would add that Christian Science is a fifth ray expression
of thought and was one of the effects of the incoming fifth ray life. A very large
number of Christian Scientists are either fifth or sixth ray egos, for this particular school of thought was
one of the means whereby the fanatical emotional idealism (engendered by the
potency of the sixth ray influence dominant for so many centuries) could be
offset, and the mental grasp of truth and of life carefully fostered. Under its
influence, the stage was set on which many mystics could begin
to organise their mental bodies and discover that they had minds which could be used,
and thus be prepared for the occult way.
(EINA 139) The child will come into incarnation with its
light body already embedded and functioning in the physical body and this will
be due to the intelligent mental work of the parents. This is not so today, except in the case of very
advanced egos, for the
light body is inchoate and diffused and simply hovers over the physical form of
the child, waiting [Page 140] for an opportunity to enter and irradiate the
(EOH 514) …….the same egos incarnate that
were present in the days of old in
The Egoic groups form the chakras of the Heavenly men in the
seven Chains
(CF 206) In the Heavenly Man and His body, a chain of
globes87 likewise can be seen and we need here to remember [Page 206] very
carefully that the seven chains of a scheme are the expression of a planetary
Logos. The Heavenly Men are expressing
Themselves through a scheme of seven chains and the emphasis has been laid unduly,
perhaps, upon the dense physical planet in any particular chain. This has caused the fact of the chain
importance to be somewhat overlooked. Each of the
seven chains might be looked upon as picturing the seven centres of one of
the Heavenly Men. The idea of groups of Egos forming
centres in the
Heavenly Men is nevertheless correct, but in this connection the reference is
to the centres of force on buddhic
and monadic levels.
Those Egos who
individualised on the Moon chain are the advanced members of the 4th
Creative Hierarchy
(CF 379) The Earth
Chain and the Incarnating
We have reached,
therefore, a point wherein (having cursorily dealt above with the origin of
cosmic, systemic, and planetary manas), it is now
possible for us to come definitely down to the consideration of our Earth chain
within the Earth scheme, and see something of the origin of the manasic principle in the present group of
incarnating egos, units of the fourth Creative Hierarchy. It
is necessary here for students to remember that only one group in the
fourth Hierarchy was affected by the coming in of manas
in the third root-race,
and that therefore in incarnation on the planet at this time are component
parts of the two groups: one group,
which received the manasic stimulation during
this world period, and
another group which received the stimulation during the previous chain.
The last named group can be seen incarnating in all those who tread the
Probationary Path, who are counted as the advanced units of the race, and
considered as the notables among men.
Owing to the difference between the two groups may be traced much of the
world unrest. This difference lies in
the following [Page 380] factors, which, for purposes of clarity, it might be
well to enumerate:
The fact that each
group forms a different centre in the body of a Heavenly
The difference in
the method of individualisation.
The different rate
of vibration of the two centres.
The fact,
therefore, that in each chain the planetary Logos takes a
different initiation,
affecting different centres; and so bringing into manifestation different
lesser entities.
(CF 390) They depict only one cycle in logoic evolution, and cover only the present greater
period in the working
out of which we are engaged. They might
be roughly described as embracing that period in the system which began for us
in the middle of the third root-race of this round and continues until the period called
"the Judgment" [Page 390] in the coming fifth round. When that time comes our planetary Logos will
have attained the initiation which is His present goal; the fifth round of the Venusian scheme will be closing, and the Venus
scheme will begin to
pass into obscuration, preparatory to transferring her life to
the synthesising planet
(Neptune-Z)with which she is connected; Mercury will be reaching the apotheosis of
achievement, and with Mars and the Earth, will form a systemic triangle. We
are speaking here of schemes and not of chains.
We must recognise
another triangle within the Earth scheme, of the chains called "the Earth
chain," the Venus chain, and the Mercurian
chain, but this
triangle entirely concerns the centres of the planetary Logos of our
scheme. A systemic formation of great importance in
the next round should be pointed out which will bring three schemes:
The Earth scheme,
into such a
position in relation to each other that the following results will eventuate:
1. A systemic
triangle will be formed.
2. Logoic kundalini will circulate
freely between these three points.
3. A certain great
logoic centre will be vitalised and the attention of logoic kundalini will pass from
the present triangle in process of forming (the Earth, Venus, and a scheme whose name it is advisable
to withhold) to the other.
4. An entirely new
group of human beings will sweep into incarnation in our Earth scheme.
Three fifths of the present humanity, being on the Probationary Path, or
the Path of Initiation, at that time, will have their centre of consciousness
definitely on the mental plane [Page 391] whilst two fifths will remain
focussed on the astral. These two fifths
will pass into temporary pralaya, preparatory to
their transference to another scheme, as the Earth scheme will no longer
provide for them an adequate place of nurture.
5. Entities will
come in from Mars to the Earth scheme, and will there find their necessary field
of endeavour.
6. Mercurian life will begin to synthesise, and to be
transferred to its synthesising planet.
In the case of Mercury this synthesising planet is not
Saturn, (Uranus-Z) but
one of the other two higher major centres.
7. The
"Judgment Day" in the fifth round, or the point of attainment of our
Heavenly Man, will see a period of planetary strife on mental Ievels which will cause the present world unrest to seem as nothing. As pointed out earlier, this present struggle
has been to test the ability of the entities within the present human forms to
appreciate their mental forces, and through the power of MIND to transcend
feeling, or pain. The struggle
in the fifth round will be between higher and lower mind, and the battle ground will be the causal
body.38 The [Page 392] struggle now
being waged on the planet is between a few Egos (or the leaders of the many races who are necessarily
in place and position owing to their egoic
polarisation) and many
personalities, who are
swept into the vortex through group association; it is necessarily terrific,
and forces the destruction of the form.
The struggle in the fifth round, being on mental levels, will be
between Egos and egoic groups, each working
consciously, and with
intellectual application, to bring about certain group results. It
will result in the triumph (the ultimate triumph) of Spirit over matter, in the
driving out of certain groups as yet unable to shake themselves free from
the trammels of matter, and who prefer captivity to the life of the Spirit; it
will mark the beginning of the obscuration of our scheme, and the gradual
passing into pralaya, during the remaining two
and a half rounds of our entire seven chains. It is an
interesting occult fact that our Earth should now be in her fifth round, and
paralleling the Venusian scheme, but the moon chain
of our scheme saw a period of temporary retardation of the evolutionary process
of our Heavenly Man; it resulted in a temporary slowing down of His activities,
and caused "lost time," if such an expression might reverently be
permitted. The Lords of the Dark Face,
or the inherent forces of matter for a time achieved success, and only the
fifth round of our chain will see their ultimate defeat. The Venusian scheme
also had its battleground, but the planetary Logos of that scheme overcame the
antagonistic forces, triumphed over material forms, and was consequently in a
position—when the right time came—to apply the needed stimulation or an [Page
393] increased fiery vibration to our Earth scheme. The fact that outside aid was called in
during the third root-race of this chain, and that the evolution of manas brought about the individualisation, in physical
form, of the Avatar, needs to be pondered on.
The Divine Manasaputra, the Lord of the World,
took form Himself through the driving impulse of manas,
inherent in His nature, and in some mysterious way this was aided by another
Heavenly Man of another scheme. His
co-operation was required.
(CF 407) The consciousness of the mass of the human
family will gradually pass on to the fourth subplane
of the mental plane, and be more and more controlled by purely concrete
mind. Unless this is paralleled by a steady
influx of egos on to the buddhic plane in conscious
activity, and thus out
of the control of manas pure and simple, a very
serious condition will
have to be handled by the Hierarchy.
Egos on the 6th
ray will take form on other globes and
(CF 439) This is what is beginning to happen in
relation to this sixth Ray of Devotion. Egos
who are on that particular Ray will take form elsewhere on other globes, and in
other chains, and not
so much on our planet. The vibrations of
that Ray will quiet down as far as we are concerned, and find increased
activity elsewhere. To phrase it
otherwise, our planet and all thereon will become positive and non-receptive,
and will temporarily repulse this particular type of force. A psychical manifestation of this can be seen
in the dying down of what is called Christian enthusiasm. This Ray, on which the Chohan
Jesus may be found,
will no longer pour its force to the same extent into the form He built, and it
will necessarily slowly but surely disintegrate, having served
its purpose [Page 440] for close on two thousand years. Later again the same force will be felt
returning, and a new form will be found slowly coming into being, but along
more adequate lines.
If the ray of our
Planetary Logos is always in incarnation, and we know that the 2nd
ray is always in Incarnation, and that the 2nd ray is the Soul ray
of the Planetary Logos, then the Kumaras basically
control the coming and going of Egos on
the rays of the sacred planets-Rays 2,3,5 and 7 are in incarnation=Jupiter,
Saturn, Venus and Uranus
It will
consequently be apparent how the knowledge of these cycles, and of the force manifestation or
obscuration of a Ray will eventually lead to a working with the Law, and to an
intelligent co-operation with the plan of evolution. It might here be stated that the seven Kumaras (the four exoteric and the three esoteric)
cooperate with this Law, and work exoterically, or esoterically
according to the Ray in power, with the exception of the first Kumara, the Logos
of our scheme,
Who—being the synthesizing point for all—remains ever in objective
It is this Ray
activity which governs the obscuration or manifestation of a system, and a
scheme with all that is included in these manifestations. Hence the emphasis laid in all occult books
on the study of cycles, and on the differentiation of the one hundred years of
Brahma into its
component parts. In this knowledge lies
hid the mystery of Being itself, of electrical force, and of fohatic synthesis.
(CF 473) …..This need not be looked for at this time,
and will only begin to be noticeable about three hundred years hence, when the incoming
seventh Ray Egos will be numerically strong enough to be recognised as the prevailing type for a certain
period. Their physical bodies, owing to
their being built for seventh Ray force will respond more readily than the others,
though first Ray egos and fifth Ray Egos will benefit enormously from this influence. The etheric devas will build during a peculiarly favourable period, and
the physical bodies then constructed will be distinguished by:
a. Resilience,
b. Enormous
physical magnetism,
[Page 474]
c. Ability to
reject false magnetism,
d. Capacity to
absorb solar rays,
e. Great strength
and resistance,
f. A delicacy and
refinement in appearance as yet unknown.
(CF 547) Third, that there exist many cases of uneven
or unequal unfoldment. Quite frequently people are found with
perhaps two petals unfolded in the first circle and one still in latency, while
a petal within the central or second ring may be in full development. This is the explanation frequently of the
power in service along [Page 547] certain lines displayed by some, coupled with
a comparatively low stage of development or of consciousness (egoically speaking).
This is due to varying causes, such as the karma of the Monad itself on
its high plane and the strength of the monadic grip upon the ego; many lives given to a particular line of
action, resulting in the setting up of a strong vibration—one so strong that it
renders the development of response to subsidiary vibrations difficult of
attainment; certain peculiar conditions hidden in the evolution
of any particular Lord of a Ray, and the effect of that condition upon a particular
group of cells; the group karma of a collection or congery
of causal bodies, and their mutual interplay.
Every egoic unit or monadic
force centre has a definite effect upon the group or community of Egos in which it may have a place, and as the
interaction proceeds results are sometimes produced of a temporarily unexpected
(CF 548) —in this case not the physical centres on etheric levels but upon the psychical centres, such as the Ego
in the causal body and egoic groups.
This will produce later a better comprehension of the effect of one
consciousness upon another consciousness on the physical plane, and this
knowledge will be scientifically utilised to produce specific results in group
evolution, and thus some of the world problems will find solution.
(CF 576) The aim of evolution for us is love dominated
by intelligence—or intelligence dominated by love, for the interaction will be
complete. The human race came into the
chain at a point where it naturally took bodies of the fifth astral and
physical subplanes, and we can see here an analogy to
the coming into the fourth root-race of the more advanced Egos.
This reference to
the 4th ray referrs to having a 4th
ray personality
(CF 585) The fourth Ray also operates in close
connection with the fourth Law. It is
the Ray of Harmony or Beauty—Harmony through control, that control entailing
the knowledge of wisdom. It is the
harmony of similarity; it is the equilibrising of all
through the realisation of the laws of magnetism that produce the co-ordination
of the many diverse into the one homogeneous; magnetism governs the synthesis
of the many aspects into a form of unity.
This harmony is reached through the fifth plane, and the fifth
Ray of Concrete Knowledge acts as a step to the fourth, for many who work on the fifth
Ray pass eventually to the fourth. In this
system the fifth Ray is of paramount importance in the development
of all egos. Each must pass some time on it before
definitely remaining on his monadic Ray. In many
incarnations much time is spent on the fifth subplane
of each plane, which is governed principally by the fifth Ray. All pass [Page 586] then on the fourth subplane governed by the fourth Ray, and in this particular
period of the fourth round in the fourth chain, more time is spent on the
fourth subplane by evolving Egos than on any
other. Many come into incarnation
directly on to this plane, and it is here that they begin to think
(CF 600) The three major Rays, being dual, are their
own sufficient explanation. They are at
present the mode of expression of the three aspects, and demonstrate under their
appropriate Logoi, Who manipulate world affairs
through the three departments, of which the rulers on our planet are the Lord Maitreya, the Manu, and the Mahachohan. The three major planes demonstrate easily
their unique position—on plane two we have the home of the Monads of Love, on
plane five we find the habitat of their reflections, the
reincarnating Egos,
and [Page 600] on the physical plane we find the working out at its densest
point of the life of the Spirit.
The 4th
subplane of the Cosmic physical is the location of
the groups of Egos within the etheric body of the
Solar Logos
(CF 617) On the physical plane of the solar system an
analogous process can be seen taking place as regards the physical [Page 617]
body of man, or his concrete manifestation.
In his case, the fourth subplane
is the focal point of positive force. On that plane
are located the etheric
centres of man, which
have, in the evolutionary process and in the work of force direction, a
relationship to his physical body similar to the relationship which groups
of Egos on the mental plane have to the dense physical body of the Logos.
This is a profound occult hint.
(CF 656) It will, therefore, be recognised that the devas of Group A, being what we might call the key-devas, are of prime importance, and, from our present
standpoint, must remain abstract and esoteric.
If we consider this under the Law of Analogy, and study the essentially
esoteric nature of the plane of the Logos (the first plane, called Adi) the reason for this will be apparent. If the devas of
Group A could be recognised, or even contacted by advanced men, the study of
their nature, colouring and tone would reveal to
unprepared humanity the colouring and tone of our particular planetary Logos.
For this knowledge the race is not ready. It would reveal also, through the study of
the Law of Action and Reaction, which of the incarnating Egos were on the
ray of this Logos;
surely they are 2nd
Ray Egos as the Soul ray of the Planetary Logos is the 2nd
the deductions from
this would lead men into dangerous realms, and put power into hands as yet
unprepared to wield it wisely.
When the last of
the Lemurian Egos have passed into the fifth
root-race they will be slowly passed out of the Solar System altogether
(CF 677) 6. A mysterious group of devas
intimately connected at this time with the sex expression in the human family
on the physical plane. They are a group
who are, at this juncture, swept into being, and they embody the fire of sex
expression as we understand it. They are
the impulse, or instinct, back of physical sex desire. They were peculiarly dominant in the fourth
root-race, at which time sex conditions reached a stage of unbelievable horror
from our point of view. They are
gradually being controlled, and when the last of the Lemurian Egos has passed into the fifth root-race they will be slowly passed out of the
solar system
altogether. They are connected with the passional "fire" of the solar Logos and with one
of His centres in particular; this centre is being gradually obscured and its fire transferred into
a higher centre.
Nirvanas of the
next solar system will have to wait for the five lower planes to be organised
before they come into incarnation
(CF 687) Our solar Logos, and the Heavenly Men, are polarised
on the cosmic astral plane, and the effect of Their life energy as it flows
through the systemic "Heart" can be seen in the activity of the
astral plane, and in the part sex and passion play in the development of man. At the close of this mahamanvantara
there will be ready for manifestation in the coming third system nirvanis who will be, in very essence, "active intelligent love"; they will have to wait until the
five lower planes of the system have reached a stage of vibratory development
which will permit them to enter, as the nirvanis
in this system waited until the three lower planes became adequate in vibratory
response. We are here speaking in terms
of the Heavenly Men. In the Earth
scheme, the analogy is hidden in the advent of the Egos in the
third round, in the third root race and in the third chain.
Individualisation, as we understand it, was not possible until the
"third state of pleroma" was reached,
either universally where a Heavenly Man is concerned, or relatively in
connection with a human unit.
(CF 700) In considering the Entities33 who gave the manasic principle to man, we must remember that they are
the beings who, in earlier manvantaras
have achieved, and
who—in this round—waited for a specific moment at [Page 700] which to enter,
and so continue their work. A parallel
case can be seen at the entry—in Atlantean
days—of Egos from the moon-chain. The parallel
is not exact, as a peculiar condition prevailed on the moon, and a peculiar
karmic purpose brought them all in at that time.
A few of the
failures of the judgement day will get opportunity in the next round, but the
majority will be held over until another solar system
(CF 706) The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these
five and in the Biblical words "the sheep and the goats." The Christian hints at this when he speaks of
the Christ reigning on earth a thousand years during which the serpent is
imprisoned. The Christ principle will
triumph for the remainder of the manvantara, and the lower material nature and mind will
be held in abeyance until the next round, when fresh opportunity will arise
for certain groups of the discarded, though the majority will be held over
until another system. Something similar again will take place on
the fifth chain but as it concerns a centre in the planetary Logos of which we
know but little, we need not here enlarge upon it.
Egos from the 5th
scheme (Venus?) will come
The planetary
chains embody centres,
and as they are awakened and come under stimulation, they swing into physical incarnation
certain types of manasaputras. The type dominated by the fifth
chain energy is little
known as it is yet in process of evolution within another scheme, the fifth, so it is waste of our time to
consider it. It is connected with the unfoldment of the fifth egoic
petal of a planetary Logos on His Own plane and consequently with the activity of the fifth spirilla. When the
hour strikes, these units of energy will "come in" from another
scheme on a stream of
cosmic energy which will swing through a particular systemic triangle, just as
when the egos came in this round.
(CF 719) It
also brings about a setting loose of force from the cosmic
mental plane which is
cyclic in character. In
this round, the
fourth, the maximum force of this cycle was felt in the third root race. In the next round, during the
fourth root race, and
for a very brief period, a fresh cycle will reach its zenith, and will again
open the door of individualisation in order to permit the entry of certain
very advanced Egos who
are seeking [Page 719] incarnation in order to carry out a special piece of
work. This round will provide no
bodies adequate to
their need. The next
round may do so if the
plans proceed as anticipated. In this
case the Manasadevas concerned will not individualise
animal men as in the previous round, but will stimulate the mental germ in
those members of the present human family who—as H. P. B. says—though
apparently men, are without the spark of mind.
During the next seven hundred years, these low aboriginal races will
practically die out and will not—in this round—reincarnate.
They will be rejected. In the
next round opportunity will again occur, and the Manasadevas
will again renew their work of forming individualistic nuclei for the
development of self-consciousness. The Egos
awaiting opportunity
will not, of course, enter in until the human type of that era is sufficiently
refined for their purpose. They are
concerned with the unfoldment of the sixth
petal of the logoic egoic
Lotus, and are of such
a nature that we can scarcely conceive of them.
They are on the line of the Buddhas
of Activity, but the
above named are free for this mahamanvantara, whereas these particular Egos have yet somewhat to work out. They could only "come
in" in the middle of the fifth round, and were a group of initiates who arrested their own
evolution (technically speaking) in order to take up a special piece of work
on the planet Vulcan;
therefore, they must return to continue and complete that which has been left
undone. Owing to the results of their
experience on Vulcan, the physical vehicle necessitated is of such an order
that they could not at this time, and in this round, incarnate
without disaster.
If we remember
that by the middle fifth round a huge number will have taken the 5th
initiation so the above Vulcans will be 1st
ray Monads not Egos. Also Egos from Mars will be coming in too, and the failures
will be placed in Pralaya
(EPI 27) ……As to the first ray egos, there are no pure
first ray types on the planet. All
so-called [Page 27] first ray egos are on the first subray of the second ray, which is in incarnation. A pure first ray ego in incarnation at this time would be
a disaster. There is not sufficient intelligence and love
in the world to balance the dynamic will of an ego on the ray of the
(EPI 73) ……..the pure ray type does not as yet exist,
for there is not to be found that perfect form, mechanism or expression of the
ray quality……except in such rare cases as the Buddha, or Christ, and (in
another field of expression) an Alexander or Julius Caesar. … must be remembered that a pure
destroyer is utterly unknown, and mercifully for the race this is so. It
is a beneficent condition that as yet a first ray ego is so
handicapped and
limited by the form nature and the quality of that form nature that it is
unable to make adequate or intelligent use of its destructive force.
(EA 91) Strictly speaking, what I have to say now concerns
the pure first ray type
because Aries is the zodiacal sign through which the first Ray of Will or Power
reaches our planetary life. Such pure types are rare indeed and at this period
of evolution well-nigh unknown. Most people are governed by their personality
ray and as the present first ray types are expressing themselves through personalities
which are on all the rays……
(EPI 386) The static stabilising tendency of Germany
showing, for instance, in her futile effort to preserve a purity of race now
impossible, is due to her first ray personality, whilst her fourth ray egoic
force is responsible for her effort to standardise and harmonise all the
elements within her borders, to the exclusion, however, of the Hebrew
race. With the problem of the Jew I will
deal later.
(CF 598) ……It is
not easy for us to do more than grip as a mental concept the fact that the
rays, schemes, planets, chains, rounds, races and laws form a unit; seen from
the angle of human vision the confusion seems unimaginable, and the key of its
solution to be so hidden as to be useless; yet, seen from the angle of logoic sight, [Page 598] the whole moves in unison, and is
geometrically accurate. In order to give
some idea of the complexity of the arrangement, I would like here to point out
that the Rays themselves circulate, the Law of Karma controlling the
interweaving. For instance, Ray
I may pass around a scheme (if it is the paramount Ray of the scheme) with its first
subray manifesting in a chain, its second in a round, its third in a world period, its fourth in a root race, its fifth in a subrace, and its sixth in a branch race. I
give this in illustration, and not as the statement of a fact in present
Actually this is a
statement of fact and he is giving us the exact key to the cycles for our
planetary logos whose Monadic ray is the first
(CF 777) These three activities are the main work
of the solar Pitris where man is concerned. Where the group, and not the individual, is
concerned, their work lies along the line of adjusting the egoic units in their groups, and of making them group conscious…….Those
who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune, and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those
functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the
Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas
of the inner round……In the others the higher group and middle group hold sway
as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned
only with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with Uranus,
Neptune and Saturn,
this might be expected as they are the synthesising planetary schemes, and
provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages.
They are the "reaping" planets.
Much confusion
in connection with Egos
exists in the minds of our students on account of their failure to realise that
(as H. P. B. has pointed out)54 the Secret Doctrine is primarily concerned with
the planetary scheme of our Earth, and has little to impart anent the other
schemes, and their methods of evolving self-consciousness. The general procedure on the mental levels is
the same, but as each scheme embodies one particular type of
force, the peculiarity
of that force will colour all its evolution, and the work of the Agnishvattas will correspond. It is not possible to state what is the
peculiar colouring of the Ray which is embodied in our scheme, as it is one of the most secret of the mysteries
revealed at initiation,
but students must bear in mind that in the fundamentals laid down here we are
not dealing specifically with our scheme.
Perfected Egos are
transferred first to the scheme which is polar opposite to ours and then to the
synthesizing scheme
(CF 778) A great deal has been said in modern occult
literature anent the process followed in the perfecting of those Egos who
choose to remain with the Hierarchy of our planet, and their methods of
development (through chelaship to adeptship). But nothing practically has been imparted
anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme
and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising
schemes, passing first
to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising
scheme. They are numerically more than those who
remain within the Earth scheme.
Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are
attracted, it marks
and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths.
The work of the Manasadevas is carried on
throughout the entire system, and a constant circulation transpires, and a
constant transmission of energy, and of force units embodying that energy, goes
on throughout the entire system. This transmission
becomes possible in any scheme when the [Page 779] fourth or human kingdom
becomes radioactive; it really marks the setting in of the period of
obscuration. Venus is a case in point. Metaphysically stated, it marks the point
when the Logoi
begin to dissociate Themselves from Their dense physical bodies, or from the
three worlds of human
(CF 797) All that has here been pointed out, can be
applied equally (though in a very finite sense) to the ego
and its cycles, and
also equally, considerations other than the purely "personal" will
enter into its time periods. The
influence of other groups and of other units, the effects of radiation from
other rays, and of certain types of force as yet unrevealed,
and thus outside our consideration, are concerned with its appearing, with the
duration of its [Page 797] manifestation, its subsequent obscuration, and final
pralayic interval. As the Ego
has time periods corresponding to those of Brahma, and its "100
years" and its
"777 incarnations" have a solar analogy, so equally
groups of Egos differ as to time, just as the planetary schemes are analogous in
evolution but differ where their periods are concerned.
Moon chain Egos
refused to incarnate before the Atlantean root race
(CF 825) For advanced man at this time these incarnations
took place upon the moon chain and in some cases upon certain planets connected with the
inner round. This is the circumstance which necessitated
his "coming-in" during the Atlantean
root-race. Men of this type refused to incarnate
earlier……The problem of labor and capital has its
roots in the subjective distinction between "equipped and
unequipped" Egos,
between those units of the human family on earth who have passed out of the
Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and gloomy
corridors; between those Egos who are only "bud" Egos, and those who have organised the outer
circle of petals, and
whose petals are ready to open up.
(CF 840) (c) The Names of the Egoic Lotuses…….For instance, up till the middle of the Atlantean rootrace68 (when the door of individualisation
was closed), Egos were to be seen at many differing stages from the newly organised "buds,"
representing freshly individualised men, to the highly developed causal bodies
of the different disciples and initiates, who were superintending the evolution
of the race. Now the egoic bodies might be grouped from the evolutionary standpoint as
On the third subplane of the mental plane:
Bud egos. Our planetary
scheme, being at the midway point in its evolution, there are therefore no
unopened "buds" strictly speaking.
All the egoic
lotuses have at least one petal open. All the
lotuses are organised, but there are vast differences among those of small
development, [Page 841] showing forth in the brilliancy of the permanent atoms,
and in the stage of petal unfoldment.
lotuses in which the first
or knowledge petal is fully unfolded. They are so
called as they represent on the physical plane the fully active intelligent
unity, the man of small mental development, the lowest type of workers,
agriculturists, and peasants on every continent. They are also called "third class
creators," as they express themselves only through the act
of physical creation
on the physical plane, and their function is largely to provide vehicles for
those of their own group.
The second petal
and Jupiter and Venus schemes
The lotuses of Brahman, in which the second petal is showing
signs of opening and
the second aspect in its lowest manifestation is showing signs of
demonstration. They stand as
representing certain groups of Egos from certain planetary schemes, notably Jupiter and Venus, who are a grade higher than the class
above, but which have as yet a long way to go.
They are called "second class creators," for though they
demonstrate on the physical plane in the act of physical creation, yet they are
more swayed by love than by animal instinct as in the first case. They are to be found incarnating at this time
in the Orient, particularly in
These primary
lotuses have not yet taken the 1st initiation and yet
4/5ths will
take 5th initiation in middle fifth round
Primary lotuses. These are a
group of special interest brought in under the influence of the Lord of
the fifth Ray, and
therefore fundamentally allied to the energy which is the special manifestation
in this system and the basis of all achievement, that is, manas. They were quiescent during the Atlantean root-race but have come in during the fourth
and fifth subraces of this rootrace. They are a group a good deal more advanced than the
earlier classes but need much to develop the second petal.
With them the first and the third petals in the first
circle are opening, but
the middle petal is yet shut. The middle
tier also shows no signs of vitality.
Owing [Page 842] to conditions in their emanating planet, their development has been one-sided, and
hence their entering on a wave of energy into this scheme in order to
"round" themselves out, as it is called.
They may be seen in the purely intellectual selfish scientific type.
They are responsible for much of the advanced application of mechanical
science to the needs of men, and for the introduction of certain types of machinery;
they work largely in connection with the energy of the mineral kingdom. By this it must be inferred that the solar
Lords who embody this type are linked with a group of lunar Lords who respond
magnetically to the devas of the mineral
kingdom. Their work for the race has at
present a deleterious effect, but when the second petal is opened, the wonders
then to be achieved by them in loving service along their own particular line
will be one of the factors which will regenerate the fourth kingdom. They will achieve emancipation in the fifth
round, four
fifths of them passing on to the Path and one fifth set back for another cycle.
Bulk of Monads of
love in five groups
Lotuses of passion or desire.
They are so called because their fundamental nature is embodied love in
some one or other form. The bulk
of the Monads of Love are among this large group and they are to be seen incarnating in the
bulk of the well-to-do, kindly people of the world. They are divided into five
groups, of whom three
individualised upon this planet, and two were the very latest to individualise
upon the moon chain. They have two petals unfolded and the third
is for them at this time the object of their attention. Many may succeed in unfolding
it before the seventh rootrace of this round but the bulk of them will unfold it in the
second rootrace of the next
round, and will stand
ready before the close of the round to pass on to the
probationary path, having
unfolded one tier of petals, and organised the second. All these lotuses of the first circle are
divided into groups but interplay goes on between them; energy in any centre
[Page 843] produces reflex energy in another.
It must be remembered that in closing the door in Atlantean
times to the animal kingdom, and the consequent temporary cessation of the
forming of any more "bud lotuses" the effect was dual, in directions
other than the human or the animal. It
was the result of the internal decision on the part of the planetary Logos to
turn His attention away from the act of creation on the systemic mental plane
to the work of progressive evolution.
This caused a cessation of certain types of activity, producing a quiescence
in certain of His centres, and an increased activity in others.
It also had an effect upon the solar Angels, and consequently upon the Heart
of the solar system
from whence they are drawn. Floods of
energy or streams of force from the heart of the sun (the subjective Sun) were
arrested and
directed elsewhere, while the Pitris already active
began to centre their attention upon the work begun, and temporarily new
beginnings were out of order. It must
not be forgotten here that the work of the solar Pitris from their point of view, is not primarily
the evolution of man, but is the process of their own development within the plan of the solar Logos. The evolution of the human race is, for them,
but a method.
Perfected men are
in the councils of the planetary Logos of their particular ray; the solar Pitris
are in the council of the solar Logos.
(CF 848) ……We will
now proceed with our enumeration of the groups of Egos according to their characteristics, but it
might be wise to deal first with a problem which may be in some minds and see
if it is not capable of solution. Two
problems come before the mind of the thoughtful student; one concerns the
position (in connection with any particular planetary scheme) of those vast
groups of Egos, which are embodied by Lives, emanating from any one of the seven
Rays, and associated
with any of the various schemes. The
other deals with the effect produced by the "coming-in" of Egos on
the mental plane which are not "bud" Egos, but are possibly very fully developed,
such as disciples and initiates.
(CF 849) The units, therefore, in Their bodies can
equally get in touch with all other Egos and groups once they have achieved the consciousness
of the mental plane (causal consciousness) and know the varying group
"keys," the group tones and colors.
It will
consequently be apparent to the careful student that in this fact lies the true
relationship between the various groups of Egos, no matter what degree of
evolution, or what ray and in which scheme they may be. The basic truth here involved may be better
grasped if the following occult phrases are studied:
(CF 851) Here, and here alone (as regards the three
worlds and the human kingdom), becomes possible the establishing of egoic relationships and the transmission of thought
substance between
a. Units and egoic groups.
b. Groups and
other groups.
[Page 851]
c. Greater groups
with still greater or with lesser ones.
d. Egos
in one planetary scheme
with those in another.
(CF 851) The "coming-in" of
advanced Egos from the inner round, or from other planetary schemes, or from subtler spheres where they have
been in pralaya awaiting opportunity is produced in a triple manner and is the
result of a triple activity. It is
caused by an understanding between the planetary Logos of a scheme, and a brother
planetary Logos
whereby an exchange is effected. The
student must here think in terms of force and energy, of magnetic interaction
and the conscious transmission of energy out of the body of the planetary
Logos, via centres or a centre, into the body of another planetary Logos.
The cause here is the will or purpose, the object is sensation, and the
method is force transference. Exactly
the same understanding lies back of the coming in of egos from the
inner round, only this
time the energy is sent forth by certain existences (working in connection with
any planetary Logos) who are the "custodians of the inner
circle." This touches upon a mystery and deals with
the coming-in of high Egos, of Avatars, of Buddhas, [Page 852] of masters, of initiates, and of disciples, and of all who
have to wait for group, and not individual, urge for the fulfillment
of cyclic karma on a large scale, and whose "wheels" are controlled
by cosmic forces and not by purely systemic forces.
Another factor
might be termed the karmic results of seeds sown in days long past, and hidden
in the mysteries of the earlier system, scheme, or chain as the case may be. All these three groups of manifestation
follow karmic impulse, and this impulse it is which controls the time period,
and method of the appearance in any group of planetary egos, of newly
born lotus buds, or of
lotuses which are termed "mystically transplanted."
These latter are probably of a high degree of unfoldment. This is possible in individual
cases and in the case
of entire groups.
A third factor has
to do with the transference of Egos or lotuses from one sphere of activity to
another and this necessarily produces conditions calling for the appearance of
similar centres to take their place.
Energy transmitted must be supplied from elsewhere, and this is another
predisposing factor for the appearance of egoic
lotuses in any scheme. The law of the conservation of force holds
good on any plane.
This whole
question of the transference of egoic
lotuses from any one
scheme to another, or
from chain to chain, on the mental plane is one of very real intricacy,
and cannot be elucidated to the unpledged
disciple. Only these general indications
are in any way possible.
It must also be
remembered in connection with our planet that Egos appear in those
groups whose lotuses
are not produced as the result of the Law of Attraction working between the
animal kingdom of the globe and the higher Triads, but which
are Egos who have individualised elsewhere, and who therefore come in with their petals
already organised, and
perhaps with several [Page 853] petals unfolded. This has necessarily a profound effect
both upon the groups in which they appear, and upon the type of man who will make his
appearance subsequently in physical plane incarnation. This is touched upon in the Secret Doctrine
when the question of the early teachers and divine kings who occupied the ill-favoured bodies of the early humanity, is broached.
To continue with
our consideration of egoic groups: It might be briefly stated that the egoic groups in connection with
our planet may be
roughly grouped according to the stage of lotus organisation, as follows:
a. Egos who were
produced through the individualisation process in Lemurian
days. They are the true Earth humanity, along with
the second group.
b. Egos who have individualised
during the Atlantean root-race until the door was shut.
c. Egos who have
"come-in" from the moon chain and who are much more evolved than the
earth humanity.
d. Egos who have
been swept in since Atlantean
days to take the place
of those Egos who have achieved liberation, and whose causal bodies have
disappeared, or whose lotuses have "died out" leaving a vacuum in
force substance which must be supplied and filled. They usually come in from one of two schemes:
1. From the scheme
embodied by the polar opposite of our planetary Logos.
2. From that
scheme which is allied with these two in forming a systemic
triangle. (Earth Venus and Mercury?)
[Page 854]
(EA 24) 3. The quality of the Earth's complementary
planet, which is the Earth's polar opposite, esoterically considered. This planet
is Venus.
(CF 854 continued)
These cases are necessarily rare at present but will become more frequent as
more and more of the human race take the fourth Initiation.
e. Certain rare
Egos or lotuses from schemes not enumerated in the above triplicity. They are usually only brought
in so that they may perfect certain developments in their own nature, to carry
out experimental work
in connection with the deva kingdom, or to produce
certain group results desired by the planetary Logos. They frequently do not
descend into dense physical incarnation but work primarily on mental and astral levels,
returning to their own spheres eventually for the final stages of liberation.
All these lotuses
in their myriad differentiations have specific effects upon each other on
mental levels, and these effects are as yet utterly unrealised by man. Nevertheless, they are the basis of the true
psychology, and the grounds of all true activity. The student would do well to ponder upon the
effect any advanced Ego would be likely to have upon:
a. Other Egos in
his group.
b. The solar Pitris who are the substance of the group.
c. The lunar Pitris, who are linked with the solar Pitris
through the permanent atoms.
We have enumerated
above certain classifications of groups of Egos to be found on the causal
levels of the mental plane, so as to give students some idea of the vastness of
the subject, and the complexity of the problem.
It must be remembered that on the third subplane
of the mental plane there is no individual separation such as we find when in physical
manifestation, but nevertheless group separation is to be seen. These groups are far too many to enumerate in
detail. We have outlined and named
five of the larger groups
as catalogued under [Page 855] one scheme of tabulation in the Hall of
Records. Other methods of enumeration
exist, and even under the one here used, these five groups are each
subdivided into ten groups, and these again are broken up into lesser units, all of them being known
and portrayed under certain symbols.
After the third initition the Ego is located on the 2nd subplane, after the 4th on the 1st
sub etc
When we come to
the second subplane of the mental plane (the plane whereon the
bodies of advanced
humanity, of disciples, and of initiates are found) the method of grouping will
be according to:
a. Ray.
b. Subray.
c. Department
(whether under the Manu, the Mahachohan or the
Bodhisattva on our earth scheme or their analogies on other schemes).
d. The Master's
These egoic lotuses are all organised, and have a number of
petals unfolded whilst some are in the final stages of development.
They have also
been grouped under the following three heads:
Lotuses of
revelation. Those in which the
"jewel" is just about to be revealed.
Lotuses with
perfume. Those whose occult
"smell" or aroma is permeating their environment. They are those Egos who have not yet
completely unfolded the final tier of petals, but whose lives are of magnetic
force in the three worlds, and whose careers are distinguished by altruistic
Radiant lotuses,
or those whose light is beginning to shine forth as lights in a dark place.
They are grouped
also according to primary colour, to subsidiary colouring, according to key or
tone, and one tabulation is entirely numerical.
It might be of interest [Page 856] to the student if we here pointed out
that in the Hall of Records in connection with the human Egos certain of the
records under symbological terminology keep a minute
account of the following facts concerning each unit:
The lunar
record. This deals with all the lower
vehicles and forms, employed by the human Monads and concerns itself with:
a. Their rate of
b. Their type,
c. Their key
d. The particular
group of lunar Lords who are concerned with those bodies,
e. The detailed
history of the elemental lives who construct the bodies.
This information
is employed by the karmic official responsible for the production of a new
set of vehicles at each incarnation, in order to assist the working out of
karma. The history of the lunar bodies
is stored up in the permanent atoms.
The solar
record. This deals with the more
permanent egoic vehicle, and concerns itself with:
a. The rate of
b. The history of
the petal unfoldment.
c. The history of
any particular group of solar Angels concerned with the formation of the lotus.
d. The activity of
the deva substance out of which the lotus is
e. Group
This information
is used by the Master Who has made Himself responsible for the stimulation and
the growth of any particular series of Egos, and also by advanced Egos who are
consciously working with their group.
The consciousness
record. This concerns the response
of the indwelling Entity to its surroundings. It deals
[Page 857] with the utilisation of knowledge by the knower, and is in many ways
the most intricate and the most lengthy of the records.
These records are
mostly used by the Lord of the World and His pupils to ascertain information in
connection with the planetary centres.
They are arranged in such a way that the entire record of any group,
however vast and extensive, is embodied in seven sheets of symbols, each
containing forty-nine symbols. These sheets are changed and corrected once
every seven years, and are precipitated on astral matter by an effort
of will by the Chohan responsible for the particular group involved.
(CF 899) The Neptunian
scheme governs one
of the three paths of return, and gathers to itself eventually all those Egos who attain primarily through the
manipulation of the sixth type of energy usually called devotion. It is Neptunian
influence likewise which presides over and makes possible the second
Initiation, wherein the initiate produces results in the astral body, and
wherein his astral centres are the object of the Hierophant's
attention. This particular type of
energy flows through three centres:
a. That particular
head centre which is linked to the heart centre.
b. The heart
c. The solar
The planet
When meditating
upon these thoughts, students will find it well to bear in mind the fact that
(CF 1036) …….setting arbitrary dates, such as 2500
years, for the
manifestation of any particular ray. One
ray does pass through its cycle in that length of time, but only one, the
others being either longer or shorter.
The difference has a great effect upon the egoic cycles, and is responsible for the length of time between
incarnations. Some Egos cycle through their incarnations
and their pralayas very rapidly; others spend untold aeons, and hence it
is impossible to say that there are even "averages" connected with the
appearance of Egos on the astral plane, for instance. This fact has bearing upon the statement of
H. P. B. anent the Lodge effort each one hundred years.
Under the particular type of cyclic force emanating from the Lodge, the
high water mark of its activity is to be found once in every seven cycles………one type of force out of seven possible and that it concerns
primarily that group of adepts who are on that particular line of energy, and will necessarily affect greatly all
disciples and people on a similar line.
At the same time, the work it initiates is endorsed by the Lodge as a
whole, for it is part of the force emanation of the planetary Logos. It is naturally of great importance owing to
the fact that this ray-energy is that of one of the three major
Rays; but it will be,
in the equilibrising process, balanced by analogous
cyclic emanatory activity from the two other major Rays.
These cycles will
not coincide, for they are not all similar to the one hundred year spiral. Some idea as to the Mahachohan's
cycle of emanatory impulses may be [Page 1038] gathered by considering the
dates of the foremost scientific discoveries since Plato's time; the cycles of
the second ray may also be averaged by a summary of the appearances of the
great Teachers down the ages.
The force
emanations from the Manu, or those of the first Ray, are easily traced when the races are
considered, and this has been done in the recognition of the
races and subraces. What is oft
overlooked is that each of these rays of energy demonstrates constructively,
through the form-building agencies, and destructively through the ability of
the force to destroy prior to building.
Thus the cycles can be viewed from two angles.
(CF 1080) Fourth, when the movement, inaugurated at the
close of each century by the Trans-Himalayan Lodge is under way, and the psycho-scientific
Egos who are its
agents have made their presence felt.
Finally, when a
movement is instituted by the Lodge, working in connection with the fourth root
race; it will [Page 1080] also be part of the stimulative
process, and will result in the rendering radioactive of some of the foremost
thinkers of that race. It will be their
day of opportunity, and so great is the importance attached to this that a
Member of the Lodge, Confucius as he has been called in the past, will
incarnate in order to superintend the work.
The preliminary steps are being taken now, and Egos
are coming in who will endeavour to direct the energies of this race on to the right line though
the peak of the cycle of stimulation will not be until the middle of
the next century. It is needless for me to point out that all
such movements are first felt as disturbing, and only when the dust of turmoil,
and the noise of clashing forces have died away will purpose be seen
emerging. This is very apparent in
A great factor and
one that it is hard to explain so that the average thinker can understand it is
the cyclic coming in of egos who are at a point in evolution where they are
ready for their first radioactive life. In
one great department of hierarchical endeavour all egos are divided into
two groups, according
to their cycle and according to their type of
energy. These grades are in turn
subdivided according to the quality and the vibratory effect to be induced upon
any one kingdom of nature by their united, or single, incarnation. This might be illustrated by pointing out
that by the gradual coming in of human beings who are vegetarians by natural
inclination and by the
appearance of egos who are interested specifically in the welfare and
nurture of the animals (as is the case so noticeably now) we have the cyclic
appearance of a whole group of human units who have a definite karmic
relation to the third kingdom. This relation is of a kind
differing in specific detail from the meat-eating, and oft inhuman, groups of
the past five hundred years.
It might be of
profit and of interest if we here enumerated some of the occult terms applied
to some of these [Page 1081] differentiated groups, remembering that we are
only touching upon a few out of a vast number, and only name those the
terminology of which conveys information and educational benefit to the
1. The units of
2. Atoms of
rhythmic centralisation,
3. Units of
primary radiation,
4. The sons of
heavy rhythm,
5. The points of
fiery excellence (a name given oft to magnetic, highly-evolved types),
6. Tertiary points
of secondary fire,
7. Magnetic flames
(given to chelas and initiates of certain degrees),
8. Positive sons
of electricity,
9. Rotating units
of the seventh order,
10. Points of
light of the fourth progression,
11. Electric
12. Units of
negative resistance,
13. The equilibrised atoms.
Many more names
might be given but these will suffice to indicate the general nature of these
energy summations, under which all the members of the human family are gathered
and placed according to:
a. Their rhythm,
b. Their quality,
c. Their heat,
d. Their light,
e. Their magnetic
f. Their
g. Their activity.
(CF 1082) This tabulation is but an extension of the
major one which grouped all Egos under the divisions of
colour, sound and vibration. A similar enumeration has also grouped the
atoms in the other kingdoms of nature, and [Page 1082] even the Dhyan Chohans of the highest rank
find their place in the hierarchical archives of this fifth (or third)
A cyclic
tabulation is of equal interest but is of a totally different nature, carrying
to the initiated and intuitive investigator many hints of an evolutionary and
historical value. Again we might append
a brief epitome of some of the expressions used and of some of the names under
which human beings are grouped in the archives of this the seventh department:
1. Units of the fire-mist
2. Points of lunar
3. Sons of the
4. Devas of the fourth degree,
5. Flames from
interplanetary spheres,
6. Atoms from the
crimson sphere—a reference to certain Egos who have come to the earth from the
planetary scheme whose note is red,
7. The successful Vyasians,
8. The points in
the third planetary petal, and groups of others related to the twelve petalled planetary lotus,
9. The lovers of
low vibration,
10. The rejectors of the eighth scheme,
11. The points of
triple resistance,
12. The followers
of the ARHAT,
13. The cyclic
sons of peace,
14. The recurring
sons of war,
15. The specks
within the planetary eye,
16. The recognised
points within the chakras. These
naturally exist in ten groups.
Each name conveys
to the mind of the initiate some knowledge as to the place
in evolution of the Monad concerned, the nature of its incarnations, and its place in
cyclic evolution.
(CF 1090) He must also bear in mind that groups
of Monads come into incarnation according to which centre in a Heavenly Man of a particular planetary scheme, or which
centre of the solar Logos, is in process of vivification or cyclic
activity, and that certain of the centres of a solar Logos and this particular
solar system are in a condition of partial pralaya…..
……..His objective
vision is known and it is known also which centre in the solar body is vitalised by His life, it will be the
part of wisdom to refrain from dogmatic assertion, and a too free utterance in
connection with incarnating, and non-incarnating, Monads.
All are turning upon the monadic cosmic wheel; each is being [Page 1091] swept into some
form of activity upon the lesser revolution of this particular systemic wheel,
but not all in any particular cycle are to be found revolving
upon a specific planetary wheel. Many wait for
development and for more appropriate seasons in interplanetary spaces, and some
must wait until the entering in of a new mahamanvantara……
It may interest
students to know that there are certain colours, veiling these groups
of non-incarnating Monads, at present totally unknown to humanity. These will sweep into the consciousness of
the human being in another solar system, or after the taking of the sixth
Initiation. All that we have on earth are reflections
of the true colours, and likewise the reflection of the lowest aspect.
Every colour in
the cosmos exists in three forms:
1. The true
2. The illusory
appearance of the colour.
3. Its reflection.
The reflection is
that with which we are familiar; the appearance, or that which veils the
reality, is contacted and known when we see with the eye of the soul, the Eye
of Shiva, and the true colour14 is contacted after the fifth kingdom has been
passed through, and group consciousness is merging in that of the divine. Students will, therefore, note that the monadic
cosmic wheel can be
[Page 1092] visioned in terms of "true
colour," and is
seen by the illumined seer as the combined blending of the primary colours of
the three solar systems.
The monadic
systemic wheel, which
concerns this solar system alone, is distinguished by being the totality of
the seven colours of the seven Heavenly Men, and from the vision of the adept of the fifth
Initiation is the sumtotal of the primary colours of the egoic
groups of the differing planetary schemes.
The monadic
planetary wheel, which
concerns the particular group of Monads incarnating in a particular
scheme, is seen by the
seer as the blending of egoic groups, but with the
difference that the colour is a dual one, and the colouring of the personality ray
of the incarnating Ego is also seen.
The egoic cycle, or the turning of the wheel
of the incarnating Ego,
is of the most practical interest to man, and has already been somewhat dealt
with. For purposes of clarity and elucidation,
this wheel may also be seen as turning in three cycles and as making three kinds of revolutions,
covering varying periods of time.
There is first,
the Wheel of the chain, or the cycling of the Monad around an entire
chain, and its passage
through all the globes and kingdoms.
The consideration of this is complicated by the fact that in any
particular chain, the Monads seldom begin and end their evolution; they seldom
emerge, pass through their cycle and achieve their objective. It is not possible to dissociate
a chain from its preceding or succeeding chain. Many Monads
who achieved self-consciousness in the moon chain only entered into renewed activity in the middle
of the fourth root race;
others, who have individualised on this earth, will not succeed in reaching their goal upon
this planet. There is here a correspondence to systemic
evolution, and there is an analogy between the Monads who refused to [Page
1093] incarnate and the Egos who were unable to take bodies in the Lemurian or third root race.
There is next, the
Wheel of a globe, or the process of evolution upon any particular
globe. The student must bear in mind
that the Monad, after planetary dissolution, passes the time between
incarnations on other and subtler globes, which are the correspondence to the interplanetary
and intersystemic spheres.
There is also, the
Wheel of a race, or the lesser cycle of incarnations—forming a
definite series—wherein the incarnating Monad cycles through a number of lives in a particular race.
(CF 1139) It is this imposition which eventually
releases the human units, and permits of their passing into the higher
group. The elemental group souls find
correspondences in the higher—first, in the human kingdom in the three
main groups of Egos,
in whom the three types of energy predominate; again in the three main or major
planetary groups, and finally in the three aspects.
(CF 1206) The
fifth Hierarchy has an interesting position as the "mediating" body
between the higher four and those which are found on the lower three subplanes. There is
a vital and significant correspondence to be found between the seven
head centres and the seven
groups of Egos on the
mental plane, and there is an occult analogy between the three head centres
(pineal gland, pituitary body, and the alta major
centres) and the expression of these seven groups of Egos in
the three worlds. This is a most important esoteric fact, and
all students of meditation upon the laws of at-one-ment
must take this analogy into consideration.
(CF 1208) The lives which compose a Hierarchy
pass in ordered cycles into the next above, though the word "above" but serves to
mislead. It is consciousness and
realisation which must be considered as being transferred and the consciousness
of one hierarchy expands into that of the next higher.
This can also be
viewed in terms of energy. The negative
lives of a hierarchy follow the following sequence:
1. Negative
2. Equilibrised energy.
3. Positive
The 4th
Path- To Sirius
(CF 1259) permits the passage of the bulk
of our humanity to
this [Page 1259] distant objective, and this without obstruction. A clue to the nature of this Path and as to
the reason why so many of the human Monads seek this particular stream of energy lies
in the right understanding of the above suggestion.
The initiates who
tread this way are primarily those of the fourth and the sixth order. As earlier pointed out, this is the Path that
the "lords of compassion" most frequently follow, and at this time
the Egyptian Master and the Master Jesus are preparing Themselves to tread
it. The mystics of the Occident who have
come into incarnation during the past one thousand years are a peculiar
group of Egos whose impulse is towards this type of cosmic energy. In this system they have developed certain basic
recognitions and the "ecstasy" of the occidental mystic is the germ,
latent within him, which will some day flower forth into that cosmic rapture
for which we have as yet no name.
(EPII 82) One division or type of this substance is
dynamically electrified and from this all first ray egos choose the
material needed in the
three worlds. Another type of substance
is magnetically electrified, and from it all second ray egos select
what they, in time and
space, require in order to manifest. The
third type of substance is diffusively electrified (I know of no better word to
express the intent), and all third ray egos take from it their needed quota of substance from which
to build the forms for manifestation.
(EPII 143) Ray IV. This ray is not in
incarnation at the
time and therefore few fourth ray egos are available in world
service. There are, however, many fourth ray
personalities and they can learn much by the study of the work of the New Group
of World Servers. The major task of the
fourth ray aspirant is to harmonise the new ideas with the old, so that there
can be no dangerous gap or break. They
are those who bring [Page 143] about a "righteous compromise", and adapt
the new and the old so that the true pattern is preserved. They are engaged with the bridging process,
for they are the true intuitives and have a capacity
for the art of synthesis so that their work most definitely can help in
bringing forward a true presentation of the divine picture.
(EPII 201) III. The Five Groups of Souls
We now begin our
study of the five groups of souls. For
purposes of classification and comparison, we shall divide our earth humanity
into the following groups:
1. Lemurian Egos our
true Earth Humanity.
2. Egos which came
in on Atlantis.
3. Moon chain Egos from the moon.
4. Egos from other planets.
5. Rare and
advanced Egos awaiting
We enter,
therefore, upon a brief consideration of a subject that, to the ordinary
psychologist and student who is not familiar with the occult teaching and
terms, will sound fanciful and unintelligent.
The reason for this is that we are considering the origin of the souls
which are expressing themselves through human beings, of the selves who are
functioning through form and are therefore intangible and—scientifically
speaking—non-provable. They are only to
be inferred by those who can accept inference, deduction and conclusions which
cannot be demonstrated, with the type of human equipment now in use. Modern psychology, speaking generally,
regards the soul in one or another of the following ways:—
1. Either
non-existent, the only obvious and provable thing being the intelligent
2. As being the
sum total of the conscious reactions of the cells of the body—the sentiency of
the organism, in other words.
3. As a gradually
evolving self, conveying life and, as time elapses, awareness; it is regarded
as being conditioned by the body and as a product of the evolution of that
[Page 202] body during the ages. It does
not, however, exist in the lower types of human beings, and it possibly
possesses immortality, but that is not provable and may not be posited as a
4. As a definite
Self, an entity, informing a body, functioning at various levels of human
consciousness, and having continuity, immortality and potentiality.
The occult
teaching accepts all these hypotheses as correct, but as relative in time and
space, and as having reference to different forms of divine life and to
differing aspects of those forms. It is
with the occult teaching, right or wrong, that we are at present engaged, and
our premises and conclusions can be stated in the following propositions:
1. Every human
being, in or out of incarnation, is a "fragment of divinity," and an
outpost of the divine consciousness, functioning in time and space for purposes
of expression.
2. All these
souls, selves, or human beings are found, as we have seen, on one or other of
the seven emanations of spiritual energy, issuing forth from God at the
beginning of an era of creative activity.
They return to their emanating Source when that particular cycle is
brought to a close.
3. In the interim
between emanation and reabsorption, these souls pass
through various experiences until such time as they can "shine forth in all
their exactitude of truth."
4. They are
called, as has been stated, in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (See page 855.)
1. Lotuses of
2. Lotuses with
3. Radiant
[Page 203]
4. Lotuses wherein
the flower is on the point of opening.
5. Lotuses of
closed and sealed condition.
6. The colourless
7. Lotuses in bud.
5. These souls,
cycling through various forms of life in the long evolutionary process arrive
eventually at full, self-conscious existence.
By this we mean that they are self-determined, self-conditioned, and
self-aware. They are also conscious of
and responsive to their environment.
6. Once this
conscious awareness is achieved, then progress becomes more rapid. It should be borne in mind that many human
beings are not thus aware. The groupings
which arise out of this awareness (limiting our ideas entirely to those within
the radius of the human family) can be expressed as follows:—
1. The souls who
live but whose consciousness sleeps.
These are the dormant human beings whose intelligence is of such a low
order, and their awareness of themselves and of life is so dim and nebulous,
that only the lowest forms of human existence come into this category. Racially, nationally, and tribally they do
not exist as pure types, but occasionally such a person emerges in the slums of
our great cities. They are like a
"throw back" and never appear among what are called the natural
savages, or the peasantry.
2. The souls who
are simply aware of physical plane life and of sensation. These people are slow, inert, inarticulate,
bewildered by their [Page 204] environment, but they are not bewildered, as are
the more advanced and emotional types, by events. They have no sense of time or of purpose;
they can seldom be trained along any mental line, and they very rarely exhibit
skill in any direction. They can dig and
carry, under direction; they eat, sleep and procreate, following the natural
instincts of the animal body.
Emotionally, however, they are asleep, and mentally they are totally unawakened. These
too are relatively rare, though several thousands of them can be found upon our
planet. They can be recognised through
their complete incapacity to respond to emotional and mental training and
3. The souls who
are beginning to integrate and who are emotionally and psychically alive. In them, of course, the animal nature is
awake and the desire nature is becoming rampant. These people are to be found in all races to
a small extent, and a number of them can be found among the negroes, which race
contains a large number of those who are today relatively children. These are child souls, and though the mental
equipment is there and some of them can be trained to use it, the preponderance
of the life emphasis is entirely upon physical activity as it is motivated by
the desire for satisfaction of some kind, and by a shallow
"wish-life" or desire nature, almost entirely oriented towards the
physical [Page 205] life. These souls
are the modern correspondences to the old Lemurian
4. The souls who
are primarily emotional. The mind nature
is not functioning strongly, and only rarely does it swing into activity, and
the physical body is slipping steadily into the realm of the unconscious. In every race and nation there are millions
of such souls in existence. They may be
regarded as the modern Atlanteans.
5. Those souls who
can now be classed as intelligent human beings, capable of mental application,
if trained, and showing that they can think when need arises. They are still, nevertheless, predominantly
emotional. They constitute the bulk
of modern humanity at this time. They are the
average citizens of our modern world,—good, well-intentioned, capable of
intense emotional activity, with the feeling nature almost over-developed, and
oscillating between the life of the senses and that of the mind. They swing between the poles of
experience. Their lives are spent in an
astral turmoil, but they have steadily increasing interludes wherein the mind
can momentarily make itself felt, and thus at need effect important
decisions. These are the nice good
people, who are, nevertheless, largely controlled by the mass consciousness,
because they are relatively unthinking.
They can be regimented and standardised with facility by orthodox
religion and government [Page 206] and are the "sheep" of the human
6. The souls who
think, and who are minds. These are
steadily increasing in number and gaining in power as our educational processes
and our scientific discoveries bring results, and expand human awareness. They constitute the cream of the human
family, and are the people who are achieving success in some department of
human life. They are writers, artists,
thinkers in various fields of human knowledge and aspiration, politicians,
religious leaders, scientists, skilled workers and artisans, and all those who,
though in the front rank, yet take ideas and propositions and work with them
for the ultimate benefit of the human family.
They are the world aspirants, and those who are beginning to get the
ideal of service into their consciousness.
7. Those souls
whose sense of awareness on the physical plane is now of such an order that
they can pass on to the Probationary Path.
They are the mystics, conscious of duality, torn between the pairs of
opposites, but who are yet unable to rest until they are polarised in the
soul. These are the sensitive,
struggling people, who long for release from failure and from existence in the
world today. Their mind natures are alive
and active but they cannot yet control them as they should and the higher
illumination remains as yet a joyous hope and final possibility.
[Page 207]
8. Souls whose
intelligence and love nature is becoming so awakened and integrated that they can begin to tread the Path of
Discipleship. They are the practical
mystics, or the occultists, of modern times.
9. The souls who
are initiate into the mysteries of the
10. The souls who
have achieved release from all the limitations of the form nature and who dwell
eternally in the consciousness of the One Soul, withdrawn from identification
with any aspiration of the form life, no matter how highly developed. They can and do use the form at will for the
purposes of the general good. These are
the Masters of Life, the perfected adepts.
Higher than this
we need not go, except by inference. A
detailed analysis is not, however, in order, owing to the limitations of men's
minds. The above is only a wide
generalisation, and the various groupings shade into each other in a
bewildering way. The varieties of
intermediate types are myriad, but this analysis will serve as a skeleton
structure upon which to build.
[Page 208]
7. In the
development of the race at this time, we can now study the types, the qualities
of these souls, the apparatus of response which they must use, and the nature
of the mechanism of contact which they have constructed in order to enable them
to function in the world as we know it today.
Science and religion together are producing that latest of the sciences
which we call psychology. For this, the
time is now ripe.
8. All these
manifesting souls have come forth from some Source at some time in their cyclic
expressions. This, to the modern
thinker, is purely speculative, and can be regarded probably unprofitable; it
may also be interesting, but is presumably imaginative. May I say here that the occultist regards all
the above affirmative statements as constituting an exact and proven science,
but as being presented in symbolic form for the consideration of the minds of
men. Esotericists
and theosophists would do well to remember this, and to realise that their
divisions and groupings, their affirmations and statements about occult
teaching, and their pronouncements as to time and place are largely symbolical
and must be thus considered.
9. The process
whereby the soul nature and the form nature meet and blend is termed
Individualisation is the emergence of the soul upon the path of outgoing,
through the medium of a form. Thus
through the use of a form, expression in the three worlds becomes possible.
2. lnitiation is the process whereby a soul, having exhausted
the resources of form life, and [Page 209] having thus achieved mastery and
expression, returns again to its source.
This the soul does through the medium of five stages, steps or
initiations which are the correspondence in the interior life of the soul to
the five stages whereby expression is developed in the strictly human races,
beginning with the Lemurian stage, passing through
the Atlantean and the Aryan, and so on through the
two final races upon our planet in this world cycle.
(EPII 209) In connection with individualisation the
following points should be remembered:—
Individualisation upon the moon chain took place in the fifth race of the third
2. In Lemurian days, individualisation took place because it
was the third root race and the fourth round.
3. In Atlantis,
the door of initiation
opened, and forced initiation became the objective of the best of the human
family. Those who could or can thus
become initiate are the "lights which ever radiate." In Lemurian days it
was the "lights which ever burn" that came into being.
4. In our race we
find the "lights which ever shine."
This is the individualisation of the sixth race types who came in the second
It is well to
remember that the soul who came into incarnation in old
Atlantis individualised
upon that chain which is called the moon chain. This was a
period of unfoldment so much earlier than that of our
earth that we know nothing about it.
These egos, therefore, did not individualise on our [Page 210] earth at
all but came into our cycle of evolution as human beings,—of a low order as far
as the lowest of our present humanity is concerned, but somewhat
higher than the egos
which individualised upon ancient Lemuria.
It might be of interest
here to note that Christ was the first of our earth humanity
to achieve the goal,
whereas the Buddha was the last of the moon chain humanity to do so.
As far as the development of these two sons of God was concerned, so
rapid was the development of the Christ that in Atlantean
days He found Himself upon the Path of Probation as did also the Buddha. He, coming into incarnation from the moon
chain (having been held in what the occult teaching calls "pralaya" till that time), entered upon the probationary
Path a very short time ahead of His Brother, the Christ.
From the angle of evolution the rapid unfoldment
of the evolution of Christ was, and has been, totally unparallelled. It has never been duplicated, though there
are people living today upon the planet who are beginning to develop now with
equal rapidity (but not earlier, so that they have a background of slow
individual development, which is only now being accelerated). This rapidity is, however, a different matter
altogether, for many of the disciples today came into this earth evolution from
the moon chain where already much had been unfolded. They have not worked up to their present
point from Lemurian times as the Christ has done. He, therefore, stands uniquely alone.
Just how and why
egos come into our planetary evolution from earlier cycles and from other
planetary systems is a subject of the greatest interest, but it is of no real
importance to the students of this Treatise.
We shall not therefore consider it or deal with it. It is of a speculative nature and utterly
past their possible corroboration or capacity to check. There is no standard of comparison nor can
they judge by inference [Page 211] what is important. All that can be said is that the three
major monadic types
came into being, either from the moon chain or during the Lemurian stage of individualisation, and that these three determine
much that is transpiring today. All that
it is here possible to do is to give some information which may throw a light
on the subject, and colour our general thought, but which it is impossible
either to check or accept except as being inferential or possible. All this can later be determined by the
student when his knowledge and powers are greater than they are at present and
adequate for that purpose.
(EPII 211) The three major types are, as is well known,
those of will or power, of love-wisdom and of active intelligence. The following facts must, therefore, be
1. That egos
of all types individualised upon the moon chain, but that the egos of active intelligence constituted
75% of the total, the
remaining 25% being divided between the other two.
2. That in Lemurian times, the egos of love-wisdom
preponderated, and in
their turn constituted 75%, with the remaining 25% being the egos of
active intelligence. Very few indeed, practically a negligible
number, individualised along the line of power or will at that time.
3. There was a
very large influx of individualising egos in early Atlantean days and they were practically all of the power-will type. It
might be stated that 80% of those who entered human evolution at that time
were egos who were expressing the will aspect of deity, and that the remaining 20% were along the line of love-wisdom.
These all, with
the egos which individualised upon the moon chain and which came in steadily, as the
planetary conditions fitted them, until the final stages of the Atlantean period, [Page 212] constitute the bulk
of our modern humanity,
plus some rare egos which drift into our planetary evolution for some reason
or other, and never become properly
adapted to or fitted into our planetary life.
They persistently remain abnormalities.
Two happenings of
great import will occur before so very long.
The door will be opened, for the admittance of rare
and peculiar souls who
will bring into our world civilisation new aspects and rare and new qualities
of Deity, though it will not be opened for ordinary individualisation. These rare and unexpected types will cause
much bewilderment to our psychologists.
It should here be pointed out that individualisation is a crisis and not
an unfoldment.
This is of real importance and should be borne in mind in all
consideration of this difficult subject.
It is the result of development, but such development need not lead to
this particular crisis. What causes this
crisis in the lives of souls remains as yet hidden in the consciousness of the
planetary Logos and is only revealed at initiation. There are as yet characteristics and
qualities of the planetary Logos which remain incomprehensible to us.
When the animal
kingdom, viewing it from the angle of the whole and not from the angle of
species, had reached a particular stage of development, then there was an
inrush into the planetary life of the energy of all the seven rays
simultaneously. This occurs very rarely
and the tremendous stimulation then undergone by the sensitive forms of life
(and of these the animal was at that time the most sensitive), produced the
emergence of a new form, that of infant humanity. It was the reaction of that kingdom, as
expressed through its indwelling life, the animal Being (who is the informing
Life of that kingdom in nature), which produced individualisation in the more
advanced animal-man of the time.
The statements
found in occult books that dogs and other [Page 213] animals responded to the
divine impulse through an activity of the will or of love, may be symbolic in
nature, but are not correct literally, as so many devout occult students may
think. Such specific forms of life did
not exist in those far off times, particularly upon the moon chain. The consideration of species and of types may
not be permitted; it is futile and a waste of time. What really occurred was a reaction
throughout the entire animal kingdom to the inpouring
of the three major types of energy, which expressed themselves through the
usual seven types and thus called forth response from those forms of life which
were energised through the medium of the three major centres—heart, head and throat—of
the Being who is the informing life. A
tremendous surging upward and a going-forth in response ensued, which enabled a
new kingdom to emerge.
A creative act is
ever the result of inspiration being seized upon, recognised for what it is,
and developed by the form side, and understood and fostered by the brain and
the heart of man. Some new thing is thus
produced. The instinctive creative act
of the physical body is not here discussed.
In this way, through a response to inspiration, the animal kingdom came
into being. First, there was the pouring
in of energy, stimulating and inspiring; then there came the recognition of the
responding form, resulting in an initiated activity, and then there was the
production of that which had not been theretofore. Thus a new kingdom in nature appeared.
This same thing it
is that is again happening today in the world.
There is a pouring in of spiritual energy, vitalising, transforming, and
rendering humanity creative. Initiatory
work becomes possible and a new and higher kingdom can appear upon the
earth. But all this is due, as before,
to the pouring in of a triple energy in seven ways. The potency of [Page 214] these forces lies behind
the disruption of the present time, but a new kingdom in nature will be born.
(EPII 214) The interest of this, psychologically
speaking, does not lie in the historicity of the facts stated, but in the
appearance upon earth today of the higher types at present found amongst men
everywhere. Egos of will are
relatively and naturally few; egos of love are becoming more frequent in appearance; intelligent egos are
widely distributed. There is a balance now being established
between the egos of love and of intelligence, and these together must and will
inaugurate the new civilisation which will be the field for the culture of the
(EPII364) The service humanity [Page 364] is to render
is that of producing unity, harmony, and beauty in nature, through blending
into one functioning, related unity the soul in all forms. This is achieved individually at first, then
it takes place in group formation, and finally it demonstrates through an
entire kingdom in nature. When this
takes place, the fourth Creative Hierarchy will be controlled predominantly
by the fourth ray (by
which I mean that the majority of its egos will have fourth ray
personalities, thus
facilitating the task of fusion), and the consciousness of its advanced units
will function normally upon the fourth plane of buddhic
energy or intuitional awareness.
(EPII 491) Guidance also comes from a man's own powerful,
integrated personality and he will frequently fail to recognise it for what it
is. The ambition, desire, or prideful purposings of a personality may work down from the mental
body and be impressed upon the brain, and yet the man, in that brain
consciousness, may regard them as coming from some extraneous outer
source. Yet all the time, the physical
man is responding to the injunctions and impulses of his own personality. This often happens to three types of people:
a. Those whose egos
or personalities are upon the sixth ray.
b. Those who have
laid themselves open to the glamours of the astral
plane through over stimulation of the solar plexus.
c. Those who are
susceptible, for some reason or another, to the receding Piscean energy.
(EA 243) It is also peculiarly instructive to study
the rulers of this sign. From the angle of orthodox astrology, Venus rules
Libra, whilst—esoterically speaking—Uranus rules. Saturn is the ruler in this
sign of that stupendous Creative Hierarchy which is one of the three
major groups of Builders,
forming part of the third aspect of divinity; Their goal is the giving of form
to the Sons of Mind and thereby offering opportunity for sacrifice and service.
A study of the relation of this Hierarchy to that of the human
egos, the fourth Creative Hierarchy, will prove most illuminating and is handled somewhat
in my earlier Treatise on Cosmic Fire. The nature and purpose of the three
rulers will emerge with clarity if this is done.
The ancient habits
are too strong for many Egos who individualised in Lemuria
(EH 62) Homosexuality is what you call a
"left-over" from the sexual excesses of Lemurian
times, an inherited
taint, if you like. Egos
who individualised and incarnated in that vast period of time are the ones who today
demonstrate homosexual tendencies. In
those days, so urgent was the sexual appetite, the normal processes of human
intercourse did not satisfy the insatiable desire of the advanced man of the
period. Soul force, flowing in through
the processes of individualisation, served to stimulate the lowest
centres. Hence, forbidden methods were
practised. Those who thus practised them
are today, in great numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient habits are too strong for
them. They are now far enough advanced
upon the evolutionary path so that the cure lies ready at this time—if they
choose to employ it. They can, with
relative ease, transfer the sex impulse to the throat
centre, and thus
become creative in the higher sense, employing the energy [Page 63] sensed and
circulating in right and constructive ways.
(RI 63) This fourth ray, as you have several times been told, is out
of incarnation, as far
as the reincarnating egos or souls of men are concerned.
From another angle, however, it is always active and ever present,
because it is the ray which governs the fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom in the three
worlds of strictly human evolution.
(WM 159) A secondary and less important thought is
that as egos, preparing to take human bodies, are deeply engaged in meditation work, it
is highly improbable that they can be reached by the ordinary medium in the
ordinary seance.
At the most, only those who have passed over quite
recently can be thus contacted, and they are, in most cases, in a condition of deep
abstraction of a
different kind. There is no time or
purpose in enlarging upon this theme here but it is of interest to those
investigating these matters.
(WM 361) These analogies change as time
progresses. In Lemurian
days, viewing it as a kingdom in nature, humanity expressed the solar plexus
aspect, whilst the animal kingdom stood for the sacral centre, and the centre
at the base of the spine was symbolised by the vegetable [Page 361] kingdom. In the middle of the Atlantean period, when certain great changes and experiments were
wrought, a shift in the entire process took place; certain egos came in, as you know, as related in the Secret
Doctrine and in a Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and a tremendous stepping forward
became possible through their efforts.
The chitta or mind-stuff became more vibrant
and now we have the period of its intensest activity
in the concrete sense.
(WM 362) It is interesting to note that just as the
Monad, impelled by desire, produces that form of life which we call the
personality, so the mind aspect, as part of the purpose working out through the
Universal Mind, in its form produces that manifestation which we call a Manasaputra, the great Son of Mind on the mental
plane. Hence it is the mind principle in
humanity which brings into [Page 362] manifestation the egoic
body, the causal vehicle, the karana sarira, the twelve-petalled
lotus. We are of course talking entirely
in terms of the form aspect here. The
reason for this lies back on the cosmic planes, whereon the planetary Logos has
His life. From the cosmic astral plane
comes the impulse which produces form existence and concrete expression—for all
form-taking is the result of desire.
From the cosmic mental plane comes the will-to-be in time and space,
which produces the seven groups of egoic
lives and the third
(WM 554) He will need to consider also that his
environment is the result of the work of an aggregate of group thinkers—group
to which he belongs. This concept can be
traced back all the way from a family group to the group of egos who, closely
interlinked, form a group
on the higher level of the mental plane, and on again to the seven
major thinkers of the universe, the Lords of the seven rays.
These seven, in their turn, are [Page 555] swept into activity by the
three supreme magical workers, the manifested Trinity. These Three, in due course, will be
recognized as responsive to the thought of the One Creator, the Unmanifested Logos.