Compilation Cosmic Paths 2
(47 pages)
Freshly-made Chohans, after making decision
as to Cosmic path, are postponing their progress on their chosen path so as to form a protecting wall around the Christ during
his reapearrance
(RI 655) Today, however, in taking this sixth initiation, all of the Masters so doing and under the suggestion of the Christ, continue to make the decision which will control Their future progress on one of the seven Paths of the Higher Evolution, but—at the same time—all of Them are postponing this proposed progress upon Their chosen Path in order, for a brief time, to implement and aid the work of the Christ and help towards the externalisation of the Hierarchy, through the medium of certain of its Ashrams; They will also form a protecting wall around the Christ, and act as liaison officers between Their great Leader and the Avatar of Synthesis.
(CF 1242)
Each of these Cosmic paths
eventually leads to one or other of the
six constellations which (with ours) form the seven centres in the body of the OAWNMBS.
(CF 401) The fire of matter earlier dealt
with is the dynamic fire of motion, which keeps in activity each atom of
matter. The fire of mind is the coherent
impulse and purpose, driving the forms (built up of active matter) in a
specific direction, and along certain destined paths. It is consequently karmic impulse,
originating cause, and operating will.
It is likewise the result or the effect of this action in time, and only
as the Triad comes into play, via
the esoteric four, are the fires of both mind and matter burnt out and the fire
of Spirit set free.
(EPI 316)
A ray is but a name for a
particular force or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality
which that force exhibits and not upon the force aspect which it creates. This is a true definition
of a ray.
(EA 38) Each of the seven Hierarchies of Beings, found within the Twelve, Who are the Builders or the Attractive Agents are
(in their degree) intermediaries; all embody one of the types of force emanating from the seven constellations.
(EA 14)
Students would do well to remember that the twelve
constellations which constitute our particular zodiac are themselves
the recipients of many streams
of energy coming to them from many different
source. These blend and fuse
with the energy of any particular constellation
and - transmuted and "occultly refined"-
eventually find their way into our
solar system.
(EA 15) those coming from that great star, Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems which are related to the constellations of the zodiac and whose force reaches us through these constellations and not directly.
(CF 1242) These seven
Paths, when trodden, prepare a man to pass certain cosmic initiations, including those upon the Sun Sirius. One hint may here be given. Each of these
Paths eventually leads to one or other of the six constellations which (with
ours) form the seven centres in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE
1. The Path of
Earth Service (RI 397)
2. The Path of
Magnetic Work (RI 401)
3. The Path of Training for
Planetary Logoi
(RI 405
(RI 399)
1. The Path of Earth Service leads to the cosmic
astral plane.
2. The Path of Magnetic Work leads to the cosmic
astral plane.
3. The Path for Training for Planetary Logoi leads to the higher levels of the cosmic mental
4. The Path to Sirius leads to the cosmic astral
5. The Ray Path leads to the cosmic mental
6. The Path the Logos Himself is on leads to the
cosmic buddhic plane.
7. The Path of Absolute Sonship
leads to the cosmic mental plane.
(CF 904) The gaseous devas become eventually the devas of the fourth ether, and from thence in long
aeons, find their way to the cosmic fourth ether, the buddhic
plane. These three groups are therefore cosmically connected with:
1. The cosmic astral plane and the
constellation whence emotional and desire energy originates.
2. The cosmic mental plane, and therefore with
the constellation Sirius.
3. The
cosmic buddhic plane, and the constellation of the Pleiades.
(CF 1243) The initiates upon
Path I "fight their way" on to path VI.
The initiates upon Path II
"alchemise themselves" on to Path VII.
The initiates upon Path III
through "piercing the veil" find themselves upon Path V.
This leaves Path IV to be accounted for. Upon this Path pass all those who, through devotion and activity combined, achieve the goal but who lack as yet the full development of the manasic principle. This being the solar system of love-wisdom, or of astral buddhic development, the fourth Path includes the larger number of the sons of men. In the hierarchy of our planet the "Lords of Compassion" are numerically greater than the "Masters of the Wisdom." The former must therefore all pass to the sun Sirius there to undergo a tremendous manasic stimulation, for Sirius is the emanating source of manas. There the mystic must go and become what is called "a spark of mahatic electricity."
(CF 182) Our Solar System, with the Pleiades and one of the starts of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centres in the Body of OAWNMBS. The Seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centres in the body of that being greater than our logos. Again two other systems, when allied with the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesised into the seven head centres in much the same way as in the human being after the fourth initiation.
(EA 351) Cancer
- Physical Sun - 3rd aspect
Gemini - Heart of the Sun -
2nd aspect
Aquarius - Central Spiritual Sun
(EOH 421) The remaining
full moons will constitute lesser festivals...They
will establish the divine attributes in the consciousness of man...arrived at
by a close study of the nature of a particular
constellation or constellations influencing these months. For instance, Capricorn
(RI 339)
The zodiacal wheel is itself
essentially a cosmic centre; it is a twelve-petalled lotus, but
it is a twelve petalled lotus within the thousand petalled lotus of...the OAWNMBS.
(EPII 196) In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which -is to our zodiac- what the zodiac is to the earth.
(EA 308)
Beyond Neptune and
Uranus, lies another planet (Pluto), as yet is through this planet that the forces (as they are related to Leo and Aquarius) are focussed in one
potent stream of force; these pour into our
planetary life during the month of August,
and distribute themselves, via Uranus and Neptune.
Charts of the cosmic lines of directed forces such as the above can be given for all the energies of the constellations and planetary forces...
(RI 413) This great
Sun which is to our solar Logos what the Monad is to the spiritual man, has a peculiar part to play where our Earth is concerned.
the Cosmic Paths lead eventually to the Central Spiritual Sun
(RI 399) Three Paths,
therefore, lead to the realm of loving attractive energy; one Path leads to its
higher correspondence, the cosmic level of pure reason; three lead to the realm of divine Mind.
Four of the Paths relate the
advancing Master to the Heart of the Great Life Who functions through this
solar system, and three
to His Mind nature. All of them lead the initiate eventually to the Central Spiritual Sun. [Page 400] All Who work in Shamballa
find Their way to this supreme centre by the three
most arduous ways, whilst the remainder reach the same goal via the way of
(RI 360) The Way of the Higher Evolution leads through the monadic and logoic planes (the two highest levels of the cosmic physical plane); when the four planes of the cosmic etheric plane are completely mastered and under occult direction, the initiate is faced with the seven Paths and with the choice to tread one or other of them. His choice is naturally dependent upon ray determinations and past activity but is nevertheless a free choice, because all limitation has been removed, all wrong identification with physical forms is now impossible, and the initiate's only limitation is that imposed by entrance into cosmic levels of awareness with which he is still unfamiliar.
(RI 361) The cosmic astral plane becomes, for the Master, a definite objective; He is beginning to develop a great sensitivity to that level of awareness, but consciousness of that within the planetary life—as He knows it—prevents Him from registering this energy of pure cosmic love as He later will. It is this sense of limitation which is the cause of His recognition of the Door on to the Way of the Higher Evolution, for the fifth and sixth initiations liberate Him into the atmic and monadic states of awareness; these initiations are to the initiate at this stage of development what the first and second initiations are to the disciple who is seeking to tread the earlier stages of the Path of Initiation. They might therefore be regarded as initiations of the threshold—one leading to the awareness of the higher levels of conscious unfoldment which the third initiation (the first major initiation) inaugurates, and the other to those levels of impression, of contact and of future ascension which are the sevenfold goal set before the Master when the sixth initiation (the true ascension) is consummated. It is for this reason that this particular initiation is called the Initiation of Decision. The Master then chooses which of the seven Ways or Paths He will follow, because His aeonial experience has enabled Him to choose any of them and know that He has chosen aright. Though these seven Paths, being one of the septenates, are necessarily related to the seven rays, they are not ray paths, nor are they governed by the seven rays. Any one of them is open to a Master of the Wisdom, and His choice will not be dependent upon His ray type, though He will take that factor into consideration. They are more definitely related to the seven cosmic planes than to the seven rays; this we will consider in greater detail when dealing with the factor of the seven Ashrams which are "proving" grounds for all the Masters confronted with the Initiation of Decision.
(RI 371) One point should here be made: the entry of a member of the human family into the ranks of the initiates and his participation in the activity of some one or other of the Ashrams produces a movement out of the Hierarchy of some Master and into the highest centre of all; it has this effect only after the entering initiate has taken the third initiation, and can therefore take his part in the hierarchical life as a monadic expression susceptible to impression from Shamballa. When a Master thus emerges He is immediately confronted with the choice between the seven Paths. With this development and decision we shall later deal. The seven Paths are all concerned with purpose, just as the seven Ashrams are all concerned with the plan. There is, as you will later see, a direct relation between the seven Paths and the seven Ashrams. Though we shall not deal with the subject at all, there is likewise a correspondence in the third [Page 372] major centre, Humanity. You have, therefore, curiously interrelated:
The seven Paths
The seven Rays
The seven Ashrams
The seven Races
Students would do well to bear in mind that
these relationships are the result of the involutionary
activity of the life expression of the Lord of the World. The key to the mystery of differentiation is
found by the Master when He is faced by the choice
of the seven Paths. At that
(RI 377) In the "centre where the will of God is known" the intelligent loving Master, now responsive to the energy of the will, is faced with the seven Paths whereon that will can come to fruition and the "units of love can be transferred because they also will and know." They can then form part of the third solar system which will be definitely under the influences coming from the cosmic mental plane, just as, in this solar system, the energies coming from the cosmic astral plane have been the major influence.
(RI 390) There are certain preliminary statements
which would be useful here, if there is to be any real and true measure of
clear thinking and understanding. Their
significance will emerge as we study the Seven Paths and the Nine
Initiations. I shall do no more than
state them, but you must regard them as basic:
2. This
3. At the sixth
initiation, called the Initiation of Decision, the
Initiate makes His final choice as to the Way that He will go, and from that decision
there is no turning back.
[Page 391]
4. Three things will necessarily colour any decision the Initiate may
make; His ray, which still
determines Him, His
past activities as they may fit Him for specialised work, plus a sense of freedom hitherto
unrealised. The decision might be
regarded as the first gesture of the advancing Master toward liberation from all ray limitations. As He
moves forward on the
5. The fifth initiation
is usually called that of the Resurrection by the orthodox Christian, but this
is not its real name; it is in reality the Initiation of Revelation, because
the Initiate gains His first vision of the Door through which He must pass on
to the seven Paths. He glimpses it and
that is all, but between that initiation and the next in which He must perforce
make His decision, He comes
to understand the nature of the energy which each Path expresses and which will eventually evoke from Him a
decisive activity.
356) The other two initiations (vaguely
called the Resurrection and the
Ascension) are related to the second so-called "door." This door is not in the same
sense an obstruction as is the first door; it opens on to the Way of the Higher
Evolution. The first door symbolically admits the initiate into the "heart
of the Sun," whilst the second door—in a
most mysterious sense—indicates the route which must be followed by the
liberated initiate who seeks to penetrate to the
Central Spiritual Sun—to which all the seven Paths eventually lead.
7. The fifth and sixth
initiations are to the Master what the first and second are to the
disciple—simply initiations of the threshold and not true initiations from the
cosmic angle. The first true initiation upon the
8. The decision made by
the Master enables Him to
take the required training to enter His chosen Path, and this training is taken entirely upon cosmic etheric
levels—the four highest subplanes of the cosmic physical plane—the buddhic,
atmic, monadic and logoic
9. On these planes the
spiritual and the divine will is developed and brought into use; these are
aspects of that undefinable purpose to which we give
the simple name: the Will of God. Intelligence and love have been fully
unfolded in the Master, but the will is embryonic still, from the [Page 392]
standpoint of Those responsible for training the
Master and the higher Initiate. It is only by means of the divine will that
the Master begins to free Himself from ray limitations.
10. I would remind you
of an earlier statement that the Hierarchy
reacts or responds to the energies and influences coming from the cosmic astral
plane; from that level of
spiritual life true divine love pours into it.
Shamballa reacts to the cosmic mental plane, and therefore to the nature and purposes of
the Mind of God; the expression of THAT which overshadows Sanat
Kumara is similar to the soul overshadowing the incarnated spiritual man.
If you will bear these
facts in mind, some light may break through and, in any case, when the student
or disciple returns to incarnation, this imparted knowledge (stored in the
soul's content) will then be usefully available.
I would like to enlarge
somewhat upon an earlier remark. I
stated that the "seven
Ashrams are 'proving grounds'
for all the Masters confronted with the sixth Initiation of Decision."
This constitutes part
of the problem facing the Masters Who are thus to move forward; it is
particularly crucial for Those Who have chosen the first Path, the Path of Earth Service, and for all in preparation
for the sixth initiation.
This training in
decision is given by forcing the Master to make basic decisions within His
Ashram affecting world work and involving all within the Ashram. It is given by His admission to the conclave
of the Masters, meeting every seven years.
Council at Shamballa can determine with great
accuracy which of the seven paths a certain Initiate will choose
(RI 394) While these centennial conclaves are being
held at the close of the first twenty-five years of every century, the Lord of the World with the Members of His Council watch the
process of decision in
order to see how far the will of the [Page 394] Hierarchy conforms to that
aspect of the divine will which should be expressed in the three worlds as the
result of Their decision. They watch
also Those particular Masters Who should in a short time be ready for the sixth
initiation, in order to see how
much of that divine will They register and what is the nature and quality of Their use of
it. By recording that quality, the Council at Shamballa is able to determine with great accuracy which of the seven Paths
a certain Initiate will choose. In this manner They become
aware of how many senior disciples will be needed to take over the headship of
an Ashram, with a consequent admittance of many disciples to the initiation
next in order for them. At the same
time, aspirants on the periphery of an Ashram are enabled to move forward into
full ashramic participation.
The preparation of the Masters for this sixth initiation is exceedingly strenuous. They
find it as difficult to achieve Their goal as does the
average disciple as he looks ahead at the initiation which immediately
confronts him. They have to master the
technique of handling the most
potent energy and influence in the world, that of the intelligence. They
have to penetrate into the mystery of electricity and implement [Page 395] its
expression in the creative process under the directive of Shamballa;
They have to learn to work
with electric fire in the
same way as—much earlier—They worked with fire by friction as personalities,
and with solar fire as disciples and lesser initiates. In this way, They
become familiarised with what is meant by the words the "Central Spiritual Sun," just as They were familiar with the
appearance of the physical Sun when members of the human family, and with the
"Heart of the Sun" as Members of the Hierarchy. Again you can see the same unfolding
synthesis—a synthesis which originates in that focal point of attractive
dynamic energy, known to us as the Sun and its planets.
(RI 395) Thus within His Ashram the Master learns
"occultly to decide" and to condition the creative centre for
which He is responsible. He has to do
this with the Ashram, surrounded by all those who are in training and who are the agents of His will. Through
them He must act, and they thereby limit necessarily the vision to which He
reacts, and step down the rate and quality of the energy of which He is the focal
(RI 396) The seven Paths confronting the Master
It will be apparent to
you now that the Master confronts two crises:
1. The crisis of the
will, as it demonstrates in unalterable decision.
2. The crisis of the
new step which will probably "cast Him adrift upon the shore of some
distant sphere wherein His will must be expressed in
love." These ambiguous words of the
Old Commentary mean that [Page 396] His decision will (with one exception) take
Him away from all that He has hitherto known.
The majority of the
Masters then enter into realms wherein They are needed
"to impart, strengthen and enlighten that which is already fused, already
strong and already full of light, but which needs that which He brings in order
to express the all-encompassing whole."
Buddha made a mistake and chose the path of Earth Service at his 6th
initiation of Decision, and will in due time pass to his rightful path
I have to leave you
with these words as food for reflection as there is
little further that I may say upon this point.
In any case and for all deciding groups of Masters, the work with the
Hierarchy is over, except for the few Who choose
Path I. Part of the mistake which
the Buddha made was connected with this subject of decision. He
loved humanity so much that He felt He could not and did not choose the Path
which He was in reality ordained to follow; He chose instead the Path of Earth Service—which was not His Path at all. This He knows and will in due time pass on to
His rightful Path. This little incident
will demonstrate the complete freedom of choice which distinguishes the sixth
The seven Paths are, as you know from your study of Initiation,
Human and Solar the following:
1. The Path of Earth
2. The Path of Magnetic
3. The Path of Training
for Planetary Logoi.
4. The Path to Sirius.
5. The Ray Path.
6. The Path on which
our Logos is found.
7. The Path of Absolute
In that first book
which I wrote for the world, I gave a simple definition of the exoteric significance
of these Paths—so simple as to convey but little. I wrote then for the general public. I will now endeavour to convey some of the
deeper meanings, writing as I do for advanced disciples and for initiates
who—reading between the lines and understanding the symbolism involved—will
comprehend according to their point in evolution.
[Page 397]
As we approach the
subject of the seven Paths, I would point out that the only basic point which
can be presented to you is that of relationship. All
these seven Paths lead to some objective which is thereby put in touch with our planetary life;
these objectives—with the life and conditions they represent—present to the
Master a vision of possibility. This
vision is adequate to the task of drawing Him forth from the hierarchical
Ashram, except in one
case where vacancies in Shamballa need to be filled. The
progressive experience of the greater Lives Who work in the Council
Chamber of Sanat Kumara form no part of our studies. Many of
these supreme Workers, as you have read in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, found Their way to our planet from our
sister planet, Venus,
thereby in Their turn establishing relationship. Remember also that all the seven rays are the subrays
of the great cosmic Ray of Love-Wisdom, which is ever expressive of relationship,
implemented under the Law of Attraction; it is this form of esoteric attraction
which draws the Master
forth from His Ashram,
conditions His decision and eventually leads to His passing through the door
which opens on to other spheres and planes of activity.
Let us now
consider—very briefly and necessarily inadequately—these seven Paths, taking
them one by one:
One general fact we do know, and that is, that before these Paths can be trodden, a man must be a Master of the Wisdom, he must he a Brother of Compassion, and he must be able, through intelligence and love, to wield the law. Our part at this time is to fit ourselves for the treading of the Path of Initiation, by the discipline of the Probationary Path, by the careful direction of the life, by obedience to the law as understood, and by service to the race. When we have attained liberation, then these Paths will stretch before us, and the one that we should tread will become apparent to us. All in this system works under the great law of attraction, and therefore, according to our vibration, [Page 186] according to our colour and tone, will depend, in all probability, our choice. The greater free will of the cosmic system is under limitation, just as is the free will of the system of which we are a part, and the free will of man himself. Upon innate quality will depend the direction of our further progress.
These seven Paths might be enumerated as follows, and certain deductions, based on the law of correspondence, might be given out, provided always that we remember that words serve more to blind than to elucidate, and that the briefest details only are possible.
1. The Path of Earth
Service. (IHS 187)
This is the Path that keeps a man linked to the Hierarchy that is pledged to the service of our planet, and to the help of its evolutions. It comprises those who work under the Lord of the World in the seven groups into which our Masters of the Wisdom are divided. Not so many Masters follow this Path as some of the others, and only enough are permitted to do so to carry on planetary evolution satisfactorily. More is known about this path than about the others, and more will be found out as members of our humanity fit themselves to contact the Brotherhood. Their field of employ, Their methods of work, will eventually become exoteric knowledge, and as the seven groups are recognised and known, schools of development for the filling of posts in these groups will be the logical sequence.
Path I. The Path of Earth Service.
(CF 1244)
The nature of the spiritual force which animates the group of our peculiar planetary initiates will become apparent perhaps if the methods and purposes of their work are studied from the standpoint of subjective energy, and not so specifically of the material form. This point of view can be gleaned most easily from a consideration of the animating impulse lying behind all world groups which are particularly consecrated to the uplift of the race. This will necessarily include all political, religious, scientific and metaphysical organisations. It will be found that each and all are definitely related and have a point of at-one-ment with certain of the numerous occult bodies which are (usually unknown to the affiliated group) responsible for the vitalisation of the principal units in any of these organisations doing this pioneer work.
This first path is the one that keeps a man linked to the Hierarchy which is pledged to the service of our planetary scheme. It comprises those who work under the Lord [Page 1245] of the World in the seven groups into which our Masters of the Wisdom are divided. Not so many Masters follow this Path as some of the others, and only enough are permitted to do so to carry on planetary evolution satisfactorily. More is known about this Path than about any of the others, and more will continuously be found out as members of our humanity fit themselves to contact the Brothers of the Hierarchy. Their field of employ, Their methods of work will eventually become exoteric, and as the seven groups are recognised and known, schools of development for the filling of posts in these groups will be the logical sequence.
(CF 1245) The adepts who stay upon this Path are distinguished by a dual attribute, which is their guarantee of attainment along this line of spiritual endeavour. They are animated by wise-compassion. These words should be carefully studied for they hold the clue to the nature of this first Path. The adepts who choose this Path are called esoterically the "beneficent dragons," and the energy with which they work and the stream of living force upon which they are found emanates from the constellation of the Dragon, working through the zodiacal sign Libra. This special spiritual energy produces in all those groups which come under its direct influence a profound faculty for identification. This identification does not concern the form nor the soul but only the spiritual point of positive life which in the human unit we call the "Jewel in the Lotus." It should be remembered in this connection that there is a jewel at the heart of every atom. Every jewel has seven facets which are the seven doorways to the seven Paths.
The "beneficent dragons" are distinguished by their "luminosity," and it is this basic quality which lies behind the injunction given by all spiritual teachers to their pupils in the words "let your light shine forth."
When the adept enters through the "luminous door" he has before him four very peculiar and esoteric IDENTIFICATIONS. This entrance takes place after he has passed the fifth Initiation and has demonstrated his fitness so to do through a long period of service in connection with our planetary evolution. These identifications eventually bring about within the jewel, which is essentially the true spiritual unit, a momentous happening, and are undergone within the monadic consciousness after the transcendence of the atmic sheath. These four identifications are connected with the fourfold lotus of the solar Logos, or with His twelve-petalled heart centre. This lotus is sometimes called the "heart of the Sun," and concerns the subjective sun. It is not, however, possible to say more along this line.
These four Identifications are only undergone upon this particular Path and are each preceded by three lesser identifications which make a totality of twelve Identifications, corresponding to the twelve-petalled lotus. It will be noted by the accurate student that we are now discontinuing the use of the word "initiation" which has to do specifically with consciousness and therefore with duality and are utilising a word which connotes synthesis, though very inadequately.
The energy which is manipulated in the process of these identifications is largely that pouring through the sixth Hierarchy, which has an esoteric relation to the sixth Path on to which the initiates of Path I have eventually to fight their way. The form through which the adept must work in order to demonstrate his control of the energy concerned may not here be given. It may only be stated that luminosity is gained upon the battle ground through a fight with a dragon. The following summation may be found suggestive:
[Page 1247]
Source...........Constellation of the Dragon, via Libra.
Method...........Twelve cosmic Identifications.
Hierarchy........The sixth.
Symbol...........A green dragon issuing from the centre of a blazing sun. Behind the sun and over-topping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.
Quality gained...Luminosity.
1. The Path of
Earth Service (RI 397)
Leads to Cosmic
Path VII -
Cosmic Mental
This is the only Path
which the Lord of the World regards as within the field of His spiritual
interference. He reserves the right to retain in the
service of the Hierarchy,
and consequently of Humanity and the subsidiary evolutions, Those Masters Whom He regards at any one time
as essential to the work to
be done. This He does by asking Them to record Their
decision when taking the sixth initiation, but to
postpone moving on to one or other of the Paths until He gives the word.
This word He has
lately given in the case of the Buddha, Who has expiated His most understandable mistake and will
now move forward—in His own good time—on to the Path which will lead Him to His
rightful field of expression. In due
time also, though [Page 398] not for some time, the Christ will move forward "to the place which calls Him," and the Master K.H. will assume the role
of World Teacher. All these moves
present their unique problems; they produce vacancies in the ranks of the
Hierarchy which must be filled; they lead constantly to the inflow of new and
powerful energies, for it must be recognised that these energies reach us along Paths leading to our
planet as well as away from
it. The invocative note of our united
evolution at stated times and cycles sounds out and reaches Those
Who are waiting for spiritual opportunity and service. They
then follow the Path to our planet. From
other spheres and planes They emerge along the lines of Their destiny and intention;
we then call Them
Avatars or Great Enlighteners or Planetary Saviours or Spiritual Regents; They act at the request of Sanat
Kumara, given on higher cosmic levels.
It is nevertheless a statement of fact that in due time even Those Who choose
the Path of Earth Service and remain in hierarchical work are eventually given the right to follow
Their decision and pass to extra-planetary service. The Hierarchy,
as we have seen, gives the needed training for that wider service, and the
theme of what I might call the educational process to which the Masters submit
is the unfoldment of the consciousness of the
relationships which lie beyond the aura of our planet; this is, in reality, a
higher and most abstruse branch of the Science of Impression, which disciples
upon their lower level have to master.
This aspect of impression is, however, concerned with the formless
worlds, whereas all the impressions to which the disciple has to learn to react
emanate from and within the cosmic physical plane, of which all our seven
planes are an integral part; our highest spiritual world is a part of the
substantial world. The Masters,
therefore, are working
at a conscious receptivity or sensitivity to the cosmic astral plane, the source of the spirit or energy of love. There is a fundamental connection between the
Hierarchy (the source of expression of love on Earth) and the cosmic astral
plane, and it is towards this objective that the Masters work Who choose the Path [Page 399] of Earth Service. The major ray of our solar system is that of love-wisdom, and there is no better field on which to
master the preliminary stages of that divine unfoldment
and receive the needed development and education than on the Earth.
On the Earth, the
Masters have overcome glamour and illusion, and for Them
no astral plane exists. Now ahead of Them, and owing to Their freedom from these
"bewilderments," will come the opportunity to enter into the Heart of
God, the centre of pure love, and from that centre to tread the way of
love. All these seven Paths lead either to the cosmic astral plane or to
the cosmic mental plane, according
to the decision made at the sixth initiation.
Upon the cosmic astral plane there is no glamour, but instead a great
vortex of energy—the energy of pure love—under the domination of the Law of
Attraction. It might be stated that:
(RI 399)
1. The Path of Earth Service leads to the cosmic
astral plane.
2. The Path of Magnetic Work leads to the cosmic
astral plane.
3. The Path for Training for Planetary Logoi leads to the higher levels of the cosmic mental
4. The Path to Sirius leads to the cosmic astral
5. The Ray Path leads to the cosmic mental
6. The Path the Logos Himself is on leads to the
cosmic buddhic plane.
7. The Path of Absolute Sonship
leads to the cosmic mental plane.
(RI 399) Three Paths,
therefore, lead to the realm of loving attractive energy; one Path leads to its
higher correspondence, the cosmic level of pure reason; three lead to the realm
of divine Mind. Four of the Paths relate the advancing Master
to the Heart of the Great Life Who functions through this solar system, and three
to His Mind nature. All of them lead the initiate eventually to the Central Spiritual Sun. [Page 400] All Who work in Shamballa
find Their way to this supreme centre by the three
most arduous ways, whilst the remainder reach the same goal via the way of love.
The unfoldment
of the will has much to do with Their decision. It
must not be thought that Those Masters Who are on the first, third and fifth
rays, for instance, follow
the Path numerically the same; such is not the case; nor that Those Who are predominantly
on the second line of energy find the cosmic astral plane Their goal. Such again is not the case. Their response and decision is based on a
realisation of cosmic need—a need of which you can know nothing, any more than
it is possible for you to comprehend the nature of cosmic evil.
As to the detail of the
work of Those Who choose—until released—to stay on Earth and work in or with
the Hierarchy, is there more that I can tell you? You know much anent this subject for I have
given much—far more than has ever been given before. I have not dealt with the work of the
Hierarchy in relation to evolutions other than the human, for two reasons:
There are many Masters Who do not work with the
human kingdom at all, but
are fully occupied with carrying out the divine Will in other kingdoms. With this work we have, at present, no
concern. When any one takes the sixth
initiation and makes his decision to follow the Path of Earth Service (either
temporarily at the request of Sanat Kumara, or until
the end of the world cycle), he will find himself faced with a secondary decision as to which of the
four kingdoms will profitably provide the field of his sacrifice and service.
We will now consider:
(IHS 185) One general fact we do know, and that is, that before these Paths can be trodden, a man must be a Master of the Wisdom, he must he a Brother of Compassion, and he must be able, through intelligence and love, to wield the law. Our part at this time is to fit ourselves for the treading of the Path of Initiation, by the discipline of the Probationary Path, by the careful direction of the life, by obedience to the law as understood, and by service to the race. When we have attained liberation, then these Paths will stretch before us, and the one that we should tread will become apparent to us. All in this system works under the great law of attraction, and therefore, according to our vibration, [Page 186] according to our colour and tone, will depend, in all probability, our choice. The greater free will of the cosmic system is under limitation, just as is the free will of the system of which we are a part, and the free will of man himself. Upon innate quality will depend the direction of our further progress.
2. The Path of Magnetic
Work. (IHS 187)
Those who do the work of wielding forces, or electrical magnetism for the use of the Great Ones on all the planes, pass to this Path. They wield the elemental formative energy, manipulating matter of every density and vibration. [Page 187] Great waves of ideas and surging currents of public opinion on astral levels, as well as on the higher levels where the Great Ones work, are manipulated by them. A large number of fifth ray people, those who have the Ray of Concrete Knowledge for their monadic ray, pass to this line of endeavour. The inherent quality in the type of the monad settles usually the line of activity. The karma of the fifth ray is one of the factors which produces this. These monads work with Fohat, and must, to the end of the greater manvantara. They have their eventual position on the cosmic mental plane, but as yet the capacity for abstract thought is so little developed that it is impossible for us to comprehend the significance of this expression.
Path II. The Path of Magnetic Work. (CF 1247)
(RI 423) An instance of the expansion of the information given can be noted in connection with the second Path. Nothing is mentioned in my earlier presentation of the seven Paths in Initiation, Human and Solar of a conditioning constellation. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, I mention that energy enters our system from an unknown source, via Gemini. In this latest contribution on the subject I mention that Libra, the Balances, is involved. Thus there are found on this Path of Magnetic Work two blended influences, those of Gemini and Libra. You have, therefore:
The dual energy of Gemini is brought to a point of balance by means of the influence of Libra, and this balanced and dual energy is released then into our solar system. This entering stream of balanced energies forms the second Path. I have given you much information in the above statement.
(TEV 120) The Purpose of Sanat Kumara is created at present by the synthesis which the nature of the final seven Paths reveals. It is adapted in time and space to human intelligence by the presented Plan, and—in the glory of consummation—the completed Plan will reveal the Purpose on all the seven planes of evolution. Then evolution, as formulated and imposed by the Hierarchy, will end and a greater dynamic expansion will take its place.
You will note that all along the lines of
teaching there comes an eventual merging and blending, and that, at a [Page
121] certain point in the development of consciousness, the many lines of
spiritual approach become the few lines of conscious spiritual awareness. So it
is in relation to the detail of the evolutionary process, with the formulation
of the hierarchical Plan, and with the recognition of the Purpose. Speaking
practically (and that is always of major importance), it might be said that
evolution controls the form of the Purpose; the Plan concerns the hierarchical
recognition of the Purpose, whilst the Purpose
is the synthetic Thought which pours into the supernal consciousness of the
Lord of the World along the seven Paths of
which the Masters become aware at a
certain very high initiation.
(TEV 120) The seven great energies flow into our manifested world along the lines of the seven Paths; these are not the direct energies of the seven Rays, because these concern consciousness in a most specific manner; they are the substantial energies of material expression and their origin concerns a great mystery. These two lines of energy—material energy and the energy of consciousness—when brought together by divine Purpose, constitute the essential dualism of our manifested life.
(CF 1247)In considering this Path students must bear in mind that they are dealing with that Path which of all the seven expresses most fully the effects of the Law of Attraction. It will be remembered by those who have carefully read this Treatise that this law is the expression of the spiritual will which produces the manifestation of the Son (Sun). Magnetism—physical, attractive and dynamic—is the expression of the law in the three worlds as far as the human unit is concerned. It will be apparent, therefore, that the adept who passes upon this Path is dealing with that reality which is the basis of all coherency in nature, and with that essence which through the force of its own innate quality produces the attractive energy which brings together the pairs of opposites; it is the force which is responsible for the interplay of electrical phenomena of every kind. The adept who chooses this cosmic stream of energy upon which to make certain cosmic approaches and upon which to make a series of cosmic unfoldments is one who has worked primarily upon the second ray path prior to the fifth Initiation, and who frequently has also been upon the fourth ray path. Adepts who have been upon the fourth ray path and who pass from thence upon the second ray do not as a rule choose this cosmic line of endeavour.
[Page 1248]
Those who do the work of wielding forces or electrical magnetism for the use of the Great Ones on all planes pass to this Path. They wield the elemental formative energy, manipulating matter of every density and vibration. Great waves of ideas and surging currents of public opinion on astral levels as well as on the higher levels where work the Great Ones, are manipulated by them. A large number of fifth Ray people, those who have the Ray of Concrete Knowledge for their monadic ray, pass to this line of endeavour. The inherent quality in the type of the Monad settles the line of activity. The karma of the fifth ray is one of the factors which produces this. These Monads work with fohat, and must, to the end of the greater manvantara. They have their eventual position on the cosmic mental plane, but as yet the capacity for abstract thought is so little developed that it is impossible for us to comprehend the significance of this expression.
Three types of magnetic work have been mastered by the adept who treads this second Path. He has mastered (in the three worlds) the magical work of form construction through the manipulation of magnetic energy and the utilisation of fohatic attractive energy in order to "bind the builders." This he does through the medium of a purified lower nature which can act as a perfect transmitter.
He has learnt also the secret of group coherence on the higher levels of the mental plane in connection with his own planetary Logos, and with those two other Logoi Who form with his own Logos a systemic triangle within the solar system. He has passed on also to a comprehension of the forces which unite the various streams of living energy emanating from Them in the furthering of the plans of solar evolution. This becomes possible to him when he can function in the monadic vehicle and is conscious in that unit of force.
[Page 1249]
This has been expressed in the old Commentary in the following words:
"The seven Brothers love each other, yet each seeketh for many aeons the path of hatred. They hate and kill each other until they find that which dieth not and is not hurt. Together then they stand and serve and through their service the seven suns burn up."
The seven suns are destroyed because when synthesis and unity are reached and when the differentiated forces become one homogeneous force, the attractive or magnetic effect of this coherence is a manifested unit on the physical plane as well as on the subjective side of nature. This produces necessarily the destruction of all limiting forms, the merging of the fires, and the blazing forth into objectivity of the vital body of the Logos prior to the final abstraction and the subsequent dying out or obscuration of the solar system.
The will or purpose aspect which is the spiritual life behind all subjective and objective phenomena suddenly makes itself felt and also seen. It is the production of this which is the main work of the adept who passes on to Path II from off his particular ray path.
(CF 1250) Those who tread this second Path work with magnetic or attractive energy because they have identified themselves with it. Eventually they will all pass on to Path VII, which is the Path of Absolute Sonship. All that can be said here in regard to their efforts is the statement that this Path carries them (through the medium of the logoic head centre) into the Heart of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. They are swept out of systemic evolution altogether upon a great tide of attractive energy which emanates from one of the major centres of that great Existence Who is the source of the life of the solar Logos. This centre is of course one of [Page 1250] the seven constellations. As it is the most potent constellation as far as our system is concerned owing to the fact that this system predominantly expresses love or attractive energy and our Logos is as yet polarised in His cosmic astral body, it is not permitted to hint at the name of the constellation. The reason is that if the name were known and if enough people could do the work of occult meditation and visualisation, accompanying the work with a vivid imagination, it might be possible to attract into our system such a downpour of attractive energy from the constellation involved as to unduly speed up the processes of evolution upon our planet, and thus upset the systemic economy most dangerously. People do not yet realise the potency of meditation and especially of group meditation.
The zodiacal sign concerned is Gemini, and the reason will be apparent to all trained initiates.
A word here is necessary in explanation of the expression used earlier in connection with the passing of adepts from off this second Path on to the Seventh Path. It is stated that they "alchemise themselves" on to it. Some idea as to the meaning of this phrase may be gained through a consideration of the purposes of heat, when divorced from moisture, and of the method of employing such heat. The adepts use the "dry alchemical fires" to produce the results they desire in aiding the evolutionary process. As they use these "dry fires" the reaction upon themselves is such that they transmute the electrical spark (or the Monad within the flame of the planetary Life) and break it up in such a manner that it can pass through the systemic etheric web and on to that stream of cosmic energy emanating from the constellation mentioned above.
They are then known
as "Absolute sparks of parental love,"
or (in the exoteric language of the initiates) they pass
on to Path VII, that of "Absolute Sonship."
[Page 1251]
The attributes which the adept on this path has to possess prior to taking the needed training for the seventh cosmic method of approach is responsiveness to heat and a knowledge of rhythm. These words will, of course, mean nothing to the uninitiated but to some it will convey much and when it is noted that there will be found coupled with these two attributes an ability to "see the dancing of the particles of heat and the waves of warm vibration" (as it is called in an old manual which those in training for this path employ) it will be apparent that the effects of fire and the laws of fiery energy and vibration are here dealt with. Those sons of men who at this time search for the "heat of the love nature" of the human unit and who add to that search a cultivation of a vivid imagination and an intense power to visualise are laying a groundwork upon which this later knowledge may be superimposed. But this is not the easy thing it sounds, for it involves an identification at present impossible to the majority, and a power to realise the nature of that which is visualised which negates the idea of duality,—that which visualises and that which is visualised.
The method employed can only be expressed as the "entering of the burning-ground." The power to do this is gained through passing through three preliminary burning-grounds, as is easily to be seen:
1. The burning-ground which lies between the Hall of Ignorance, and the Hall of Learning. This is the destructive fire which man creates under the working of the Law of Karma.
2. The burning-ground of the dead personality which lies between the Hall of Learning and the Hall of Wisdom. It is found upon the shores of the river of life and has to be passed prior to the third Initiation.
3. The burning-ground which is found when a man is ready to pass out of the Hall of Wisdom as a full adept. It is a triple burning-ground and is found "upon the mountain top, being kept alive and flaming by all the winds of heaven." It is responsible for the destruction of the egoic or causal body.
The third produces a spiritual alchemicalisation, whereas the other two produced results in the objective or form side and the subjective or consciousness aspect of his triple nature. When these three burning grounds are passed then the adept is prepared for another and fiercer experience.
(CF 1252) The hierarchies connected with this Path (Path II) are mainly the third and the fourth. Only the human units can pass on to these two paths. The deva hierarchies of the third order have already passed upon them, and it is their previous work which enables man to do so. This is a great mystery and more must not be revealed about it. The group of the Silent Watchers of all degrees are closely connected with this second cosmic path. All of Them are Lords of Sacrifice, and are animated solely by love, and all have therefore passed through the sacrificial burning grounds.
It is only possible to give the most elementary of the exoteric symbols. It takes the form of a funeral pyre in full conflagration, and with four flaming torches one at each corner. From the centre of the pyre a fivefold star mounts like a rocket towards a flaming sun of a predominantly rosy hue.
Attributes.........Responsiveness to heat and knowledge of rhythm.
Source.............An unknown constellation via Gemini.
Method............The entering of the burning-ground.
Hierarchy.........The third and fourth.
[Page 1253]
Symbol.............A funeral pyre, four torches, and a fivefold star mounting towards the sun.
Quality gained...Electrical velocity.
(CF 554)
A peculiar group of Beings connected with a certain constellation and the lesser Dragon,
who have their habitat on
2. The Path of
Magnetic Work (RI 401)
Leads to Cosmic
astral - Sacral Centre -Antares- Libra - Gemini-
Cosmic Buddhic - Path VI -Throat - Pleiades - Venus
In referring to this
Path, I have stated that Those Who
find Their way on to this Path work with fohat, or with the essential energy of our solar
system which differentiates
into seven major types of
energy. Our planet with its ruling Lord
is an integral part of the life expression of a still greater Entity, the solar
Logos, and it is with the astral
energy incident to His cosmic nature that the Master has to work. He
learns to direct the
currents of this essential energy, and because of His past relation to the Earth, He is part
of the directing agency for astral energy within the planetary
ring-pass-not. I also said that many Masters Who
leave reached liberation upon the fifth ray find Their way to this Path, thus proving the statement that it is not the
ray which determines decision. These fifth ray Masters (among many others, of course) will be working in a great second ray vortex of
It must be pointed out
that, in its original state, this pure astral energy, directed under law into
our planetary life, is free from all that is at present associated with the
astral plane: glamour and delusion,
emotional fog and poisonous deceiving phenomena. These well-known aspects of the astral plane
are all the creation of humanity down the ages and present, therefore, an
increasingly difficult problem to all aspirants. The tormenting turmoil and chaos of the
astral plane are due largely to three factors:
The force of the constantly developing glamour as self-centered and undeveloped human beings create it.
The force of those aspirants and disciples who are seeking to combat this in their own lives and in the lives of others.
The inflow of pure solar astral energy under cyclic law and the direction of the Master working on the second Path.
These three factors create great trouble; during the past crisis of the world war (1914-1945) it reached most serious proportions. The hierarchical crisis to which I have earlier [Page 402] referred was involved, and many Masters from the various Ashrams made a decision to work on this second Path in order to bring order out of chaos by pouring into the planetary astral plane pure astral energy, untainted by glamour and revelatory of pure love. They were experts in timing and in energy manipulation.
You will also note how three types of astral energy are therefore related:
The astral force of our planet, distinctive of the planetary astral plane in the three worlds of human enterprise.
The astral force of the solar Logos, the true God of Love.
The astral energy of the cosmic astral plane.
These forces are symbolised to the manipulating Master by a triangle. In the Old Commentary it says:
"The Master throws Himself—under the
liberating Law of Sacrifice—into the vortex of the astral life of the One to
Whom our Lord relates Himself with humble joy.
And as the Master works, there forms before His eyes a triangle of force
in shades of varying rose. By His magnetic power, He concentrates the energy
Then through this triangle of force, as through an open door, He sends the potency of love into our planet, and
till His cycle ends He thus must work."
This is but a rough translation of some very ancient phrases, and is perhaps less symbolic than it may appear. It is in connection with this Path that the work of the Triangles which I initiated is related; the function of these Triangles is in reality to facilitate the work of distributing the pure incoming love energy (expressing itself as light and as goodwill) into the Hierarchy and Humanity. This deeply esoteric purpose of the Triangles will not be understood by the general public, but some of you who read this will appreciate the opportunity to serve in this manner consciously.
The Path of Magnetic Work takes the Master, first of all, to the Heart of the Sun, and from thence to the cosmic [Page 403] mental plane, passing through and pausing temporarily upon the cosmic astral plane. The above statement does not in reality refer to progress from point to point in an ordered sequence. It refers to high states of awareness and to a form of cosmic contact which is registered by the Master from the point at which He stands upon this second Path, for all the planes are interpenetrating. This has been somewhat easy to understand in connection with our seven planes, as the rarer substances could be visualised as interpenetrating the denser. It is not so easy to comprehend, however, when we pass out of the cosmic physical plane (in our imagination, needless to say) and enter those planes of which we know nothing and of whose composition and substance (if they are substantial, as we understand the term) we are totally ignorant; besides that, we are not in a position to ascertain the truth.
The method of the Master's work upon this Path is also not easily understood. It can be summed up in the following words which may bring some light via their united meaning (each phrase contributing an idea), if due reflection is brought to bear upon them:
Isolated Unity.................................................the position of the Master
A positive Focus.............................................the mental attitude
Sound, under the Law of Attraction.................the means employed
Precipitation....................................................the intention visioned
Passage through the Triangle............................the projection ensuing
Directive work under the Law of Distribution...direction towards the goal
These phrases may give some vague idea of a process, based on "reception, then direction, producing rejection and impact where the rejecting agency ordained."
Another aspect of the work done by the Master on the second Path is the drawing off of those phases of glamour which no longer have the power to deceive mankind. They are not allowed to accumulate or to remain upon the astral plane. They are therefore, through the magnetic power of the Master, withdrawn from our planetary life and are "occultly [Page 404] absorbed" by the Master; the substance of the glamour, purified and freed from all that conditioned it on the planetary astral plane, and with only the pure essence retained, sets the law in motion which draws this purified remainder into the cosmic astral plane.
Constantly, therefore, this great circulatory process goes on, demonstrating anew the essential synthesis underlying all life—human, planetary, systemic and cosmic; it reveals also that the Law of Attraction, the Law of Magnetic Work, and the cosmic Law of Synthesis are three aspects of one Law for which, as yet, we have no name.
(CF 404) It might be said that the Masters working on the second Path are working in relation to and in contact with certain great Lives Who work on the periphery of the constellation Libra, the Balances. This is due to the fact that Those Masters Who can work with magnetic energies, and with the three above Laws, have achieved a point of balance which makes Their work possible; it involves also a poised attention and directive power, permitting the inflow of energies from Libra which could not otherwise enter our planetary life at all. These Libran energies enter our solar system via the Heart of the Sun and are peculiarly amenable to magnetic attraction and distribution.
(CF 404) All these Paths gradually came into being when our planetary Logos created the Earth and started the involutionary process of creation, leading in due time but much later, to evolution. They are therefore, all of Them, Paths of Return. This second Path was one of the first to be used and (again quoting the Old Commentary) "the door once opening inward now opens outward and permits the exit of those who hold the key because they entered by that door in aeons long gone by."
All the Masters (and not only Those upon the fifth ray) receive careful training in the manipulation of energies, and hence the statement of the Master K.H. to His disciples that the occultist has to learn to master and control the forces and energies within himself; the disciple and the initiate work with hierarchical energies and with the forces [Page 405] of the kingdoms of nature in the three worlds; the Master receives instruction in the handling of the energies which are extra-planetary but within the solar ring-pass-not.
(CF 405) Those Masters Whose decision it is to tread the second Path are taught the control and direction of systemic energies and of certain energies emanating from Libra and from one of the stars in the constellation of the Great Bear. In the more advanced stages of Their work, and when the Master is far more advanced than the word indicates, He works consciously upon the cosmic mental plane; His activities will then be concerned with the relation of the energies of the Great Bear to the Pleiades, and their dual relationship (a higher correspondence to atma-buddhi) to the solar system and only incidentally to our Earth. Great is the interlocking, the interdependence and the interpenetration!
(RI 423) An instance of the expansion of the information given can be noted in connection with the second Path. Nothing is mentioned in my earlier presentation of the seven Paths in Initiation, Human and Solar of a conditioning constellation. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, I mention that energy enters our system from an unknown source, via Gemini. In this latest contribution on the subject I mention that Libra, the Balances, is involved. Thus there are found on this Path of Magnetic Work two blended influences, those of Gemini and Libra. You have, therefore:
The dual energy of Gemini is brought to a point of balance by means of the influence of Libra, and this balanced and dual energy is released then into our solar system. This entering stream of balanced energies forms the second Path. I have given you much information in the above statement.
(CF 1271) He...and draws the people onward to their goal, warming their hearts, producing dual fire, and leading all towards the portal of the sun and thence to...(GEMINI).
The mystic Word is veiled by letters four—E, M, and A and O—. In the significance of
3. The Path of Training for
Planetary Logoi (IHS 187).
This Path is trodden by those who will take up the work of the seven Planetary Logoi of the next system, and of the forty-nine sub-planetary Logoi, Their assistants, and of certain other Entities working in that particular department. There will be seven systems, though we are only concerned with the three major systems, of which our present system is the second major system. Each Chohan of a ray takes a certain number of initiates of the sixth initiation and trains them specially for this work; special aptitude in colour and sound predisposes the choice, and the ability to work with "psyche," or the spirits in evolution marks a man out for this high post. We might say that the Planetary Logoi are the divine psychologists, and therefore in the training for this post psychology is the basic subject, though it is a psychology inconceivable as yet to us. Every Planetary Logos has, in His own special planet, schools for the development of subordinate Logoi, and there trains Them for this high office, giving Them opportunity for wide experience. Even [Page 188] the Logoi Themselves progress onward, and Their places must be taken.
Path III. Path of training for Planetary Logoi. (CF 1253)
This path is one that attracts to itself only a few comparatively of the sons of men. It involves a peculiar form of development and the faculty of continued awareness along with spiritual identification which is the distinguishing characteristic of the seven cosmic paths.
The adept who chooses this path preserves in a peculiar way the faculty of sense-perception plus identification with the spiritual aspect. They are constantly spoken of in the occult archives as the "Lords Whose mayavirupa continuously recurs." As they work with the psyche or the soul of manifestation and are primarily concerned with the subjective side of life they are connected with that centre in the Body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID which is the source of conscious sensation. Therefore, they are vitalised from the solar plexus of that great Existence Whose all-embracing vitality holds our Logos, along with other solar Logoi, within the sphere of His consciousness. (CF 1253) As is well known, the solar plexus is the centre which synthesises the reactions and the essential virtues of the lower three centres. This point must be borne in mind when studying this cosmic path.
These adepts are also called the "Lords of cosmic Maya" for they work with that faculty which is responsible for illusion and with the relation of the Knower to that which is to be known. Remember here that we are not considering the three worlds of human endeavour except in so far as they form a part of a whole.
The attributes which predispose a man for the work of training himself for the path of a planetary Logos are three in number and may be expressed thus:
[Page 1254]
1. Cosmic vision. These adepts
are connected with the logoic third eye.
2. Deva hearing.
3. Psychic correlation.
All the senses are, as we
know, connected with some centre, and these
centres are in turn connected with
planetary centres which are themselves energised from an analogous cosmic source. The adept on this third
Path has a specific connection with the energy which emanates from those cosmic
centres which are related to
spiritual vision and spiritual hearing. The sense of touch
has primarily to do with the objectivity of the dense physical form, and with it this particular group
of adepts has nothing to do. Sight,
hearing and the power to correlate the relation
between the Self and the Not-Self is theirs, but the Not-self comes
specifically under the guidance and the stimulation of a totally different
group of cosmic workers. It is difficult
to convey a clear meaning in this connection and the student must remember that
we are dealing with spirit and with the other
two types of cosmic energy.
This path is trodden by those who will take up the work of the seven planetary Logoi of the next solar system, and of the forty-nine
sub-planetary Logoi,
Their assistants and of certain other entities working in that particular
department. There will be seven systems, though we are only concerned with the major
three, of which our present solar system is but the second.
Each Chohan of a Ray takes a certain number of initiates of the sixth Initiation and trains them specially for this work. Special aptitude in colour and sound predisposes the choice, and the ability to work with "psyche," or with the Spirits in evolution, marks a man out for this high post. We might say that the planetary Logoi are the divine psychologists, and therefore in the training for [Page 1255] this post psychology is the basic subject, though it is a psychology inconceivable as yet to us.
Every planetary Logos has, in His own special planet, schools for the development of subordinate Logoi, and there trains them, giving them opportunity for wide experience. Even the Logoi Themselves progress onward, and Their places must be taken.
(CF 1256)
Students may be surprised to know that the source
of the peculiar cosmic energy which is found streaming
towards our system along
this cosmic Path is that of the sun Betelgeuse. This name is, however, a blind. The reason that certain facts connected with
this sun have lately come more prominently before the public is in reality a
subjective one. The science of the soul
in its various aspects (mental, psychical, and spiritual) is making much
headway now in the world, and is absorbing more and more the attention of
thinkers. This is the result of certain waves of energy impinging upon our solar
system and thus eventually finding their way to
our planet. Betelgeuse
from the occult standpoint is a system of the second order, just as our solar system is
one of the fourth order. There is consequently a relation between
these two numbers both in the system and the cosmos. This influence
reaches our system via the sign Sagittarius.
The work that adepts on this path have to accomplish primarily is to make possible the manifestation of the Monad of the solar Logos through the medium of the body of consciousness, or through the soul-form. They thus repeat on a higher level the work of those Builders who create and make manifest the body through which the soul seeks to express itself. They are not concerned with objectivity, and have a relation to that fifth Hierarchy which gives to man his egoic body.
The adepts on our Earth planet who seek this path do so through the department of the Mahachohan, which [Page 1256] works with the intelligence or mental aspects of manifestation. From this third department they pass under the direct training of one of the Buddhas of Activity, and in the final stages are personally taught by Sanat Kumara, functioning as the embodied planetary Logos. This training concerns itself with three main subjects:
1. With colour,
that which veils the Spirit aspect, as dense form veils the soul.
2. With sound, that which Spirit utters in order to make itself conscious, and to produce psychic awareness. The whole science of mantra yoga is mastered by them, but only in connection with the higher planes and where the cosmic planes are concerned.
3. With the nature of duality, that which is basically the science of the soul.
It is difficult to express in words the method employed by a Master of the Wisdom as he enters this cosmic Path. It has been called the method of prismatic identification, for it concerns the colour veils which shroud the spiritual energy. Another mode of expressing the same truth is to say that it is the method of understanding the song of life. As the "stars sing together," as the "chant of the Gods" peals forth in the great choir of the Heavens, it produces a corresponding colour symphony. This particular mode of identification enables the adept to act as a director in the chorus and to produce the needed colour effects and chords. When he can do this to perfection he is then in a position to take up office as a planetary Logos. More it is not permitted to say and the above is but a symbolic way of expressing a basic and difficult truth.
The symbol of this Path (and the only one it is possible to make exoteric) is a radiant Cross of coloured light; it [Page 1257] has the long limb formed of the seven colours of the solar spectrum, and the transverse limb is composed of twelve gradations of colours as yet unknown to man. In the centre of the Cross is to be seen a five-pointed star in a deep indigo shade, and behind it is a blazing sun of a warm dark blue. Above the whole are certain Sensa characters, depicted in gold, and conveying to the initiated adept the name of one or other of the planetary Schools in which this particular line of study is undertaken. (CF 1257) There are, as has been already said, seven such schools and candidates for this Path from our planetary scheme are transferred to the inner round and from thence to the Jupiter scheme.
The quality gained is cosmic etheric vision, the extent of the vision developed being within the seven systems which form (along with our solar system) the seven centres in the cosmic Life with whom our solar Logos is allied. This is sometimes called septenary cosmic clairvoyance.
One more fact of interest might here be added. This Path is sometimes called the "Lotus Path," as it concerns itself with the construction of the logoic Lotuses of solar Logoi. The schools which prepare for this work are called in the mystic parlance of the adepts the "lotus lands." The curriculum is termed at times the "Lotus sleep," as it involves a condition of complete negation where the form side of manifestation is concerned and an entire abstraction, thus producing a type of solar samadhi. Whilst this is being undergone the adept functions in a form or vehicle which is a correspondence upon the plane of atma to the mayavirupa on the plane of mind.
Attributes.......cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation.
Source...........Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius.
Hierarchy.......the fifth.
Method..........prismatic identification.
[Page 1258]
Symbol...........a coloured Cross, with a star at the centre, and backed by a blazing sun, surmounted by a Sensa Word.
Quality............cosmic etheric vision or septenary clairvoyance.
3. The Path of Training for
Planetary Logoi
(RI 405)
It is obviously impossible to say much about this Path. Those Masters Who tread it find Their way to the various schools for the training of planetary Logoi which are found within certain of the major planetary schemes, as stated in Initiation, Human and Solar. They are necessarily few in number, and a small group of Them remains to study in our particular planetary enterprise under Sanat Kumara. This They do after making Their decision and passing through the door on the periphery of our planetary ring-pass-not. Then—out of incarnation and working through the medium of the higher telepathy—They receive instruction of a nature incomprehensible to us, from the Members of the Council Chamber at Shamballa, and primarily from two of the Buddhas of Activity. Having learnt the technique and having passed certain tests, They move into the planetary life of Venus, our Earth's Alter-Ego, and there They complete Their training, as far as our solar system can give it, finding Their way eventually on to the cosmic mental plane.
Two things should be borne in mind in connection with this abstruse subject:
First: These Masters work primarily with the "psyche" [Page 406] or the soul aspect within the solar system. They are occupied with the subtler expressions of consciousness, with occult impressibility and that acute sensitivity which produces instant and accurate registration of all soul reactions within any particular planetary life. These kingdoms are not necessarily identical with those found on the Earth, but they are, in all cases, vast groups of living forms which are manifestations or expressions of the nature of any particular planetary Logos. The Masters taking this training are not occupied with individual states of consciousness within any group. It is the consciousness of the whole, and its responsiveness to cosmic impacts, that engages Their attention. They are not (if I might so express it) interested in any individual unit of any kind or in its individual reactions, responsiveness or susceptibility to impression. They are only concerned with those higher processes of identification which indicate an advanced state of evolutionary development.
Their work is to further progressive development of identification. They begin with the identification of the Monad within our planetary sphere with the Purpose and the Will of the Lord of the World, and proceed—as Their training produces the desired capabilities—with greater identifications within the solar system. Beyond that we need not proceed.
(RI 406) Their whole training is concerned with the planetary, systemic and cosmic building of the antahkarana, for it is via the antahkarana that spirit works, that life processes are controlled, and the will of all developing aspects of Deity function. Forget not that relating our planet to the planet Venus is a planetary antahkarana, passing from thence to the Heart of the Sun and later to the cosmic mental plane. There are "rainbow bridges" carrying the sevenfold energies of the seven rays from planet to planet, from system to system, and from plane to plane on cosmic levels. It is over these bridges that the will of the related spiritual Identities is projected, producing that synthesis of effort which is distinctive of the cooperative systemic life. The work of the Masters in training from our planet is, among other [Page 407] things, to unfold within Themselves not only sensitivity to systemic purpose, but the ability to transmit that Purpose to the Council Chamber at Shamballa. They have—in an extraplanetary sense—a definite correspondence with and relation to the group of Nirmanakayas within our planet Who work in contemplative activity with the antahkarana which connects the Hierarchy with Shamballa and Humanity with the Hierarchy.
As planetary Logoi when Their Own time comes, these Masters will be concerned with the registration of the Purpose and expressed Will of some solar Logos. They will then, through the planetary and systemic antahkarana, supervise the gradual evolutionary impartation of that Will (which is now Theirs) to all the forms through which They function in any particular planet for which They have assumed responsibility. This definitely involves working with the soul aspect and with the unfoldment of conscious responsiveness and sensitive reaction to all the higher impressions.
Second: These Masters are the directing builders and Creators eventually of all forms of planetary life—forms embodying qualities and intentions as yet undreamed of by us. They have developed in Themselves a perfected synthesis of the two energies of atma-buddhi, or of spiritual will and spiritual love, completely unified and energetically active in a comprehensive condition seldom attained by any other group of Masters in training.
It must be realised that the Buddhas of Activity, of Whom there are only three on our planet, are similarly active. They are active love-wisdom or a complete synthesis of active intelligence, active love and active will. The Masters on this third Path will, therefore, some day complete Their training for planetary Logoi by attaining the status of Buddhas of Activity, and will for a period serve in that capacity in some planetary scheme, before taking the control and guidance of Their Own body of manifestation.
The training of these Masters on the third Path might be described as an intensive study of a most exalted form of the Science of Impression. The supreme task of a planetary [Page 408] Logos is to impress His sevenfold body of manifestation, via its seven states of consciousness and the seven centres, with His will and intention; these are progressively imparted as the etheric body is brought into an increasing state of receptivity through the awakening of the seven planetary centres, primarily the three major centres. The Masters thus in training gain experience of the methods used by the planetary Logoi of all the seven sacred planets, and the training is therefore an exceedingly lengthy one. It must be remembered however that—except in dense physical incarnation and, therefore, conditioned by the brain and its special limitations—the spiritual man is not conscious of time, once He is separated from the physical body. Time is the sequential registration by the brain of states of awareness and of progressive contacts with phenomena. There is no such thing as time on the inner planes, as humanity understands it. There are only cycles of activity or of non-activity; this non-activity for Masters on the third Path takes the form of cyclic periods of contemplation and mental activity, followed by active periods of energy direction to impress the will of certain planetary Logoi and Their agents upon the Council Chamber of our planet in particular, and upon other planets, as Their training is perfected.
It is the impulsive incentive of these Masters which bridges and links between the Monad on the monadic plane and the three worlds of dense expression on the cosmic physical plane; in this process the antahkarana between the spiritual man in incarnation and the spiritual Triad is aided and finally constructed, but this is only incidental to the far greater work of relating Shamballa to all kingdoms in nature and to other planets.
The number of Masters deciding on this Path is, as I said, not large; the training is peculiarly arduous and is followed, when opportunity is offered to function as a planetary Logos, by an act of sacrifice which confines Them indefinitely to the limitations of the ring-pass-not of Their body of manifestation, a planet. It is for this reason that Sanat Kumara has ever been called "The Great Sacrifice."
Certain Hierarchical Changes
(RI 409)
That particular condition does not now
exist, and the supreme Directors of the seven cosmic Paths are today in the
same position as was the Hierarchy then; the word has gone forth to our three
Great Lords—the Manu, the Christ and the Mahachohan—via
the three Buddhas of Activity, to act in order to
tighten up on requirements, to make the sixth
initiation and not the fifth, the decisive one,
and to present those on the seven rays with [Page 412] a wider range of choices
and a greater diversity of choice. Thus
the Masters will have nine
choices to face when They face Their decision; there will then be no need for Those
on certain rays to pass to certain already determined Paths, but They can move forward under Their Own inspiration and with
greater freedom. The cosmic mental plane is not barred to Them, as has hitherto been the case.
It is all these facts which have caused what may look to you like discrepancies and limitations in what I have given and [Page 413] in comparison with that given in the earlier volumes of this Treatise, but they are not so in reality. The Master of the fifth initiation, even if now He does not at that time make His decision, faces intelligently and with some understanding of the choices to be made, the sixth initiation and its decisions. He begins to take also the particular training, and to this the teaching in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire now applies. He is shewn the newer opportunity, the modes of decision, and the limitations which are no longer legitimate. I would like to point out here that these changes are a cause of deep joy to the Hierarchy and to the Great Lives in the Council Chamber at Shamballa, for they indicate the strength and potency of Sanat Kumara's success and the incredible progress made in the consciousness of humanity as a consequence; this will lead also to future paralleling decisions on the physical plane in human affairs; this deeply spiritual and mysterious success (mysterious because the human mind knows naught about it) was also the reason for the violent attempt of the Forces of Evil to gain control, and their resultant failure.
4. The Path to Sirius. (IHS 188)
(HIS 188) Very little may be communicated about this Path, and the curiously close relation between it and the Pleiades can only be mentioned, further speculation being impossible. The bulk of liberated humanity goes this way, and the prospect holds out glorious possibilities. The seven stars of the Pleiades are the goal for the seven types, and this is hinted at in the Book of Job, in the words, "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades?" In the mystery of this influence, and in the secret of the sun Sirius, are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and incidentally, therefore, of our solar system.
Path IV. The Path to Sirius.
(CF 1258)
(CF 347)
in the second Solar
System, and in connection with the method
employed therein, another point merits attention. This fire of mind has its source in a constellation until recently unrecognised by exoteric science...The Sun Sirius is the source of logoic
manas in the same
sense as the Pleiades are connected with
the evolution of manas in the seven Heavenly
(EA 308)
Beyond Neptune and
Uranus, lies another planet (Pluto), as yet is through this planet that the forces (as they are related to Leo and Aquarius) are focussed in one
potent stream of force; these pour into our
planetary life during the month of August,
and distribute themselves, via Uranus and Neptune.
This path is of all the Paths the most
veiled in the clouds of mystery. The
reason for this mystery will only be apparent to the pledged initiate, though a
clue to the secret may be gained if it is realised that in a peculiar and esoteric sense the sun Sirius and the Pleiades hold
a close relation to each other. It is a relation analogous to that which lower mind holds to higher mind. The lower is receptive to, or negatively polarised to the higher. Sirius is the seat of higher mind and mahat (as it is called, or universal mind) sweeps into
manifestation in our solar system through the channel of the Pleiades. It is almost as if a great
triangle of mahatic energy was thus formed. Sirius transmits
energy to our solar system via that
"...sevenfold brooding Mother, the silver constellation, whose voice is as a tinkling bell, and whose feet pass lightly o'er the radiant path between our worlds and hers."
Within the solar system
there is an interesting correspondence to this
cosmic interplay in the relation between the Venus
scheme, our Earth scheme and the Venus chain in our scheme.
Curiously enough it will be through a comprehension of the human antaskarana, or the path which links higher and lower mind and which is constructed by the Thinker during the process of evolution, that light on this abstruse matter will come. There is (in connection with our planetary Logos) just such an antaskarana, and as He builds and constructs it, it forms part of the fourth Path, and permits the passage of the bulk of our humanity to this [Page 1259] distant objective, and this without obstruction. A clue to the nature of this Path and as to the reason why so many of the human Monads seek this particular stream of energy lies in the right understanding of the above suggestion.
The initiates who tread this way are primarily those of the fourth and the sixth order. As earlier pointed out, this is the Path that the "lords of compassion" most frequently follow, and at this time the Egyptian Master and the Master Jesus are preparing Themselves to tread it. The mystics of the Occident who have come into incarnation during the past one thousand years are a peculiar group of Egos whose impulse is towards this type of cosmic energy. In this system they have developed certain basic recognitions and the "ecstasy" of the occidental mystic is the germ, latent within him, which will some day flower forth into that cosmic rapture for which we have as yet no name.
Cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss are the
attributes of the fourth path. It is a
form of identification which is divorced from consciousness altogether. The reason also why the
majority of the sons of men follow this Path lies in the fact of its numerical position. These units of the fourth kingdom, the bulk of the fourth Creative Hierarchy on this fourth
globe of the fourth scheme in a solar system of the fourth order are innately compelled to seek this
The energy
of Path IV reaches us from Sirius via the Sun. This must be understood as a blind behind which one of the signs of the zodiac
veils itself.
The hierarchies concerned with this specific type of [Page 1260] cosmic force hide themselves under the numbers fourteen and seventeen. This will serve as a complete blind to the average reader, but will carry to the pledged chela the hint needed to produce illumination.
The method whereby the adept fits himself to pass upon this path is termed that of duplex rotary motion and "rhythmic dancing upon the square."
The symbol, which is first given to the
pledged disciple to study but which may, however, be described, is a duality of
interlocked wheels revolving at a great pace in opposite directions, and
producing a unified whole. These wheels
are portrayed as manifesting electric blue flame, rotating and revolving with
great rapidity around an equal-armed Cross.
The Cross is pictured in orange fire with a deep emerald green circle,
flaming at the point in the centre where the four arms of the Cross meet. The symbolism of these colours links this
fourth path to the solar system preceding this one. In that system the Sirian
influence was more potent than in the present one.
It is not possible to add more to this beyond pointing out that the quality gained by the adept who treads this path may not be revealed. He comes under the concentrated influence of the energy which is identified with the planetary antaskarana. It is not permitted, therefore, to state what its specific quality may be, as it would convey too much information to the intelligent reader as to the nature and the objective of our particular planetary Logos.
Attributes.......cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss.
Source...........Sirius via the Sun which veils a zodiacal sign.
Hierarchy.......veiled by the numbers 14 and 17.
Method..........duplex rotary motion and rhythmic dancing upon the square.
[Page 1261]
symbol............two wheels of electric fire, revolving around an orange Cross, with an emerald at the centre.
(CF 502) c. In the ordered purpose which guides the choice
by a Master of one of the seven Paths of
endeavour. Thus choice is based on KNOWLEDGE and not on desire.
(CF 844) Lives Goal
1. Planetary
Logoi Cosmic
liberation; the final cosmic
The major Three.
2. The minor four
planetary Logoi Cosmic Initiation, or the first four
3. The informing Lives of a planetary globe Manus of a cosmic chain. Not a seed manu, but a periodical manu of lesser degree. This involves an unrevealable mystery, connected with certain Hierarchies of color.
4. The informing life of a kingdom Transference in one of three directions:
in nature
a. To the line of the solar Pitris.
b. To Sirius, as a karmic adjuster.
c. To the solar system of the next order to work in connection with the planetary Logos of his own line as ruler of a kingdom or life wave in the system, and not just in a scheme.
5. The
solar Pitris.
The highest three groups will become
major planetary Logoi;
the lower four groups will
become minor planetary Logoi.
6. The human evolution. To become the solar Pitris of another cycle. To follow any of the paths earlier enumerated. Those who become solar Pitris, being the bulk of humanity, return to Sirius to be breathed out again into activity.
7. The lunar Pitris To become men. They will in their higher grades pass directly into the animal evolution of the next cycle and so eventually individualise. Their three higher grades will become animal-men, and the lower four will contribute to the quaternic forms of the men of the next creation.
A hint is here give re the Kind of Monad we are dealing with and their
likely path choice. Higher three or
lower four Solar Pitris etc Three Hierarchies, and four others
(CF 899) This planet has also a vital relation to the sixth logoic principle, or Buddhi, and therefore the sixth principle of man. No man begins to co-ordinate the buddhic vehicles until he comes under Neptunian influence in some life or another. When this is the case, his personality horoscope will show Neptunian influence dominating somewhere.
The Neptunian scheme governs one of the three paths of return, and gathers to itself eventually all those Egos who attain primarily through the manipulation of the sixth type of energy usually called devotion. It is Neptunian influence likewise which presides over and makes possible the second Initiation, wherein the initiate produces results in the astral body, and wherein his astral centres are the object of the Hierophant's attention. This particular type of energy flows through three centres:
4. The Path to Sirius (RI
I have frequently hinted in my various books that the Sun, Sirius, is closely related to our planetary Life; much is known in the Hierarchy anent this connection, and the particular relationship of this fourth Path to humanity, the fourth kingdom in nature, but little can be communicated to the general public. I may, however, tell you certain things which may make your imaginative rangings (if I may use so strange a phrase) creatively profitable to you.
(RI 413) This great Sun which is to our solar Logos what the Monad is to the spiritual man, has a peculiar part to play where our Earth is concerned. It might be considered by those with a sound sense of occult proportion that our tiny planet with its planetary Logos (one of the "imperfect Gods" of The Secret Doctrine) would be too small to enter in the slightest way into the consciousness of that Supreme Illumined Entity Who is greater even than our Solar Logos. [Page 414] Such, however, is the case. There is a relationship of very ancient date between our Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, and the Lord of Sirius, and this exists in spite of the fact that our planet is not a sacred planet. It might be added that our planet is, in the immediate cycle, owing to the factors I have lately considered with you, rapidly passing out of this category, and on the inner planes and subjectively considered is a sacred planet; the effects of this transition from non-sacred to sacred have not fully demonstrated themselves objectively. The mystery of this relationship is partially revealed at one of the higher initiations and it is then realised by the initiates that there is a good and adequate reason for the relation and that the following esoteric events, relations and happenings are simply consequences:
1. The majority
of liberated humanity, and therefore a large number of the initiates who have to make
decision, choose this way to the cosmic centre.
2. The relationship as it expresses itself is between the Hierarchy and Sirius, and not between Shamballa and that stupendous Sun. The energy evoked in response to this relationship enters the Hierarchy via the Heart of the Sun, creating as a consequence a triangle of spiritual energy of enormous potency. You have, therefore:
The Hierarchy * * Heart of the Sun
3. As progress is made in the course of taking the higher initiations, it becomes apparent to the initiate that two major streams of energy enter our planetary life:
a. A stream of energy coming from the cosmic mental plane and from that focal point which is to Sanat Kumara what the egoic lotus, the soul, is to the spiritual man; it carries the life principle of our planet and centres itself in Shamballa. From there it is dispersed throughout all forms upon the planet and we call it LIFE. It must be remembered that this life principle embodies or is impregnated with the will and purpose [Page 415] of THAT which overshadows Sanat Kumara as the soul overshadows the personality.
b. A stream of energy
coming from the sun, Sirius; this enters directly into the Hierarchy and carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic love. This, in a mysterious way, is the principle
found at the heart of every atom.
The life principle follows the line of, whilst the buddhic flow follows the line of 2.4.6. Thus atma-buddhi becomes the blended reality which is brought to full unfoldment as evolution proceeds. The energy of Sirius by-passes (to use a modern word) Shamballa and is focussed in the Hierarchy. Its effect is not felt until after the third initiation, though the Masters use this energy whilst training disciples for the second, the fourth and the sixth initiations.
4. The entire work of the Great White Lodge is controlled from Sirius; the Ashrams are subjected to its cyclic inflow; the higher initiations are taken under its stimulation, for the principle of buddhi, of pure love (i.e., love-wisdom) must be active in the heart of every initiate prior to the initiation of the great decision; it is therefore only initiates of the fifth, sixth and higher initiations who can work consciously with the potent buddhic "livingness" which permeates all Ashrams, though unrecognised by the average disciple.
5. This Sirian influence was not recognised, and little of it was definitely focussed in the Hierarchy, until Christ came and revealed the love of God to humanity. He is the expression, par excellence, of a Sirian initiation, and it is to that high place He will eventually go—no matter what duties or hierarchical obligations may take Him elsewhere between that time and now. The Buddha was originally to have chosen the fourth Path but other plans confront Him now and will probably claim His choice.
6. Sanat Kumara is not on the Sirian line but—to speak in symbols, not too deeply veiled—Lucifer, Son of the Morning, is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge. This [Page 416] is the true "Blue Lodge," and to become a candidate in that Lodge, the initiate of the third degree has to become a lowly aspirant, with all the true and full initiations awaiting him "within the sunshine of the major Sun."
7. None of the above facts indicates divergence of view between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, nor do they signify cleavage or differing aims and goals. The whole subject is reflected in such minor relations on Earth as those between:
a. The Spiritual Triad and the Personality.
b. The mental
unit and the manasic permanent atom.
c. Atma-Buddhi.
d. The Christ and the Buddha.
The above somewhat uncorrelated items of information will give you a general idea of the significant connection between our unimportant little planet and that vast expression of divinity, the Life which is manifesting through Sirius; it is an expression which is organised and vital beyond anything man can vision and which is free to a completely unlimited extent, again beyond the power of man to comprehend. The principle of freedom is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner; this divine principle represents an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our solar system and particularly on our planet. This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity (like will, love and mind) of which humanity knows as yet little. The freedom for which men fight is one of the lowest aspects of this cosmic freedom, which is related to certain great evolutionary developments that enable the life or spirit aspect to free itself from the impact, the contact and the influence of substance.
It is the principle of freedom which enables Sanat Kumara to dwell on the Earth and yet stand free from all contacts,
except with Those Who have trodden the Path of Liberation and now stand free upon the cosmic physical plane; it is that which enables the initiate to achieve a state of "isolated unity"; it is that which lies behind the Spirit of Death and forms the motivating power of that great releasing Agency; it is that which provides a "pathway of power" [Page 417] between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the "culture of freedom" or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom; it is that which produced the ferment and the vortex of conflict in far distant ages and which has been recognised in the present through the results of the Law of Evolution in every kingdom in nature; this is that which "substands" or lies under or behind all progress. This mysteriously "exerted influence," this "pulling away" from form (as we might simply call it), emanates from Sirius and for it we have no name; it is the law of which the three cosmic laws—the Laws of Synthesis, of Attraction and of Economy—are only aspects. None of these three subsidiary laws imposes any rule or limitation upon the Lord of the World. The Law of Freedom, however, does impose certain restrictions, if one can use such a paradoxical phrase. It is responsible for His being known as the "Great Sacrifice," for (under the control of this law) He created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it, in order to learn to wield this law with full understanding, in full consciousness, and yet at the same time to bring release to the myriad forms of His creation.
The Law of Economy affects humanity as a whole today throughout every phase of its life; the Law of Attraction is beginning to gain some control, particularly in the work which the Hierarchy undertakes to do; and many initiates and senior disciples are becoming aware of the significance of the Law of Synthesis and are reacting to its impact. Later on, when moving to one of the seven Paths, the Master will work with the Law of Freedom. This is not, as you may well surmise, its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and it is to that unknown "sphere of functioning and intelligent activity" what the Law of Economy is to our planet—the lowest of the laws controlling existence in planetary form.
This Law of Economy includes, as you know from my earlier writings, many lesser or subsidiary laws; it might therefore be stated that this Law of Freedom also does the [Page 418] same. Until more divine attributes are realised as existing and recognised as aspects, it is not possible for the name of the law which embodies the Law of Freedom to be given, for there is no word in our language adequately available. The above information will, however, link Sirius and our little planet, the Earth, in your minds.
Masonry, as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long ante-dating the Jewish dispensation, was organised under direct Sirian influence and modelled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions and bearing a slight resemblance also to our hierarchical life—as seen in the light of the Eternal Now. Its "Blue Lodge" with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there are there no kingdoms of nature, such as we possess; these groups receive all Those Who choose the fourth Path, and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius. This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are—from our standpoint—all of Them initiates of very high degree. Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Down the ages, the Masonic tradition has been preserved, changing its nomenclature from time to time, reinterpreting its Words of Power, and consequently getting further and further removed from its original beauty and intent.
5. The Ray Path. (IHS 188)
(EOH 155) ...cosmic Forces which enter into our solar system via Jupiter as the transmitter of divine energies from Virgo and Aquarius which Jupiter esoterically governs.
It is difficult to know by what other name to call this Path, as so little is known about it. In treading it, a man stays on his own ray, and works thereon in the various kingdoms on all the planes, carrying out the behests of the Lord of the World, and working under His direction. It carries a man to every part of the solar system, yet links him definitely with the synthetic ray. It is a very complex path, for it necessitates a capacity for the most intricate mathematics, and an ability to geometrise in a manner incomprehensible to our three-dimensional brains. This path is taken by the man to whom the law of vibration is of profound importance. He works first in the council chamber of the Lord of the World at Shamballa, manipulating the law of vibration on his own ray. Later he will have his habitat on the planet corresponding to his own ray, and [Page 189] not on the earth unless he is on the ray of the Planetary Logos holding sway upon the earth. Later again as his evolution progresses, he will pass to the sun; then having mastered all connected with vibration in this system he will pass to the cosmic system, going off his own ray (which is but a subsidiary ray of one cosmic ray), on to the corresponding cosmic ray.
(HIS 189) Just as the evolution of man in this system is fivefold, so in the above we have enumerated the principal five Paths from which a Master has to choose. The remaining two can only be touched upon still more briefly, for they hold but a very few of the evolving sons of men, owing to the high point of attainment necessitated for their entrance, and the fact that those who enter upon them pass out of the system altogether. They do not lead to Sirius, as do some of the other Paths. It will be noted that four groups remain in the system, passing eventually, in dim and distant aeons, to the cosmic planes. One group passes directly to Sirius, and the remaining two groups pass directly after initiation to the cosmic planes, with no period of intermediate work on earth, in the system, or on Sirius. These two Paths are:—
Path V. The Ray Path. (CF
This Path is one of the great distributing paths of the system, and is trodden by the adept who has a clear understanding of the laws of vibration. It leads to the next cosmic plane with great facility and is therefore called "the outer door of entry." As we know, the seven Rays which manifest throughout our solar system, are but the seven subrays of one great ray, that of Love-Wisdom. This ray Path is the one upon which the majority of the "Masters of the Wisdom" pass. In the same way many of the "Lords of Compassion" pass on to Path IV. Five-eighths of the former pass on to this path just as four-fifths of the adepts of suffering pass on to Path IV. In considering these numbers it must be borne in mind that the figures are of very great magnitude. One-fifth of the Compassionate Lords is a vast number, whilst three-eighths is a stupendous number of monads. We must remember in this connection also that we are only dealing with the adepts of the fifth Initiation, and are not taking into consideration initiates of lower degrees nor disciples of many grades. It is useless for average man to ponder upon these figures. They are too difficult to compute and involve calculations most abstruse and intricate. This can be demonstrated by pointing out that from these figures must be subtracted that two-fifths which (in the next round) pass before the Judgment Throne and are rejected. Out of the remaining three-fifths only a percentage which may not be revealed reach final adeptship, though all pass upon the Path. The five-eighths above referred to and the four-fifths have reference only to the two great groups of asekha initiates.
Adepts who pass upon the Ray Path have to possess attributes which make them exceedingly responsive to vibration. In their group work (regarding all the units upon this Path as forming a unified Whole) the results achieved might be compared to that of a compass upon a ship. They respond primarily to a basic vibration, not through sensation but through that which is the outgrowth of sensation. It is a form of realisation which is the cosmic correspondence to the reaction which comes when the skin is touched. It is not consciousness but knowledge through vibration. They are themselves identified with a certain vibration and they respond to that vibration alone which is the higher correspondence upon the cosmic planes. Other vibrations they ignore.
They are taught how to insulate themselves so that no vibration save the one which reaches them from the cosmic source of the synthetic ray can touch them. Students can get some idea of the lower correspondence to this as they study the compass, its responsiveness to a certain magnetic current, and the tendency which it demonstrates to point ever towards the north. These adepts of the fifth Path are the constituent factor which occultly holds our solar system steadily equilibrised in one specific direction. Their main characteristic or attribute may be described as a sense of cosmic direction.
(CF 1262) The source
of energy to which they respond may be regarded as the Pole Star. It should nevertheless be
pointed out that this star serves only
as a blind for a constellation which lies behind,—a constellation which exists
only in etheric matter. It is consequently ignored
by astronomers, though its influence is
exceedingly potent within our system. It should be borne in mind also that upon another planet within our solar ring-pass-not this
fifth Path is the one that the majority of their adepts follow. Adepts who are on this
Path, therefore, will pass to this other planetary scheme prior to finding
their way [Page 1263] to the Sun and from thence to cosmic spheres. Adepts from other
schemes are not transferred to our Earth scheme as a school of training as it
is not a sacred planet and therefore lacks such a specific school.
The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the "water of life" and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. It is one of the agencies which make the coming of the Great Lord a possibility. He is Himself upon the fifth Path just as the Manu is upon the third. Hence the close link between the two paths, for those on the fifth path can pass to the third and vice versa. The first and the seventh, the second and the fourth, and the third and the fifth are but the two sides of one whole, or the two aspects of the one Path. These three paths (with the fourth Path) constitute two Paths and the two Paths are but one. This great mystery may not further be enlarged upon.
The Hierarchies which play a great part in the introduction of polar influence are the first and the second. It was this occult truth which had such a bearing upon the nature of the first two races of mankind and upon their habitat.
The method whereby the adept develops the needed powers for this Path have been hinted at above. They might be expressed as a process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism. It is not permitted to say more.
The symbol of this path is five balls of fire (blue fire) confined within a sphere. This sphere is formed by a [Page 1264] serpent biting its tail, and the entire body of the serpent is closely covered with written Sensa characters; these characters embody the mantram whereby the adept insulates himself from the magnetic flow of all currents save that for which he is responsible.
The quality which the adept develops as he treads this Path can only be given in the words of the old Commentary:
"The depression at the northern point permits entrance of that which stabilises, and acts as the factor of resistance to that which seeketh to deter or to distract."
Perhaps cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium serve best to convey the necessary idea.
Attributes.........A sense of cosmic direction.
Source.............The Pole Star via Aquarius.
Hierarchies.......The first and the second.
Method............A process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism.
Symbol............Five balls of fire enclosed within a sphere. Sphere is formed of a serpent inscribed with the mantram of insulation.
Quality.............Cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium.
There is no way in which we can express any teaching or give any information anent the sixth and seventh Paths. All that can be said is as follows:
5. The Ray Path (RI 419)
It is, however, with these ray intentions that the Initiate of the sixth degree is occupied when He passes on to the fifth or Ray Path. His decision and the intention of the ray [Page 420] Lord at first, and the united intention of all of Them eventually, are curiously and uniquely connected. The Master on this Path works at the comprehension of the intention and the life purposes of the ray Lords. Many first ray souls find their way on to this Path, for there is a close connection between the decision at the sixth initiation and this fifth Path; this might be expected for two reasons: one, that every Master is on one of the three major rays, and secondly, every Master has to develop an understanding of the world of cosmic Purpose. It is a connection based upon the use of the will; it is the will-to-power, the will-to-love and the will-to-know, plus the other four aspects of will* which form the elementary basis of the training given on this fifth Path. Souls from other rays reach the same goal and occasionally choose this Path, but it is not the one which constitutes for Them the line of least resistance, as it often is for Masters on the first ray.
Masters from the first ray and the second ray tread it often, and each of Them has a different mode of approach, technique and type of realisation:
1. First ray souls have to negate their "isolated unity" and study the beauty and value of differentiation. This period of training is followed by a mysterious process called "multiple identification." Note how the adjective here conveys the many and the plural whilst the noun gives the concept of unity and the singular. In these two words, apparently contradictory though esoterically significant, there is embodied one aspect of the initiation to be experienced on this ray Path.
2. The second ray Master who decides to go this way has to negate his attractive, magnetic tendencies and learn the meaning of "isolated intention with a multiplicity of goals." I know not how else to translate the archaic phrase which describes the objective of the Master's training on this Path. The exclusive has to become the inclusive in an [Page 421] entirely newly apprehended world of realisation, whilst the inclusive has to master the technique of exclusiveness and become exclusive in a new realm of realisation; it is an exclusiveness which has in it no slightest element of the great heresy of separateness.
I may not
here even indicate the type or quality of the intentions of the ray Lords which
the Master of the sixth initiation has to learn to comprehend. The training given Him ends
in another tremendous decision which will
place Him in a group of Lives on some sacred planet or in some solar system which will be a correspondence to
Shamballa on our little planet. Shamballa embodies the will or
purpose of our planetary Logos. The goal
which these initiates (trained on the ray Path) eventually reach is some sphere
of activity wherein sublime purposes
and divine intentions are worked out.
6. The Path the Logos
Himself Is On. (IHS 189)
It will have become apparent to all occult students who have studied with care the world processes in the light of the law of correspondences, that the Logos on the cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic vision, just as man in his lesser degree is aiming at the same vision in the system. This might be called the development of the cosmic third eye. In the physical plane structure of the eye lies hid the secret and in its study may come some revelation of the mystery.
[Page 190]
A certain
part of the eye is the nucleus of sight, and the apparatus of
vision itself; the remainder of the eye acts as a
protecting shell, and both parts are required,
and neither can exist without the other.
So in this greater case, only the analogy exists on such high levels
that words only blur and dim the truth. Certain of the sons of men, a nucleus who reached a
very high initiation in the previous solar system, formed an esoteric group around the Logos when He decided upon
further progress. In consequence He
formed this system, cosmic desire for incarnation driving Him on. This esoteric group remains with the Logos on the atomic,
or first plane of the system, on the subjective
inner side, and it corresponds, in an occult sense, to the pupil of the eye. The real home of these great Entities is upon the cosmic buddhic
Gradually, by dint of hard effort, certain Masters have qualified Themselves, or are qualifying Themselves, to take the place of the original members of the group, permitting of Their return to a cosmic centre around which our system, and the greater system of Sirius revolve. Only one adept here and there has the necessary qualifications, for it involves the development of a certain type of response to cosmic vibration. It means a specialising in the inner sight, and the development of a certain measure of cosmic vision. More of the deva evolution pass to this path than do the human. Human beings pass to it via the deva evolution, which can be entered by transference to the fifth Path, the ray Path. On this latter Path, the two evolutions can merge, and from the fifth Path the sixth can be entered.
Path VI. The Path the
Logos Himself is on. (CF 1264)
(DINAII 520) Shambhalla
receives energy from various solar and extra-solar Entities or centres of emphatic and energetic life; ie
from Venus, from the Central
Spritual Sun, from
the current conditioning
constellation through which our sun may be
passing, from the Great Bear and
other cosmic centres. Sirius, so important in
the spiritual life of the planet, brings its energies to bear direct upon the Hierarchy, and energy from Sirius does not normally enter our planetary
life via Shamballa.
It will be apparent to all those students who have studied with care the world processes in the light of the law of correspondences that the Logos on the cosmic planes is evolving inner cosmic vision, just as man in his lesser degree is aiming at the same vision in the system. This might be called the development of the cosmic third [Page 1265] EYE. In the physical plane structure of the eye lies hid the secret and in its study may come some revelation of the mystery.
Only one adept here and there has the necessary qualities, for the development involves a certain type of response to cosmic vibration. It means a specialising of the inner sight, and the development of a certain amount of cosmic vision. More of the deva evolution pass to this Path than do the human. Human beings pass to it via the deva evolution, which can be entered by transference to the fifth, or Ray Path. On this latter Path the two evolutions merge and from the fifth, the sixth Path can be entered.
6. The Path the Logos
Himself is on (RI 421)
It should be remembered as this peculiarly abstruse subject is approached that the Solar Logos is as far removed (in the evolutionary sense) from our planetary Logos as the latter is from the point of attainment of an accepted disciple. Yet the two are linked by a subjective unity and similarity of objective. At certain points upon the Way of the Higher Evolution Their two lines of energy meet and blend. Our Solar Logos also plays a peculiarly interesting part in the development of our entire planetary life. For the sake of clarity, yet at the same time speaking symbolically, Sanat Kumara might be regarded as a personal disciple of the Solar Logos, with all that that indicates of cosmic responsibility.
We had much difficulty in considering understandingly the path trodden by Those Masters Who decided to tread the Path of training for planetary Logoi. It is therefore far more difficult and practically impossible to say anything anent this Path which is trodden by Those Great Beings Who are in training for Solar Logoi. Of These, Sanat Kumara [Page 422] is One. Not all the planetary Logoi tread the Path of Solar Logoi, for just as exalted positions await Them elsewhere in the universe. Those Masters, as I have said in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Who tread this Path are rare indeed, and hitherto have had to enter this Path via the angel or deva evolution and by transference then to the fifth or ray Path. Changes have however been made, and a Master can now pass on to this sixth Path directly and without entering the deva evolution.
This sixth Path is one on which the Masters in training have to work with the devas who are so frequently the mobile agents of the creative process in solar creation. The Masters Who enter upon this Path, eventually and as part of Their training, enter the Council Chamber of some of the sacred planets, before transferring into the group which guides our Solar Logos; this in its turn is only a temporary phase, though in both cases the time embraced may cover vast periods, from the point of view of humanity. They work with principles unknown to us on Earth, though two of these principles will later be revealed; many of them are controlling factors on other spheres and in other planetary schemes which are more advanced than ours; the Master in training then acts as the custodian of these "energetic principles" or as distributing agent; in this way Venus was the custodian of what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic humanity.
7. The Path of Absolute Sonship. (IHS 190)
This Sonship is a
correspondence on the
highest plane to that grade of discipleship which we call "Son of the
[Page 191] It is the Sonship to a Being higher than our Logos, of whom we may not speak. It
is the great controlling Path of Karma.
The Lipika Lords are on this Path, and all who are fitted for that line of work, and who are close to
the Logos in a personal intimate sense, pass to the Path of absolute Sonship. It is the Path of the special intimates of the Logos, and into Their hands He has put the
working out of karma in the solar system.
They know His wishes, His will and His aim, and to Them He entrusts the
carrying out of His behests. This group, associated with the Logos, forms a
special group linked to a still higher Logos.
Path VII. The Path of Absolute Sonship. (CF 1266)
(CF 182) Our Solar System, with the Pleiades and one of the starts of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centres in the Body of OAWNMBS. The Seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centres in the body of that being greater than our logos. Again two other systems, when allied with the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesised into the seven head centres in much the same way as in the human being after the fourth initiation.
This sonship is a
correspondence on the highest plane to that grade of discipleship which we call
"Son of the Master." It is the
Sonship to a Being higher than our Logos of Whom we
may not speak. It is also the great
controlling Path of Karma. The Lipika Lords are upon this Path, and all who are fitted
for that line of work, and who are close to the
Logos in a personal and intimate sense pass to this seventh Path. It is the Path of the special intimates of the Logos and into their hands He has put the working out of karma in the
solar system. They know His wishes, His
will and His aim, and to Them He entrusts the carrying out of His behests. This group,
associated with the Logos, forms a special group linked to a still higher
These two paths enter into cosmic states of consciousness as inconceivable to man as the consciousness of the Ego of a human being is to an atom of substance. It is unnecessary and profitless therefore to enlarge further upon these exalted states.
7. The Path of Absolute Sonship (RI 423)
As I have previously pointed out, not much can be given out concerning this mysterious Path which leads into a triangle (if I may so express it) formed of three lines of energy of differing and greatly varying vibratory effectiveness. This triangle is in the nature of an open door, presenting unique and unprecedented opportunity to Those Who discover this Path. Just as one of the seven Paths produced ultimately relationship to the Pleiades, so this Path relates our solar system to the constellation of the Great Bear. You have, therefore, the following triangle composed [Page 423] of one stream of energy emanating from the Great Bear, another stream of energy issuing from the Heart of the Sun or from our Solar Logos, and the base line constituted of the seven streams of energy which come from our seven sacred planets. The potency and the effectiveness of this triangle is therefore unique and apparent; it produces relation between our system, our planets and the universe. This "open" triangle presents opportunity to Those Lives Who, from the other side of the triangle to that presented to our solar system and its contents, seek to help our solar system and bring the non-sacred planets to the point of liberation which is their particular goal. Through this triangular door all the great Avatars enter our system and "find the Point where They can serve."
The inflow of extra-solar energy is what produces the seven cosmic Paths. There is no such grouping as the seven solar Paths. In most cases, the Paths lead away from our solar system altogether.
Among the changes necessitated by the abnormally rapid development of mankind, with its consequent stepping up of the qualities of disciples, is the fact that no longer does the Master—faced at the sixth initiation with a stupendous decision to make—enter upon the indicated Path entirely blindly, as heretofore. He is now given a revelation of the true united goal of the seven Paths and likewise a vision of their varying intermediate, individual goals. Hence the name of the fifth initiation is that of the "Initiation of Revelation." He can thus make His decision with opened eyes and unblinded by the glory.
Initiation VI. Decision (RI
654) Ray III
We have concluded our study of the rays and the five initiations, and there is little more that I can tell you about the remaining four initiations, except one or two points anent the sixth Initiation of Decision; this initiation [Page 654] is governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence. The only reason that I am making a few comments upon the sixth initiation is that at this time a number of the Masters are taking this great step, and it has a most peculiar application to the time of the reappearance of the Christ.
At this Initiation of Decision the Master concerned decides usually which of the seven Paths He intends to tread; some Masters decide to remain until the close of our planetary Life, at which time the "last weary Pilgrim will have found his way home"; the Earth can then be prepared for a new Humanity. When this happens, our planet will no longer be known as the planet of sorrow and of pain, but will be distinguished by a quality of tranquillity and by an aura of calm potency wherein the will of God (to be demonstrated in the next solar system) will be focussed; this—in some mysterious way—will enable the solar Logos (not the planetary Logos) to bring the first great divine aspect, that of Will or Power, into expression throughout the solar system. Instead, therefore, of the statement which explains our present solar system, "God is Love," we shall have a dynamic expression of the will-to-good—an energy which will have been generated to some extent upon our Earth. This is the reward which the present Earth humanity will reap, and this is the consummation of the preordained task of our planetary Logos. He undertook, when He came into incarnation (through the medium of our little planet), to aid the work of the Solar Logos in expressing the will aspect of divinity.
It might be simpler if I said that the experiment of manifesting the first divine aspect, through the medium of form and through a humanity which has behind it the experience of five initiations (and is therefore expressing intelligent love), will be attempted. This statement is necessarily misleading, but it embodies a truth and indicates the unfinished story of solar expression.
(RI 694) It should be remembered that the distinctive nature of the man upon the Mutable Cross is that of self-consciousness; that the disciple upon the Fixed Cross is rapidly becoming group conscious when the experiences undergone have been rightly assimilated; and that the Master on the Cardinal Cross is distinguished by a universal consciousness which passes finally into cosmic consciousness—a state of being unknown to you, even in the wildest flights of your imagination. The first hint of the growth of cosmic consciousness comes when the disciple passes through the sixth Initiation of Decision. He determines then (by means of His enlightened will and not His mind) which of the seven Paths He will decide to follow. From that time on, the consciousness of the greater Life which enfolds our planetary Logos, as He enfolds humanity within His consciousness, increasingly controls the attitude, the awareness and the activities of the Master.
(RI 721) Earlier (page 396) I pointed out that the Masters, at the sixth Initiation of Decision, face realms of service where They will have to "impart, strengthen and enlighten that which is already fused, already strong, and already full of light but which needs that which They bring in order to express the all-encompassing Whole." This is, of course, a mysterious and rather paradoxical statement, but [Page 721] a certain measure of light can be thrown upon it if it is remembered that this sixth initiation is related, in a peculiar way, to Path VI. This is the Path upon which our planetary Logos is found. This Path is necessarily related to the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism, and also to the sixth plane, the astral plane—the plane of glamour and of desire. I would have you bear these relationships in mind, but I would have you also remember that at this Initiation of Decision the Master can move forward on any one of the seven Paths which He may decide is, for Him, the field of His future service. This expression of His choice is, as you know, not dependent upon His ray energy or upon what might be the impelling force of the planetary rays; i.e., that of the planet itself (the personality ray of the planetary Logos) or upon the soul ray of Sanat Kumara. It is not for me to tell you whether this dominating ray is His soul ray or the monadic or universal ray.
(RI 724) Initiation has been defined as "a progressive sequence of directed energy impacts." These impacts are characterised by points of tension, and these lead inevitably to points of crisis; the whole process is governed by the Law of Cause and Effect. It is this latter point which I seek now to emphasise, because it has a definite and mysterious relation to this sixth initiation. The Master, as He makes His decision and chooses one of the seven Paths which unitedly form the planetary antahkarana, is forced thereto by the accumulation of past karma. All evil karma has necessarily been worked off, but His accumulated good karma makes His final decision inevitable; from that instant of decision He stands entirely free and liberated from all aspects and all forms of planetary karma, which is greater and more vast than his little individual karma, be it good or bad. He is then—in Himself—the summation of all past experience. Unless He deliberately chooses the Path of Earth Service and decides to remain within the field, scope or influence of the planetary Life, He faces a solar or a cosmic future of which He knows relatively little, but for which the Path of Evolution, the Path of Discipleship and the Path of Initiation have fitted Him. Even He does not know the conditions into which His "decision" commits Him, or those into which He will have to penetrate; He does know, however, and "appropriates the fact and the faculties" (as one Master has expressed it) of complete revelation and future opportunity.
You have oft been told that there are four Lords of Karma associated with the Council Chamber at Shamballa. They represent—in Their totality—the three Rays of Aspect, and one of Them represents the four minor Rays of Attribute. It is the Lord of Karma Who implements the destinies of Those Who are conditioned by the third Ray of Active Intelligence (and this is ever the case with Those Who are taking the sixth initiation) and Who—symbolically speaking—"wipes clean the slate" of this particular group [Page 725] of initiates at this particular time. Karma no longer holds Them.
(RI 736) It will of course be apparent that the Transition referred to is related to the sixth Initiation of Decision, when the Master decides which of the seven Paths He will follow to His destined place. I know not what the Great Refusal involves. One thing only I know: It indicates the Initiate's last contact with what we understand as cosmic evil, manifesting on this planet and in relation to the planet. He is accorded this last contact, but such a contact is not based upon anything analogous to evil within Him, but is based upon the "planetary appeal for liberation." This appeal is so strong that the Initiate—because His heart is on fire with love—is tempted to go back upon His decision and stay upon the planet with Those World Saviours Who have chosen the Path of Earth Service. This He may not do, and in the sight of the assembled Initiates He makes His refusal and "does His whole duty as He journeys to the sacred Feet of the ONE WHO stands at the end of His chosen Path."
(CF 739) (3) Next comes the period wherein the man has attained freedom. A man has at this stage succeeded, under law, in "abstracting" himself, the freed soul, from out of the matter of the three worlds. He has used and worked with deva substance and has gained all the vibratory [Page 739] contact possible, and has secured all the intended "realisations" and "revelations"; he can no longer be held imprisoned by the devas. He is free until, consciously and willingly, and in another round, he can return as a member of a Hierarchy to continue His work of service for the little evolved humanity of that distant time. As this concerns the seven paths of opportunity for a Master we will not deal with it here.47 This is the great human pralaya.
(CF 779) A great deal has been said in modern occult literature anent the process followed in the perfecting of those Egos who choose to remain with the Hierarchy of our planet, and their methods of development (through chelaship to adeptship). But nothing practically has been imparted anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising schemes, passing first to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising scheme. They are numerically more than those who remain within the Earth scheme. Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are attracted, it marks and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths. The work of the Manasadevas is carried on throughout the entire system, and a constant circulation transpires, and a constant transmission of energy, and of force units embodying that energy, goes on throughout the entire system. This transmission becomes possible in any scheme when the [Page 779] fourth or human kingdom becomes radioactive; it really marks the setting in of the period of obscuration. Venus is a case in point. Metaphysically stated, it marks the point when the Logoi begin to dissociate Themselves from Their dense physical bodies, or from the three worlds of human endeavour.
(DINAII 275) It is at this point of revelation and in relation to this symbol that the initiate eventually stands. Then the "many lines of force within the square become the
seven paths of light which claim His choice,
leading Him on to the sevenfold Path of initiate evolution." This is the
Way of the Higher Evolution of which man knows nothing. The words refer to the
seven paths which the Master has to consider and from which He has to choose
His future Way. Then the symbol
takes on the following form:
"All paths meet at the centre. The many become the seven and the eight. From point to point the lines converge. They stretch from point to
point. The outer square, the circle of the One and the point of unity are seen
as one, and the Master passes on
His way."
He has penetrated to the centre by passing along the antahkarana which He has Himself constructed. There He polarises Himself and takes His stand, and from thence—at the centre of the circle and within the square of service—He precipitates the energies and forces which that service demands. From these few hints you can grasp the nature of this symbol and the quality of its meaning, plus the potency of the force which (through its correct apprehension) can carry the initiate-disciple from "the unreal to the Real."
(DINAII 338) Every initiation, and every stage preparatory to initiation, involves the seeing of the remote yet the attainable; all vision leads up to the momentous event of the sixth initiation, when the Master faces what is for Him the final vision within this planetary ring-pass-not. He makes His great decision on the basis of the seen opportunity, and through His response to the seven phases of that cosmic vision, He treads one or other of the seven Paths. For this great "crisis of vision" all the lesser visions have prepared the Master; after His decision is made there is no longer any vision as we comprehend the term. There is a factual perception of such a nature that the element of time—as evidenced by remoteness, by the distance between this and that, between here and there—forever disappears. This is, necessarily, a somewhat meaningless statement to the majority of people.
For the aspirant, whether his goal is the Path of Discipleship or one of the seven Paths leading away from known planetary experience, there is persistently that which conveys to consciousness two factors:
(DINAII 346) t is, however, a technique which is formulated by the initiate himself and is not one imposed upon him within an Ashram or by the watching Master. All these points of revelation also concern the techniques of creation, and indicate to the Master what will be the nature of the creative work with which He—under law, according to ray, and in relation to one of the seven Paths—will eventually work.
(DINAII 424) For their understanding, [Page 422] and for freedom of movement within those areas, all the past has prepared the initiate, and in the unfoldment of the three divine aspects of intelligence, love and will, the disciple or initiate has been creating the instrument and developing the faculties which will enable him to move out into solar or cosmic spheres of action, via one or other of the seven Paths; with these I have dealt as far as now is possible in the last volume of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. V.
(DINII 518) Those upon the second ray fall (as you know) into two groups, generally speaking; there are, naturally, numerous exceptions. Souls on the wisdom aspect of the second ray go to Shamballa and join the great Council in some capacity or another. Such a one was the Buddha. Those on the love aspect of the second ray tread one or other of the various paths, primarily that of the World Saviours; They become the divine Psychologists and World Teachers. The Christ combined in Himself all these three great traits.
Those in this second group of souls upon the second ray likewise fall into two groups: They follow the way of specialised detail and of a comprehensive inclusiveness, and are the outstanding occultists; the other group is distinguished by pure love. Of the group which finds its way into Shamballa a developed simplicity will be found to govern all relations.
(EOH 530) One of the results of this
hierarchical alignment and adjustment will be the establishment, for the first
time, of a fluid interplay and movement between the three planetary centres. Chohans are today passing out of the Hierarchy into the
Council Chamber of the Lord of the World, or on to one
or other of the Seven Paths; senior Masters in
charge of Ashrams are taking higher grades of initiation and taking the rank of
Chohans; initiates above the third degree are rapidly
taking the fourth and fifth initiations
and becoming Masters (taking both initiations in one life
(EOH 532) As this subject concerns one of the, seven goals towards which the Masters aim after They have attained the fifth initiation it will be obvious to you that there is little that I can say about it. One of the seven Paths for which the Way of the Higher Evolution prepares the senior initiates is the Path of Earth Service. This Path, as you know, keeps the Masters attached to service in the three worlds for a period much longer than the average. It involves tremendous sacrifice. [Page 532] Just as the disciple has to live a dual life, with one part of his reflective nature and awareness centred in the life of the Hierarchy and the other part of his mental responsiveness equally centred on life in the three worlds, and this simultaneously, so the Master, when He chooses this Path, forms a constituent part of the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World and at the same time works consciously in the three worlds, via the Hierarchy (of which He remains also a part), and with the human and subhuman kingdoms in nature. As evolution proceeds, He will work increasingly via humanity because humanity will be shouldering its responsibilities as the Macrocosm of the lesser microcosm. This dual activity entails much specialised training, and as the initiatory process becomes exoteric and men everywhere recognise it and participate in it, the training which Members of the Hierarchy also undergo will not be so secret and mysterious as it is today. But the time has not yet come to publicise it.
(EOH 559) But, owing to the impulsion of life itself, progress ever continues; knowledge must ever be transmuted into wisdom; love must ever be accompanied by divine will; planning must ever give way to divine purpose; light must ever be succeeded by life; from the Hierarchy, the initiate must pass to Shamballa, and from Shamballa he will follow one or other of the seven Paths; the Path of Evolution gives place to the Way of the Higher Evolution; planetary recognitions eventually expand into solar contacts; the Christ-consciousness eventually unfolds into something so all-inclusive that we have as yet no word [Page 560] for it or any need of words; recognition of the Father and of monadic being causes all lesser recognitions to fade out, and soul-consciousness and progressive life in form are no longer goals but are left far behind.
(TEV 91) It is for that reason that the truly illumined man and all who have taken the three highest initiations are always referred to as "the diamond souled"; they, in their totality constitute the "jewel in the lotus"—that twelve-petalled lotus which is the symbol and expression of the potency of the planetary Logos.
The Science of Impression is in reality the technique whereby Humanity has been taught by the Spiritual Hierarchy from the moment of its first appearance upon Earth; it is the technique which all disciples have to learn (no matter which of the Seven Paths they may eventually choose) and it is also the sublime art which every Master practises on inspiration from Shamballa; it is a technique which is implemented by the Will,
159) The three major centres, both
planetary and human, exist in etheric substance and
they may or may not produce physical correspondences. All the Masters, for
instance, do not work through a physical vehicle. They nevertheless have an etheric body composed of the substance of the cosmic etheric levels—buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic
levels—and these levels are the four cosmic ethers, the higher correspondence
of our etheric planes; these higher levels are the
four levels of the cosmic physical plane. Until
They choose, at the sixth Initiation of Decision, one
of the seven Paths of Ultimate Destiny, the Masters function in Their cosmic etheric bodies.
These three major energy centres are closely related to each other, and through his own individual major centres (the head, the heart and the throat) [Page 160] the disciple is in relation with the three planetary centres. I would have you ponder on this statement for it has practical value.
(CF 1240) Here is to be found the clue to the search which the adept or perfected man undertakes when He puts His foot upon one of the seven possible paths. The only way in which any light can be thrown upon the mystery lies in the consideration of those seven cosmic Paths, of their names, and symbols. Very little can be said for the secrets of the higher initiations may not be revealed, nor the information given in a book for exoteric publication. All that can be done is to make certain suggestions, caution against certain conclusions, and indicate certain symbols which, if pondered upon, may bring a certain amount of illumination.
[Page 1241]
It should be carefully borne in mind that when the term PATH is used, it is simply an energy term, and streams of energy are indicated,—seven streams which blend and merge to form one Path. It should also be noted that the Adept Who undergoes the discipline and who passes through initiatory rites which will enable him to tread those seven Paths, has transcended colour, has passed beyond the veil and has expanded His consciousness so that he is at-one with the conscious life of His planetary Logos. He has therefore arrived at a stage incomprehensible to man now; He is passing out of the realm of substantial forms altogether into the realm of energy. He knows the life of the two aspects, the soul and the body, and is passing away from the realm of awareness altogether. This will sound to the average reader as a foolish jingling of words and a splitting of hairs but he who reasons by the Law of Correspondences and who has grasped the basic essential relativity of the three aspects to each other has arrived at the knowledge that back of all form is a subjective Life which is known by its quality, its colour, and its attributes; he has expanded his consciousness until gradually he has ascertained and made a part of his own conscious ensemble those attributes and qualities. But the pulsating dynamic vibration which is the producing cause of both the subjective life and its qualitative form is as yet—to him—the mystery of mysteries and the ineffable secret. It becomes the goal of his endeavour as he sets foot upon one of the seven Paths which face him after the fifth Initiation. If a Master of the Wisdom and the one who has unified both the manas (intellect) and wisdom (buddhi) knows not what shall be revealed to him as he treads the cosmic Path which is his choice, surely it is needless for us to try and comprehend (at our relatively low stage of evolution) what is the true [Page 1242] connotation of the word "Spirit." Pondering upon these matters is (for the average man) not only useless but also dangerous. He has not yet the apparatus of thought necessary for its safe undertaking. It is as if one tried to force a child in the first grade in school to comprehend the differential calculus and the laws of trigonometry.
(CF 1242) These seven Paths, when trodden, prepare a man to pass certain cosmic initiations, including those upon the Sun Sirius. One hint may here be given. Each of these Paths eventually leads to one or other of the six constellations which (with ours) form the seven centres in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. Those adepts therefore who stay for a prescribed length of time upon our planet are a correspondence to those greater initiates who remain for many kalpas within the solar system, taking certain mysterious initiations concerned entirely with solar evolution. Their work is concerned with the system as a centre in the body of that Existence Who vitalises the Logos of our own system.
It might be of value here to list the seven cosmic Paths as follows:35
Path I.....The Path of Earth Service.
Path II....The Path of Magnetic Work.
Path III...The Path of the Planetary Logos.
Path IV....The Path to Sirius.
Path V.....The Ray Path.
Path VI....The Path of the Solar Logos.
Path VII...The Path of Absolute Sonship.
[Page 1243]
It must be borne in mind and no confusion
of thought must be permitted that these terms are the generic names given in
the mystic parlance of the Lodge of Masters to the seven methods of work, of
endeavour and of aspiration whereby the perfected sons of Earth's humanity pass
on to specific cosmic Paths or streams of energy, making in their totality one great cosmic WAY.
The seven paths at a certain stage which may not be defined become the four paths, owing to the fact that our solar system is one of the fourth order. This merging is effected in the following way:
(CF 1243) The initiates upon
Path I "fight their way" on to path VI.
The initiates upon Path II
"alchemise themselves" on to Path VII.
The initiates upon Path III
through "piercing the veil" find themselves upon Path V.
This leaves Path IV to be accounted for. Upon this Path pass all those who, through devotion and activity combined, achieve the goal but who lack as yet the full development of the manasic principle. This being the solar system of love-wisdom, or of astral buddhic development, the fourth Path includes the larger number of the sons of men. In the hierarchy of our planet the "Lords of Compassion" are numerically greater than the "Masters of the Wisdom." The former must therefore all pass to the sun Sirius there to undergo a tremendous manasic stimulation, for Sirius is the emanating source of manas. There the mystic must go and become what is called "a spark of mahatic electricity."
These seven Paths are not concerned with nature or the balancing of the pairs of opposites. They are concerned only with unity, with that which utilises the pairs of opposites as factors in the production of LIGHT. They deal [Page 1244] with that unknown quantity which is responsible for the pairs of opposites; therefore they are primarily concerned with that which lies outside the manifested forms, with the true abstraction or the Absolute. Spirit and matter are never dissociated during manifestation; they are the duality lying back of all that is objective. Yet some factor is responsible for them—that which is neither Spirit nor matter, that which will be regarded as nonexistent by anyone except the initiate. At the third Initiation some glimmering light upon this Abstraction is sensed by the initiate, and by the time the fifth Initiation is reached enough is apprehended by him to enable him to set forth with ardour on the search for its secret.
(EPII 31) Livingness, Being, Wholeness and Unity are the distinctive characteristics of this highly evolved stage, which is, in its turn, the foundation for that higher evolutionary cycle of which we know nothing but which is hinted at in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire and in all references to the seven Paths which open up before the adept of the fifth initiation. Absorption into the One Life is the nature of this elevated state of consciousness. Freedom from all that is implied in the use of the words Form and Ego is the major characteristic, and, therefore, many ancient Scriptures, when attempting to deal with and explain this [Page 31] supernormal and superlative condition, are forced back into the use of negatives, and the so-called "doctrine of negation".
(EA 108) After proving his steadfastness to the ideal of the spiritual life in the intervening signs, he passes again into Pisces, from the opposite direction to his usual procedure, having earned the right to mount the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens, the power to take a final planetary initiation and the privilege of passing on to one of the seven paths to which I have made reference in my other books; these eventually give him "the freedom of the seven solar systems," as it is called in contradistinction to "the freedom of the seven planetary spheres," which the experience of initiation has guaranteed him, after a process of intensive training in one or other of the planetary schools (according to his ray type) and the path of service chosen.
(EA 612) The key to the whole process as far as the Earth is concerned—and the individual on the Earth—is to be found in the words:
Transcending.—The transcending cause.
Transmitting.—The zodiacal constellations.
Transforming.—The Sun. The Soul.
Transfiguring.—The planets.
To these I might add one word in connection with the Earth and its humanity which is allied to all the above. This
word is Translated, for when the "souls of just men are made perfect," a
process of translation takes place which [Page 612] lifts humanity off and away
from the planet on to one or other of
the seven cosmic Paths to which our seven initiations form the entering doors.
(EH 690) From "the silence which is sound, the reverberating note of Shamballa," the sound focusses itself either in the Spiritual Triad or in the Ashram, according to the status of the initiate and whether he is high in the ashramic circles, or still higher, in the circles through which radiates the light from the Council Chamber. In the first case, it will be the heart centre which responds to the sound, and from thence the whole body; in the second case, consciousness has been superseded by a still higher type of spiritual recognition, to which we have given the inadequate name of identification. Where the sound has been registered in the heart of the initiate, he has unfolded all possible types of knowledge which the form nature—soul and body—can make possible; when the registration is in the head, identification has produced such complete unity with all spiritual expressions of life, the word "more" (meaning increased) must perforce give way to the word "deep," in the sense of penetration. Having said this, brother of mine, how much have you comprehended?
It is at this point that the initiate is confronted for the first time with the Seven Paths, because each Path constitutes a mode of penetrating into realms of realisation beyond our planet altogether.
In order to do this, the initiate has to
demonstrate his mastery of the
Law of Differentiation and arrive at a knowledge of the Seven Paths through differentiating the
seven sounds which make up the one Sound, but
which are not related to the seven
sounds which compose the threefold AUM.
These could be
the seven sounds of the Seven Cosmic paths which lead to the Seven Constellations (ZR)
(EA 38) Each of the seven Hierarchies of Beings, found within the Twelve, Who are the Builders or the Attractive Agents are
(in their degree) intermediaries; all embody one of the types of force emanating from the seven constellations.
(RI 177)
He becomes aware of a growing point of light which, from a pin-point of intensest brilliance develops before him into a
five-pointed star. At the fourth initiation, it is not a star
which shines forth before him, but a triangle; and within that triangle he will
perceive an eye regarding him, and for the first time he does see the Most High
"eye to eye." At the fifth initiation no [Page 177] symbol or light
substance separates or protects him, but he
stands before the Initiator face to face, and the freedom of the City of
(RI 266) It is indeed attainment and liberation. But more must still be learnt if the Way of the Higher Evolution is to be trodden and a choice between the seven cosmic Paths made—a choice which curiously enough is not dependent upon ray, for all rays are to be found on all these paths.
This can only be done
through synthesis. This Law of Synthesis
(RI 327) II. I found it necessary also to indicate the nature of the Way of the Higher Evolution which had been hinted at but about which absolutely no information had been given. It is the Way which opens out before the Master of the Wisdom, leading to states of identification and levels of awareness which lie outside our planetary sphere altogether. The following of this Way enables the Master to "abstract" Himself from the seven planes of our planetary life and divest Himself of all we understand as material existence. [Page 327] Forget not that our seven planes are only the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane.
III. I therefore opened up the subject of the possibility of the higher initiations which confront the Members of the Hierarchy. In this connection it is useful to remember that:
1. The Council Chamber at Shamballa provides a goal for the Members of the Hierarchy, but not an abiding place.
2. The seven Paths which stretch out before a Master are entered by the treading of the Way of the Higher Evolution.
3. The so-called
third initiation, the Transfiguration, is only the first major initiation, from the standpoint of the Hierarchy; it marks the moment in time
and space when the initiate sees truly and for the first time the door which opens on to this higher Way. Then—if he chooses the Path
that the Christ chose (and there is no reason that he should)—he will "set
his face to go up
(RI 340) Initiation 9. Refusal
Shamballa Three major rays Systemic
Seven Paths Being Existence